Today we will talk:

Each mother protects his child and tries to give him a maximum of her maternal love and care. After his birth (especially, if the baby is the firstborn), in front of the young mother there are many different questions: how to feed the kid? How to bathe it? How to swaddle? and do I need to swing it at all? In our article we will try to illuminate all points of view regarding the question of the waving of young children.

Our grandmothers and moms did not even think about whether it was necessary or not to swaded a newborn. They were firmly convinced that the diaper saves the baby from awkward movements, he sleeps better and "not throws out" in a dream. In addition, it was believed that in diapers sleep baby is calm and even. The kid cannot scare itself by involuntary movements, will not cry, and its legs thanks to the tight swarenia will become smaller and straightened faster.

However, time passed, in medicine a lot has changed. Now young parents are very skeptical about the arguments of their mothers and grandmothers. It seems to them that swaddling is torture for their baby. Especially on the Internet, many young mothers in the forums write that the swaddling is already the last century that for the baby is better when it is dressed from the first days of life into the sliders and sprawers. Children's psychologists appeared, who advise him to refuse swarenia, arguing their point of view by the fact that diapers limit the freedom of the child and prevent him from exploring him. Who to believe? The accumulated experience of generations or new medical devices? To answer this question, you need to designate all the "pluses" and "minuses" of pellery.

Pluses and Cons

Diaper - a universal thing. Fashion changes, take place, and the hands of famous designers do not reach the folk invention. Like twenty years ago, the diaper is a cut of tissue from natural materials (flannel, sitherium, etc.), in which moms wrap up newborn children.

The pluses of swaddling include the following factors:

  • diaper protects the baby from fright and provides him with a calm dream;
  • the fabric rolls the infant movement, which in the first weeks of his life is pretty chaotic, and the baby cannot harm himself;
  • in the diaper, the child will not frustrate, a comfortable temperature is created for it;
  • the baby feels protected, because in and the maternal womb was clown (the handles and legs pressed to the body) and warm;
  • premature babies need to swaded immediately, doctors insist on this;
  • diaper cost cheaper than sprawers, sliders and diapers;
  • many mothers point out that small children are easier to drain than pull the sprawling on them.

However, today they call the disadvantias:

  • some children's psychologists argue that, due to the difficulty of movements in a diaper, a child may experience some lag in development in the future, because he was prevented to express themselves and limited his freedom;
  • if the diaper turns out to be too warm (in the first months of life in children, the unstable body temperature), the baby can stand and overheat;
  • the baby quickly gets used to swaddling and then it's hard to wean from him;
  • diaper needs to be constantly changing and washed, it is impossible to wrap a baby in the same unstained diaper, even if it is dry, because irritation may appear on the skin of the child;
  • the myth that the sweltering straightens the legs of the newborn and remains myth.

Opinion doctors

We will share with you the opinion of Dr. E. O. Komarovsky, a candidate of medical sciences, leading television programs devoted to the health of children. E. O. Komarovsky believes that each family itself must solve the question regarding the baby's swelling. He insists that in the USSR, all the pelleni children for one simple reason: lacked funds for the purchase of dispensers and sliders, they were treated with diapers, which were often transmitted by inheritance.

Now the situation has changed, no shortage for children's things, people can afford to purchase the necessary clothes for the baby. However, according to the doctor, it is impractical to throw the mountains of the diapers left, for example, from your firstborn, just because "so told on TV." Why not use diapers again? Think about the material side of the case and about your nerves. If you still decided to swaded the baby - try not to swing it too tight, otherwise it will be uncomfortable, and the child will cry.

Secrets of Pelennia

Total distinguished two types of sweltering: tight and free. The first was common in the USSR and in previous epochs. The baby Pelenali is quite tight so that he can not release the handle or leg. In ancient times, they prefer to swaded children in this way until six months until the child was started to sit. It has been proven that too tight swaddling can harm the child. This method worsens the blood circulation of the kid, it becomes difficult for him to breathe. The child cannot keep the legs in a naturally bent state after tight swaddling.

Most modern doctors give their votes for free swaddling. The limbs of the kid should not be tightly pressed to the body, you need to leave at least a little freedom to the child. Some parents are shining only the legs and the body of the child, leaving their hands on freedom. This method is suitable for those kids who have no problem with sleep. If you decide to block the child only legs, then make sure that his handles are not bare, be sure to wear a sprawer on it so that the kid does not froze.

Another controversial question is to subscribe to a diaper. We recommend to refrain from diapers, and then why: the skin of newborns is unusually tender, any irritation or roughness is perceived by her very painful. If the child urins in diapers, it needs to be immediately removed, and not to leave the crumb to lie in the "miracle-panties". If you approach the diaper for a diaper, the so-called "greenhouse effect" may occur, which will not bring anything good to your baby. You will have to lubricate damaged skin with creams and use suproes. Better for some time to use exclusively diapers and constantly change them. Teach that in the first months you will need a large number of diapers (at least 10-15), since the newborn baby will often urinate, and you will have to constantly change them.

Before making a baby, you need to make sure that the diaper is dry and clean. It is better to try the cut of the tissue to destroy extra viruses and microbes. The swader needs only the desired child, otherwise his skin will be inflamed, and the baby will become incessantly crying. If you decide that you will still swing your child, select the appropriate version of the sweltering (free, tight, wide swaddling, swaddling with a convertible, swaddling with your head and so on.), Given the features of your child, the temperature outside the window and in the room (for example, In winter and late autumn, it is better to swaded a baby in warm and tight fabric with a head or a converter so that the child does not care and fell ill).

Finally, it is worth talking about when you need to stop waving. Doctors believe that the child should give relative freedom in two or three months. Some children are enough and a month, since, then they begin to more or less control the movements of their handles and calmly fall asleep without a diaper. Fancy "Oversha" baby in diapers, since it can harm him, reduce tactile sensations and not allow the muscles to grow in a short time.

"Swim or not swaded?" - Everyone decides for himself this question. The main thing is to remember that your child is an individuality, he cannot come absolutely under all the standards, so choosing between the diaper and disintegrates look like he behaves, it is convenient to fall asleep without a diaper, whether he wakes up and crying and so on. Then The answer will come by itself.

After the baby appears and is discharged from the maternity hospital, the mother's natural desire is to surround it with care and warmth. Therefore, parents are interested in the question of whether to swaded or not a newborn baby, making swearing tight or free. There are several techniques according to which this action can be carried out in different ways, depending on the health of the baby.

What are newborn children

The tradition to wrap a kid in a diaper has ancient roots. This process is intended to perform several functions at once. Pediatricians are explained at the first reception, why swaded newborns. They unanimously agree that the swaddling is needed in order to:

  1. The kid is not frozen, lying in the crib, because its thermoregulation is not so perfect, like adults.
  2. The chaotic movement of the child was limited to avoid sudden frightened if Krochu touches the handle of his face or body.
  3. The newborn felt more protected. The diaper limits the space and resembles a cocoon in which he was in the womb.

For and against the fusion of a newborn

There are many different arguments given by opponents and supporters of various toddler waving systems. There are still disputes of children's doctors about whether to swaded or there are no newborn babies. The positive arguments of the wrapping of children include:

  • maintenance of body temperature;
  • fixation of the limbs;
  • more relaxed sleep;
  • ensuring the comfort of a newborn.

In addition, swaddling is a mandatory measure for children with congenital pathology of hands or feet, as well as for premature babies. Negative moments are not so much and they belong to the conservative method of tight peeling, when it is necessary to force the crumb limbs for violently and tightly press them to the body. The main disadvantage minuses are:

  1. The inability to adjust the temperature. Because of this, the baby overheats. Toddler's skin appears on the kid, diaper dermatitis.
  2. Permanent finding in a thick warm diaper leads to insufficient physical and emotional development.

Tight Warding

Such a way as tight swaddling is currently used much less frequently than before. Some pediatricians, telling young mothers, whether to swaded a newborn, express good arguments in favor of the failure of this method of wrapping kids. In such a position of the movement of the child will be unnatural and compound. Creation of blood circulation and heat exchange. However, in some cases, when the child is hyperactive, or there is a development pathology, this technique will help to calm him faster. Then it is recommended to swaddle crumbling the tight when he sleeps.

Free swaddling

The technique of free or wide swaddling is a more sparing option in which the baby is given the opportunity to move the legs and handles a little. A variety of this method is to wrap only the lower extremities. At the same time, the feet of the legs are not fulfilled. On the contrary, they are given free, relaxed position.

Do you need to swaddle a newborn

The question of whether to swaded a newborn and what method is better, there is still disputes of specialists. Our grandmothers and moms, crushing children 20-30 years ago, responding to the question of whether to swaded a newborn baby, recommend to wrap a kid at most. Children's doctors based on the results of numerous studies, advise to look at the temperament of the baby and put it on depending on the activity.

Since birth

After the baby is born, it is necessary to swaded it. After all, the newborn crumb is hard to get used to the fact that the space is not limited around. The kid can be afraid of the handles, touching the face. At this age, it is desirable to leave the limbs of a child free only during therapeutic massage and air procedures. Gradually, after a month, you can not put the knobs when feeding, not forgetting to wear scratching mittens or a special breakup, so that the baby does not hurt himself with cohesives.

At night

Many moms have doubts about the issue, swaddle or not a newborn at night. Here most pediatricians are unanimously in their opinion - when the baby is in a separate bed, it is better to wrap it with a whole, using the free method of swelping. Then parents can be sure that the crumb will sleep most of the night time.

Swimmed legs

The method of swelping assumes that the handles remain free. The main reason why the legs were peelled into the old grandmother's legs, it was an assertion that after tight fixation with the help of a diaper they will be much smaller. Now it is proved that this method cannot affect congenital pathologies and straighten the bones of the child. However, if the kid at this age is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, then this technology will help fix the limbs motionless and contribute to recovery.

How to block a child

Young parents are better to master the waving technique in advance, to then, when the crumb will be born, not to waste time. In order to accomplish this simple procedure, you need to prepare a wide diaper, a gauze diaper or diaper. It is important to pay attention to the time of year, in which the baby was born, because the flannel fabric is not suitable for hot summer.

It is necessary to use a cotton thin diaper that will ensure sufficient ventilation and help avoid the appearance of diaper dermatitis. The most common way to wrap is assumed that the fabric will be horizontally. The most convenient to perform the procedure in the following sequence:

  1. Wrap the diaper around the thigh of the newborn, put the kid perpendicular to the wide side of the diaper.
  2. Slightly press the handle of the baby to the side, take the corner of the fabric, which is from the same side, to overtake the torso and fix the edge on the back.
  3. Take the opposite corner, carefully straighten the other hand of the child, the edge of the diaper to start behind the back.
  4. Pull the bottom corners in different directions, impose on the baby's chest and in the area just above the elbow, lock behind.
  5. Place all the folds that can interfere with the crumb.

Rarely, what mom, gathering in the maternity hospital, costs without a heap of diapers, they are the classic part of the attached baby. Having received a crumb into arms, the parents think about whether to swaded a newborn or this method - the relic of the past? There are so many wonderful miniature clothes in stores, and I want to give your child all the best.

If you ask any grandmother about, then everyone will advise with pleasure, having beating about the care system adopted in the USSR. Pediatricians, following the example of Dr. Komarovsky, do not consider the problem too serious and specific explanations do not give. Unified system, how to care for the baby at home, now does not exist. Make the decision of the mother and dad, based on the financial capabilities, the characteristics of the child and personal experience.

From this article you will learn

Excursion to history

Diaper, perhaps, a little younger than human civilization. The ancient Roman stone bas-reliefs, depicting babies wrapped in fabric, as well as references to the dyeing system in the Indians of America or the nationalities of the North. In times of Hippocrat First, pellenali parts of the body of the baby, each separately, then the child is entirely. In medieval Europe, it was customary to wrap a child in seven meters long.

Already at that time, the question is why the swaded newborns and about the dangers of this, raised progressively thinking people. Pliny, an ancient Greek doctor, spoke about the unreasonable binding of hands and legs at a free creature, which is a child. Opponents of the swelnia were Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Lion Tolstoy.

The diapers were protection from the cold and the means of controlling the baby: tightly rolled up the baby's hands and feet was unable to turn over and fall out of the cradle. Kutali kids are mostly autumn and in winter, for the summer children often undressed. Remember the pictures of the Revival artists: babies on them are predominantly naked. In many cultures, Svivanniki used to six months.

To what age

Solving, how many months to swaded a child, you need to focus on the psychophysiological level of development. Most of the day the newborn spends in a dream and it feels better in the cocoon of matter. Time passes, the baby ceases to be in a static position, he has a need for movement.

Three-month kids Already trying to turn over from different provisions. Kroch learns to grab various objects with handles. Limiting dumplings interfere with the natural movements of the kid. To this age, the baby is strong enough and mastered, can get out of several layers of fabric. You can damage it to feeding it for feeding.

By six months The motor skills of the child include many actions, it becomes more active. The sliders - from the word crawl as soon as the baby tries to do this, the need for swelly disappears at all.

Benefits of Pelennia

Modern supporters of the method lead a lot of arguments in their favor. The main argument is the preservation of a close shell, in which the baby was in front of childbirth. Cocoon of fabric, enveloping the baby, reminds the intrauterine period, soothes. Pens and legs are in a static position and do not cause fright in reflex movement.

According to the adherents of the method, there are many advantages in the use of diapers:

  • In such a robe no buttons, rubber, Capable to cause scuffs on the gentle skin of the child. Rough seam can break the baby's sleep.
  • Method save family budget: Included from twenty diapers and several unasseaves a child can be from three to six months.
  • In several layers of fabric baby warmer, it is more convenient to wrap Newborn, than to wear several layers of clothing. Temperature inside such a cocoon is constant.
  • In diapers less risk to damage the limbs of a baby, it is easier to take it to the hands of inexperienced moms and dads.
  • Some neonatologists believe that weakened and premature babies are better to swaded on medical testimony. to support their ligament. Muscle hypertonus, dystonia, hyper-spectral syndrome can be indications for swaddines. The decision is better to accept on the recommendations of the attending physician.
  • Proponents of the method suggest that the temporary non-free contributes to the formation patience and obedience skill.
  • It is also believed that a baby packed into the fabric sleeps hard and less often wakes up.
  • Still exists sustainable prejudicethat the legs of the baby will be even if they are tightly swaded. It has long been known that the curves of the legs are the consequences of Rakhita. Cosolapie can be the result of heredity.

Disadvantages of the method

Numerous scientific research confirm that tight swaddling is rather harmful. In such a state, the baby is impossible to accept the usual embryo pose, roll over on the stomach, namely, it is recommended to keep a child with colic.

Tight swaddling is embarrassing the chest baby, it makes it difficult to breathe. Firmly having a newborn in the flap of fabric, you need to consider the following:

  • Dressing newborn can not be pulled out parts of the bodySince this prevents blood circulation. The constant stay of the straightened toddler feet in the static position is fraught with the dislocation of the hip joint.
  • The consequence of difficult blood circulation is the lack of calcium. This element is absorbed by the body during exercise. If the crumb does not move with handles and legs, rachita's threat arises.
  • There is a hypothesis that swaddling negatively affects the children's psyche: The lack of freedom of movements in infancy forms a tendency to submission. Consequence: a hazard personality is formed.
  • Diaper serve as a means of protection from the cold. In modern apartments with central heating, it is rather harmful than it is useful: great risk to overlay kidEspecially if the diapers is used. Why swing newborns in such conditions, especially boys? In hot countries there is no practice to wrap a kid in many layers of fabric.
  • For discerning parents, the modern garment industry produces a line of beautiful clothes for babies, aesthetically diaper losing suites and sliders. The latter take less space during drying and storage, require a small amount of detergent.
  • If indoors are cold, there is a possibility that the kid releases from tightening diapers and freezes. As it were, you are neither kutali child, active children are able to find a way to get out of captivity.
  • The newborn sleeps most of the day. Passes a few weeks, and he has a need to study the surroundings, which peeling prevents.
  • The thermoregulation system in newborns is imperfect, but its margin of safety is high. Children are born and live in hot countries and in the extreme north. If you have a baby from birth, afterwards even light supercooling can lead to the disease.
  • You can wear a diaper in the crib, wrapping the baby better on the changing table, and its purchase - expensive pleasure.

The baby was born. One of the first questions that will necessarily arise from the parents - whether to swaddle a baby.

Grandmothers, of course, will be a choir to convince that the swaded is vital, and moreover, and then "the handles will wake themselves", "there will be bad to sleep", etc. The older generation has a thousand and one reason they are in Arsenal Any moment is ready to explain the benefit of the flexing. However, parents should weigh all "for" and "against". And the well-known children's doctor and the author of books and articles about children's health Evgeny Komarovsky are ready to help them.

A little of the story

Diaper appeared when people realized that the baby should be protected from cold, wind, sun. And it happened in primitive times. The first diaper was an animal skins.

Diaper modified with humanity. Obviously, Evgeny Komarovsky says that they have existed for a long time so that adults can save on clothes. The first six months of the baby, which is tightly grinding into rectangular pieces of fabric of different density, is really not so needed pants and shirts.

A little later, the diapers found a medical rationale. So, another 20-30 years ago in the maternity hospitals of the doctor, they were explained to the women in women that the legs of the legs will be even smaller, and he will be calmer himself. The swaded was taught before birth, for "training" used rubber hubs, in size similar to newborn. Even before the invention of several peeling techniques - a tight, free, partial one.

Over time, pediatricians began to notice that the curves from the birth of the legs are not straightened, how much baby is neither pelenas, and in general the children who in the "negligence" Mamash-Neum grow infertilous, are physically and mentally developing faster. So what was the dogma was questioned.

Later it was revealed that the blind children breathes harder, and the kids who finally unleashed immediately take a certain pose - put legs and pens. It is this posture that is more physiologically correct for the baby, habitual, because in the womb of the mother for 9 months he lives and develops without diaper.

The first doctors and parents rushed to eradicate tight swearing. Then they began to swaded in a new way - wide. The child looks like, which under the diaper moves his hands and legs and pursues the knees, is not so beautiful and gently like a "column", which is obtained as a result of tight swab. But the benefits have become significantly more, if only because the babies have become more convenient.

A little later, children's psychologists and other experts who took responsibility to authoritatively declare that swaddling, even free, dangerously for a child - from him will never grow boldly thinking, freedom-loving and independent person.

Swaddle or not?

Evgeny Komarovsky advises parents not to take such "scientific works" to heart. First of all, because they are written and are invented by people who, in childhood, also pelenali.

In order for the child to raise a good, harmonious, developed person, it needs a normal intrameal relationship, in which it will be correct and wisely educated. The role of genetics, heredity, the degree of religiosity of the family, in which he will grow, socio-domestic conditions and many other factors are playing. But nobody in the history of our planet failed to be argued and scientifically prove that the person's personal qualities at least somehow affects what diapers and with what force it was wrapped in gentle age.

It is for this reason that parents must answer the question, swaded or not, independently. How it will be more convenient for adults themselves.

Pluses of swelling: Efficiency, convenience, lack of need to update the wardrobe every month as Chad Growth.

Promotions of the diaper:

  • the ability to charge dress in dad, because it is unlikely to learn to swaded, and it is completely in human pants and a shirt;
  • the washing powder on the shirt goes less than on the diaper;
  • places for drying the slider require less, and they dry faster, besides, the diapers need to be constantly stroking.

Evgeny Komarovsky notes that in the summer months, when there is a heat, it is better to abandon the swellery, both free and tight, because it is even easy to overheat in diapers. In winter, there is another risk: the baby will nevertheless unfold and freeze at night.

Only parents, and only on their own, should take this decision.

There is no harm to peeling a newborn, says Evgeny Komarovsky, with the exception of some diagnoses, in which tightly twist the child is undesirable, for example, with hip dysplasia. But about medical problems, if they take place, doctors will definitely report.

It is also not worth counting on some special benefit from swaddance. Restless child in diapers calmly does not get better, especially if he is midnight instead of sleeping and give sleeping mom, carefully twisted from the hated diaper only because it is hot or uncomfortable in it, or the handle has been crushed and the physiological need to give her a different position in space.

True, sometimes swaddling really helps falling asleep if the child is nervous, often hesitates with handles in a dream and bothers himself.

How old to swaded a child?

Many parents, weiging all the "for" and "against", make a decision in favor of swelling. True, not for the whole day, but only at night so that the child gets used to sleep in the dark day, and not chat with his hands and legs.

Up to what age a child swaded, to solve it, too, his parents. When the kid will grow up, he may, he will stop favorably to treat the diaper and starts to protest against its use.

Most parents get to cope with sudden "splashes" by handles at the baby for 2 months, some of the crumbling habit of haotly swing the limbs in a dream remains until six months. In rare cases of the child overnight, shoe up to 8-10 months. It depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and its temperament.

Parents always know better what she wants and what their child prefers. If it is uncomfortable in the sliders to him, Mom will surely feel it, and in time will let the progress of the diaper. There are no restrictions, harsh time frames, rules and contraindications, says Evgeny Komarovsky.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on the fusion of the newborn also see the next video.

Detailed instructions on how to swing a child, see below.

Ekaterina Rakitin

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 6 minutes


Last update of Articles: 04/21/2019

Before each newly minted parent, there is one and the same dilemma, whether a child to swaded for the night is required, or, nevertheless, can you do without it? In fact, this method is already used not one thousand years, and so just convince people that it is not needed, it will not work. Anyway there will be a conservative, which will not prove anything. But is there really evidence that swaddling is harmful or vice versa, what does it bring any favor? It is worth learn what Dr. Komarovsky will say about it.

Myths and delusion

Let's first post all the well-known positive arguments of pellery adherents:

  1. You do not throw out money for new clothes every couple;
  2. The kid freely moves the limbs without experiencing absolutely no discomfort (with free swaddling);
  3. The child is more accustomed to the feeling of limited space and is not completely ready for the "Bolshoi World", after 9 months spent in a narrow maternal womb;
  4. If you do not swaddle baby, then the legs can grow curves;
  5. The child can not move in a dream with handles, respectively, he will not wake himself.

Cons of tight peeling

However, all these points for verification are speculation, Dr. Komarovsky refuted most of these myths, proving that tight swabs on a child acts mainly negatively.

He also systematized his harmful effects on items:

  1. Constantly being constrained in the movements, the baby cannot normally develop motility, the motor functions are braked and in the future the reaction of the limbs will never be excellent;
  2. Supported dysplasia (dislocation) of the hip joint;
  3. Having spent so more than 3-4 hours of the child begins to experience overheating and decreases immunity, so necessary in the first months of life;
  4. It becomes more nervous and excitable, sleeps less;
  5. The blood circulation is hampered by squeezing, which affects the lungs. In the future, their small part can atrophy. You get the risk of diseases of the lungs and hearts;
  6. Psychologists argue that it is perniciously acting on the psyche of the baby, laying the program of humility and submission in his head.

Pluses of free swarenia

These are highlights. Although this applies only to Tight Peelnia, in the case of free, on the contrary, Dr. Komarovsky noted a couple of positive factors:

  • A small pressure psychologically resembles a small maternal womb, allowing you to feel in its plate. The first months he is very hard to get used to the open space, full sounds, colors and smells. The absence of fright allows him to adapt faster and begin to know the world. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a similar effect can be achieved only tightly pressing him to his body;
  • There is a natural synthesis development. If the knobs and legs of the child do not hold back, then they will be in a chaotic search and the brain will not have time to cope with the flow of information that will come to it. However, such a function begins to manifest itself no earlier than the third month of life. On the fourth, the kid who correctly copes with development, should already be able to find his mouth with his hands.

The importance of tanging in the first year of life

At the last point we will focus in more detail, as it is fundamental.

According to deep research, it is the skin of a breast child that is a conductor of more than 80% of the information they receive about the world around.

Therefore, it is so important to contribute to this process. Even the night does not become an exception, the baby is often looking for hands in a dream for which you can grab, so I pretend to sleep yourself if your hands are completely free. To the transition from slow sleep in a quick body, it shudders that again can disturb and wake a child. For a period of sleep, it is necessary to leave as many clothes under the pelleon as possible, and it is better to do without it at all so that he felt his body.

Thus, Dr. Komarovsky convinced us that not all swaddling is equally useful, however, and it is not necessary to refuse it. Nothing better people have not yet come up with. However, the question arises when and how to swaded a baby to be beneficial?

When to start swaddle baby

Experienced pediatricians advise mothers to pay more time to their children while he is in your hands, he does not need Pelinka. If you have the opportunity to spend the night with him in the same bed, use it, thus the desired effect is created and without the next swarenia. In addition, you can sleep with my mother and completely without clothes, which contributes to the rapid development of the touch. But in any case, the whole day of mom with his crumbling will not be able to hug, and therefore it will still have to swaded.

It is necessary to start it to swaded from the very first moments of life and do it up to that moment until it starts to be released from the pellery. It will signal that the baby is really ready for the discovery of a new, wondrous world. From this point on, you can stop constraining her movements. This usually happens to 6-9 months of life.

How to swaded

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the child is sure to swaded not only for the night. During the daily sleep, this process is no less necessary, but it is important to recognize the moment when you need to start swing "under the handle". But if the baby starts awake again, return to the original way. The fact is that the birth of the biggest stress in a person's life. It is associated with a huge fright and severe pain. Here it all depends on the fortress of nerves and the level of childbirth. It happens until 9 months, the crumb shudders in a dream and wakes up himself. This proceeds purely individually and is not a reason for concern. You can also swear it during walks so that he should be quieter.