Psychology 1

Hello, dear blog visitors! Today we will discuss a current topic, or rather, what to do if your wife doesn’t know how to cook.

At first glance, it seems that everything is still ahead for the woman, and she will learn to cook normal food. With the beginning of gray everyday life, when you need to start fulfilling your duties, one of the spouses takes on this responsibility.

Every self-respecting girl should have at least some culinary experience. You don't have to be the number one chef, but you need to be able to do the most basic things. Today it is not difficult to find useful information: various recipes in books, magazines, and the Internet.

Many people are so fascinated by the process of cooking that they devote themselves completely to this task and spend all their time in the kitchen. Your wife does not have to do this, but it is important to understand that this is the life responsibility of every woman from which she cannot escape.

There are men who are lucky in life, and for them there is no problem with their missus’ lack of culinary skills. They would probably be shocked if their missus, after a hard day at work, said: “Darling, what’s for dinner today?” or “I bought dumplings, cook for yourself.” Usually these men are not deprived of a hearty lunch and a romantic dinner.

These men have gotten used to eating at eateries both on weekdays and on weekends; as a rule, they know all the prices, promotions and discounts there, and they are not at all used to store-bought noodles, dumplings, pizza and dumplings. Such husbands need their wives to finally learn how to cook tasty and healthy food. But such women need a little help.

Reasons why wives don't want to cook

  1. He just doesn't know how. Many young girls simply did not learn to cook in due time. After they prepare the first course for their beloved, it is important not to grimace and correctly suggest what is wrong. After all, the first pancake, as you know, is lumpy. Otherwise, you will discourage your wife from wanting and being motivated to cook. As a rule, girls’ first teachers in this matter are their parents. It often happens that the wife’s mother does not allow anyone to prepare food except herself. In this case, the woman will feel insecure in the kitchen at first. Treat her with understanding.
  2. She has no interest in cooking. To learn how to cook well, you need to stand at the stove every day for several hours. This kind of pastime gets boring. The spouse begins to be distracted by more interesting moments. Place a comfortable TV in the kitchen, download your wife’s favorite series, and she will only enjoy cooking.
  3. A woman is lazy by nature. Some wives are simply too lazy to do anything in the kitchen. It’s better for her to surf the Internet, sleep, etc. Unfortunately, it is necessary to combat such shortcomings only with radical measures.
  4. There is not enough time to cook food. Some people really don't have it. Taking care of children and a heavy workload can take up all the time. Health problems. Of course, if such a busy person also stands at the stove, she will simply fall off her feet. This is perhaps one of the few reasons why you can temporarily turn a blind eye to this drawback.
  5. Business lady. Some workaholic women who earn more than their spouses begin to develop a sense of power. The wife thinks that if she receives a lot of money for her hard work, then she has nothing left to do at home but to relax. In this case, it is important to show the spouse that she must remain a woman and not forget about her household responsibilities.

How to motivate your wife to cook?

Make a compromise decision. If you know how to cook, let your spouse be responsible for washing dishes and. This is practiced by many and everyone is happy. It is important to be able to negotiate.

If your wife has prepared something, be sure to compliment it, praise it, no matter whether it turned out well or bad.

The main thing is that she tried, everything can’t work out the first time. Give thanks and eat this dish. If you don't like something, use reasonable criticism, but don't create scandals.

Help her learn by example. Prepare a delicious dinner for your loved one with the condition that she cooks next time. Watch cooking shows together, cheer for the participants, discuss dishes.

Order food. The method always works. On holidays, tell your wife what to cook for her and she will have no choice.

Buy a lot of products. Almost everyone loves to eat well, and even more so to experiment. Stock the refrigerator with different foods and watch the reaction. Perhaps hint to her that something can be cooked up from this.

If you disappear all day at work and your spouse doesn’t cook, ask, what does she eat? Maybe you need to pay more attention to this problem and then everything will fall into place.

Dear readers, I hope the tips were useful to you, but if you still don’t understand what to do if your wife doesn’t know how to cook, send her one of my articles to read, in which I tell you. I always cook for my man myself, as long as he doesn’t eat junk food. I love him and want to live a long and happy life with him, perhaps your wife also has the same desire, and she just needs some guidance.

What to do if your wife doesn't know how to cook?

Hello, dear blog visitors! Today we will discuss a current topic for married couples, or rather, what to do if the wife does not know how to cook.

At first glance, it seems that everything is still ahead for the woman, and she will learn to cook normal food. With the beginning of gray everyday life, when you need to start fulfilling your duties, one of the spouses takes on this responsibility.

Every self-respecting girl should have at least some culinary experience. You don't have to be the number one chef, but you need to be able to do the most basic things. Today it is not difficult to find useful information: various recipes in books, magazines, and the Internet.

Many people are so fascinated by the process of cooking that they devote themselves completely to this task and spend all their time in the kitchen. Your wife does not have to do this, but it is important to understand that this is the life responsibility of every woman from which she cannot escape.

There are men who are lucky in life, and for them there is no problem with their missus’ lack of culinary skills. They would probably be shocked if their missus, after a hard day at work, said: “Darling, what’s for dinner today?” or “I bought dumplings, cook for yourself.” Usually these men are not deprived of a healthy breakfast. a hearty lunch and a romantic dinner.

These men have gotten used to eating at eateries both on weekdays and on weekends; as a rule, they know all the prices, promotions and discounts there, and they are not at all used to store-bought noodles, dumplings, pizza and dumplings. Such husbands need their wives to finally learn how to cook tasty and healthy food. But such women need a little help.

Reasons why wives don't want to cook

  1. He just doesn't know how. Many young girls simply did not learn to cook in due time. After they prepare the first course for their beloved, it is important not to grimace and correctly suggest what is wrong. After all, the first pancake, as you know, is lumpy. Otherwise, you will discourage your wife from wanting and being motivated to cook. As a rule, girls’ first teachers in this matter are their parents. It often happens that the wife’s mother does not allow anyone to prepare food except herself. In this case, the woman will feel insecure in the kitchen at first. Treat her with understanding.
  2. She has no interest in cooking. To learn how to cook well, you need to stand at the stove every day for several hours. This kind of pastime gets boring. The spouse begins to be distracted by more interesting moments. Place a comfortable TV in the kitchen, download your wife’s favorite series, and she will only enjoy cooking.
  3. A woman is lazy by nature. Some wives are simply too lazy to do anything in the kitchen. It’s better for her to surf the Internet, sleep, etc. Unfortunately, it is necessary to combat such shortcomings only with radical measures.
  4. There is not enough time to cook food. Some people really don't have it. Taking care of children and a heavy workload can take up all the time. Health problems. Of course, if such a busy person also stands at the stove, she will simply fall off her feet. This is perhaps one of the few reasons why you can temporarily turn a blind eye to this drawback.
  5. Business lady. Some workaholic women who earn more than their spouses begin to develop a sense of power. The wife thinks that if she receives a lot of money for her hard work, then she has nothing left to do at home but to relax. In this case, it is important to show the spouse that she must remain a woman and not forget about her household responsibilities.

What to do?

Make a compromise decision. If you can cook, let your spouse be responsible for washing dishes and cleaning. This is practiced in many families and everyone is happy. It is important to be able to negotiate.

If your wife has prepared something, be sure to compliment it, praise it, no matter whether it turned out well or bad.

The main thing is that she tried, everything can’t work out the first time. Give thanks and eat this dish. If you don't like something, use reasonable criticism, but don't create scandals.

Help her learn by example. Prepare a delicious dinner for your loved one with the condition that she cooks next time. Watch cooking shows together, cheer for the participants, discuss dishes.

Order food. The method always works. On holidays, tell your wife what to cook for her and she will have no choice.

Buy a lot of products. Almost everyone loves to eat well, and even more so to experiment. Stock the refrigerator with different foods and watch the reaction. Perhaps hint to her that something can be cooked up from this.

If you disappear all day at work and your spouse doesn’t cook, ask, what does she eat? Maybe you need to pay more attention to this problem and then everything will fall into place.

Friends, subscribe to the blog and do not forget to share the article with your friends on social networks. Best wishes!

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My wife can't cook

Difficulties in relationships

My wife can't cook

There are two different kinds of men who look at the problem of their wives' culinary abilities from different angles. For some, there is no such problem, since they have never encountered women who do not know how to cook. They can’t even imagine that, returning home after a hard day at work, they will be told right from the doorway: “Darling, what did you buy us for dinner?” or “Make your own dumplings, I’m busy.” They have a hearty breakfast, a delicious home-cooked lunch carefully prepared by the wife, and a hearty dinner.

But there are other men who clearly understand that lunch in some canteen during the lunch break is the most delicious culinary delight that awaits them today. They learned to understand which ketchup is best for dumplings with potatoes, and when it is better to use instant noodles. And it is precisely these men who most need their wives to finally stop doing useless things and go cook normal food, and not culinary masterpieces from the book “throw in boiling water and place.”

Why doesn't my wife want to cook?

She doesn't know how to cook. There are girls who at one time did not learn how to cook normal food. After they start living with their husband, they try themselves as a chef for the first few years, but when they receive inedible food, they get offended and refuse to cook anything.

Usually girls learn to cook from their parents. Perhaps in her house, her mother did not allow anyone but herself to cook food. Therefore, the wife feels insecure behind the stove.

She's bored of cooking. You need to cook several times every day, and even the most avid experimenters can get tired of this pastime. The wife understands that cooking takes a lot of time, which could be spent on more interesting things. Therefore, she begins to run away from the kitchen.

In this case, installing a computer in the kitchen or a TV can help. So that the wife cooks and watches her favorite TV series or communicates with her friends.

She is a lazy creature. Sometimes the reason for a hungry husband is simply the laziness of his wife. When, instead of doing useful things, the wife spends all her time at the computer or TV. And it is practically useless to fight such a wife except through repressive measures.

She doesn't have time to cook. Some women do not have time to prepare a normal lunch and dinner. This is usually associated with young children, work pressure or health problems. And if a woman even starts cooking, she will completely fall off her feet. This is the only reason why you should turn a blind eye to this problem.

She is a businesswoman. Some women who begin to earn more than their husbands develop a sense of power. She begins to think like this: “I earn more than him and provide for the whole family. I can afford to do nothing at home.” These are the ones we need to fight against. Because she needs to show that a woman should remain a woman, and not an arrogant bitch.

What to do if your wife doesn't know how to cook

Compromise. If you are a good cook yourself, then enter into an agreement. You cook, she washes the dishes and cleans. This agreement is practiced by many couples, and everyone remains full and satisfied. Moreover, the issue of healthy food is of great importance for a man’s fighting physique.

Help her overcome her fear. You need to reward your wife for her attempts to cook something tasty and good. Every time she cooks something, you simply have to eat it and thank her for her efforts. Let her understand that your favor can be earned with a delicious dinner. This way you can eat, and you will immediately understand: if there is a delicious dinner at home, it means she screwed up somewhere.

Become a teacher. Stand behind the stove yourself and show her how to operate it. There are also many videos on the Internet with recipes from royal cuisine to regular scrambled eggs. Even watch cooking shows with her - it will help her learn some cooking techniques and make you happy.

Order your meals. The way that works well is: “You have no other choice.” On your birthday or some holidays, tell your wife about the dishes that you would like to receive. And let her watch videos, read on the Internet, run for groceries and ask her friends. But you need to warn her in advance.

Stock your refrigerator with food. It's hard to find a person who wouldn't want to experiment with food. For this reason, buy different products and watch your wife. You can be sure that at least once she will try to do something. And there you can thank her for this and inspire her for further achievements.

Or could it be different? If you are often not at home, you work and your wife does not cook. Then ask yourself the question, what does she eat herself? Perhaps you should pay more attention to this problem and discover something that will radically change your relationship. What if she knows how to cook, but just doesn’t want to show it to you? =)

In this situation, a man can take on the cooking responsibilities, especially if he loves and knows how to cook. However, this is more a rarity than the norm.

For some, it is not a problem to eat semi-finished products, order food at home and go to cafes. But all this requires a lot of money and not everyone can afford such expenses.


It is strange that this feature of the woman did not seem strange from the very beginning. After all, when a woman declares that she is not a housekeeper and the like, this should at least cause bewilderment. Of course, a woman is not a housekeeper, but cooking is not just a duty.

Cooking is a ritual in which a woman pours her love into the food she prepares. If, while cutting vegetables for soup, a wife experiences some wonderful images, sees her husband occupying a high position, sees him happy, in a good mood, sees them relaxing together in nature. A woman’s entire mood is reflected in the prepared food, which acquires the appropriate taste.

Therefore, a woman who treats this process so frivolously simply does not realize the full power of influence on her man. And the phrase “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” says exactly this.


If a man wants his wife to learn to cook, he doesn’t need to do it in an orderly tone. It’s enough to tell him that in this way she will make him fall in love with her even more and describe how to do it. But talk alone will not be enough. If you show how much you like the food you prepare, support her in her efforts and note what kind of hostess she is, she will definitely want to cook more and in more variety.

Ask to do this out of love for you, describing how important it is to you. She will know how to please you when she wants to please you. Gently and very kindly ask her to prepare this or that dish for you. Don’t demand perfection, but suggest some nuances if you yourself know how to cook.


Of course, the fact that she does not yet know how to cook does not mean that she is a bad wife and is not capable of becoming a good mother. The situation is much worse when a woman refuses on principle to learn how to cook. If a girl responds to all persuasion and requests, but will not do it, even to please you, it makes sense to think about whether you have taken the right woman as your wife. After all, on the one hand, cooking is a small thing, but if the wife is not able to agree even on small things, then what will happen when a more serious problem happens.

In the modern world, a woman is often forced to work, in which case she may also not want to take on cooking responsibilities. Then it makes sense to divide. For example, some people cook a couple of times on weekdays, and others on weekends. Women are grateful when their husbands help them with their cooking and cleaning problems. And in this a man can always feel like a hero. After all, a tired wife who comes home from work also wants to rest, and doesn’t start cooking at the stove.

The main thing in this matter is not to inflate the problem, but to try to come to an agreement.

Modern women are significantly different from their predecessors. They are more relaxed, self-confident, aware of gender inequality and even try to somehow fight it. Therefore, it is not surprising today that a woman, despite someone or something, simply does not know how to cook.

Is this true?

If a man is concerned that the woman he loves does not know how to cook, there is no need to start panicking, but it is worth finding out why this is happening. It’s one thing if a lady simply doesn’t know how, because... I never had to do this before. Dealing with such a problem will not be difficult. It will be somewhat more difficult for those men whose ladies simply do not want to cook for some reason.

Learn and learn again

If a man is concerned that the girl he loves doesn’t know how to cook, he should just try to teach her this simple task. It’s good if your loved one knows the basics of cooking, then he himself is able to help and suggest something. If both members of the couple are far from cooking, you can try to enroll the woman in a cooking course, or send her to her mother or future mother-in-law for a master class. This method is not so easy to implement when your loved one simply does not want to stand at the stove. In this case, you need to somehow interest her: offer something in return that she simply cannot refuse.


If a man thinks about what to do if his wife doesn’t know how to cook, he can simply ignore it and cook for himself. There is nothing terrible or shameful about this, because many of the world's great chefs are men. In this case, the woman simply has to do other housework. Division of labor in family life is the way out of this situation.

Lunch on the side

Often men don’t think long about what to do if their wife doesn’t know how to cook. They are just looking for a way to fill their stomachs on the side. It’s good if the husband goes to his mother or mother-in-law for a delicious dinner. However, more often, another woman is found for this purpose, who will be happy to feed temporarily a stranger, and later, perhaps, her own spouse.

Cafes and restaurants

What to do if your wife doesn't know how to cook? The answer is simple: eat in establishments such as canteens, cafes, and restaurants. Most often they will have delicious food there. But it will cost a lot of money. When choosing this way of eating, you need to have a pretty tight wallet.

Home cook

Another tip on what to do if your wife doesn’t know how to cook: hire a woman who will periodically come into the house and do this task. Simply put, invite a chef. This is a good way out of the situation, because... It will be possible to order the desired menu, but again the problem of paying for such services arises: this will also cost a lot of money.

Cooking is like a holiday

Well, probably the most pleasant way to avoid hunger if your wife doesn’t know how to cook: do everything together, as a couple. Only then will a woman not consider cooking a burden that was brazenly placed on her. In addition, in the company everything is done faster, more fun and, most often, even tastier. You can play around with evenings like this and make them into a home cooking show or come up with something else. The main thing here is to interest your significant other in the process of cooking. You look, and then everything will change for the better and the woman will feel that cooking has become her favorite pastime or even a hobby.