1. First, determine whose woman is crying. If she is already someone's, it is dangerous to console her. If it is a draw, you can take it for yourself. Now, if a woman continues to cry, it becomes completely clear that she is crying from happiness.
  2. If your woman is crying, you should not leave her alone. Because they might think it's a draw. Be as close and attentive to her as possible. Move to a distance where her voice can no longer be heard, but do not let her out of sight - use binoculars.
  3. There are a number of questions that should never be asked to women in tears: “What do you want?”, “Who is to blame?”, “What should I do?”
    The answer to the first question will hurt your wallet, and the last two will hurt your pride.
  4. In response to women's tears, there is no need to run anywhere, save or punish anyone. Because it will definitely turn out that you should have run in the wrong direction, to save someone else, but to do everything completely the opposite.
  5. You should not give gifts to crying women. This is a very vicious habit. Better give me a pack of handkerchiefs. Remember, gifts should only be given cheerful women. This is how a useful conditioned reflex and an attitude towards a pleasant character are developed.
  6. If you did everything according to the instructions, and the woman continues to cry and does not leave for another, it means that she really needs to be comforted by you. Show her your sad and interested face. To do this, you will have to put your binoculars aside and come closer.
  7. It is not necessary to delve into everything that a crying woman says. The main thing is to sigh during pauses and gently hug between them.
  8. An aerobatics maneuver is a well-timed tear running down an unshaven cheek. At such moments, a woman forgets about her problems and automatically begins to console you.

“If a man cries” - Memo for women

  1. Be tactful. Pretend not to notice the restrained male sobs.
  2. If the sobs are not restrained enough, pat the man on the shoulder and say, “Well, well!”
  3. If the man continues to cry, check his diaper and give the breast.

But if you constantly cry and are easily upset, this may indicate that you are depressed. Something is bothering you, but you have given up on yourself so much that you don’t know the reason for your condition, or you know, but try not to pay attention to it, pretending that the problem does not exist. And holding back tears won't help here. You need to understand what oppresses and worries you, what makes you cry all the time? Often tearfulness occurs against the background of emotional fatigue.

If you cry out of loneliness and self-pity, then these are destructive tears, they lead you into even bigger problems. Such tears do not have a therapeutic effect, because the negative mood in which you are more harm. You need to pull yourself together and understand that you are doing it because it benefits you. In general, a person is never lonely if he wants to. And what kind of man needs a whiny, melancholic and touchy woman?

Sometimes we use women's tears as manipulation, trying to get something or influence resolution conflict situation in your favor. A woman has no inner strength, no female support, and she includes a “little girl.” If this technique is used infrequently, then there is nothing wrong with it. But this method is not worth adopting. Men are very afraid of women's tears, and at first they will want to pity you and reassure you. But if you start crying often, your tears will simply start to irritate him.

You should not cry when a man offends you or behaves harshly with you. You must have feminine power, to withstand it, but this does not mean that you should hold the defense, and enter into an argument or respond also aggressively, but you should not turn into a weakling. Because such female tears do not evoke any pity or compassion in a man. This rather causes a backlash. He doesn't know what to do with you, how to bring you to your senses. Instead of tears, say directly and openly that it is unpleasant and painful for you when he behaves this way. When you are ready for dialogue and are ready to talk about your feelings without making claims to the man, this indicates your maturity.

But if you don’t know what to do and the conflict goes far, it’s better to cry. Tears are better than any hysteria with breaking dishes, threats and silence, but remember, everything has a limit.

What to do when every touching and romantic little thing makes you cry? This is the letter I received:

Hello, Tatyana. I think I'm TOO sentimental. Tears flow with or without reason. For example, today: I helped an old lady cross the road. She thanked me with all her heart, I smiled at her with all my heart. It seemed so nice, but I walked and for several minutes just tried to stop the tears. Sometimes, I think it reaches the point of absurdity. Ceremonial music, for example, in the circus. It seemed fun, it was good, I came to the circus with my child, and when the music started, tears flowed. I want to understand: is this JUST ordinary sentimentality, or does it still speak of some internal problem that needs to be solved? Thank you so much for everything!

Sometimes women's tears are not ordinary sentimentality.

After all, you can just be touched, be pleasantly excited, and you don’t have to cry. If tears flow, it means you are touched and emotional. Tears help remove defenses; at this moment a person becomes defenseless and who he really is.

The question arises, why are you wearing protection? Who are you protecting yourself from?

This may indicate that you lack warm and close relationships. Most likely, you are closed internally, your heart is frozen, a little warmth drowns it, and tears flow. What are you closing yourself off from and what are you afraid of?

This may also indicate that you forbid yourself to feel, control yourself, treat yourself harshly, place high demands on yourself, and drill yourself. You are on guard, you don’t trust, you close your heart to love, you are afraid of pain. After all, a closed heart is not capable of loving and deeply experiencing. A woman's heart must love. This is the only way a woman can be happy.

You always restrain yourself and forbid yourself to feel, but then solemn music sounds and you cry. Tears just want to melt the ice of your heart.

The heart often closes after suffering pain; once upon a time you did not have enough strength to cope with the pain. But by closing your heart from pain, you also closed it from love.

An adult woman has the mental strength to experience pain and transform it into love. This is feminine power. More about this in . We are learning to be strong as women.

Pain also needs to be dealt with correctly, you can’t close yourself off from it, you can’t ignore it, you need to live it and then it will leave you alone. When you stop being afraid of pain, trust arises and your heart opens.

You also need to pay attention to your needs and needs, to establish a connection with yourself. This connection is lost if your emotions control you rather than you controlling them. More attention, more warmth, less claims and demands on yourself. Stop drilling yourself and saying “you can’t” or “this is not for me” all the time. You need to warm yourself up, then your heart will melt. When there is no inner warmth, it is very difficult for a woman to show feelings, it is difficult to love. But it is our nature to love.

Allow yourself to feel! When it’s funny, laugh, when you’re sad, cry, don’t hold anything in, open up. And allow yourself to be different!

In general, how often do you smile?

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Tatyana Dzutseva

Results chemical analysis of women's tears show that they are 99% water, and also contain some protein and a tiny bit of salt. But why does this composition turn so many smart and good men into soulless fools? Even among the most courageous and daring representatives strong half of humanity, palms treacherously sweat and the pulse quickens at the sight of a pair of tears flowing from the eyes of a person of childbearing age. Why does a woman cry next to her beloved man?

Tears is a woman’s powerful weapon. Many men would give a lot to prevent tears from appearing in the eyes of their beloved. Women themselves are well aware of this and use tears as a weapon with which to deliver a “killing blow.” Such women's tears are called theatrical tears. The effect of these tears on men depends on the artistic talent of the woman, the quantity and quality of the tears produced, as well psychological state a man's health and his capabilities.

The main task of theatrical tears- impress a man, arouse his pity and force him to do what the woman wants. But you shouldn’t constantly cry over trifles, wanting to subjugate a man to your will. Cry with dignity, silently, without expressing emotion, and only on special occasions. A constantly crying woman does not evoke sympathy in men, she only annoys them. The less frequently and more talentedly a woman sheds tears, the easier it is to beg from a man not only forgiveness, but also a new piece of jewelry, a cell phone or other new thing. Remember: you need to cry beautifully in front of men, but you need to cry to your heart’s content in private, without outside observers.

All men They don't like it when women cry. When they see women's tears, they are lost and do not know what to do in this situation. In order to distinguish theatrical tears from real ones, a man needs to be patient; only after gaining experience can one learn not to attach importance to tears of cunning. But a woman does not always shed only theatrical tears; most often women cry out of resentment towards the man they love. Tears of resentment are the most unpleasant for a man.

How said Karel Capek: “A man can endure all female ones, except those that he himself is the cause of.” If you cry because you are offended by a man, then you should not remain silent and continue to cry even after he gently hugs you and asks what offended you so much. Feeling the culprit of your tears, the man becomes very angry with himself, and if you do not calm down in time and do not explain to him what he did wrong in front of you, then his negative emotions it will transfer to you.

You shouldn't cry next to a man, whom you don’t know enough and are not sure that he is truly in love with you. In this case, there is a fairly high risk that he will simply turn and leave, leaving an insulting phrase like: “I hate hysterics!” or "I don't need crybabies." You should shed tears only at the right time and when it is appropriate. If you have already decided to cry, then do not cry for no reason and next to unfamiliar men. When you cry, do not sniffle or wipe your tears with a tissue. Let them flow picturesquely over your sweet face, but not like a river. A few drops of tears are enough to impress your loved one.

In no way in case don't cry, if you have mascara on your eyes. Black streaks of swollen mascara under the eyes look very unattractive; this can cause a man to feel disgust towards you instead of sympathy. Cry beautifully and expressively, but not for long. The expression on your face and your posture should make it clear to the man that you are reproaching him for something. But there is no need to shake with sobs and lament, as during a funeral.

Woman sobbing loudly and cursing a man can really achieve a lot, but in the man’s soul there will be an indelible mark from this scene, which can cause his irritation. Next time he won’t tolerate such a scene, but will explode and slam the door.

Women's tears can't always help you win. Even if you only ruined the relationship with your crying, try to get out of this scene with dignity. Silently leave the room and go into the bathroom, where you clean yourself up. After a while, return to the man, sit next to him and quietly say: “I’m sorry, I won’t cry anymore over trifles.” It is quite possible that such a happy ending will please your man and he will agree with what you wanted to achieve from him with your tears.

If man If you couldn’t stand it and gave in to your whims, then show nobility and don’t focus on winning. Pretend that there could be no other way out of this situation. There is no need to humiliate and criticize him after he has already agreed with you. It is quite possible that your victory will be so strong that the next time a tear appears on your eyelashes, your loved one will immediately give up. But if you realized for the first time that it is impossible to force your man to change his mind using the “tear therapy method,” then try never to irritate him with your crying again.

Men don't like women's tears, and that's always been the case. But women often shed these tears for absolutely no reason (from the point of view of men), even without any reason. Why is the woman crying? This is because every woman’s body contains a hormone - prolactin, which causes abundant release of tear fluid.

The same hormone is also responsible for the formation of milk, which a woman needs for breastfeeding. Men do not have such a hormone in their bodies, but they do have testosterone – it prevents the formation of tear fluid in a man’s body.

The main reasons why a woman cries

There are many reasons why women cry.

Tear manipulation

That's enough common reason women's tears Men cannot stand this and are ready to do anything to never see women’s tears. They will make any concession to get rid of “this dampness” in a woman’s eyes. And often girls use their tears as a powerful weapon against all men without exception - a loved one, a boss at work, a stranger on the street.

To switch the attention of others to yourself, to make a man feel guilty, even just to evoke some emotions is to “turn on” your tears. Moreover, such “inclusion” does not represent any effort for the woman.

Low pain threshold

Also a fairly common cause of women’s tears. Everyone experiences pain, but they cope with it differently. Men have a much higher pain threshold than women, and... He is a breadwinner and a warrior; it is not fitting for him to lose his self-esteem or his grip from pain.

But for women, the pain threshold is much lower, but the way to relieve pain and suffering is unique. After the tears are shed, relief comes, both mental and physical.

And this is connected not only with the height of the pain threshold itself, but also with public education. Even as children, every boy knows that “whining” because of a scratch is unworthy of a man. Only girls can do this, but which of the boys wants to be considered a girl in the eyes of others.

And then, growing up, everyone remembers this very well, and continues to hold back tears even in severe pain. Whereas girls, growing into women, do not have such restrictions.


If physical pain has its own thresholds, then mental pain does not have them at all. But the huge difference in emotionality leaves its mark on the difference between a man and a woman. The weaker sex simply sobs from emotional distress, and profusely, while the man hits walls, drinks or swears loudly.

All this allows both of them to quickly cope with emotional experiences and pain from injustice, the actions of other people, or strong resentment. Sometimes it is easier to cope with physical pain rather than mental pain.

Why does a woman cry out of sympathy and empathy?

This is also a special facet of the female mental organization. It is a woman who is able not only to sympathize, but also to empathize so much that she herself begins to experience pain (mental or even physical).

Women simply put themselves in the shoes of the person they empathize with and literally share their pain. Men cannot do this; they have logic and the question “how to help” or “what to do now” before everything else.

By nature, every woman is endowed with not only emotionality, but also great intuitiveness. In ancient centuries, this was necessary in order to understand your male breadwinner or your child without words. Even from a distance!

Now there are many other means of understanding, but no one has yet canceled women's intuition. But from this intuition the legs of empathy and sympathy “grow.” The very word “sympathy” suggests that women feel pain when empathizing even on a physical level.

Woman crying from feeling powerless

And again the peculiarity of female character and emotionality comes into force. Any man in difficult situations begins to look for a way out, solve problems, and get out. For any man, it is important to draw up an action plan and solve issues radically, and it does not matter at all whether it is right or wrong, one thing is important, and this is always action.

It's not like that for a woman. If she does not see a solution literally “written in heaven,” she cries from her powerlessness. And it is these tears that help her later make the right decision. That is, she will pay off all her resentment over the circumstances, “wash” her brains, and then only make a decision and carry it out.

Such a small delay makes a woman not just wise, but sometimes even brilliant in finding the necessary way out of the situation.

Feeling great love

A good reason for women to cry is love. And absolutely any - happy or unhappy, to a child or animal. This could be past love, present love, or just emerging love. A woman’s emotionality makes the feeling of love simply enormous, and here tears help cope with a sharp hormonal surge.

Only a woman can sob bitterly over the ups and downs of the characters in the series, over the small and pitiful puppy in the yard, even over the loss of her favorite thing.

Due to differences in hormonal systems, men and women not only perceive love differently, but also experience it. For men, there is always action in everything; for women, there is emotion. Love for a man is “come and do”, “decide and carry out”.

For a woman, it looks like this: “the way he looked at me,” “the way he smiled at me.” And so in everything! If a man doesn’t even see a reason to think about a joint relationship (everything suits him), then the girl anticipates (or foresees) the collapse of this relationship in six months or a year. But she will not change anything, she will simply begin to weep bitterly over their upcoming separation.

Women's tears are almost everything! This is both a regulator of emotions, and an indicator of strength and weakness at the same time, and a reaction to pain. A woman cries for many reasons, sometimes quite often, but not paying attention to her tears and getting angry at them is quite stupid on the part of a man.

From great love and happy women rarely cry, unfortunately. Their tears, even if for no reason, always have a reason. Sometimes it may be incomprehensible even to the female half, but it is always there!

Women are amazing and unpredictable creatures. Any man will confirm this fact. They are sweet, mysterious and... often cry for no apparent reason.

Women's tears put men into a stupor, frighten, irritate and disarm. What are the reasons for this exciting phenomenon? Let's try to figure out why a woman cries.

Why do women cry

The tendency to cry has a biological basis - the hormone prolactin, which is present in the body of every woman. In children under 10 years of age, this hormone is present regardless of gender, but after 13 years of age it remains in the blood only in the female half of humanity. That's why strong women cry too. This is not a sign of powerlessness, it’s just how nature ordered it.

There is no clear answer to the question why a woman cries. The uncontrollable desire to burst into tears can be caused by anything.

Causes of women's tears

1. Stress and emotional release

Women's tears can be caused by severe stress and the need for emotional release. The reasons why women cry can be both negative and positive.

It is not without reason that the song says that strong woman crying at the window. If your woman is crying, you should not leave her alone, it is better to caress and hug her, demonstrating your tenderness. After all, love and care are what every representative of the fairer sex dreams of. And they will help her survive any grief.