It is believed that in a relationship, guys should take the initiative, but not everyone knows how to properly confess their sympathy to a girl, how to take those first difficult steps. The answer to the question “How to hint to a girl that I like her?” The following effective tips will be:

  1. Try to prove to her that you treat her specially. IN noisy company Find an opportunity to have privacy to talk. Don't pay much attention to other girls in her presence. Be polite, tactful and respectful with her.
  2. Give compliments more often: about her attractive appearance, smile, beautiful figure. Let these be simple words, but coming from the heart.
  3. Don’t forget to give flowers and gifts, not only on holidays, but also for no reason. It's always nice.

Confession should be made only after a trusting relationship has arisen between you. It is wise to prepare the girl for this moment: some time before confessing, it is advisable to hint to her how much you like her. By her reaction you can understand her attitude towards you.

The girl will definitely let you know whether she likes you or not. She can use feminine tactics and hint to you about this, for example, with body language - with her eyes, gestures, touches. You will understand that she cares about you by her desire to spend more time with you. If a girl turns to you for advice or help, this also shows sympathy: she is weak and defenseless and counts on the support of a strong man.

What and how should you say at the moment of confession?

It is advisable to talk about feelings in private. Because in a personal conversation, with the help of emotions and intonation, you will be able to emphasize the most significant points to emphasize your sincerity. The environment should also be conducive to a pleasant conversation. Keep it short to get to the point faster. Explain how glad you are to have met her and how much you value your friendship. Next, you should tell the girl that you like her. Moreover, you must make it clear that you do not require an immediate answer. The logical conclusion might be an invitation to a date.

Too much beautiful phrases Romantic movies look ridiculous in real life. Be open and be yourself. Then you can count on reciprocity.

Sometimes young people do not have the courage to confess face to face. In this case, you should think about whether you really care about this girl? After all, in order for a relationship to work out, in some situations you will have to make concessions, compromises, partly sacrificing your interests. If you find it difficult to make a little effort on yourself to make your relationship develop further, is it worth continuing? In addition, a girl may consider a written explanation a manifestation of lack of self-confidence and your feelings for her. And then this will certainly affect her decision. However, the choice of recognition method may depend on the girl’s character and worldview. If she extraordinary personality, then an original message is what you need.

If a personal conversation is not possible for various reasons, use social media or SMS. This method of explanation is appropriate when you are separated by a long distance, and the conversation is clearly overdue. Your message must be literate. If you are not strong in Russian, turn to special applications. The girl will definitely appreciate your attention to detail and effort. After all, all this speaks of a respectful attitude towards her. It is also not recommended to use slang and ambiguous phrases in correspondence.

How to correctly write a message to a girl you like on Odnoklassniki or VKontakte

  1. To declare your sympathy, you should choose a convenient time. If you know for sure that the girl is busy, do not write a message right away. The best option- evening.
  2. The words of the message need to be thought out in advance. It should be concise, understandable, but memorable.
  3. If you can’t come up with anything yourself, you can resort to masterpieces of the world classics, the main thing is that the text is not large. In everything you need to observe moderation.
  4. You can’t limit yourself to the phrase “I really like you.” This is not enough to communicate the seriousness of intentions. The confession should contain a compliment emphasizing the girl’s merits, as well as an offer to continue the relationship, for example, with a date.
  5. To support your words, you can send a postcard, yours joint photo or a whole photo collage.
  6. An original message can be made using video recording. The video message must be pre-recorded on camera. His script must be thought out to the smallest detail: your clothes, hairstyle, facial expression, words, “scenery”. The ideal option is a park, a river. You can invite friends to record a flash mob, for example, in the form of a pulsating heart.

The Internet provides many examples of what SMS should be written to express sympathy. Here are a few of the most successful:

  1. “You are very sweet and cheerful. It’s easy for me to communicate with you.”
  2. “It’s obvious that you love sports: you have a great figure.”
  3. “You have very beautiful silky hair. I just want to touch them.”
  4. “Your eyes are unusual. When I look at them, I can’t lie.”
  5. “I think about you, about us very often. I think we'll be a great couple."
  6. “They say angels live in heaven and rarely come down to earth. I'm lucky because I met my angel."

Want say something to a girl to make her melt? Let's figure out how and why to do this first.

As you’ve already heard somewhere, girls love with their ears. They like it when guys compliment them. But you should understand that a compliment is different from a compliment. Because you can say something that is not at all appropriate in a given situation, and also look unnatural at the same time.

I would like to say more about the last point. When you communicate with a girl, try to make your communication with her look as natural as possible. Guys often try to say what they think the girl wants to hear. This is wrong, as speech begins to sound forced and unnatural. Of course, when you behave unnaturally, it repels the other person.

How to say nice things to a girl

Therefore, when you want to compliment a girl so that she melts, try to speak from the heart, and the way you want it. In this case, he will really appreciate your sincerity. This article gives some examples of what to say. But if you want to say it sincerely, you can very quickly come up with something of your own. After all, every girl is unique. Think carefully about what you like most about her, what makes your heart beat faster. Maybe it’s some kind of cute habit of hers, a way of speaking, behaving, or just a peculiarity in her appearance. Highlight it, tell her, and show her how this trait has a positive effect on you. The more unexpected the compliment, the more it will impress the girl.

Remember that everything should be in moderation. You can say something very pleasant and unexpected to a girl. But if you constantly bombard her with compliments, she will get used to them and will not perceive them.

What to tell a girl to make her melt - examples

All the phrases below really work. However, use them at the right time. You can write these sentences on VK, or just say them in real life.

#1 Talking to you makes me think about the soulmate theory.

#2 I can't imagine my life without you in it.

#3 How do you always manage to look so attractive?

#4 I feel happy next to you.

#5 You always know how to surprise me.

#6 You're so cute when you smile.

#7 I dreamed about you last night.

#8 I'm crazy about your smell.

#9 You dance so well!

#10 When I see your smile, my mood rises to the skies.

#11 And why did I only meet you now?

#12 You are the most beautiful girl that I've ever met.

#13 Your eyes are so deep and expressive that you can drown in them.

#14 Your love for me makes me move mountains every day.

#15 You are very cute when you sleep.

Now you know what to say to a girl to make her melt.

If, at the sight of a charming person, you are speechless and awkwardly stumble out of the blue, then this definitely means that you have fallen in love. But experiencing a wonderful feeling is just the beginning. After all, the most difficult thing lies ahead - to inform the beauty of your intentions. This is perhaps the most current problem in young people. “But how can a girl tell me that I like her?” - you ask. This important issue we will dedicate our article.


It should be remembered that no girl will like persistence and rudeness. Therefore, confession of feelings should be unobtrusive and easy. You shouldn't ask her out on a date when you don't know each other well. First, try to find common interests. Find out what the girl is interested in and where she goes most often, then the question is “How can a girl tell me that I like her?” will disappear by itself.

For example, if you visit the same section or you have mutual friends, invite the girl to accompany her. This will be the first gesture on the way to achieving the goal.


After you've chatted a few times, you can think about going on a date. There is no need to offer her expensive restaurants or gifts. First, go to the park and eat ice cream. This way you will get to know each other better. You should be open in your communication. It's better if you are yourself. It is this quality in men that attracts all girls.

So, to make the date go off with a bang, be sure to give the girl flowers. There is no need to give a luxurious bouquet. A few spring flowers will be enough (if the time of year allows).

Remember: appearance in this situation is also important. No need for expensive tuxedos. Enough clean and tidy clothes. It is very important in this situation to smell good.


You shouldn't brag. Girls don't like this very much. It is also important not to ask stupid or revealing questions. “How can I tell a girl that I like her if the date is nearing its end?” - you ask. Very simple. The most best time- when you approach her house. It is this romantic moment that will allow you to confess your feelings. Go for it!

After you say cherished words, you should remember: you should not try to kiss a girl. If she wants it, then you yourself will understand. Be sure to ask if she enjoyed the date and if she wants to meet you again. If the answer is positive, then you can safely invite her to a restaurant (if funds allow).

What if a young man is shy

“How can a girl tell that she likes her? What SMS is suitable for this? - you ask. Very easy. Write a confession in a humorous form or as a poem. You just need to do this after the first date, otherwise you may confuse her.

An excellent option would be a luxurious bouquet that should be sent to her home or work. This will certainly please the beauty.

If the girl doesn't know you

“How can a girl tell me that I like her if we don’t know each other?” - and you can ask this question. This is, of course, more complicated. But in this world nothing is impossible. So, below we will give some tips regarding this situation.

  1. Get in the girl's eye more often. When she notices you, put your best foot forward.
  2. Meet her friends or fellow students (classmates).
  3. Watch her reaction when she sees you among her friends.
  4. While walking together, give her glances (just don't overdo it).
  5. Invite your friends (including her) to go on a boat ride together or invite them to your holiday.
  6. Try to be alone with her.
  7. When this happens, ask an indirect question, something like: “Would you like to get some ice cream or go for a walk?”
  8. When the answer is yes, proceed to the steps described above.

Don't worry if you get an answer you don't like. After all, there is still a whole life ahead.

If a girl is busy with another man

“Should I tell a girl I like her if she’s dating someone else?” - the question is very delicate. In this situation, everything depends on your intentions. If you are driven by slight sympathy, then it is better to take a closer look at another person. If your feelings have already turned into something more, then it’s still worth trying your luck.


Don't know what to say to the girl you like? The answer is quite banal. Tell it like it is. After all, someone may soon appear who will say this before you. Good luck!

Modern young guys rarely feel awkward when communicating with girls when it comes to ordinary conversation. It’s another matter when a young man has sympathy for a beautiful lady, but does not dare admit it to her. Either the situation is not right, or the tongue does not dare to utter the cherished words. Hence the need to study step by step instructions which we will provide below. So let's get started.

Step #1. Become friends

  1. Before building a relationship and confessing your sympathy, get to know the girl better. To do this, you need to become friends or at least buddies.
  2. Sit down and think about what exactly attracted you to the young lady? How well do you understand each other's jokes, can you get through routine and misunderstandings?
  3. In a relationship, the main thing is that two people feel comfortable in the moments they spend together. When you become friends and get to know each other better, the connection can develop into something more.
  4. Invite a girl with you for a walk when you are going to spend time in the company of friends. Meet her friends, try to please them.
  5. To develop friendships, become for a girl not just a work or study partner, but a real support, a psychologist, a confidant.
  6. If a lady doesn’t make contact and doesn’t strive to become friends with you, it’s likely that she’s not interested. Think again whether you need such meaningless connections.

Step #2. Find common interests

  1. It is difficult to build meaningful romantic relationships for people who do not have common interests. After talking with a girl, find out what you have in common. Perhaps you play on the same volleyball team or go to the gym together.
  2. Take this information as a starting point. Discuss movies and books that you both like. Talk about pets. As soon as you notice the slightest similarity, grab it and spin it.
  3. At this stage, you need to show the girl that you have fun together. Common points of contact can be a good basis for the development of a more serious connection.

Step #3. Maintain hygiene

  1. To feel confident, you need to take care of your appearance and hygiene. First of all, the girl pays attention to the condition of her nails, hair, shoes and clothes.
  2. During your time together, keep your T-shirts and shirts clean, iron your pants if necessary, and clean your shoes. You should always look neat.
  3. If a girl sees that a man is taking care of himself, she concludes that he will also take care of her. Do not neglect basic procedures such as men's manicure and shaving.
  4. Choose your perfume responsibly; it should not be too cloying or harsh on the nose. It is enough to spray yourself with cologne 1-2 times, no more.

Step #4. Smile

  1. Girls love charming guys who constantly joke, smile, but do not look vulgar. If the relationship has already been established as a friendship, you can “pin” the lady.
  2. Your jokes should not be rude so as not to offend your passion. Don’t burden the young lady with your problems unless she herself asks you to tell her what’s going on. Nobody likes a pouty, sad guy.
  3. Be confident, don't slouch, raise your head higher. Roll your shoulders to show openness. Don't cross your arms over your chest when communicating.

Step #5. Flirt

  1. Flirting consists of fleeting touches, stroking, a sincere smile, and jokes. Be bolder. During a conversation, lean closer so that the girl can hear your breathing.
  2. When you say goodbye, lightly hug her behind the back, letting her know that you are glad to meet her. At parties and other events, sit next to her and talk in her ear. funny stories and feel free to laugh together.
  3. It is important that flirting is mature and unobtrusive. You shouldn't grab a girl by the butt, it's ugly. Open doors for your crush, offer your hand on the steps.
  4. Always maintain eye contact, especially when you are in the same company, but in different corners of the room. She should catch your gaze and respond to it.

Step #6. Confess your feelings

  1. After a long and successful communication, the time has come to confess your feelings. Think in advance about what you will say to the lady of your heart. The confession should sound confident and not dramatic.
  2. Follow the rules of brevity and content, do not pour “water” into your ears. There is no need to start from afar, creating a complex script or story, go straight to the point.
  3. When a person tries to come up with the perfect confession, in reality it turns out to be crumpled, awkward and empty. The speech should catch the girl, which means speak from the heart.
  4. Approach the problem with cunning. For example, you are walking together in the park and laughing. Say as if by chance: “You are wonderful, that’s why I adore you!” Or: “Your sense of humor drives me crazy!”, “I like you beyond belief!”
  5. The cry of the soul will make the girl taken aback, wait a while and evaluate her reaction. Choose right place To be recognized, it must be uncrowded and cozy. Throughout the conversation, look the lady in the eyes.

Step #7. Wait for a response

  1. Girls are mysterious creatures, you will never understand what is on their mind. After the words have been spoken, expect an answer, do not push the young lady. What you said is comparable to a bomb.
  2. If you rush a lady, she will pull away. Give the girl time to think about your relationship and further developments.
  3. Even if the feelings are mutual, the young lady must come to them herself and admit it. Say that you do not require an answer right now, invite the girl to the cinema, giving her time to think.

Step #8. Prepare for a positive response

  1. Prepare for the good, but plan for the bad so you can eliminate it in the future. broken heart. If the girl reciprocates, it means you are one of the special people.
  2. Think over a plan for further action. Relationships should be romantic, especially at first. Have a date on the shore of a lake or sea, go to the park for a picnic, climb the mountains.
  3. Be sure to prepare a small gift to give to your significant other after the date. This could be a keychain, a bouquet of flowers, a set of chocolates or Kinder Surprise eggs.

Step #9. Develop romantic relationships

  1. When everything goes well and you have already secured your connection with an innocent kiss, proceed to the next step. The main thing here is to take your time. Girls do not like rapid development of relationships.
  2. For beautiful ladies, it is important to slowly but surely achieve mutual understanding. To do this, plan dates together, respect each other's wishes.
  3. You can make a surprise only if you know the young lady quite well. Spend time together at least 3-4 times a week, or better yet, at least 1.5 hours every day. This will help you get closer.
  4. It is known that when a guy enters into a relationship, he leaves his friends and acquaintances because he is head over heels in love with the girl. You shouldn't do this, keep your personal space.

  1. Some guys find it easier to open up to a girl through SMS or social networks. This is not surprising, because technological progress has left its mark on society. In addition, it is easier to express sympathy over the Internet.
  2. If you don't have the opportunity to talk to the girl in person, prepare a message for her. Of course, first you need to communicate closely by correspondence to make sure of mutual feelings.
  3. Then work on the text, do not copy love poems from the Internet. Confess your sympathy in the evening, when everyone wants intimate conversations and revelations.
  4. Compose your letter in such a way that it is as romantic as possible. Start from the moment you first met, work your way up to when you slowly fell in love with her. Be sure to check spelling and punctuation.

It’s not difficult to confess your sympathy to a girl if you approach it responsibly. Take your time, build friendships first and discover common interests. Gradually start flirting, open up to the lady psychologically, spend more time alone.

Video: how to show a girl that you like her

You probably know the awkward feeling when, when meeting or in general company with a girl you like, you start muttering to yourself something in an alien language. Do you really like a girl and you can’t really confess to her? This feeling will gnaw at you from the inside for a long time, so there is only one way out - to confess. Yes, get together like a man and tell the young lady about your sympathy. Believe me, it’s not difficult, it’s just that the complexity of the situation is that you cannot control yourself rationally. Just follow some rules in the article and everything will be fine.

As a preface, I need to say a few nuances, these recommendations are not a magic pill for all problems, of course, we are against memorized phrases from the article, always be yourself and say what you feel. But everyone's help from simple tips will not hinder you, but will only increase the chances when talking with the girl you like, so that the young lady will respond positively.

1. Tell it like it is.

It is best to skip the stage of hints and tell the young girl how it really is. Well, we can say as an example: “ Nastya, you are so cool, simply beautiful. I really like you" or " I want to tell you something that I really like you, will you come with me for juice or coffee" Then explain how it really is and why you chose her over other girls. If you explain yourself in this way, then she will really feel chosen by you. This understanding will have a strong attractive connection.

It’s better not to hint at all, but to say everything straight to your face. The young lady is not a telepath, therefore, alas. Such actions on your part will only remind you why you want a relationship with her.

2. Wait for the right moment.

In order not to experience an awkward feeling and pressure from other people, it is better to talk to the girl in private. Find a quiet place where there are no people, where the girl will feel relaxed. And just go and say: " let's go away, I want to tell you something, otherwise it's noisy and there are a lot of people here, do you want to go for juice after school, and tell me the time and place right away».

We immediately understand that there is no telephone, internet, social networks, SMS. Only personal conversation and direct invitation. Believe me, the girl will appreciate your efforts, and a conversation on the phone will show that you are not confident person. No friends or what they asked, you need to say everything in person. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Just be yourself, and most likely she will like you for who you are. No vulgarities or harsh phrases, otherwise the young lady might think something else. And in the end it will upset her. Be sincere, it will be felt on a subconscious level. Stupid jokes or those that you doubt should not be said. Of course, if the joke is funny, why not tell it. Look into her eyes, not to the sides or at the ground. A focused look will show that you are fully focused on her.

3. Worthy compliments.

Girls really love it when someone compliments them, guys are often shy, so be decisive, for example, you can say that she has a cool hairstyle and hair. For example: “oh, cool hairstyle, I like it.”

4. Try to look good.

When you meet or when you meet, try to always be on your toes. This means watch your hygiene, because it shows that you take good care of yourself, and girls really pay attention to this. Special attention give your nails, they should always be in order, your teeth clean, well-groomed, clean, but you shouldn’t neglect it either. First of all, you are a man, no manicure or other feminine things. Spray a little cologne on your body, but don't overdo it. Twice is enough.

5. Confidence and smile.

Learn to be confident in yourself, hold your head proudly and straight, move your shoulders back a little, so from the outside you will seem better and more confident. A smile shows that you are positive and happy man, and girls love funny guys. Body language – raised head, smile, straight back and proud gait. With these parameters, you can feel confident and easy, filter with a girl.

6. Calmability of strong people.

Try to be a rock and a calm man, don’t show at all that you’re nervous, even if you are. Learn to be focused and purposeful. If your nerves still haunt you at the most crucial moment, relax, take a big breath before continuing the dialogue, so as not to make mistakes later. Understand that all the worries are due to the fact that you really like the girl and this is in the order of things. Therefore, this feeling is yours - and it is correct. Butterflies in the stomach mean that the decision is correct.

  • We look strictly in the eyes when talking;
  • Don't be shy and keep it simple;
  • When expressing yourself, do not elevate yourself;
  • Remember, every girl is waiting to be approached;
  • Saying sympathy is not weakness and masculinity. But remember that after your words she will not immediately jump into your arms;
  • Say everything in your own words, no need to speak previously memorized words, just have a set and associate something of your own with them;
  • No need to pretend to be macho or Tom Cruise;
  • It's best to talk to her alone;
  • Behave appropriately.

What to do if a girl says we're just friends

If a girl says that you are friends, you don’t have to give up hope right away. We all know very well that girls say “no”, it’s most likely “yes”, but only after a while. To be honest, most girls can change their decisions very often; today she refused you, tomorrow she will say something completely different. Always accept friendly relations, never refuse, because in extreme cases, you simply won’t see her again.

When a young lady refuses a man a relationship, it means that she has a boyfriend. Even if so, then make friends with her as closely as possible. Then you can talk to her about personal topics and discuss those dissatisfaction in her boyfriend. But this is a small plus, you will know how to behave correctly with her and all her secrets will be revealed to you.

Try to develop the most positive traits in yourself, and try not to show the unpleasant ones in crime madam. Do not judge or criticize her boyfriend under any circumstances. It’s just that after you shed a little criticism in his direction, she will stop sharing open secrets with you. While they are still dating, words in his direction will catch the girl.

Conclusion. Good luck to you, believe in yourself and speak in your own words that honor you. If you have any questions about relationships or others, just write them below. Also share your experience of what and how it went during the confession or invitation to a date.