If a family has lost its breadwinner, then its members are entitled to certain benefits at the legislative level.

According to Art. 10 Federal Law No. 400, relatives of the deceased have the right to receive a pension.

What benefits, besides a pension, are a family entitled to in the event of the loss of a breadwinner? More on this later.

Who is entitled to survivor benefits?

In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, some categories of citizens can count on social benefits.

These groups include:

  • Minor children who have lost their breadwinner (under 18 years of age).
  • Children of the deceased, studying at universities (domestic and foreign) under 23 years of age, who are not officially employed.
  • Close relatives who were officially classified as disabled and were supported by the deceased.
  • Incapacitated close relatives-pensioners who were left without income after his death.
  • All family members of the deceased who are left without financial support, which must be proven in court.
  • Relatives with limited ability to work who were supported by the deceased breadwinner.

The Pension Fund of Russia is responsible for assigning all benefits for the loss of a breadwinner. After the death of the breadwinner, benefits and allowances can be applied for at any time.

What benefits is a child entitled to after losing a breadwinner?

Pension benefits are a key benefit that children are entitled to receive after the loss of a breadwinner.

The pension in 2018 for a child is quite significant and can cover part of the costs of education and other needs.

But besides the monthly pension benefit, children are provided with other social benefits from local budgets. The list of them depends on the budget of the region, within the framework of which various social programs are implemented.

In 2018, in most regions, children who have lost their breadwinner are provided with the following benefits:

  • Free meals in the dairy kitchen (children under 2 years old).
  • Two meals a day for schoolchildren in the canteen at state expense.
  • Providing free textbooks.
  • Receive free medicines (children under 3 years old).
  • Unpaid visits to cultural sites: exhibitions, cinema, theaters.
  • Financial compensation – 1,500 rubles for persons under 23 years of age.

The privileges created by the state for orphans who have lost both parents are much broader.

In addition to financial support in the form of a pension, they are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Benefits for an apartment: provision of their own living space or housing under a social rental agreement until they reach adulthood (if the deceased parents did not have their own living space).
  • Free medical treatment.
  • Annual issuance of vouchers to summer camp wellness type, including free delivery to your destination and back.
  • Assistance in finding employment in your specialty.
  • Free retraining after liquidation of an enterprise or layoff at work.
  • Receiving free education (secondary and higher). At the same time, an orphan child does not automatically get into an educational institution, he can simply undergo free preparation for admission and take advantage of special benefits.

Are there any benefits when entering a university?

During admission to a university, young people who have lost their breadwinner have the right to receive a special benefit, which concerns extraordinary inclusion in the list of applicants.

Quotas are provided for different specialties and, after admission, children are provided free training and a scholarship from the university.

When studying full-time, some educational institutions provide for the payment of benefits in cash until the student reaches 23 years of age.

Some benefits may cover travel or treatment in medical facilities. For example, train travel for a student receiving a survivor's pension will cost half the cost of the ticket.

Are there any benefits for enrolling in college?

The same benefits apply when enrolling in college.

A child who has lost a breadwinner takes entrance exams on the same basis as everyone else, but has first priority when enrolling.

In addition, he has the right to qualify for free education and scholarships until he graduates from college.

Personal income tax benefits for loss of a breadwinner

For each child in a family that has lost its main breadwinner, you can receive a tax deduction, which can be associated with treatment, education, and even ordinary consumer needs.

The minimum reduction in personal income tax is possible by 1,400 rubles. After the third child, this deduction increases to 3,000 rubles. For disabled children who have lost their breadwinner, the deduction tax is from 12 thousand rubles.

Let's consider the maximum tax deduction rates:

  • 350,000 rubles - deductions for all children;
  • 50,000 rubles - for training expenses;
  • 120,000 rubles - for the costs of treating children.

What benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are entitled to the relatives of the deceased?

If the income of a deceased person was the only means of providing for his family members, then the state at the legislative level guarantees:

  • Paying bonuses to people retirement age in the amount of 15,000 rubles.
  • Free use of public transport for a bereaved relative.
  • Preferential rates for medicines family members of the deceased and the right to free medical care.
  • Discount on payment utilities in the amount of 50% of the total amount.

Procedure for receiving benefits

Citizens applying for benefits for the loss of a breadwinner should contact the local Pension Fund or the nearest MFC. There a corresponding application is submitted and necessary documents.

Citizens who have lost their breadwinner must come in person. If benefits concern minor children, then the second parent, guardian or other authorized representative acts as a representative.

The list of documents for receiving benefits is presented in the table:

After reviewing the application and documents, representatives of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will contact the applicant to inform about the decision taken regarding pensions and benefits. All prescribed by law payments will be credited to your current account as early as the next calendar month.

So, the list of benefits for the loss of a breadwinner depends on the specific situation in each family that has experienced such a loss, as well as on the region of residence of the family. One way or another, all categories of citizens mentioned above in the article can count on these benefits.


The loss of a breadwinner, in addition to the feeling of loss, brings to the family and financial problems. The state partially compensates for the material deprivation experienced by the family - it pays a pension. In addition to this, those in need of help can also enjoy other benefits.

01 Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner - who can get them?

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are provided to persons who were dependent on the deceased:

  • native children;
  • adopted children, whose rights are not limited in any way, but are equal to the rights of half-blooded children;
  • stepchildren from a previous marriage raised in the family.

The age of eligibility for benefits is limited to adulthood or 23 years if the child is receiving education. Those who become disabled before adulthood retain benefits throughout their lives. The following categories of dependents are distinguished: disabled people who have lost one parent, and orphans. They use help, regardless of the presence of relatives who may support them. After the death of a parent, it is not necessary to prove that the children were dependent on him, unless they are adults or became fully capable before their majority.

02 Additional rights – what are provided?

The main benefit is a social or labor survivor's pension, the payment of which is guaranteed at the federal level. In addition, Law No. 178, Art. 12 guaranteed social services in cash and in kind in the form of subsidies, social benefits, and other payments. Social assistance is aimed at maintaining the living standards of citizens. Individual subjects of the Federation establish types of assistance, the amount and procedure for payment. They are slightly different in each region.

Can be provided at the same time various types assistance, if they collectively do not exceed the established maximum size payments.

At the time of receiving a pension, a monthly cash payment is established, it is paid by the authorities social protection. The amounts differ in the regions, but the pension with additional payment in total should not be less than the subsistence level for the region. The benefit is paid monthly until the age of 16, and for students until the age of 18 if the income is less than the subsistence level. In addition to monthly payments, the student receives an annual compensation for the purchase of clothing, which is issued by the educational authorities.

The child is also provided with other benefits and assistance in kind:

  • dairy products and mixtures for children up to two years of age, and in case of a chronic disease included in the list - up to 15;
  • free prescription medications up to age three;
  • travel to public transport while receiving a pension;
  • up to 7 years of age can visit zoos, museums, exhibitions, and parks under municipal jurisdiction free of charge;
  • from 7 to 18 years old (up to 23 for students) – the opportunity to visit the zoo and other cultural institutions for free at reduced prices;
  • for students secondary schools– two meals a day and textbooks;
  • free food for students receiving vocational education.

Regional authorities can expand the list and introduce additional types of assistance.

03 How to apply for benefits and where to apply?

To receive benefits, you must apply for benefits. There are two authorities for processing documents. To receive a pension, apply to the Pension Fund branch, for other cash payments, benefits and in-kind assistance - to the district department of social protection of the population. It is in social security that people often encounter the reluctance of officials to formalize benefits provided. People who have rights to them often do not know whether they are valid at all. When contacting the department, name the benefit and ask if it is available.

A person in loco parentis, or a father/mother who is involved in maintaining and raising a child after the death of the breadwinner, seeks help. You must write an application and submit documents; their list is separate for each type of assistance. The application is considered by a special commission, which submits a proposal to social protection. Based on it, a decision is made, which serves as the basis for further actions by the social protection authorities. Cash payments can be issued in the form of social benefits or subsidies. Social benefits issued free of charge from the budget in the form of a certain amount. The subsidy is targeted and fully or partially covers the payment for social services provided by family members.

Natural assistance includes food, medicine, clothing and shoes. The procedure is approved by the executive branch. For example, free medicines can only be obtained with doctor's prescriptions. They prescribe medications from a list approved by the regional authorities.

04 Unified social card as a universal document

Following Moscow, many regions are introducing social cards for people with benefits. This is an electronic document containing information about the owner and the benefits to which he is entitled. Persons registered with social security departments can also receive it, i.e. it is also intended for children who have lost their breadwinner. To receive it, contact the MFC with the following documents:

  • pension certificate;
  • passport or birth certificate;
  • photo.

With the card you can buy products at a discount in special stores, you can use it as a travel document on public transport. The card is also a document that provides benefits for free medicines. Plus, it performs almost all the functions inherent in bank cards: replenishment and movement of funds, settlements, deposits. The social card has not yet become the only document to confirm the right to benefits. Often, paper confirmation is required along with it. The only benefit that is easy to get is free travel.

05 Additional payment to pension - when is it due?

Dependents' pensions may not reach the minimum subsistence level in force in the region where the recipient lives. The state has provided additional payments to children receiving a survivor's pension. Social supplement for children before they reach adulthood is assigned immediately after the right to such a pension arises. An application from the person entitled to the additional payment is not required. The ratio of the subsistence level (LS) and total income is taken into consideration. Depending on the result of the ratio, an additional payment is assigned:

  • federal from the Pension Fund, if material support(MO) below the subsistence level in Russia and the region;
  • regional, established by social security if the MO is lower than living wage in the region, which is higher than the federal one.

The MO amount includes, in addition to the pension, all monthly additional payments. The system of payments and assistance for children who have lost their breadwinner is quite complex. Everything about pensions is very clear. Obtaining benefits and compensation is difficult because only some of them are actually available: free travel, textbooks, meals for schoolchildren. With others the situation is more difficult. If educational institutions constantly provide benefits for students, parents or guardians have to achieve others. The main thing is to know that they are required, then you can talk to officials with confidence.


Loss by death loved one- a serious blow even for the strong and healthy people. What can we say about those citizens who are not able to provide proper care for themselves? Since leaving such people without support after the death of the only breadwinner is too cruel, support measures in such situations are applied by the state.

Thus, in 2018, benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are provided, which can be used by every dependent.

Who should

The list of citizens who have the opportunity to receive benefits after the death of the breadwinner in Russia is determined at the legislative level. In particular, a family member who was dependent on the deceased has the right to seek help.

An exception is reserved only for those citizens who caused the death of their breadwinner.

The following categories of citizens have the opportunity to receive benefits:

  1. Disabled family member;
  2. A minor child, regardless of blood relationship. This could be an adopted child, a cousin;
  3. Additional financial support measures are also applied to children under 23 years of age, provided they complete training under a budget educational program;
  4. Benefits and benefits are provided to relatives of a deceased person, subject to a document confirming disability received before the age of 18;
  5. The parents or spouse of the deceased, if they were declared incompetent;
  6. Relatives who lived together with the deceased person and were supported by him, since their personal income is less than the subsistence level.

You can receive such a pension and a number of other privileges from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

What benefits and subsidies can you apply for?

Persons who have lost their breadwinner can receive social benefits aimed at ensuring their normal functioning and improving their financial situation. In addition to the pension, which is paid to all people who find themselves in such a difficult situation, at the legislative level it is possible to receive other compensations and benefits:

  1. If a dependent has previously received a pension, he is entitled to an increase of 15 thousand rubles;
  2. Free travel on all types of public transport;
  3. Benefits for children who lose a breadwinner include the possibility of receiving 100 percent discounts on meals at school, as well as the opportunity for future students to receive additional assistance when entering a university and during subsequent studies (preferential cost of a travel ticket);
  4. Discount on rent and utilities in the amount of half the cost of payments;
  5. Free tickets to theaters, cinema or exhibitions;
  6. Free medical care;
  7. Acquisition medicines with a discount. All medications intended to treat a child under 3 years of age must be issued free of charge (upon presentation of a prescription from the attending physician);
  8. Children under 2 years of age have the right to eat free of charge at the dairy kitchen.


The law also provides for the provision that such citizens are paid state pension for the loss of a breadwinner. You can count on receiving this additional support:

  1. Family members of military personnel who lost their breadwinner while performing their official duties;
  2. Loss of a breadwinner during radioactive tests and accidents. The same pension is entitled to family members if, during such events, one of the parents received radiation sickness;
  3. Death of a parent if he worked as a researcher, tester, or astronaut

Such payments are made in relation to children who, due to their age, cannot independently earn an income. But if the son or daughter of the deceased is employed at the age of eighteen, the right to receive government benefits ceases.

To receive benefits, the wife of the deceased who enters into a new marriage must submit an application for state assistance before registering the new relationship with the registry office.

How to arrange everything

Registration of benefits after the loss of a breadwinner is possible at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the deceased. According to the law, family members who have lost their breadwinner must apply for benefits in person. The interests of a minor child or an incompetent citizen (must be recognized by the court) can be represented by other relatives.

To qualify for such social support measures, interested persons must submit the following documents:

  1. Applications from all family members;
  2. Death certificate;
  3. SNILS;
  4. Documents that confirm the existence of family relationships (birth certificate of children, certificate from the civil registry office on marriage registration);
  5. Documents confirming the adoption of the child;
  6. Work record book of the deceased;
  7. Details of bank accounts where transfers will be made cash.

After reviewing all submitted documents, the employee state fund decides on the need to pay a pension, as well as provide applicants with a number of other benefits due in this case.

All funds paid in the event of the loss of a breadwinner are accrued from the next month after the applicant submits all the necessary documents.

Regional features

Depending on the level of financial security in the regions, social support measures for the loss of a breadwinner for the family of the deceased may change. For example, in Moscow it has been established that such families can use free of charge not only city public transport, but also commuter buses.

In some regions, a parent who has lost a breadwinner is given the opportunity to send their child to a hospital out of turn. kindergarten to go to work earlier and start providing for yourself.

You can find out the exact list of benefits for people who have lost their breadwinner at your territorial branch of the Pension Fund.


There is nothing worse than the pain of loss due to loss. loved one. No matter how trivial it may sound, life goes on and you need to be able to take the will into your fist to cope with difficulties and know what benefits you are entitled to for the loss of a breadwinner, in addition to a pension. This type of pension is provided for the disabled population.

What kind of help can you expect?

The survivor's benefit is provided to disabled persons. The exception is those citizens who have broken the law, resulting in the death of the breadwinner. But this is only when guilt is proven in court.

  • persons under 18 years of age or students under 23 years of age;
  • disabled children under 18 years of age;
  • incapacitated citizens are dependents and disabled people who cannot provide for themselves;
  • adults who have lost their ability to work;
  • adults who were supported by a breadwinner due to disability, and who do not have other relatives who are able to take care of them.

Adult citizens covered by this category include spouses and parents of those who have passed away. The benefit can also be paid to grandparents, sisters, brothers and grandchildren. In addition, this category includes persons who have taken responsibility for raising a child until his 14th birthday.

If children who have lost one of their parents are entitled to assistance in any case, adults (parents or spouses) can count on it only in case of incapacity for work. In this case, it does not matter whether the deceased helped them during his lifetime. Adopted children and adoptive parents have absolutely identical rights.

Benefits for the loss of a survivor

What other benefits are available?

The main assistance in Russia is in the form of a survivor's pension, but this is not all. There are other survivor benefits besides pensions that children and other relatives can receive. Not everyone knows that they are entitled to the following:

  • free visits to cultural sites;
  • free travel on city public transport;
  • obtaining food and infant formula for babies under 2 years of age;
  • free prescription medications for children under 3 years of age;
  • free school breakfasts and lunches;
  • free educational materials.

A child left without one or both parents may receive other benefits in the form of a supplement. But this is decided at the level of local authorities, who can expand the list of benefits at their discretion. The list of so-called additional rights may differ depending on regions.

Social pension pop survivor

Under what conditions is a survivor's pension awarded?

Here two conditions are of primary importance:

  • the relationship with the deceased must be documented;
  • the applicant was financially largely or completely supported by the deceased citizen.

As for the amount of state financial assistance - survivor's pension, it all depends on length of service deceased. The larger it is, the correspondingly higher the amount of payments. When all necessary documents are completed, payments will be accrued monthly.

Existing types of payments

  1. The insurance pension is calculated from insurance premiums; its amount depends on the length of service of the deceased.
  2. State payment if during his lifetime the deceased was an astronaut, a military serviceman, or engaged in other activities while serving the state and died as a result of an accident.
  3. Social benefits are calculated if the deceased did not have a single day of work experience.

Current legislation defines the death of one of the parents as the loss of a breadwinner and guarantees social protection for minor children. It includes both monthly pension payments and various benefits. The amount of money that is paid to the child before reaching adulthood depends on the region in which he lives, but in the vast majority of cases it is 50 percent of the income of the deceased parent. If there are two or more children in a family, they can qualify for a pension in the amount of 100 percent of income.

Benefits for the loss of a survivor are provided under general conditions, regardless of the region of residence. What social protection measures are taken in relation to minor children who have lost a parent, and how to get them? This is exactly what will be discussed in our article.

Who can qualify for survivor benefits?

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are provided by the state to the following categories of persons:

  • all family members whose only source of livelihood was the income of the deceased person;
  • children who were under 18 years of age at the time of their parent’s death. Both natural and adopted children have the right to apply for benefits;
  • close relatives (parents, grandparents), whose age is more than 60 years (for women - more than 55 years). That is, benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are provided not only to children, but also to pensioners;
  • children under the age of 23 who study under federal programs in Russia or abroad;
  • close relatives who are disabled.

Documents required to apply for survivor benefits

Registration of benefits is carried out at the regional (or municipal) branch of the Pension Fund. Family members who have lost their breadwinner are required to appear there in person (minor children can be represented by the second parent or their other relatives).

To obtain the right to benefits, you must collect the following documents:

  • death certificate of the person who was the breadwinner;
  • pension certificate;
  • documents confirming the deceased’s marriage and the birth of one or more minor children;
  • papers confirming the adoption of the child;
  • work record book of the deceased parent;
  • savings books or bank accounts into which monthly pension payments will be transferred.

After reviewing the documents Pension fund makes a decision on the payment of a social or labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner, as well as on the provision of benefits. A minor child or other families will begin to receive both cash payments and privileges determined by law starting next month.

Benefits provided to persons who have lost their breadwinner

What benefits are granted to family members of a deceased person whose income was the only source of subsistence? Today their list is as follows:

  • persons already receiving a pension are given a supplement in the amount of 15,000 rubles;
  • free travel on all types of public transport;
  • for schoolchildren - two free meals a day in the canteen of the educational institution and receipt of textbooks;
  • benefits for admission and training in higher educational institutions;
  • 50 percent discount on utilities;
  • the opportunity to visit theaters for free, art exhibitions, cinemas;
  • the right to medical care provided free of charge;
  • the opportunity to purchase medicines on preferential terms. For children under three years of age, all medications are provided free of charge;
  • for children under two years old - free meals in the dairy kitchen.

What benefits do children have in case of loss of a breadwinner? If minor child lost his mother/father, he is entitled to receive a survivor's pension. Let's consider the list of grounds for receiving this form of state social support, the procedure for applying for financial assistance and the list of documents required for filing an application. Additionally, we will indicate what other benefits exist for orphans.

The right to receive a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner are citizens who were dependent on the deceased (in our case, children), unemployed and disabled. Let's consider who has the right to demand financial assistance and when, as well as the basic rules regarding this issue.

  • Adopted children have equal rights with half-blooded children, including to receive social payments for loss of a breadwinner;
  • a stepson/stepdaughter who is supported and raised by a stepmother/stepfather has equal rights with their own children;
  • the amount of the pension does not depend on the amount of insurance coverage of the breadwinner, it is established regardless of the time and causes of death, with the exception of situations where death occurred as a result of intentional harm to one’s health or as a result of committing a criminally punishable intentional act (this fact must be recognized by the court and proven );
  • Dependency of children whose parent has died does not require proof (with the exception of adults and children who received full legal capacity before the age of 18).

Important! The survivor's pension is awarded:

  • if a citizen is declared dead;
  • in the event of his death;
  • in case of unknown absence (during the year there was no information about his place of residence, which was established by the court).

The conditions for calculating and the size of this pension depend on the category of persons the breadwinner belongs to:

  • if the deceased is an insured person, his children are entitled to a labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner;
  • if the deceased did not have insurance experience, died as a result of intentional harm to his health or as a result of committing a criminally punishable intentional act (this fact must be recognized by the court and proven), his child is entitled to a social pension.

Labor pension

Who has the right to receive this form of financial assistance from the state:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • children under 23 years of age who are full-time students in educational institutions (excluding post-secondary education institutions) until graduation;
  • students over 18 years of age who become disabled before adulthood;
  • children over 18 who are involved in the care, maintenance, and upbringing of sisters, brothers, grandchildren, and children of the deceased (under 14 years of age).
  • orphans;
  • a disabled child who has lost one parent.
  • The amount of such a pension is basic and fixed. It is established by the state and is constantly indexed and increased.

Social pension

The following are entitled to receive it:

  1. Minor children who have lost one parent, as well as children under 23 years of age who are full-time students in educational institutions (excluding additional education institutions) until graduation, do not have the right to receive a labor pension. Amount of financial aid in in this case equal to 3626.71 rubles per month.
  2. Disabled children - 8,704 rubles per month.
  3. Minor children who have lost both parents or , as well as children under 23 years of age who are full-time students in educational institutions (excluding additional education institutions) until graduation, do not have the right to receive a labor pension. 7253.43 rubles per month.

Indexing social pensions is carried out in accordance with the legally established procedure.

We have discussed what benefits children have for losing a breadwinner, now we need to talk about how to get them.

Applying for a pension

To receive the form of state financial support under consideration, it is necessary to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the applicant’s place of residence. It is this organization that is responsible for the assignment, recalculation of amounts and payment of all types of pensions.

You can also submit an application by sending an electronic document via the Internet.

You can learn about receiving child benefits.

A pension is assigned from the day the application occurs, but not earlier than the moment the right to it arises. The application date is considered to be the day the PFR body accepts the application along with all the required documents.

If the application and documents were sent by mail, then the date of application will be considered the date marked on the postmark.

The survivor's pension will be assigned from the date of death of the child's parent, but you must apply to the Pension Fund no later than one year after the loss of the breadwinner. If the application occurs later, the pension will be calculated from the day 12 months preceding the date of filing the application and submitting documents.

If not all documents have been collected, then the applicant citizen is obliged to provide all the necessary information within three months. If this is done later, the day of applying for financial assistance will be considered the day the application was accepted.

Required documents

In order to be granted a labor pension, you may need:

  • documents confirming: family ties with the deceased, the average monthly income of the deceased, his insurance record, the fact of death, identity, citizenship, place of residence and age of the child;
  • identification and authority of the minor’s representative;
  • document confirming that the stepson/stepdaughter was/was dependent, raised, supported by the stepmother/stepfather;
  • document confirming that the deceased was a single mother;
  • confirmation that the pension recipient is a full-time student;
  • or is busy caring for, maintaining, raising sisters, brothers, grandchildren, children of the deceased (under 14 years old), while not working himself;
  • on declaring the breadwinner dead or missing.

This list is not final and requires clarification in each specific case.

An application can be made either by the minor himself, if he is already 14 years old, or by his legal representative.

What other survivor benefits are there?

We examined in detail the features and procedure for obtaining state financial assistance in the form of pensions for children who have lost a parent/parents. Now let's talk about what other orphans and orphans are.

  • They can enroll in specialty and bachelor's programs at public expense, subject to successful passing of entrance exams.
  • They can use public transport services free of charge (for this you need to issue a special coupon).
  • Free food in general educational institutions(two times a day).
  • Distribution of free textbooks in educational institutions.
  • The right to visit cultural sites free of charge: museums, theaters and others.
  • Kids up to three years- provision free medicines, prescriptions for which must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Children under two years old are provided with free dairy products from the dairy kitchen according to medical prescriptions.

In principle, this is where the list of benefits ends. In some cases, you can try to achieve some privileges in educational institutions: for example, get a discount on school lunch.

But receiving such benefits depends on the position of the management of a particular organization.

Full information can be obtained from the Social Security Office of your locality. The list of benefits in different regions depends on local regulations and laws, and therefore may differ from those adopted in the capital.

A survivor's pension is a monetary compensation for a child for the income of a deceased father or mother. Such compensation, of course, is partial; it is given approximately 50% of the confirmed income level of the deceased parent. If there are two or more children in a family, compensation is paid in the amount of the full salary of the breadwinner.

Registration of a survivor's pension

A survivor's pension can be applied for at the Pension Fund, for which it is necessary to provide a certificate of death of a parent, birth certificates of all minor children, passports of all adult family members, work book the deceased, a certificate from his previous work and a certificate of his income for the last 60 months, a military ID, if any. A survivor's pension can be received from the time of the death of the father or mother; it will be paid to the child upon reaching 18 or 23 years of age if he continues to study at a secondary or higher educational institution. In addition, if a child who has lost one of his parents is not yet 18 years old, he is entitled to a social supplement to his pension. Typically, part of the funds for this is allocated from the federal budget, and part is paid additionally from the regional budget.

Fringe benefits

In addition to cash payments, a child left without the care of one of the parents is entitled to some social benefits. However, the availability of many of them depends on the region of residence. While a child receives a survivor's pension, he also has the right to ride public transport for free in his city, receive all the necessary textbooks at his educational institution without any additional payments, and attend some cultural events, such as theatrical productions, performances, and museum exhibitions.

He can count on two free meals a day at school. However, this benefit is very controversial and is not implemented in all educational institutions, since free school meals are usually provided only to the poor and large families.

Applicants who have lost their parents are admitted to the university on preferential terms. If the child is still small, up to 2 years old he should be provided with food in a dairy kitchen, and up to 3 years old he should be provided with all the necessary medications that the doctor prescribes. In addition, such families are provided with discounts on utility bills. You need to find out about all benefits from the Social Protection Department of a particular region, since social assistance can vary greatly, depending on the place of residence of a person and the laws adopted there.

Benefits for the loss of a survivorprovided for by current legislation. The main benefit for the loss of a breadwinner is the assignment of a pension. You will learn from the article who is entitled to benefits and where to apply to receive them.

Who is entitled to survivor benefits?

Family members who are unable to work and who were supported by the deceased are entitled to claim benefits in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. The exception is for persons who have committed a crime that resulted in the death of the breadwinner. This fact must be proven in court.

So, who exactly can qualify for survivor benefits?

  1. Family members unable to work who were supported by him (who accepted help, which was the main source of subsistence).
  2. Children, sisters and brothers, grandchildren under 18 years of age. This group includes not only relatives, but also adopted children and half-brothers.
  3. Children, sisters and brothers, grandchildren under 23 years of age who are undergoing training in basic educational programs. Including relatives studying abroad.
  4. Children, sisters and brothers, grandchildren over 18 years of age if they became disabled before the age of 18. The fact of disability is proven by medical documentation.
  5. Parents, spouses, and grandparents are over 60 and 55 years old, respectively, or are disabled. Adoptive parents also have equal rights with their relatives.
  6. Parents and spouses who were declared incompetent and did not receive assistance from the breadwinner, but who lost their main income after his death.
  7. The above-mentioned persons who care for relatives of the breadwinner under 14 years of age receive payments.

The pension associated with the loss of a breadwinner is assigned by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Documents can be submitted either to its territorial divisions at the place of residence, or through the MFC - both personally and through a representative.

Don't know your rights?

You can apply for a pension at any time after the death of the breadwinner. There is no statute of limitations.

What are the survivor benefits?

In addition to the survivor's pension, minor children may qualify for the following benefits:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • free visits to cultural sites;
  • free supply of dairy products according to doctor’s prescriptions for up to 2 years;
  • free issuance of medications according to doctor’s prescriptions for up to 3 years;
  • free meals in schools (at least 2 times a day);
  • free provision of textbooks at school.

In addition, the legislator provides social supplement to the survivor's pension, which is paid from the moment the pension is assigned. In this case, you do not need to write any statements; the Pension Fund will process all payments without your participation.

Additional benefits for the loss of a breadwinner may be established by regional legislation. We recommend that you contact your social security authorities for more detailed advice.