Radikovskaya Anna, 2nd grade

Project Manager:

Zaitseva Olga Vladimirovna


MBOU "Secondary School No. 96", Samara

In its research work on the surrounding world "Amber - magic tears of trees" I plan to collect interesting material about amber and prove its value for people and its role in human life. I will tell you about one of the most amazing materials created by nature and time.

Amber is one of the most beautiful and alluring works of nature. I was very interested in this wonderful natural material.

Therefore, I decided to conduct an exciting research work (project) on the world around me in elementary school on the topic "Amber - the magic tears of trees", to expand my knowledge and knowledge of classmates in this area.

In the course of a research project on the surrounding world on the theme "Amber - Magic Tears of Trees" of an elementary school student, work is being carried out to study the literature on the topic of research, the value of amber and its role in human life is determined, the value of amber as a natural material in human life is proved.

1. What is amber?
2. Application of amber
2.1. Amber treatment
2.2. the Amber Room
3. How and where amber is mined
Conclusion. conclusions
List of used literature.
Applications work


- hardened resin, keeping the smell of the forest, the shine of the sun, the beauty of nature. But it is not so simple!

Thousands of secrets and mysteries are hidden deep in amber. People have always admired amber, rewarded with some of the most wonderful works of art out of it.

For many hundreds of years, amber has been helping the scientific world to reveal many mysteries of the evolution of the animal and plant world and to better understand the history of our planet.

Already in the 4th millennium BC. Amber was widely used by the inhabitants of the Baltic Sea coast. They learned how to process it - to grind, saw, drill, and create various decorations and amulets in the form of human and animal figurines.

Object of study- amber.

Subject of study- the value of amber to people and the possibility of its use.

Research Objectives- to collect as much interesting material about amber as possible, to prove its value for people.

- to study the literature on the research topic;
- to study what value amber is and its role in human life;
- to prove that amber is a valuable natural material in human life.

Research hypothesis: amber is a highly valuable natural material.

What is amber?

Let's try to examine amber from all sides and understand the secret of its attraction.

Is the petrified resin of trees.
Modern scientists have proved that amber is a child of unusual moist forests, where pines, sequoias, oaks, palms and lianas coexisted, which about 40-45 million years ago grew on the vast territory of the southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and the shores of the Baltic Sea.

Climate change during that period caused abundant resin flow of trees. Upon contact with water, the resin hardened into pieces.

fragile, but ductile, combustible, consists of carbon (78%), oxygen (11%) and hydrogen (10%)

Amber helps scientists to comprehend the distant past. Each of these pieces of resin can be compared to the chronicle, which contains the next chapter from the history of the Earth.

It is very pleasant to touch it and therefore people like amber for a long time.

Its multi-color - from wine-red to milky-white, transparency, easy polishability, comparative hardness and structure, allowing carving, turning, sawing, engraving, make amber one of the most versatile materials to use.

Application of amber

Amber is easy to cut, grind and polish. Jewelry is made from it.
Amber is a dielectric. It is used in instrumentation.
Amber varnish is prepared from amber.
Succinic acid is used in medicine, cosmetology and agronomy.

Scientists have proven the usefulness of amber for the human body.

Amber has been used in cosmetics and perfumery since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. It is added to medicated toothpaste and soap.

Amber treatment

Amber is used to treat:
- diseases of the thyroid gland;
- diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- muscle and joint pain;
- headaches;
- migraine;
- rheumatic pains;
- cosmetic effect;
- stress, chronic fatigue;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you wear a stone on your body in the form of amber beads, you can normalize blood pressure and improve immunity.

It is because of the unique artistic and plastic qualities of amber that artists and jewelers have created from this material one of the most beautiful mysterious wonders of the world - the Amber Room.

Everything in the amber room was made of amber: vases, caskets, chests, candelabra, chess, ship models, shelves, mosaic paintings, frames for mirrors.

How and where amber is mined

The main locations of amber:
1. Coast of the Baltic Sea.

2. Prussian coast.

3. Western coast of Denmark, the coast of the Arctic Ocean.

4. From time to time amber was found in Siberia, Kamchatka, Finland, Portugal, Spain, France, Holland.

5. Especially beautiful amber, bright fiery color, is found in Sicily on the northern coast of Africa, and in Mexico.

The most ancient method of amber mining is collecting it on the sea coast.
For a long time, the method remained the only one. Later, when people noticed that amber, together with bundles of algae, rose to the surface of the water, another method appeared - they began to catch the pieces with nets. Even later, boats began to go out to sea behind the sun stone.

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school of the Bikinsky municipal district

Khabarovsk Territory

Research work

"Amber is the magic tears of trees."


student of grade 4A

Guseva Zoya


primary school teacher

Zryumova S.V.


Main part

The origin of amber

Amber properties

How and where is amber mined?

The use of amber in art

Practical work with amber



Once, looking at small pictures on the wall, I noticed one of them. It was made using different golden stones. I wondered what it was? Mom said it was made of amber. It became curious.

What is tacos e amber? Where did he come from and what else is made of him? How many questions did I have? I decided to find answers to them.

This prompted me to do this research work.

So, the theme of my work: “ Amber -magic tears of trees»

The purpose of this work:

Explore the stone - amber and learn interesting facts of its origin, investigate the properties of amber and draw conclusions.

To achieve this goal, tasks:

1. Study additional literature on this topic;

2. Experientially investigate the properties of amber;

3. Summarize the myths about the origin of amber;

Hypothesis: Suppose it is the fossilized resin of ancient trees, or it is frozen honey.

Object of study: origin, properties and application of amber.

Subject of study: natural (natural amber)

    Main part

2.1 Origin of amber

The first scientist to prove that amber is the petrified resin of trees was the Roman writer Pliny the Elder. He drew attention to the resinous smell and smoky flame emitted during the burning of amber, as well as to the fact that frozen insects and plant particles are often found in transparent amber.

Modern scientists have proved that amber is a child of unusual moist forests, where pines, sequoias, oaks, palms and lianas coexisted, which about 40-45 million years ago grew on the vast territory of the southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and the shores of the Baltic Sea. Climate change during that period caused abundant resin flow of trees. The trunks of these trees were so covered with streams of resin that they hung from them like ice icicles. Resin drips did not always turn into amber. Most often they fell to the ground and gradually decomposed. The resin dried out and oxidized - in general, after a few thousand years, nothing remained of it.

It turned into amber only when, having solidified, it fell into water, most likely into a lake or sea, where it was reliably sheltered from further changes and damage (erosion). Over time, the waves again threw the golden lump on the shore, often carrying it far from the place where the tree that gave birth to it once grew.

Therefore, knowing the place of the find, we cannot confidently speak about its origin.

Amber has always attracted not only jewelers and lovers of beauty, but also researchers of extinct beetles and insects, as the fossilized resin of prehistoric trees preserved the remains of animals and plant remains that inhabited the planet millions of years ago. Biologists are trying to decipher evidence from the distant past. This drama, frozen in amber, has fascinated scientists at all times. It was played out 125 million years ago.

The coniferous forest became the scene of action. Let's take a closer look at one of the trees. A small beetle crawls along its trunk, stubbornly fingering its legs. He is looking for something, looking out. Similar insects to this day just as leisurely make their way along the rough bark of pines and spruces, looking, for example, for cracks in order to lay eggs in them. Suddenly, their little body twitches a little, but in vain, do not move from their place. Glued, the legs got into a resin drip. Trees secrete resin to heal their cracked wounds. The life of a beetle ends in a golden viscous resin ... but its suffocated body will not dissolve, will not disappear.

The resin has several specific properties - viscosity, stickiness, which can persist under certain conditions for many millions of years.

To the delight of scientists, amber is a fossil resin that has survived to this day.

And then the tree collapsed. The stream picked up a piece of resin, carried it into the sea, the waves threw it ashore ... This was repeated many times. Sometimes this lump fell into the abyss, sometimes it settled on the ledge of a young ridge. As time went. The climate and appearance of our planet, its flora and fauna have changed. 125 million years have passed.

People appeared on earth, they accidentally found a beautiful transparent lump of resin, glowing with gold. Inside it, like a rare decoration, a tiny beetle darkened. The amber went to the museum, and from there to the laboratory. Here, from under the thick, viscous mass, an insect saved by resin was removed. Biologists got down to business!

Amber helps scientists to comprehend the distant past. Each of these pieces of resin can be compared to the chronicle, which contains the next chapter from the history of the Earth. It tells, as a rule, about the life of tiny beetles, spiders, moths, about the forests and meadows where they lived.

      .Properties of amber

Due to its beauty and uniqueness of color, amber takes one of the first places among other stones - gems. The amber palette contains all the colors of the rainbow.

Sunstone, as amber is also called, fascinates, warms with its endless variety of colors: shades of ivory, gold, milky white, light yellow, dark brown, light blue, greenish, only the Sicilian is emerald, bluish and purple.

Its transparency is also very different, there are pieces of absolutely matte, but there are absolutely clear and clean, like water. Amber is found in pieces, often having the shape of a fluid leaked out - like resin on trees, and sometimes an obtuse-angled, round, knobby, flattened shape.

In nature, amber is found in small grains and in large pieces, sometimes reaching several kilograms. It is extremely lightweight, brittle, easy to grind and polish.

So amber is a mineral of organic origin. This is the fossilized resin of coniferous trees that grew 30-60 million years ago. After their death, conifers fell into marine sediments, where wood turned into brown coals, and resin into amber. Brown coal was destroyed, and amber accumulated in the remnants of decomposition, called "bluish-green earth", from which it was then washed out by the waves of the sea.

2.3. How and where is amber mined?

As mentioned above, 40-45 million years ago, climate change on the planet caused abundant resin flow of trees. The resin was oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, covered with a thick crust and in this form accumulated in the soil of ancient forests. Rivers and streams gradually washed out the hardened lumps of resin from the ground and carried them to the mouth of a large river that flowed into the ancient sea located in the territory of the modern Kaliningrad region.

The most ancient method of amber mining is collecting it on the sea coast. For a long time, the method remained the only one. Later, when people noticed that amber, together with bundles of algae, rose to the surface of the water, another method appeared - they began to catch the pieces with nets. Even later, boats began to go out to sea behind the sun stone.

The world's largest amber deposit is located in Russia in the Kaliningrad region. Today the Kaliningrad Amber Combine extracts amber near the village of Yantarny (formerly Palmniken), where about 90% of the world's amber reserves are concentrated, which is about 50 million years old.

The most striking object is the amber pyramid. It is located near a quarry belonging to the world's largest amber plant, which extracts this "sun stone". It is located in the village of Yantarny in the Kaliningrad region. The opening of a kind of monument took place in 2012 and was timed to coincide with the 65th anniversary of the amber plant. It is said to be the largest Sunstone structure on earth. On a wooden frame made of beams and shields, about 500 kilograms of amber are laid out, and not cheap "crumbs", but high-quality high-quality stones of various colors - white, green, yellow, black. The lower part is lined with darker grades, the upper one with lighter grades.

People already say that the Amber Pyramid heals diseases thanks to the special energy flows that are formed inside.

Amber deposits are found on all continents.
Amber is found quite often, but it is not widespread everywhere. In addition to the powerful Baltic deposits, amber is known in many places: in South Sakhalin, the Urals, Pechora, and the northern coast of the Arctic Ocean.

Amber, peculiar in color, or similar fossil resins are found in Romania (brown-yellow, almost black rumanite), in Sicily (garnet-red simethite), in Upper Burma (yellow, brownish, red burmite). But these deposits are small.

Inhabitants of the Baltics call it a piece of sunbeams or a sunstone.

2.4. The use of amber in art

It is very pleasant to touch it and therefore people like amber for a long time. In appearance, it resembles precious stones - yellow topaz, hyacinth and others - and at the same time - honey and resin, and by the association of thoughts - the smell of the forest and the sun, the beauty and simplicity of nature.

At all times, artists and jewelers made amber products diligently and lovingly, without unnecessary haste and fuss. They found an opportunity to create art objects of amazing beauty (jewelry, cameos, panels) and, often in combination with other materials, artistic objects (vases, cutlery, chess, sword and sword handles, decorative tables).

It is because of the unique artistic qualities of the sun stone that artists and sculptors have created one of the most beautiful and mysterious wonders of the world - the Amber Room. Everything in this room was made of amber: vases, caskets, chests, ship models, shelves, frames for mirrors.

    Practical work with amber

I wondered how it was possible to determine natural (natural amber) or not. I learned that amber is of plant origin, so you can do the following simple experiments with it to make sure that amber is natural.

Experience 1. Swimming amber in salt water or the so-called water procedures

Density... According to literature data, the density of amber ranges from 0.97 to 1.25 g / cm 3. The density of amber roughly corresponds to the density of seawater. Amber sinks in fresh water, floats in salty water. That is why it is thrown so easily to the surface from the bottom of the sea.

The test with amber floating in salt water is impossible if the amber is set in metal and decorated with heavy elements made of other materials.

How to prepare a saline solution?

Add 8-10 tablespoons of table salt to a glass of water. If you need a large volume of water, then make a supersaturated solution (with undissolved crystals of table salt at the bottom of the vessel). Natural (natural amber) should float. Counterfeits drown in such a solution. After the experiment, natural (natural amber) must be washed in fresh water and dried.

Experience 2. Odor on friction and burning

Vigorous rubbing of natural (natural amber) against a cloth or palm until the temperature of the stone significantly rises will help you to feel a faint resinous aroma, reminiscent of the smell of pine or turpentine. Any synthetics gives itself away with a pungent chemical odor.

It is possible to set fire to natural (natural amber). This is what we should see if it is natural (natural amber). Amber begins to burn 3 seconds after contact with fire. In the fire, burning amber is accompanied by a surprisingly pleasant - like a clove - smell. If you keep it on fire for another 2 seconds, and then take it away from the flame, then it will continue to burn quite intensively on its own. In the center of combustion, natural (natural amber) boils. The smoke from natural (natural amber) is black. As soon as it is worth extinguishing the burning amber, the rest of the smoke emitted by the heated amber shard will amaze with the purity of its whiteness.

When buying amber jewelry in a store, it is not always possible to do such experiments. The seller simply will not allow the decoration to be spoiled with a red-hot needle or a sharp metal edge.
However, nothing prevents you from examining the amber jewelry in detail! I learned from additional literature that if the seller has a counterfeit bill detector, he can be asked to check the amber for luminescence. A respectable merchant should not refuse.

In the light of an ultraviolet lamp, amber luminesces to one degree or another. A bluish glow of varying intensity can be seen in transparent samples. As the transparency of the stone decreases, the glowing effect weakens. Smoky translucent amber luminesce with a pale blue color. Untreated amber with the so-called sugar crust luminesces in brown tones.

Common sense and a little theory will help to understand the situation, where is natural (natural amber), and where is artificial amber. The chance to buy a fake will be reduced to a minimum.


Amber was born from the magic tears of trees. Nature has generously endowed amber with all colors and shades. It symbolizes the sun and beauty, personifies the energy of the Earth. But he is in no hurry to give us his secrets. It still remains a mystery to us and is one of the most beautiful and alluring works of nature.

And also, my grandmother told me that amber products are also used as talismans, it is believed that if you wear amber, it will bring happiness to its owner. It is also believed that a piece of amber placed at the head of the bed gives you a good sleep.


    having studied literature, I learned what amber is;

    learned how amber is used;

    learned why amber attracts a person's attention;

    conducted experiments to study the properties of amber, and was convinced that amber burns, melts, emits a delicate coniferous aroma, does not sink in salt water, attracts light objects like a magnet.

5. List of used literature

    Sobolevsky V.I. "Wonderful minerals" - M .: Education; 1983

    Lebedinsky V.I. In the amazing world of stone, Moscow: Nedra, 1985.

    Kulikov B.F., Bukanov V.V. Dictionary of stones - semi-precious stones, L .: Nedra, 1988.

Used material from the Internet:



Research work on the topic “Secrets of the sun stone. Amber"

There are so many precious and semiprecious stones on Earth. But some of them especially attract a person's attention. Amber is an unusual sun stone, sometimes with unusual insects inside, smelling of pine needles. But it's not that simple! Thousands of secrets and mysteries are hidden deep in amber. People have always admired him and created incredible and magnificent creations from this stone.

What is amber? Let's try to consider it from all sides and understand the secret of its attraction.

find out what amber is.

... Suppose it is the petrified resin of ancient trees.
... Let's say it's glass from a broken bottle that once got into the sea and salt water and waves have turned it into such beauty.
... Perhaps it is frozen bee honey.
... Hardened caviar of unknown ancient fish.

The origin of amber.
Pliny the Elder, a Roman writer, was the first scientist to prove that amber is the fossilized resin of trees. He drew attention to the resinous smell and smoky flames emitted during the burning of amber, as well as to the fact that frozen insects and plant particles are often found in transparent amber.
Modern scientists have proved that amber is a child of unusual humid forests, where pines, sequoias, oaks, palms and lianas coexisted, which grew on Earth 40-45 million years ago. Climate change during that period caused abundant resin flow of trees. The trunks of these trees were so covered with streams of resin that they hung from them like ice icicles. Most often they fell to the ground and gradually decomposed. The resin dried and oxidized - in general, after a few thousand years, nothing remained of it. It turned into amber only when it hardened, fell into water, where it was reliably sheltered from further changes and damage (erosion). Over time, the waves again threw the golden lump on the shore, often carrying it far from the place where the tree that gave birth to it once grew.

Place of Birth
The largest deposits of amber are located on the coast of the Baltic Sea, therefore it is called the "gold of the Baltic". In the Dominican Republic, drop-shaped amber is found, which looks like frozen tears. Small deposits of dark orange amber are known in South Sakhalin. The Starodubskoye field is the largest. The Naiba River from the valley carries the "sun stone" into the cold waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, which after each storm generously shares its treasures with us. Sakhalin amber, called "Sakhalinite", has the color of thick tea with a cherry tint, different shapes: drops, cakes, icicles, there are pieces of irregular shape. It is believed that Sakhalin amber is more mature, hardened by the harsh Pacific Ocean, which is about 100 million years old.

Amber properties
Due to its beauty and uniqueness of color, amber takes one of the first places among other stones - gems. The amber palette contains all the colors of the rainbow. Sunstone, as amber is also called, fascinates, warms with its endless variety of colors: shades of ivory, gold, milky white, light yellow, dark brown, light blue, greenish, only Sicilian is emerald, bluish and purple.
He was known and appreciated since ancient times. For example, in ancient Rome it was possible to exchange an amber goblet for a young healthy slave.

Amber in the Guinness Book of Records
Sometimes pieces of burmite reach impressive sizes. The Guinness Book of Records tells about a piece of burmite weighing 15.25 kg. This unique specimen is kept in London at the Natural History Museum. In total, in the entire history of amber finds, no more than 10 pieces weighing over 5 kg were found. In 1862, during a storm, the Baltic Sea washed ashore almost 2 tons of amber.

In appearance, amber resembles precious stones - yellow topaz, hyacinth and others - and at the same time - honey and resin, and by the association of thought - the smell of the forest and the sun, the charm and simplicity of nature.
At all times, artists and jewelers made amber items of amazing beauty: jewelry, cameos, panels; and often in combination with other materials: vases, cutlery, chess, sword and sword handles, decorative tables.

the Amber Room
One of the most beautiful mysterious wonders of the world is the Amber Room.
In 1716, Peter I received an amber cabinet as a gift from King William I of Prussia. It was a set of individual panels with a total area of ​​about 55 meters. Each panel was a tile covered with a mosaic of pieces of natural amber of various shades - from radiant transparent to dark yellow. Mosaic tiles were combined with carved amber decorations in the form of flower garlands, coats of arms and monograms.
In 1755 the architect Rastrelli used the panel to decorate the hall in the Catherine Palace in the city of Pushkin. Russian masters added gilded carvings and mosaic pictures of multi-colored jasper to the amber decorations.
Everything in the Amber Room was made of amber: vases, boxes, chests, candelabra, chess, ship models, mosaic paintings, mirror frames and much more.
During the World War (1941-1945) during the occupation of the city of Pushkin, the Nazis took out the Amber Room and placed it in a cache, the location of which is still unknown. They were looking for her in numerous dungeons of Kaliningrad, in the castles of Balsa and Lochted, in the dungeons of ancient churches on the Zemland Peninsula, at the bottom of the Baltic Sea ... Alas, the searches did not bring any results.

Healing properties
In modern official medicine, amber is used as a raw material for obtaining succinic acid, which is an excellent biostimulant. In addition, succinic acid has antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and anti-stress properties. Lithotherapists claim that many diseases are cured with the help of amber, in particular, hair and skin diseases, hearing and vision disorders, bronchitis, asthma, intestinal diseases, urinary tract infections, nervous diseases (depression, etc.)
For many millennia, amber beads have been worn around the neck as a remedy for goiter (inflammation of the thyroid gland). When heated to the temperature of a human body, amber begins to release the microelements present in it, and in particular, iodine. The peculiarity of the effect is that the body accepts only the amount of trace elements that it needs. Therefore, it is recommended to wear treated amber on the body for medicinal purposes.
Amber oil has antiseptic, immunostimulating, antiviral properties and heals wounds.
Amber was part of the elixir of immortality, which was offered to Pope Boniface VIII by his personal physician.

Magical properties
Amber is a symbol of happiness and health.
The magical properties of amber are as diverse as the medicinal ones. Since ancient times, it has been used as a powerful talisman and amulet.
Amber is a source of creativity, faith and optimism. It strengthens intuition and helps to implement plans into concrete actions, brings good luck, joy and peace, gives courage, and maintains health.
If a pregnant woman constantly carries amber, she will safely save the fetus, she is guaranteed a successful easy delivery. And if a nursing mother wears amber beads, the child will develop a cheerful and kind character.
A piece of raw amber was placed near the pillow or under it to scare away evil spirits. And in order to protect the dwelling from fires and lightning strikes, several objects made of amber were necessarily kept in the house.
Amber symbolizes a spiritual connection. Low grades of amber are used in religious ceremonies, as it burns well and exudes a pleasant smoke - incense. In the past, newlyweds and newborns were fumigated with the smoke of burning amber for good luck.

We learned that amber is of plant origin, so the following experiments can be done with it.
Experience number 1
If you bring a small piece of amber to the fire, it will start to melt and then ignite. When burning, black smoke and the smell of a tar torch begin to be emitted.

Experience number 2
If you rub amber in your hands, then it begins to emit a delicate coniferous aroma, which speaks of its plant origin.

Experience number 3
If you put amber in a glass of salt water, then it will not sink, because the density of amber is equal to the density of salt water. Thus, you can distinguish a real stone from a fake.

Experience number 4
If you rub amber on a piece of woolen cloth, it will begin to attract thin paper and woolen threads to itself, which indicates its electrical conductivity.

Thus, we learned what amber is, how to use it. We learned about the magical and medicinal properties of the stone, about the size and colors of amber. We understood why this stone attracts and interests people so much. We carried out four experiments and found out that amber is the fossilized resin of ancient coniferous trees that got into the water.

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