From Monday March 30, 2020, restrictions on movement around the city will be introduced in the capital. (home self-isolation) for all Moscow residents regardless of age.

The corresponding Decree number 34-UM dated March 29, 2020 was signed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on March 29, 2020. The new document amends (adds) the previously issued Decree No. 12-UM dated 03/05/2020.

We tell you what can and cannot be done in accordance with the new Decree.

Despite the imposed self-isolation regime, in some cases it is still possible to leave the house. We list these cases below.

In what cases can you leave the house:
* In case of seeking emergency medical care.
* In case of a threat to life or health.
* In the case of going to a place of activity (work), the implementation of which is not prohibited. Previously we wrote about
* To purchase food and goods - go to the nearest store.
* In case of walking pets - at a distance of no more than 100 meters from the place of residence.
* If necessary, take out the garbage to the nearest waste accumulation site.

If you do need to leave the house, you should follow a number of rules.

How to behave on the street, in public places and public transport:
* It is necessary to maintain distance (social distancing), that is, not to approach other citizens at a distance of less than one and a half meters, with the exception of taxi rides.
* Comply with special social distancing markings in areas where they are posted.

The Decree does not apply to:
* for cases of medical provision. help.
* on the activities of law enforcement agencies and other bodies whose actions are aimed at ensuring the safety of citizens.
* for vehicle traffic.
* for citizens who have been issued special passes.
* for cases of arrival and departure from the city.

Until what date will the self-isolation regime for all residents of Moscow, introduced on March 30, 2020, last:

In the published document The end date of the general self-isolation regime is not specified, introduced from March 30, 2020.

This means that the timing of lifting the home self-isolation regime will be announced additionally after the epidemiological situation in Moscow and the region improves and the spread of coronavirus infection begins to decline.

Production calendar Tatarstan for 2019 with holidays is needed for the work of a personnel officer and accountant. It will help you plan your work and vacation schedule for 2019, as well as reporting deadlines. Download and print the calendar for 2019 in any form convenient for you: Excel, PDF or Word in A4 format.

In this article:

Non-working days and holidays in Russia are regulated by Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Every year the Government approves the procedure for postponing weekends. A group of specialists from the Ministry of Labor is working on the project. Their main task is to optimize the country’s work schedule, taking into account the requirements of Labor legislation.

Production calendar for 2019 Tatarstan with holidays and weekends

The production calendar of Tatarstan differs from the all-Russian production calendar. It takes into account republican and religious holidays.

In 2019, with a 5-day working week in Tatarstan:

  • 243 working days, incl. 9 working days shortened by one hour (February 22, March 7, April 30, May 8, June 3 and 11, August 29, November 5 and December 31);
  • 122 days off, incl. 18 non-working holidays.

Weekends and holidays in Tatarstan in 2019

The Ministry of Labor prepares and approves a plan for weekends and holidays every year. On at the moment The approved document for postponing weekends and holidays in 2019 has already been posted on the official website. We recommend downloading the 2019 production calendar with holidays and weekends!

According to the draft of the Ministry of Labor, rest days will be transferred as follows:

  • January 5 and 6 (Saturday and Sunday) to May 2 and 3;
  • February 23 (Saturday) to May 10.

Calendar 2019 Tatarstan with holidays is regulated not only by all-Russian laws, but also by local ones. For example, Tatarstan Day and Constitution Day are celebrated.

Holidays in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2019
Holidays Holiday Duration of rest
January 1-6, 8 New Year holidays December 30, 2018 – January 8 (10 days)
January 7 Christmas
February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23–24 (2 days)
March 8 International Women's Day March 8–10 (3 days)
May 1 Spring and Labor Day May 1 – May 5 (5 days)
May 9 Victory Day May 9 – May 12 (4 days);
June 12 Russia Day June 12 (1 day)
June 4 Eid al-Adha June 4 (1 day)
August 12 Eid al-Adha August 12 (1 day)
August 30 Tatarstan Day August 30 (1 day)
November 4 Day national unity November 2–4 (3 days)
November 6 Constitution Day of Tatarstan November 6 (1 day)

Working time standards in Tatarstan for 2019

In the production calendar of Tatarstan for 2019, with a 5-day working week with two days off, there are 243 working days, including 9 days shortened by one hour. Tatarstan residents will have a 122-day vacation in 2019. Compared to 2018, there are 2 fewer working days (in 2018 - 245 working days).

To calculate the standard working time for a five-day working week of a particular month, you need to divide the length of the working week (40, 36, 24) by 5, then multiply by the number of working days in a given month and subtract the number of hours by which you need to reduce working hours on the eve of non-working holidays.

The total working hours for 2019 will be:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 1,935 hours (40 hours / 5 days x 243 days - 9 hours);
  • with a 36-hour work week - 1,740.6 hours (36 hours / 5 days x 243 days - 9 hours);
  • with a 24-hour work week - 1,157.4 hours (24 hours / 5 days x 243 days - 9 hours).

Standards of working time with a 5-day working week in 2019 in the 1st quarter (January-March)

January February March 1st quarter
Calendar days 31 28 31 90
Working days 17 20 20 57
Weekends and holidays 14 8 11 33
At 40 hours week 136 159 159 454
At 36 hours week 122,4 143 143 408,4
At 24 hours week 81,6 95 95 271,6

Standards of working time with a 5-day work week in 2019 in the 2nd quarter (April-June)

April May June 2nd quarter
Calendar days 30 31 30 91
Working days 22 18 18 58
Weekends and holidays 8 13 12 33
At 40 hours week 175 143 142 460
At 36 hours week 157,4 128,6 127,6 413,6
At 24 hours week 104,6 85,4 84,4 274,4

Standards of working time with a 5-day working week in 2019 in the 3rd quarter (July-September)

July August September 3rd quarter
Calendar days 31 31 30 92
Working days 23 20 21 64
Weekends and holidays 8 11 9 28
At 40 hours week 184 159 168 511
At 36 hours week 165,6 143 151,2 459,8
At 24 hours week 110,4 95 100,8 306,2

Standards of working time with a 5-day work week in 2019 in the 4th quarter (October-December)

October November December 4th quarter 2019
Calendar days 31 30 31 92 365
Working days 23 19 22 64 243
Weekends and holidays 8 11 9 28 122
At 40 hours week 184 151 175 510 1935
At 36 hours week 165,6 135,8 157,4 458,8 1740,6
At 24 hours week 110,4 90,2 104,6 305,2 1157,4

The legislation of the Republic of Tatarstan establishes several additional holidays in the region. For this reason, the production calendar of this subject of the Russian Federation is very different from the all-Russian one. In the article you will find detailed information and downloadable files in various formats.

Production calendar of Tatarstan for 2020 for download

Official holidays in the Republic of Tatarstan

Non-working holidays of the region are established by clause 1 of Art. 1 of the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated February 19, 1992 No. 1448-XII “On holidays And memorable dates Republic of Tatarstan" (as amended by Law No. 67-ZRT dated September 29, 2016).

These include:

  • Day of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Constitution Day of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • two Muslim holidays - Eid al-Adha and Kurban Bayram.

Please note that contrary to general rules these non-working holidays, if they coincide with Saturday or Sunday, do not entail the transfer of days off. This is stated in paragraph 5 of Art. 1 of the previously mentioned law No. 1448-XII.

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 1 of the above law, days of implementation Muslim holidays, the actual dates of which depend on lunar calendar, are determined by a separate decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In addition to the holidays established by the law of the Republic, the all-Russian holidays mentioned in Art. 112 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When is Uraza Bayram celebrated in 2020 in Tatarstan

Eid al-Fitr in 2020 is celebrated by all Muslim believers in the world immediately after the end of the Holy Lent. The date of the celebration is directly related to the month of Ramadan, so every year it shifts by 10 days. Celebrations to mark the end of Lent will begin on the evening of May 23, just after sunset. And the holiday itself will be celebrated from May 24 to May 26. Since it is celebrated immediately after the end of fasting, it is often called the Day of Breaking the Fast. In honor of the holiday, Monday May 25 is a non-working day. The exact date will be set by a decree of the Government of Tatarstan.

When is Eid al-Adha celebrated in 2020?

Eid al-Adha is one of the greatest holidays in Islam, celebrated in honor of the sacrifice of the prophet Ibrahim and marking the end of the hajj. At the same time, Kurban Bayram is calculated according to the lunar calendar, therefore every year the Feast of the Sacrifice is celebrated on different days. By Muslim calendar The holiday begins on the 10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah and lasts 3 days. Eid al-Adha in 2020 falls on July 31 and August 1-1. In honor of the holiday, July 31 is a non-working day. The exact date will be set by a decree of the Government of Tatarstan.

When is the Day of the Republic of Tatarstan celebrated in 2020

On August 30, 1990, the now Tatarstan region received the status of the Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic. Therefore, from this year the Day of Tatarstan is celebrated. In honor of the holiday, August 30 is a non-working day.

Complete list of holidays in Tatarstan for 2020

Look at the table for a list of non-working holidays in Tatarstan in 2020.

Holiday dates

Name of the holiday


New Year holidays

All-Russian holidays


All-Russian holiday

Defender of the Fatherland Day

All-Russian holiday

International Women's Day

All-Russian holiday

Spring and Labor Day

All-Russian holiday

Victory Day

All-Russian holiday

Russia Day

All-Russian holiday

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha

The exact date depends on the lunar calendar and is confirmed by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

Republic Day of Tatarstan

National Unity Day

All-Russian holiday

Constitution Day of the Republic of Tatarstan


In November of this year, residents of Tatarstan will have two additional days off: November 4 and 6, the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Tatarstan reported. On November 4, Russia celebrates National Unity Day, and on November 6, the Republic of Tatarstan celebrates Constitution Day. In this regard, Tatarstan residents will have two additional days off. Please note that on November 5 there will be a shortened working day.

Table of holidays, weekends and shortened days in Tatarstan in 2019

HolidaysHolidayShortened days
January 1-6, 8New Year holidays
January 7Christmas
February 23-24Defender of the Fatherland DayFebruary 22
March 8-10International Women's DayMarch 7
May 1-5Spring and Labor DayApril 30
May 9-12Victory DayMay 8
June 4Eid al-AdhaJune 3
June 12Russia DayJune 11
August 11Eid al-Adha
August 30Republic Day of TatarstanAugust 29
November 2-4National Unity Day
November 6Constitution Day of TatarstanNovember 5

How do we relax in November 2019 with a five-day working week in Russia?

The 5-day workweek in November includes long weekends. This situation is observed due to the onset of National Unity Day.

On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, those who work 5 days a week do not work. There are no pre-holiday shortened days. Below are the dates on which Russians vacation:

  • 2nd, 3rd and 4th (Saturday, Sunday, Monday);
  • 9th and 10th (Saturday, Sunday);
  • 16th and 17th (Saturday, Sunday);
  • 23rd and 24th (Saturday, Sunday);
  • 30th (Saturday).

Is November 1 a short working day or not in 2019 in Russia?

Conclusion: November 1, 2019 will be full time, no cuts. There is no reason for November 1, 2019 to be a shortened working day, unless it is already a shortened working day in your organization.

Are there transfers of days in November 2019 or not?

The authorities did not initiate any transfers for November of this year. There are no additional days of rest, so those operating 5 work shifts per week will face a long weekend of 3 days (2nd, 3rd and 4th). For a 6-day week, the long weekend will take place on the 3rd and 4th.

An integral tool for employers when planning work on the territory of Tatarstan will be the production calendar of the republic for 2020 with approved holidays, workdays and weekends. Based on this information, working time standards will be calculated depending on the work schedule. The information from the document is relevant not only to employees of accounting and human resources departments, but also to ordinary working citizens when planning their daily activities and trips in the coming year.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the officially approved version of the production calendar of Tatarstan for 2020 with the transfer of holidays.

Regulatory documents

The production calendar of Tatarstan for 2020 is compiled by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and social protection Republics, taking into account the provisions of federal and republican regulations:

  1. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 588n dated August 13, 2009.
  2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the transfer of days off” (approved annually).
  4. Law of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 1448-XII dated February 19, 1992.
  5. Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan determining the dates for the celebration of Eid al-Adha and Kurban Bayram in 2020.

2020 is a leap year, so it will have 366 days, including 246 working days and 120 days off (assuming a five-day work week with Saturday and Sunday being non-working).


For Tatarstan, there are national holidays established by Russian legislation. In the 2020 calendar, the dates of holidays considered official non-working days will be as follows:

Republican holidays

Additionally, regional legislation establishes internal holidays associated with significant dates for Tatarstan (according to Law of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 1448-XII of February 19, 1992). Due to the latter, the number of days off in the 2020 production calendar for Tatarstan residents will be slightly larger compared to similar documents for other regions of the country. Local holidays fall on the following dates:

  • Eid al-Fitr – Sunday, May 24th.
  • Kurban Bayram - Friday July 31st.
  • Republic Day of Tatarstan – Sunday, August 30.
  • Constitution Day of the Republic of Tatarstan is Friday, November 6th.

Note! For republican holidays coinciding in date with a calendar weekend (Saturday or Sunday), since 2016, the possibility of additional rest on the next working day has been canceled (according to the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 67-ZRT dated September 29, 2016. For all-Russian holidays, transfers still apply as in all regions of the country.

Shortened time

For days of work preceding official holidays, employers are required to set the working day to one hour less, which must be taken into account in the production calendar (according to Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In 2020, employed citizens of Tatarstan will receive shortened days:

  • Thursday 30.04;
  • Friday 08.05;
  • Thursday 11.06;
  • Thursday 30.07;
  • Tuesday 03.11;
  • Thursday 05.11;
  • Thursday 31.12.

What is carried over

Non-working national holidays, which in 2020 coincide with calendar weekends, provide an opportunity to take a break from work on the next working day. Taking into account this rule, in 2020 we can expect that the following will be postponed:

Special attention is paid to the transfer of days classified as non-working holidays within the framework of the so-called New Year holidays: two of them will be allocated to other days calendar year(according to Law No. 35-FZ of April 23, 2012), which is reflected in the relevant Government Decree.

When planning dates, officials strive to take into account the interests of citizens as much as possible and provide longer vacations instead of the traditional two-day weekend. So, in 2020, the days of rest on January 4 and 5 (Saturday and Sunday, respectively) will be moved to May 4 (Monday) and May 5 (Tuesday), which will make it possible to extend the rest for the May holidays.

Long weekend

Non-working days official holidays and their transfers in some cases will provide the population of Tatarstan with several periods of longer rest than the traditional 2-day weekend. Considering the above forecasts about postponements, long weekends in 2020 should be expected:

  • 01.01.-08.01. thanks to the New Year holidays;
  • 22.02-24.02. on Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • 03/07-03/09. in honor of International Women's Day;
  • 01.05-05.05. for Spring and Labor Day;
  • 09.05-11.05. on the occasion of Victory Day;
  • 12.06-14.06. for Russia Day.

Working time standards

The data presented above on working days, weekends and holidays and associated periods of rest and reduction of work hours the day before are used when calculating working time standards in 2020. They are set for different operating modes, presenting a monthly, quarterly and annual picture. The indicators for the “five-day period” are presented in the table below:

Month/quarter/yearNumber of daysWorking hours (hours)
2020366 246 120 1961 1764.2 1173.8
calendarworkersweekend40 hours/week36 hours/week24 hours/week
January31 17 14 136 122.4 81.6
February29 19 10 152 136.8 91.2
March31 21 10 168 151.2 100.8
April30 22 8 175 157.4 104.6
May31 17 14 135 121.4 80.6
June30 21 9 167 150.2 99.8
July31 22 9 175 157.4 104.6
August31 21 10 168 151.2 100.8
September30 22 8 176 158.4 105.6
October31 22 9 176 158.4 105.6
November30 19 11 150 134.8 89.2
December31 23 8 183 164.6 109.4
1st quarter91 57 34 456 410.4 273.6
2nd quarter91 60 31 477 429 285
3rd quarter92 65 27 519 467 311
4th quarter92 64 28 509 457.8 304.2
1st half of the year182 117 65 933 839.4 558.6
2nd half184 129 55 1028 924.8 615.2

Note! Monthly norms are calculated by dividing the length of the working week in hours by 5 (assuming a 5-day work week) and multiplying the resulting indicator by the number of days of work according to the calendar, minus the reduced hours on the eve of federal and republican holidays. General quarterly and annual values ​​are also calculated using a similar principle.

In total, in 2020, the production calendar of Tatarstan provides for the following number of working hours for different operating modes:

  • 1173.8 hours (with 4.8 hour shift/24-hour week).
  • 1764.2 hours (with a 7.2 hour shift/36 hour week).
  • 1961 hours (with an 8-hour shift/40-hour week).