On July 28, 2008, the program "Let's Get Married!" Was aired on Channel One. Ten years in married life is a pewter wedding, where pewter symbolizes the flexibility achieved between husband and wife. And another name for this anniversary is pink. Therefore, co-host Rosa Syabitova has a floor.

You correctly drew the analogy with the family, - she says, comfortably sitting on the lawn in the shade of her country house in the suburbs. - Programs are made not by presenters alone, but by a large number of people - directors, producers, cameramen, co-hosts, make-up artists. More than 50 people are involved in our project. This is a collective work, and where there is a team, family relations arise. Flexibility was formed thanks to Larisa Guzeeva. She's more experienced than me. Vasilisa Volodina stands a little apart - she is space, looking at us from above. The main interaction of the characters occurs with me and Larisa. I am a matchmaker because the program is about a holy work - matchmaking. And Larisa, as the main one in our project, combines many roles - a moderator, a presenter, a mother, a wife, and a friend. We are all adjusting to it. At the very beginning, she said that in order for our project to live for a long time, we should not be friends outside the walls of the studio. We do all the energy on the site, we left the site - everyone is on his own. The only thing we allow ourselves is to wish each other a happy birthday. This is the correct position, which has paid off. For 10 years we have not quarreled, although we brought our troubles and joys into the program. If we began to be friends, as Larisa says, "passionately", but she does not know how to do it differently, then resentments began. So we have a purely business relationship, and the form of presentation is a family one, quite simple, and there is some organic matter in this.

There is, of course, mutual assistance. Larisa is primarily an actress, and it is much more difficult for her, because she takes the first blow on herself, leads, tells. Through questions, we must reveal the story of the hero, identify the problems and give recommendations. I have a professional psychological education, and my co-hosts have experience that can surpass a professional one. I am a writer, and over the course of 10 years I have written quite a few books (among them - "What is a woman worth, or How to raise self-esteem", "How to fall in love with anyone. Secrets of men that every woman should know", "Why some are loved, and others marry? Secrets of a successful marriage. ”- Approx.“ Antenna ”) based on the material that comes to us. I am constantly on the subject of this study. Larisa is more difficult, she depends on the director. What he says she does - and she does it professionally. And I throw her some phrases and thoughts that she develops amazingly. One of us is good and the other is a bad cop. If Larisa starts to kill the hero, then I become a lawyer. And here I became very skilled, I can protect any person.

As a matchmaker, I will work with everyone, because it is not for me to determine: all marriages are made in heaven by the Almighty. He has his own plans for each of us and our personal life. We only give an opportunity. If I have a personal dislike for a person and I use it, then I have nothing to do in matchmaking. Another thing is how ready someone is for family life. There are so many of us, and everyone has their own idea of ​​happiness. My task as a professional is to identify this idea in a particular person and provide him with a partner who has the same system of values. It's like putting together a puzzle to make them compatible. But I am not responsible for the people themselves. I cannot put into them the rules that I described in books and which our grandmothers knew. For example, what the husband brings, the wife will bring. That is, he brought it for three kopecks, and set the table for three kopecks. And when your husband begins to be indignant, tenderly say that you love him, but you are not a sorceress, and even in fairy tales, butter was applied to the porridge from the ax, and much more. He pogundit-pogundit - and tomorrow he will earn more. And you will consolidate the result according to Pavlov (Ivan Pavlov is a scientist, the first Russian Nobel laureate, physiologist, creator of the science of higher nervous activity. - Approx. "Antenna"). Better to encourage sex - here it is worldly wisdom.

The problems of the children are the problems of the parents. Our parents lived it is not clear how, with or without divorces. We live in Russia, which has always been known as a traditional, patriarchal country. The man is always stronger here. No equality. If God wanted him, He would create two men or two women. Even an attempt to create a woman in the likeness of a man did not lead to anything good. God stuck a woman to a man as a kind of accompaniment and creation of comfort, endowed her with the ability to give birth and continue the family. We can only do this. Feminism has shown that a ring bought with your own money will never bring such pleasure as a ring given by your beloved man. Use your two degrees to motivate a man to take you to resorts and give you gifts. There is no democracy in the Russian family and will never be. If you are going to get married, you must be with your husband and do as he said. But put information in his head so that he passes it off as his own. As Larisa said at the very beginning of our program, the argument that I am also working does not work. If you want to develop as a person, you have to keep up with everything. The husband should not come home from work and see a note: "Cutlets in the fridge, you will have sex, do not wake up." This will lead to the fact that he will go to another, who will fulfill all the wife's duties: meet, cook, give birth to beautiful children.

I have my own pretty successful marriage agency, and I consult for a lot of money. However, for beloved readers of "Antenna" I can give a few recommendations for nothing. A woman should perform absolutely all household duties. Now every second man claims that he does not need a wife who cooks (you can hire a cook) or do the laundry (there is a washing machine). But this is their way of getting your attention. The very first complaints after the first wedding night will concern dirty socks and linen. All men promise us happiness, but I have not yet seen a single absolutely happy wife. If you get married with the feeling that you are a poor thing ("oh, poor thing, how many worries I have about the house from now on"), then a poor family life awaits you. Why did girls cry at bachelorette parties? Because they understood that a carefree girlish life was over, and a harsh and not always happy life began. There are glimpses in family life: when everything is laid out and all things are redone, you look at your not ideal husband and are grateful to him for giving you the happiness of being a woman, wife, mother. Why give this blissful state to a man? Let him provide for the family, and the wife should create comfort, give him the opportunity to relax, and in the morning go to prove what a cool alpha male he is. It's like a ball: a man creates a shell, and everything inside is a woman, and if she doesn't, the ball will deflate. It is hard for a man in two cases: sex is not given and the brain is taken out. Therefore, in the morning he needs to be released to work satisfied, and in the evening he should be fed with meat - and here you are. The genital organ and stomach in a man is directly connected to the brain. If they don't work, then the brain turns off, there are no ideas and, accordingly, there is no money.

The reader needs to answer the most important, sacramental question, why does she need a man. As my grandmother used to say, if you want to be well fed, there will be fewer happy people; if you want happy, there are fewer people who are well fed. An earning man spends little time at home. If you want a wealthy man, then you need to look for them for their expensive hobbies - golf clubs, yacht clubs, expensive beaches, where they crowd and rest. The main rule: you need to look for a partner from a position of choice, not from a position of scarcity. That is, you cannot go to the store hungry - take the first thing that comes across. Having decided on the choice, open expensive magazines and see what's in trend. After all, a man is also a hostage of fashion. Dress as shown. And if there is no money, then Vasya from the motor depot is also a good husband.

My children, too, have all the glory of the Almighty. Ksyusha: there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped (in 2015, the only daughter of the All-Russian matchmaker married a lawyer whom her mother found her with the help of her program, but divorced almost immediately. - Approx. "Antenna"). The problem with Ksenia's marriage is that she is a star child, and I am a star mother. Copper pipes, i.e. fame and finance, can be difficult to get through. The husband could not resist.

The husband in the family is like the CEO of the company: he should know what is happening globally, but he shouldn't be burdened with details. The path to his heart is through the ego - he is the very best. Each type of men needs to be praised in different ways: Vasya the businessman for his business activities, and Kolya from the motor depot - for his golden hands. My husband also has a breed. If he is a Bull Terrier, then he shows kindness in a Bull Terrier way, and my little Shih Tzu dog shows in a different way. If you don't know what breed your future husband is, ask your mother-in-law. A loving mother knows how to make her son happy and how to manipulate him. There is no need to demand from a Bull Terrier capable of making a lot of money to behave in bed like a gentle Shih Tzu that will not earn you anything.

If you want a diamond ring, first see if he is able to buy it, if his mother taught him to do it. My son Denis is accustomed. When he brought me a wire ring, I was so happy that I formed a habit. After the wire one, he started buying me some penny rings for his breakfasts, and I wore them next to my dear ones, so my son saw that they were really dear to me. I have a whole box of his gifts - from simple to gold. Therefore, it is clear that he will give his woman, but not all mothers like me. If you see that your man is not in the subject of what you want from him, then form a habit with him. Rejoice in what he gives, and see when it is better to ask him. If he is kind after sex, then form his conditionally unconditioned reflex. So that, passing by the jewelry store, he thought: "What will she arrange if I give her a bracelet?" You must track this situation.

The son is also an enviable groom. He is 29 years old. Already independent. A car, an apartment, a house was built by the family. He will get half of everything: there is where to bring the bride and where to nurse the children. I would like them to come here. There is where to relax with friends. Two barbecues - mobile and stationary. Soon we will equip the mini-golf course that I am doing.

I have a homely practicality that I inherited from my grandmother. Therefore, I try to combine business with pleasure. When I’ve built everything, I’ll do landscape design. I plan to put an open wooden gazebo, all covered in ivy or grapes. And there will be English bushes enclosing the territory. As for the garden, here I have a selfish interest. When I brought up my children, the main principle I established is that they grow up with a well-fed consciousness. This is education: they must read books and communicate with interesting and talented people, from whom they will absorb all the good, and they will be motivated to strive for something. And in order to tie such people, my famous colleagues, to this place, I planted a star garden. I started asking everyone what their favorite trees were and planted them. And in the future I will tell my grandchildren the history of these trees. This unusual larch, for example, from Vanya Urgant. The rowan tree is Andrei Malakhov, the ash tree is Vasilisa Volodina, the lilac tree is Larisa Guzeeva, the apple tree is Katya Strizhenova. And when my children plant their trees, I will definitely make the All-Russian Acquaintance Day. In the old days it was the day of Ivan Kupala - the day of the summer equinox. This is another tradition that I want to spread, this is for the newlyweds to plant an apple tree on their wedding day and hang a red ribbon on it. The apple tree is a family tree and the personification of the feminine principle. Moreover, any unmarried girl at any time of the year can hang a white ribbon on this family tree and make a wish to get married. And it will come out! Imagine a garden covered in white ribbons in autumn or winter. So June 21 will be the day of the bride and groom. This idea is already at the level of government support.

My Ksenia for today is in search, she is not attached to anyone, she is surrounded by male attention to a greater extent than before marriage, because there is a head, experience, a certain female courage. I say to Ksenia: if you get married, give birth to three, they rarely leave a mother with many children. And the husband will not be pushed to toil with foolishness, but to earn money. And I advise the future daughter-in-law to give birth to three too. I will pull six grandchildren. They aren't there yet, but I already know what I'm going to do with them.

Both the son and the daughter are both in the family business. Ksenia received an excellent education. She is an academic psychologist, she works as a director for me - I am happy because they began to earn more. She also graduated from the courses of TV presenters. We shoot our own reality show, in which I talk about the problems of construction, popularize suburban life - comfortable, stylish, correct. And we get a series about the adventures of the Adams family - the Syabitovs - just a nightmare on Good Street, as our street is called. Horror, comedy, banter, black humor are mixed. In the first episode, Vasilisa Volodina predicts why I have such problems with sewerage and water supply. It turns out that Mercury retrograde happened, and Venus was not where it should be, so I laid the foundation at the wrong time and now I have problems with water. In the second series, we will talk about builders: I plan to interview Lena Malysheva, who will tell me what to do (do yoga, breathing exercises) so as not to kill these workers. I will show how we are deceived and how much the materials actually cost. You cannot save on construction, but you need to manage your finances correctly.

I want to offer a pilot version to Channel One - a series about how the builders bred me. You can already see him on my yu-tube. I hope that after this series, Ksenia will be invited to host on television.

Ksenia as a bride and Denis as a groom belong to the premium class. The classification has historical roots. A woman is a commodity, and a man is a merchant, and their relationship was governed by the laws of the marriage market. In the old days, there was only one row, because there were no divorces, if a woman was a widow, then she did not marry again. After the fall of the USSR, women began to divorce, which they did not do in Soviet times, when they poked a finger at a single mother who received a penny allowance. In the 1990s, women began to earn on an equal footing and even more than men, and many went to this extreme, and when they woke up, it turned out that they were already fortieth and no one took it. This is how the ranks appeared, which I identified by childbearing age. It's like with real estate: there is a primary, and there is a secondary. First row: from the age of 18, when the marriage is registered, to 25-26 years, the boundaries of childbearing age. Second row: from 26 to 35 years old. If you give birth to the first child during this period, then the body is not renewed, but sores are acquired. And if you give birth after 35, then the child will already be sick. Men are smarter than all gynecologists. They choose the young. They themselves do not have rows, but only the requirement of three keys - from an apartment, a car and an office. If he has it, then he is premium regardless of age. Men are interested in passing on these keys to healthy offspring, which the young give birth to.

Now men began to pay attention to chastity (my Ksenia is a classic example, she got married innocent). But if a woman was married and there are no children, then men do not particularly care whether they take a virgin or not. A woman with children is even worse: this is a foreign race, someone else's blood, not his child. He would never love him. But we have so many young single mothers that men are forced to say that there is nothing wrong with a child. Ksenia falls into the premium class in terms of age, dowry, plus she has an excellent education. The marriage gave her a big bonus - she passed the test as a good wife. I bit my tongue until it bleeds, but this is an indicator of a unique wife. There are no children, clever, beautiful. The first experience is to love whoever you want. And parents should make sure that her husband does not bale her with what he took without a dowry or with a child. Everything is written in Domostroy. When Ksenia was getting married, I told my future son-in-law that I would call him son and tell him what to do so that she couldn't stand his brain. She said: buy, then buy without any questions. But he didn't. Maybe it will take ten years to get used to each other, and the duty of parents is to unobtrusively help.

I am not a bride myself, but a grandmother, the last row. Therefore, I get used to the ground, I build a family nest. Of course, I invest a lot in myself. I live outside the city, although I often go to Moscow to shoot, but my head immediately starts to hurt - it means I breathed in smog. I use the latest technologies in cosmetology, which is expensive, and I chose the same man for myself. He lives in Cyprus. We have known each other for a long time, and when we began to try to build closer, family relationships, I set the main condition - he does not give interviews to the press. Once it does, it's over. I have enough of the former, named suitors who went through the transfer. And I have not met a single one who would not have earned on me. I love simple, ordinary men who know where they are going, but copper pipes work very badly on them. Therefore, they rent me, they earn money on me. This happened to my ex (the participant of "Let's get married!" Yuri Andreev. - Approx. "Antenna").

Now my relationship is a swan song. If it doesn’t grow together, I won’t toil with this foolishness anymore. The family is a common reality, joint property and children. I will not share property with anyone and will not give birth either. I want to legalize the relationship according to Cypriot laws. I will sign such a marriage contract that a step to the side is an execution. I have heirs of the first and second order. This is all for them, they provide me with a calm, comfortable old age. The main thing for me is to be loved, and nothing else.

Of course, I want to get married and announced this all over the country. The last time she said that I needed a husband for the construction site. Rinat saw the program, called me, I went to him in Cyprus, and we agreed as two middle-aged people. He is not disgusting to me, I am too. I will not change my surname. Ksenia, when she got married for the first time, changed, which is right. Then we brought her back. Now he will change only after the husband proves that he deserves it. I made the name of the Syabitovs loud, it has a family history that you can be proud of. And if you are Pupkin, then surpass our surname, and we will take yours with joy and will continue it. Rinat has no time to spit it out. He has a construction site, real estate. I haven’t decided yet whether I will live on his property or buy mine. Rather, I am inclined to the second option. The bride must have a dowry. A little that faded to her. Not mom. Ksenia has her own apartment, and in my apartment she has a girl's room. When she comes to visit me, she has everything of her own: toys, books, a computer. For the next 15 years, my relationship with Rinat suits me. He does not spend money on my family so that there are no complaints from his children, which also undermines the relationship. We have a relationship for joy. I'm doing my job. Tired, missed, got on a plane - and after 4 hours I was with him, where I can spend a day or a week. Tired of each other - flew away.

When you are under 60, you no longer have this sensuality, and if there is, then you need to contact a psychiatrist. Each age has its own code. I am glad that I am aging with dignity, I do not do stupid things. At 46, I showed the whole country that you don't have to get married just for sex, because the result can be disastrous. Everyone then perceived me as crazy. But I'm not like that. I tried. Looked and made conclusions. Those who do not accept their age have problems. After about 15 years of marriage, sex ceases to be passionate, and the husband becomes like a relative whom you cannot leave, even if he is none.

The family goes through four stages in its development. The first period of newlyweds - from the stamp in the passport to the birth of children, when a husband and wife enjoy each other. With the birth of children, a large parental stage begins, when the roles of dad and mom become paramount, and the role of husband and wife becomes secondary. This is followed by a period of "empty nest" - the children grew up and flew away. This is the most difficult period for the spouses, because they are aged, aged, ugly, they want to live for themselves, and the family can fall apart. But during this period you need to unite, remember why you created a family, find something new. The fourth period begins with the death of one of the couple. In this period, you also need to look for meaning.

I am going to do intimate plastic surgery to put my internal organs in order. This is primarily necessary for my health. The climax will pass normally if everything is supported there. The climax occurs when the body stops producing female hormones, and from male hormones we gain weight and age. Intimate plastic is one of the ways to combat this. And if it brings pleasure to a man, then generally super.

I have four plastic surgeries in my account. She cut off her eyelids (TV presenter did blepharoplasty. - Approx. "Antenna"), because I'm still on TV, and no one is interested in looking at a skinny woman, even if she is smart and speaks well. I cut off my stomach and made a beautiful cherry blossom tattoo on the place of the scar. I breastfed the children for six years: I gave birth to Ksenia when Denis was 2.5 years old, and continued to feed, even made porridge for him in breast milk. Thanks to this, they grew up without diathesis. My chest was the fourth size, and when the milk was gone, it deflated, so the plastic surgeon advised implants. I also have a Brazilian ass like a nut, where the implant threads are inserted.

For me, the biggest fear is being late for shooting. One day of shooting costs fabulous money, many people are attached to it. The only excuse for absence is death. We all filmed sick - with a runny nose, poisoning, a broken leg. The audience does not notice this.

We shoot four programs a day for 4-5 days. These are 16 programs and about 90 stories. I get up at 6 in the morning, a car comes for me, takes me to Ostankino, where the conveyor begins. I return home at one or two in the morning and prepare for the next day. It happens that our heroes fly off: someone got scared, something else. I carefully read the script and the layout, where the sample questions for me and Larisa are spelled out. Vasilisa has no questions, she gives an astrological forecast and her personal characteristics. The layout also has wishes, a love story, parents and so on, from which I get something interesting.

Attack of the Clones is based on the tendency of men to choose the same female type, often coinciding with the type of his ex. That may be a blonde with long legs and a plump brunette, but he will take exactly what he is used to, not paying attention to the inner world that women are trying to talk about. This program explains to the hero that we are all different and not every appearance he likes is actually suitable. “Mom and Dad are against” - that the parents got into the relationship and I would like to listen to them.

When the camera shows us, Vasilisa has a computer, Larisa has only a script, and I have pieces of paper in which I write all the time. I listen carefully to the characters, and if she and Larisa are too carried away by something, then I must return them back with the help of questions. Preparing each shoot is exhausting for me. But it also stimulates, gives rise to brilliant thoughts. "A bird does not marry a fish", "Men are like chickens - walked 10 meters away - nobody's" - we are already being quoted. After the shooting, we scatter to the dressing rooms and have to eat, redo our makeup, read the script again, change clothes, relax. I am in a terrible state in terms of internal mobilization. Then in prostration. And at the end of the day I can be carried to the car.

Our program is popular because it is popular, and we are talking about simple. Everything is like in life: people get married, get divorced, come to us in the third round. As varied as life is, so varied is our transmission. Recently, parents and children have begun to come, because you are getting married not only to your husband, but also to all your relatives. They began to make face-to-face bets with the former and detective investigations, to catch marriage swindlers. Based on our materials, you can start a judicial investigation.

When the quantitative side of the story began to go off scale, we decided to translate it into a qualitative one. I have a position: I trust everyone who comes to us. So it should be in the family. When the hero is here, I don't care whether he is promoting or not. By the way, Larisa is very worried about this. Me not. However, when the number exceeded a reasonable limit, the editors decided to arrange a demonstrative execution. And they dug up information about the heroes who all lied.

For 10 years we have about 10 thousand stories. Of course, we don't track them. Our column "We Have a Couple" exists due to the fact that the heroes themselves thank us. On the 5th anniversary, 271 marriages were counted and 51 children were born. Now, obviously, twice as many.

Matchmaker is experience and profession, which includes at least psychological education. I have legalized this profession. A matchmaker is a coach, a coach. Young people obey the main law of nature - the instinct of procreation, which they call it differently: to be on the same wavelength, to kick up, chemistry. Nature doesn't care. But it doesn't end with love alone. The family is an enterprise. You can't choose a partner just because you like him and you are sexually attracted to him. He must have something that he brings to this enterprise materially or intellectually.

There is also the problem of the continuity of generations. All claims must be made to the parents. In my old age, I should not deal with the problems of my children. Therefore, in youth, you need to give birth to children, give them a good education, so that they find a good job, earn a lot, get married successfully and do not hang on my neck. Become a pride for your child, so that he is proud of you, respects and obeys you. This is the first thing I did for myself and my children - I made them proud of me. And through this respect, they will continue their race. I gave them the right direction and united them in kind. It doesn't matter if you are a show business star or a good bricklayer. Then there will be dynasties.

I am a simple woman who got on television, being middle-aged, not through bed and not through patronage. Nobody moved me. I did everything myself through my enterprise, cunning, perseverance. I am an example for millions of our women that everything is possible. But I have a big responsibility - I am the main one. If my husband was around, he would be in charge, but all the roots are from me, and I accept that.

One forensic scientist said about me that I can always make a living, because I have a built-in navigator that shows what profession is making money at the moment. When I master something as a TV presenter profession, I start from scratch, I find theoretical knowledge. So I became a writer: I learned everything and embodied everything. This character trait probably makes me unique in its simplicity. If I had to become a bricklayer, I would become one, and a professional in my field. I would make this profession fashionable, elevate it to the rank of a dynasty. So I made Tatar nationality fashionable according to reviews, because on the federal channel I constantly proudly said that I was Tatar. I can do a lot.

I crochet and will bandage a hundred times until I achieve the same effect as in the magazine. Style is important to me, I am a visual. During the winter, I knitted three sweaters - two for Ksenia and one for myself from my beloved Angora. I sew not bad - these are skills from my childhood. I was engaged in figure skating, and costumes were required, but they were expensive, so my grandmother taught me how to sew, and it turned out well. I don't like to cook, but I cook perfectly. I could work as a universal chef in a factory canteen, because I am wonderful at preparing simple food - cutlets, borsch, mashed potatoes. And Xenia would be a chef of a fashionable Italian restaurant - this is the difference between us.

Rose has long captivated the minds and hearts of great poets and writers. We found out from the TV presenter if there is a place for these lines in her life.

"How good, how fresh the roses were."

Roza Syabitova:

Openness and honesty make me beautiful. In the dashing 1990s, I realized: let me be considered anyone, but you can't fool yourself. I live in harmony with failure and conscience. And I say what I think. This is a great privilege. Larissa told me about it.

"A rose smells like a rose, even call it a rose or not."

Roza Syabitova:

When I was born, I was called Albina for three days. That's what my mother called, but my grandmother insisted on Rose. This means "queen of flowers", "regal". Before that, it was all the same - well, Rose and Rose, well, admire and admire. I definitely didn't associate myself with a flower. Here's what I'll tell you. My sister's name is Lily of the Valley. Really! I also have sisters named Flora, Fauna, Mars. Well, these are our Tatar names.

"The rose dies from frost, our friendship never."

Roza Syabitova:

My best friend is myself. I will say in the words of Larisa Guzeeva: "I love myself passionately, it could have been, I would have married myself."

Who to pray to get married

56-year-old Russian matchmaker and host of the Let's Get Married program Rosa Syabitova is going to get married for the third time. The star is very happy with her choice and in all interviews she tells how lucky she is.

The option is simply chocolate - a peer, not poor, with his own real estate, - speaks about Syabitov's future husband. - We met two years ago when I came to Cyprus to work. I even have our joint photo. I didn’t think this story would be continued.

Rose's Chosen is a Tatar living and working in Cyprus. Muslim, secured. Everything, as Syabitova loves.

Rinat is my age, he is just like me, 56 years old. Let Tatarstan rejoice, the Tatar has found! - Rosa admits.

Syabitova said that she was preparing a surprise for her future husband - an intimate one. The presenter was going to correct with the help of a plastic surgeon ... the genitals.

I'm going to get married. He, like me, is a Tatar, but he lives in Cyprus, is engaged in real estate. Wealthy, independent. I want to do intimate plastic surgery to please him on his wedding night, ”Syabitova said.


Rosa says that she is not afraid of her husband's prohibitions and will continue to do candid photo shoots. Syabitova often poses in swimsuits and revealing dresses.

- I have invested so much money in my body, endured so much torment on the way to perfection, that he should be proud of me. By the way, we have tough conditions. I immediately said that I would not tolerate any of his communication with the press. There is no need to PR and make money on me. That's not what I'm looking for, ”she said.


Rosa has two children from her first marriage - a son and a daughter. The heirs are happy for the famous mother. Although, even if they had not accepted Syabitova's new lover, this would not have stopped her.

And what do they care with whom mom will meet old age? This is my life, and let them arrange theirs. They should be glad that mom has fans! - explained the matchmaker.


This will be the third marriage of the TV presenter. In her youth, she married the Tatar Mikhail Syabitov, who became the father of her children. Rose does not hide: she did not go down the aisle for love.

My wedding was very poor by today's standards. Moreover, then I married not for love, but for convenience, although my husband Michael, the kingdom of heaven to him, loved me madly. And my calculation was simple. When I got married, I had an unlined coat, and I perfectly understood that I needed a man who would love me and do everything for me. Will buy a new coat, including, - said the TV presenter.


In 1993, Mikhail died of a heart attack. Fifteen years later, in 2008, on the show "Let's Get Married!" came Yuri Andreev, a divorced fitness instructor. Instead of fighting for the hand of the guest of the program, Yuri began courting the matchmaker, although Syabitov is almost 10 years older than him. The couple closed the romance, got married. However, after some time, Syabitova announced to the whole country in the “Let They Speak” program that Yuri had beaten her. However, Andreev assures: he did not raise his hand against his wife, and the idea to tell about the beating allegedly belonged to Rosa.

Once we were sitting in the kitchen with her, she suddenly says: "Let's write to Andrey Malakhov that you beat me!" - Yuri asserts. - I even sent a photo to Andrey myself. And it started! The host of Channel One was beaten by her beloved husband! The husband is a tyrant! It was then that fame burst into Rosa's life, which broke her psyche and soul. She has changed beyond recognition. From a normal woman, a caring wife, she turned into a stupid, narrow-minded, cynical person.

Now Andreev only dreams of "Syabitova lagging behind him":

I really want her to lag behind me, - says Yuri. - Recently I was again invited to the First Channel. But I found out that Rosa would be there and refused. I don't want to be associated with her: it hurts my production. Her tongue is deceitful and dirty.

55-year-old host of Let's Get Married! Roza Syabitova was married twice.

From the first spouse Mikhail, the matchmaker gave birth to two children - Denis and Xenia.

After ten years of marriage, Rose was left a widow - in 1993, Mikhail died of a heart attack.

Syabitova met her second husband, producer Yuri Andreev on the program Let's Get Married! in 2008.

Passions were in full swing in the relationship of the spouses. Rosa stated that her husband raised his hand to her. The couple separated several times and divorced in 2011.

In September of this year, Rosa decided to look for love “in the workplace” - in the show “Let's Get Married!”. However, Syabitova failed to find a worthy candidate.

For some time, the matchmaker hid what was happening in her personal life. Unexpectedly, Rosa admitted that she had already found her soul mate and was now preparing for the wedding.

“Rinat is my age, he is just like me, 56 years old. Let Tatarstan rejoice, the Tatar has found! We met two years ago when I came to Cyprus to work.

I even have our joint photo. I didn’t think this story would be continued. And all of a sudden, "Syabitova said in an interview with Telenedele.

It turned out that the chosen one saw the release of the program "Let's get married!", In which Rosa was looking for a husband.

They phoned and continued communication. Recently, a man proposed to Syabitova and presented her with the coveted ring. The TV presenter chose the decoration herself.

The matchmaker is sure that Rinat is the ideal candidate for her. “The option is just chocolate - the same age, not poor, with its own real estate. And I really like Cyprus, ”Rosa admitted.

For ten whole years in the program of the First Channel "Let's Get Married!" Roza Syabitova helps lonely people find their happiness. And the works of the "main matchmaker of the country", as TV viewers have long dubbed Rose, are not in vain. The number of couples who found their happiness thanks to the program has exceeded a hundred.

And what about the matchmaker herself? Will she get married, will fans be able to see her in a wedding dress? The journalist of the Teleprogramma edition talked about this with Rosa Syabitova.

It's no secret that the TV presenter got married twice. Rosa's first husband died in the early 90s. Syabitova was left alone with two small children in her arms. She was in no hurry to tie the knot again. But one day everything changed.

Her future second husband, Yuri, was one of the first suitors to join the Let's Get Married! Program. However, instead of a potential bride, he became interested in Rosa herself. The man was very persistent, besides, the astrologer Vasilisa, with whom Syabitova is leading the program, told her: “Rose, if you don’t get married now, then according to the forecast, you will not have suitors in the next 20 years”. And Rose decided to enter into a second marriage.

And it was this marriage that greatly changed Syabitova's attitude towards men in general. The marriage turned out to be short-lived. After three years, the couple broke up. But the consequences of the divorce cost her very dearly: Rose had to quickly close all her accounts and buy off her ex-spouse in order to avoid the division of property.

Taught by such bitter experience, the TV presenter is not going to rush to another wedding. Moreover, we will hardly ever admire a Rose in a wedding dress. “Well, why make people laugh? I can’t wear a veil or a white dress ... I’m already a grandmother, ”Syabitova laughs.

Rosa is in no hurry to show her new chosen one to the public, without especially advertising the new relationship. “All the former men were promoting me, earning money .... my men, as a rule, are ordinary people. And their roof immediately goes down: they start to think that it was not me who chose them, but they are such trump cards ... We have already gone through this, I do not want to tempt fate anymore, ”says the TV presenter.

What is known about the new chosen one of the main matchmaker? Businessman Rinat is 56 years old, with Rosa they are the same age. For about two years, the couple met briefly in Cyprus. And then the relationship grew into love.

“I voiced my main condition at the very beginning - you do not appear in the press with a story about our connection. He agreed. Rinat is my last swan song. Why should I show it, attract attention? He is my age, a Tatar, it is nice that I will grow old with him. Lives and does business in Cyprus. Missing - flew to him. We have a guest relationship, ”shared Rosa.

Rinat helped Rosa to acquire a land plot in the Moscow region several years ago. A businessman works in a construction company. However, Rosa does not let him get close to the construction of her house, she does everything herself, so that later there will be no reasons for reproaches: “I helped you”. And in general, the TV presenter arranged everything strictly: she does not meddle in Rinat's affairs, and he does not interfere with her.

Rose has already decided everything: “Most likely, we will sign according to the Cypriot laws. After that I am going to buy property in Cyprus. And I am already planning to shoot a series about this story. "


Rosa had a difficult childhood. Rose grew up in a Muslim family with 13 children, and preference was given to boys. There are such laws, if you are a girl, then you do not continue the family, therefore you are the second class. Her parents loved to drink and were not particularly enthusiastic about their daughter.

They beat the girl, and in case of disobedience they tied her to the leg of a chair. Throughout her childhood, Rosa played with shabby, broken toys. She had a doll without an eye, a bear without a paw, but the girl loved them very much and pitied them. As a child, Rosa was seriously fond of figure skating and achieved impressive results in this field. She became a master of sports. After leaving school, Roza Syabitova decided to connect her life with technical sciences and entered the IEM as a software engineer.

Personal life

When Rosa grew up, she transferred her childhood experience to the guys. Rose has always chosen broken, beaten young people. It seemed to her that by regretting the unfortunate, she would be able to prove to herself that she was excellent. Roza Syabitova first married in 1983. In marriage, she gave birth to two children. Already in those years, Rosa was actively involved in social activities. She created a Charitable Foundation for Children, produced children's programs. In addition, Rosa found time for other activities. She opened a jewelry store, was a deputy of the city council. In 1993, grief happened in the life of Rosa Sabitova.

Sabitova's husband died as a result of a heart attack. At first, the woman had a hard time losing her husband, it was not easy for her to accept this fact. And this is natural, because Rose was left completely alone with two children in her arms. Left a widow with 2 children at the age of 30, Rosa set herself the goal of creating a full-fledged family. She told the children that the family is a ship, and their dad was the captain, but now he will not be with them. Therefore, Rosa temporarily performed captain's duties and was looking for a male captain. Of course, after 30 it is very difficult for a simple woman with 2 children to find a respectable man, so Rosa decided to become famous. After all, a famous woman who is shown on TV is much more likely to find a suitable groom than an ordinary lady.

Rosa believes that a woman is a product and a man is a merchant. Therefore, a woman must correctly offer herself and find a merchant who can appreciate her. A rose can be called a strong woman. Syabitova decided that she would help women like her. She wanted to help single people find their soul mate. In 1995, Roza Syabitova opened her own dating agency, which is still very popular today. Rosa has a wealth of life experience and outstanding qualities of a psychologist. The woman selected the perfect pair for her clients. In addition to working at the agency, Rosa writes two books - "The Man of Your Dreams", "How to Raise Your Self-Esteem", "How to Fall in Love with Anyone". Syabitova also conducts courses and consultations. Syabitova is a member of the International Association for Personal Growth and Self-Development.

The most famous matchmaker of Russia

In 2007, Rosa was invited to play the leading matchmaker in the TV show Let's Get Married. On this program, Syabitova, in the shortest possible time, earned a reputation among viewers as a wise woman who can see at the root. It was this program that gave her an acquaintance with her second husband, who came to the show as a "groom". Soon after they met, the wedding took place. Yuri and Rosa could rightfully be called an ideal couple. The couple was always and everywhere together, they supported each other in everything. Many were simply jealous of this couple. However, not everything is as beautiful as it seems. Yuri was ten years younger than the TV presenter, he was jealous, had boxing skills and considered Rosa his property. In 2010, Roza Syabitova took part in Andrey Malakhov's program “Let Them Talk”. She acted as a victim of her husband's violence. It turned out that her husband Yuri, in a fit of jealousy, beat his wife in front of the children. After her own sonorous home story, Rosa lost seven kg. In addition, the woman made certain conclusions for herself, which is also useful. After that, Yuri repeatedly asked Rosa for forgiveness and tried to make peace with her. He even gave her a diamond ring. However, she said no.

Quite recently, Yuri Andreev, after the shocking footage of his bloody face was published, decided to give several interviews and even took part in the TV program Let Them Talk. But Andreev did not like the way he was exposed in front of the audience, so he decided to file a lawsuit. In his lawsuit, the former husband of the famous matchmaker accused the Let Them Talk program and one of the country's largest information sites of libel. Such actions of Yuri Rosa accepts as usual PR.

Rose did not give up, this woman can be admired. Despite all the trials that life presents to her, the woman continues to lead an active lifestyle and takes a rather successful life position.

Roza Syabitova is also known as the host of her own show "Meet the Parents".

Worldly wisdom from Rosa Syabitova

"Russian women have a defect transmitted with genes - they take on worthless men, and for some reason they are afraid of smart and beautiful"

Roza Syabitova on video

"Do not love the rich - the poor, do not love the scientist - the stupid, do not love the ruddy - the pale, do not love the good - the harmful, the golden - a copper half"

"A man who flirts in front of his wife is useful. Look and whet your appetite, you will sleep at home."

"Dress for the first date advantageously, try to show your chosen one all your virtues. Put on a bright blue dress with a deep neckline. The main thing is that the man does not take his eyes off you."

"Men love it when a woman takes the initiative, but they hate women who are imposed."

"A woman for men is like salt for meat. It enables a man not to go bad."

"Men feel everything, you don't even need to hold candles"

"Husbands are like bonfires. You have to constantly throw up firewood so that it doesn't go out. Marriage is a deal and contractual relationship, responsibility and material base."

"If there is a choice between a man you love or who loves you, you have to choose the second one."

"A woman should not just admire a man. To understand if she loves you, see if she is proud of you."

"You will believe that a man is in love with you and you will fall in love yourself"

"If there is love, then they fight for love. If you leave, then love has died. Love never dies a natural death, it dies of thirst when something is missing in a relationship."

"Love is the only passion that is paid for with the same coin that it mints itself."

"A man treats a woman the way she deserves"

"You don't have to try to be perfect: any sin is sometimes better than all virtues."

"A woman needs to choose - either a man or pride. If you choose pride, you will be left without a man."

Roza Syabitova about men

"Dear women, if you expect your potential husbands to offer their own hand and heart, you will not wait. Lead them to this yourself."

"Men often provoke women into jealousy in order to feel that they are needed and loved."

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