Good day. Today I would like to raise one of the important topics, namely, how to tighten the hair structure?
Especially after winter, when it gets warmer, you involuntarily notice how your beautiful hair becomes a little thinner than it was before. Or maybe not a little? As your hair thins, it can become prone to breakage, split ends, and dryness.
I used to think this was something bordering on the impossible. Well, I kind of thought that if the hair itself is thin, then you can’t make it thick in structure. It’s like wanting to turn hair that was curly from birth into perfectly straight hair. Of course, the cosmetology industry today does not exclude this. You can go to a salon, and, for example, they will laminate your hair, or vice versa, perm it if you want to be “curly”
But this is only a temporary result. What is inherent in your body, namely in the genes, alas, cannot be changed on your own. Moreover, I can’t even imagine that this would be possible with anyone’s help.

But it’s a completely different matter when we try to thicken the hair when it has become thinner for some reason.

Let me give you an example. So you are growing your hair and then you notice that from the middle of your hair your ends have become much thinner. Or, as I did, in parts. That is, there were transitions on 1 hair. At first the hair is dense, then a little thinner, then dense again and again a little thinner. Nightmare.
When I first noticed this, I immediately started doing something about my hair. I believe that in this case, silicones will not change the situation much. Silicones - they are good because they protect the hair, weigh it down, but do not change the structure in any way. At least that's how it is for me
There are 3 products that have been tested on my hair that have thickened my hair!
1. Henna.
Yes, I know what you will say! “Henna is individual.” Well, well, you can't argue with that. Although you can try.
Question No. 1 I have for girls for whom henna is not suitable. What kind of henna did you use or do you use? And how exactly (the whole process, from brewing the mixture to applying it to the hair)? There are just a lot of nuances about henna!
More than once I have met girls with dyed hair bright red. Well, so deep red, like paint. And I always say, “Are you sure it was henna?” They can write whatever they want on the packaging. If henna colors like paint with 6% oxide, if I were you, I would doubt the quality of the henna. Surely the henna manufacturer saved money and mixed henna with a cheap dye. I just brought it up as an option. Well, it can’t be that henna paints bright colors. I am especially happy when on the packaging of henna they write: “Natural henna... dyes it eggplant color.”

Let’s say you have regular henna, but it still dries out your hair very much. Then try changing the henna manufacturer.
Personally, I have tried Indian henna from different manufacturers. Here's a photo.

I also painted myself with Iranian henna several times.

Of all these, only this one suited me. Firstly, oddly enough, I couldn’t find this henna anywhere in my city center! And it costs much more than regular henna, which can be found in any store. I found it by chance from a woman who sells only this kind of henna and only that.
This henna also contains other herbs. Such as amla and shikakai. This henna instantly thickens my hair! Why can henna cost different things? It's very simple. It all depends on what is in the henna. If the manufacturer did not skimp on raw materials, then believe me, it will be expensive.

I can talk endlessly about henna here, but let’s get back to hair thickening

So, product number 2, which has a miraculous effect on the hair structure. It's castor oil! Yes, yes... Who would have thought
Previously, I only used it to speed up hair growth!
But, one day I read an article that castor oil can be used on the entire length of hair.
But how can this sticky, very thick oil be washed off from our hair?
It's quite simple! You need to heat castor oil and mix it with other oil. This could be olive or coconut oil. Whatever you want.
But the main rule is not to apply cold castor oil to the entire length.
So I didn’t risk it and I don’t recommend it to you!

Remedy No. 3.
Essential oils

Previously, I didn’t know how to use essential oils at all, but that’s a thing of the past!
It turns out that if you add essential oil to the same castor oil, the effect will be simply unreal!
One day I bought regular coconut oil. Well, as usual, it also contained essential oil. I don’t remember which one anymore. I didn't pay attention to it. But after this my hair was so smooth and so alive. It turns out that some essential oils are very good at enhancing the effect of regular oil.
After that I’m nowhere without broadcasting

What products help you thicken your hair?

Honey-cognac mask for hair thickening

This mask will fill your hair with nourishing ingredients and also give it a glossy shine. It takes time to prepare, as well as honey, cognac and salt mixed in equal proportions, which should be infused in a dark place for 2 weeks.

It should be kept for an hour under a plastic cap and wrapping your head in a towel. Then rinse well with warm water.

Hair thickening balm

Balms are recommended to be used after washing. The basis of such balms are vitamins, nutritional components, microelements, the action time is only for 2 minutes, since their natural protection is washed off with washing and the hair becomes thin. The balm covers them with a thin film and restores protection.

Laminating mask for hair thickening at home

Thickening hair using lamination

To make thin hair look thicker, use lamination. When applying the procedure, a special composition is applied that covers them with a protective film.

This film contains nutrients and moisturizing substances and allows air to pass well to the curls. The masks not only make them thicker, but also feed them nutrients, making them healthier.

Gelatin mask

Take 1 tsp. gelatin, diluted in water and thickened, mixed with 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tsp. colorless henna, add egg yolk and dilute with about two tablespoons of water. Keep the resulting thickening mask on your hair for about half an hour.

Protein mask

This is a very potent mask, you need to do it no more than twice a month. Its main component is soy protein, 3 tbsp. which needs to be diluted with warm water to make a mass similar to sour cream, add 2 tbsp. powdered sugar and stir well. The resulting thickening mask should not be left on for longer than an hour.

Mask with oils to make hair thicker

Mask with burdock oil for thickening hair

To prepare such a mask, you need to take an oil solution of vitamins E and A and a couple of tablespoons of burdock oil, mix the components and distribute over the strands to the very ends. This mask is recommended to be used at night, and in the morning the product is washed off using balm and shampoo.

Oil mask for thickening hair

This mask smoothes hair scales and promotes their rapid growth and thickening.

For the base, take burdock oil (helps with dandruff, hair loss, and increased fat content), but you can replace it with olive oil, almond, rapeseed (also helps with hair loss), sesame oil, wheat germ oil or grape seed oil. You need to add a few drops of essential oils to the base oil.

For thickening, use oils of ylang-ylang, cypress, incense, cedar, mint, rosemary, rosewood, tea tree, sage, pine, calamus, bey. It is best to apply oil masks overnight, after preheating the base oil in a water bath, and after application, put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it with a towel.

Naturally, the positive effect in terms of hair thickening from these masks will not occur immediately, but only after several months of regular use. Be patient, and your efforts will be rewarded with a beautiful head of healthy and thick curls.

Hair thickening mask: personal experience

Despite the fact that fashion is very changeable, healthy and thick hair always remains in trend. But what if nature has not rewarded you with luxurious hair? In this situation, products for thickening thin hair can help you. From this article you can find out what salon procedures will help you solve this problem, as well as how to visually hide this drawback.

Salon hair thickening products

Beauty salons offer a huge number of services aimed at restoring and strengthening hair. In addition, these procedures can make your hair more voluminous. The most effective are: hair extensions, lamination and kerotene straightening.

Hair extensions

One of the most common salon procedures aimed at visually making hair thicker is partial hair extensions. This method is considered relatively safe. It involves attaching donor strands to natural hair with special capsules. The disadvantages of extensions are:

  1. Cost of the procedure;
  2. Frequent (every 1.5-2 months) corrective procedures;
  3. Difficulty in caring for artificial strands;
  4. Unnatural appearance of hair.


Lamination is one of the salon procedures aimed at treating hair. After it, the curls will become noticeably thicker and denser, and will also acquire a mirror shine. In addition, it allows you to protect your curls from any damage. Lamination is the application of a special composition over the entire length of the hair. The only disadvantage of this procedure is the short-term effect (about 2-3 weeks).

Keratin straightening

Keratin straightening allows you not only to achieve ideal smoothness of hair, but, in addition, it can restore curls and make them much thicker. This procedure involves filling all the voids in the hair with liquid keratin, making it smoother, thicker and shinier. Please note that after keratin straightening, you should not wet your hair for 3 days, or use a hair dryer or styler. After this procedure, it is prohibited to use shampoos containing sulfates or sodium chloride to cleanse the scalp, since these substances minimize the results obtained.

Fine hair: become strong and shiny with proper care using good cosmetics, vitamins and natural remedies

Homemade hair thickening products

It is possible to add thickness to your hair not only in beauty salons. Modern cosmetology and medicine make it possible to achieve stunning effects at home.


The shelves of specialized stores are full of various packages and jars. Undoubtedly, among them there will also be products for thickening thin hair. To treat and strengthen your curls at home, it is best to purchase a shampoo, mask, restorative serum, as well as balm or conditioner. The shampoos contain active vitamin supplements that have a beneficial effect on the scalp. It is applied to damp hair and massaged until foam forms. A distinctive feature from ordinary shampoos is that it must be left on the curls for 3-5 minutes, and only after this time rinse with warm water. Balms and conditioners can mask visual imperfections in hair, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure it with the help of these products. You can achieve the greatest effect with comprehensive care. The most popular hair care products are the products of the following companies:

  1. Estel;
  2. Alterna;
  3. Oribi;
  4. Moroccanoil;
  5. Vichy.

Dietary supplements for hair thickening

In order to restore the hair structure from the inside, as well as make it thicker, it is recommended to take vitamin supplements high in calcium and magnesium, copper, iron and molybdenum. Please note that before starting to use dietary supplements, you must consult with a specialist. The most effective vitamin supplements are those based on grape seeds and green tea. The disadvantage of this method is that if you regularly take vitamins, you will notice visible results no earlier than after 4-6 months. The most popular dietary supplements are: “Hair Expert” from Evalar, Vision beauty, Mirra-zinc.

Hair thickening mask

A gelatin-based hair mask will help you achieve a lamination effect at home. To prepare it, take the following ingredients:

  1. Gelatin - 1 tbsp;
  2. Hot water - 3 tbsp;
  3. Hair balm - 3 tbsp.

Place a tablespoon of gelatin in a deep glass container, fill it with hot water and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, add balm to the resulting paste and mix thoroughly. The consistency should resemble sour cream. The resulting mask is applied along the entire length of the hair and creates a greenhouse effect. To do this, put on a shower cap or wrap your head in cling film and wrap it in a warm towel. This composition is kept for 45-50 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water without using shampoo. You can achieve a noticeable effect after 3-4 applications.

Most modern girls suffer from the poor condition of their curls. Few people can boast of healthy and thick hair. From this article you were able to learn about what products for thickening thin hair exist in the modern world. The most popular are: strand extensions, keratin straightening, lamination and dietary supplements. Before taking the latter, you should consult a specialist.

Nature has not given thick and luxuriant hair to all representatives of the fairer sex. Folk mask recipes will help solve this problem. With proper care, your hair will gain volume and a healthy appearance.

Weakened hair can be a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, harmful effects of the external environment, illness or nervous shock. Therefore, to restore their appearance, organizing proper care for them is not enough. It is also necessary to strengthen your health. It is worth following the basic tips:

  • proper nutrition. You should include foods rich in vitamin B (prevents hair loss), vitamin C (volume and shine) and folic acid (strengthens roots);
  • hydration. One of the main reasons for weakening hair is excessive dryness. Therefore, it is worth making moisturizing masks 2–4 times a month;
  • scalp massage. Improves blood circulation, as a result of which the hair follicles are activated;
  • using gentle styling products that allow hair to breathe;
  • coloring can be beneficial if you use natural products. Such as basma or henna;
  • Wash your hair regularly.

Masks with essential oils for thickness

A mask for thickening hair at home using essential oils is the most effective remedy. It is recommended to do them for treatment once or twice a week for 4 to 6 months. And to maintain results, do it regularly once a week.

Should be applied before washing your hair. Leave for about an hour and wash off using shampoo.

For fine hair:

  • 1 teaspoon each of vitamin E and A;
  • 2 tablespoons avocado oil;
  • 5 drops of Bayi essential oil.

To improve growth:

  • 1 tablespoon each of sesame, almond and jojoba oils;
  • 6 drops sage essential oil.

For thickness:

  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (sesame, olive, grape seeds);
  • 1 tablespoon each of oil vitamins A and E;
  • rosemary essential oil 10 drops.

Hair thickening masks with gelatin

With balm. Gelatin lamination will help make your hair thicker and stronger. To do this, soak 2 tablespoons of gelatin (edible) in 4 tablespoons of cold water. After swelling, add a little balm to it. After this, distribute well throughout your hair for half an hour. Rinse off without shampoo.

With egg, henna and mustard. Pour 2 tablespoons of gelatin with water and leave to swell. Then add a teaspoon of dry mustard, henna and egg yolk. Apply for 25 minutes.

With egg and lemon juice. Mix gelatin dissolved in water thoroughly with egg yolk and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply for an hour.

Mask with burdock oil

Hair thickening mask with burdock oil perfectly nourishes and restores. To prepare, you need to mix burdock oil with solutions of vitamins E and A in oil (1:2). It is better to apply at night. In the morning, wash with shampoo.

Protein mask

This mask should be made no more than twice a month and kept on your head for no more than an hour. To prepare, you will need soy protein powder, powdered sugar and water. Dilute 3 tablespoons of protein with water to the consistency of thick kefir. Add 2 tablespoons of powder to the mixture and mix well. Apply to damp hair.

Henna mask

Masks with henna not only restore hair, but also prevent split ends and make it thicker. For preparation, you can use both classic Iranian henna and colorless henna.

Brew 5 tablespoons with hot water. The consistency should be like sour cream. After it has cooled a little, add the yolk, a tablespoon of cognac and a couple of tablespoons of olive or any other oil. Leave the mask on for half an hour.

If you prepare masks at home, they will be no less useful and effective than expensive store-bought products. In addition, the ingredients for cooking are almost always available at home.

1. Salon Feel Hair Dresser by Moltobene

Operating principle:

The name of the product translates as “Hair Clothes,” and this term best conveys the essence of the drug’s effect on your curls. It contains keratin, the protein that hair is made of. When applied, an additional layer of keratin appears on the surface of each hair, all voids are filled, the hair is aligned and takes on a healthy appearance. And when heated (for example, blow-drying), this additional layer increases in volume, making each hair almost twice as thick.

How to use:

How to make hair thick? Apply a small amount to clean, slightly towel-wrung hair, comb for even distribution, blow dry, giving hair the desired shape.

Price: about 1500 rub.

2. Matérialiste All-Over Thickening Spray by Kérastase


Operating principle:

A special patented Intra-Cylane complex forms a frame around each hair to which ceramides “cling”: their molecules strengthen the hair and increase its thickness. If you blow-dry your hair with a round comb, your hair will gain shape memory and retain its thickness and volume even in high humidity conditions.

How to use:

Apply it to your palms, warm up the product by rubbing your hands together, and then distribute the product onto damp hair.

Price: about 1600 rub.

3. Diaboost HTX 3200 from Nioxin

Operating principle:

The product contains three active ingredients: niacinamide, panthenol and caffeine. With one-time use, it provides an instant effect of thick hair, and with regular use, it makes the hair more elastic and resilient, allowing it to stay clean longer and better maintain voluminous styling.

How to use:

How to quickly make your hair thick? Apply after each hair wash to clean scalp with gentle massage movements. Don't wash it off.

Price: about 2500 rub.

4. Bed Head Small Talk by TIGI

Operating principle:

By enveloping, this product not only increases the volume of the hair, but also smoothes its cuticle, which gives the curls shine and silkiness: they are less tangled, easy to style and look great. Bonus for owners of textured haircuts: the product does an excellent job of emphasizing individual strands!

How to use:

If you just need to increase the thickness of your hair, apply the product to damp hair, and if you need to separate and structure the strands, apply it to dry hair.

Price: about 1000 rub.

5. Volumea by Rene Furterer

Operating principle:

Natural hair density enhancer: this product is based on a plant extract of the fruit of ceratonia, a rare tree native to the Mediterranean region. This extract consists of polysaccharides that penetrate into the voids and are fixed on the surface of the hair, making it denser and making the hairstyle more voluminous from the roots. At the same time, the hair is light, smooth and stays clean longer.

How to use:

Spray onto wrung-out hair along the entire length.

Price: about 1800 rub.

6. “Got2b POWDER” from Schwarzkopf

Operating principle:

Unlike the above-mentioned products, this is not a spray or lotion, but a powder! Special microgranules in its composition lift hair at the roots and make it thicker and denser. At the same time, the powder is completely invisible on the hair, does not make the roots greasy and does not weigh down the strands.

How to use:

Dry your hair, pour about half a teaspoon of powder into your palm, rub it in, be surprised that the composition has become invisible, and rub it into the roots of your hair.

Price: about 250 rub.

7. Expert Age Defy by Pantene Pro-V

Operating principle:

The lotion contains vitamin B3, panthenol and caffeine, due to which it acts on the surface of each hair, thickening it and creating the effect of increasing volume by 6,500 hairs (in total, we have an average of 100,000 hairs on our heads).

How to use:

Apply to damp hair after each wash.

Price: about 900 rub.

8. “Super volume” from REF

Operating principle:

Microparticles penetrate inside your hair, making it thicker and denser. This is a professional product that stylists love because it can be applied even to unwashed hair, and the hair will look fresh and voluminous.

How to use:

Spray the spray onto the hair roots, comb and style.

Price: about 1200 rub.

9. Thickening Tonic by Aveda

Operating principle:

Made with 97% natural ingredients, this thickening tonic spray instantly thickens hair from root to tip. The key ingredient in the spray is amla, an Ayurvedic herb that has been used in India for centuries to maintain healthy hair.

How to use:

Apply to damp hair from roots to ends, dry, lifting at the roots.

Price: about 3000 rub.

10. Innova Setting Hair Thickening Elixir by Indola

Operating principle:

Due to chitosan, panthenol and other high-tech ingredients that are part of the product, the damaged hair structure is filled, it looks thicker, more voluminous and healthy.

How to use:

Apply to damp hair before styling.

Price: about 500 rubles.