TRUST: a feeling that encourages you to believe someone, even if you know that you yourself would lie in his place.
Henry Louis Mencken

Trust everyone, but shuffle the cards well.
Finley Peter Dunn

I trust you because I need you.
Mason Cooley

Don't believe half of what you hear and don't believe half of what you say.
Murray's Law

That. What is said to the person to whom everyone says is only half of what is hidden from him.
Duchess Diana

Trust is a man's weakness and a child's strength.
Charles Lamb

TRUST: the mother of mistrust.
Adrian Decourcel

If I am gullible, it is only to a certain extent and I accept only those little inventions for which they hit me on the lips, and do not tear out my eyes.

A vice is to trust everyone and trust no one, only the first vice is nobler, the second is safer.

We tend to believe strangers - after all, they have never deceived us.
Samuel Johnson

Excessive gullibility often turns out to be stupidity, excessive distrust always turns out to be a misfortune.
Johann Nestroy

It's hard to trust someone who is gullible.
Agexander Kumor

A woman's gullibility is limitless - after all, she is sure that she knows how to lie better.
Jacques Nathanson

The most frustrating time in a man's life is when his wife begins to trust him.

Where there is no complete frankness, complete trust, where even a little is hidden, there is no and cannot be friendship.
V. Belinsky

The surest way to gain public trust is to resort to it as little as possible.
D. Washington

Trusting unreasonable sensations is a characteristic of rude souls.

The most terrible lack of faith is lack of faith in yourself.
T. Carlyle

How can you deal with someone you can't trust? If a cart doesn't have an axle, how can you ride in it?

No matter how little we trust our interlocutors, it still seems to us that they are more sincere with us than with anyone else.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Nothing flatters our pride more than the trust of the great of this world; we accept it as a tribute to our virtues, not noticing that it is usually caused by vanity or the inability to keep a secret.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Trust shown usually results in reciprocal loyalty.

For an adult, gullibility is weakness, for a child it is strength.
C. Lam

Where there is no trust, there cannot be real affection.
E. Ozheshko

Only once do they lose their life and trust.
Publilius Syrus

Lost trust is like lost life; it is irrevocable.
Publilius Syrus

If you trust someone, trust them in everything.
Caecilius Statius

In our trust in others, inertia, selfishness and vanity often play a major role. Inertia, when we, in order not to act ourselves, are more willing to trust another. Selfishness is when we trust something to another, seduced by the need to talk about our affairs and circumstances. Vanity - when trust can be to our advantage.
A. Schopenhauer

When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more.
R. Emerson

I try to believe not in people, but in people. Well, you meet a person and it doesn’t matter what he does, what he does. You just accept it and that's it. With all the words, actions and even shortcomings.
- What if there are more shortcomings? What if there are only shortcomings?
- So everyone has shortcomings. Only this is not bad... This is normal.

The sage was asked:
- Which woman can you trust: blonde, redhead or brunette?
The sage replied:
- A woman with gray hair can be trusted, but a man cannot be trusted, even a bald one!

Without communication there is no relationship. Without respect there is no love. Without trust there is no point in continuing.

“On one point men and women certainly agree: they both distrust women.” Henry Mencken

Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

Lost trust is like lost life; it is irrevocable.

Trust is when you put a knife in a person’s hands and turn your back... And I was wrong in giving it to you...

Trust is when you give your hand, close your eyes, and allow someone else to lead you across the road...

From childhood we are taught not to trust strangers. We learn over time not to trust our acquaintances...

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The more you trust a person, the more tempted he is to betray you.

Trust is acceptance and giving. Accepting a person's openness. Giving back to your openness.

Trust is one of the main secrets of eternal love.

Everything ends sooner or later: trust, love, juice in a mug.

Believe or check? The difference is one letter. And in this letter is trust

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No one will trust anything to a person who doesn’t tell anything about himself or tells everything.

Boundless gullibility due to the absence of cordons of suspicion allows deception and betrayal to freely penetrate its territory. (Yuri Tatarkin)

On one issue, men and women certainly agree: both do not trust women. (G. Mencken)

Often, when you meet a person whom you seem to trust as much as yourself, it is worth remembering that this is not you after all.

Never trust a woman who tells her age honestly. Such a woman is able to tell you EVERYTHING. (O. Wild)

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The basis of our self-confidence is confidence in others.

Trust is like a clay bowl. It can be glued, but it will never be as strong.

The more promises, the less trust.

You don't become a traitor twice.

No matter how much you trust people, it will still turn out that you should have distrusted them even more.

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Lost trust in English. Without saying goodbye.

You can only trust those people who, if the situation develops badly, will suffer no less than you!

Trust, like life, is lost only once.

To get a knife in the back you just need to completely trust someone.

Trust only those who can lose as much as you.

Smart people know that we can only believe half of what we are told. But only the very smart know which one it is.

A person must be trusted, even when he speaks the truth.

He who begins by believing everyone ends by considering everyone a rogue.

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I just want to say thank you to him for teaching me to be strong and trust people less...

The main thing in a relationship is trust! I didn’t trust him, and almost lost him... So trust your loved ones.

I don’t believe anything, I don’t trust anyone, I don’t get used to anyone, I don’t trust anyone.

Do you want forgiveness? - For God's sake! And trust must be earned!!!

Believe, but don’t trust, so that you don’t have to treat your heart later.

The more promises, the less trust.

Everyone betrayed once, everyone will betray one day...

Quiet people cannot be trusted; sooner or later they go crazy and rebel.

Well, why can’t you believe me that this is a rake mark on my back?!!

Lost trust is like lost life; it is irrevocable.

Never, never trust people 100%, you will get burned like crazy!!!

Trust... this is what any relationship is built on!!!

You can trust everyone, but trust only yourself.

Anyone who asks “do you believe me?” or “don’t you believe me?” is not trustworthy.

The more you trust a person, the greater the temptation for him to betray you.

True trust is demonstrated when you are not afraid to turn your back on a person who is holding a knife...

Believe or check? The difference is one letter. And in this letter is trust.

Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

People you can trust usually don't exist.

In the Middle Ages, the key to a chastity belt served as a guarantor of trust in a woman. Nowadays - the password for a page on a social network.

Little lies breed great mistrust.

Don’t rush to open your soul to the person who opened his to you...
Perhaps he just wants to transfer all the dirt from his soul into yours!

To every person you give your trust to, you give a sword into their hands. With it he can protect you or destroy you.

Trust is a bridge that people blindly build towards each other, each for its own part... These two parts may coincide, or they may miss.

Intuition will unmistakably lead to right time to the right place to the right people, if you finally trust her!!!

The narrower the circle of those who understand, the wider the boundaries of understanding.

Login: Soul
Password: Sincerity

Trust is one of the most beautiful shapes shifting responsibility...

We are once again afraid of being deceived... and yet we climb into this fire of trust and burn to the ground in it...

Trust, for the most part, elicits honesty in return.

People on earth lack little to achieve prosperity - trust in each other, but this science is inaccessible to base souls, whose law is self-interest.

Have the courage to speak frankly. You'll like it.

One tiny mistrust can completely destroy a large, unspoken faith!

Believe it or not, trust it.

You need to trust people more and they will surprise you.

Girls know how to keep secrets, but in groups of 20-30 people!))

Asking God to change something - Isn’t it impudence to believe that God is doing something wrong?

Sometimes it’s better not to know what awaits you ahead... Just close your eyes and trust the person leading you forward...

You can lie down on a woman, but you can’t rely on her.

Trust is the basis of all relationships between people...

Trust everyone, but with open cards.

Gullibility is a credit card for naivety, which is secured by an account in the bank of sincerity.

You should not trust a person who, when asserting something, puts his hand on his heart.

The hardest thing is to be yourself with someone dear to your heart.

To instill confidence in yourself, you need to instill the illusion of your

Increasingly, people began to use social networks to express their emotions and feelings. If only because there is no need to tell any specific person about them. And statuses about trust are especially popular now. And there are reasons for this.

To express gratitude

This is one of the most popular reasons. Faith is a luxury nowadays, so to express one's gratitude to someone who never fails in difficult situations, a person uses some special phrase. And most often the recipient understands that this message was intended specifically for him. about trust they sound something like this:

  • if you truly love someone, then you will give him the keys to the safe where your heart, thoughts and soul are kept;
  • trust and frankness are a bridge over the abyss in relationships;
  • trust says much more about feelings than all the words in the world;
  • Faith in each other is the most important thing, it is the basis of friendship, love, family.

From resentment

Often, a person who has been deceived or betrayed by someone can no longer communicate with his offender. However, in order to somehow express his emotions about this, he posts it on a social network. This is like a way to announce to all your acquaintances and friends at once that something bad has happened in life. The most commonly used statuses about trust with meaning sound something like this:

Just for fun

Of course, every joke has some truth and humor. But not every person is ready to put on public display what is in his soul. This is why statuses about trust under the guise of humor, sometimes even black humor, are now gaining popularity. For example, among users social networks The following expressions are common:

  • I believe you, you can walk - just don’t catch the shoals with your horns;
  • You can only trust your mother and cat - they definitely won’t betray you;
  • trust always pays off modest guy Jack (Daniels);
  • sometimes you believe a person, you believe - and then you wake up in a bath with ice and without one kidney.

The comic form allows you to convey your mood, while simultaneously hiding your true feelings from the uninitiated. In addition, humor and sarcasm are now in fashion on social networks.

For your other half

Oh yes, love is not always possible to express in beautiful expressions one on one. Many people are simply embarrassed to express their feelings, which is why they put up a beautiful status about trust in a relationship. Sometimes another goal is pursued - to show the partner that a critical situation has arisen in the couple, but hope for the best outweighs all doubts. Statuses about trust in this case are relevant approximately like this:

  • trust is a synonym for love;
  • we can only be ourselves with those we truly trust;
  • relationships are destroyed not because of distance, but because of doubts and loss of trust;
  • Trust is like a piece of paper; once you crumple it, it will no longer be perfect.

Of course, in the age of social networks it is easier to display beautiful phrase for everyone to see in the hope that the person to whom it is addressed will understand everything himself. However, true trust involves frank conversation two, face to face. Therefore, in addition to a beautiful status, you must communicate with those whom you trust, love and appreciate, so that he does not doubt it.

Quotes about trust are very popular. They are all different, but what unites them is that each author recognizes the fragility of this feeling, which is the most important of all existing ones, serving as their basis. Quotes about trust in love, friendship and society in the article.

Famous people about trust

Quotes about celebrity confidence:

  1. “My dad always told me: don’t trust those people who have a huge TV and a small shelf for books” (Emilia Clarke).
  2. “There will always be people who want to hurt you. Continue to trust people, just be a little more careful” (Marquez).
  3. "Always trust the most important for a woman. She doesn't remember anything that really matters" (Oscar Wilde).
  4. “I trust you, I need you” (Mason Cooley).
  5. “You can’t believe in illusions, you have to pay for them” (London).
  6. “Gullibility is the weakness of men and the strength of children” (Lam).
  7. When the eyes and the tongue say different things, trust first (Emerson).

Beautiful sayings about trust

  • “What hair color is best to trust in a woman? - Only gray-haired, but you shouldn’t trust a man, even if he’s bald.”
  • "Trust is when you give another person your hand, close your eyes and let them lead you across the road."
  • "You put a knife in the hands of everyone you trust. He will either protect you or kill you."
  • “The deeper the trust in a person, the greater the temptation for him to betray you.”
  • “If you meet a person and it seems to you that you can trust him as you trust yourself, remember that you are still different.”
  • “Everything tends to end: trust, love, and juice in a glass.”
  • "Friendship is based on mutual trust."

Trust on the pages of books

Quotes about trust can be found not only in famous people, but also on the pages of books. Literary characters sometimes tend to talk about this feeling better than any psychologists or philosophers. Quotes about trust in relationships from books:

  1. “It’s better not to trust people, Yu. They are much worse than any vampires and demons.”
  2. “Trust is the most fragile thing in the world, just like a girl’s heart. If you break it, you can’t put it back together, and the pieces can cause deep wounds.”
  3. “You can’t just love and not trust and not consider the other as your equal. Mistrust destroys even the brightest love.”
  4. "Trust to be faithful."
  5. “Why don’t you trust me? - You don’t deserve it. I meditate daily to control my power. Do you think I’ll just believe that you began to control the one you have? Trust needs to be earned. - How to do this? - First trust me."
  6. "I don't trust you enough to hurt you."

We hope that the following quotes about trust will help you better understand the essence of this feeling, find and maintain it in a relationship.