When there is no one around, but you really want a hug, you can take a simple teddy bear. And if there is no such thing, then you can draw it. I’ll tell you more about this now, you will learn how to draw a toy. Raising a child is not a science, it is an art. No less responsible than artistic art. There is no need to use different therapies, sessions, different techniques. Instead, attention and patience are required, nothing more. And to do this, you just need to give a soft, cuddly plush toy and your child will be delighted. About the soft plush friends:

  • It may seem as if stuffed animals have always existed. Even in ancient times, funny stuffed animals were made.
  • Smart people have created an interesting device - a bracelet called PINOKY. It is put on the doll's paw, or ear, or other visible part, and it begins to move randomly. A good way to revive old toys rather than buying new and expensive ones.
  • To prove the delusional nature of modern plush dolls, I’ll tell you about Erwin the Little Patient. This is a complex toy in which the belly opens, and there are soft insides. And tell me, will this teach children to be surgeons or rippers? He goes out into the street, sees a cat, and what? He will think: oh, another interesting toy.

Let's start drawing.

How to draw a toy with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's create a blank form that looks like a small bottle. And let's put a cute bear there.
Step two. Using round shapes we create all parts of the bear’s body and add a bow.
Step three. We outline everything a little tighter, removing unnecessary lines. For decoration, add a butterfly to the neck of the toy. Shade out the nose and eyes.
Step four. Let's delete the auxiliary lines drawn earlier.
Step five. Let's add shading throughout the body to make it more realistic.
Don't forget to show your drawings of toys later. You can attach them below in the comments, and also write to me what other lessons I can prepare for you. You can do this on the orders page. It will also be useful for you to read.

State educational institution of Moscow

secondary school

with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​No. 1399

Preschool department

Lesson notes

in drawing

Topic: “My favorite toy” in the senior group

Prepared by: teacher Andreeva S.V.

Moscow 2015

Target : development of children's cognitive interests, intellectual development of children.

Tasks :


Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children.

Enrichment and activation of vocabulary.

Continue teaching children how to classify objects.

Learn to draw varioustoys , think through the compositional construction of the image.


Development of speech and native language as the basis of cognitive and gaming activity;

Development of fine and gross motor skills.

Development of sensory abilities.


Fostering a culture of communication.

Encourage children's initiative and independence.

Equipment :

For children - landscape paper for drawing, watercolor paints, brushes, water jars, napkins, brush stands, palette, for each child.

For the teacher - multimedia demonstration equipment

presentations, pictures and illustrations depictingtoys , varioustoys (ball, doll, soft toys, etc. .) .

I. Organizational moment.

Educator: Let's play! Guys, come to me, stand in a circle.

1. The game is being played"We'll go right now" .

Children stand in a circle and perform movements, accompanying themwords :

“We’ll go right now. Together - one, two, three!

And then let's go left. Together - one, two, three!

Let's gather in the center of the circle. Together - one, two, three!

And we will all return to our place. Together - one, two, three!

We'll sit down quietly. Together - one, two, three!

And then we will stand together. Together - one, two, three!

We'll jump lightly. Together - one, two, three!

And let's circle quietly. Together - one, two, three!

Let our feet dance. Together - one, two, three!

And they clap their hands. Together - one, two, three!

Let's turn to the right. Together - one, two, three!

Shouldn't we start all over again? Together - one, two, three!

Educator: Guys, Dunno came to visit us today, he really wants to learn a lot, let us help him. Dunno brought riddles with him, but he can’t guess them and asks you to help him. Shall we help Dunno?

II. Main part.

2. Riddles :

The baby is dancing, just one leg(spinster) .

The funny animal is made of plush,

There are paws, there are ears,

Give some honey to the beast

And make him a den(teddy bear) .

She doesn't need a driver at all.

You start it with the key -

The wheels will start turning,

Place it and she will rush(car) .

Educator: Well done! They solved all the riddles and helped Dunno.

Guys, how can you name all the objects that you guessed in one word?

Children: - Toys

Educator: That's right, that'stoys .

Tell me guys, where do you think they come from?toys ?

Howtoys go to the store ?

What factory is it made in?toys ?

What are they made from?toys in the factory ?

How to maketoys ?

(children's answers)

After the children answer the questions asked, the teacher invites the children and Dunno to watch a presentation on the multimedia screen about how to maketoys .

3. D/I"Guess and Describe" .

Children are asked to consider and remember 6toys . Then one child is blindfolded"magical" with a scarf, give it to your handstoy . The child must learntoy by touch and tell about it from memory, according to the followingplan :

    What is this?

    What is its appearance (size, color, shape?)

    What material?toy ?

    How can you play with it?

4. Body massage"little frogs"

The little frogs stood up, stretched and smiled at each other.

They stamped their feet and clapped their hands.

They tapped their hands a little with their palms.

And then, then, then - we’ll beat the breast a little

Pop-pop here and there, and a little on the sides.

Their hands are already clapping on our legs.

Educator: Guys, let's imagine that we are artists and we will draw our ownfavorite toys .

Children draw theirfavorite toys .

You made very beautiful drawings.

III. Bottom line.

Educator: Guys, tell me, did you and I help Dunno?

How did we help him?

What new did Dunno learn today after visiting us?

What new have you learned?

What did you like most?

You all did great today!

Children say goodbye to Dunno.

At the endclasses An exhibition for parents is being organized.

Type of occupation: Drawing from life.

(in kind, technical equipment such as a truck crane, a helicopter, a fire truck can be used at the teacher’s choice)

Target: development of the ability to see and convey in a drawing the characteristic features of the shape of an object, the comparative sizes and proportions of parts and their constructive connection.



  • continue to teach children a consistent analysis of an object, the ability to see and convey in a drawing the characteristic features of the shape of an object, the comparative sizes and proportions of parts and their constructive connection.

correctional and developmental:

  • continue to work on developing the ability to distinguish between types of transport;
  • carry out correction of deficiencies in sensory development of students;
  • eliminate deficiencies in drawing technique.

V educational:

  • continue to cultivate accuracy when working with paints.

Form of work in class: joint-individual

Equipment and materials: Photographs and drawings of various types of transport, toys of various types of transport, tables for step-by-step drawing of a helicopter, a simple pencil, a landscape sheet, an eraser, paints, a sippy cup, brushes.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

  1. Greeting students.
  2. Checking the psychological readiness of students for the lesson.

Are you ready for the lesson? Sit comfortably and listen to me carefully.

II. Reporting the topic of the lesson, repeating what was previously learned.

Teacher . Guys, today we will continue the work of drawing from life. The topic of our lesson is: “Drawing a children’s toy from life.” What's your favorite toy? (Children's answers)

What kind of toy do you think we will draw today? (Children's answers) But to find out, let's collect a picture. (I hand out cut pictures. Students collect the picture and see what is shown on it)

Teacher. Well done guys! What can we call in one word what is shown in your pictures? (Children's answers: transport)

Please tell me what types of transport do you know? (Children's answers)

What type of transport is a truck?

Who else can name any ground transportation? (car, tractor, bus)

What type of transport is an airplane?

Who else can name any air transport? (helicopter, hot air balloon, rocket, airship)

And what type of transport is the ship?

Who else can name any water transport? (yacht, sailboat, ship)

Well done guys!

III. Updating students' knowledge.

In the last lesson we already drew a fire truck. So let's remember how to draw transport. Let's remember and consolidate the step-by-step method of drawing cars, trucks, trains, special equipment, steamships, ships, boats, submarines, sailboats, dump trucks, locomotives and much more.

Remember! Any mistake made at the very beginning of the drawing process can hopelessly ruin the final result. You may find it difficult at first to draw curved outlines (round, egg-shaped, or sausage-shaped) or even to guide the pencil along the paper to the intended point. Don't despair! Stay enthusiastic and continue painting with persistence and patience. The more practice, the higher the skill. If you wish, you can use a compass - professional artists do not consider this shameful for themselves.

There are different types of cars: taxi, bus, trolleybus, truck.

We looked at the truck first

what parts does it consist of? What does it have more: a cabin or a body? What wheel shape? Can a car drive without a wheel? How to place it on the sheet: horizontally or vertically.

Trucks are classified as freight transport. Among them there are trucks with a covered body. They are called vans.

Such vehicles are engaged in freight transportation.

Fuel trucks carry gasoline to gas stations.

Trolleybuses and buses are classified as passenger transport. Passenger transport is so named because it carries passengers. How is a bus different from a trolleybus?

Cars transport people.

There are special machines, for example a tractor.

Tractors work in the fields. In the spring they dig up the ground, and in the fall they help harvest the crops. Let's pay attention to the wheels: which are large, which are smaller - rear or front?

Cranes work on construction sites.

They help builders build high-rise buildings.

There are also such cars. At the back, instead of a body, they have a special ladder that can extend to different heights. Using this ladder, workers hang flags and garlands on the streets for the holidays.

Steamships and ships belong to maritime transport.

They sail the seas, carrying people and various cargoes.

We have all watched with admiration more than once the military parades that were shown on TV. They involve powerful military equipment and armored personnel carriers.

We also have trains and electric trains. They also transport people and various cargoes..

Airplanes are classified as air transport. Every year they transport millions of people to different parts of our country. Let's pay attention to the shape of the plane. What vegetable does it resemble? You need to draw an airplane from several parts (body, wings, tail, window).

Helicopters also transport people, but they also help in agriculture: putting out fires and spraying fertilizers.

Today we will draw a helicopter.

What materials do we need for this? (children's answers).

Take an album, a simple pencil, an eraser and try to draw a helicopter. When starting work, do not forget about the rules of image (remember the rules: do not press the pencil, do not wave the pencil, so as not to injure your neighbor).

So how should you arrange your album? (horizontally or vertically).

We'll look at it first. What parts does a helicopter consist of? What details does it have? Watch me draw it.

(Pedagogical drawing on the board. The teacher explains the sequence of drawing and shows examples)

Physical education minute.

IV. Practical work for children.


  • sketch a drawing of a helicopter using a simple pencil;
  • correctly position the drawing on a sheet of paper;
  • correctly convey in the drawing the characteristic features of the shape of an object, the comparative sizes and proportions of parts and their structural connection;
  • work carefully with paints.

Teacher's targeted rounds:

  1. Checking the organization of students' workplace.
  2. Monitoring the correct execution of work techniques.
  3. Helping students who are experiencing difficulties.
  4. Control over the volume and quality of work performed.

Well done, guys! You all did a very good job today.

Clean up your workspace.

V. Summary of the lesson.

  1. Exhibition of student works.
  2. Self-analysis of students' activities.
  3. Conversation on questions:
  • What new did you learn in the lesson?
  • Were you able to solve the difficult problem of depicting transport?
  • Have you had any difficulties at work, how did you overcome them?
  • Are you satisfied with your job?
  • Which of the presented drawings did you like most and why?


Morozova Marina Yurievna

Direct organized activities of children.

Types of activities:

Playful, communicative, perception of fiction, artistically productive.


Teach children to create an image of their favorite toy in a drawing.

Teach children to convey in a drawing the image of their favorite toy, its distinctive features;

Develop artistic abilities;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination in the eye and hand system;

To develop perseverance, determination, and independence in children;

Develop children's attention.

Planned results:

Children carry on the conversation;

Show interest, attention and positive emotions (surprise, joy, admiration) when watching the cartoon “Toys” based on the cycle of poems for children by A. L. Barto;

They solve the riddle with interest;

Able to follow verbal instructions from the teacher;

Show imagination in creativity;

They carry out artistic work carefully.

Preliminary work:

Conversations, reading works of fiction, writing descriptive stories, memorizing poems about toys.

Material for the lesson:

Laptop for watching the cartoon “Toys”;

Children's favorite toys;

Paper and colored pencils.

Organizational moment.

1. A surprise moment - a message that today our lesson begins with watching a cartoon, to find out what it is about, we need to solve a riddle!


There are so many of them!

Children don't get bored with them...

In kindergarten and at home,

In a store, with friends.

Kids like them

Children love to play too... (toys).

Children guess the riddle.

2. Watching the cartoon "Toys".

Duration - 5 minutes.

Children watch a cartoon with their favorite toys in their hands.

While watching the cartoon, familiar poems about A. L. Barto’s toys are read.

3. Dynamic pause “Balls”.

Children perform movements to the words of the poem:

Girls and boys jump like balls

They stomp their feet, clap their hands,

They nod their heads and everyone relaxes together!

4. Artistic creativity of children.

Drawing with colored pencils

on the topic “My favorite toy.”

At the end of the lesson, all children's work is reviewed.

5. Reflection.

Questions for children:

What did we watch the cartoon about today?

What did you draw during class?

How should we treat toys and why?

Poem by Z. Petrova “Our toys”.

Three children, prepared in advance, read.

First child: We have good toys:

Dolls, bears and firecrackers!

They're fun to play with

But don't forget:

Second child: Toys are not people

But everyone understands

And they don’t like it very much

When they break!

Third child: Let the toys be friends with us,

We will not offend them,

Let's play later

We'll put everything back in its place!

Exhibition of children's works.

Thank you very much to all colleagues for your attention and support!


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“Drawing on the theme “My favorite toy””

Subject: Drawing on the topic: “My favorite toy.”

Target: To develop in students visual perceptions and the ability to convey in drawing their impressions of what they had previously seen.

Continue to teach children a consistent analysis of an object, the ability to see and convey in a drawing the characteristic features of the shape of an object, the comparative sizes and proportions of parts and their constructive connections.

Eliminate deficiencies in drawing technique.

Cultivate accuracy when working.

Equipment: tables for step-by-step drawing of a tumbler, a simple pencil, a drawing book, an eraser, colored pencils.

Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment.

a) Greeting students.

b) Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

Are you ready for the lesson? Sit comfortably and listen to me carefully.

2. Statement of the topic of the lesson, repetition of what has been previously learned.

- The topic of our lesson is: Drawing on the topic: “My favorite toy.” What is your favorite toy? (Children's answers)

What kind of toy do you think we will draw today? Guess the riddle.

This fat toy

You can't put it on the pillow.

You know, I took an example from a horse:

Sleep standing up, not in a crib.


- Well done guys! That's right, we will draw a tumbler.

But first, listen to this toy.

3. The teacher's story about the tumbler.(see Appendix)

4.Sample analysis.

So how should you arrange your album? (horizontally or vertically).

What parts does the tumbler consist of?

What geometric shapes will help us draw this toy?

How are the circles arranged?

Watch how I draw a tumbler.

5. Sequence of drawing.

Draw a large circle closer to the bottom edge of the sheet. This is the body of a tumbler.

Add a smaller circle on top. This is the head.

Draw a small circle on the sides. These are hands.

Draw a face, buttons. The tumbler is ready. Now you can start coloring.

(Pedagogical drawing on the board. The teacher explains the sequence of drawing and shows examples)

Physical education minute.

6. Practical work for children.


    sketch a drawing using a simple pencil;

    correctly position the drawing on a sheet of paper;

    correctly convey in the drawing the characteristic features of the shape of an object, the comparative sizes and proportions of parts and their structural connection;

    paint carefully.

Teacher's targeted rounds:

    Checking the organization of students' workplace.

    Monitoring the correct execution of work techniques.

    Helping students who are experiencing difficulties.

    Control over the volume and quality of work performed.

Well done, guys! You all did a very good job today.

Clean up your workspace.

7. Lesson summary.

    Exhibition of student works.

    Self-analysis of students' activities.

    Conversation on questions:

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

    Have you had any difficulties at work, how did you overcome them?

    Are you satisfied with your job?

    Which of the presented drawings did you like most and why?
