Honoring the Red Army and Navy has acquired the character of a national holiday since 1922. Since then, February 23 has been celebrated annually as Red Army Day. In 1946 it was renamed Day Soviet Army And Navy. On February 10, 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted a federal law in which this holiday is named as follows: “February 23 - Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany (1918) - Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

So, the former Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, and now Defender of the Fatherland Day, the red day of the calendar February 23rd is the time when the fairer sex congratulates strong half humanity, their beloved men. That's why, dear women, if this day is approaching, then do not hesitate: hurry up to organize for the stronger sex unforgettable holiday, because February 23 (actually, like any other holiday) comes once a year. Therefore, it is worth approaching the organization of an event responsibly and with soul, and if you don’t have any time for this, then it is better to turn to professionals for help, that is, an experienced toastmaster, whose direct responsibility is to bring the holiday to your home. Then you will “shoot” exactly at the target and please your beloved man.


However, if you decide to personally prepare a holiday for the stronger sex and are full of determination, then you hold the cards. You should start, as you may have guessed, by writing celebration script, after which you need to choose a place to hold it. It could be like own apartment, so restaurant, cafeteria or even a boarding house.

Now we need to decorate the room, and always with character, as they say, in a masculine way - simply and tastefully, without being particularly pretentious or romantic. Then you should think about whether you need to invite musicians and artists or whether you can handle this yourself. After this, proceed to organizing the banquet, and with all responsibility, because, as you remember, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a wonderful occasion to congratulate and please all the men in your family. And it doesn’t matter how old the man is or whether he served in the army. The main thing: these men are your protectors, which means they deserve a holiday! It's time to organize a celebration and once again get everyone together, reviving family traditions.
  1. Preparation
  2. In order for the holiday to be a success, everything needs to be discussed and prepared in advance. Get together with the female part of the family and draw up a program for the day, agree on who will perform what role and what responsibilities will be assumed.

    Make a budget for the holiday, it should include:

  • equal gifts for each of the men;
  • treats;
  • money to buy balloons and festive decorations;
  • inexpensive prizes for competition winners;
  • festive fireworks (optional).

After organizational issues have been resolved and roles have been distributed, you should begin to work on the design. Purchase everything you need in advance: balloons, colored paper, machines, flags, etc. The day before the holiday, make congratulatory posters, and also inflate balloons the day before or on the holiday itself. It’s great if you can create a wall newspaper telling about the achievements of your men: jokes are welcome, but not offensive! Don't forget family history. Remember the exploits of your ancestors. Next, glue the garlands of flags. Hide all this in a secluded place until the morning.

  • Start
  • The holiday is just around the corner. We get up earlier than the men and start decorating the house, the main thing here is not to make noise and inadvertently not wake them up with a burst balloon. If your men like to sleep longer, don't wake them up before 9.30, don't ruin this day. But at the appointed time, we turn on loud invigorating music (you can even pick up a military march!) and go to present gifts! You can flavor each gift with a composed congratulatory poem.

    When the men come to their senses from the surprise, amaze them even more. Tell them that today they are in the army for a day and there is no time for laziness! They need to get dressed and pack their bed in a minute. Those who fail to cope are given a fine - to sing a song or recite a poem. And the winner will receive a small prize from you. Have you already bought small gifts for the winners in advance?

    Breakfast time. And breakfast can be spiced up! For example, come up with funny names dishes. You can also hold a women’s competition to see who can prepare breakfast for the men the fastest and most spectacularly.

    After breakfast, the whole family can go for a walk and play in the fresh air. If there is still snow, divide into teams and play snowballs. Or organize a competition for the most beautiful snowman. If there is no snow, warm up with a game of badminton. And don’t forget to bring a thermos of hot tea with you!

  • Climax
  • Lunch can also be made festive with themed dishes and, of course, cake! It’s great if you manage to master pastry decorations from mastic and make them for a cake. By the way, the table itself can be decorated in a military theme. Find a khaki tablecloth, or paint it yourself.

    After dinner, have an impromptu concert and sing war songs with the whole family. The competitions will amuse both adults and children. Assemble and disassemble toy machines for speed, play darts, or come up with your own accuracy test. You can make a competition with airplanes at no cost. Let each participant make an airplane, and place it in the center of the room big basket. Whose plane gets there first will win. Using the same principle, you can arrange a boat race in the bathroom.

    You can end the evening outside: launch sky lanterns or have a real festive fireworks display.

    Whether to introduce certain elements into the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day is up to you: pay attention to the number of men in the family, as well as their age. Remember that the holiday should please everyone!

    The topic that makes women quite worried at the very end of winter is, of course, not the upcoming sales, nor the renewal spring wardrobe, and Defender of the Fatherland Day, the Great Men's Holiday, is February 23. Two main questions that beautiful ladies need to find an answer to: What to give and How to celebrate February 23?

    Let's start with the second question. Let's celebrate the men's holiday brightly, unusually and in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time!

    Option number 1. Celebrate February 23rd mentally

    Suitable for: friendly married couples, and families in general where traditions are respected. If you are rushing across the city to congratulate your dad or grandfather, if you are trying to please your beloved husband, if you like to spend time with the whole family, then this option on February 23 is for you:

    • Of course, the traditional format of the holiday is home. A cleaned house, a set table, gifts and congratulations are traditional elements, without which, however, there will be no holiday!
    • It is within the power of every housewife to add some variety to the traditional scenario. Congratulate the men of the family in advance on a huge sheet of Whatman paper. Let it be poetry nice words, and maybe even pictures or photographs from a family album? Involve children and younger relatives in this matter. In the morning, quietly, so as not to wake up the men, attach this “wall newspaper” to the wall. Believe me, there is no representative of the stronger sex who would remain indifferent to such a manifestation of feelings!
    • Add variety to the traditional set of dishes. Order a themed cake. For example, in the form of a tank or a soldier’s helmet. And if one of the men at home is related to the Armed Forces, then you can choose the symbols of the desired branches of the military.
    • Bring your husband breakfast in bed. Let a gift or a card with congratulations flaunt on the tray.
    • You are cheerful and friendly family? Then arrange the “Gift Hunt” quest. Let the male half of the family bravely find their gifts, using the tips you have compiled in advance. And let the very first hint be in greeting card, which is on the breakfast tray!

    Option number 2. Extravagant February 23

    Suitable for: young couples, as well as those who value thrills. Do you like to test yourself and fate? Do you like everything unusual? Please choose! This is how spicy food lovers can celebrate February 23:

    1. Celebrate the holiday with an adventure together. This can be a gift at the same time. Purchase a certificate in advance for a parachute jump for two, or for an airplane flight. On February 23, without saying anything to your companion, smiling mysteriously, call a taxi and go to the place of adventure.
    2. Organize an outing with friends or as a couple. Yes, it’s winter and cold, but how nice it is to ski in such weather, play snow paintball or go through some exciting quest. Don't know which side to take on? No problem, contact any event agency. They will help you organize any event for any number of people. A non-trivial way to celebrate the holiday.
    3. Come up with a scenario for your day that includes something you've never done before. Foods you haven't tried, places you haven't been, events that have never happened to you. You will be surprised how many of these things there are, and how great your day will be!

    Option number 3. Gentle holiday

    Suitable for: Lovers of all ages. Yes, February 23 is a holiday for real men, but how does this fact interfere with love and romance?

    • Go for a walk during the day. Go to the theater or concert. Yes, even to the stadium or to a lecture on popular mechanics. The main thing is to be together.
    • Surprise your loved one. Do something unusual. For example, book a city tour for two. Or a tour of local coffee shops. You don’t have to travel far away to have an unforgettable time.
    • An interesting option would be an ordered photo session. For example, in nature, or in historical surroundings and costumes. A fun time and great memories are guaranteed.
    • Book a table at a restaurant and spend a romantic evening together. Or serve up a homemade dinner at home. And then give your loved one a hot striptease - let him remember this holiday for a long time!

    Option number 4. Budget

    There are different situations in life. But current problems are not a reason to give up the holiday. How can you celebrate February 23rd with minimal expense, but pleasantly?

    So, the day of the Defender of the Fatherland should begin in the morning accordingly. Since the army wakes up at 6.00, but this day is still a holiday, wake up your chosen one at 7.00. And do it in an original way. You can sing a military march or play a recording of drum accompaniment. And yes, don’t forget to gently add: “Rota, rise!” If you are sure that your wit will not be appreciated properly, make the awakening more pleasant and calm. For example, give a cup of coffee in bed with toast.

    Morning exercises- This is an integral part of the soldiers’ daily routine. Therefore, after a hot and invigorating drink, immediately return to military mode. According to the rules, fighters carry out “running over rough terrain in formation with exercise" However, this is still a holiday and your loved one should be happy. Replace this item with something more pleasant. For example, keep your chosen one busy by presenting gifts that can be hidden by giving him a card with detailed description where to follow.

    Morning toilet is an important item in the daily schedule of soldiers. Organize a shower together. This will be the optimal solution. Give your protector a dose of tenderness on February 23rd. Then feel free to proceed to the next lesson - construction. As a rule, during formation, military personnel are checked for neat uniforms, clean collars, footcloths and handkerchiefs. You can simply dress your man in a pre-ironed set of clothes, kiss him and assure him that he is irresistible.

    Breakfast on this holiday should be special. You can prepare him a typical army dish - porridge, bread and butter and stew. Or, on the contrary, please the hero of the occasion with your favorite delicacies. Just remember that breakfast should be hearty and tasty.

    Original ideas for spending time

    On February 23rd, you need to do everything as your man wishes. Therefore, meeting with friends will be a great way to spend your time. Give your chosen one the opportunity to spend a few hours with old friends. As a gift, you can rent a lane for a couple of hours at a bowling club, billiards, darts range, etc. Remember that this entertainment should be masculine and entertaining.

    Going out into nature - leave this item in the daily routine for a family celebration. Hearty barbecue cooked on the grill, cold beer in glasses, sleigh races and friendly family company - what could be better on this day? You can rent a wooden house on the outskirts of the city or even go out of town for a couple of days. Remember that such houses, as a rule, have a bathhouse or sauna. Take a leisurely walk through the forest, play in the snow or go sledding, and then take a steam bath - your chosen one will appreciate it. Moreover, such a vacation will appeal to all family members.