(Flower Ball)
We celebrated our daughter’s fourth birthday, as always, at the dacha. And since in the summer better games You can’t imagine anything in the fresh air, it was decided to hold the holiday on the street. The weather did not let us down, but due to the fact that rain was predicted, many tasks related to water had to be canceled.

This year we celebrated the fourth birthday of our youngest son Artyom. Lately, Artyom has become interested in cartoons about Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends. Therefore, the birthday theme was appropriate. And this time we had a group of different ages: from 4 to 11 years.

Our son Sasha loves the cartoon about Dasha the Explorer (aka Dasha the Explorer). So I decided to prepare a themed birthday party based on this cartoon. Moreover, it is very suitable for a traveling game with competitions. 5 girls aged...

We have two children, Leonid (4 years old) and Andrey (5 years old). And twice a year we try to arrange a birthday party for them. So once again, preparing for the birthday of my youngest son Leonid, I was surfing the Internet and saw on your site... I really liked it, and I decided to take this one...

Children grow up unnoticed. My Vikula is now 4 years old. She goes to kindergarten, and I wanted to create a script just for kindergarten. Carlson will fly to visit the children, whom I myself will play with great pleasure! After all, this is such an opportunity to please your girl and others...

The birthday turned out to be simply wonderful, both children and parents were so delighted! I took some information from your site, came up with some myself, glued on the nose and caps, and so on. Thanks to all the authors of wonderful ideas! Thanks to the parents of the children who helped hold this holiday.

For Mishutka’s fourth birthday, I wanted to do something special, exciting and interesting. The idea was suggested by the script “Meeting with an Old Pirate” and some other materials on a pirate theme. This is the scenario I came up with. We had 2 boys and 2 girls at the party...

Morning. Of course, I hung a lot of balloons and streamers, but not only in the house (it was summer, and we were at the dacha), but also outside. Let the little guests be pleased that they are expected, since the weather let us down a little. Nastenka woke up and saw a gift - a long-awaited baby doll. According to legend, Carlson brought it.

I bring to your attention the scenario for the fourth birthday of my youngest daughter Isabella, which was on December 16th. First, a small digression. We usually celebrate birthdays with the whole family: we, the family of our brother, grandparents, uncles and aunts (we live in a small town...)

Our daughter Sashenka turned 4 years old in August. We always celebrate Sasha's birthdays. We invite our friends with children. Our children are almost the same age, so the children of my friends and my husband have already become friends with our daughter. I think when my daughter grows up, she will choose who to invite...

In our family exactly four years ago on this day, small miracle, whose name is Victoria. Like any kid who is already more or less aware of what is happening, she was looking forward to October 15th. Dad and I tried to do everything as best as possible and prepared for this day very...

Celebrating a birthday in the lap of nature is turning into a good tradition for us: this is the second time we (Sashulya, all her friends and a couple of other parents) are going to the nearest forest to have fun, play, in general, give a holiday to each other. Nature played along with us, and June 19th is the day...

I made a clown costume from an old pajama-onesie (from a ribbon - puffy buttons and a heavily gathered collar), sewed red yarn to the cap (instead of a wig), and a nose from a soda cap.

I present to your attention the script children's day birthday with Winnie the Pooh. We are 4 years old, but at the same time we are not gardeners, but quiet ones at home. Plus, among the guests we had two two-year-olds, so in the birthday scenario the emphasis was on visual perception, not on active participation children.

The idea is a little crazy, but our Adochka loves to play at the airport so much... She cuts tickets, checks in luggage, prepares the plane from chairs for the flight of toys, and so on. It so happened that in her 4 years, Adochka has already flown on an airplane 9 times, besides, our dad has recently become seriously carried away...

Another year is over and it's your little one's birthday? Let's invite Kolobok and his friends. This character is familiar to everyone. And if he suddenly appears at a birthday party, then he will certainly bring games, songs and poems.

Children have become a little older, and now dolls can be replaced by actors. Who are the actors? Of course you are, my dear mothers and dads. You can also assign roles to grandparents. This will make the holiday more fun and the family more friendly. And how happy your baby will be! Yes, you will soon see for yourself. If your child is still too young, you can replace the actors with dolls and have a real puppet theater. Good luck to you!

As for the room where everything will happen, try to make it look like a fairy tale. You can draw and cut out a hut from cardboard, a cheerful smiling sun, large mushrooms and berries - whatever comes to mind. Or you can replace the cut out decorations with wall panels. To do this, draw a fairy tale plot (preferably in gouache) on fabric and attach it to the wall. Try not to draw specific characters, then you can use the panel more than once for other holidays.

You will need:

Masks of the characters in the performance (or puppets and a screen, if you are showing a puppet show);

A basket with small toy mushrooms or other small items;

Book with fairy tales;

Paper ears attached to the rim;

Little toy bunny.

Roles: Gingerbread Man, Hare, Fox, Wolf, Bear.

So here we go...

Sit the children around you and tell them that today we will go to the fairy tale about Kolobok.

Mother: (reads a book) Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. So the old man says: “Bake me, old man, a bun...”. Read until the moment when Kolobok jumped from the window onto the bench, from the bench onto the floor and rolled along the path. Turn on fun music. Kolobok enters the room and sings a song.


I, Kolobok-Kolobok,

Mixed with sour cream,

Sat in the oven,

It's cold at the window!

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

I'm visiting Maksimka on her birthday

I was in a hurry and came.

Hello kids! Hello, Maximka! And I am Kolobok, ruddy side. I heard that today is your birthday. Am I late by any chance?

Mother: You're just in time, Kolobok! Come on in. And the guys and I decided to celebrate Maximkin’s birthday in your fairy tale.

Kolobok: That's great! Then why are we sitting here? Let's learn the "magic" poem and go with it to a fairy tale. And the poem is like this:

Along the cheerful path

Our legs began to walk.

Together we go to a fairy tale,

We invite all our friends with us!

The children repeat Kolobok’s poem and follow each other around the room.

Kolobok: That's how friendly we are! They read the poem together and walked along the path together. And they fell straight into my fairy tale.

Bunny peeks out from behind the door.

Bunny: Ku-ku! (Hides.)

Kolobok: Who's that hiding behind the door?

Bunny: Guess: in the summer - gray, in the winter - white, jumps and jumps along the paths, hides his ears from the foxes.

Children: Bunny.

Bunny: Right.

Enters the room.

Bunny: Who do I see? Yes, this is Kolobok! Oh, how delicious you must be. Let me take a bite.

Kolobok: What you! You can't eat me.

Bunny: Why is this?

Kolobok: Because today is my special day. Maksimka and her friends are visiting me.

Bunny: So what? I'll only eat one piece.

Kolobok: Do you know what Maxim’s holiday is today? Birthday! And he turned four years old.

Bunny: Oh, how great! I love birthdays so much! Maxim, congratulations!

Kolobok: Tell me, Bunny, what will you give Maxim for his birthday?

Bunny: Like what? Certainly, fun game. The boys and I will become not girls and boys, but real long-eared bunnies. Come on, little bunnies, show me what kind of long ears. (The bunny and the children put their palms to their heads, pretending to have bunny ears.) Oh, what long ears! What are your paws like? (Children fold their arms at their chests, imitating bunny feet.) Now let's jump like bunnies. (Children and Bunny jump on the spot.)

The bunny puts ears on the headband for the children.

Bunny: Now you are real bunnies, we can play a game with you.

"Hare's Game"

Bunnies live happily

They sing songs together,

La-la-la! La-la-la!

They sing songs together.

Children jump around the hall with their paws tucked in.

Bunnies jump in the morning

The kids are having fun

La-la-la! La-la-la!

The kids are having fun.

Children jump in a circle one after another.

Come on, bunnies, shut up!

A top is coming our way!

Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh!

A top is coming our way!

Children squat down and cover their eyes with their palms.

And we're off to the house, hop and skip -

The gray wolf won't find us!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

The gray wolf will not find us.

Children jump into the “house” - on the sofa, chairs.

Bunny: The angry Wolf left. Run out, little bunnies, girls and boys!

The game is played 2-3 times.

Bunny: What good guys you are! It's so fun to play with you! But it’s time for me to go see my little bunny brothers. Maksimka, once again I congratulate you on your birthday and give you a little bunny.

The bunny gives the birthday boy a small toy bunny. Then he says goodbye and leaves.

Kolobok: Well, guys, let's move on. Have you forgotten the poem yet? Then go ahead!

Children, together with the kolobok, read a poem and walk in a “snake” one after another:

Along the cheerful path

Our legs began to walk.

Together we go to a fairy tale,

We invite all our friends with us!

The Gray Wolf runs out.

Wolf: Who is that walking down my path? Who is making noise and having fun? And why does it smell so good? Ahh! It's you, Kolobok! Come here, I'll eat you.

Kolobok: What are you, Gray Wolf?! You can't eat me.

Wolf: Why is this?

Kolobok: I am a friend of our birthday boy - Maksimka. If you eat me, who will lead him through the fairy tale?

Wolf: What kind of Maksimka is this? Is this this boy in a beautiful blue suit? So what, is it his birthday today? Or maybe you're deceiving me, you just don't want me to eat you?

Kolobok: And you ask the guys how old our birthday boy is today.

Wolf: I already know. Maxim is so big. He must be ten years old?

Kolobok: But no. Guys, how old is Maxim?

The children answer.

Wolf: I don't care how old he is. Now I’ll take you all and eat you! Look, how plump and pretty you are.

Kolobok: Don't eat us, Gray Wolf. We'll play a game with you.

Wolf: This is good. I love to play. But no one plays with me. So be it, if you turn out to be clever and beat me, the Gray Wolf, I will let you go.

Game "Collect mushrooms"

To play you will need 2 baskets or small buckets, small mushrooms or other handouts. If there is nothing, you can replace it with mushrooms cut out of paper, painted and varnished.

Rules of the game: two people play - the wolf and the child. (First, let the birthday boy play with the Wolf!) The Wolf is blindfolded, because he is big, and the guys are small.

Children count together with Kolobok: “One, two, three. Collect all the mushrooms!” After this, the child and the Wolf begin to collect mushrooms and baskets.

The wolf collects slowly, reading the poem:

In the green, in the forest

I'll pick some mushrooms.

I'll pick the mushrooms myself

I won’t leave it to you, children!

Attention! I remind you that the Wolf collects mushrooms, slowly, so that the children can beat him.

The game is repeated 2-3 times. The Wolf loses every time. In the end, he agrees that the children have defeated him.

Wolf: Okay, so be it. I confess - you defeated me. And for this, as I promised, I will reward you: I will give you a whole basket of mushrooms. Yes, not simple ones, but delicious, chocolate ones! Happy birthday to you, Maximka!

The wolf gives all the children a basket of chocolate mushrooms. Says goodbye and leaves.

Kolobok: What a miracle, what a miracle! You guys are so great that even the Wolf became kinder and gave you a whole basket of chocolate mushrooms. Maybe there will be more! After all, meetings with other forest inhabitants await us ahead. Quickly line up one behind the other! Let's hit the road!

The children, together with Kolobok, walk like a snake one after another and read the poem:

Along the cheerful path

Our legs began to walk.

Together we go to a fairy tale,

We invite all our friends with us!

The Bear enters.

Bear: Who made such a noise in my forest? Who woke me up?

Kolobok: Don't make any noise, Bear. Don't you see, it's a holiday for us.

Bear: What kind of holiday is this?

Kolobok: It’s Maxim’s birthday today.

Bear: That's it! So why didn’t you wake me up earlier?! I would sing him a song and play a game.

Kolobok: And you sing and play!

Bear: Will you help me?

Children: Certainly!

Game "Cheerful Bear"

Rules of the game: the children, together with Fox and Kolobok, stand in a circle. In the center of the circle, the Bear reads a poem (you can chant it). Then he chooses one of the children and dances with him to music or applause. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Bear:

That's how big I am

And I'm called Mishka.

And who will dance with me,

I'll give you a bump.

Mishka started dancing,

Have fun, kids!

Music is playing. Fox enters. Sings.

Lisa Patrikeevna performs the song “Smile” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky)

Verse 1:

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter.

A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow.

And she will return to you more than once.


And then the clouds will probably suddenly dance.

And the grasshopper begins to play the violin.

The river begins with a blue stream.

Well, friendship begins with a smile.

Verse 2:

From one sunny smile

The saddest rain will stop crying.

The sleepy forest will say goodbye to silence

And claps his green hands...


Verse 3:

A smile will make everyone warmer -

And an elephant, and even a small snail.

So let it be everywhere on earth,

Like light bulbs, smiles turn on.


Fox: Oh, how lovely! How many beautiful children have come to our forest! What a holiday, what a holiday!

Kolobok: Why are you, Lisonka, so kind today?

Fox: And now I’m always like this. You see, Kolobok, I love children, and I sing songs to the whole forest.

Kolobok: So I'm surprised. What happened to you?

Fox: Yes, I think, let me become kinder. Maybe someone will treat me to a delicious Kolobok. Kolobok grabs.

Kolobok: Don't eat me, Fox!

Fox: No, I'll eat it. You know how much I love sweets.

Kolobok: You can't eat me! Today is a holiday for us, Maxim’s birthday.

Fox: Well, that's great! On birthdays you are supposed to eat sweets. So I'll eat you.

Kolobok: Why do you want to eat me when we have a big birthday cake waiting for us today?

Fox: Is it true? Why didn't you say it right away? I must admit, I do feel sorry for you. What should a fairy tale do without you? Who will sing me a funny song? I really like her.

Kolobok: That's good! Come on, Foxy, let's arrange something better for the guys a real holiday with fun dancing. Lisa: You came up with a great idea! I just know a very fun dance game.

Musical game “Dancing with the fox”

Children dance to cheerful music, repeating the movements of the Chanterelle. As soon as the music stops, the Fox says: “Now, kids, hide like bunnies.” The children, together with Kolobok, squat down and cover their eyes with their palms. The fox goes around the children and finds no one. He turns on the music and the children dance again. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Kolobok: What a fun holiday we have today! All the animals became kinder and began to sing and dance. And the time has come to invite everyone to a treat. Sweets, lemonade and, of course, a real birthday cake with candles await us. Mom invites children and fairy tale characters at the table. Guests congratulate the birthday boy and say congratulations. It's okay that your children are still small. If they can't cope with the wishes on their own, help them.

Sometimes we are very surprised by what our seemingly so small children desire. They are very sincere, our kids. Listen. The truth speaks through the mouth of a baby!

The matter is interesting, but troublesome. My friends prefer to invite professional animators to children's parties. If this is not possible, but you have talent and a great desire, you can hold the holiday yourself. Here is an example scenario for children 4-5 years old:

Clowns Imeninka and Pozdravlyalkin

Birthday: Hello! My name is Imeninka, and this is Congratulations! My favorite holiday is Birthday. And that’s why we are visiting you together on this holiday!
Name days are wonderful! This is wonderful and funny!

Congratulations: Accept congratulations. And receive gifts

Birthday: Where is our birthday girl? Let him sing or dance for us.
The birthday girl chooses to dance or sing.

Birthday. Dear Masha, today you are the main heroine of our holiday. You have become a year older, grown up, prettier. How old are you? (Five). Guys, let's clap Masha five times! One, two, three, four, five - HURRAY!!!

Congratulations: Great! Well, there will definitely be a surprise for our birthday girl today. Want to know which one? (Children's response) Then solve the riddle.

They bring in a poster on which are drawn in order: a rooster, a needle, a rainbow, a cloud, a pear.

Birthday. Solve this riddle, guys. There is one word hidden here. In order to recognize it, you need to select the first sound from each word-name of the picture and connect the resulting sounds together.

Children solve the word "pie"

Birthday Our dear guests, take your seats. Our respected chefs baked a sweet pie for Masha and all the guests. Let's greet him with applause!

The song “Surprise” is played on audio recording in the hall. Some time passes and the pie is not brought out. The music stops.

Birthday. Probably Pozdravlyalkin lights birthday candles on the cake. Let's hurry him in and ask him loudly: “Pie! Pie! Pie!"

Children chant, tear-stained cooks appear with an empty tray.

Congratulations I went to get some pie, and lo and behold, there was no pie anymore. But I found a note:

“Look for the sports corner on the stairs.”

Game find the threshold.

To play you need 5 notes:
1.On the stairs of the sports corner.
2.In a yellow car
3.On a horse in a carousel
4.On the right window
5.Under the table

The essence of the game is that on the stairs of the sports corner there is a second note “In a yellow car”, and in the car there is a third one “On a horse in a carousel”, etc.

Birthday: Hooray! The threshold has been found! Let's light the candles!

They light candles, sing a happy birthday song, and feast.

Birthday: Guys! It's time to have some fun!

It's in the bag

The driver - an adult - picks up a hat, puts it on one of the players and turns on fast music. While it sounds, children must pass the hat to each other, after trying it on and turning it around its axis. Suddenly the music stops - and the player who remains in the hat is eliminated.

A bag of secrets.

Collect several items in a beautiful bag (box, bag) - glasses, an apple, a ball, a toy, a book, a postcard. Let the children take turns trying to determine by touch what is in the bag.

We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.

A driver is selected from among the players and goes outside the playing room. The rest of the players agree on what they will show. Then they call the driver, he sits on a chair.

Hello children!
Where were you, what were you doing?
Participants of the game.
We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.
Players show movements characteristic of any work.
The player must guess what kind of work it is.
If he guesses right, the children run away, and he tries to catch them.
The caught player becomes the leader.

Holiday puzzles

The envelopes contain pieces of a picture depicting a birthday cake. It is proposed to divide into 2 teams. Each team will receive an envelope. And those guys who are the first to collect their picture and glue it to the sheet will become the winners.
Children assemble a mosaic.

Quiz “Are we from the same fairy tale?”

Kolobok and the wolf? (Yes)
The Swan Princess and the Seven Knights? (No)
Frost and Snow Maiden? (No)
Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore? (Yes)
The Steadfast Tin Soldier and Uncle Chernomor? (No)
Parrot Kesha and Funtik? (No)
Chipolino and Malvina? (No)
Turnip and mouse? (Yes)
Tsar Saltan and thirty-three heroes? (Yes)

The dog Sonya and the janitor Sedov? (Yes)
Tiny Khavroshechka and Ivan Tsarevich? (No)
Emelya and Princess Nesmeyana? (No)
Little Thumb and Thumbelina? (No)
The frog princess and Koschey the Immortal? (Yes)

Competition “Chasing the Gift”

For this competition you need to take a long piece of wallpaper and draw arms and legs mixed on the white side. This will be the path to gifts. This track must be laid out in the room before the test. At the end of this path, place small wrapped gifts for the children. Children will have to stand at the beginning of the path and, following the prints of hands and feet, walk along it to the gift, and if a hand is drawn, then the child must put a hand there, if a leg is drawn, then a leg. When a child passes this path, he takes one of the gifts for himself.

Quiz “The most, the most, the most...”

The most toothy cutlery? (Fork.)
The most travel bag? (Backpack.)
Best swimming shoes? (Fins)
The most heavenly color? (Blue)
The most children's theater? (Puppet theater.)
The most dishonest headdress? (Bowler)
The most children's swimming device? (Inflatable ring.)
The largest sporting event? (Olympics.)
The very first school textbook? (A primer.)

The best feathered singer of Russia? (Nightingale.)
The smartest sport? (Chess.)

The tallest policeman? (Uncle Styopa.)
The kindest doctor? (Doctor Aibolit.)
The most faithful animal to man? (Dog.)
The most musical flower? (Bell.)
The most vegetable fairy tale? (“The Adventures of Cipollino”, Gianni Rodari.)
The most famous resident of the Flower City? (Dunno.)
The most beautiful bird in the world? (Peacock.)

The most Russian musical instrument? (Balalaika.)
The best crocodile in the world? (Gena, Cheburashka’s friend.)
The most fun birthday girl today? (Masha)

Jumping on balls

Players are given inflated balloons. The player's task is to sit on the ball and jump. Whoever bursts faster wins.

Fun relay race

The players are divided into 2 teams. Each participant must tie a scarf, take a candy, run to the ottoman and throw the candy into the cup. The team that finishes it faster and has the most candies in the basket wins.

"Stick Your Nose" Competition

Required: draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, and separately sculpt a nose from plasticine. Attach the sheet to the wall. The players take a few steps back. One by one, they blindfold themselves, approach the portrait and try to stick the nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

Birthday script for a 4 year old girl, inspired by a request from Oksa
Specially written for children 3-4 years old, the preparation is elementary, so you can easily handle the organization yourself.
The presenter can be anyone. IN in this case 2 options offered: Little Red Riding Hood or Dasha (from Dasha and Shoe).
All names are fictitious, any coincidence is accidental.

You can dress up as Little Red Riding Hood. Go out to the song “In Africa, the mountains are this high.”
The second option is to dress up like Dasha: pink T-shirt, orange shorts, white sneakers, and be sure to have a backpack on your back. But here you will need a wig))) And you will need to find her song “Dasha the Explorer” on the Internet.

Presenter: Hello, guys! How elegant and beautiful you all are. Perhaps you have some kind of holiday? (answers) What, birthday? (answers). Whose birthday is it? (Everyone says the girl’s name in unison). I didn’t hear something, whose birthday is Katya? (no) Lights? (No). Whose? (answer correctly).
Have you congratulated the birthday girl? Come on, let's stand in a circle, and let her stand in the center! (Everyone stands up) Happy birthday! What do we (name) wish? (everyone takes turns expressing their wishes). If they just shout “Happy Birthday!” in unison, then express your wishes to adults.
Here you can sing “Loaf”.

Presenter: Now let's all collect a bouquet of flowers for the birthday girl. Look how many petals there are around! (while the children are singing “loaf”, place 4 petals of the same color around the room according to the number of children) I will now give everyone a petal, and you must collect everything of the same color (handing the petal into your hands, say: for you, Vasya - these are the yellow ones , for you, Masha - these are the blue ones, etc.). And when you collect them, bring them to me. One, two, three, collect the petals. (turn on cheerful music and let them run a little).

Pre-fix the centers of the flowers on the wall, stick 5 pieces of double-sided tape on each edge along the edges.

Be sure to praise the one who collected first, but wait for everyone.

Presenter: What great fellows you all are, and now let’s glue the petals to the centers. (together with an assistant, take petals from each child in turn and stick them in the middle, while saying: Look (birthday girl), what a beautiful red flower Sasha gives you, what a beautiful pink flower Masha gives you, etc. If the birthday girl herself also participated , then make her flower the last. Thank everyone with applause)

Presenter: We got such wonderful flowers, the only thing missing is butterflies. Guys, let's all turn into butterflies, come on, show how butterflies flap their wings and fly and fly. And now bugs have flown into the clearing, let’s turn into bugs.
Transform into:
- birds (we run and wave our arms)
- butterflies (we wave our hands more smoothly)
- beetles (we run and buzz like bugs)
- bunnies (palms to the top of the head, jumping like bunnies)
- penguins (heels together, toes widely spaced, waddle like penguins)
- tree (hands up, waving branches), etc.

What great guys you all are. (Birthday girl) did you like the funny little animals? What about the trees? Well, it’s just like being in the forest! Oh guys, do you know what grows in the forest? Come on, answer “yes” or “no.” Do birches and fir trees grow in the forest?
- Bookshelves?
- Is the willow weeping?
- Prickly pine?
- White daisies?
- Plates and cups?
- Red viburnum?
- Sweet raspberries?
Do you know that a championship is often held in the forest, where all participants have competitions with pine cones (I think that you can find old cones in parks in many cities, both pine and cypress will do). Here you can organize several competitions with cones.
1. Who will throw the cone further;
2. who will knock down an aluminum can with a cone;
3. who will throw the most cones into the basket (box);
4. who can hold more cones in their hand;
5. Who will collect the most cones blindfolded while adults count to 10, etc.

What else grows on trees besides cones? (let them answer). Do fruits grow? Do you like fruits? Can you guess the different fruits by taste? Then now we’ll have a fruit show. (we blindfold the child, put pieces of fruit in his mouth (one at a time), let them guess their names. It’s better not just one all at once, but cut different fruits according to the number of children, so that they guess in turn. Sasha, Masha, Vasya, Lyusya, then Sasha again , Masha, Vasya, Lucy, and so on).

And now I will tell you a fairy tale about a little gnome. Only I will need your help. Repeat all the movements after me. Fine?

Once upon a time there lived a little scarlet gnome. (Sit down)
With a bigger cap. (Handles raised up, folded into a house)
He was a dwarf traveler. (We walk in place)

He rode on a frog. (We jump like frogs)

And he flew on a dragonfly (We wave our arms as if we were flying)

Floated along the stream in a tea cup. (We depict how we are swimming, rowing with oars)

He rode on a turtle. (Sit down and walk “in a half-squat”)

And having trodden all the paths, (We walk)
The gnome was swinging in a web. (Bends to the sides)

A new morning will come.
The gnome will go on a hike again. (We're walking)

Where do you think the gnome was in a hurry? Of course, for our (birthday girl’s) birthday.

Here you can already invite the kids to the table, since for four-year-olds, I think, there are already enough competitions and games.

After the treat, if they don’t immediately go home, you can give everyone some sheets of paper with coloring books. You can download “Dasha and Shoe” or any others. The Internet is full of them.

Aug. 27th, 2010 | 12:36 pm

I want to be a child! I want to go crazy on my birthdays and crawl on the floor playing tag;)
Apparently I'm not the only one ;). Over the last week, my friends have been asking me only one thing - how to spend a children's birthday?

It just so happened that Yaroslava herself invites guests to her birthday; her circle of acquaintances has expanded greatly this year and she wanted to invite literally everyone. Alas, the possibilities of our living space and financial condition do not yet allow us to organize a city holiday, so it was decided to limit ourselves to the fingers of one hand. Yaroslava chose five friends, and she and I repeated their names for two weeks.

Since Yara is a year old child, her friend always finds himself in the hottest weather, we traditionally spend an hour and a half playing games and eating sweets, and then go for a walk in the yard. So, to our joy, all the guests arrived on time. For their arrival, I prepared 5 multi-colored cardboard cards with a script on them, and placed a huge bowl of candy on the table. Of course, candy rules the world! Therefore, the basin had to soon go to the kitchen, where it was scattered into bags and given to the children at the end of the party.

The birthday began with a banal poem taken from mom’s forums:

One, two, three, four, five!
Who will we congratulate?
Whose dreams will come true?
Who is this verse for?
Who's ahead today?
Birthday boy, come out!
(comes forward)
How old are you now?

We'll stomp 4 times! Have fun!
We will clap 4 times! Make friends!
Come on, Igor, turn around!
Come on, Igor, bow!
And let's stomp again!
And let's clap our hands again!

All children love to draw, so on a prepared tablet and A3 sheet, they were asked to draw portrait of the birthday girl. Of course, we carefully examined whether Yasi had everything on her face; it turned out that she had eyes, a mouth, a nose and ears, after which we started drawing. I drew an oval face, someone drew the eyes, someone the nose, etc... in no particular order

After drawing there were riddles kindly suggested by the resource:
For a correctly guessed riddle, the child received an animal medal.

Just in case, I copy the riddles here:
A green frog gallops through the swamp. Little green legs, her name is... (frog).

Who sucks their paw in winter? He also loves honey. Can roar loudly, What is his name? ... (bear).

Pi, pi, pi - she said, She immediately ran into the hole. What kind of baby is this? This is a small... (mouse).

This baby has a hard shirt. I know from a book, This is ... (turtle).

He makes friends with a fox, For others he is terribly evil. All teeth click and click, Very scary gray... (wolf).

This part of the riddle is more difficult;)

Cleverly jumps from the palm tree down to the palm tree again... (expected to be a cow, actually a monkey).

In the thicket, with its head raised, a giraffe howls from hunger. (Wolf).

Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown... wolf. (Bear).

Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by an ant. (Pig).

In his warm puddle, Barmaley croaked loudly. (Little Frog).

Who is not friends with bright light, Underground in winter and summer? He dug up the entire slope with his nose. It's just a gray... elephant. (Mole).

He’s lying on the sofa, only saying “meow.” He drinks milk in a bowl, I know it’s ... (pussy).

it all ended with a riddle about a cat for a reason, then all that remained was to ask: “What do pussies like to eat?” After listening to the answers: “Milk, Feed, meat...”, and waiting for the answer: “ fish", I offered to feed the pussies by putting together a fish puzzle. There were two fish, so the children were divided into teams. The puzzle was made by me in advance from foam slabs for the ceiling.

After the riddles we baked pancakes. You need to take a lot of flat plates or plastic lids for jars, two boxes and two long spoons. The children took turns running from one end of the room to the other, carrying “pancakes” to the frying pan.

We prepared apple jam for the pancakes. An absurd competition familiar from school - catch an apple out of the water without hands. Well, it’s hot, you need to cool down! The only thing I missed was the age of the participants, no one caught a single apple, but some felt the power to become whales or dolphins, and took water into their mouths and began to splash;).... meh....

BUT the cake will bring you together, right?

For Yasya’s birthday she wanted a cake with cats and fish, but all I had to do was bake it ;). The candle was blown out and the cake was cut to the song “Happy Birthday to you!!!...”. Apart from cake, cookies, sweets, ice cream and drinks, there was nothing on the table, well, I don’t believe in the child’s desire to eat meat on his birthday, or generally eat healthy on this day.... And everything is easier for mom...

so that the guests don’t get confused with the dishes, I used “personalized glasses”, where I drew “portraits” of our friends with a marker and pencils

After the cake there was a loaf of bread and folk festivities in the yard.
Each guest received a bag of sweets, stickers, and some small gifts as a souvenir....

Meanwhile, the young lady is already 4, and that means something;)