A round face shape is characterized by soft lines and symmetry in length and width. Many girls do not like this position; they feel that this shape makes their face look full. Each look is beautiful in its own way, but if you absolutely need to achieve the ideal, then you should visually elongate your face, give it oval shape. Will help with this correct makeup for a round face.

The basics of makeup

Changing the shape of a round face with makeup, just like in a plastic surgeon's office, begins with markings. On clean skin prepared for cosmetics, highlight the following areas with a light pencil:

Scheme for applying makeup on a round face

  • draw a circle on the forehead so that it is exactly in the center, and the borders, if you draw a straight line, reach the first third of the eyebrow;
  • the boundaries of the circle on the chin should cover only the center of the lips;
  • place dots under the outer and inner corners of the eyes and exactly in the middle of this segment at the level of the wings of the nose - this will be a triangle for the corrector;
  • smile and find the edge of your cheekbone, draw a line 2-3 cm short of your lips, this is the edge of future blush.

Apply a light tone to all indicated areas of the face, with the exception of the last one. Tint the remaining parts of the forehead, temples, wings of the nose, cheeks, lines prepared for blush, chin and neck area 2 backgrounds darker. The joints between colors must be carefully shaded.

Whether you use two creams or powders of different colors does not matter. The main thing is that you don’t end up with a mask. This makeup for a round face is based on the principle of the play of light and shadow. By absorbing light, makeup “removes” volume.

Eyebrows make up the whole face

When sculpting your face, do not forget about the geometry of your makeup. Any horizontal stripes will make it visually wider. Therefore, you should abandon long and straight eyebrows and give them correct form.

Correct eyebrow shape for a round face

For a round face, this is an eyebrow that does not extend beyond the eye area. It should be voluminous. To do this, you need to comb it regularly and style it with a special gel. The fracture can be almost anything. The exception is o-shaped and completely straight eyebrows. Thickness and color can be adjusted using shadows and pencil.

There should be eyebrows on the face! But there shouldn't be too many of them.

How to lengthen your face with blush

Makeup for a round face cannot be complete without blush - this is one of the main tools that help create the perfect oval. Only semi-dark tones should be used. It can be brick, dark beige and even bronze (without glitter) blush. Too much dark colors They will look unnatural, too light - they will add volume, which you really want to get rid of.

Lengthening your face with blush

Round cheeks, already visually reduced by the foundation of the right makeup, need to be drawn out even more, giving the face cheekbones. To do this, the previously selected area is enhanced with blush, then above this feature, that is, above the lower edge of the cheekbones, the same line is drawn a tone lighter. Borders are carefully shaded.

Blush on the cheeks should not stand out, they should only indicate the cheekbone area.

The main secret of makeup suitable for a round face is drawing vertical lines. By making your lips plumper, you remove the horizontal line. By painting your eyelashes straight up, you open your eyes. By focusing on your cheekbones, you add definition to your makeup. When working with a round face, you cannot limit yourself to just makeup; it is important to choose a hairstyle and clothing that emphasizes individuality and makes the face more oval.

All girls with round faces always look very cute and attractive. But, nevertheless, it can be very difficult for girls with a round face to choose the right makeup that could complement their image, and not turn them into dolls or vulgar persons. How to apply makeup for a round face?

When applying makeup, you should be sure to take into account all the imperfections of your skin and eliminate them using your own methods.

The main characteristics of girls with a round face are almost the same width and length of the face, wide cheekbones and, often, an expressionless chin. Because of such perimeters woman's face It seems a little flat, which is why the main task of this makeup is to create relief lips, cheeks, forehead, eyebrows and nose. It is also necessary to create the visual effect of an oval rather than a round face.

Makeup for women with round faces step by step

Proper correction of a face of this shape will make your face more elongated. But in this case, not only makeup plays a big role, but also the right one.

Now we will describe a make-up that can help you focus on your eyes, making them more attractive and noticeable. Highlighting the eyes will distract attention from the round shape of the head.

Powder and foundation

The most important task in creating such makeup is to try to avoid applying horizontal lines, since they will “expand” an already round face even more. can be done using matte powder or foundation one tone lighter than the base color.

Try to mentally outline the desired shape of your face, and apply vertical lines foundation to the side parts. The applied color must be rubbed in the direction from the very cheeks to the ears inclusive.

Nose correction

An equally important part in creating makeup for a round face is the correct correction of the shape of the nose. Apply a dark tone along the sides of the bridge of the nose along the entire length of the nose. If your eyes are deep-set, apply a dark tone to the bridge of your nose itself, so you can visually bring your eyes closer to each other.

Correct eyebrow shape

Eyebrows play a very important role in makeup for a round face; the most important thing is that their shape is in harmony with the makeup applied. It is necessary to exclude raised and rounded eyebrows.

Make your eyebrows moderately wide, as very thick eyebrows will make your face look very unkempt. If you pluck them very thinly, then the face will visually become wider.

It is imperative to ensure that the eyebrows are narrowed at the edges. In this case, your eyes will look more open, and attention will not be focused on your cheeks.

Blush for round faces

Unlike all other face shapes, evening and day makeup for a round face means the use of delicate and at the same time soft shades of blush. They should give a charming, rounded face a cheerful and fresh appearance.

Apply blush to your face in such a way that you end up with a triangle. It is also very important that its acute angle is directed slightly below the corners of the lips. Sometimes it happens that the natural shape of the lips does not allow this.

For example, if the corners of the lips “sag” down a little, then in this case the blush should be applied horizontally. This is a very important detail: otherwise you risk getting the “sad harlequin” look.

Eye makeup

Properly created makeup for a round face and especially for the eyes does not have any specific restrictions. To do this, you can use certain technical techniques. When applying makeup for a round face, it is not advisable to apply shadows above the very center of the eyes, as well as the floor of the eyebrows.

Shadows should be applied within the eyelids.

The applied shadows should be shaded according to the rule, which also excludes the application of horizontal lines, so you can emphasize your eyes and will distract attention from the round shape of your face.
When creating this makeup, try to avoid applying rather long arrows located along the eyelids. And it doesn’t matter at all what they are made with, eyeliner or pencil, light or dark.

At the very ends, the drawn arrows need to be raised slightly. The most important thing is that the resulting arrows are not perfectly even, but have an ascending shape. To create the right makeup, you should decorate your upper eyelashes with mascara, and the lower ones can be emphasized with the help of shadows.

Painting lips

A chubby girl can always prefer several types of lip makeup, namely:

  • regular lipstick;
  • light shine;
  • lipstick in delicate shades for daytime;
  • bright option for the evening.

Makeup for women with a round face involves a natural lip contour, which means that lip pencil is strictly not recommended for use, as it will only create additional lines.

Slightly plump lips will look most attractive; for this you need to use natural shades of lipstick or gloss.

Celebrity Makeup with Round Faces

Among the stars there are also many representatives with a round face type. They all choose completely different hairstyles and makeup. Some of them suit him, some don't. Let's look at their choice and evaluate whether the makeup suits them or not.

Selena is a young girl, and the shape of her face makes her look even more youthful. The star uses this advantage: she refused too bright makeup, and prefers delicate shades: dark gray eye shadow and pink lipstick, which young girls love so much.

Amanda Seyfried

A thin girl with pale skin and an aristocratic appearance plays up the image of a mermaid not only with the help of long hair, but also delicate makeup, which only slightly emphasizes her huge eyes and delicate lips. However, she only does this for an evening out. During the day, the girl prefers not to wear makeup at all.

Ashton Kutcher's fiancee, and also our compatriot, Mila Kunis, has a round face with large eyes and a rather expressive nose. Helps her hide minor imperfections updo with a backcomb and eyeliner that successfully highlights the eyes, making them even larger.

Also, the star admits that she has imperfect skin, so choosing the right foundation and modeling her face is an important component of her everyday makeup.

Emma Stone

The charming star of the film “Spider-Man” does not hide the fact that she likes bright eyeliner. Of course, this makeup tactic is not always correct, and is not suitable for everyone.

However, Emma Stone's cute round face does not suffer from this at all: a dark pencil emphasizes her large Blue eyes, and fuchsia lipstick successfully highlights fair skin.

It must be said that long arrows add completeness to the makeup and visually narrow a round face.

Christina Ritchie

This girl is famous not only for her round face, but also for her rather high forehead. Stylists do not advise excessively revealing a large forehead and advise giving preference to neat bangs.

Christina often chooses a bright makeup option, where the emphasis is on both the eyes and the lips. This kind of makeup is only appropriate in the evening, and coupled with a bright shade of hair, it will look very advantageous on a chubby girl.

Makeup for full faces is based on the same techniques that are used in ordinary artistic art - remove the unnecessary, highlight the best

How often we don’t even realize that with the help of competent make-up we can not only make our image brighter, but also visually hide certain flaws. Makeup for full faces is based on the same techniques that are used in conventional art. This method of “painting on the face” is called contouring or sculpting makeup. Let's look at it in more detail.

How does this work?

In general terms, the principle of such makeup is simple: just as when painting on canvas, some areas of the face are darkened, while others, on the contrary, are highlighted. Thoughtful application of colors and shadows (these terms are also used in art) helps not only to smooth out fullness, but also to correct the shape of the face, visually hide dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. After all overweight very often appears after 40–50 years.

At everyday makeup for a full face (see photo), color transitions should be almost imperceptible, and the contours should be soft and only slightly outlined. Since artificial lighting makes the face less expressive, evening makeup or makeup for an upcoming photo shoot or video shoot involves applying more cosmetics in bright colors.

Many stars successfully use contouring for plus size people, for example, Kim Kardashian. This is clearly visible even in the photo. This is especially striking when comparing photographs of her without makeup and with makeup.

Advice! Color correction can be carried out either using powder and blush (dry method), or using oil-based creams. The last method is more suitable for creating evening looks.

How to determine your own skin type?

Be sure to carefully study this paragraph of the article. After all, to obtain a natural and attractive make-up, it is important to choose the right shade of cosmetics in accordance with our type of appearance. The slightest color mismatch between foundation, eye shadow, blush or lipstick and our skin completely deprives the face of its naturalness, and it becomes a lifeless mask.

As you know, in nature there are warm, cold and neutral shades. Human skin can also be cool (pink or bluish), warm with yellow undertones, or neutral. The latter is less common and has a blue-green (olive) tint. You can identify it by the colors of the veins. Look at them carefully. Which of the above shades do they have?

But still, stylists distinguish not three, but four types of appearance. After all, in addition to skin tones, hair color and eye shade are decisive:

  • if pink color suits a girl perfectly, then her color type is “winter”;
  • gray-pink tones, more muted than in the first case, are characteristic of the “summer” type; this color is also considered cold;
  • muted peach tones go perfectly with the warm “autumn” type;
  • Just as warm, but with a touch of orange, peach is more suitable for women of the “spring” type.

Wash off all makeup from your face and bring fabrics of the described colors to it. If against their background your face becomes fresher and brighter, it means you are on the right track and have found exactly your color type.

Advice! A big mistake is the presence of pink shades in makeup for those who are full of excess. Even if your color type is “winter,” use this color to a minimum, especially around the cheekbones. Otherwise, your efforts to apply sculptural makeup will simply come to naught.

Skin tones from light to dark

Depending on the amount of pigments in the skin, makeup artists and cosmetics manufacturers divide it into:

  • very light (pale);
  • light;
  • midtones;
  • olive;
  • dark;
  • dark;
  • tanned.

Naturally, cosmetics for dark-skinned women are absolutely not suitable for fair-skinned blondes. Trying to lighten dark skin using light colors is also unwise. Nothing good will come of this. Cosmetics should be matched to match the skin tone. The tones (darker shades applied along the contours of the face) should only be a couple of shades darker.

To choose the “right” foundation, apply it to the jawline. It should only even out the skin, but completely blend in color with it. This should only be done in daylight. Artificial light can have its own undertone, and you may make the wrong choice.

Advice! To select the desired shade, foundations, concealers, eye shadow or lipstick can be mixed in different proportions.

Cosmetics for contouring

To contour your face, you will have to choose a whole basic set of cosmetics. Moreover, it should be quite versatile so that it can be used for everyday makeup or creating a brighter one. evening look. Much easier to buy already ready-made kits, called palettes. In general, this term refers to any sets of cosmetics selected in the same color range from dark to lightest. We need two of them:

  • one with foundation for contouring the oval of the face;
  • a second palette of concealers (products applied pointwise to the skin) to hide certain skin imperfections.

Naturally, we will select both palettes, like the rest of the cosmetics, in accordance with the color type of appearance. In addition to them, we will also need:

  • base (primer): this product is often labeled as Makeup Prime; it makes the skin smoother and more uniform and helps decorative cosmetics stay on the skin for as long as possible; unlike foundation, primer only evens out the overall tone and masks minor imperfections; it can have a liquid (lighter), creamy, solid (less transparent coating) consistency, or come in the form of a gel (for oily skin or skin with enlarged pores);
  • two foundations: the first is a skin tone and the second is a couple of shades darker;
  • powder in two shades;
  • highlighter: a product with reflective particles slightly lighter than the skin to disguise wrinkles or other defects; with its help, small highlights are created on the skin;
  • blush;
  • palette or individual sets of eye shadows;
  • pencil or special eyebrow shadows;
  • pomade;
  • lip liner.

Required Tools

In addition to the cosmetics themselves, we will also need special brushes:

  • wide for applying primer;
  • another fairly wide flat top brush with an even flat cut for even distribution of foundation;
  • with beveled pile: we will use it to highlight individual areas of the face;
  • blush brush;
  • blending sponge.

Advice! You need to apply cosmetics only with clean brushes, otherwise it will go on unevenly. Therefore, once a week they should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Rules for full face sculptural makeup

The very principle of makeup applied to a full round face seems to be simple. We need to mentally draw on our face the ideal oval that we would like to achieve. This part should be “painted over” with lighter colors. The skin outside this oval is covered with foundation and powder a couple of shades darker (no more, otherwise our makeup will be unnatural). Thus, the rounder the face, the larger the surface of dark tones will be.

But such simplicity is apparent, because we need to find the darkest and lightest areas on the face, and paint them according to certain rules, repeating all natural curves.

First of all, pay attention to the forehead. Since it has a slightly convex shape, the skin at its edges appears darker to us. To prevent it from turning into a flat surface, we must distribute foundation in the same way: apply a lighter foundation in the center of the forehead, and use cream or powder a couple of shades darker at its edges. So, almost no excess fat is deposited in this place; we just need not to lose the natural contour of the forehead.

A full face does not have a pronounced cheekbone relief, so this area needs to be worked out especially carefully. To find the area where we will apply darker shades of cream, blush and powder, we need to suck in our cheeks. We will get a line starting somewhere a few centimeters from the edge of the ear and almost reaching the corner of the lips. The darkest shade of corrector and blush is applied to this line. A slightly lighter shade is distributed slightly above and below this area.

To balance the contour of the face and make it clearer and more expressive, the dark corrector is carefully shaded in the area of ​​the chin along its sides and in the center. Subject to availability double chin it is also slightly shaded.

Advice! Corrective makeup is somewhat similar to regular drawing, so it’s natural that you won’t be able to achieve the ideal result right away. Look carefully at yourself in the mirror and remember with your gaze the ideal oval that you would like to achieve. Now start drawing it. Over time, this will take you less and less time.

Sculptural full face makeup. Main stages

Let's describe the makeup process for a full face (see photo) step by step:

  • First, of course, we cleanse the skin with tonic or lotion and apply a day cream suitable for the skin type;
  • apply primer; blend the product thoroughly and evenly with an appropriate brush; in order not to lift the smallest hairs, it, like the rest of the cosmetics, is distributed only from top to bottom;

  • distribute the light evenly over the entire face foundation, then apply a darker shade along the edges of the forehead, in the cheekbones (we described this area in detail just above), on the sides of the nose and chin; carefully shade the resulting boundaries;
  • further color correction with dry powder is required; this will help to further narrow the oval of a full face and make it more expressive; the powder will also hide our minor previous imperfections; So, we shade the center of the face with a lighter powder, and distribute the dark one over those areas where we previously applied a darker foundation;
  • In addition to correcting the oval of the face, we will need to set a contour for the eyes and visually increase their size, because it is no secret that if they are too full, they look smaller;

  • You can visually enlarge your eyes by applying lighter shadows above the eyebrows and in the inner corner of the eyes; dark pigments are distributed only along the outer corner of the eye; medium shades - in the folds of the eyelid;
  • small arrows will help make the face more expressive, but moderation must be observed, the face should be feminine, but not rude;
  • The final stage is outlining the lips and applying lipstick.


Advice! All flashy shades and sharp transitions even in evening makeup for a full face, it will only highlight its flaws. And fashion has long been moving away from bright colors in cosmetics. Therefore, the ideal option would be a golden mean.

Apply highlighter and concealer

These two types of cosmetics are considered a topcoat, and we will apply them as a finishing touch:

  • concealers are applied pointwise; their color is selected depending on the type of skin defects; So, you can hide red pimples with green concealer, and cover up freckles or age spots– blue; yellow or orange hides dark circles under the eyes (in fat people this defect occurs quite often); purple smoothes out yellowness;

  • Apply a light highlighter under the eyes in the area of ​​the cheek bones; its reflective particles will help us visually hide wrinkles and make our eyes more radiant; the skin in these places needs to be stretched a little so that it fits into all the folds;
  • if necessary, you can use a highlighter to highlight the back of your nose if you want to visually reduce it; Apply it to the inner corners of the eyes if they are close together;
  • To visually increase the size of the eyes, it makes sense to apply a little reflective highlighter over the shadows and above the eyebrows.

Advice! The concealer and highlighter are not shaded in the center (otherwise we will simply smear them), but carefully along the edges.

Age makeup for plus size people

Such a make-up should, naturally, differ from the brighter youth one:

  • emphasizing the skin with glitter is unwise, because, crumbling, they will collect in small wrinkles, corners of the eyes and around the mouth, which will only emphasize age-related imperfections;

  • in general, any age-related cosmetics (foundation, blush, eye shadow or lipstick) should not be excessively greasy; blurring, it will also fall into the folds of the skin;
  • Don’t forget about the base foundation: it will allow your makeup to last longer;
  • It is better to choose a foundation with sun protection; it will help maintain skin elasticity longer and protect it from the appearance of age spots;
  • be sure to review color palette your cosmetics at least once every three years; after all, the color of our skin changes with age;
  • don’t be afraid to experiment, look for new shades for your skin - and it will look perfect, and your face will be bright and well-groomed.

To summarize, we note that any type of face has its own charm. The most important thing is to know how you can emphasize your strengths and competently smooth out your shortcomings.

Every professional makeup artist knows that with the help of proper makeup you can make absolutely any woman into a real beauty. But in order to disguise the shortcomings of appearance and emphasize its advantages, you need to be well aware of what they are. In this material we will talk about working with a round face type, which is quite difficult in terms of applying makeup.

On the one hand, a round face in itself always looks cute and a little childish, on the other hand, makeup for a round face can make it look too doll-like. Beautiful makeup for a round face it should hide skin imperfections well and visually elongate the oval of the face.

Before mastering the correct makeup for a round face, it is necessary to establish that the face actually has this shape. A round face is characterized by equal length and width, as well as strong cheekbones and a soft jawline. Often, with such data, a round face seems insufficiently textured, so the main purpose of makeup for a round face type is to emphasize the relief of the nose, cheekbones, forehead, brow ridges and mouth. Each specialist has his own technique for working on a client’s appearance, but there are general rules that allow you to make a round face more expressive.

Scheme for applying makeup on a round face

Both daytime makeup for a round face and evening makeup should begin with the application of moisturizers, such as cream or gel. This is followed by treatment with foundation, smoothing the skin and masking dark circles under the eyes, inflammation, rashes, and so on. If the skin has significant unevenness, pimples and blemishes, you need to act step by step - first cover the problem area with foundation, then powder, trying not to create too thick a layer of tone.

Creating the right facial tone

A round face is often treated with foundation in two tones - a natural skin tone and a darker one. It is especially important to follow this technique when applying makeup for a full, round face. The application scheme looks like this: the chin, middle part of the forehead and the front edge of the nose are treated with a light tone, and the sides of the nose, cheek area, cheekbones and temples are treated with a dark tone.

When working with tones of different shades, you should follow two important rules:

  1. cosmetics should not be too contrasting with each other, the difference can be no more than two tones;
  2. the borders of the junction of the areas of difference in tones must be carefully shaded.

Evening makeup for a round face allows for the creation of a stronger contrast in tones in order to highlight the cheekbone area.

Create spectacular eye makeup

At step by step work After applying the tone comes the design of the eyes and eyelashes.

  • Eye makeup for a round face allows the use of short arrows and outer tips curved upward. They will help make the expression of the eyes more focused, and the eyes themselves larger. At the same time, the use of long arrows can visually make the face even wider due to the fact that the dark stripes of the arrows have a horizontal orientation.
  • Eye makeup for a round face is usually done using dark shades of eyeshadow to deepen the eye sockets. The product can be applied to both eyelids; the color of the shadow depends on data such as eye and hair color.
  • Makeup for a round face is best done without applying mascara to the eyelashes of the lower eyelid; it is advisable to tint the top row with black to make the look brighter.

Creating the correct eyebrow line

If a round face is decorated with dark eyebrows, they should be given the desired correct shape using tweezers; if they are light, using a dark-colored pencil. The eyebrows of chubby young ladies should have a thin tip and a fairly thick main part. Only in this case the face will become expressive. Threaded eyebrows will make your face look flat.

Emphasize cheekbones with blush

You can disguise voluminous cheeks by using blush. Experts recommend applying makeup for a round face with nude and dark beige blush. Bright pink colors will add extra volume to your cheeks. Apply blush diagonally from the protrusions of the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth.

Creating the right lip makeup

When applying makeup for a round face, do not use a lip liner. Its use can visually make the face larger. For the same reason, it is better not to use dark and bright lipstick; for a round face, transparent or pearlescent lip gloss is more suitable. In the case when you decide to use lipstick, you should pay attention to discreet colors and desaturated shades.

Secrets that every chubby young lady needs to know

  • If you have wide eyes on a round face, you should use a dark foundation on the bridge of your nose. For close-set eyes, this area should be treated with reflective light powder.
  • When working with a round face type, it is very important to use all the tools that will help visually lengthen the oval. That's why you shouldn't limit yourself to just makeup. Hairstyle and neckline of clothes will be excellent helpers in this difficult task. It is better to style your hair in such a way that the hair mass is raised, that is, buns and backcombs work well. When using a parting, you should choose a simple straight option and avoid zigzag and oblique ones. When choosing a haircut, you should focus on medium or long hair length. Short haircuts and bangs can spoil the appearance of a chubby person.
  • When choosing clothes and accessories, it is good to choose deep necklines and long earrings. A high collar will also make your face appear wider.

Video: makeup application technique for chubby girls

Makeup for brown eyes - step-by-step photos, colors and other secrets

Expressiveness brown eyes makes them ideal basis for fashion experiments. A variety of shades are suitable for makeup - from light delicate tones to rich bright ones. Which one to choose depends on the occasion, the overall look and personal preferences.

Let's talk about how to correctly combine shadows from different palettes, what shape and style to prefer. We will also present ideas step by step photo and instructions for application different options light daytime and beautiful, expressive evening makeup for brown eyes.

Features of palette selection

Any make-up requires not only practice, but also basic knowledge. It is not enough to apply shadows, use eyeliner or pencil correctly, it is also important to choose colors wisely.

Excessive enthusiasm for decorative cosmetics can sometimes lead to vulgarity in the image. After all, brown eyes already have expressiveness, mystery and magic that can bewitch.

Emphasize beauty dark eyes The following colors will help:

  • green in different shades, including olive
  • beige and brown in all shades
  • fuchsia color
  • dark pink
  • shades of blue and lilac
  • golden and silver.
  • The makeup will turn out to be especially sophisticated and professional if you look closely at the shade of the eyes. After all, you can often see in them not only dark chocolate notes, but also light, gray, greenish ones.

    Here are some tips to help you choose eyeshadow shades:

  • Pale pink, plum and beige colors complement eyes as dark as dark chocolate.
  • Olive-brown shades will appeal to girls with light brown, or as they are commonly called, hazel eyes.
  • Aquamarine, light blue, pink and lilac shadows are suitable for grayish-brown eyes.
  • The contrasting pink palette, as well as neutral gray, will appeal to owners of brown-green eyes.
  • Combination with skin and hair color type

    Skin color and hair shade play an important role in choosing a palette for brown eyes:

  • Blue colors look especially impressive if you are a burning brunette and have dark skin. A bold experiment will add some exoticism to the image.
  • If you have blonde hair. choose greenish, beige and dark pink shadows. For those with porcelain translucent skin, lilac shades are suitable. Even if you are brown-eyed, you can embody the image of a blue-eyed blonde. Due to skin tone, blonde hair, blue shadows, your eyes will also appear blue.
  • If you have brown hair And light skin. feel free to choose shades precious metals, chocolate, white, lilac tones.
  • If you are a redhead with brown eyes, a palette of green and gray tones will suit you.
  • Take a look at the photo of shellac nail design and find out how to make such a manicure yourself - it will definitely come in handy!

    If you have brown hair, think about highlighting them - it looks stylish. Find out about the types of such coloring here.

    And about what hairstyle will suit for a round face, read this material: http://beautyladi.ru/pricheski-dlya-kruglogo-lica/

    Choosing a shape and style

    It's also important to consider the style and occasion before you get started. Makeup for brown eyes that is suitable for every day will be inappropriate for costume party or club parties, in the theater or at a classical music concert.

  • For an elegant business lady, nude style will be an ideal everyday option. Natural makeup will complement romantic image, outfit for going to the cinema, to the theater, for tea with friends.

  • Wedding makeup is distinguished by its sophistication, tenderness and brightness at the same time. Makeup artists have to work hard so as not to cross the line and not make the image too vulgar and “heavy”. Ideal for wedding dress makeup using the banana technique using a palette of light and dark shadows.

  • For evening events, bright shadows, the use of eyeliner or pencil, and whatever your mood desires, are suitable. The rule is simple - the less light, the brighter the eyes should be. Sparkles will also come in handy. But brightness doesn't have to mean choosing rainbow colors. Even with the help of brown shadows, eyeliner and mascara you can achieve the desired effect. The main thing in any makeup style is accuracy.

    Sometimes you can get by with mascara and pencil. Classic black color allows you to correctly place accents and draw attention to the eyes. If a girl already has long fluffy eyelashes, a few strokes of the mascara brush will be enough.

    Makeup allows you to visually adjust the shape and shape of your eyes. If we talk about eyeliner or pencil, then:

  • Almond-shaped or slightly elongated eyes are suitable for arrows of any shape.
  • Small eyes will become visually larger if the arrows continue from the beginning of the eye to the outer corner.
  • For deep-set eyes, very thin arrows that border them completely are suitable.
  • The drooping corners of the eyes will be visually raised by arrows that continue upward from the outer corner of the eye.
  • Application instructions for popular options

    1. Easy natural makeup nude style is always in fashion, including for brown eyes. It's simple to do, and the effect will pleasantly please you. An ivory shade is applied to the upper eyelid. Particular emphasis is placed on the inner corner of the eye. Medium-tone brown eyeshadow is applied into the crease of the upper eyelid. The edge of the eyelashes is lined with dark chocolate-colored shadows. The same palette is applied to the outer corner of the eye. Peach shadows are shaded in the corner and in the middle of the eyelid. After tinting the eyelashes, the daytime makeup is ready. See photos on how to apply step-by-step everyday gentle makeup for brown eyes in natural style below.

  • Technique in oriental style gives the look tenderness and mystery. It is simply impossible to ignore the owner of makeup that will turn any brown-eyed girl into an oriental odalisque. This makeup look is complete without eyeliner. It is applied at the very eyelashes along the upper eyelid and very thinly and carefully along the lower one. Ideally, the outer corners of the eyes will visually lift. The mysterious oriental make-up is completed by a palette of shadows - olive, golden or chestnut shades. Shadows on the upper eyelid are applied from light at the inner corners to dark at the very tips.

  • Smokey eye makeup for brown eyes (or smoky, see the photo step by step below) will especially appeal to blondes as a spectacular evening option; it will create a deep look and a captivating image. A soft black pencil is applied along the contour of the upper and lower lashes. Then it should be shaded with a brush or fingertips.

    Important rule smoky makeup- no sharp lines. Everything should be a little blurry, as if you accidentally rubbed your mascara. Brown shadows are applied to the moving eyelid suitable shade. We also shade them. Light beige shadows are applied under the eyebrow. Apply mascara to your eyelashes if desired. With her, the makeup will be bright, and without it, it will be delicate.

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    We have already given recommendations on what colors to choose for makeup for brown eyes, examples optimal options in the photo (from simple everyday to bright evening), now it’s time to talk about how to apply it correctly to make the look as pronounced as possible.

    Any technique for applying cosmetics requires practice and skill. Some tips from stylists will help you make your makeup perfect:

  • Take care of the shape of your eyebrows. Ungroomed eyebrows can ruin the whole impression of makeup.
  • Use a makeup primer to smooth out imperfections and hide wrinkles. High-quality creams will make applying cosmetics easier. for the evening you can apply concealer.

  • The tone of eye makeup is set by the shade of blush and lipstick. How expressive eyes, the calmer and more natural the shades on the lips and cheekbones.
  • When working with mascara, first paint the upper eyelashes. Allow them to dry and take on the lower ones. This will prevent unwanted clumping of the eyelashes.
  • There is no need to try to apply a lot of mascara. It is better to focus on quality so that the eyelashes do not stick together.
  • It is recommended to apply light beige shadows under the eyebrows. This will give an open look.
  • Orange eyeshadow is a taboo for brown eyed girls. They give a sick look.
  • The color of brown eyes allows you to experiment with different shades shadows, eyeliner, pencils. Even if you don't know how to do it beautiful makeup, it is enough to use black or brown mascara. Everything will turn out natural, discreet and elegant. Everything for brown eyes fashion trends good.

    The main thing to remember is that your task is to emphasize the already expressive color eye. Make sure the palette decorative cosmetics harmonizes with the natural color of the eyes, apply it in accordance with the time of day, occasion, style of clothing. Not the last adviser in choosing makeup, mood and inspiration, occasion, clothing style. Not the last adviser in choosing is a good mood.

    Makeup for a round face with brown eyes

    The round shape of the face is sometimes interpreted by its owners as some kind of disadvantage. This shape of the face is due to somewhat wide cheekbones, as well as pretty plump cheeks.

    A certain category of women takes this completely calmly, while some are very worried about this. There really isn't a big problem. Properly done makeup will help you visually correct the shape if you don’t like it. Performing corrective makeup for a round face is not at all difficult; this process is called face shape modeling.

    Before you start applying makeup, you should familiarize yourself with the features and characteristic features of a round face.

  • A round face has a wider midface than an oval face.
  • Chubby cheeks and wide cheekbones are distinctive characteristics of a round face, but lower jaw not as pronounced as in a face with a square type.
  • However, the lower jaw has more spread-out angles than in an oval-type face; it is this property that is the main one in the formation of roundness.
  • In a round face, the width and height dimensions are almost the same.
  • Makeup for a round face has its own tricks and rules that must be strictly followed to achieve the desired result.

    1. The main rule when doing makeup for a round face is not to use horizontal lines, which will further expand your face.

    2. First, apply a makeup base, then a base foundation that closely resembles natural color faces. And only then do we begin the correction process. Correction of the face shape can be done using foundation or matte powder, which is slightly darker than the base color.

    Mentally draw lines on your face that will limit the shape you want and apply foundation in vertical lines to the area of ​​your face, the remaining pose of the mental lines. Thus, what you consider unnecessary will remain somewhat in the shadows. Next, performing movements from the beginning of the cheeks to the ears, you should rub the color.

    3. The next stage of makeup is correcting the shape of the nose. To do this, the same tone that you applied to the side of the front part must be applied along the entire nose.

  • In the case of wide-set brown eyes, the same tone is applied to the bridge of the nose, this will create the illusion of closer eyes.
  • In the case of close-set eyes, a lighter-colored cream or powder that contains reflective particles should be applied to the bridge of the nose, which will visually separate the eyes.
  • Except for clear lines, the cream must be thoroughly shaded.

    4. The main purpose of using blush for the face is round shape– do not emphasize the cheeks, but simply give the face a fresh look. Therefore, for both daytime and evening makeup, you need to choose soft and delicate blush tones. The blush is applied in a triangle, directing the sharp angle just below the corners of the lips. In cases where the corners of the lips or the oval of the face in the cheek area are slightly lowered, you will have to make an exception to the rule and apply blush horizontally. Otherwise, you'll look like a sad harlequin

    5. The shape of the eyebrows plays an important role in this makeup. Eyebrows should never be too rounded or raised.

    6. With this type of makeup, you should not use lip pencil to avoid horizontal lines. It is better to create the effect of plump lips using lipstick and gloss in natural shades.

    7. A few rules for cosmetics for brown eyes:

  • You should not make long arrows along the length of the eyelid. The ends of the arrow should be slightly raised.
  • It is recommended to highlight only the upper eyelashes with mascara.
  • The shadow does not need to be applied above the center of the eye and under the eyebrows. When shading them there should be no horizontal lines.
  • Makeup for a full face

    A full face tends to appear large and round. It is generally accepted that those with plump faces are ladies with extra pounds. But this is a mistake. Full faces are often found in quite slender women - this is just an individual form of facial structure. Knowing how to do makeup for plus-size people, you can not only make your face well-groomed and hide some defects, but also visually correct your face shape, bringing it closer to oval if possible. Creating spectacular makeup that sculpts the face and emphasizes the “strong” aspects of one’s appearance is not at all difficult if you follow simple rules.


    First of all, it is necessary to outline the oval of the face. For this you need foundation slightly darker than the natural complexion tone. It is distributed onto the cheekbones and neck. After this, the entire face is covered with a light foundation. It is possible that cosmetics with a mattifying effect will be required, since people with full faces often experience oily skin, which is accompanied by an unaesthetic oily sheen. Nasolabial folds and the area around the eyes can additionally be treated with a corrector. This way, dark circles under the eyes will be masked, and the nose will appear smaller and sleeker. In addition, the skin will acquire healthy shine, and the face will appear younger than it actually is.


    Now comes the turn of blush. When doing makeup for plus-size people, it is important to visually reduce the cheeks, so the face will appear neater. You should apply blush using a special technique. You need to retract your cheeks until dimples form. Apply blush or powder slightly darker than your skin tone to the prominent areas of your cheeks. The direction of the brush should be strictly downward: from the forehead to the chin. After the blush is thoroughly shaded, highlighter can be distributed slightly above the cheekbones.


    Makeup artists advise you to refrain from sharp and bright shades of eyeshadow. It is also not recommended to overuse eyeliner. The main goal in working with eyes is to unobtrusively emphasize them and attract attention. The shade of the shadows should match the girl’s outfit. Light and pastel shades are perfect for daytime makeup. For festive evening makeup, you can choose smoky colors. Highlighting the contour of the eye looks impressive, but you should not draw it with a single solid line. It will be enough to draw a line on the upper and lower eyelids, starting from the middle and moving to the outer corner of the eye. This technique will visually open the eye and draw attention to the color of the eyes. In makeup for plus-size people, makeup stylists advise using thick brown, charcoal, and dark blue eyeliners, regardless of eye and hair color.


    Eyebrows play an important role in makeup for a full face. The main thing is not to greatly disturb their natural shape. You can give them a slightly raised, shortened, curving shape of medium thickness. If you leave the eyebrows thick and make them noticeably thin towards the edges, then the cheeks in this case will be visually smaller, and the look will be more expressive.


    Most women with full faces have full and sexy lips. This moment in appearance must be emphasized and highlighted with natural rich shades - coral, pink, chestnut. Pearlescent lipsticks are good for chubby ladies. But oily glitter It’s better to leave them aside; there’s no point in trying to increase the volume of your lips with their help; your lips should appear as natural as possible. The central part of the lips can be painted with bright lipstick, and the corners of the lips are more light colors. This trick will help narrow the lower part of the face.

    Everyday makeup

    Everyday makeup for a full face should be natural with highlighted lips. First you need to model the oval of the face and even out the skin tone. Then highlight the cheekbones. If desired, you can apply shadows and highlight the contour of the eye with a pencil, and discreetly tint the eyelashes. Finally, you need to work on your eyebrows, perhaps tint them with a pencil or eyeshadow and apply bright lipstick to your lips.

    Evening makeup

    In evening makeup for plus size people, the emphasis should be on the eyes. You need to attract maximum attention to them, make them attractive and alluring. You need to highlight your eyes with color. On the outer corner of the moving eyelid it is necessary to apply dark beige or brown shadows, possibly with the addition of mother-of-pearl. The tubercle of the eyeball on the eyelid is highlighted by a darker tone of the shadows. Paint the outer edge of the lower eyelid with a similar dark shade and shade the line towards the center of the eye. On the upper eyelid, along the eyelash growth line, draw a slightly elongated arrow. Finally, it is necessary to emphasize the thickness of the eyelashes.