(23) together for a year now. All this time, the couple tried not to comment on their relationship, as well as those that have been circulating on the Internet for a long time. Now the lovers have broken the silence and told StarHit about how they met, when they started living together and what they plan for the future.

Dmitry said that he met Anastasia after breaking up with his ex-wife (31).

In fact, our relationship with Olya ended last fall. And Nastya and I met for the first time among mutual friends in a restaurant in December. She came there with her friends. They didn’t talk much; they locked eyes a couple of times. I found out from friends who this girl was.

According to Dmitry, by that time he had stopped worrying about a divorce from Buzova.

I am a very reserved person. I can endure, weigh, think about it for a long time, but if I explode, it’s irrevocable. The love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it doesn’t happen that only one is to blame.

The footballer admitted that the experience of past relationships made him wonder whether he should start a new one.

I don't like to take my problems out on others. I'm used to experiencing everything within myself. I tried not to discuss the topic of past relationships with Nastya at all. Some moments, of course, came out, you can’t erase six years from your life. It was really hard for me: two marriages, divorces, a child... I even had thoughts: “Why continue all this? Maybe it’s better to live for yourself, take a walk?” But Nastya made me look at relationships and love differently. He took a risk and trusted her.

In March of this year, the couple began living together. Anastasia said that she enjoys coping with household chores.

I've never lived with a guy before. Of course, I experienced psychological discomfort, I was afraid that all this ease would end. But I was wrong. Being close to your loved one is awesome! And everyday life was never scary. On the contrary, I enjoy cooking, feeding and taking care of my man.

The model pampers Tarasov with delicious dishes, and what he liked most was the buns.

One of the latter is called Cinnabon. These are delicious and soft cinnamon rolls. I love them. Usually the baby does everything I ask - first, second, third... Soup is a must. I’m rushing home from training because Nastenka is waiting for me there with a delicious lunch. I am a happy person.

The couple said that their plans for the future include a wedding and children.

We discussed this topic, but we need to prepare thoroughly. In the future we want big family. We have serious intentions.

Anastasia confirmed that they are planning children, but not in the near future.

I took care of two sisters and a brother. At some point I realized that I didn’t want to become a mother myself. But when I met Dima, I changed my mind. I see him as the father of my children. Perhaps I will give birth earlier than planned, but not in the next year.

// Photo: Mikhail Frolov/Komsomolskaya Pravda

Four years ago, the story of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov resembled a fairy tale: a wedding on a ship, photo shoots, vacations on the islands, millions of roses and gifts. They bought a house, got a dog, talked about children, but... the idyll ended in divorce on New Year's Eve 2017. The main reason became a betrayal - they say the athlete cheated on Olya with model Anastasia Kostenko. Now ex-husband The star is destined to disappear from the pages of the press, but Olya’s popularity is growing. Within a month, another 2 million Instagram users subscribed to it. Olga has overtaken the microblogs of other celebrities in terms of the number of followers. The life of the star is followed by 8,284,150 people. But neither rising advertising prices nor creative plans will be able to drown out the pain now.

“Unfortunately, I have to learn from my mistakes, sometimes I step on the same rake,” the artist tells StarHit. – There have already been ups and downs, but now the only thing I regret is that I cannot say: “Hello! I am 21 years old and have not been married.”

// Photo: photo shoot for Bella Potemkina

So, the presenter’s life changed: from a pretty blonde she turned into a sultry brunette, starred in films, recorded tracks that soared to the top of the charts.

“I adequately accept everything that fate presents,” continues Olya. - Yes, they hurt me, but when love story there is no continuation, you need to “cauterize” it and move on. Previously, family and relationships came first, now it’s work.”

Relatives and friends were very concerned about Olya’s condition. But Buzova did not fall into depression - on the contrary, in a few months she drew conclusions from a life lesson. Social network users and celebrity acquaintances were divided into two fronts: some supported the girl, others accused her of indecent behavior after intimate photographs, videos and correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev were leaked online.

“The more stones I get in the back, the stronger I become, but deep down I am vulnerable. Sometimes you want to relax and feel tender,” the presenter admits. “Too many issues fell on my shoulders that I had to solve absolutely alone. If I had been even a little weaker, they would have broken me.”

Despite the pain, Olya did not miss her birthday celebration in January. Huge bouquets flowers, jewelry, a watch worth 11 million rubles and even a white Spitz - the TV presenter was inundated with gifts. But the most unexpected surprise was made by an unknown fan - he presented Buzova with an expensive blue Mercedes SUV.

“At the most difficult moment, strangers turned out to be kinder and more caring, for which I am very grateful,” Buzova smiles. “My wings were clipped, but I didn’t give up.” While I don’t want love and marriage, I just continue to live and act according to honor, conscience and do what my heart tells me.”

Now Olya’s schedule is busy - the calendar is filled for months in advance. “I have planned my future: I see my husband and children in it, but now the main thing is my career. And at home I have three dogs, we friendly family. I hope I don’t turn into an avid dog lover and in my old age I won’t have 50 of them,” Olya laughs.

Last week she shot a video for her second track “I’m getting used to it,” directed by Alexey Golubev. The star voiced her vision of the video to him, and together they created the scenery and built the frame. By the way, Buzova took full responsibility for financial issues.

“Everything you see in the video, I didn’t have to play - these are living emotions: every word, turn, sigh is a story that I will tell for the last time and forget forever,” says Olga. “We always think that our tragedy is the most painful, and our love is the strongest, but when I was faced with the betrayal of a loved one, I realized that only I can help myself.”

After breaking up with Dmitry Tarasov at the end of last year, TV presenter Olga Buzova changed her hair color, occupation, works extremely hard, speaks out in conversations with representatives of the press and tries to forget that her husband exchanged her for another. The other day she gave another frank interview, in which she clarified points that were not obvious to her fans.

So, the divorce for Olga became a sudden stab in the back. With Dmitry, she built not only a house, but also far-reaching plans for a life together. But her dreams were not destined to come true. As one of the reasons for the divorce, Tarasov cited Olga’s reluctance to distract herself from her career in order to create a real family.

“I had big plans for the future: a house, children, another dog. I can say that I was ready to give birth for a long time, I wanted a child from him and we planned it. Even the day before we parted. Therefore, my world collapsed overnight!.. That October night I was faced with the fact that our family no longer existed. At the same time, they didn’t really explain anything to me, they didn’t let me come to my senses. And they immediately demanded to leave the apartment. I didn’t understand anything: is it really possible after six years life together“I don’t deserve to be talked to normally,” the star retorted in a conversation with the editor of the magazine “Caravan of Stories Collection.”

Posted by Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Mar 6, 2017 at 2:58 PST

Olga left her cozy apartment, taking her beloved dogs and suitcases with clothes. After the divorce, she was left with nothing, since she signed marriage contract, in which she gave her word not to lay claim to her husband’s property. She called it “a humiliation that I just turned a blind eye to because I loved blindly.”

Only now, almost six months after family life crumbled into dust overnight, Buzova spoke about what it cost her to survive the tragedy: for a long time the star could not eat, suffered from sleep disorders, spent her last money and time, which she almost didn’t have, on conversations with psychologists who brought almost no relief. The exhausted TV presenter even had to receive IVs. “When I was dying, I told my mother: “Does he really care?.. The connection is completely severed, the bridges are burned,” she concluded.

The Russians had just recovered from the news when they encountered a new misfortune. A well-known TV presenter and Lokomotiv midfielder are vying for the title of “divorce of the year” within the CIS countries. The upcoming divorce of Tarasov and Buzova caused a wave of discussions among fans and haters of the couple.

Let's restore the chronology of events.

Love story

The romance between Buzova and Tarasov began not without public discussion. For Dmitry, marriage to an ex-participant of “Dom-2” was the second. He divorced his first wife, former gymnast Oksana Ponomarenko, after meeting his future second wife.

Dmitry and Olga met in a restaurant. Buzova’s accusations that she allegedly took her husband away from the family did not take long to arrive. But the footballer made an official statement: divorce was already brewing long time, and the prerequisites for it arose long before meeting Olga. In general, the relationship with the ex-wife is tense. Tarasov communicates little with his daughter from his first marriage, Angelina.

Buzova and Tarasov regularly participate in photo shoots

Buzova and Tarasov registered their marriage in 2012.


Coverage of personal life occupies a certain niche in the history of the relationship between Buzova and Tarasov. Olga is very... The TV presenter regularly published photos with her lover, creating her own hashtags #mymy And #tarabuziki.

It was the lack of fresh photos together that aroused suspicion among the couple’s fans. Moreover, on his page on the social network, who underwent nose surgery, thanked his mother for her care, but did not say a word about his wife:

“Thank you mom and everyone who supported me.”

The last photo together was posted by Olga on October 10. The poem quoted by Buzova on November 1 also raises concerns. In the photo she is wearing a white flowy dress, and the commentary talks about pain, betrayal and broken promises.

Their posts on Instagram speak about the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov


The first indirect confirmation of the impending divorce of Buzova and Tarasov was the commentary of Dmitry himself. To questions from journalists:

“Olya likes to comment on everything, so call her. And I will comment on this right after it.”

Olga has so far refrained from commenting, unlike her friends. So, she herself ended up in the media because of her husband, photo of Buzova with the caption:

“If you have a heart, if you have something to do other than wash bones, leave it alone, everything is fine.”

Another colleague from Dom-2, in addition to words of support, spoke about his version of the reasons for the breakup:

“Maybe their relationship has lost its freshness to some extent. At one time they wrote that Dimka could have cheated on her - well, that’s a young thing. In general, he is a rather rude and ill-mannered person.”

Latest joint photos Buzova and Tarasova

To proceedings in relations between domestic star couple even the Federation Council is involved. Concerned fans sent a petition to the senator asking him to bring Buzova and Tarasov to his senses. The politician answered this succinctly:

“I think that Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov will figure it out themselves. Let's not disturb them. I wish them to save their family.”

Reasons for the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov

The fact of Buzova and Tarasov’s divorce has not been confirmed, but it is known for certain that something is wrong in the family. In addition, on November 2, Olga came out without wedding ring. The media and ardent fans tirelessly put forward new versions of the discord.

1. No children

It was the possible reluctance of 30-year-old Olga Buzova to have children at this stage of her life that the media dubbed the first reason for divorce. Until now, this version has not been confirmed by anyone. And earlier the media reported about Olga.

2. Adultery

This assumption was put forward at least by Rustam Solntsev. The fact of betrayal is also not confirmed, but deserves attention as one of the most common reasons divorces. A number of media outlets report that Tarasov allegedly cheated on his wife during frequent business trips.

3. Incompatibility

According to Olga’s former lover, with whom she sparkled on the screen for three years while still a participant in the television project, the problem lies in the choice of “ several rude men».

“Olya reaches out to those in order to remain airy herself. She doesn't like to decide anything. She loves when someone opens doors for her, and she solemnly enters them.”

But then, according to Roman, “ at some point a man just gets tired, he gets bored».

4. PR

Not long ago, Olga Buzova presented her autobiographical book “The Price of Happiness.” In it, she talks about the difficulties she had to face on the way to overwhelming success. It also touches on the history of relationships with your spouse.

Buzova's book "The Price of Happiness"

But even if Tarasov and Buzova’s divorce is black PR, fans of the couple are unlikely to be disappointed by the preservation of the family.