One of the most frequently asked questions from low- to mid-ranking men is what to do when a girl ignores, why girls ignore, what to do, what to do, blah blah blah. Well, read on...

Girls/women specifically ignore the male gender in two cases:

  • 1) Hey, you’re not interesting, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with you
  • 2) She wants you to be persistent (want her in that spirit, be persistent).

Most main question in all this womanish nonsense = how to understand which of these two?

Answer: Idk guys)) so understand somehow. This is yet another proof to you that women are not guided by logic, we, men, are the logicians. And of course we try to understand (logically) what is what. Why is she ignoring? Why. We think through everything logically. And in the end, we don’t understand a damn thing.

In general, I want to ask you something now and immediately give you advice (recommendation) ...

Why do you care that she ignores you? Why are you so worried about this?

Do you want me to tell you why you care? Because you are a low-ranking boy, guy, man, woman with balls between your legs, etc. of this category. Yes, it’s tough, but it’s not pleasant, but I’m telling it like it is. I won't coo with anyone. If you don't care, you play by women's rules. You follow women's lead. You put up with all this womanish bullshit. Stealth. You cave in. You humiliate yourself. You adjust. Etc. etc.

You don't have other women. Because if there were = you wouldn’t bother. You wouldn’t care about her and her ignoring you, you would just switch to another girl and not worry about that swell that ignores you, but it touches you, it hurts you, it infuriates you, you get nervous, worried, thinking, etc. etc.

Here are my questions for you = to which I myself gave you the answers. You know this is the absolute truth.

And here’s my advice to you (solution to the problem): ignore = and to hell with it. Drive a bolt into it. There are tons of other girls/women. Take it and switch to other women = and that’s it, voila, no problems. You won’t care about that tsatsa of yours that ignores you there, you’ll switch and focus will change.

I’ll tell you more when that girl sees that you’re already with another or other young ladies (she sees competition for you among women) = it’s very likely that this will start to grab her so much, infuriate the hell out of her so much that she’ll start to pull herself towards you, to show interest in you, you know? ... and even if he doesn’t (doesn’t start), then it doesn’t matter - because you have other women, and you don’t lose anything...

Now go to the Internet and read what kind of crap they write about all this. Finding out the reasons why a girl ignores... for example, hey he needs time, give him time, be a gentleman, hey you need to think, understand yourself, the queen is offended, tired, she wants to be pursued, wants attention, etc. or there a man should should should as they usually do. Ahaha.

Man, if you play by women's rules = follow the lead = then you are not a man, you are a low-ranking sucker. Remember this. You must be the main one (leading) in the relationship. Not your woman.

So don't play by women's rules. Don't be fooled by women. Don't fall for all their manipulations. Don't adjust. Don't humiliate yourself. Etc. This is unworthy and unmanly behavior. On topic, if a woman ignores you = well, so be it, just forget about her and move on to others. Dot.

What the hell difference does it make, why does she ignore there, ignore = well, screw her, goodbye, why bother?! This is the whole topic - it has a label - low ranking. High-ranking males = not ignored, this is very unlikely, and even if they were ignored = he would not care. So draw your conclusions...

A woman should thank heaven that she is with you, and that she even had the chance to be with you = and not ignore you or some other womanish bullshit. Pfft.. same for me. Appreciate, respect and love yourself = be a man and know your worth. This is the level of high-ranking males. Remember this!

Of course, if you are low-ranking = then this will not work for you (you need to pump yourself up to the level of a high-ranking male and then - yes, then everything will change and this will become possible).

Unfortunately, the vast majority of men do not have the same self-esteem, self-confidence and other qualities as a high-ranking male. Hence the problems...

Those women who ignore because they want to be pursued will be severely indignant, now. He's mad as hell. All because my advice (which I gave to the men, to hammer the screw and switch to others) is not beneficial to them. Not one woman = he is not beneficial. She wants one thing = and you do something completely different. How can you not get mad? Farts are bursting and emotions will flow 😀

Therefore, my dear, I will give you another piece of advice (so as not to lose men) - do not ignore men (just like that, if he is important to you, if he is not important, then to hell with him, but if he is important, there is no need, because it will not give anything) .

You are not guided by logic, but I (and all men) are - and I’m telling you straight, you won’t achieve anything good with this. You need to interact competently (correctly) with worthy men, otherwise you won’t expect anything good. Study this section: (study).


Decent, high-ranking men = don’t run after women. They don't humiliate themselves. Don't creep. They don't bend. They don't tolerate it. Don't coddle with them. Well, etc. etc. in that spirit.

All this only occurs in low- to mid-ranking males. That is, the absolute majority of men...

Very often, when a girl ignores you, these guys call, write, bother, harass, run, beg, blah blah blah. Well, this is all low-ranking level. This is quiet horror. In short.

Most men do not have the correct model of behavior with women. There is no pumped-up inner state of a man. No knowledge. No experience. They don’t know how to behave correctly, they don’t know what and how to do, in general, they don’t know what and how, what for what, they’re not pumped up like men. Such men get bullied, humiliated, not appreciated, disrespected, pushed around, manipulated, etc. etc. it's all bullshit.

I went through this at one time, so I know and understand everything perfectly, but now I have no problems. I'm in charge. Everything is the way I want it. I create the rules of the game. It’s no longer possible with me any other way.

The problem is that until you go through this yourself, you will not feel in your own skin that you have problems, shortcomings, etc. etc. that you are at the fucking bottom, where there is nothing below, where your self-esteem is in the ass, self-confidence is zero, humiliated manhood that you are just a fug, crap, a woman with balls, etc. etc. = it’s difficult to just take it and start acting, pump yourself up, develop, systematically and every day progress for no reason (just by reading these lines).

Just starting like this (because you have to) is extremely difficult. The vast majority of people = do not want to change, develop, upgrade themselves and become better. Everyone wants everything at once - but that doesn’t happen. Upgrading yourself (personal growth) = painstaking work. You break yourself every day.

In order to change, develop, progress, upgrade yourself and become better, you need to do a huge amount of work on yourself. You need to constantly work, work and work some more. Every day. Day after day. Plowing, working, this is very difficult, long, painstaking work.

But few people want this)), often you want everything at once, but it doesn’t happen, if you want to get something, you always have to spend something- this is an immutable law of nature, which cannot be violated. Change doesn't happen at the snap of a finger. You need to WORK! PLOW! WORKING. Dot.

And for the vast majority of people, this is the Great Wall of China? It’s better to watch TV, sit on VK, play tanks, Dota, or go to a nightclub there, hang out, relax, etc.

If you are not strictly motivated, if you don’t have a burning desire to improve and get better, something like that doesn’t really bother you from within = well, it’s very difficult to just do this every day, just like that out of the blue - just by reading my article , this text. Understand?

I then had a turning point, I was in a sad state (and a person develops very strongly when he is suffering) = that’s why I developed, plowed, worked, every day, and I do this to this day (consciously). But! If you don’t have such a state, you should consciously, without waiting for some right moment/day, etc., just take it and through force (through not wanting to, etc.) work on yourself, every day, a little bit at a time, but work, work and work again (systematically).

So I want to give you some advice. Just start pumping up, at least a little at a time - but right now. Every day, something, a little bit. Develop yourself. Pump up. Upgrade to the level of a high-ranking male. To avoid problems, so that everything is fine in life, including with women. So that they appreciate you. Respected. They were running after you. So that there are worthy women nearby, and not mediocre or fu-fu, these ts-ts, by the way, very often simply won’t work out their prices, but in reality, they won’t be easy. Briefly speaking. Pump up the man in you! And you will be happy. Not only with women, but in life in general.

On our topic:if a girl ignores you = screw her. All. Dot. Forget about her. Switch to others and upgrade yourself to the level of a high-ranking personality. If you can level up = you will never have problems with women again.

Pump yourself up and you will be a red light for all women. You will be in great demand. Lots of women will all want you. I'll say more! Women, in many ways, will take the initiative towards you. They will get to know you, show interest in you, flirt with you, flirt with you, play, be interested in you, call, write, come, compete for you, fall in love, etc. etc. and it is very likely that that “tsa-tsa” who ignored you will also come out, show up and begin to show interest in you, so - pump yourself up, work on yourself...

You will be able to get any young ladies (not gray mice, crocodiles and other low-mid-ranking young ladies, but beautiful, well-groomed, bright, simply awesome young ladies, whom you only looked at before and that’s all), because you will be pumped up like a man you will have correct model behavior with women, you will know how to properly meet them, how to behave, what and how to do, in general, you will know what and how, what for what, in general, you will be upgraded as a man.

In addition, you will be on the money, i.e. you will be a competitive male (if we say, really for the high rank of men), and this is a huge bonus for you, especially with women, because for them one of the initial criteria regarding the choice of a partner is the SUCCESS OF A MAN.

In short, because the main resource in a woman’s life is that same worthy, high-ranking man. Because it is he who will provide for the woman, feed, clothe, protect, take care of, etc. etc. and about the offspring (children) too - throughout life.

In this situation, they will value you, respect you, they will be afraid of losing you, etc. They will not be able to manipulate you. To push around. There's something else there. You will decide everything. You will set (set) your own rules of the game. A woman will (hey will have to if she wants to deal with you) obey your rules. If she doesn't play with you according to your rules, another woman will take her place who will.

I'm simplifying it a lot now so you get the point. A high-ranking male = has no problems with women. He is in great demand. Women dream of such men. Thirsty. The fight is for them. Understand? And all the bullshit that happens among low-mid-ranking men will be unknown to you (you’ll avoid a bunch of shit). Start with this article, there will be many other articles from there, study them too, and also follow this section. Good luck to you!

Congratulations, administrator.

Sometimes there are situations when all other tried and tested ways of influencing a man come to an end and it’s time to be ignored. So, what is IGNOR or ignoring? If we consider it within the framework of a relationship, then this is a MANIPULATIVE technique aimed at forcing the other side to bend and make concessions. To put it even more simply, it is intimidation, the threat of breaking a relationship, pressure on feelings of guilt, fear of uselessness, fear of being alone, etc., in order to force a person to do what the manipulator needs.

At the same time, it is important to understand that IGNOR is not only about leaving or intimidation by leaving. This also includes techniques when a person does not pick up/hangs up the phone, does not answer SMS, does not talk to you.

For manipulation to work, to BEND a person, force him to give up his position, make concessions, he needs to react to the manipulation, he needs to be pulled for something. That is, either he must have an attachment to you and a fear of losing the relationship, or an inferiority complex and a feeling of guilt, or a fear of being left alone, not finding anyone better, etc.

There are different types of ignorers. For example - ignore punitive. It is tougher and has its own conditions.

Condition 1

For ignore to work, there must always be a thread or threads that need to be pulled.

Simply put, if you have been married for many years and your wife somehow doesn’t care about you, and she is also financially independent, then she will not care about your ignorance. And if she also has a lover, then she will only be happy. There's simply nothing to scare her. She is not afraid of losing you, you are not valuable to her. Ignoring will only work if you represent some kind of value, if losing you is worse than giving up some of your goodies.

It is also complete stupidity to ignore at the beginning of a relationship, when there is not yet sufficient interest. When the threads that can be pulled have not yet formed. It's like trying to pull a fish when it hasn't taken the bait yet, pulling too early. First, some emotions, some plans about you, some connections must be formed. Then ignoring will work for you. Otherwise, you simply disappear, the person understands that there is a game going on, or he is perplexed and breaks off the beginnings of a relationship that has begun to develop.

Well, it’s obvious that if the threads are weak, then you need to pull them carefully.

Condition No. 2

In order for a person to bend, the thread you are going to pull must be stronger than the principles on which you are going to bend the person.

That is, if you put a person before the choice “me or the cat,” you need to be sure that he will choose you, that your value is higher.

A mistake is made when they try to pull weak threads and blackmail (and if you call a spade a spade, then this is psychological blackmail) a partner by leaving. And suddenly it turns out that it is easier for a person to break up than to make concessions. Then suddenly the one who just wanted to leave begins to frantically return back. And now he has to bend over backwards and ask for forgiveness for his failed blackmail, which only makes the situation worse.

Actually there is good welcome, which is often used by seducers. In order to persuade a person to do something serious, you need to start with the little things, with those things that are easier for him to part with for the sake of a relationship. By giving up their positions little by little, the partner invests more and more each time, and accordingly, the thread that can be pulled becomes stronger, because the value of the relationship grows in proportion to the amount of investment.

Condition No. 3

If you decide to play this game, be prepared to really go all the way. This means that it is advisable to play it from a strong position, when your partner needs the relationship more than you. Because if you need them more, then you will not only get a bummer, but also be punished for your attempt. As a result, you will fall even lower than where you were before. Because IGNOR can be perceived very differently depending on when and how it is carried out. If you left, showed off and came back, then this makes you a little offended, crap-up child. If you left on principle and stand by your position, then this will be perceived differently (if, of course, your demands are adequate), even if the relationship falls apart.

Condition No. 4

IGNOR must be presented correctly. Depending on the situation, on the context in which you conduct it, a person perceives it as punishment, your rightness and your wrongness, or as a tantrum/hysteria of an offended jealous boy/girl.

That is, if you start leaving, or rather imitating leaving, every time you are offended, then this is exactly the second thing. The partner will get used to this and will perceive it as childish insults.

If you ignore/leave a person after a serious problem, once and harshly, then this will be a strong lesson and will strengthen your dominant position. That is, it would be good to use this technique precisely as a punishment and so that the person understands why.

My personal opinion is that such a harsh technique should generally be used occasionally, when the problem is really serious. And use it to the fullest so that you never want it again in the future.

Ignore playful (flirtany)

They can often use ignore in games closer and further. This is a slightly separate topic. This is a game of uncertainty, not blackmail. This is a different kind of mechanism. That is, the same mechanism works here as in sales, when a person has already been given something to hold/try, and when he is in the mood and wants to buy, they begin to stall for time and increase the price. IN in this case due to the fact that a person is ignored after he has received the first portion of attention and interest has appeared, he begins to think, cheat, INVEST psychologically. When people draw magical pictures for themselves, they are thus engaged in self-hypnosis, creating for themselves perfect image partner, invest a certain energy in him. And its value is growing. That's how it appears strong desire receive it, LOVE appears.

But in this case, there are also conditions for the correct execution of playful ignoring:

  1. It should be carried out when a person is hooked. For example, after a good time together.
  2. You need to be able to show up on time so that interest does not disappear. That is, you need to maintain interest, feed his hope. The tit is almost in your hands, but at the last moment it will fly away.
  3. It’s better when the official reason for being ignored is not you, but some circumstances. Like “I was busy, had an urgent business trip.”

So, if you still decide to do IGNORE, before doing so, you should run yourself through the above conditions and check whether the circumstances correspond to these conditions and what you generally want to get from these actions. If some conditions do not match, then most likely it will only get worse after being ignored. It’s not bad to be able to look at this ignore through the eyes of another person and imagine his reaction.

Alternatively, you might want to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I valuable enough for a person, will he run to return me and ask for forgiveness?
  • Am I ready to go all the way? If he doesn't run, am I ready to end the relationship?
  • Will this be a punishment for a serious puncture or just me being offended for no reason because I don’t have enough attention?
  • What result do I want? Where should you stop? What should my partner do to make me stop punishing him?

The latter, by the way, is very important point. There are cases where it is enough just for the partner to apologize and say “I understand the lesson.” After that, I personally say “we’ve passed” and immediately forget. And there are cases where a person must work out his forgiveness quite seriously, invest, ask for it back with tears and show how important this relationship is to him/her. Because if you forgive and return immediately, the result will be zero. Lesson not learned.

What wise tricks does a woman need to do so that her beloved man wants to always be there? Sometimes we are surprised how care and constant intimacy destroy relationships and drive a man into his personal “cave of loneliness.” Why does this happen, and how can you refresh your relationship?

We will explain what guides modern man in a relationship with a woman, and how to keep this capricious man.

How to keep a man

According to psychologists, the strongest and most long-lasting attachment of a man is one in which a woman gives him visible freedom in actions and actions. In such relationships, a man connects with his beloved woman with a strong thread, fearing to forever lose her trust, and most importantly, love.

Why are men so often reluctant to be in relationships? Whether it is an early stage or a crisis period of marriage, a woman often notices that a man’s attention begins to wander, and interest in his previously beloved companion cools down. The first thing you want to do in such a situation is, of course, talk. If a man claims that everything is fine, but continues in the same spirit, it is time to act.

And this is what these same men recommend... In such a situation, a woman needs to reduce her affection and attention to her loved one as much as possible. It seems that such advice is stupid, but in practice it works better than the most sophisticated female tricks.

If you give a man a feeling of separation, make him bored and fear for the future of your relationship, he will certainly settle down and begin to think that he may lose the most valuable thing he has - you.

Unfortunately, most women act completely differently. Excitement and delving into relationships drive a man even deeper into his own “cave”, where he will try to meet an 18-year-old scoundrel and forget. The secret is simple: the more you hold on to a man, the more he will despise you.

What to do? Start acting like him! Finally, unhook from him and start living your own life. social life. By giving your beloved man personal space, you will give him a chance to experience the joy of life again, and when the man is ready, he will return. Why? Yes, because he doesn’t want to be lonely, no matter how hard he tries to show it.

No matter how shocking such advice may be, all ladies should listen to it. If a man loves you, this trick will help you refresh your relationship. Well, if a man’s feelings have really cooled down, you can understand this in time and not waste precious years on an unsuccessful marriage.

The level of the person or circumstances, as well as the method of punishing another person. The expression is often found: “Ignoring is one of the oldest types of emotional abuse" Let's talk about this in more detail.

What does the concept of “ignoring” include?

First of all, ignoring is (in psychology) avoidance. A person is aware of the presence of an unpleasant effect, but decides not to pay attention to it. He remembers the troubles, is aware of their presence, and simply tries to make sure that in no case does he interfere with factors that could provide information on an ignored matter. This can happen intentionally: a girl “does not notice” a guy who is annoying with his advances or something like that. But there are also situations when a person unconsciously distances himself from the problem.

Is it the best painless option, or is ignoring one of the oldest types of emotional abuse?

There are options when ignoring can help in life situations, and when it acts in the completely opposite direction. You should not focus on small everyday problems that cannot lead to serious consequences. Remember that ignoring is a type of emotional abuse if a child gets his clothes dirty on the street. What is more valuable to you - your little man or some piece of rag?

Appropriateness of Ignoring

For example, the mother-in-law responded somehow rudely to her daughter-in-law’s question. It is worth considering whether this is typical behavior or whether the person is tired, irritated and out of control of his behavior. If the latter, then why focus attention on this and respond to aggression with aggression. It would be wiser to ignore the rudeness. But if this is the norm for the above-mentioned mother-in-law and she consciously leads to conflict, then there is a problematic situation that needs to be resolved in order for normal communication to be possible. It is strongly recommended not to ignore serious problems. By moving away from them, you will not be able to find a solution, which means they will remain and over time will acquire unnecessary facts that will further clog up the situation.

The same mother-in-law, for some reason dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law, will continue to use rudeness and involve other members of the family circle in the conflict until the daughter-in-law’s strength fades away. The result is a huge scandal or, worse, the daughter-in-law’s quiet decline due to fear frank conversation and solving problems with mother-in-law. The reason for ignoring serious problems can be banal fear: fear of failure, fear of losing time and money while solving a problem.

Ignoring Matrix

Keen Mellor and Eric Sigmund once developed a scheme for matrix determination of the degree and object of ignoring. Three different criteria are considered: level, area, type.

In this case, four levels of ignoring are considered. This:

Availability ignores the availability of opportunities to solve the problem as a whole);

Its significance (understanding the existence of a solution, but denying its effectiveness in advance);

Changing opportunities (understanding that a solution exists, but refusing to apply it in advance);

Personal abilities (impossibility of implementing a possible solution due to a personal unacceptable attitude towards such a method).

There are three areas of ignoring: “I”, other people, the situation.

Types of ignoring - incentive, opportunity and problem.

Using these three criteria, a matrix is ​​obtained:

Using this matrix, it is possible to detect at what level the problem is being ignored and influence the person accordingly to encourage them to find a solution to the problem. The search for the “hearth” should start from the top row, the leftmost cell, and then go down diagonally.

Ignoring is emotional abuse

How did you come to this conclusion? Often people deliberately ignore each other in order to punish with their inattention. For a guy who has done wrong, there will be a painfully indifferent attitude towards his attempts at reconciliation on the part of the girl. A boss can apply the same tactics to a subordinate who has made a mistake at work, ignoring his attempts to rehabilitate himself. Thus, the person who is ignored may end up feeling empty space or become angry if you do not stop avoiding him in time. Think carefully before punishing your neighbor in this way: won’t it make things worse for you, including you? Ignoring is one of the oldest forms of emotional abuse, and its benefits rarely outweigh the harm. Any difficult situation must be resolved: through conversation or by involving other persons - by any means, but not by inaction. An adequate analysis of the situation will make it clear whether it is worth using ignoring, one of the oldest types of emotional violence, or using more subtle techniques that do not cause psycho-emotional harm to a person. Let's look at a few situations that can help you understand where ignoring is applicable.

“Ignore” is useful when...

The man is incredibly stupid. Yes, you didn’t back down, you decided to act, you give reasonable arguments and explanations, but your opponent simply doesn’t understand them. You struggle with the problem for a day, a week, a month, citing all the old and new facts, but there is no result. Is it worth spending even more time and effort or is it better to withdraw?

If you delve into the essence of the nonsense pouring out of your mouth, it will only clog your own brain and ruin your mood. The grandmother who clung to young man in a minibus with stories about how he looks inappropriate and a fountain of words about how it was “in my time” can be ignored. Without receiving a response to her passionate speeches, she will lose interest. Anyone has the right to look the way they want. If a guy wants ripped jeans, let him wear them, or at least put on a skirt. It's his choice.

The problem is insignificant, and focusing on it can lead to a negative result. The child used a “bad” word. The first time you should ignore this, because without seeing any reaction from the parents, the child may simply lose interest in this word. But if this happens constantly, it is worth solving the problem through a calm conversation using different techniques, depending on the child’s age.

Don't overdo it. Moderation is important everywhere

Ignoring is the oldest type of emotional abuse, but it should not be taken to its even older “brother” - indifference. You can get so caught up in keeping your distance from problems that you really don't care. For example, the father’s constant ignoring of problems at home - at first because of fatigue, and then out of habit, but they no longer bother him, “let his wife sort it out.” Yes, those around you will be able to find a solution themselves, and it is not a fact that it will satisfy you. But you won't care anymore.

If you spend a lot of time thinking about a man, this, unfortunately, can only push him away from you. Even if he doesn't know what you think about him! How is this possible? Here's how.
When you like someone, or have already started dating this person, something that often happens to millions of women around the world can happen: you become too attached to your new crush. And at first it’s not even bad: you glow from the inside, those around you notice that something has happened to you (exceptionally good, of course), you have a lot of strength and energy, you are ready for new achievements. And most importantly, you are ready to spend your time and energy on the person you care about: you get to know each other, establish contacts, resolve your first conflicts. But then something can happen that shouldn’t happen, and most importantly, something that men don’t want - in your dreams and thoughts you go far ahead of both your partner and reality. You try on his last name, make plans for the future, plan. And most importantly, you think only about him all the time, and gradually it becomes an addiction.
But you sincerely believe that such thoughts cannot harm your relationship - after all, he does not know that you are constantly thinking about him. Right? - No.
Because it is invisible to you, as well as to the consciousness of others your behavior changes. However, on a subconscious level, all these changes are too noticeable.
What is changing? Your aura. Or, more simply put, subconscious behavior. Something that a man doesn’t want to see appears in him: an ingratiating look (screaming: “Well, when are you going to propose to me!”), controlling notes in his voice (“I was so worried! Where have you been?” - and it is this question that will tell him that he must report to you), the behavior of the owner (“This is MY man”), although he may not be ready for such a turn of events. In addition, constantly thinking about him deprives you of the opportunity to think about something else, and therefore deprives you of the attractiveness of an individual in his eyes. If earlier you spent your free time on hobbies and hobbies, after which you shared your impressions of your day with your loved one, now you don’t know what to do with yourself if he is suddenly late at work or goes on a business trip. As a result, it turns out that when he returns, you have absolutely nothing to tell him. But it was precisely for your personality that he once fell in love with you! For your hobbies, your independence, your open view of the world, for your broad outlook. So what now? Now you are ready to dissolve in it and do not see anything reprehensible in your behavior - it seems so logical to you, so only correct. But he wants something else. What?
He wants to see a person next to him, and not his own reflection. He needs an interlocutor, he needs a person whom he will not be ashamed not only to introduce to friends and colleagues, but also to leave alone with them. In a word, he needs a soul mate who will complement him and not duplicate him.
Besides the fact that you lose not only your individuality, but also lower your self-esteem. Why? Because from independent independent woman you turn into a nervous creature, absolutely dependent on whether this man will be with you or not. And believe me, he feels it very well, because low self-esteem manifests itself not only in how you feel, but also in how you behave: your gait, your gaze, and your posture changes. And therefore, you become less and less attractive in the eyes of the man you love.
But not thinking about a man is just as difficult as not thinking about a white monkey, although for different reasons - this is not just a person about whom you try to think less, but a person dear to you, on whose actions your mental well-being depends.

How to relieve unnecessary tension in your relationship and protect your psyche?

Well, firstly, if your relationship is not yet serious enough (or maybe it doesn’t exist at all yet, maybe you’re just in love, but are not ready to admit it), then you shouldn’t limit your circle of acquaintances. Date other men, even just in a friendly way. And also, do not limit your range of interests, do not lose yourself in a relationship, do not dissolve in your loved one, but still a completely different person.
When on our way we meet a person who we like and seems to be able to make a wonderful couple for the rest of our lives, a nasty voice inside begins to give life, reminding us that we are not good enough for him, that we are not worthy not only of his attention, but also happiness in principle. And this is an additional source of thoughts about a man: how should I behave in order to correspond to his ideas about a woman, what to say, what to wear, and why he looked at me so askance on the last date. Firstly, it is likely that this man is tormenting himself with the same doubts about you (he has a stomach, legs, a thin wallet - many shortcomings, in a word). And secondly, if in the end it turns out that you are really not a couple, this does not mean at all that you are too bad for him. This only means that There is someone better suited for you somewhere in the world.