Hello, dear friends. We offer step-by-step master class"How to make a turtle out of paper." With this article we are opening a new section on our blog called “Children's Crafts”.

Children begin to fold all kinds of figures out of paper as early as preschool age. To prevent the child from getting bored with this activity, parents should select patterns taking into account the age of the child and the complexity of the craft.

The turtle design is quite simple. The main thing is to carefully repeat all the steps indicated on step by step photos. To make a turtle figurine out of paper, you will need a square sheet of colored paper that is similar in color to the shell of this slow-moving animal.

For work, it is better to use thicker paper, since a turtle made from a thin sheet does not hold its shape well and does not want to stand on its feet.

To enlarge a photo, click on it.

Turtle Assembly Sequence

Fold the sheet diagonally.

If your paper is single-sided, then the white side should be on the inside.

Fold the triangle in half vertically so that the fold is on the right.

Bend the top corner of the workpiece downwards in the form of a lid.

Unfold all three sides again.

Grab the bottom corner and pull it up, opening the workpiece to the horizontal fold.

Now you must hide the edges of the shape inside along the folds that you made before.
The result is an elongated rhombus.

Take scissors and make a cut from the top to the center of the shape (horizontal fold).

Bend the separated parts of the workpiece along the dotted lines so that the corners are inclined slightly downward.

Bend the very tip of the corner upward.

And then hide it inside.

Do the same on the opposite side. The result is the front legs of a turtle.

To make the head, bend the top corner as shown in the photo.

Bend it again, but this time making a small fold approximately 4 mm wide.

At the bottom of the figure, bend the edges of the sheet in different directions. These are the hind legs of a turtle.

Reptiles such as turtles colonized the planet many millions of years ago. Currently, there are more than 300 species that can live both in water and on land. Some species of turtles serve as food for humans, but there are also those that are poisonous and dangerous.

However, our paper turtle looks very cute and friendly. You can pick her up without any problems.

The tiny shell, created from strips of different widths and lengths, has a three-dimensional appearance. Different shades green color just improved appearance crafts.

Required materials:

  • double-sided paper in green tones;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Stages of making a turtle:

1. To make the base of a turtle's shell, draw a medium-sized circle on a dark green sheet of paper.

2. We cut out the base for the shell along the contour in the form of a circle of medium diameter.

  • 30 x 1 cm;
  • 20 x 1.5 cm;
  • 15 x 2 cm;
  • 12 x 2.5 cm;
  • 8 x 3 cm.

4. Connect the ends of the longest strip and attach finished item to the base of the shell along its outer edge.

5. Now we connect the short ends of each strip separately and get paper rings of different diameters and heights. Now, depending on the diameter, we attach all the rings one by one. So we end up with a three-dimensional shell of a green turtle.

6. Let's create the head and legs in a simple way. To do this, cut out circles of different diameters depending on the purpose. For example, for the turtle’s head we will make the diameter of the circle larger, but for the legs – smaller. All two pairs of legs will be the same size.

7. Glue the head and legs to the back of the shell.

8. Now you can use a black marker to draw the turtle’s face and the outline of its legs.

So the cute turtle made of colored paper is ready with a voluminous shell, which consists of stripes different lengths and width. Green great for summer themed crafts, but for the turtle you can use warm yellow and brown tones paper that will give a natural shade to the body and shell.

Moshkina Galina

Master class"Paper sea turtle"

Ours is walking turtle.

She is without a dress or shirt.

Of course she's wearing a shell

It's hard to go dancing in it,

well, she is not discouraged

He's quietly coming to visit us!

IN master class step-by-step instructions for making crafts from paper. The material is suitable for working with children preparatory group, teachers and parents.

Material:white paper or cardboard, stapler, scissors, pencil, felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

1. On a dense paper or cardboard draw an outline turtles and cut it out.

2. From the tail to the center of the shell, make an incision and then apply a pattern to the shell with a simple pencil.

3. Coloring turtle colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

4. Take the painted one turtle in the incision areas, fold it so that one tail lies on top of the other and secure it with a stapler or glue. This will give the shell volume.

5. The turtle is ready!

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The voluminous paper turtle consists of a simple flat body and an impressive shell made from circles of colored paper. The craft is not at all difficult to make, because the main part of the work is cutting out circles from paper.

Materials used:

  • Double-sided colored cardboard;
  • Double-sided colored paper;
  • White paper;
  • Scissors, compasses, markers, glue stick.

Volumetric paper turtle step by step

Making a shell

At the first stage you need to make a beautiful three-dimensional shell. It consists of 12 circles. Cut them out of paper. You can make the shell multi-colored and cut out circles of two or more colors; a single color is also beautiful. The diameter of the circle is arbitrary, but I don’t recommend making it less than 2 cm, since the turtle will turn out to be very small, and the work itself will be more difficult.

Fold the circle in half.

Then again to make a quarter. At the top of one of the sides (where the cross is shown), spread glue and glue the sides together. Gluing only in the upper part will ensure a beautiful opening of the shell from below.

Make quarters like this from all 12 circles.

Now they need to be glued together, but in a certain form and order. Look at the quarter. If you place it on the surface at a right angle, the lower part will seem to bifurcate. This is the position in which you need to glue all the quarters: single corners to single corners, and bifurcating parts to the same ones. Glue also needs to be applied only in the upper part, where shown with a cross.

Glue all the quarters together, alternating colors if you also have more than one.

Then apply glue to the last sides and close the circle. You will get a beautiful voluminous shell.

Exactly the same technique is used in, and.

Making a turtle body

Cut a circle out of cardboard, the diameter of which is equal to the circles on the shell. Also cut three strips from the same cardboard, two identical for the paws, and the third a little thicker, from which the head will be made. Also cut out two circles for the eyes from white paper and use a felt-tip pen to draw a pupil in the middle.

Glue two thin strips in a crisscross pattern onto the cardboard circle.

Then fold the thicker strip in half and glue the ends together. You will get some semblance of a thick loop. Glue it between the two paw stripes and press down a little.

Apply glue within the circle with the paws and glue the volumetric shell to it.

If necessary, make the paws shorter and draw patterns on them, glue the eyes to the head, draw a smile. The volumetric paper turtle is ready.

This time we will analyze it step by step, with the child. The models (there will be two in total) are simple to make, which means they can be assembled by children. As you know, origami only brings benefits to our children. Developing fine motor skills, memory and attention are trained.

Every child has a creative side. Reveal it by offering to make a funny turtle using one of the suggested methods, or two at once. This does not require much time and consumables. You just need to prepare:

  • dense colored paper in the shape of a square, measuring 20x20 cm or 15x15 cm;
  • scissors;
  • marker for drawing eyes.

How to make a turtle out of paper - the first assembly method

Bend the square of the selected color in half diagonally so that the opposite sides and corners meet. Place the resulting triangle in front of you, pointing down.

Direct the side ends down so that they meet in the middle and form a double diamond.

Now fold the bottom ends up, making a longitudinal fold in the middle.

Bend the ends to the sides at an angle - these are the front legs of the future turtle.

For the hind legs, make a cut to the middle in the bottom triangle. It goes strictly in the center. Cut only the top layer of paper. Bend the ends from the middle to the edges along an oblique line so that they are symmetrical.

Forming the head. To do this, bend the upper end and bend it forward again to create an accordion fold.

The final point is to bend the side corners inward. Turn the craft over. Draw the eyes. The turtle using the origami technique is ready!

Nothing complicated, but so much joy for the child. There are reasons for new games. In addition to this sea dweller, collect or to play in the underwater world.

Turtle in the second way

The second assembly method is a little more complicated. More folds will be required to form the front legs. If before this we made a sea turtle, now we will try to assemble a large one.

Start the same way as last time, until the square forms a double diamond.

Bend them in the opposite direction, that is, towards each other. In this case, adjacent sides of each triangle are connected. It will turn out as in the photo.

Bend some of the triangles to the sides again and bend the outer ends. The front paws are ready.

We form the hind limbs in the same way as in the first version of the turtle - we cut the lower triangle to the center and bend the sides outward.

Define the head by folding the top protruding triangle into an accordion shape. Bend the sides of your torso towards the center so that the corners meet.

Make many small cuts on the tail and curl the ends down. Flip the big turtle over and draw the eyes. That's it!

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