A wedding photo shoot is a creative moment at your wedding, which depends entirely on your imagination and the work of the photographer. And the quality of your photographs will depend on what style of work you choose. What types of wedding photo shoot are there? There are only two of them: staged and reportage. We invite you to learn more about them:

Staged wedding photo shoot

Staged wedding photos graphs are, as a rule, classic photographs that are in every family album: photos of the bride and groom, photos with parents and group wedding photos. This style assumes that the photographer knows in advance where the shot will be taken, how people should stand, and where to look. At the same time, a good one should not only know what kind of photo should ideally turn out, he should also be able to explain his goals to people so that he can be quickly understood, so organizational skills will play an important role in his work.

Reportage wedding photo shoot

The goal of the reportage style is to capture the entire story of your wedding day. A photo session can start early in the morning (for example, with the celebration: how they do it, how she puts it on) and end in the evening (after the first dance of the newlyweds or even later). Reportage shots should also include semi-staged photographs, when classic photography will depend on how the bride and groom behave (for example, when they leave the registry office). During reportage photography, the photographer practically does not interfere with the events taking place, and therefore the photo session will go much faster than a staged one.

Some photographers use only one type of wedding photography in their work. But most prefer a mixed style, skillfully combining both staged shots and reportage photography. Thanks to such a photo shoot, the wedding album becomes more interesting and beautiful, because it contains both classic shots and improvised ones, which give the photographs sincerity and warmth.

Photo: bocabydesignblog.blogspot.ru, tarello.it, strictlyweddings.com

An important point in a wedding event is photographing the entire process. If previously there were only a few photographs in the newlyweds' albums - a photo of the bride and groom and a group photo with the guests, today a professional photographer will beautifully photograph the entire wedding, starting with the newlyweds getting ready and ending with the end of the banquet. All you have to do is choose the type of shooting.

Staged wedding photography

A staged photo shoot is the most beautiful shots that will take center stage in the wedding album. In this type of shooting, a scenario is planned in advance, where the bride and groom, as well as the guests of the celebration, follow the instructions wedding photographer. Every moment is important, so those responsible for this event should create a mood of happiness and shine with joyful emotions all day long. What minutes to choose for staged shots? First of all, the exciting morning when the bride gets herself in order. She does her makeup, does her hair, and appears in all her glory before her family in wedding dress. She is ready to conquer everyone with her beauty and her eyes glow with joy.

Perhaps the most important moment is the painting of the bride and groom, pronouncing the words of the oath, exchanging rings and kissing. A surge of emotions among the newlyweds and wedding guests is guaranteed - the most touching and sincere photographs are obtained.

The next, almost traditional stage in wedding ceremony, is photography while walking. The newlyweds and guests of the celebration can be captured in beautiful places and near the sights of the city.

And of course, the long-awaited banquet - congratulations and toasts, presentation of gifts, dancing and games. All this creates a special atmosphere in which the main thing is to capture interesting moments so that the photographs turn out bright, colorful, filled with emotions.

Reportage wedding photography

This type of photography is based on holding a holiday without the photographer’s intervention in the procession, i.e. he doesn’t tell you how to stand up, where to turn your head, or how to smile. The main task is to capture successful, “live” moments wedding celebration, experience different angles in practice, catch people's real emotions. In order to select successful shots, dozens, or even hundreds, of them have to be shot. The main task that reportage photography solves is to document the chronology of events, to do it in such a way that the viewer seems to be at this event.

Today, all photographers build their work from the combination of these two types of photography in order to reflect the maximum amount of beauty and authenticity of the wedding.

The article was prepared by the photo studio “Pallada”,pallada-photo.ru

- This not just a photographer, but a specialist who must have considerable organizational skills, be stress-resistant, but most importantly be able to shoot in different genres and styles for the time limited by the holiday format. In his own way, a wedding photographer is a superman or superwoman in the world of photography.

Portrait wedding photographs are photographs showing the newlyweds together or separately from each other, as well as guests at the wedding. When shooting in the genre of photojournalism, a wedding photographer will be able to take objective photographs in the correct chronological sequence, telling about the events taking place at the holiday. For newlyweds who want everything that happens at the holiday to be captured in photos, it would be a good idea to order a second photographer, since one may simply not have time to be everywhere at once.

Any more or less wedding photographer tries to realize his unique vision of the holiday, the newlyweds in artistic wedding photography. How interesting and acceptable his worldview is is up to the future spouses to decide individually when searching for and choosing a particular wedding photographer. Artistic wedding photography requires a lot of time to frame the frame in accordance with the artist-photographer’s idea.

Wedding photo documentary, as well as simply documentary, a genre of photography designed to convey literally in one frame all the objective depth of events occurring at a specific time. Neither staging nor serial shooting can achieve this, but as strange as it sounds, you just need to be in right time in the right place and have time to press the button. Therefore, you should not count on documentary wedding photographs, you can only hope that your wedding photographer will be lucky enough to take them.

It is not entirely correct to classify product and fashion photography as wedding photography, since the newlyweds, guests, festive events, and not advertising are important in wedding photography wedding dresses and accessories.

As for the styles of wedding photographs, there are as many ideas as there are photographers.

The following are the most common styles of wedding photos:

Street wedding photography, filmed in urban landscapes, on the streets, on the beach, in parks.

Glamor wedding photography, which depicts the newlyweds in luxurious outfits and expensive interiors. With subsequent painstaking processing in graphic editors to bring the image to a premium level.

Fine art – modern style wedding photography. Distinctive feature, which is shooting on film in natural light and with the photographer paying attention to the wedding details.

Retro wedding photography. A wedding photographer takes pictures of a newlywed couple dressed in retro style in the appropriate surroundings: against the backdrop of an old car, building and editing photographs brings them into line with that time.

Rarely, but still happens wedding photography in fashion style, which takes place in a photo studio, on the podium, where the newlyweds act as models, copying their poses and facial expressions.

For a romantic wedding photography style the main emphasis is on the bride and groom, their tender emotions, touches, kisses, whether on a walk in the park, in the car or just at home.

“Unbridled fun” style of wedding photos involves conveying the most open emotions of the newlyweds and guests at the wedding.

For future spouses who love the freedom of travel, a wedding photographer can offer to shoot wedding photos in the style “Road. Free from fuss, two loving halves on the path to new happiness".

Wedding photos Most associate them with bright colorful or bed colors, however, there are photographers who, with your consent, will photograph your holiday in dark colors.

The conceptual style of a wedding photo shoot requires from the newlyweds full consent to comply with the approved script and excellent skill from

Beautiful photographs are what will remind you of your wedding for many, many years to come. This collaboration photographer, assistant, bride and groom. Everyone is interested in a good result.

Below are some tips to make your wedding photo session as comfortable, interesting and unique as possible so that you get a variety of beautiful photos for your wedding album or book.

1. Smile, smile and smile again!

Get ready for the ENTIRE (!) day you will be the center of attention not only of your loved ones and friends, but also of camera lenses. The more natural, relaxed and lively your smiles are, the better. Sincere smiles suit everyone! If you wish, practice at home in front of the mirror some time before your wedding day.

2. Improvise and feel free and relaxed.

Try to act natural and relaxed.

3. During the day, try not to slouch.

4. When you kiss, try to close your eyes - in photographs such a kiss looks more romantic, filled with tenderness and love.

5. Try to free yourself as much as possible on this day from organizational work. Involve witnesses, parents or friends. Don't solve problems over the phone. Better yet, turn them off! Today is your day! And this is only your time for a photo shoot! Unfortunately, there won't be another one. Every minute is important as an opportunity to take a beautiful and interesting shot.

Photographing the preparation of the bride and groom

The shooting takes place in the place where the bride and groom are getting ready: it can be a salon, a hotel or an apartment.

1. Since the space for shooting is limited, try to make it as spacious as possible: remove unnecessary, conspicuous objects that are not related to the celebration. If it is not possible to prepare the entire apartment for shooting, then you can limit yourself to one room.

2. Try to avoid fuss. To do this, decide in advance who is doing what: who prepares the ransom, who helps you put on your dress and jewelry, who dresses up the cars, etc.

3. The emphasis of this type of photography is all kinds of wedding little things and details: from the bride’s shoes to the decorations of her hair (the groom has a tie, cufflinks, boutonniere, etc.).

Photography during the wedding ceremony

1. The main thing is not to rush. Try to do everything slowly, this will allow the photographer to take as many pictures as possible in order to select the best ones later. Don't turn away from the photographer.

2. Upon entering the ceremonial registration hall (meaning the registry office or the venue exit registration) smile and try to look at each other or straight ahead (and not to the sides, and not to the ceiling). A tip for brides is to hold the dress to avoid tripping over the hem.

3. When signing your marriage certificate, do not lean too low on the table or cabinet. When your significant other signs, don’t forget that you are also in the frame. Smile as you watch your spouse sign their name.

4. When putting on your wedding rings, turn your hands towards the photographer. If wedding ring will suddenly be put on tighter, do not pay attention to it - smile, continuing to put on the ring.

Staged photo shoot at a wedding walk

Staged photography is a joint effort between the photographer and the newlyweds. It is necessary to allocate at least 2-3 hours for a full-fledged shooting (excluding time for movement, boarding and disembarking, traffic jams, etc.).

Here are some tips to make your staged outdoor photo shoot a success:

1. During your photo shoot, it is important to keep your guests occupied with something: a buffet table, competitions, etc. Warn your friends that you will be away from time to time. If you think about the leisure time of your guests in advance, you will be calm, and your guests will not feel abandoned while watching your photo shoot from the sidelines.

2. Of course, all guests will want to take pictures with you. It is better to set aside a specific time and place for this. The rest of the time, guests will have fun and admire the beautiful newlyweds.

3. Be sure to plan your walking route. We recommend not to chase quantity, but to limit yourself to 2-3 places, not far from each other. In this case, the opportunity to do large number successful personnel increases significantly. As a rule, the route is discussed with the photographer in advance (if necessary, on the eve of the wedding, the newlyweds and the photographer visit the places of the planned photo shoot together).

4. In case of bad weather (rain, strong wind), you need to have several places for shooting under the roof. You can also bring a few umbrellas for you and your guests.

5. If your wedding takes place in winter, you need to take care of warm clothes and shoes in advance. It is also necessary to warn guests about the outdoor walk so that they prepare for the weather conditions. It is better to move the main part of the shooting indoors: a museum, a cafe, shopping centers and other places with interesting interiors.

Photography at the banquet

The wedding photographer conducts reportage photography during the main part of the banquet. During congratulations, the photographer will photograph your guests (portrait photography), and during dance breaks there is an opportunity to take photos with those guests who were not there for the walk. In this case, be sure to notify the host of your celebration. A small photo session can be held indoors or in the surrounding area. You can also leave the banquet with your partner for 10-20 minutes together with your photographer, but we do not recommend disappearing for a long time. Agree that fun without a bride and groom is not the same. Discuss all the nuances with the photographer and presenter in advance.

When you throw the bouquet (bride) and garter (groom), be sure to warn the photographer - he may be busy at that moment with your guests or, for example, changing a battery or flash drive. Just make sure once again that the photographer is nearby so that such a unique moment is not done in a hurry.

1. Don't skimp on your hair and makeup on this unique day. We recommend using the services of professionals. Makeup and hairstyle should last until late evening in impeccable condition.

2. Avoid shiny makeup (mother of pearl, sparkles, etc.). It is not compatible with photography. This also applies to hairspray. In photographs, such sparkles will appear as white dots, simply amazingly imitating dandruff scattered over the shoulders and hair.

3. Bride's handbag. Be sure to bring dry wipes and powder (matte!) to eliminate shine during the day. Take also lipstick or lip gloss to periodically refresh your makeup.

4. All cosmetic procedures It is better to spend a few days before the wedding, and not on the eve of the celebration. Be sure to use proven products to avoid possible irritation and allergies. Consult your hair and makeup artist, they may also be able to advise useful tips on how to prepare for a wedding in the best possible way. Don't get carried away with solariums or self-tanning. Remember that next to you the groom may look paler than he really is.

5. Think carefully about your wedding shoes. If you like high heels, it's best to bring spare ones with a lower heel or without one. 6. If you or your fiancé wear glasses, we recommend choosing thin lenses for wedding photographs without any additional coatings to avoid glare/darkening. If you wear glasses with thick lenses, try to avoid them as much as possible while shooting. It is best to replace them with contact lenses or remove them for the duration of the photo shoot. No matter how beautiful they are, thick lenses of glasses introduce distortions into facial features.

1. Choose clothes, shoes and accessories together with the bride so that the color of your suit and shirt matches the color of the bride’s dress. And in the photographs you will look harmonious and elegant. If the wedding day is expected to be hot, take a spare shirt with you: change before the banquet and you will feel comfortable the whole evening. If the wedding takes place in winter time, seriously think about a warm T-shirt, vest or thin sweater.

2. On the eve of the celebration, go to bed early. You should look rested and fresh, because you have a long and interesting day ahead of you.

3. Let the pockets of your trousers and jacket be free, do not fill them with bulky items. It doesn't look good in wedding photos. Everything you need can be given to the witness or put in the bride’s purse, mobile phone, cigarettes and more.

4. Many men think that they don’t need a manicure. However, do not forget that the hands of the newlyweds are the main “characters” of many photographs (when, for example, you sign, put on rings, etc.). And in the background beautiful manicure your bride will look at least not advantageous. Let your wedding photos make you happy, rather than make you feel awkward because there was no thought given to them. wedding manicure. It won't hurt to think about hair styling. Don't forget, this is an important day.

5. And of course, don't forget about the bride. In a wedding dress and high heels It’s not always easy for her to move around; her hands are busy with a bouquet, handbag and dress. Try to be as attentive as possible, open doors, offer your hand. We wish you happy wedding, have a nice photo shoot and beautiful pictures!

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My name is Pavel Furashov, but most people know me as Paul Matis (creative pseudonym).
I am a photographer from Nizhny Novgorod, and my main direction is Wedding photography. Before I tell
you, how I work, and I will give you some advice, I will write a little about myself.

About myself:
I remember it all started back in 2006, when I, while still a schoolboy, saved up for a banal Panasonic Lumix LZ‑7 point-and-shoot camera and started filming everything I saw. It was then that I met such a friend as Adobe Photoshop.

Maybe because I loved drawing, but I started studying it and experimenting. A little later I found my grandfather’s Zenit and learned to shoot on film, it was very interesting for me, especially when instead of a flash drive you have film and you know that you only have 36 frames, and you’ll think 10 times,
before making that very click. Then I began to receive exclamations of delight from friends and acquaintances who claimed that I had talent.

In 2009, I was finally able to afford the simplest set of prof. equipment canon 5D + Tamron 28–75 + canon 50 1.4
And away we go...

Back in 2009, I never thought that I would take photography so seriously. For me it was just interesting, just a hobby. I was tempted by the thought that I could photograph something, make it even more beautiful and show it to friends and acquaintances for all to see.
I never planned to go this route, but sometimes life unfolds in completely unexpected ways. I have never studied in any photography schools, and what I have now achieved, I came on my own, for which I am grateful to the talent, experience and support of my loved ones.

Techniques used in wedding photography:
Canon 5D and 5D Mark II///Canon 17–40 4.0L - 24 1.4L - 50 1.2L - 135 2.0L - Cosina 100 3.5 macro - fish-eye 16 2.8 - Canon 580 II -YN 568 - YN 622C TTL + umbrellas, octoboxes and much more.
(Coming soon + 85 1.2L)

About preparing for wedding photography:
The main thing in the success of any business is preparation. Always look for new locations, move away from the standards, dissuade the newlyweds from going for a walk to various main squares and fountains of the city, try to look for special, deserted places, maybe not far from the city, maybe on a narrow street.. Study very well the area of ​​​​a possible future shooting. Make friends with the person you will be photographing; it’s better to get on familiar terms; it will be easier during the shooting process.

Give yourself a “timing” for the day so you know your day’s schedule and be ready for your next destination. Discuss plan B with the young people. In case of unexpected rain or when shooting in winter, it will be important to agree in advance with some establishment about interior photography. It may
be a restaurant, cafe, bar, museum, estate, theater, cinema or, where you can always come and rent it for an hour. Also, do not forget to advise taking additional accessories to the wedding, ranging from ordinary signs, baskets, transparent colored fabric, large letters L.O.V. E. or the first letters of their names to the laid tables for the newlyweds in the middle of a field or in a park. Advise young people to create and follow a color scheme wedding day, i.e., focusing on a certain color tone, this will greatly add a “European” style to wedding photographs.

About the photography process:
Shoot in RAW, this opens up possibilities in the post-processing stage and sometimes allows you to save important images. Shoot in M ​​mode and only in M! Always try to achieve perfection in everything you do. You must clearly understand which lens to use for a given photo that you already have in your head. Don’t forget about taking photos of guests, group shots and long shots.
The newlyweds, unfortunately, are not professional models, and staged photography often does not look very good due to its visual pretense. Therefore, play up some moments in order to catch the desired shot, so the bride, groom and guests will be more relaxed and independent.

Get ready!
You must have an incredible reaction to the smallest events and emotions in order to capture them without being noticed (for me personally, playing tennis as a child played an important role in this).

Don't forget that you must be both a production photographer and a reportage photographer.
Be creative, get excited!
I don’t know how to explain, but when I’m already walking with the bride and groom to the location, an assessment of the area already begins in my head, and I imagine all sorts of angles. Sometimes you shouldn’t skimp on camera mileage; it’s better to do an extra take than not to do it.

When taking group photos, after the official photo, say “That's it! Super!" and continue pressing the shutter button to complete the series of photographs. Often these shots are better because people are already relaxed.

I personally use 99% of the center focus point only. If you shoot wide open, remember to focus on the eyes.
At a banquet or indoors, don't be afraid to raise your ISO (if technology allows). Try to use the flash less. If you manage to preserve the atmosphere in the photo, it will be better and more soulful.

During the shooting, show beautiful shots to the heroes of the occasion - they become more relaxed in front of the lenses.

Very often, many people forget that in addition to the background of a photograph, it can also have a foreground. Especially when shooting with fast primes, place various objects in front of the lens (transparent curtains, veils, transparent objects, branches, flowers) to add blur.

Don’t be shy about asking young people to show emotions, try to take as many diverse photographs as possible, both romantic and sentimental, as well as light, cheerful, carefree.

When moving from location to location, do not get bored listening to the radio with the driver. Take pictures of the newlyweds in a car, stop somewhere on an empty road, take a couple of pictures of the bride running along the road in a field, take dynamic pictures of the wedding procession in motion. If the wedding is in the summer, you can even come to the beach and run barefoot in the water.

Go into the nooks and crannies of the streets! The more unusual the place, the more interesting it is, and remember, a masterpiece can be shot anywhere, the main thing is the idea and a creative angle!

Also, there is relevance in external pulsed light. Synchronizers, transparent umbrellas, flash and assistant will help you with this.

Don't forget about flash drives. For the safety and security of at least some part of the pictures, use flash cards of 8 GB or a maximum of 16 GB. I personally take 10 cards of 8 GB each for each shoot.

Don’t forget about spare batteries, especially in the cold winter they tend to “give up” earlier than usual.

Always experiment, study the work of other photographers, don’t be afraid to do something new for yourself, take unusual angles, forget about all the rules of photo composition, crawl, climb to high shooting points, look different from everyone else, notice details and little things, they are very important ! It's not just rings, bouquets and shoes.

If the newlyweds are hugging, then you can take a close-up of the hands and show how the groom holds the bride tightly. If the shooting takes place in the garden, take a close-up of the berries and twigs. If the shooting takes place on the shore, then a close-up can be done on stones, seagulls, sand. It is also interesting to emphasize glasses, table settings, candles, eyes, gestures, the groom’s bow tie, the bride’s corset, emotions. Don't forget about children at the wedding and animals.

If possible, shoot with two cameras at once. I sighed lightly after I started shooting with two cameras at the same time, remembering how I shot with one camera and changed lenses every 10 minutes. Put a wide-angle lens on one body, and a portrait lens on the other, and that’s it!
You are Chuck Norris! All that remains is to choose a holster and what to shoot with: buckshot (17–40L) or a sniper shot (135L). If you are wondering how to carry two cameras at once, there is now a special one. straps for 2 cameras, which are very comfortable.. +50 to speed and efficiency.

About processing:
Regarding photo processing, I’ll just say that I use Lightroom + Photoshop.
For a full wedding day of shooting, I take about 2000-2500 photos, of which I give 600-1000 + slideshows. Everything is recorded on branded discs, which are packaged in beautiful Italian leather boxes with an aluminum insert. For some orders: print multiple photos.
Also this year I plan to add such an important service as a wedding photo book.

Regarding the deadline for submitting photographs, I would not advise delaying (please nervous system brides) and at the same time would not advise rushing and thoughtlessly processing photographs.

To do this, I would advise you to sit down to process only when you have good mood. Personally, I mostly process at night, with my favorite music, when there are no distractions, no one calling, and I get into the rhythm of post-production.

And don’t forget about regular photo shoots for girls, photography of cars, landscapes, animals, friends, whatever you like... Such diverse shooting will add energy and inspiration to you so as not to stop there.

A little philosophy:
Photography is, in a sense, something that will never be repeated. You look at it and understand: this is what really happened and does not exist. Even if this photo was just taken, you look at it and realize that life is flowing away every second. It is born again.. And flows away..
And something remains - this cast of reality. This fragment.. this feeling.. this happiness..
Practice wedding photography with love and responsibility. It is the wedding photographer who captures some of the brightest moments in the lives of lovers. It is his photographs that will then be shown to children and grandchildren, friends and relatives. It is his photographs that will live on the walls, and it is they who will be passed on from generation to generation, so that in 100 years people who look at these photos will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of a wedding holiday, feel the breath of the era, the breath of life.

Have magical photos and may your muse never leave you!

Steve Jobs once said:
“The only way to get true job satisfaction is to do work that you think is really great, and the only way do great job- is to love what you do..."
I love what I do.

Wedding photographer Paul Matis (Pavel Furashov).