I was looking for a script for a meeting from the army for a very long time. But I still had to do it myself, since there is very little information on this topic. I hope that I will be useful to someone!

Meeting Pavlik from the army.

Preparation: video film from photos (about how he served and how we waited for him), stickers on alcoholic drinks (cognac, vodka) with his image, a selection of songs.


I meet him at the station (champagne).


Sing a song: (to the tune of “A soldier has a day off, buttons in a row”)
Our soldier has come home
Buttons in a row
Everyone came to meet him
And they want to hug you.
I've matured a lot in a year,
there's no way to know!
So let's go for it
Let's start drinking
Let's start drinking

A soldier came from the army,
We all miss you very much
And they are waiting for our Pavlik
Happy days.

You made us happy to meet you,
And one would have to wish,
So that they would be in civilian life
Your affairs are easy!


Demobilization on the threshold
The long-awaited day has come,
And today through these doors
He looked in slowly.
Demobilization has been in place for a long time,
And his soul sings,
Because together with you
He is waiting for the first toast.
Don't put off the toast
Let's drink to Pavlik while standing!

Where does the army begin?
From the stories of the sergeants in the compartment,
From an abandoned small station
And the first checkpoint gate.
Or maybe it's starting
Since the mother cried,
With a beautiful and affectionate girl
What will be waiting for you for a long time?


And our army began with the experiences of our mother. All this year she mentally transferred to you all her strength, energy and patience. I didn’t sleep and prayed for you at night. I propose to drink to Tatyana Vladimirovna, my dearest and most beloved.


Well, naturally the next toast is to my father.

April ends and we celebrate
Pavlik's return home
Even though I look so ordinary
But I always stand up for my brother.

He gained weight on the soldiers' food
And he grew up, about two meters already.
So I like the soldier's service
Kids need to know about it.

There is men's work there,
March throw with full gear is
Skydiving, no fear
There is no moment to just sit down.

The soldier has only one outlet -
Go to the city on leave.
Take a walk, meet a girl
Drink some strong soda.

So the military service ended.
Our Pavlik returned home.
He served us honestly
Alive, healthy, with his head on his shoulders.

I wish you immeasurable strength,
So that there is money in your pocket,
So that you can work with a friend too
To be together forever - forever.

Today we will honor you,
Let's raise glasses of wine.
For health, success, luck
We will drink everything to the bottom.

And it all started, one might say, unexpectedly...

Your Honor, Madam Agenda!
For some you are boots, but for others you are a devil.
They took my brother away for a year - try to serve!
If you're not lucky in this, you'll be lucky in love.

Your Honor, Mrs. Lopata!
You became my sister, well, Lom became my brother.
Two wagons of crushed stone - try to unload!

Your Honor, Mrs. Canteen!
You fed us porridge, mostly pearl barley.
Army rations - try to chew them!
If you are unlucky in service, you will be lucky in love.

Your Honor, Mr. Patrol!
You caught me at twenty-three zero - zero.
Ten days on the lip - try to serve it!
If you are unlucky in service, you will be lucky in love.

Your Honor, Mr. Prikaz!
Finally, the Motherland remembered us.
Tears welled up - so I served!
I was lucky in service, lucky in love.


To become a man, it’s not enough for them to be born,
To become iron, it is not enough to be ore,
You must melt, break,
And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.
We wish you health and good luck.
Let joy and dreams be nearby.
And let of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in You.

A little funny

- There was such a thing...

Pavel Litvinov in the army
Variety monologue for the army environment
based on the work of A.P. Chekhov's "Vanka"

Hello, dear grandfather!
You gave me to life forced! Take me away otsedova !

In the morning they don’t let you sleep at all, but they wake you up with roosters crowing loudly and force you to wave your arms naked in public.

Afterwards, the bed is required to be covered in a special way. But I can’t! I didn’t throw mine at home!

And the sergeant commanders are still at they're walking! They're adjusting everything, you evildoers!

Well, that's where it goes...
Otherwise, walk in a special way And they teach everything. So that the whole company walks step by step. And whoever doesn’t keep pace is turned back, scolded mercilessly, and, so that others won’t be discouraged, he is assigned a heavy duty.

Zel O I'm exhausted here with walking in company. All my little eyes were filled with sticky sweat. And the chief petty officer called me a pacer, and to A Jon spent his day with me on the square I T!

And there is no food. One meat! According to the Charter, it is necessary to call porridge meat.

And the kids here have all turned green. Even if a wolf howls, you won’t be able to distinguish anyone in official clothes. And the boots I got were very big. And now I’m limping on both legs. And my gait became like a cavalry.

Dear grandfather! Take me away!
Here, it turns out, work in the kitchen A blow! I was so scared! And the foreman will console him: “It’s okay, it’s great, the work is interesting, it’s exciting, it’s creative.” And here the poet is alone in the kitchen: I love the sound of cymbals in the font,
I love the evaporation of red fat,
I love the ringing drops of sweat from my nose
And wonderful speeches from the lips of your neighbor!

The other day, beckoning, they put the bowls there to wash and left, but the kady came - I couldn’t even straighten up from the tub. By morning, the guys were timid and straightened out: flat on the floor, and across the seat with the whole platoon. In boots. Massage, they say...

And the Lord God, apparently, was angry with me because I was bad at drinking. The frequent rains here send bosses with big stars - and it’s all on my little head!

Well, that's it, I'm finishing now. And then the clouds appeared in the sky and my black eye that the sergeant put there didn’t reflect the moon at all O it turns out - it’s dark to write.
When the sun is shining, there is no time at all.

Your grandson is Pavel Litvinov.

P.S. Sell ​​my harmonica and the money will come here. The confusion here in the teahouse is delicious...

So to speak
Does he make too much noise? Has it started to take up too much space?
You don't know where to put it?
Give your son to the army!

The female guard of our family,
Been in love with this guy for a long time!
We will not look for better men,
Let's start congratulating Pasha on his demobilization!

Let this year serve as an example for us,
For both children and pensioners.

We'll be on track for demobilization
It is not avoidable - believe me, your mother! (spit)

We came to you to learn from you,
How to eat condensed milk and not burn yourself
How to escape from the ninth company
They came to congratulate Pasha on his demobilization!

May you be lazy sometimes

We don't know about generational conflict

We would like to wish you health and happiness

We, the demobilized girl, came to congratulate her!

And at the conclusion of the solemn speech,

Let's stand in line and straighten our shoulders

And we will certainly say again:

That we all came to meet the soldier!

Video clip

A little funny

After my son was drafted into the army, I took the letter from my mother at the post office that she wanted to send to the commander. Over the course of the year, some words have been erased, so tell me the adjectives, and then I will read the letter.

Letter to the commander.
Dear comrade, sir, major, colonel, general, we don’t know what to call you!
We send you to military service our_____son. We hope that you don’t have some _____ unit with _____ officers and _____ ensigns there, but a real forge of strong and healthy men. Of course, we understand that tomorrow you will be handed _____ boots, _____ overcoat and _____ hat three sizes too big (we served ourselves, we know). Let him not be singled out from the general mass of these _____ conscripts.
Yes, we realize that today our hero’s mood is, frankly speaking,______, his appetite is______, and he smiles somehow______. These are nerves. This is because of the unknown that awaits him tomorrow. But don’t think that we want to sell you a ____ weakling from a ______citizen. He is a competent and prepared guy. He is fluent in drill training (he built a garage with his father). Look what shape he's in! No, the uniform on it is already yours -______. What physical shape is he in! Strong arms capable of holding a ______grenade launcher, strong legs capable of wearing these______boots, and a face just begging for a gas mask. We hope that the soldier's diet will not reduce his physical characteristics. Although we know this ______porridge and______ compote of yours according to the soldier's standard. You can get swollen. No, we don’t ask for any concessions for him, but don’t ask him to dig trenches from the fence until sunset and march from the foreman to the next stump. We hand him over to you strong and healthy and we beg you, Comrade General, return our healthy sons to us!


In knightly times they said: “A man must love God, the king and the lady of his heart.” In our time, to paraphrase, we can say: “A man must love the fatherland, honor and the lady of his heart!” For fulfilling this duty!

Guests' Oath

We swear to feed and water from the heart,
we swear
We swear to love and blow away specks of dust!

we swear
We swear to embrace everyone on demobilization

we swear

We swear by the hot stewed potatoes,

we swear
We swear by the plate, fork and spoon,

we swear
We swear by that Snickers that we wanted it so bad

we swear
We swear that you will never return there again.

we swear

Just shout to us and we will respond,
We swear, we swear, we swear!

Peace to the world! Delega - money!
Bread for the country! DEMBLE FOR A SOLDIER!!!

For a whole year, and sometimes even longer, you do not see your beloved and dear person, who is somewhere far away, in another city/region/country, repaying his debt to the Motherland. Many people wonder: how does a soldier meet from the army? How to meet dear person, how to please him and what surprises to prepare?

Meeting options

And now there is just a little time left until demobilization. Everyone is waiting, anticipating the long-awaited moment. And for the meeting from the army to truly become unforgettable, you should prepare well for it in order to cheer up both yourself and the demobilized person.

The main gift on this day is you. A meeting with a soldier from the army, the scenario of which you can prepare yourself, can be the most in various ways. The most important thing is to create. Therefore, get yourself in order, dress for a holiday. Guy and so for a long time I looked at the same color uniform every day. The girl (if the weather permits) can wear light dress, which would emphasize her figure. You shouldn’t experiment with your appearance in the last days before demobilization ( bright colors hair, huge hairstyles and makeup). The guy will be glad to see his beloved girl the way she looked at him from the photo card all the time they parted.

Meeting from the train to your home

You should contact the guy in advance and find out the specific place where the meeting from the army will take place, and the arrival time of the train. The number of the carriage in which it will arrive will also be useful. It is very important to meet your loved one at the station so that he understands how much you missed him and were waiting for him to come home.

So, there is a meeting of a soldier from the army ahead. Script, competitions and fun entertainment- You have to prepare all this in advance. Gather all your family, loved ones and friends. Buy it and give it to those you meet. balloons, flags, lanterns. Great solution there will be painted congratulatory posters on which you can write kind words, express your love and wish you good luck in your future life.

When a meeting of a soldier from the army takes place, posters, photos and various banners will remain a pleasant memory of this bright day. On whatman paper you can write: “Welcome back!”, “Finally you’re home!”, “At least you’ve walked around all the barracks, better guy you won’t find it!”, “Peace to the world, demobilization to the soldier!”, “Where there is satiety and peace, the soldier is waiting for home!” - and everything like that. Take a bottle of champagne with you to relieve the rising tension.

It is impossible to predict in advance how a meeting from the army will happen. This is fine. The main thing is your smile, which will erase all boundaries of embarrassment. To make it easier and more enjoyable, you can prepare some chants:

  • “So our separation is over, parting with you is like torment.”
  • “Our platforms are full of people, wagons are carrying soldiers.”
  • “The demobilization is getting closer, the heart is getting faster, soon happiness will return to us.”
  • “Enough of defending the homeland, it’s time for (Evgesha/Andrey/Kirill/Vanyusha/Danil...) to rest.”

Let's go home. How to celebrate the return of a soldier home?

What should you prepare first to make the meeting of a soldier from the army fun? Scenario. At home, every minute should be carefully thought out. After tears of happiness, loud laughter and others positive emotions, most likely, relatives will prefer to bring the guy home and feed him properly. Book a taxi in advance to get there faster and avoid snooping around public transport with the things the guy will bring with him.

Your son, brother, friend or boyfriend whom you are waiting for home is monotonous and has long been tired of it. It is better not to use semi-finished products, since he has also seen and seen them countless times during this time. You probably already brought candies, chocolate and other sweets, fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and nuts to your boyfriend, so you can do without them. Take the time to prepare delicious and healthy homemade food. Give a holiday to both the demobilizer and his stomach.

Of course, we need to work together. You should ask your friends what the guy prefers most. While they go to the store, mother and beloved girl will begin the first preparations. And then the “feast on the mountain” will begin. Prepare, for example, solyanka (it’s unlikely that there was an abundance of meat products in the army), baked potatoes and chicken. You can prepare or order a cake with themed inscriptions about the demobilization.

What not to do

The house should be cleaned, but not changed so much that the former soldier cannot recognize it. He wants to return to his home, the one he dreamed of in his dreams and ideas about demobilization. But even here you can glue posters with inscriptions (“Welcome back!”, “You’re home,” “Welcome home!”, “Home sweet home”), colorful balloons and much more. We need to prepare the house for the arrival of a new old tenant.

Don’t be upset if the discharge does not give you the attention you would like. Understand that many people have missed him and everyone is eager to connect. Everyone, especially his beloved girl, will still have time to talk enough. During home gatherings, he will just want to talk about everything. From how they didn’t want to get up in the morning, to what they were given for dinner. The guy will be overwhelmed with emotions. He will understand that that time cannot be returned, and he will want to remember. Stay close to him and listen carefully. Your support is very important to him now.

Toasts and poems

What should a meeting be like for a soldier from the army? Toasts and poems - what could we do without it? Do not skimp on toasts, wishes and congratulations.

“Our soldier has served.
And how did you survive until demobilization?
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you good health,
So that your boots don't trample,
Love your family and take care."

“We have been waiting for you for a long time,
Day by day was counted.
Separation did not kill us,
But only my love grew stronger.”

Relatives of a service member often imagine what it would be like to welcome a soldier back from the army. Toasts and other congratulations are thought out in advance. The holiday can take place in a completely different scenario. In Russia and Ukraine, it is customary to both see off and greet people with bread, salt and a towel. You can follow this tradition, go to the bakery and order a beautiful loaf, or you can cook it at home. After the former soldier bows deeply to his mother and kisses her hands, he can taste the loaf.

Holiday in private

How the meeting from the army will go depends on many factors. You cannot immediately demand that a young man talk about his plans for the future. It takes time for him to get used to civilian life. After all, after all, during this time you have become unaccustomed to each other, you will have to get used to it. Be patient and remember how much you love this person. The army makes real men out of boys. Now you need to talk to a guy like a real man, so that he feels his importance and the power of his words. An atmosphere of sincere friendly communication will help him quickly return to the rhythm of normal life.

Unforgettable nights

What should a meeting of a soldier from the army look like? The scenario at home often includes a meeting between two lovers. Do not forget about the physiological needs of demobilization. If a guy has a girlfriend who has been waiting for him all this time, the rest will have to overcome their desire to chat all night long about his life in the barracks and allow the couple to be alone.

Then it’s the girl’s turn to arrange a holiday for her young man. Of course, he is looking forward to meeting her, since during this time he was simply incredibly yearning for feminine warmth and affection. In order for the meeting of a soldier from the army to go wonderfully, it is worth thinking through everything to the smallest detail in advance in order to create a romantic atmosphere. If you do, it’s better not to disturb them and rent a hotel room.

Again, get yourself in order. If you have gained a couple of kilograms during your separation, please lose them by this evening with the help of the gym and diets. Although this is far from the most important. Go shopping thoroughly and choose the best underwear in which you will appear in front of your loved one. Make the bed with beautiful linens.

Don't forget about drinks and light snacks (fruit, for example). Scented candles, quiet pleasant melodies and rose petals will add romance. Don't be too tight, this is your guy. Now is not the time for him to seek your affection. His physical and moral health is now in your hands. Relax, remember your moments together, holidays and situations. Enjoy the night you both have been waiting for. If you want to continue the holiday, then you also need to do this wisely. You can download the guy’s favorite songs in advance and play them on the player in the background, or you can find songs about soldiers and the army and learn them along with demobilization.

Meeting option

You are offered a small scenario of meeting a guy from the army, which you can use for your own purposes. It can be changed or taken whole if necessary. First, don’t forget about the toasts that should flow like a river today (from parents, friends, girlfriend, brothers, etc.).

“To make it more fun at the front,
We’re drinking to demobilization now.”

Comrade captain, we are supposed to eat meat!
- Well, use it.
- But we’re not supposed to!?
- Then don’t you dare use it!

“Whoever served in the army does not laugh at the circus! So let’s drink to our real men, who endured all the clowns nearby and came home with a calm soul!”

“We drink to those whose boots have already rubbed their feet until they bleed.
And even if the soldier falls ill, help is always rushing to him.”

Gifts are nice for everyone

Be sure to give something to your boyfriend/brother/son. For example, things with army paraphernalia, mugs, delicious cakes, T-shirts, pillows, pens, and so on. Can be presented to a demobilized person good technique or clothes. Over the course of a year, his tastes may have changed, so don’t skimp and buy your loved one good branded clothing.

Meeting a soldier from the army: competitions

Competitions that will amuse both the demobilizer and his entourage:

  • "Guess where I served." You need to buy whatman paper in advance, make a round hole in it where you can insert a head, draw the man’s arms and legs and the required attributes and shape. The man puts his head in and becomes this soldier. He must guess which troops his character served in by asking leading questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” For example: “Am I wearing a beret?”, “Is it blue?”
  • It's time to check how and what was taught in the army. We make two teams and conduct a speed relay race. Whose team will run to the leader faster, put on a gas mask, go back, take off and pass the baton to another.
  • "Decryption". You need to form a word from the letters provided.
  • Soldiers often receive parcels of provisions, especially on holidays. And as a rule, not everyone waits until lights out or free time to open them. As soon as you tear open the box, it already smells of all sorts of goodies. You can make a battle of generations: old men and fathers who have served for a long time, and young people. They approach everyone in turn and give them a chance to smell a certain spice or something else. You must first determine what kind of dish or product it is, and then select those that can be transferred to the army and which cannot.

  • "Swamp". Soldiers often needed to get out of the most unpredictable places, often trail by trail. Before us is a relay race, two teams, four pieces of paper. Each team is given two. By standing on one piece of paper, pushing the other one towards you, and pushing the first one again in front of you, you need to get to your destination.
  • Competition "Perestroika", or "Build!" Everyone stands in one line. People will need to line up in a certain order: height, eye color (from lightest to darkest), hair length, first letters of name (in alphabetical order), leg length, arm length, neck length, waist circumference, and so on. The most important thing is to do it without words.


In any case, no matter how much you prepare, you cannot foresee everything in advance. Your main task is to ensure that the meeting of the soldier from the army (scenario, competitions, congratulations) goes well. Be sincere and willing to communicate, help the soldier get used to the role of a civilian guy again. No wonder you've been waiting for it for so long!

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Leading: Relatives! Be equal! Attention! Attention to demobilization!

Dembel waddles out. He is wearing a demobilization headdress and a jacket,

thrown carelessly over the shoulders.

demobilization : Be equal! Attention! Celebration of my return from the ranks

Soviet army begin!

Leading: Today we welcome (name) from the army. And I suggest filling

glasses and raise a toast to our soldier who returned home, a real man

Full name of demobilization!

(name), you were entrusted with protecting the Fatherland,

And on this solemn day we want to wish,

So that your life is both peaceful and pleasant,

And every day brought you only joy and goodness.

Today is a spirit, and tomorrow is a grandfather,

And the day after tomorrow a man.

So let's drink to the man,

Who was able to go through all this.

First toast for demobilization!!!


1-Me: Unique offer! Do you need a fresh impetus? Do you want a new one?

in a non-standard environment to take a break from your family and solve your problems? You want

make friends in an informal, fun and dynamic situation? You want

experience extraordinary emotions? Contact us!

2-me: The oldest travel agency in the city, Voenkom-Travel, offers all types of

active extreme recreation for real men of military age!

Just for you and completely free - amazing tours lasting one

year to any corner of our vast Motherland!

1-me: Accommodation at the expense of the company in a multi-star “hotel-barracks” in an environmentally friendly

clean terrain - Siberian taiga, Chukotka tundra, high mountain areas

North Caucasus, Pacific coast.

2-I: We guarantee low-calorie, dietary balanced nutrition with

minimal content of cholesterol, preservatives, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and


1-I: The organization also provides equipment and special tourist and

rescue equipment.

2-me: A warm, friendly atmosphere, experienced and experienced clients awaits you

travel agencies will treat you as relatives (we recommend calling them grandfathers -

They will be pleased, and it will be useful for you)

1-me: Unforgettable impressions and a boost of energy for life!

2-me: Don't miss your chance! Hurry! The number of tours is limited!

1-y: Of course it's a joke! Our (name) did not join the army for fun and relaxation. His

called the sacred male duty of the defender of the Fatherland!

And now I ask you to clap for the word applause without sparing your hands!

We will mark your demobilization, without overlay,

Here are the Guests, dressed up and full of glasses!

And congratulations and compliments,

And in honor of the SERVANT (name) applause!....

Everyone gathered - both friends and relatives,

There are snacks and intoxicating wines.

Let these moments be remembered!

And they will sound again (name) applause!....

There will be fun sparkling today,

We will whirl in rapid dances,

Laugh more and sing louder!

Hands, without sparing, (name) clap louder!. applause!....

And now we raise our glasses to our man who returned from the army!


The song is a toast to returning from the army to the tune of the song "Friendship"

When with a simple and sober look

You will look around the guests,

Then you will understand and no words are needed,

So that they don’t gather here suddenly.

Today we meet the demobilizer,

At this festive table.

And to the tune of a familiar song

We'll pour a glass for (Name of the demobilizer).

It's a matter for a soldier to baht",

The soldier has to step and march!

He is comfortable in the wards,

He is also accustomed to the dugout.

And scolding mosquitoes and rain,

He'll joke, he'll sing a song,

Today - he is chopping porridge,

And tomorrow he will save the Motherland!

We are so close that no words are needed

To repeat to each other again,

What is our tenderness and our friendship

Stronger than passion, greater than love.

Now we are meeting (name)

It's good again in our house!

For the return of (name)!

Came home from the army!

Leading : Just a moment! The postman looked at our demobilization light

Pechkin comes out with a package (prepare a suit in advance: a raincoat, a hat with earflaps for

Pechkin, a parcel for Dembel: Dembelsky chocolate, Dembelsky beer, vodka


Pechkin: Hello, I brought you a package, but I won’t give it to you!

Host: Why is this?

Pechkin: Because you don’t have a document! (Addressing Dembel) Where is your document?

Demobilization shows a military ID with a record of demobilization, and Pechkin hands over

sending to the Leader. The presenter reads out the inscriptions on chocolate, vodka, and beer.

Pechkin pulls out an envelope

Pechkin: I also brought a letter here, it was lost in the mail a year ago, and now it’s over.

it was returned as unnecessary. Mommy, read what you wrote in your first

letter to the army.

Letter to the commander.

Guests were previously asked to name adjectives while looking at the conscript.

Dear comrade, sir, major, colonel, general, I don’t know what to call you!

I am sending my ______son to you for military service. I hope you don't have

some ______ unit with ______ officers and ______ warrant officers, but the real one

a forge of strong and healthy men.

Of course, I understand that tomorrow you will sell ______ boots, ______ overcoat and ______

a hat three sizes too big (I heard, I know). Let him not be singled out from the general population

masses______ of conscripts. Yes, I realize that my hero is in a really bad mood today.

let's say ______, appetite ______and he smiles somehow ______. These are nerves. This is from

the unknown that awaits him tomorrow. But don't think that I want to slip you

Hilyak with ______ citizen. He is a competent and prepared guy. IN

He has perfect drill training (he worked a little at a construction site).

Look what shape he's in! No, the format on it is already yours -______. Which one is he in?

physical fitness! Strong hands capable of holding ______ grenade launcher, strong

legs capable of wearing these______ boots, and a face just begging for a gas mask. Hope,

that the soldier's diet will not reduce his physical characteristics. Although I know this ______ of yours

porridge and _____ compote according to the soldier's norm. You can get swollen. No, I'm looking for concessions

I’m not asking him, but don’t ask him to dig trenches from the fence until sunset and

march from the foreman to the next stump. I present it to you strong and healthy,

and I beg you, Comrade General, return my healthy son to me. I kiss your mother.

Speech by demobilization sister

The day before his birth, the Child asked God:

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do in this world."

God replied:

“I will give you an Angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.”

“But I don’t understand his language,” answered the child

"The angel will teach you his language.

He will protect you from all troubles"

"What's the name of my angel?" asked the child.

"No matter what his name is... he has many names... you will call him: MAMA...

All day and night, you prayed to the Saints,

So that my son will be safe and sound for a whole year.

He's home today, Hurray! Your dream has come true

Smile at him quickly and hug your son!

Then you kiss him and hug him again,

Stealthily wipe away a tear and hug again.

I propose to drink the next toast to our mother and of course to our loved ones

grandma and grandpa.

To grandma - the sun, to grandpa - a poem,

Lots of health for both of you,

I wish you happiness for two more centuries,

Always be with us, our two beloved people!

Leading : Let's sing a song for our demobilization (remake of the Gaza Strip

Autumn is here, just like a year ago… it’s standing again.

And the military registration and enlistment office sends summonses, scribbles, does not sleep...

The boys take courage, the mothers make them sad...

Call, call, call again!

You repaid your debt to your homeland in full, in full.

Mother, run and call your relatives, HURRAY! HOORAY!

We'll drink vodka until the morning

Rip your throat, it's time to dance

We will now send everyone to...


Minisock ! Print a photographic grenade or mini Attach to each package.

Make a poster like: “the apartment is mined” from a mop. mine detector :)

place hints everywhere, let goes and looks.

They say wishes to the demobilizer.

Leading: Just a moment! We all know that only the most worthy young men

go to serve in the army, which makes real men out of them! Let's now

let's fantasize and imagine what would happen if women were drafted into the army, and

the men would see them off.


Country Girl: Well, that's all. Goodbye civil life! Now it's my year

the house is a barracks.

City girl: What did I do to avoid the army? And under

she mowed down the pacifist, and turned to the society of soldiers’ fathers, and gave the doctor her eyes

built. Nothing helped.

Country girl: Why run from the army? So I myself, I went voluntarily.

City girl: What a fool will go into the army herself now. Right there now

chaos! Babovshchina!

Country girl: What, what? What other “shchina”?

City girl: Why haven’t you heard anything about womanism? Well, never mind, soon

Village girl: And my mother told me this: “Lucy, if you want to become

a real woman - go and don’t be afraid of anything!”

City girl: Yes, of course! Wash your footcloths, clean your boots, stay on the nightstand! AND

run AWOL for deodorants!

Village girl: I also heard that in the army you need to give honor.

City girl: Well, no! I will not give my honor to anyone. Well, maybe

to the general.

Village girl: And there you have to put on a gas mask in five seconds.

City girl: What is this? I spent three hours doing my hair, doing it, and then

five seconds - and a gas mask?!

Village girl: Nothing, they’ll cut it like Kotovsky, in five seconds the hairstyle

you will do it!

City girl: One thing is good, soon a new uniform will be introduced: bows here, here

- frills, kirzachi on high heels and neckline

Village girl: You shouldn't be happy. The ensign will drink it all away anyway.

City girl: How do you know everything?!

Village girl: Yes, my sister recently came from the army. Biceps - wow!

Shoulders - in! On the back there is a tattoo - DMB-2014!

City girl: We met for probably a week

Village girl: Yes, we had a nice walk at my send-off. I give my girlfriends a bucket

I put out some moonshine, so the three of us drank it all

City girl: We invited the boys. Only they turned out to be weak. On

Everyone drank champagne. They drink two glasses and go: “Oh, I’m so drunk,

hold me!"

Village girl: And my boyfriend burst into tears on my chest. Like, how am I without you?

City Girl: Everyone says so. And a month will pass, and there will be no letter from them.


Village girl: Okay, cry, let's go and punch the ensign in the face!

City girl: Exactly! In his face! In the face!

Presenter: Now let's find out whether the soldiers who are in

All men come out, regardless of age (women can also, but this is not so

A competition is being held “Arrange by name in alphabetical order!”

“Arrange according to your foot size in ascending order!”

“Arrange according to palm size in ascending order!”,

“Order according to belly size in ascending order!”,

“Who can peel the potatoes faster?”

you can take a darts and have a competition in accuracy.

Presenter: Our warriors have not lost their dexterity! Now we’ll test their ingenuity.

Toast from my sister

My (name) is cheerful and beautiful

My (name) hard worker, Not lazy

My(name) He Warmia was

My (name) dream accomplished!!!

We demolish you Congratulations

AND in I wish you all the best

Today is a day to rest from affairs,

Total - everything would wanted!!!


1Your Honor, Madam Agenda

For whom - then boots, but for whom - that's a devil.

A whole year away from home - try it, serve it!

If I'm unlucky in life, I'll be lucky in love.

2Your Honor, Mrs. Lopata!

You became my sister, and Lom became my brother.

Two cars of crushed stone - try, unload!

3Your Honor, Mrs. Canteen!

You fed us porridge, mostly pearl barley.

Army rations - try it, chew it!

I'm unlucky in service, but lucky in love.

4Your Honor, Mr. Prikaz!

Finally - then the Motherland remembered us.

Tears welled up - so he served!

I was lucky in service, lucky in love.

Leading: Dear friends! Today our (Name of demobilization) left the army and arrived in

Let's help our demobilizer show his best side in peaceful life.

To do this, we will issue him an accompanying document. So, an authoritative table

a commission of relatives and friends issues the full name of the demobilizer


On passing the technical inspection of a vehicle. I. demobilization on occasion

returning from the army to civilian life:

1. Name – F. I.O.

2. Year of manufacture –______ Mileage – _____ YEAR.

3. Place of release – ____________________.

4. Load capacity - parents : dad, mom , sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle,

aunt , etc.

5. Appearance - handsome, oval in places, the headlights are not broken, the body is not dented.

6. Color - coffee with milk, there are glimpses of silver metallic on the roof

are being viewed.

7. Complete set: chassis - rear suspension with reinforced shock absorbers,

The front suspension is activated after full refueling.

8. The filler neck to the beer tank is not yet tinned, abuse it and even

9. The engine runs smoothly, without extraneous noise, is kind, filled with love.

10. The drainage system performs two functions: first - according to the needs of the transport itself

means, second - at the request of representatives fair half

humanity (the second was temporarily closed during military service).

11. Exhaust system - serviceable, hydrogen sulfide content within the maximum permissible concentration (Not

It is allowed to refuel the engine based on legumes, for example, peas)).

12. The handbrake is not checked; the owner does not allow anyone near the brake lever.

13. The first aid kit is missing as unnecessary.

14. Buy a fire extinguisher at the nearest stall when there is a fire inside the car.

Leading: Today we welcome our (name of demobilization) from the army. And I propose to fill your glasses and raise a toast to our soldier who has returned home, a real man (full name of demobilization)!

(Name), you were entrusted with protecting the Fatherland,

And on this solemn day we want to wish,

So that your life is both peaceful and pleasant,

And every day brought you only joy and goodness.


Leading: Now let's remember how it all began So... Commercial break!

1st: Unique offer! Do you need a fresh impetus? Do you want to take a break from your family and solve your problems in a new, non-standard environment? Do you want to make friends in an informal, fun and dynamic situation? Do you want to experience extraordinary emotions? Contact us!

2nd: The oldest travel agency in the city, Voenkom-Travel, offers all types of active extreme recreation for real men of military age! Only for you and completely free - amazing tours lasting one year to any corner of our vast Motherland!

1st: Accommodation at the expense of the company in a multi-star “hotel-barracks” in an ecologically clean area - the Siberian taiga, the Chukotka tundra, the highlands of the North Caucasus, the Pacific coast.

2nd: We guarantee low-calorie, dietary balanced nutrition with a minimum content of cholesterol, preservatives, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

1st: The organization also provides equipment and special tourist and rescue equipment.

2nd: A warm, friendly atmosphere awaits you; experienced and experienced travel agency clients will treat you like family (we recommend calling them grandfathers - they will be pleased and useful to you)

1st: Unforgettable impressions and a boost of energy for life!

2nd: Don't miss your chance! Hurry up! The number of tours is limited!

1st: Of course, this is a joke! Our (Name of demobilization) did not join the army for fun and relaxation. He was called by the sacred male duty of the defender of the Fatherland! And now we raise our glasses to our man who returned from the army!


Leading: And now we raise our glasses to the parents of the man who returned from the army. Now they can be calm - they have protection and support for many years! And now - a word to the parents!


A toast song is played for returning from the army to the tune of the song "Friendship"

When with a simple and sober look

You will look around the guests,

Then you will understand and no words are needed,

So that they don’t gather here suddenly.

Today we meet the demobilizer,

At this festive table.

And to the tune of a familiar song

We'll pour a glass for (Name of the demobilizer).

For a soldier it’s a matter of “aty-baty”,

The soldier has to “step-march”!

He is comfortable in the wards,

He is also accustomed to the dugout.

And scolding mosquitoes and rain,

He'll joke, he'll sing a song,

Today - he is chopping porridge,

And tomorrow he will save the Motherland!

We are so close that no words are needed

To repeat to each other again,

That our tenderness and our friendship

Stronger than passion, greater than love.

Now we are meeting (Name of demobilization),

It's good again in our house!

For the return of (Name of demobilization)!

Came home from the army!

Leading: And, of course, girls were waiting for our defender of the fatherland from the army!

The song "Don't cry girl" plays

They sound the soldier's muster,

The road is far from the threshold.

And, dropping the handkerchief,

So that no one sees

The girl's hand wiped away the tears.

CHORUS: Don't cry girl, it will rain.

The soldier will return, you just wait.

Let your faithful friend be far away,

Love in the world is stronger than separation.

Our company sergeant major

Has orders.

And I have all this ahead of me.

But you, love, count it,

Great icons

Which are crowded on the chest.

I walked a little

Not a general yet

But, still, I will be the foreman.

Sorry I didn't have time

To say that I will be brave,

And that you will be my wife!

(A group of girls comes out)

1st girl: My years are growing, soon I will be...eleven.

What should I choose then, what should I do?

2nd girl: Should I become a model or become a lawyer?

Governess? Manager? An economist?

3rd girl: Where can I settle down so that I can live without having to worry?

Together: (Decisively) It's decided! Let's go serve in the army!

1st girl: That's where girls choose guys.

2nd girl: Strong, healthy, marching in formation!

3rd girl: They carry machine guns, not fancy Sotiks,

They don’t “mow” the army, they don’t ask for exotic things.

1st girl: I won’t torture myself when choosing troops:

I would like to become a submariner, let them teach me!

(Dreamy) Submarine...

The piece of iron is huge,

Echo sounders, periscopes, autonomous navigation,

Torpedoes, cockpits, compartments, wheelhouse,

Navy pasta, radars, boats,

The engine is probably in the engine room...

Wow! How extensive my knowledge is!

I’ll be there for the job, needed and useful!

And when I return from the army, I’ll start working in the passenger fleet... (dreamy) Interesting....

2nd girl: No! It's good to be in the navy, but better to be a pilot!

I would like to become a pilot, let them teach me!

(Dreamy) Also a piece of iron, but similar to a bird.

I'm flying a plane, crossing the border.

I'm flying over the forest, I'm flying over the water area,

I provide air security.

When I return from the army, I’ll get a job as a flight attendant.

on a passenger liner! (dreamy) Interesting....

3rd girl: (decisively) No, it’s good to be a pilot,

but a tanker is better!

I would like to become a tanker, let them teach me!

(With enthusiasm) The tank is such a piece of hardware

On track.

It’s not quite normal to sit inside,

But we tankers are tough people,

And in an open field the enemy will not leave us!

When I return from the army, I’ll change to a combine operator

I will harvest the wheat. Row to row.

Together: We’d better forge victory in the rear,

Let's wait for our guys from the army!

3rd girl: And, of course, I’ll come to him for the oath,

I'll hug you, kiss you, and sit next to you.

1st girl: I won’t give it to anyone - neither enemy nor friend,

I will become his faithful fighting friend!

2nd girl: And I’ll say this to all the guys: “Wrap it around your mustache:

You must serve if you are not a coward!”

The girls leave the stage.

A group of guys come on stage military uniform, sing the song "A soldier is walking through the city"

The soldier has a day off, buttons in a row,

They burn gold brighter than a sunny day.

The sentries are on duty, it's spring in the city,

Comrade foreman escorted us to the gate,

Comrade Sergeant Major!

Chorus: A soldier is walking through the city,

Along an unfamiliar street

And about those girlish smiles

The whole street is bright.

Don't be offended girls

After all, the main thing for a soldier is

So that his distant beloved would be waiting for him.

And the soldier will drink kvass, buy a popsicle,

In no hurry, he will leave the cinema.

The carousel will rush him along, ringing with music,

And he has half a day left,

Half a day left.

Where the beloved lives, the linden trees rustle,

And it’s not her soldier who sits in the carousel,

And let the girls forgive each and every one of them,

If they faithfully wait for their soldier,

Your own soldier.

Leading: Our next toast is to our beloved, faithful girlfriends of soldiers!


Leading: Dear friends! Today our (Name of demobilization) left the army and arrived at his destination, HOME. How his path will develop further is unknown. Let's help our demobilizer show his best side in peaceful life. To do this, we will issue him an accompanying document. So, an authoritative table commission of relatives and friends issues (Last name, First name, Patronymic demobilization)


About passing a vehicle inspection

(Last name, first name of demobilization) on the occasion of returning from the army to civilian life:

1. Name - (Last name, First name, Patronymic demobilization)

2. Year of manufacture - ........... Mileage - ................... years.

3. Place of release - (place of residence of the demobilizer).

4. Carrying capacity - parents: father........................, mother................. ..., Brother.............., large number relatives, friends and girlfriends...................

5. Appearance - smart, oval in places, headlights are not broken, the body is not dented.

6. Color - coffee with milk, no glimpses of silver metallic are visible on the roof.

7. Complete set: chassis - rear suspension with reinforced shock absorbers, front suspension is activated after full refueling.

8. The filler neck to the beer tank is not yet tinned; it is not recommended to abuse or even use the above-mentioned fuel.

9. The engine runs smoothly, without extraneous noise, is kind, filled with love.

10. The drainage system performs two functions: the first - according to the needs of the vehicle itself, the second - at the request of representatives of the fair half of humanity (the second was temporarily closed during military service).

11. The exhaust system is in good working order, the hydrogen sulfide content is within the maximum permissible concentration (refueling the engine with legumes, for example, peas)).

12. The handbrake is not checked; the owner does not allow anyone near the brake lever.

13. The first aid kit is missing as unnecessary.

14. Buy a fire extinguisher at the nearest stall when there is a fire inside the car.

1. The condition of the vehicle is in perfect condition and can be ridden and ridden.

For reliable operation of the vehicle, it is recommended:

b) Fuel the vehicle with high-quality high-calorie products (meat, butter, vegetables, fruits, cheeses, cereals, potatoes, etc. are allowed)

c) Lubricate the neck regularly on holidays, after a bath, on the birthdays of relatives and friends, etc.

d) Refuel with high-quality fuel from a.k.t. number 40 degrees; Refueling with a lower a.k.t. is allowed. in number, but in large quantities (in the case of a young, unseasoned vehicle, do it with caution)

e) Do not overload with jogging and heavy physical activity.

f) It is not permitted to use the vehicle by proxy.


The next inspection date is before the wedding.

Leading: In order for our certificate to be valid, it must be sealed a friendly toast!

(there are toasts. feast. dancing.)

Host: Dear friends! Today we are seeing off our (Name of conscript) to the army! We don’t know what awaits him, what trials will stand in his way. And, naturally, parents, relatives and friends want to somehow protect him from adversity. And let this GOLDEN ARMOR help him during his days in the army. Let me present our conscript (Conscript's name) with a GOLDEN ARMOR.


(Issued in a single and unique copy)

Guarantees (Last Name, First Name, Patronymic of the conscript) permanent registration in the “warmest place in the sun” during military service:

Let the soldier's boots be light.

Let the soldier's lunch be satisfying.

Let the soldier's forced march be easily overcome.

Let the rises be vigorous.

Let the foreman be kind.

Let it be so that the soldier’s service is a joy, and the demobilization comes so quickly that the soldier does not even notice.

A year after the soldier returns from the army, everyone currently present in this room has the right to visit this “warm place in the sun” as guests in order to check the temperature conditions, which should ensure a cheerful stay in it (Last name, First name of the conscript)

If the temperature drops below the permissible norm, increase it with the help of strong drinks, such as “Sunny Beach”.

If the required temperature level increases due to the intensity of passions, lower it with the help of cooling drinks, such as Iceberg.

The GOLDEN ARMOR was issued directly into the hands of the conscript.

DATE. Table registration chamber of relatives and friends.

1. On the eve of your son's departure home, find out the carriage number and the time of arrival of the train at the final destination. It is important to meet your son at the station. This way he can immediately feel how much you waited for him during his absence. It is advisable to invite your son’s friends, his beloved girlfriend, and neighbors with you so that everyone can share his joy as much as possible.

2. Before you go to meet your son, now a man, set the table elegantly. Prepare his favorite dishes, because he probably starved and malnourished for a whole year. The main rule here is more deli meats and no processed foods. Only natural products.

3. Don't forget about homemade treats. You also need to stock up on delicacies - cookies, cakes and pies. Discuss the menu with your son's friends, let his beloved help you in cooking. She, like no one else, will tell you your son’s food preferences, his taste and hobbies. 4. Clean up your son’s room if you used it for your own purposes during his absence. Let everything be exactly as it was before leaving. Wipe dust from cabinets and tables, ventilate the room, lay down fresh linen. If your son, again, has a girlfriend, allow them some privacy, to be with each other for a while.

5. Over the many days and months of service, your son’s character has probably undergone certain changes. You shouldn’t torment him on the road with questions and conversations, just delicately inquire about his plans for the near future. Over time, everything will return to normal, let your son get used to civilian life and in a few days he will return to his normal life. Good luck in welcoming your son back from the army!