According to experts, demand for housing should decline in 2019. So now is not the best best time to get a job at a real estate agency. But if you are determined to do this, then use our advice. We will tell you where to start as a realtor and how to stay in the profession despite the crisis.

Find the right agency

Yes, yes, exactly the agency. You shouldn’t start a business if you don’t have experience, because you could do it through negligence or in pursuit of more income.

You need to choose an agency carefully, because not everyone can be a good starting point for a beginner, where they would tell you how to become a real estate agent.

Vasily Oleynikov, General Director of the Academy of Sciences "Rio-Lux":
– Find a growing company. Find out about the agency's reputation, how developed its marketing infrastructure is, and whether it has a training center and mentoring system. The latter is especially important, since mentors support and help with advice to those who are taking their first steps in the profession.

A mentor’s advice will come in very handy when a cunning realtor on the other side of the deal tries to outwit you, a green beginner.

Learn to communicate with people

How to convince a client that real estate prices have fallen, and his two-room apartment, which he bought for 2 million 10 years ago, will now not cost more than 1.7? How to win over a buyer who is looking for a catch in every word? What does a new realtor need to know?

Improve your legal knowledge

A good agency will teach you how to negotiate. Convince too. But this is not the main mission of a realtor. His mission is to help people. And most of all they are afraid of making mistakes in documents and being deceived. Therefore, a realtor, even a beginner, must be a good lawyer and know the basic laws that govern real estate transactions.

Manage data in a CRM system

If you are a novice realtor, you are unlikely to be familiar with the special programs that more experienced market participants use. These are smart services for accounting for clients and transactions, as well as for automating routine tasks. According to data at the end of 2017, 33% of Russian companies already worked in them and another 34% were in the process of implementation.

We will tell you with an example why the service is so popular and how it helps realtors in their work and how to start mastering it.

  • Started for each client, which stores the entire history of interaction: what objects he viewed, sold or bought, what documents he provided and what he discussed with the agent; all telephone conversation records are also stored here.
  • All apartments, houses and offices with which the agency works, stored in. Individual cards contain all the photographs, the seller’s contacts, who visited and how many times for viewings, scanned copies of the property’s documents, etc.

This is what the object database and card contents look like in
  • In the system you can about calling or sending a letter. For example, you agree with the client to discuss the details of the transaction in two days. Writing in a diary is an unreliable thing, because you may never open it. And if you set the task “Call the client on January 25,” the system will send an alert on the right day and will not let you forget about the call. Punctuality will only strengthen the client's trust in you.
  • To sell a property faster, a realtor has to advertise on many sites at once, and this takes a very long time. With he can spend no more than a minute on this, and the ads themselves will be scattered to 213 real estate sites. Here's how it works.

Natalia Khalzova

Many people are attracted to real estate activity; it seems simple and profitable; they visited a dozen apartments with a client and received a substantial amount. In reality, everything is somewhat different. Let's start with how to become a realtor. The easiest option is to get a job at a good real estate agency. Usually, they take you there without experience, but at the same time you can take special courses. But, we will consider a more complex option - a private realtor. You work for yourself or create your own agency together with a like-minded person.

Studying legislation

Real estate activities are directly related to property, contracts and money, so you first need to study the latest editions of regulations governing civil relations (with scientific and practical comments). Pay attention to by-laws (government regulations), they specify the procedure for carrying out all operations.

You won't be able to learn the laws quickly. Real estate transactions, financial activities and contractual relations are so deeply regulated by law that you have to work hard.

Guardianship and children when selling real estate, the legality of extensions and redevelopments, payment terms, taxes - you will have to understand everything if you want to become a successful realtor.

Start with an agency

Without work experience and a comprehensive understanding of the activities of a real estate agent, it is pointless to open your own company. You should work as a hired realtor in a good agency for six months or a year. The latter should be popular, with a large number of clients, so that you see the full scope of the work and understand its essence.

When choosing an agency, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Location. As a rule, agencies located in the city center have the most clients - there is a lot of traffic, the location is visible and convenient.
  • How long has the company been on the market? Clients prefer more “adult” agencies.
  • Don't pay attention to the number of employees. The agent receives money as a percentage of completed transactions, so the company can have a huge staff.

What does a realtor need to know?

So, we have chosen an agency to gain experience, now let’s look at some tips. First of all - good appearance. It is much more pleasant and interesting to communicate with a handsome, neat person; he inspires trust. Update your wardrobe with business-style pieces.

Education. There is no comprehensive training system for realtors, even if there is special courses. As a rule, the agency independently conducts several classes so that the new employee understands the essence of the real estate market, what kind of houses and apartments there are, the differences between them, how to conduct transactions, work with clients, and draw up documents. This is basic knowledge. Usually, no one will teach you where to get a client.

To become a realtor you also need:

  • Understand the basics of psychology.
  • Be able to distinguish between client personality types.
  • Be able to negotiate.
  • Be able to convincingly convey and explain information.
  • Be able to inspire trust and win over the client.

For this purpose, real estate agencies very often invite business coaches.

It is imperative to understand economic issues. A successful realtor will easily analyze the real estate market. You must work with banks, study their loan offers, so that, if necessary, offer the client the most convenient option. You must have an answer to every client question.

How to become an independent realtor?

After working in an agency and gaining experience, you can become a private agent. To do this, you need to register as a business entity; a sole proprietorship will suffice. If you are starting a company with several partners, you can register a partnership.

To become a realtor from scratch, you will need at least a small office to receive clients. It is advisable to find a room in the busiest area of ​​the city. Then you can start looking for clients. The easiest option is advertisements in local media, on the Internet, and on the streets. It is advisable to create your own website. Most clients are looking for options for buying and selling real estate on the Internet. Your website should indicate all services, their approximate cost, contact information and a feedback form. Use promotion services to attract targeted visitors.

Make active use of free message boards. Offers for the purchase and sale of real estate appear on them every minute. As soon as you see a new ad, call and offer your services, the faster you do this, the more clients you will have.

Working with the client

To become a good realtor you need to learn how to work with clients correctly. You must immediately clearly explain all the nuances of cooperation. Educate the counterparty on all aspects of legislation. An agreement for the provision of agency services must be concluded, which stipulates the rights and obligations of the realtor and the client. The contract specifies the cost of your services and how they will be provided. In the case of the purchase and sale of real estate, as a rule, the seller pays up to 5% of the transaction amount to the realtor for his services.

After concluding the contract, the client is offered all possible options, suitable for his requirements. The work must be carried out until the client purchases/sells the property or until the contract is terminated for another reason. When you find suitable option, the realtor is involved in supporting the transaction, helping in the preparation of all necessary documents and certificates. Typically, the agent's work ends with the signing of the purchase and sale agreement, unless otherwise provided in the real estate agreement.

The profession of a realtor attracts many people today, especially young people. The attractiveness of this profession for young people lies primarily in the fact that in this work young people see the prospect of becoming financially successful, and in the conditions of modern reality this is important. Therefore, there is a large flow of people interested in this profession. But does everyone manage to become a successful realtor? What qualities do you need to have to withstand market competition? How to become a realtor - is this question job seekers ask themselves?

Let us answer right away that this profession requires special dedication and patience before it begins to bring satisfactory dividends. As in any other profession, to become a professional, you need to work hard. And in the profession of a realtor, one must continue to study, mastering several related specialties at once - manager, lawyer, psychologist, analyst. If you are ready to work for results, then sooner or later success will come to you. But if you are interested in this profession only for the sake of financial results, if you just want to improve your budget and consider this work to be a temporary stage in your life, then you should not even start.

Realtor: where to start

When thinking about how to become a successful realtor, you should expect very high competition in this field of activity. There have been many people in this profession who, at some point in their lives, were left without work - teachers, accountants, etc. Many, having tried themselves in this business, left with nothing. But those who remained have turned into “business sharks” and they are not at all going to leave their positions and give way to you. When entering the real estate business, you must remember this.

Where should a new realtor start? Starting any business is never easy. Be prepared to work your way through incredible work, counting on decent rewards only in the near future, and do not expect to receive immediate “easy” money.

It may seem to many that working without the control of superiors, without specific instructions and requirements, which is the work of a realtor, is a very positive factor. However, not everyone is capable of independence and high self-organization - these are the qualities this job will require of you. Get ready for the fact that no one will prompt or instruct you.

In the work of a realtor, there is a lot of routine that you have to carry out, overcoming your own reluctance to do monotonous work. Such routine tasks include, for example, “dialing”, which must be carried out periodically, updating and adjusting the information base about the objects for sale. The better this work is done, the easier it will be for you when organizing transactions.

If you decide to master this profession, then first you need to decide: will you work alone or choose a real estate agency and work in a team. Working for an agency provides a number of significant advantages. Let's start with the fact that working in a team is easier. Be that as it may, they will explain to a beginner, how to work as a realtor, will help you fill out necessary documents and certificates. Belonging to a specific agency is always a positive factor, since the agency has an office with a very specific physical address where you can meet with a client, which cannot be said about single brokers. Clients have more confidence in agencies than in independent realtors.

In addition, in large agencies the principle of division of labor operates, that is, the realtor is mainly engaged strictly in sales and searching for clients, while other employees deal with registration and a number of accompanying tasks, which is very convenient.

Therefore, answering the question: where to start as a realtor, we can say that you need to start with choosing an agency. Your successful career depends on which agency you choose.

What should you pay attention to when choosing an agency?

  • First of all, location matters. Clients more often turn to agencies that are located in a convenient location, which could be, for example, the central part of the city.
  • Next, the age of the company matters, how many years the company has been on the market.
  • Don't let the number of employees impress you. The fact is that there can be an unlimited number of employees in real estate agencies. An agent’s salary directly depends on his own deal; agents do not have salaries, and therefore maintaining any number of employees is not burdensome for the company.
So, the agency has been chosen. Now you need to know how to become a good realtor?

The first piece of advice worth giving is to start with your appearance. A good realtor always has an impeccable appearance. They trust such a person more; they want to sign contracts and conduct transactions with him. Updating your wardrobe is where a realtor needs to start first.

What a realtor should know

There is no unified training system in this area yet. Therefore, many agencies are ready to independently offer newcomers their own training programs. First of all, such programs give the first idea about the real estate market, what kind of houses there are, how different types of houses differ from each other, how to conduct a transaction, what documents are needed to complete the transaction. Such classes provide basic information, the so-called starting point. Of course, such training programs will not tell you where to find a client, but you will receive introductory information for the work.

In addition, it is necessary to understand that real estate work can be divided into two areas: the provision of services and the actual sale of services.

What a realtor needs to know For successful work? Of course, the realtor must be well aware of how to provide the service. Soon you will be well versed in the provision of services, that is, you will be able to advise the client on the procedure for conducting real estate transactions, what package of documents will need to be collected, how the documents should be drawn up, which authorities need to be contacted, what is the cost of processing real estate transactions etc. But in addition to providing consulting services, it is important for a realtor to sell the service. This means that after receiving advice, the client should wish to continue cooperation with the agency and with the realtor in particular under the contract, and not try to resolve their issues on their own.

Therefore, the information knowledge that a realtor possesses is not enough for successful work. First of all, what a realtor should know, This:

  • psychology issues
  • ability to understand clients' personality types
  • ability to conduct business negotiations
  • ability to inspire trust and favor with the client
  • ability to explain convincingly

In addition, you need to understand that real estate transactions involve resolving some legal and legal issues. This means that a good realtor must have knowledge in these matters. A realtor will be successful only if, among other professional skills, he has basic knowledge of legal registration transactions, according to the correct filling of documents.

Thinking about how to become a successful realtor, you should know that a realtor also has to understand economic issues, be able to analyze the supply and demand market, and understand bank loan programs. A good realtor must have an excellent understanding of real estate prices, take into account the influence of seasonality, and be able to have a reasoned dialogue with the seller and buyer.

Do not forget the fact that a real estate agent works not only with ordinary ordinary buyers, but also works with investors for whom the liquidity of the invested money is important. The ability to competently assess the factors that affect the profitability of investment projects is a high quality of realtor professionalism.

Of course, a realtor must have a good understanding of the types of houses and their layout in order to be able to characterize all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular project.

What should a realtor know besides the above? The work of a realtor is not complete without advertising. The ability to competently think through an advertising campaign when selling an object is sometimes a decisive factor in successful sale. The realtor thinks over the advertising text, advertising style, target audience, advertising methods, etc.

Clients turn to the agency and want to deal exclusively with professionals. What should a beginner do, where should he start working as a realtor, if he doesn’t even have basic knowledge and work experience? Majority large companies Conduct training in stages, starting from scratch. Subsequently, as they continue to work for the company, staff undergo a series of trainings that are aimed at improving their professional skills.

For more than two million realtors (based on data provided by the National Association of Realtors in the United States), becoming successful realtors required much more than just having a license or, say, knowledge of the laws and various techniques for selling real estate. Experts estimate that 40 to 80 percent of all real estate agents are not as successful as they could be. Research also shows that up to 90% give up trying to become a professional realtor after three years of failure.

The following seven tips can help you avoid becoming one of these dismal statistics from the National Association of Realtors:

1. First of all, you need to clearly understand that you yourself are a business. The work of a real estate agent, although it is a silhouette of the work of an ordinary broker, is, nevertheless, good realtors - independent sales specialists with their own commission. This means that you are a representative of a small business and it is necessary to conduct business practices - both as the owner of a small business in general, and as the majority of it - the leader and manager in particular.

2. Plan, plan and plan some more. If you don’t have your own plan, it only means that you are not part of someone else’s plans - usually the plans of successful realtors and real estate agencies. Over the past 10 years, research has shown that most people place more value on planning a shopping trip or, say, a summer vacation than planning their personal (including professional) lives - and this is fundamentally the wrong approach to professional activities. agree. It’s not every time you think about it, but it’s such a simple and accessible truth that doesn’t even occur to us that it becomes funny. Make a shopping list for the supermarket and not think about what needs to be done today, tomorrow or throughout the year. It's mind boggling.

3. Review (create) your marketing plan. From the moment you become a realtor, you are responsible for your own expenses - compare your marketing plan (sales plan, income, number of clients) with the strategic plan you have drawn up for the year. Time spent creating a marketing plan is time well spent. Do not forget that a business plan is usually tied to dates, and a strategic plan only designates and distributes who does what and when exactly he does it.

4. Outline your sales goals. Using your outlined strategy (strategic plan), think about realistic, achievable goals that you need to set for yourself. If you are new to the industry (a novice realtor), then this can take up to 6 months - from the start of your professional activity until the moment of your first sale.

5. Create your financial budget. Budgeting is critical important point for the activity of a real estate agent in an industry where every new day everything is turned upside down and vice versa. There are sales this month, but not the next - that's why you need a fixed budget and reasonable spending of funds over time, and not immediately after you earn them. Your financial budget is a kind of plan for stable/necessary expenses and income in combination with any additional/possible expenses, incl. both for education and for force majeure situations.

6. Force yourself to prioritize. Difficult but necessary - building a business is not easy task, but it's worth it. You must learn to fully control yourself, especially in terms of time management, acquiring new knowledge and maintaining personal life balance at the proper level. Being a realtor (running a real estate agency) is just like any other business that requires attention - you must always be on alert. Within reasonable limits, of course, without losing sight of family, friends, physical and spiritual health.

If you, as a person, are an incredibly successful seller, this does not mean that similar success awaits you in this difficult real estate market - on the contrary, everything may not be at all what you think. However, these seven tips will help you avoid the (sometimes unseen/implicit) mistakes that most new realtors face, whether they quit within the first year or 90 percent who quit within three years.

Good luck to you, we wish you become a successful realtor.

To know where to start working as a realtor in the Russian Federation in 2020, you need to pay attention to numerous nuances. First of all, you need to have the necessary personal qualities.

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The real estate market is developing at a tremendous pace every year. At first glance, it may seem to many that working in this field entails great profits combined with a successful career.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this profession is not taught in institutions, and experienced specialists independently achieved success based on their own experience and mistakes. Let's take a closer look at where you need to start working as a realtor in 2020.

Important aspects

Working as a realtor entails many pitfalls, which are extremely important to know about in order to minimize the risks of various misunderstandings.

In particular, you need to clearly understand what is hidden under this profession and what norms of Russian legislation are regulated.

What is it

According to Russian legislation, a realtor is a kind of entrepreneur who undertakes intermediary activities in various real estate transactions.

In other words, a realtor provides assistance:

  • in purchasing;
  • sale;
  • delivery of real estate.

A realtor does not always mean a specific person or profession. Often this term hides a company/agency that undertakes to provide intermediary, various information and consultations in various real estate transactions.

In other words, the realtor undertakes to match sellers and buyers of real estate or owners with potential tenants.

Thanks to this, realtor clients can quickly find each other to conclude a deal.

Moreover, in this situation we can talk about minimal risks of falling for scammers, both as buyers and sellers.

In most cases, realtors require a percentage of the transaction amount for providing their services. It is possible to receive a set amount of royalties.

Pros and cons of such employment

Working as a realtor has both advantages and disadvantages. Among the main advantages are:

As many years of practice have shown, the key disadvantages include:

Despite the existing shortcomings, many Russian citizens simply dream of becoming realtors. This is largely due to the pursuit of big money.

Regulatory regulation

The main regulatory documents on the issue under consideration are considered to be:

  1. Part 2.

It is these regulations that one should pay attention to when choosing the profession in question and when providing intermediary services to individuals and legal entities.

How to start working as a realtor

Starting to work as a realtor entails the need to have a sufficient level of basic knowledge and the numerous accompanying nuances. For this reason, it is advisable to study them in more detail.

How to get professional training

Many citizens do not know where they can get the necessary education and understand what is hidden under the definition and how to become an agent of a real estate company? Where exactly should you start your journey in education in this area?

Initially, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in higher educational institutions There is no opportunity to receive qualified training in this direction.

This means that in pure form This type of profession is not represented in any educational institution in Russia.

At the same time, a higher education diploma is a document that a real realtor must have.

In this case, there are several situations where to start:

In other words, you need to have a law degree or an aptitude for real estate.

What personal qualities should you have?

What exactly should a newbie real estate agent look like? Where exactly should you start when mastering the profession in question?

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that qualified specialists in this field are rightfully considered people of a special kind, and artificially cultivating all the key personal qualities for this is not only difficult, but practically impossible.

In particular, a realtor must have the following qualities:

At the same time, alone personal qualities few. It is necessary to additionally adhere to some of these recommendations, namely:

  • It is extremely important to listen to the advice of experienced realtors, in particular, you need to take from them key techniques that allow you to achieve success;
  • You regularly need to read newspapers, magazines, etc. on real estate;
  • it is extremely important to be able to rationally use your free time, in particular you need to allocate time for self-education;
  • you need to be punctual and not forget about appointments with clients;
  • you need to be able to make useful contacts, since they will definitely be useful in this type of work;
  • you need to take care of your reputation;
  • you need to make quick decisions, but at the same time eliminate the possibility of making various mistakes.

Additionally, do not forget about the positive, since only with such an attitude can you achieve success.

Features of employment

Many real estate agencies officially employ qualified specialists who do not have a diploma of specialized education.

In most cases, applicants are offered to take advantage of the opportunity and undergo the necessary education directly from the agency itself. Moreover, payment for training is carried out at the expense of the personal funds of the future realtor.

During the interview, applicants must demonstrate the following qualities:

  • presence of competently delivered speech;
  • communication skills;
  • availability of basic knowledge, in particular understanding of professional terminology;
  • readiness for self-education.

In addition, a potential realtor must be able to work on a computer. In particular, you need to be able to work in office programs, including:

  • Word;
  • Excel;
  • Outlook and so on.

Often you need to have a personal car. If several applicants are interviewed at the same time, preference is given to active applicants who already have at least some experience in real estate sales.

For example, for some time a novice realtor worked for himself in this direction.


There are many ways to develop a sufficient client base. In large real estate companies, ready-made databases are provided only to old-timers, but are often given to newcomers as well.

But what about those realtors who are starting their journey from scratch? If you don’t have the necessary connections, you can start so-called cold calling to purchasing databases or look for the necessary information on the Internet.

Working as a realtor means:

  • searching for suitable real estate at the request of clients;
  • delivery, purchase or sale of real estate - depending on who exactly is the client;
  • support of the transaction at all stages, and until the moment of receipt - in the case of a purchase.

In other words, the profession requires support for various real estate transactions at all stages.

How to succeed as a realtor in Moscow

After someone has firmly decided to become a professional realtor in Moscow, it is necessary to decide whether to work independently or with some agency.

If you have no experience in this area, you should forget about self-employment in the first stages, since without the necessary experience, clients will simply refuse services.

Video: where to start as a realtor

It is important to remember that none of the potential clients will cooperate with a newcomer, which is why you need to spend a lot of time searching for them.

The best option would be employment in one of the real estate companies. Working in a real estate agency entails many advantages in the capital, namely:

  • work will be concluded only with potential clients, and all issues related to transaction support will be taken care of by the company itself;
  • employees are guaranteed to receive protection from unscrupulous and inappropriate clients;
  • there is no need to resolve various issues with the tax office, since all deductions are made by the employer.

Experts advise starting to think about working for yourself only after gaining good experience and having entrepreneurial acumen.

When choosing a real estate agency, you need to pay attention to:

  • duration of provision of services for real estate transactions;
  • existing reputation in Moscow;
  • working conditions;
  • the location of the company, since few clients want to travel to remote places in order to receive quality services, but contact the realtor who works in the center;
  • number of employees - if there are more realtors than clients themselves, then you can simply sit without work and not gain the necessary experience.

Paying attention to these advantages, we can say with confidence that in Moscow you can become successful only by gaining sufficient experience in real estate agencies.