It became the starting point in the creation of a domestic electric power system, as well as the first scientifically based, long-term economic development program in the country.

It was designed for 10-15 years and provided for a radical reconstruction of the national economy based on electrification (construction of large enterprises, construction of 30 regional power plants, including ten hydroelectric power stations (HPPs), with a total capacity of 1.75 million kilowatts and an annual output of 8.8 billion kilowatt. The plan was completed by 1931.

In the 1950s, the industry received an additional boost due to scientific developments in the field atomic energy and construction of nuclear power plants. In subsequent years, large-scale development of the hydropower potential of Siberia took place.

The main energy capacities and electric power facilities in Russia were built during the Soviet period. However, already at the end of the 1980s, signs of a slowdown in the pace of industry development began to appear: the renewal of production capacity began to lag behind the growth in electricity consumption. In the 1990s, the volume of electricity consumption decreased significantly, while at the same time the process of capacity renewal practically stopped. In terms of technological indicators, Russian energy companies seriously lagged behind their counterparts in developed countries; the system lacked incentives to increase efficiency, rational planning of electricity production and consumption modes, and energy saving; due to reduced control over compliance with safety rules and significant deterioration of assets, there was a high probability of major accidents .

In addition, due to the difficulties of restructuring the economic and political systems of Russia, there was no payment discipline in the industry (the so-called “crisis of non-payments”), enterprises were informationally and financially “opaque,” ​​and access to the market was denied to new, independent players.

In the early 2000s, the Russian government set a course for liberalizing the electricity market, reforming the industry and creating conditions for attracting large-scale investments in the electricity sector.

From 2001 to 2008, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2001 “On reforming the electric power industry Russian Federation"Transformations have been made in the electric power industry.

Currently, there are wholesale and retail electricity markets in Russia, the prices of which are not regulated by the state, but are formed on the basis of supply and demand.

The structure of the industry also changed: a separation was made between naturally monopolistic (electricity transmission, operational dispatch control) and potentially competitive (electricity production and sales, repair and service) functions; Instead of the previous vertically integrated companies that performed all these functions, structures specializing in certain types of activities have been created.

From 1992 to June 30, 2008, the main coordinator of the supply of heat and electricity in the country was the Russian joint-stock company "Unified Energy System of Russia" (RAO "UES").

On May 12, 2008, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Energy of Russia) was created, which, after the dissolution of the RAO UES energy holding, assumed the functions of managing and coordinating the electric power industry.

The Unified Energy System of Russia (UES of Russia) consists of 69 regional energy systems, which, in turn, form seven unified energy systems: East, Siberia, Urals, Middle Volga, South, Center and North-West. All energy systems are connected by intersystem high-voltage power lines with voltages of 220-500 kilovolts and higher and operate in synchronous mode (in parallel). The electric power complex of the UES of Russia includes about 700 power plants with a capacity of over five megawatts.

Centralized operational dispatch control in the Unified Energy System of Russia is carried out by JSC System Operator of the Unified Energy System (JSC SO UES).

The electrical power regimes of seven energy associations and power systems are managed by branches of SO UES OJSC - joint and regional dispatch departments, respectively.

At the end of 2014, the total installed capacity of UES of Russia power plants amounted to more than 232 thousand megawatts.

The installed capacity of the fleet of operating power plants by generation type has the following structure: 20.6% - hydropower facilities, 11.16% - nuclear power plants and 68.24% - thermal power plants.

Every year, all stations generate about one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity. In 2014, the power plants of the Unified Energy System of Russia generated 1,024.9 billion kilowatt-hours, and in January-August 2015 - 691.3 billion kilowatt-hours.

The network infrastructure of the UES of Russia includes more than 10,700 power transmission lines of voltage class 110 - 1150 kilovolts.

The electric power industry is a basic sector of the Russian economy, providing electric and thermal energy to the internal needs of the national economy and population, as well as exporting electricity to the CIS countries and non-CIS countries. Sustainable development and reliable functioning of the industry largely determine the country's energy security and are important factors in its successful economic development.

The main vectors for the long-term development of sectors of the fuel and energy complex, provided for by the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period until 2020, are: transition to the path of innovative and energy-efficient development; changes in the structure and scale of energy production; creation of a competitive market environment; integration into the global energy system.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

On Energy Day I wish:
May your affairs succeed,
Let the salary be big
And life will always be sweet.

Let everyone respect and love you,
Health will be one hundred percent,
After all, the world, and people know it,
Without energy drinks - nothing!

Happy Energy Engineer's Day!
We wish you happiness in work and in your personal life!
You give people light and warmth,
The time has come to say thank you.

May only success await you at work,
At home - comfort, kindness and care.
Warm companies and bright friends,
It’s more fun to walk through life with them!

Let hope and strength not go out,
“Shines” health, prosperity, success.
Easy tasks, inspiration and peace.
Let prosperity and laughter reign in the house!

First-class energy drink,
I wish on your holiday
Good days, clear weather,
Stay tuned for success!

So that excitement runs through the veins,
There was a healthy spirit in the body,
And the rustle of big money
Day after day it was soothing to the ears!

Your work is important for everyone,
Benefits everyone
On Energy Day we’ll say -
Praise and honor to you all!

And we wish you good luck,
Joy, happiness, love,
So that goodness warms
All your nights and days.

May it never go out
The light of your joyful eyes.
Let's say thank you very much!
Happy Energy Engineer's Day to you!

Happy Energy Worker's Day, we sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you exceptional success,
So that everything works and everything around shines,
And there was no loss of electricity at all!

So that accidents do not happen, force majeure,
So that there is no discord with the authorities,
But the bonus was paid to you regularly,
And you lived prosperously and very coolly!

Let the Day give you energy
In business, good luck, joy, inspiration,
The sunniest success will beckon you,
Improves your mood instantly!

And may you be unforgivingly lucky in life,
Dreams always come true, just like in childhood,
And my beloved gaze gently warms my soul,
And happiness blooms right in the heart!

Country Energy Day
Today ours celebrates.
Your job is not easy
And the result impresses us.

We wish you success,
Let the energy not leave,
Work you on a pedestal
Let him rise in the profession.

Good luck to you, don’t get sick,
Difficult work to cope with
Give energy to the country,
Go forward and don't give up.

Your profession is important -
You supply us with electricity.
Happy holiday to you today
Congratulations to your workers!

Let the current run through the wires
Like blood through our strong veins,
And always be healthy
And definitely happy!

Thanks for the energy
For light and warmth!
Thanks for taking care of me,
For work and for good.

I wish the energy workers
Shine with happiness
Know no sorrows at all,
Love, joke, dream!

Happy Energy Day to you!
I wish you happiness for the year ahead,
So that the energy boils,
Luck is a faithful luminary.

I wish you earthly delights,
Large investments, gold.
Steep climbs and peaks,
Blissful, sensual depths.

Charges of life and happiness.
In work profit and frequent,
Fortune is in business and may it always
The warmth of your family protects you.

Any modern man cannot imagine his life without light and warmth. And yet we don’t often think about how important electricity is to us. But when the wires break and the power goes out, the world freezes, work stops, it becomes cold and uncomfortable. And the only consolation at such a moment is the arrival of a specialist to fix the network problem.

The consumption of electricity in our country has reached enormous proportions. Russia ranks second after the United States in terms of the volume of energy produced and used. Human life is unthinkable without electricity. It was natural and necessary to define a day when workers from the energy sector receive well-deserved words of gratitude for their work. And it was installed.

Energy Engineer's Day: a little about the history of the holiday

A little over a hundred years ago, at the end of the 19th century, the first timid attempts to introduce alternating current power into human life began. Scientists understood the benefits and prospects of the emergence of electrical energy.

In Russia in 1920, on December 22, at the Congress of Soviets, the GOELRO plan for the electrification of the entire country was outlined. And it gave results. Despite the complete devastation and economic collapse, the planned number of power plants was exceeded three times. This became a powerful impetus for the development of the state. In memory of this significant day, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the Day of the Energy and Thermal Industry in May 1966. A little later, in 1980, they decided to celebrate the holiday on the third Sunday of December, since this day did not always fall on the weekend.

December 22 (Power Engineer's Day) falls on the time winter solstice. And this may not be an accident! It is during this period, when the main energy source of the Earth - the Sun - is skimpy on light and heat, the need for artificial lighting especially increases.

December 22 (Power Engineer's Day) remains a regular working day. There is no rest on this holiday, unless, of course, it falls on a weekend. Electrical and thermal systems specialists work on this day in the same way as on all other working days.

How to celebrate a holiday among colleagues?

Over time, this holiday has acquired certain traditions, the essence of which is to once again thank the people who every hour provide comfortable and cozy living in their homes. Congratulations are accepted by all energy specialists, regardless of qualifications: directors, engineers, electricians, workers.

The best employees of the current year are celebrated at the gala meeting. Words of gratitude alternate with the presentation of memorial certificates and valuable gifts. On December 22, Power Engineer's Day is also celebrated by retirees - former employees of this sector.

On this significant date, newspapers publish articles dedicated to the holiday. On Energy Worker's Day, this event is also mentioned on TV channels. The media does not ignore this holiday.

How to celebrate a holiday with your family?

Workers in this field deserve a warm, cozy holiday evening with their families. On Power Engineer's Day, loved ones will set the table and raise a glass to the health and well-being of their favorite professionals.

It is worth listening to the hero of the occasion on this holiday. Energy Engineer's Day is an excellent opportunity to tell interesting stories from the lives of colleagues and colleagues.

In the case where the family is large and friendly, and even with relatives and friends joining the feast, you can arrange a real themed evening. Funny scenes from the lives of power engineers, electricians and fitters will complement festive atmosphere. And thematic competitive games will be remembered for a long time and will warm the soul with pleasant memories.

How to congratulate an energy engineer on his professional holiday?

There is nothing better than knowing that your work is important and valuable to society. It’s even more pleasant to receive gratitude from your superiors in the form of a valuable gift or cash bonus.

Every year, various establishments take care to diversify the pastime with a fun and enjoyable holiday date energy workers. Many employees of the electrical and heating sector celebrate December 22 as Power Engineer's Day at the banquet tables of local restaurants. When else will you have the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk and discuss professional issues in a warm environment?

What to give as an energy gift for a professional holiday?

What kind of celebration takes place without gifts? On Energy Engineer's Day, it would be appropriate to give something symbolic, one way or another connected with the profession. These could be tool kits, overalls, a souvenir T-shirt, or a helmet. All this can be supplemented with verbal congratulations on Energy Engineer’s Day. Postcards signed by the team will be a nice gift, which will remind you of this day for many years.

Books about the history and development of the energy industry are perfect as a serious gift from management to employees in the energy sector.

If we are dealing with a romantic nature, we can give a Florentine sky lantern so that later we can launch it into the sky, making a wish. The essence of such gifts is to wish the heroes of the occasion the same endless energy and inner light that they bring to all people.

The annual consumption of electrical and thermal energy in Russia is very high. In the modern world, no production, no office work is unthinkable without energy, and even a person’s ordinary day cannot be imagined without energy consumption. That is why the work of power engineers is so important and necessary for modern world. Their work provides electricity and heat to hundreds of thousands of people all year round. Power Engineer's Day is one of the brightest, in the truest sense of the word, holidays in the Russian Federation. The work of these people cannot be overestimated for the well-being of the state.

When is it celebrated?

Energy engineers accept congratulations on their professional holiday on one of the shortest daylight hours of the year - December 22. On this day, people need light and warmth more. But all this is so commonplace that many people don’t even notice it. That's why this holiday is intended to remind people of how important the work of power engineers is in the life of every person.

This holiday is not an official day off; many power engineers continue to perform their duties on this day. Energy Workers Day 2014 year will pass in the same traditions as before: ceremonial events will be held, and congratulations from government bodies will be sent to the energy workers themselves.

Who's celebrating

Power Engineer's Day is a professional holiday for everyone involved in the industrial production and supply of energy - electrical and thermal. The daily work of power engineers allows us to uninterruptedly provide light and heat to residential buildings, public organizations, including clinics and schools. Congratulations are also accepted by veterans who dedicated their entire lives to the service of electrical systems. On this day, congratulations are accepted not only by Russian power engineers, but also by power engineers from some CIS countries, which have preserved this holiday since the times of the Soviet Union.

A little about the profession

In the labor market today, the profession of an energy engineer is quite in demand. Russia's energy systems are the second largest, behind only the United States. Russian systems include about 80 units located in different corners countries. More than a million people are involved in servicing all of them, including technicians, engineers, scientists and ordinary workers. Recently, the use of ecological energy systems and the use of natural sources of heat and light have become increasingly popular. In order to “harness” natural sources, even more professionalism is required from energy specialists, especially in the scientific direction.

Background of the holiday

Power Engineer's Day has a long history and dates back to 1920 - that year the 8th Congress of Soviets took place, at which the further development and stages of electrification of the entire Soviet Union were discussed. The plan was designed for 15 years, but was implemented ahead of schedule, and by the beginning of 1930 most of the country was provided with electricity. And in 1966, the government introduced the Day of All Energy Industry Workers of the USSR.

Date in 2019: December 22nd, Sunday.

Energy Engineer's Day is not a celebration of the first light bulb. This is a celebration of progress and forward movement. Man has always strived for light, and modern energy capabilities have allowed this dream to come true. But so that the already familiar illuminations continue to please the eye, a person can habitually communicate online and brew his favorite coffee in a coffee machine in the morning, the country’s economy develops, and innovative developments are brought to life, they work without weekends and energy holidays, which have been customary for many years congratulations by the end of December.

Who's celebrating?

Today it is hard to imagine that there were times when the only source of light was a torch, and later a kerosene lamp. That same Ilyich light bulb really brought not only light to the homes of ordinary people, but also hope for the bright future that the communists promised them. Further development of energy proceeded at a rapid pace, which was required by the economy and industry.

Huge hydroelectric power stations and thermal power stations were built. These were gigantic construction projects. After all, it was thanks to the work of such stations that the young country could count on being supplied with a sufficient amount of electricity. But a lot of it was really needed - industry was developing at a frantic pace.

But even such incredible and simply gigantic stations could not fully meet all needs. There is a need for new, more affordable sources of electricity.

And nuclear energy technologies appear just in time. At first glance, this was a breakthrough in the industry. No one could imagine what disasters a person could face. The memories of the Chernobyl disaster and the troubles at Fokushima are still fresh in our minds. But this does not mean that people involved in the energy industry have given up.

Today, green energy is a priority. Scientists are looking for ways to produce alternative electricity. As you can see, modern energy is a multifaceted and multifaceted industry. In Russia, more than 2 million people are involved in it. These are people of completely different professions and profiles. But they are all involved in production, supply, and scientific developments related to energy. These are the people who will celebrate their professional holiday in December, when it is customary to celebrate Power Engineer's Day in Russia.

History of the holiday

The holiday first appeared in history back in 1966. And the date when Energy Engineers Day was celebrated fell exactly on December 22. There are several explanations for the choice of this particular date for celebrating the occasion. First of all, it was on December 22, back in 1922, that the fateful decision was made to electrify the entire country. This was GERLO's plan, designed for the next three five-year plans. The reconstruction of the national economy proceeded at a frantic pace. During this time, 30 stations were built, including 10 large hydroelectric power stations, which helped reach the production of 8.8 billion kilowatts per year.

But romantics see a different meaning in choosing this date to celebrate Energy Worker Day. After all, it is December 22 that has the shortest daylight hours, when lighting is especially important.

However, in 1980 the holiday was postponed. For many years they tried to force it to be celebrated on the third Sundays of December. However, the workers themselves, out of habit, congratulated each other on their professional triumph on the more usual date, December 22. And only in 2015 was historical justice returned. And to the question of when is Energy Engineer’s Day in 2019 in Russia, we can now safely say that everything is also on December 22.

Congratulations to the energy workers

Our dear electricians and power engineers, nuclear scientists and scientists, we must not allow the people of our country to learn what a shortage of electricity is. We really hope for your selfless work, for your efforts, which allow millions of our compatriots to enjoy their favorite programs, sleep in warm beds and cook their dinner without a fire. And for this I bow to you and thank you.

Happy energy holiday to you, friend.

It will be bad without you, and not at all suddenly.

The boiler will not turn on,

The mobile phone will not charge either.

The microwave won't turn on

No TV, no oven.

Our whole family will freeze,

We can't do it without you.

Larisa, December 6, 2016.