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The new pension reform, approved at the state level, will improve the standard of living of every pensioner. Since 2018, citizens Russian Federation, must make an addition to the standard pension amount, the amount of which will be 500 rubles. But whether all pensioners with 30 years of experience will receive the amount presented will be added to their pension, and what the conditions for receiving the bonus are, it’s worth looking into in more detail.

What algorithm will be used to credit allowances?

A person’s work experience is an indicator of what kind of pension he can receive in old age. Since a person who officially works is withdrawn a certain amount to the pension fund every month, this creates funded pension. The more a person worked, the more contributions were sent to the Pension Fund, and a decent amount of savings is a guarantee of a good pension in old age.

For a woman to retire, she needs to be 30 years old length of service, for a man this figure is 5 years more. If we talk about people who have already gone on legal vacation and are receiving a pension, then from the New Year they will receive an increase. If we are talking about pensioners whose work experience is 30 years, then the state promises them to add 500 rubles to the standard payment.

  • elderly people who no longer work live only on pensions;
  • persons with work experience not lower than the above;
  • all people with 30 years of service, regardless of the year they retired.
How is a pension formed?

At the same time, it should be noted that the moment of recalculation of pensions will also be affected, but indexation in this case will be carried out according to a slightly different principle. If we talk about the average increase in the New Year for all pensioners, it will be about 400 rubles. The pensioner will receive more or less, depending on. How much work experience does he have and what complexity of work has he performed throughout his life.

The specific procedure for pension bonuses in the New Year

Pensioners with more than 30 years of experience will receive a pension of 500 rubles starting from the new year 2018. For people who have a work experience of more or less than the specified figure, or who work additionally, a special calculation algorithm will be used, according to which bonuses will be made.

For social pensioners, pension recalculation is planned to take place in April. This recalculation will be carried out for 4 million citizens of the country. Social pensioners- these are beneficiaries and those who have not earned the necessary experience. For them, pensions will increase by 4.1%. In August, they will add a little to the pension of working pensioners - this amount will be about 245 rubles. in general, the level of pensions, compared to 2017, will be higher for everyone, which has already been confirmed at the state level.

Pension amount depending on length of service

The pension increase is planned due to the fact that the inflation rate increased in 2017. If pensioners with more than 30 years of work experience are given a pension of 500 rubles starting in 2018, they will hardly feel it, but their standard of living will not become worse. Pension supplements will be calculated automatically after recalculation is carried out at the state level.

A pension supplement of 500 rubles will be provided to people who have officially worked for more than 30 years. If the length of service is less than 30 years, the pension supplement will be lower. The decision to increase pensions has already been made at the state level and from the new year 2018 it will fully come into force, which will be felt by pensioners with relevant work experience.
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In Moscow, a pension supplement is assigned according to certain rules. To do this, you need to write a corresponding application.

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Moscow pensions are among the highest in the Russian Federation, since the standard of living in Moscow differs significantly from the standard of living in the regions of the country.

Moscow is considered the richest city in the country. Today the state, as a social shield, has decided to increase the size living wage, and at the same time the level of the capital’s allowance.

Home information

Now every pensioner who has been registered in the capital for over 10 years has the right to apply for a pension supplement.

This also applies to those pensioners who have lived there permanently for less than 10 years, but their cost of living is below the established level.

The state provides additional financial assistance to citizens of the capital if they can document their right to receive it.

This will ensure a guaranteed receipt of additional payment to the established amount of pension payments. The basis of the pension supplement for Moscow residents is the “Luzhkov” surcharge.

To receive this benefit, the following conditions must be met:

  • official residence in Moscow for more than 10 years;
  • permanent residence in the city or in an annexed territory;
  • lack of official work.

In addition to this allowance, pensioners can count on the following allowances:

  • additional payment up to the minimum subsistence level;
  • disability supplements;
  • Survivor benefits;
  • indexation of pensions;
  • compensatory allowances are provided for working pensioners with a salary of less than 20,000 rubles.

Initial Concepts

A pension is a regular cash income paid to persons who have reached retirement age, are disabled or have lost their breadwinner.

The opportunity to receive a pension supplement appears after a person retires. The amount of the capital's allowance is calculated in this way - the city social standard minus the amount that is transferred to the pensioner every month.

The amount of the pension supplement primarily depends on the financial well-being of a citizen of retirement age, which includes:

  • insurance assistance provided by the state as a pension;
  • additional financial assistance (for example, social benefits).

The total amount of financial support for a pensioner includes state assistance:

  • home telephone service;
  • payment of housing, utility bills;
  • tickets for the capital public transport, including reimbursement of a possible portion of the costs of paying for these services, expressed in monetary terms.

Who is entitled to

Starting from 2019, not every citizen who has reached retirement age can count on additional payment, but only those who receive the social standard in Moscow.

In other words, an additional bonus is received non-working pensioners whose monthly income does not exceed the subsistence level. One of the most famous is the “Luzhkov” allowance.

According to the current legislation, only those citizens who have lived in the capital for at least 10 years can count on the city allowance.

This also includes the presence of permanent registration in the capital and in the territories annexed to it. The amount of the supplement varies. This is due to the difference in the amount of monthly payments made.

Legal regulation

The legislative basis for providing bonuses to Moscow pensioners is the law of March 23, 2006 No. 36 “On social support for certain categories of citizens in the Moscow region.”

In this legal document contains information about certain categories of residents of Moscow and the territories closest to it who simply need social support states.

How to apply for a Moscow pension supplement

The pensioner must prove that the total time of residence in Moscow was 10 or more. The period of residence in the city does not have any effect on other benefits.

You can apply for this benefit at the Pension Fund of Russia branch by providing a passport with a valid Moscow registration.

Photo: receiving a monthly cash payment

In order for a citizen to receive a well-deserved bonus, he needs to go to the department Pension Fund in the area where the subject lives. You can apply for additional payment to your pension.

Additionally, you will need SNILS and an application drawn up according to the appropriate sample. In this case, you should have with you a package of documents that confirms that the citizen really has the right to receive an additional payment.

The list of documents may differ depending on the type of pension itself. First, you need to check with the Pension Fund employees what documents need to be submitted.

Conditions for receiving

Since 2013, the main condition for receiving a Moscow pension supplement is to have been registered in the capital for at least ten years.

All pensioners who do not work and persons with disabilities have the right to apply for this financial supplement, if the amount monthly allowance less than the subsistence level.

A Russian citizen who has not reached retirement age, has lived in the capital for less than 10 years, and whose income level is less than the subsistence level in the region, has the right to receive a supplement.

But in such a situation, the additional payment will be determined taking into account the amount of the regional minimum, which also increased in 2019. Instead of 9046 rubles - 11428 rubles. Pensions for this category of residents of the country will also increase.

In 2019, the minimum income was significantly changed by the state - from 12,000 to 14,500 rubles, which means that the premium will be paid even to those pensioners who still continue to work.

As a result of the calculations, it turned out that there are at least 500,000 recipients.

What factors determine the size of the payment?

The amount of the Moscow pension supplement is individual in nature and depends on age, pension size and the cost of living.

How much the premium is depends on the nature of the proposed supplement; its size will vary if there are additional certificates.

At the federal level, pensioners are entitled to bonuses that take into account the following criteria:

How does the registration process work?

The standard list of documents that are provided to the Pension Fund to receive an allowance includes:

  1. Passport.
  2. SNILS.
  3. A certificate indicating that the citizen lives in Moscow.
  4. Pensioner's certificate.
  5. Documents that confirm the end of the pensioner’s working life.

If an allowance is due on the basis of disability, you must present a certificate from the medical and social examination bureau.

In addition, for certain citizens an important condition is to provide a certificate of loss of a breadwinner, or confirming a change in last name and first name.

Students must present a certificate from a higher educational institution, which indicates the fact of studying there.

Documents indicating the completion of work may be:

  • work book with a note about the end of labor activity;
  • an extract from an individual account (when it is not possible to provide a work book).

The Pension Fund reviews all documents along with the application within ten days. Although in certain situations it may take much longer, up to a maximum of 30 days.

After this period, the Pension Fund will provide a solution. If approved by the Pension Fund, the increase will be provided from the first day of the next month.

If a refusal is received, the citizen may judicial procedure challenge the PF decision. The appeal is made in court in accordance with the current legislation.

Features of additional payments for working citizens

This premium is paid to non-working pensioners and citizens with disabilities who receive income less than the prescribed minimum.

And since in 2019 the minimum income was increased from 12,000 to 14.5 00 rubles, employed pensioners whose income is less than this amount will also receive an increase.

If a pensioner has lived in Moscow for less than 10 years and his income is less than the prescribed minimum subsistence level, then he can also receive an increase.

But in such a situation, the additional payment is calculated based on the amount not at the regional level. This amount is equal to 11,428 rubles. Pensions for these citizens will increase this year.

Do you receive additional funds when you reach 80 years of age?

Pensioners over the age of 80 receive an upward recalculation of their pension amount. Only a fixed amount increases in relation to the old age pension.

But there are exceptions for pensioners with 1 group of incapacity. It is said that the fixed amount of monthly payments has already been initially increased several times.

The main task of the authorities is to increase the amount of additional payments by 20% for 2019-18. for example, it is planned to increase pensions for those couples who have been married for more than 50 years.

IN in this case a family will receive an increase of up to 10 thousand rubles, for a couple with 60 years of experience - 12 thousand rubles. etc.

The size of the Moscow pension supplement depends on age, pension size and the cost of living.

Life has become a little easier for pensioners in Russia - their pensions have been raised. However, the increase was not much and not for everyone. What this is connected with, who will receive what increase, explains Federal News Agency.

What will be the increase in pension?

Who will receive this increase?

Officially working pensioners will receive an increase.

From when will the increased pension be calculated?

Working pensioners will begin to receive a pension with the specified increase from August 1, 2017.

What is the size of the increase made up of?

In this case, we are talking about increasing the insurance part of the pension, which is calculated according to the so-called point system. In 2016, all working pensioners (about 14 million Russians) were awarded three points, which amounted to 222 rubles.

You don't need to do anything for this. As they told Federal News Agency in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), in this case there is a so-called non-declaration recalculation, which occurs automatically annually for working pensioners (receiving an old-age or disability insurance pension). We are talking about pensioners working legally, whose employers paid insurance premiums for them in 2016.

The increase depends on the salary of a working pensioner in 2016, to which insurance payments made by the employer are tied, the accrual depends on this pension points. The maximum increase in 2016 corresponds to three pension points in cash equivalent. The cost of a pension point in 2016 is 74.27 rubles; when this amount is multiplied by three, the result is approximately 222 rubles.

What is a point system for calculating pensions?

The point system for calculating insurance pensions has been in effect in Russia since January 1, 2015. Now, in order to receive an insurance pension, a citizen must have a certain minimum work experience and required quantity pension points.

The point system provides for individual calculation of pensions, taking into account accumulated points for length of service, length of service, “northern” bonuses, etc. The cash equivalent of the pension point changes annually. The purpose of the point system is to make the calculation of pensions more transparent and understandable, as well as to force employers to take the payment of insurance contributions to the pension fund more seriously. According to the Pension Fund of Russia, the average old-age insurance pension in 2016 in Russia amounted to 13.17 thousand rubles.

Why did the Pension Fund make this increase?

According to many experts, and even working pensioners themselves, the increase of 222 rubles is insignificant, but in this case the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is implementing the previously adopted law, and money, as we know, is never superfluous.

Does this mean that the pensions of working pensioners will not be indexed?

No, this increase has nothing to do with the annual indexation of pensions, the Pension Fund explained. When indexed, pensions increase by a certain percentage.

When is an increase expected for non-working pensioners?

For non-working pensioners, the pension this year has already been indexed from February 1, 2017, increasing it by 5.6%. The next increase in pensions and social benefits, as the Ministry of Labor said, is coming on February 1, 2018 and will correspond to the inflation rate for 2017. In addition, pensioners will probably receive one-time payments, perhaps timed to coincide with the elections.

How to increase pensions for all Russians

Pensions in the Russian Federation are low, this is a well-known fact. Let us remind you that international experts recently recognized Russia as one of the least favorable countries for retirees. Such conclusions were made on the basis of the Global Retirement Index, which is compiled annually by the French financial corporation Natixis. In this ranking, which looked at the situation in 43 countries, Russia took 40th place, being one of the least comfortable countries for retirees.

According to the head of the “Finance and Economics” department of the Institute modern development(INSOR) Nikita Maslennikov, the current situation depends on many factors, including due to the fact that the authorities various reasons do not dare to take a long overdue measure - raising the retirement age.

“With the growing number of pensioners, the burden on each worker will increase, and, of course, raising the retirement age is necessary,” Maslennikov noted in a comment to the Federal News Agency. “The question is when to do this, and what additional measures will it be accompanied by, including in terms of guarantees for working pensioners.”

More with opinion Nikita Maslennikov about what hinders the development of the Russian pension system, read in Federal News Agency.

An increase in the size of pension payments among Russians, as compensation for inflation processes, occurs annually. The increase in pensions in Moscow in 2018 provides not only for the indexation of the basic part, but also for an increase in the Moscow supplement for those pensioners who are entitled to it. At the same time, pension benefits will not be indexed for pensioners who continue to work.

Pension reform in Russia in 2018

Events in the field of pension accrual for 2018 will be a further development of the reform reforms that have begun. According to the Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013, the mandatory conditions for receiving social benefits in old age are:

  • Reaching retirement age (60 years for women and 65 for men).
  • Having the required experience.
  • Possession of a sufficient number of pension points.

Every year until 2025, the requirements for the length of service and pension coefficients of recipients of social insurance payments will increase. For 2018, these indicators are 9 years and 13.8 points, for 2018 – 10 years and 16.2 points, and so on. Knowing this, everyone can easily independently calculate how much their experience or accumulated points meet the legal requirements for those entering retirement.

Another innovation concerns new form contributions from working citizens. Since 2018, a new savings system has been introduced, when the employee himself determines how much he will save for retirement - from 1 to 50%. It is important that you can use these savings before you retire, and now the issue of transferring the savings portion by inheritance is being resolved by law.

Annual indexation of pensions

In accordance with the law, for social protection to protect the population from the consequences of inflation in a difficult economic situation, indexation of payments to pensioners is provided. As before, pension increases in Moscow in 2018 will occur in different months:

  • From January 1, 2018, the old-age pension will be increased by 3.7%, but only those who have no other sources of income will receive this increase (for example, working pensioners are not entitled to it). Previously, indexation took place on February 1, but this time necessary funds were budgeted in advance.
  • From April 1, 2018, there will be an increase in social and state pensions. The indexation value is tentatively estimated at 4.1%.

New rules for receiving pensions for civil servants

The ongoing reform also affected civil servants - according to the new legislation, from January 1, 2017, they will annually increase their retirement age by six months, with a minimum possible length of service of at least 20 years. Therefore, for 2018, the retirement age will be: 56 years for women and 61 for men. The age limit for men will reach its maximum by 2026 and will be 65 years. For women, this figure will be 63 years, but this value will only be reached by 2032.

How pensions will change in Moscow in 2018

The size of the increase in pensions in Moscow in 2018 depends on the type of pension payments (old age, state, social) and the length of residence in the capital. Moreover, if the official amount of payments is less than the established norm, the recipient is entitled to an additional payment established by law. For different situations this norm will be:

  • the cost of living for a pensioner;
  • city ​​social standard (GSS).

The minimum pension for those living in the capital for less than 10 years

According to legislative norms, if old-age payments are below the minimum subsistence level established for the recipient’s place of residence, then such a person is paid a regional social supplement(RSD), which is the difference between these values. It is important to note that the RSD is paid only to those Muscovites whose total period of Moscow registration is less than 10 years - for those who live in Zlatoglavaya longer, another form of compensation is provided.

In 2018, the cost of living for a Moscow pensioner was 11,561 rubles, which means that citizens who have lived here for less than 10 years and have social security less than this amount should receive regional social benefits. After increasing pensions in Moscow in 2018, the new benefit will be 255 rubles more, since the pensioner cost of living will be equal to 11,816 rubles.

For native Muscovites

Residents of the capital (and the territory annexed to it) with a residence history of more than 10 years have a different form of social security. The total amount of payment in this situation is adjusted to the value of the city social standard. For 2018, this value was 14,500 rubles, so pensioners entitled to this additional payment receive a monthly Moscow supplement, if necessary.

Increase in pension to the size of the city social standard

Preferential categories of citizens entitled to an increase to the city social standard include non-working pensioners, as well as some categories of working recipients pension provision and disabled people. The increase in pensions in Moscow in 2018 will also affect the city's social standard - its value will increase to 17.5 thousand rubles - this value can be considered the minimum value for Muscovites with more than 10 years of residence experience.

Regulatory framework

The legal basis for increasing pension provision is the Decree of the Moscow Government No. 805-PP dated October 31, 2018. This legislative act addresses a wide range of issues related to payments to certain categories of citizens (for example, persons undergoing military service in “hot spots”). The increase in pensions in Moscow in 2018, in addition to increasing the amount of monthly accruals, also provides for one-time payments. For example, participants in the defense of Moscow and veterans of the Great Patriotic War will receive a one-time payment of 10,000 rubles.

Indexation of pensions in Moscow

The increase procedure is intended to equalize the size of social payments due to inflation processes. Insurance pension in Moscow from January 1, 2018 it will increase by 3.7% and it should not be less than the pensioner subsistence level - 11,816 rubles. For recipients of social and state pensions, indexation will take place on April 1 - this is due to the fact that the calculations are based on Rosstat data for 2018, and this data must be collected and processed.

Who is entitled to increased pensions?

The size of the pension in Moscow in 2018 will not change for all recipients of this social payment. Those payments that receive:

  • non-working old-age pensioners - for them from January 1 there will be an increase of 3.7%;
  • social plan pensioners (for the loss of a breadwinner, disabled children, etc.) - indexation is planned for them on April 1, the estimated amount is up to 4.1%. Social subsidies will be indexed by 4%.

Will there be indexation of payments to working pensioners?

For old-age pensioners who continue to work, the situation will remain the same - their social payments will not be indexed - therefore there will be no increase for them and they will remain at the same level (which was emphasized by both Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Labor Minister Maxim Topilin). The possibility of indexation of pension benefits is possible for such recipients only upon termination of employment.

Additional payment for pensioners in Moscow from January 1, 2018

Having ten years of Moscow residence experience is a differentiating factor when adjusting pension accruals. Those who do not yet have this experience can count on an additional payment up to the pensioner’s subsistence level; for those who have lived here for 10 years or more, the amount is compensated up to the size of the State Social Insurance Fund. The table shows the comparison between these indicators:

For preferential categories of citizens

The increase in pension payments will also affect beneficiaries. Resolution No. 805-PP lists the categories of citizens entitled to receive city cash payments. This includes:

  • Rehabilitated or recognized as victims of political repression - 2,000 rubles.
  • Home front workers - 1,500 rubles.
  • Labor veterans – 1000 rubles.
  • Monthly compensation in exchange for other benefits (free travel, medicines, etc.) - the maximum increase is 1108 rubles.

One-time payments to anniversaries of married life

The capital authorities have also provided for one-time cash payments on the occasion of anniversaries life together, showing that social policy for this area is aimed at promoting family values. Moscow families with a marital experience of 50 years or more can apply for such payments - the table shows the anniversary dates according to which the amount paid changes:

Pensioners - former military personnel

The amount of social payments to former military personnel and persons equivalent to them (ex-employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, etc.) will be indexed on January 1, 2018. This is an initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who proposed considering the issue of simultaneous indexation of payments to military personnel and payments to former military personnel. The approximate size of the increase is 2% - the exact amount will be known only after indexation.


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