Every woman who plans to become a mother wonders whether she needs to write an application for maternity leave.

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We will determine which rules for granting maternity leave are valid in 2019, how to apply for it - what certificates to submit and how to make an application.

Any leave is granted, and benefits are paid only after appropriate registration. Maternity leave is no exception. To go there, a woman must write a statement.

And here the questions begin: is there an approved form that you can simply fill out, what information is important to include, and how to correctly specify the duration of the maternity leave. Let's consider the main nuances.

What you need to know

The peculiarity of maternity leave in the Russian Federation is that only a woman can take it. The father cannot arrange such leave. He is only entitled to parental leave.

After providing a number of certificates (including), the woman will receive benefits. Its payment is made for all days that fall during temporary disability.

The amount of the benefit is established taking into account the wages of the insured persons 2 years before it is issued.

But a minimum amount has been established that can be paid - this benefit cannot be less than the minimum wage.

The application is drawn up for the following purposes:

  • so that maternity benefits are issued;
  • so that a woman can keep her workplace for the period of maternity leave.

Regulatory framework

About a woman's right to maternity leave It says that it is valid after acceptance.

Useful information contained in and other regulatory documents. The law states that such leave is provided not only for one’s own children, but also for adopted children under the age of three months.

A number of amendments have been made to the conditions for granting maternity leave.

Previously, employers had to renew contracts with employees during pregnancy before the baby was born. Now women can receive postpartum leave, and accordingly the entire amount of the benefit due.

Do I need to write an application for maternity leave?

The application is the main reason for the expectant mother to go on leave. Its form can be free. The employer must register the document.

The legislation does not approve a unified application form. But there are some rules that are worth considering when drawing it up.

General drafting rules

There is some information that must be reflected in the document. You need to write:

The following is a request for maternity leave, as well as payment maternity benefit, lump sum benefit(if a woman registers with a consultation early in pregnancy).

You must indicate the details of the bank account to which the funds will be transferred. They write which method of receiving benefits is suitable.

At the end there is a signature, the woman’s full name and the date. The application can be written by hand or typed on a computer. The main thing is that the woman puts her signature on it.

As you can see, you only need to write one application - both for maternity leave and for benefits paid for temporary disability.

Employers do not have the right to refuse women access. This means that the management’s resolution on the statement is only an organizational formality.

The addressee of the application can be the head of a legal entity, or another person who resolves personnel issues.

But in in this case such a person must have or have drawn up an order granting certain powers.

When expressing her desire to use maternity leave, a woman must indicate its duration. Such terms are specified in the sick leave certificate. At the bottom of the application, the documents that are attached are listed.

In general cases, a woman must attach to her application an original certificate of incapacity for work, which is issued by a licensed medical institution.

Such a document will confirm that the woman is indeed pregnant. The document will indicate the period for which the expectant mother must go on maternity leave.

It is determined taking into account the number of babies being carried. If a woman is expecting twins, the vacation is extended. A certificate of incapacity for work is a mandatory document.

But a certificate from the consultation is not necessarily attached. Such a document will be needed if a woman registers for pregnancy in the early stages.

And this gives the right to receive a special payment. It is paid together with the payment of maternity benefits.

Sample application for maternity leave

When writing an application, you can use the following example as a guide:

What is maternity leave

There is no such thing as maternity leave in the legislation. However, it is commonly understood as:

  • Maternity leave (hereinafter referred to as BiR, Art. 255 Labor Code RF);
  • Parental leave, which can be taken until the child turns 3 years old (hereinafter referred to as UzR, Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, maternity leave, or simply maternity leave, consists of 2 parts - different types vacations during which the following are paid:

  • one-time allowance for B&R;
  • monthly allowance for UzR until the baby is 18 months old;
  • a one-time payment upon the birth of a baby.

IMPORTANT! Only a woman can go on leave under the BiR. A spouse or other relative, for example a grandmother or grandfather, who is actually caring for a child, can only use leave under the UzR (paragraph 2 of Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To receive appropriate leave and payments, a woman must submit an application and accompanying documents to the employer, which are described in more detail below.

How to write an application for maternity leave correctly

There is no universal application form for maternity leave. A woman can find out how to correctly write an application for maternity leave from her employer’s HR department. There she may be asked to fill out a form used at the enterprise or draw up a document in free form.

A sample application for maternity leave (a sample of which is available for download below) may contain the following information:

  • In the upper right part the name of the enterprise, position and full name of the manager to whom the document is sent for review are indicated.
  • Below on the right is written information about the applicant: position, structural unit and full name.
  • In the middle of the sheet is the name of the document: “Application”. Additionally, the title can be specified, for example, “on provision of maternity leave,” etc.
  • After the title, the applicant’s main request is stated, for example: “I ask you to grant me leave ... (for pregnancy and childbirth, etc.) from ... (the start date of the maternity leave) to ... (the end date).
  • If the applicant intends to receive the corresponding benefit, this request can also be indicated in the application for leave or made a separate application (depending on the practice at a particular enterprise).
  • Under the main request for leave under the BiR, the basis for its receipt is indicated - sick leave for temporary incapacity for work, its details.
  • The following lists the documents that act as attachments.
  • The date of registration of the application, full name and handwritten signature of the applicant are indicated below the text.

A sample application for maternity leave using the example of leave under the BiR can be downloaded from the link: Application for maternity leave - sample 2018 - 2019.

When to write an application for maternity leave

Pregnant women often have a question: when to write an application for maternity leave?

The first part of the maternity leave, i.e. leave for accounting, usually starts from the opening date sick leave, which is given to a woman in antenatal clinic. In a singleton pregnancy, this period begins at 30 weeks. If a woman is expecting 2 or more babies, she can go on maternity leave earlier - at 28 weeks.

IMPORTANT! It is impossible to go on leave for labor and labor before the sick leave period prescribed, however, a woman has the right to use the days of annual leave immediately before maternity leave (Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The duration of leave under the BiR can be:

  • 140 days when expecting one child;
  • 156 days in case of childbirth with complications;
  • 194 days when expecting 2 or more children.

Think about when to write an application for maternity leave to care for a child, preferably before the expiration of the leave period under the BiR. The start date of UzR leave will be considered the day following the end date of BiR leave.

IMPORTANT! The use of maternity leave is a woman’s right, not an obligation, and therefore it is permissible to go on leave later than the period provided for by law or to use it in parts (but only in relation to UzR leave).

The actual non-use of maternity leave days (that is, when a woman continues to work) does not affect its total duration. At the same time, the woman is paid a salary for the period of work, but she loses the right to receive benefits under BiR and UzR. The exception is when a woman works from home while on Uzbek leave, in which case she can receive monthly payments.

So, a woman will have to write an application for maternity leave twice: first when applying for maternity leave, then when submitting documents for parental leave. The application is drawn up in free form or according to a sample adopted at a particular enterprise.

According to the law, every to the expectant mother rest from work, popularly called maternity leave. It lasts 140 days (note - for a “classical” singleton pregnancy) and is paid by the state in the form of a special benefit assigned instead of salary for the entire period of leave.

How to prepare documents correctly, and what you need to remember?

Rules for writing an application for maternity leave - sample application

The expectant mother must submit this application along with a certificate from the antenatal clinic - and, of course, a sick leave certificate.

How to write it?

In this particular case, the document is drawn up in any form:


  1. In the upper right corner: name and position of the person official, which is addressed. And, of course, the name of the organization where the expectant mother works.
  2. In the same place, but a little lower: full name and position (as well as department and personnel file/number), address and passport details of the expectant mother.
  3. Below and in the center of the sheet: “Statement.”
  4. Below the title and from the red line ( sample text): “I ask you to grant me maternity leave from xx.xx.xx (note – the date of opening of the sick leave) to xx.xx.xx (note – the date of its end).”
  5. Next, below: the basis for the request (sick leave, its number and date of issue).
  6. And, of course, the author’s autograph and the date the document was written.

Application for maternity leave and maternity benefits - sample:

Remember that The original sick leave certificate is always attached to the application. That is, if you may need a document, make yourself a copy in advance.

Besides, it wouldn't hurt 2 copies of the application, if there is a fact of distrust in the employer. In this case, you give 1 copy, and the HR department employee must sign the 2nd copy. Such a copy with a signature should be put away on the table until the payments due to you are in your wallet (just in case).

Sample application for replacement of periods for calculating maternity benefits in 2019

In accordance with the rules for issuing this type of benefit, it is calculated monthly, calculating the amount based on the 2 working years that precede the maternity leave.

For example, if maternity leave begins in 2019, then the benefit will be calculated by your employer based on your average salary for 2017 and 2018.

If in 2017 or 2018 you were already on maternity leave or maternity leave (even if you were on it for only 1 day!), then you have every right to demand that this billing period be replaced with another - earlier, provided that in this case there will be an increase in the amount of the benefit.

You can replace both years only if your maternity leave affected more than 1 year out of the 2 previous ones. This is done solely on the basis of an application (the manager himself is NOT obligated to do this), which is also drawn up in free form and submitted together with the above-described application for maternity leave.

So what's a mom to do?

  1. Write an application in 2 copies.
  2. Ask the employer to put an acceptance mark and signature on the first copy.
  3. You can also send 1 copy by mail with acknowledgment of receipt.
  4. There are other options. It is important that you have official evidence that your boss received your request. Otherwise, if the manager is dishonest, you will be left without “levers” of control.

Sample application for replacing periods in calculating maternity leave:

How to write a statement:

  1. On the right, in the upper corner: the name and position (as well as the name of the organization) of the manager in whose name you are writing the application.
  2. Just below, in the same place: your full name, position, passport details, address.
  3. Below and center: “Statement.”
  4. Next, from the red line, is the text of the application itself, indicating the request, specific article/law, etc.
  5. Below: date of writing and autograph.

Rules for registration and sample order for maternity leave

It is on the basis of this document that the expectant mother receives the right to legally go on vacation and continue to receive benefits.

The order form approved by the State Statistics Committee is used here. The document, after its creation, is approved by the signature of the manager, after which it is provided to the employee for review.

This form is not considered mandatory (the management may well develop its own order form, but with all the necessary details included in it), but it is easy and convenient to use, with the most informative content.

Sample order:

How an order is issued in form T-6 - important points

  1. The full name and position, personnel number and department of the employee going on leave must be indicated. As well as information about the organization.
  2. In the next section, indicate the name of the leave (note: “for pregnancy and childbirth”).
  3. Below: duration of vacation in number of days (in the classic case - 140 days, with multiple pregnancy– 192 days, etc.). Be sure to record the start and end dates of the vacation.

The order is registered in the appropriate journal, after which the document receives its registration number, which may consist of numbers and letters.

Definitely the date of the order is indicated. After the manager’s signature, the document is presented to the expectant mother for review, after which she can officially go on vacation with a calm heart.

On the next payday, you can come for maternity benefits.

Still have questions? Just call us:

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, a working woman must go on paid maternity leave. In this article we will tell you what documents you need to prepare for this, and also provide sample applications for maternity leave.

Maternity leave was introduced in 1917 to protect the rights of working women. It is divided into two parts:

  1. Maternity leave. How long is vacation and sick leave due to pregnancy and childbirth? Its duration is 140 days, if the birth went well and the woman gave birth to one baby. If a woman in labor becomes a mother of two or more children at once, then the period of maternity leave in this case is 196 days. In turn, this vacation is also divided into two parts:
  • prenatal – 70 days;
  • postpartum - 70 days or 126 days.
  1. Parental leave – begins after maternity leave and lasts 3 years. If desired, a woman can go to work earlier.

Providing maternity leave according to the Labor Code of Russia

In Art. 255, 257 Labor Code (LC) Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ, as well as other federal laws and regulations of Russia describe the requirements that a pregnant woman must meet in order to receive due payments. The essence of these requirements is that a woman must be employed.

The laws also describe objective factors affecting the future mother’s ability to work:

  • It is extremely difficult for a pregnant woman to perform her work duties in her final stages.
  • In 10 weeks, the expectant mother needs time to prepare for childbirth.

Taking maternity leave

To apply for maternity leave, a woman needs to write an application and attach to it the received sick leave (certificate of incapacity for work) at the antenatal clinic where the woman in labor is registered. On this basis, the head of the enterprise in which the woman works must draw up an order granting maternity leave.

It should be noted that a woman who does not apply for sick leave in a timely manner will be issued one at a later date. However, the countdown of maternity leave will in any case be calculated from the 30th week.

Below we have attached for you sample documents on how to apply for maternity leave in 2017.

Application for maternity leave: sample

In an application for maternity leave, a pregnant woman must state in writing or printed form her desire to go on maternity leave. Note that if a woman feels well and does not want to leave work, then she may not write a statement when she receives sick leave.

The statement is written in any form, but, as a rule, it includes the following main components:

  1. Indication from whom - to whom (here you must write your full name and position).
  2. Title of the document.
  3. A direct request to provide maternity leave indicating the dates indicated on the sick leave.
  4. Please accrue required benefits(this does not have to be written in the application, but it can be done at the request of the applicant).
  5. Note convenient way transfer of funds (as a rule, payment is made to a salary card).
  6. List of attached documents:
  • sick leave;
  • certificate from the antenatal clinic about early registration for pregnancy.
  1. Date, signature, full name of the applicant.

You can see a sample example here:

Order for application for maternity leave from employer

An order to grant maternity leave to a woman in labor is drawn up in the same way, in any form, but it always contains the following data:

  1. Organization details.
  2. Title of the document (order).
  3. The essence of the order is to provide a woman with maternity leave, indicating its start and end dates (dates are indicated on the basis of sick leave).
  4. Instructions for payment of cash benefits.
  5. List of documents on the basis of which the order was drawn up:
  • employee statement;
  • sick leave;
  • certificate from a gynecologist.
  1. Position, signature, surname of the head of the organization, date.
  2. Familiarization list - all the names of those people who should be familiarized with the order must be indicated here. This is usually one woman in labor.

We present to you a sample order for maternity leave:

Maternity leave calculation

The benefit is calculated by the management of the enterprise where the pregnant woman works, based on her application and sick leave within 10 days after her application. Money is paid on the next payday. If you need to add the number of days on sick leave, the head of the institution will have to add the required amount in fact.

The payment can be calculated from:

  • Funds from the employer, who can do this solely in order to reduce transfers to the Fund social insurance(FSS).
  • Social Insurance Fund, but only if the enterprise where the woman worked closed for some reason.

Maternity leave benefits

Maternity benefits are paid one-time. Its amount is 100% of the average salary for two full years of work of a pregnant woman. This will take into account:

  • Periods when a woman was unable to work.
  • The day when the pregnant woman was about to go on maternity leave.
  • Vacations on which a woman went at her own expense without pay.
  • Days that are paid if a woman went on leave to care for a disabled child.

We present to you detailed diagram How to calculate maternity benefits:

  • The total amount of money earned over 2 years must be divided by 730 days. This is how you can determine the average salary.
  • The resulting figure must be multiplied by the number of days provided for by the sick leave.

How to extend maternity leave?

If a pregnant woman experiences any unforeseen complications during maternity leave or childbirth, the second part of maternity leave will be extended by several days. Only for this, the woman will need to take another certificate of incapacity for work from the hospital, which will set out the reason confirming the right to extend maternity leave and increase the amount of maternity insurance benefits.

The woman will need to write another application for maternity leave based on this document.

Take advantage of all the benefits that the state provides you with as social support during pregnancy. But just remember to fill out the necessary documents in a timely manner so that there are no problems with payments.

In the current legislative framework Russian Federation (with changes relevant at the beginning of 2018), the concept is not used "maternity leave". This expression is just a common slang name in our country for two types of vacation, following each other, usually without interruption, and arranged in different ways:

Procedure for applying for maternity leave

Sample application for maternity leave during pregnancy and childbirth

An application regarding the need to go on maternity leave is absolutely no different from any other application, and also has a standard structure:

  • “header” (upper right corner of the sheet), which indicates the name of the organization, surname, first name, and patronymic of its leader, and in the same corner below the surname, initials, and position of the applicant must be indicated;
  • the name of the document, namely, “statement”, which is written without quotation marks in the middle of the sheet below the “header”;
  • main text, which can be presented in any format; the main thing is that the applicant is able to write down a request for the vacation she needs, its temporary boundaries and state a request for the appointment of one or another benefit;
  • All additional documents attached to the application are listed below (as a rule, this is the original sick leave certificate issued by the medical institution, and the original certificate issued by the antenatal clinic, which confirms the state of pregnancy);
  • in the lower right corner the applicant puts the date of filing the document, as well as her own signature.

After submitting the application and all necessary documents employer publishes order for maternity leave, a sample of which is given below.