MKOU Pavlovskaya secondary school No. 3

Game program

“In the sun it’s warm, in the mother’s presence it’s good!”

Purpose of the event:

    Fostering a sense of love and pride for your mother, respect for mothers

    Formation of a positive attitude and respect for the families of classmates.

    Uniting the class team, students and parents.

Means of educational influence:

Equipment: multimedia projector, music installation, screen, laptop, phonograms (minus) of the song “Little Country”, phonograms (plus) of songs about mom, a sheet of Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, a handkerchief for blindfolding.


    On the board there are wall newspapers “Happy Mother’s Day!”, children’s drawings “Portrait of Mother”.

    Exhibition “The World of Our Mothers’ Hobbies”.

The progress of the holiday

leading. Good afternoon, dear mothers and grandmothers!
There are three shrines
Three names in the world.
Our heads are forever
To bow before them:
Great - Bread,
Expensive - Fatherland
And third -
Similar to immortality -
leading. In the last days of November we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. On this day, we remember with special warmth the people closest to us - our mothers, grandmothers, thanks to whom we exist and live!

There are many kind words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

The simple word "Mom" is made from two syllables.

And there are no words dearer than it

Reader 1

There is light in this word of the sun!

There is no better word in the world!

All: Mother!

leading. Today's program is dedicated to the kindest, most beautiful, most beloved - your mothers!

Reader 2

Mommy-mama must be loved,

Sweep the floor and wash the dishes,
Morning and evening kiss
And never offend her.

Reader 3

Mom will teach you good things in life,
There is no one more beautiful and no one is better.
I wear wild flowers to my darling.
And on my birthday I will write a poem.

Reader 4

May my mom live long,
Waiting for grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
You won't be offended, mom, I know
If I wish you a hundred years.

Reader 5

You get up earlier than everyone else in the morning.
You leave for work.
Coming home
And again in labors, worries,

Reader 6

Find time to clean
And ironing and cooking.
And caress and kiss
Hug and reassure

Reader 7

And listen and answer any question
Always answer.
Thank you mommy
You are the best in the world.

Reader 8

I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know
Probably because I live and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day.
This is why I love you, my dear.
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you, mom
You are my best friend.

Leading. From generation to generation, people pass on kind, affectionate words about their mother in proverbs and sayings.

“You won’t find a better friend than mom!”

Mother's affection knows no end!

A mother’s heart warms better than the sun!”

(The proverbs are printed on separate sheets of paper and hung on the board.

Leading. Mom is like the sun. She is warm, joyful and fun! Her smile makes you as bright as the sun.

Do you often smile at your mother?

Show me how!

Now let your mothers smile back at you!

From your smiles, it seems to me that even the classroom became brighter!

You can verify this by listening to the poem

Reader 10.

It’s damp, gloomy outside, the rain is drizzling,
The gray sky hangs low over the roofs.
And the house is clean and comfortable.

We have our own weather here.
Mom will smile clearly and warmly
Now the sun has risen in your room!

Leading. How many kind, gentle words! Let them sound every day, in every family. Let the whole world hear them, and these words make you feel kinder!

Leading. And now we are announcing the first competition:

Competition "Flower-seven-flowered" for our mothers

Leading. Only 7 mothers can take part. Hurry up. Who wants to participate? (The guys bring out a multi-colored chamomile. Moms take turns plucking the petals and answering the questions written behind the petals.)

1. What did your child look like when you saw him for the first time?
2 . What is your son or daughter's first word?

3. At what age did your son or daughter take their first independent step?
4 . What songs did you sing while putting your baby to sleep? Sing the verse.
5. Name the very first poem you learned together.
6. The first gift your child gave you.
7. How do you want to see the future of your loved one?

Leading. Thank you for your answers and accept your well-deserved rewards. There can be no losers in this competition.

Reader 11.

Different children live on the planet,

But all children in the world love their mothers!

It happens that we don’t listen to our mothers,

But mothers teach us good deeds.

How many stars are there in the clear sky!

How many ears of corn are there in the fields!

How many songs does the bird have!

How many leaves are on the branches!

There is only one sun in the world!

There is only one mother in the world!


(A table, 3 chairs (and one for the doll) and a tray with 4 cheesecakes are placed)

Leading. And again the competition. "Troubles from a barrel".(8 moms)

Dear mothers, you need to guess the word. There are three tips for this. If you guess on the 1st attempt, you get a maximum score of 15 points and, accordingly: 10 points - 2nd attempt, 5 points - 3rd attempt. Let's begin.

    This usually happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life.
    This is what they call everything amazing, unusual, magical.
    When it happens, we always admire and rejoice (miracle).

    2) They hide under dirty nails.
    They are so small that you can't see them.
    They can make you sick (germs).

    3) It happens often and in many places you have to waste time because of it.
    But if you need something, you have to put up with it.
    You wait as long as necessary and you get what you want (queue).

4) Every person should have it, but some people have forgotten about it.
It helps you become a real person.
When you do something wrong or have wronged someone, it torments you (Conscience)

    5) If it is not there, then there is no joy; without it there is no life, but existence.
    They always wish it to each other, especially in letters.
    You can't buy it for any money. (health)

    6) Every person dreams about him, wants everything to be good in life.
    But no one knows where to look for him.
    There are fabulous birds that bring it (happiness)

    7) A person brings everything to his house, whether he needs it or not.
    He doesn't like giving gifts or sharing candy.
    And it’s better not to ask him for anything, because he won’t give it anyway. (greed)

8) A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed.

Adults say that this helps to educate correctly.
A person is deprived of something, they are not allowed to go out for walks because of a bad deed. (punishment)

Leading. The winners were...

Leading. How good it is to relax next to your mothers! But mothers rarely have such free moments. Mom has a lot of worries and troubles. Every morning her work awaits.

Leading. Now let’s ask mothers to show how they get ready for work in the morning.

Relay race "Moms are going to work"" (2-3 mothers).

I need to pack my bag,

Tie a scarf beautifully,

Wear a fashionable hat.

On the way, watch your step carefully.

Leading. We invite mothers to rest.

Competition for spectators “What is this?”

Persimmon - fruit

Carp - fish

Raisin - berry

Cinnamon - spice

Coconut - nut

Melon - berry

Halibut - fish

Lemon is a fruit

Radish - vegetable

Rice - cereal

Blueberry - berry

Cherry - berry

Eggplant – vegetable

Vobla - fish

Pistachios - nuts

Grapes - berry

Gobies - fish

Strawberry - berry

Lingonberry - berry

Beans - vegetable

Jerusalem artichoke - vegetable

Turkey - bird

Artichoke – vegetable

Kvass - drink

Mullet - fish

Kohlrabi - cabbage

Morel - mushroom

Kumis - drink

Watermelon - berry

Hazel grouse - bird

Parsnip – vegetable

Kiwi - fruit

Bay leaf – spice

Millet - cereal

Sterlet – fish

Leading. There are words in this world that we call holy. This is “mother, grandmother,” because they are the ones who carry the warmth of a mother’s hands, a mother’s word, a mother’s soul and kindness.

Leading. We invite mothers to participate in a fun competition "All-around"

First a team member inflates a balloon,second draws a face on it,third ties a scarf on the ball. Then the teams must come up with a name for the heroine (hero), explain her (his) appearance at the holiday: who she (he) is and why she (came) came.

There is a song about mom. Parents do the task.

Leading. The team that finished the relay first was...
Leading. Guys, your mothers also have golden hands, can you guess why they say that? That’s right, mother’s hands can do everything: cook, sew, knit. And it’s impossible to list everything... Tender, affectionate, caring mother’s hands should be able to manage everywhere.


Moms do laundry at home

And the apartment is cleaned,

They cook, wash, iron, sew,

Sweeping and baking.

Competition "Explainers"(mother and children participate)

Leading: The kitchen is not just a place where food is prepared, but something more. Here in the evening the whole family gathers at one table and discusses family matters over a cup of tea. It is impossible to imagine home comfort without a kitchen. Agree, it’s nice to open the door of your apartment and smell fresh pies and hear the melodic sound of a boiling kettle. It has been noted, by the way, that in families where family meals are traditional, there are fewer quarrels, more respect for each other and mutual understanding. Now we will see how you can understand each other. The task is to explain the name of kitchen utensils without words using gestures.

Teams are given envelopes containing tasks: “saucepan”, “refrigerator”, “frying pan”, “microwave oven”, kettle”, “mixer”, etc.
Assignment: mothers describe an object with gestures, and children must guess what it is.

Artistic performance: dance.

Leading. We must help our mothers, take pity on them, take care of them.
And if mom sometimes
She'll come home tired from work,
Warm her with your care.
Always help her in everything!

Game for girls “Mom’s Helper”:

Each team gets a bucket and cubes. Teams line up at the starting line. The first team member has a bucket of cubes, the second has a bucket. The first runs to the opposite wall and throws cubes out of the bucket, runs up to the team and passes the bucket to the second player. He runs) collects cubes in a bucket. Then he runs to the team and gives the bucket of cubes to the third player. And so on until all the team players have played. The winner is the team that completed the “cleanup” the fastest.

Leading. Congratulations to apartment cleaning champions, your home is probably always clean and tidy

Game for boys “Carry shopping” :

On the opposite side of the classroom is the “shop.” The players stand on the other side of the hall. At a signal, they take the baskets and run to the chairs, put the “products” in the basket and return back.

The one who completes the task faster wins.

Leading. The winner was...

Leading. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Happy is the one who has known mother's love, affection, and care since childhood. And children should respond to her in the same way - love, attention, care. We treat with respect and gratitude those people who respectfully pronounce the name of their mother until they turn gray and protect her old age.

Leading. Our mothers are the most, the most, the most... Even their names speak about this. We greet our mothers with applause.
Lyudmila- “Dear to people”

Olga- “Holy.”

Nelya– “Young”, “renewed”.

Maria– according to different versions it means either “beloved”, or “sad”, or “mistress”

Catherine- “Pure, immaculate (Greek).”
Elena- “Light, shining”
Irina- "World"
Svetlana- “Light, shining”

Oksana– “Wanderer, Hospitable”
Hope- "Everything will be fine"
Natalia – “Native”
Tatiana – “The Organizer”

Competition “Crazy Hands”

Mothers talk about their hobbies, show how this or that thing is made from start to finish.

Leading. Thank you. You see, guys, any work is done very carefully, and each stage of the work has its own secrets.

But families also have other hobbies: some love to sing and play musical instruments, others are fond of theater, and others love poetry. Every mother has her own talents. Now we will make sure of this.

We are looking at an exhibition with my mother’s works.

Reader 12.

Mommy - mommy, how I love you!
How glad I am when you and I go for a walk!
Either we are making something, or we are just talking.
And what a pity to let you go to work again!

Reader 13.

Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is happiness!
There is no better mom!
Reader 14.

Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is laughter!
Mom is a caress!
Moms love everyone!
Girls. We are simple girls
Boys. We are simple boys
Reader 14.

We declare to the whole world,

What is more valuable than mom?
There is no person.

Leading. We are not magicians, we are just learning. Allow me, dear mothers, to present you with a fabulous shoe as a gift. But we promise that when we grow up, we will buy the most beautiful, real shoes with our first salary. Let our mothers be the most fashionable. (Appendix No. 4)

ALL. Happy holiday! Happy Mother's Day!

Presentation of gifts. Tea party with sweets that mothers made with their own hands.

It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's presence. Mother's Day.
Goal: to form in children a sense of respect for their mother. Objectives: - to involve children in the celebration, to reveal (if possible) the abilities of each child; - to develop organizational abilities in each child; - to form a respectful attitude towards each other; - to form correct self-esteem.
Host: Probably each of us knows that the best friend of any person is his mother. Mom will caress you and caress you, and will be sorry if you were offended, and will help you if trouble suddenly comes. It is not for nothing that so many poems, songs and proverbs have been written about maternal love. People say that the sun is warm, and the mother is good. And this is true. And even if a mother is very busy, she will still find time for her children. Mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of young children. (C. Thackerray) Talking about mom. From the bottom of my heart In simple words Come on, friends. Let's talk about mom. We love her, Like a good friend, Because we have everything together with her. Because when things are tough for us, we can cry at our own shoulder. We love her And because sometimes They become stricter In the wrinkles of the eyes, But it’s worth confessing to come with your head - The wrinkles will disappear, the thunderstorm will rush away. Song “Mom” 1. Early in the morning I wake up from your eyes, They will replace the sun for me. The world, believe me, exists only for the two of us. The sun in you laughs. Chorus: Mom, I love you madly, Mom, and I adore you, Mom, I am without your gaze, like a bird without a wing, A bird without a wing, Mom, you know, there is no dearer to you, Mom, hug me quickly, Mom, give me warm up, Mom, near your hands, as if by a fire.

    May adversity and sorrow be far away,
And happiness will be closer. You and I will not be able to live in sadness and melancholy, And we will drive away the bad weather. Chorus. Presenter: 1. Love for the Motherland begins with love for the mother. And a person begins with his relationship to his mother. And all the best that is in a person is given to him from his mother. Yu Yakovlev2. Oh, how wonderful this word is - mother! Everything on Earth is from mother's hands. She taught us, disobedient and stubborn, Good, the highest of sciences.3. The mother feeds her children like the earth does people. We will forever glorify that woman whose name is mother!
Show slides with reproductions of paintings by famous artists. During the show, the student reads a poem:
There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked throughout the centuries! The most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms. The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times, And so she stands for centuries The most beautiful of women - A woman with a child in her arms..

There is a bright shelter on earth, Love and fidelity live there. Everything that we sometimes only dream about is forever sheltered there.
That is the heart of a mother! It is so gentle and true! He is destined to live by your joy, to bear the yoke of your sorrows...
Student: I don’t understand how this happens, but the sun in the sky means mother is in the house. The sun will suddenly disappear behind a cloud. Everything around will become empty and sad. When my mother leaves for a while, I will become so unhappy. My dear one will return home, And I will become cheerful again. I play, laugh, tumble, sing... I love my dear dove! Song “But I don’t notice toys.” No. 5,6.Student. I remember my mother’s hands, There is nothing dearer or dearer in the world. I have never known hands more tender and kind than these hard, calloused ones. I remember my mother’s hands, That once wiped away my tears. They brought me handfuls from the fields of everything that spring in my native land is rich with. I remember my mother’s hands, Wide rough palms. They're like a ladle. Draw close to them and drink, And you will not find a bottomless source. I remember the hands of my mother, And I want the children to repeat: “Weary hands of mothers, There is nothing holier than you in the world!” The mother's song sounds (optional). Student. Mother. We call the earth that way, When we grow bread and flowers, When we soar above it in a rocket And see what it is like from a height. Student. Clean, clean, all blue - This is probably because mothers walk along it, smiling at their children, their future. Student. White, black, different mothers. It's very difficult for them sometimes. Sometimes their lips are compressed stubbornly, But there is always a smile in their kind eyes. Student. This is a piece of sunshine for children, This is perhaps a ray of hope. Mother! Mother! With this name I would like to rise in a rocket Above the highest clouds. I would take a billion bouquets of flowers and scatter them over the planet. Mothers will receive them, smile - And immediately summer will come everywhere! Presenter: We have often noticed how children enthusiastically play at being daughters and mothers, trying to imitate adults. This is the kind of game we will watch now.
Scene 3 “mothers” (There is a table in the center, four chairs around. An elegant doll is sitting on a children’s high chair.) Presenter: Tanyusha came from a walk in the evening and asked the doll: Daughter: How is your daughter doing? Have you crawled under the fidget's table again? Did you sit all day without lunch again? These daughters are in real trouble! Soon you will be like a match, thin. Go to lunch, spinner. (the girl takes the doll and sits it at the table.)Leading: Tanya’s mother came home from work and asked Tanya: Mom, how are you, daughter? Playing again, probably in the garden? Have you managed to forget about food again? "Dinner!" - Granny shouted a hundred times, And you answered: “Now, yes now!” These daughters are simply a disaster. Soon you will be as thin as a match. Go to lunch, chatterbox!
(Daughter sits down at the table) Presenter: grandma is here,Mom's mom cameAnd I asked my mother: Grandmother: How are you, daughter? Probably in the hospital for a whole day. Again there was not a minute to eat. And in the evening you ate a dry sandwich? You can't sit all day without lunch! She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still a fidget. These daughters are just a disaster! Soon you will be like a matchstick. Go to lunch, spinner!
(mother and grandmother sit at the table)
Host: Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,Three mothers look at their daughters.What to do with stubborn daughters? Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Presenter: Mother’s love will always show itself, and it is easy to distinguish it from someone else’s, from a callous heart. There is nothing brighter and more selfless than a mother’s love.
Dramatization of the biblical legend “The Judgment of King Solomon”
Leading:Throughout the land there was a rumor about the great intelligence and justice of King Solomon. And people came to him so that he would judge their disputes and litigation. One day two women came to him and brought a child who was not even a month old. And one woman said:- Tsar, we lived in the same house, slept in the same room. I had a son, and so did she. We were alone in the whole house, and there was no one with us. At night, this woman's son died, and she secretly put him in my bed. and she took my son with her. In the morning I woke up and saw her dead child next to me.
Leading:But then another woman began to shout:
- It's not true! This is my son alive, and yours dead!
Solomon said:
-Give me the sword!
Presenter: When the sword was brought to the king, Solomon ordered the Warrior standing nearby:
-Take the child and cut him in two. And give one half to one woman, and the other half to another.Host: The first woman got scared and screamed:
- Don't kill him, don't kill him! I pray you, king, do not order him to be killed! Better give my son to this woman - as long as he stays alive!
Host: And another woman said:
- Your fair decision, O wise one! Let neither me nor her get this child! Host: Then Solomon held the warrior’s hand and said:- Give the child to the one who took pity on him: she is his mother!Host: And the child was given to the mother, and she pressed him to her heart. And the deceiver was driven away in shame. Thus did Solomon, the wise and just, judge.
Oh, the faith of our mothers, Forever knowing no measure. Holy, reverent faith in us, growing children. Like the light in a birch forest, nothing in the world can erase her: Not one in the diary, Not the evil complaints of neighbors. Mothers are such a people - They will sigh and stare at us for a long time: “Let them go crazy, let it pass. And again they believe, believe, believe. This is how mothers alone believe, exactingly and patiently. And - they are not loud, they do not consider it a wonder. But they simply don’t care about their faith, reverent and tender! But we don’t always live up to their hopes.
We are getting married. Everything has its hour. But from a young age until our death, the word “MOM”, born of love, always beats in us with the beating of our hearts.
It burns like a good star, Out of thousands of words, a special word... It does not age, the years do not diminish, It is always reverent and new.
A..Barto “Mom”. It was morning in a quiet house, I wrote my mother's name on my palm. Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper, Not on a stone wall, I wrote my mother’s name on my hand. It was quiet in the house in the morning, It became noisy in the middle of the day - what did you hide in your palm? - They began to ask me. I unclenched my palm: I held happiness. "Song about Mom." (to the tune of the song “Russian Guy”). Hello, my dear sun, I dedicate my creation to you, Even though I am far from Pushkin, I am writing an essay for you.
And let everyone around you know that you are the only one in the world. I love the warmth of your hands, my dear, mother, dear. Chorus. Our mothers don’t run away from business, Our mothers don’t moan in pain 2p And they will avert any trouble And they will help dad and me.
I love the kindness of your eyes And the wrinkles that I add. Forgive me, dear, If I often upset you. I know it’s difficult for you, Apparently this is the woman’s lot. I'm ready to give everything on earth so that you don't cry. Expensive.
Leading. Our dear mothers, we love you very much, but often, unfortunately, we forget to tell you about it. Today is a special day. This day is more important than March 8, more important than all the holidays in the world. This is the day when we welcome LIFE AND LOVE at its best. The day when we throw aside modesty and say to the dearest person, our mother: “MOMMY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!”, and ask her for forgiveness for all the grief that we brought to her, willingly or unwillingly.

Natalia Konstantinidi
Summary of OOD in the middle group “Warm in the sun - good in the mother.”


At the sun is warm - mother's presence is good.

Target: to cultivate love and respect for mothers, a feeling of gratitude for her care.

Educational objectives:

Educational area "Socialization".

Educational: enrich children’s social ideas about people and family ties; form benevolent attitude towards peers.

Developmental: develop social communication skills.

Educating: bring up benevolent, a caring attitude towards the mother, a desire to provide all possible assistance to the mother, to bring joy with one’s actions.

Educational area "Communication".

Educational: teach children to form words with diminutive suffixes, activate the verb series, practice selecting adjectives for nouns.

Developmental: develop dialogical, coherent speech, the ability to speak out, answer questions, improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Educating: upbringing good feelings, readiness to help others.

Educational area "Cognition".

Educational: learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships in people’s actions and actions, learn to understand and speak proverbs and sayings about mothers.

Developmental: develop fine motor skills of the fingers, logical thinking, visual and auditory perception, memory.

Educating: cultivate interest in the environment.

Preliminary work: Ask mothers to tell their children about their work, about their attitude to work.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, what do you think is the best word in the world?

In the world a lot of kind words live,

But everyone one thing is kinder and more important:

Two syllables, a simple word “mother”

And there are no words in the world more valuable than it.

The best word in the world - "Mother"! This word is one of the most ancient on Earth and sounds almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples. All people respect and love mothers. Mother teaches us wisdom, gives us advice, protects us, takes care of us.

Let's play a game "Mommy". I will ask you questions, and you will answer loudly and amicably "Mommy"!

Who came to me this morning?

- Who said: "It's time to get up"?

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Who poured tea into the cups?

Who braided my hair?

Sweeped the whole house alone?

Who kissed me?

Who as a child loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world?

There is a proverb: “When the sun is warm, and when mother's kindness" What do you think it means? (children's answers)

Mom is ours Sun, everyone has it, and we love it very much, we call it with affectionate words. So we have Sun! (on the flannelgraph it is displayed Sun)

Look at this Sun, what does he lack?

Children's answers (rays)

That's right, rays, let's give them sunshine. Each of you will remember and say your kind word about your mother and give a ray of light to our sunshine(mommy, mummy, beauty, berry)

Game "Add a ray".

Well done! How many kind and you said kind words about your mother. Even in the group felt lighter and warmer because of this. And you also need to listen to mommy and help her in everything. Are you helping your mother? How do you help your beloved mothers?

Show me!

Physical education minute "Helpers"

Foam lathers in the trough, we wash - look!

We will wring out all the laundry, press, press, press, press!

And let's hang and shake, oh, we're tired - let's rest!

Now let’s pet it ourselves, we know how to help mom!

Afterwards we’ll take a broom and sweep the kitchen floor!

And we’ll wash all the dishes, wash, wash, wash, wash!

And now we will talk about our mothers.

Vika, where does your mother work?

Does she love her job? Does he get tired? Is her work important?

(I listen to 5-6 stories).

Mom has the best kind and gentle hands, she can do everything.

Now we will listen to Masha, Dima and Rita. Tell us what moms do at home? What does your mother especially like to do? What kind of housework do you do with your mother?

Do you often upset your mother?

Why is your mother angry with you?

Is it difficult for mothers?

Are our mothers tired?

Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. Folk wisdom reads: “There is no friend like your own mother”.

Now let's play a game “Which mom?”

Mom hugs us, kisses us, strokes our heads. What is she like? (affectionate, gentle).

Mom did her hair and put on a new dress. What is she like? (beautiful, elegant, fashionable).

Mom smiles and laughs. What is she like? (cheerful, joyful).

Mom doesn't get angry, even if you misbehave. What is she like? (kind) .

We love mom, that means what she is like (favorite, best).

Everyone has the same mother, so what is she like? (the only one).

Guys, all people, no matter how old they are, need their mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for mothers, the more joyful and brighter life is. How can we please mothers with our attention? Let's think about it. (I give the children the opportunity to express their opinions).

You can also make beautiful bouquets for your mother. We will do them in the next lessons. And then mom will be sure that she is growing in the family attentive, Kind, a sensitive person. And mother’s eyes will light up with joy.


What do you remember about our lesson? What were we talking about? What can you praise yourself for today?

Well done, guys! You tried, you did well. Let us always love and appreciate our mothers for their attention, care and affection.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on speech development in the senior group “It’s warm in the sun, kindness in the mother’s presence” Topic: Compiling stories from personal experience based on mother’s photographs “It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence.” Objectives: Educational: form.

Lesson summary for the middle group “It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence!” Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution of the Izobilnensky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory “Kindergarten No. 18”.

NOOD for the speech development of children of the middle group “It’s warm in the sun, kindness in the presence of mother” Educational areas: Speech development. Cognitive development. Artistic and aesthetic development Program content. Learn.

Organized educational activity “Warm in the sun, good in the mother” Organized educational activities in the middle group on the topic: “it’s warm in the sun, good in the mother.” Purpose: to give children the concept of...

Integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Warm in the sun - good in mother’s presence” Integrated lesson in a preparatory group. Goal: to show the image of mother that is significant for the child; to form the moral emotions of children;

“It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence.” Scenario for a joint event with parents dedicated to Mother's Day It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence. (scenario of a joint event with parents dedicated to Mother’s Day) Date: November 28, 2015

To cultivate a feeling of love, respect, sensitivity to mother, grandmother, woman.

Develop children's creative abilities.

Teacher: I sing of what is eternally new,

And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,

But a word born in the soul

Finds its own music.

This word will never offend you,

There is a being hidden in it,

It is the source of everything,

There is no end to it.

I pronounce it: MOM.

Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. This means that all people honor and love mothers. Many countries celebrate MOTHER'S DAY.

The word “mother” is also used to call one’s homeland. It is no coincidence that folk wisdom placed the word “mother” next to another great word - “Motherland”. “The Motherland is the mother,” people say, and this defines the most sacred thing on earth.

People have many good, affectionate words about their mother. They are passed on from generation to generation. What proverbs do you know about mom?

Students: The Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Nature - mother - is the beginning of all beginnings.

A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.

The native land is the mother, the foreign side is the stepmother.

Mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot of it will fall, but soon

The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about the mother.

There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

Teacher: Which proverb did you like and remember most?

Teacher: Blaginina’s poem “Sun” is about the warmth and light emanating from the mother.

Student: I don’t understand how this happens.

That sun in the sky -

That's mom at home.

Behind the cloud is the sun

Suddenly disappears

Everything will become empty

And sad all around.

He'll be gone for a little while

My mother -

So sad

I will do it.

Will return home

My dear -

And cheerful again

I will do it.

I play, I laugh,

I tumble and sing.

I love my dear

Your dove!

Teacher: Mom, mommy! How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which is used to name a person - the closest, dearest, the only one. Mother is watching our path. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mother teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

Pupils: 1. Who could be more valuable than mother?!

Who brings us light and joy?!

When we are sick and stubborn,

Who will regret and save?!

2. Who lets adversity go to the wind,

Will it dispel fears, sadness and shame?!

Who will brighten up the grayness of bad weather,

Is the heavy load of grievances being erased?!

3. Monitors the house and budget,

Comfort, fashion, cleanliness

Dashing winter and hot summer,

Easily coping with the hustle and bustle?!

4. Will brighten up everyday life in the evenings,

And the table will be set for the holiday!

Thanks to the worried mom,

None of us are sires or naked.

5. Smiling at ease,

Brew fresh tea in the morning.

Struggling with a heavy bag of strings,

Hurries home in January and May.

6. Her job is responsible,

Being a mother is hard work!

Every second care -

Everyone remembers her, loves her, waits for her.

7. Mom’s life is full of thoughts.

Mistresses of the house and family,

And that's why all mothers are right

And WE are to blame everywhere!

Song about mom. 1st grade.

Teacher: Sometimes our mothers are tired, irritated, busy with work, running around the shops. Of course, mom has her weaknesses. And in order for mothers to be less tired of doing chores, at least around the house, they definitely need help. But how? One boy, Vitya, does it like this.

Sketch "Homework".

Presenter: Vitek leaned over the table

And he squeezed his temples with his hands.

He writes an essay:

“How I help my mother.”

Then Vitek will chew the pen,

Then he’ll start snoring, gloomy.

Try it, come up with an idea!

But then mom suddenly came out of the kitchen

He quietly calls out to his son:

Mom: Little guy! Run to the store.

I would like salt and matches.

Vitya: What are you saying? After all, I’m struggling with my essay,

Still plenty of work!

Presenter: Mother and son fell silent

I wrote the following phrase in my notebook:

“Buy something for mom

I always run right away.”

Mom opened the door a crack...

Mom: Vityunya, I need you.

I'm going to the store. Clean for now

Potatoes for dinner!

Vitya: What else?

Presenter: Vitek cried out.

Vitya: I’m sick of even listening!

Here is an essay, and you

With some kind of potato.

Presenter: Mom disappeared.

And my son summed it up in his notebook:

“I cook my mother’s breakfast myself.

Lunch and dinner too..."

Vitya: Five plus!..

Presenter: He is happy.

Teacher: What do you guys give him for this? How do you help your mother?

(Children's answers)

Student: Not wanting to help where needed,

Suddenly they were late and didn’t show up.

We failed, we have an obstacle,

We were unable to warn.

Banal, stupid, endless

The reasons started to dance.

It's because we're careless

And so it is always, from year to year.

Teacher: a mother’s heart can withstand and forgive everything. But it burns with grief and resentment if unkind, ungrateful children grow up.

Listen to one story.

In a small hospital on the outskirts of a big city there were two mothers - Black-Boxed and White-Balled. They gave birth to sons. The sons were born on the same day: to the Cheonrkosa mother - in the morning, to the White-haired mother - in the evening. Both mothers were happy. They dreamed about the future of their sons.

“I want my son to become an outstanding person,” said the White-haired mother. - A musician or writer known throughout the world. Or a sculptor who created a work of art that will live for centuries. Or an engineer who built a spaceship that will fly to a distant star... This is what you want to live for.

“And I want my son to become a kind person,” said the Black-haired mother. - So that he never forgets his mother and home. To love the Motherland and hate enemies.

Every day, fathers came to visit the young mothers. They looked for a long time at the small faces of their sons, happiness, amazement and tenderness shone in their eyes. Then they sat by the bedside of their wives and talked to them in whispers for a long, long time about something. At the cradle of a newborn they dream about the future - of course, only about a happy one. A week later, the happy husbands, who had now become fathers, took their wives and sons home.

30 years have passed. Two women came to the same small hospital on the outskirts of a big city - Black-Boxed and White-Balled. There was already silver in their braids, their faces were as beautiful as 30 years ago. They recognized each other. They were both admitted to treatment in the same ward where they gave birth to their sons 30 years ago. They talked about their lives, they were silent about their sons. Finally, Black-haired asked:

Who has your son become?

“An outstanding musician,” the mother answered proudly. - He is now conducting an orchestra that is performing in the largest theater in our city. He is a huge success. Don't you know my son? - And the White-haired mother named the musician’s name. Yes, of course, the Black-Boxed Mother knew this name well, it was known to many. Recently she read about the great success of this musician abroad.

And what has your son become? - White-haired asked.

Grain grower. Well, to make it clearer for you, I am a machine operator on a collective farm, i.e. You have to work as a tractor driver, a combine operator, and on a livestock farm. From early spring to late autumn, until the snow covers the ground, my son plows the land and sows grain, harvests and plows the land again, sows and harvests again... We live in a village about a hundred kilometers from here. My son has two children - a three-year-old boy and a girl recently born...

Still, happiness passed you by,” said White-Beared. - your son has become a simple, unknown person.

The black-haired mother did not answer.

Not even a day had passed, and a son came from the village to see the Black-Boxed mother. In a white robe, he sat on a white bench and whispered for a long time about something with his mother. Joy shone in the eyes of the Black-Boxed Mother. She seemed to have forgotten about everything in the world at those moments. She held her son's strong, sun-tanned hand in hers and smiled. Parting with his mother, the son, as if apologizing, put grapes, honey, and butter out of his bag onto a small table: “Get well, mom,” he said goodbye and kissed her.

But no one came to the White-haired mother. In the evening, when silence reigned in the room and the Black-haired mother, lying in bed, quietly smiled at her thoughts, the White-haired mother said:

My son has a concert now... If it weren’t for the concert, he, of course, would come...

On the second day, before evening, her son, a grain grower from a distant village, came to see the Black-Bosed mother again. Again he sat for a long time on the white bench, and the White-Beared Mother heard that it was busy time in the field, they were working day and night... Parting with his mother, the son laid out honeycombs, white palyanitsa and apples on a small table. The Black-haired woman’s face glowed with happiness and her wrinkles straightened out.

No one came to see the White-haired mother.

In the evening the women lay in silence. The black-haired woman smiled and sighed quietly, afraid that her neighbor would hear her sighs.

On the third day, before evening, her son, a grain grower from a distant village, came to the Black-Bosed mother again and brought two large watermelons, grapes, and apples. A three-year-old black-eyed grandson arrived with his son. The son and grandson sat for a long time at the bedside of the Black-haired mother, happiness shone in her eyes, she looked younger. With a pain in her heart, the white-haired mother heard her grandson telling his grandmother: yesterday he and his dad rode on the “captain’s bridge” of the combine for half a day. “I, too, will be a combine operator,” said the boy, and the grandmother kissed him... The white-haired mother in those moments remembered that her son, an outstanding musician, going on long trips, handed over, as they said in the family, his little son to some boarding school...

Two mothers lay in the hospital for a month, every day the son, a grain grower from a distant village, came to see the Black-Boxed mother, bringing his filial smile, and it seemed that the mother was recovering only from that smile. It seemed to the White-haired mother that when her neighbor’s son came to see her, even the hospital walls wanted the mother of her son, a grain grower, to get well soon. No one came to the White-haired mother. A month has passed. The doctors told the Black-Boxed Mother: “You are now completely healthy. There is no noise or interruption in the heart.” And the doctor said to White-haired Mother: “You still need to lie down. Of course, you will also become a completely healthy person.” As she spoke these words, the doctor looked away for some reason.

The son came for the Black-Boxed mother. He brought several large bouquets of red roses. He gave flowers to doctors and nurses. Everyone in the hospital was smiling.

Saying goodbye to Black-Boxed Mother, White-Boxed Mother asked her to stay alone with her for a few minutes. When everyone left the room, the White-haired mother asked with tears in her eyes:

Tell me, dear, how did you raise such a son? After all, we gave birth to them on the same day. You are happy, and I... - and she began to cry.

“We are parting and will never meet again,” said Black-Boneed, “because there cannot be such a wonderful coincidence for the third time.” So I'll tell you the whole truth. The son I gave birth to on that happy day died... He died when he was not even a year old. And this... is not my blood son, but my own! I adopted him as a three-year-old boy. He. Of course, he vaguely remembers this... But for him I am his own mother. You saw it with your own eyes. I'm happy. And you are an unhappy person, and I deeply sympathize with you. If you only knew how much I have suffered these days for you. I already wanted to leave the hospital, because every visit of my son brought you difficult experiences. When you leave the hospital, go to your son and tell him: his callousness will turn against him. The way he treats his mother is how his children will treat him. Indifference to the mother is not forgiven.

Teacher: Ukrainian wisdom says: “A person has three misfortunes: death, old age and bad children. Old age is inevitable, death is inexorable, in the face of these misfortunes, no one can close the doors of their home. And you can protect your house from bad children like from fire.”

And this depends not only on the parents, but also on you - the children. Know how to feel the subtlest emotional movements of your mother. Do not bring anxiety, grief, or resentment. Don't let your parents' lives be poisoned by your shameful behavior. Remember that early old age and illness are brought to us not only by work and fatigue, but also by heart troubles, worries, grief, and resentment. When your heart hurts, your children do it for you, your hair turns grey. Offensive words are not forgotten either. The wound from the splinter heals and no trace remains. And the wound from hurtful words heals, but a deep mark remains.

Be a good son, a good daughter until your death.

Know how to feel your mother’s heart, know how to see peace and tranquility, happiness and joy, anxiety and worry, confusion and grief in her eyes. If you do not learn to see her soul in your mother’s eyes, you will remain a moral ignoramus for the rest of your life.

Teacher: And when mom gets sick, we think that you will worry and wish her a speedy recovery. How can you help her? Listen.

Boy: Mom suddenly has radiculitis!

She had to go to the hospital:

Egorka is almost whining,

And he can’t sit at home.

Girl: Hurray! Opening hours!

Egor runs out of the house.

Now in a robe.

Here he is already in the ward.

With anxious eyes

Looks. Better mom!

All news reported -

Home and school:

The cat ate too much ice cream.

There was a test on Thursday.

Boy: Today I fixed it

For a three plus a two:

And mom smiles

It rises a little bit.

A decent mark -

Great pill!

Teacher: Mothers need to be pleased with exemplary behavior and good grades. Give them flowers, say “thank you very much” often and don’t upset them in any way. And if it happens that you inadvertently offended your mother, then do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness. The wrinkles on your mothers' faces appear because you have upset them in some way.

With the help of magic words, you can even restore a sad or offended mother to a good mood and lift her spirits.

Teacher: Women have an important and responsible duty - to be the soul of the family, to bring light and warmth.

Student: Any trouble will make noise and rush away

Like in the spring, sometimes thunder roars,

If she is with you, if she is always near

Very rarely, but everything around is upside down, the house is up.

Because she, because she -

The person who holds the house together.

So that there is light in both the heart and the house,

Reciprocate her kindness with kindness.

May you always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house together.

Teacher: We are in eternal, unpayable debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, love her dearly, respect her, take care of her, and do not hurt her mother with your words and actions.

A student reads a poem

By the will of fate, one young mother
Song about mom. By the will of fate, one young mother
She gave birth to her son directly on a pole.
I barely managed to get to the bridge,
But not a single soul here within a mile!
There was no one to call for help.
Intuitively unhappy mother
She delivered the birth herself,
Swaddled the baby in fluffy skirts,
And, warming, she pressed it to her chest
Having taken off the last jacket,
She covered her son, hugged her lovingly...
Couldn't break this hug
In the morning the couple was found dead
A mother who warmed her son with herself
And surprisingly: he was alive!
They buried my mother at the bridge,
And that boy was adopted
This couple didn’t tell anyone
Somehow, the child was not their own.
The surprised quarter spoke -
So God sent a son to the childless!
The boy grew up happy with them,
He loved freedom and often walked in the fields.
But no matter where he goes for a walk,
The old bridge always attracted him.
He sat here for a long time, fishing.
The river was overgrown, small,
But he felt so good here...
Walking from the church, he kept striving for the bridge,
It’s like being blessed by God here.
He laughed quietly and prayed while crying,
He laid flowers on an unfamiliar grave:
After all, a man lived and loved someone...
When, having matured, he became serious,
A father in a clean field called his son:
“I have to tell you one secret,
So that I can live my old age in peace
The mother is dead, she won’t be able to tell;
Yes, I’m not the father, and she’s not the mother!”
He led me to that familiar grave, to the bridge,
And he told the whole story:
“Twenty years ago, in January
There was such a snowstorm outside.
My wife and I rode in a carriage
Near the bridge here, we suddenly saw...
The woman pressed her son to her heart,
A newborn... And she wasn’t breathing...
We buried - here is a mound in silence,
This is where your dear mother lies...
We then buried the secret from everyone
Because they were childless!
You don’t owe your life to us, son, -
God, for saving me in my mother’s arms!
He sent us to you to save,
Taking it from the cold, frozen ground.
I remember we cried when we saw
That your mother's arms were wrapped around you,
With the warmth of their tender love they warmed
She took off everything, even her underwear...
Wrapped up the body, son, yours
And, half naked, loving very much,
She warmed you with her breath.
So you came to her on a date,
In place of your separation...
Mother rests, son, here is yours,
Wait, bow. I’ll go home!”
A blizzard haze swirled over the field.
But he shouted louder: “You saved me,
Beloved, kind, my mother!
Oh, what, my dear, will I repay you with!?
You were chilly, you were freezing,
But, having taken everything off yourself, you saved me.
Your love is sacrificial, poor mother,
I cannot revive you, raise you!
Even though I can’t do anything anymore,
But I will warm your mound! I’ll warm you up!”
And a passerby nearby marveled, frozen,
Like a crying person, having taken off all his clothes, covered him,
I smelled that grave mound and cried -
I warmed my mother as best I could!
Oh children, hurry, hurry quickly
And hug your mom tighter!
As long as your mother lives and is always waiting for you,
Warm her as she warmed her!
He will help you in everything, he will never give you any help,
He will give all the best to you, his children.
And if a difficult time comes one day,
Then mom will protect and save!
And you take care of your mothers:
No one feels sorry for you more for them!!!

Student: 1. Where only strength and patience

Do all mothers on earth take it?!

To hide worries and worries

And give you and me happiness.

2. Thank you, mommy, for your tenderness,

Your holy kindness!

Love the universal vastness,

Patience, tact and warmth!

3. You are dear to me, you are priceless!

Your smile is precious

You will understand, help and forgive

When you smile, you will heal!

4. Know, mom, you are necessary!

I need you every moment and hour!

You are adored, loved,

Then, recently and now!

5. Let women’s weakness return,

Let the burden disappear from fragile shoulders.

Love will touch her again

Bringing a taste of life for mom!

6. Let's help mom be beautiful,

Cheerful, kind, young!

Satisfied with life and happy,

Carefree, sincere, dear!

Teacher: Thank your mother for her work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, and responsive to her. Your mother expects constant care, attention, cordiality, sympathy, and kind words from you.

Love, respect, take care of your mother, do not hurt her with words and actions. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, and responsive. Constant care, attention, warmth, kind words. Moms are waiting for you.

Song about mom.

Student: 1. I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know.

Probably because I live and dream.

And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day.

This is why I love you, my dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you, mom.

You are my best friend.

2. We wish you health and joy,

Mental strength in reserve,

Thank you, dear,

For everything she did for us.

3. For tireless concerns,

For a world of family warmth,

May God grant that you are always in everything

And from now on she was the same!

4. Dear mother, dear,

You are our dear

We congratulate you,

Be happy, our mother,

Stay with us longer!

5. Everyone needs it, cannot be replaced by anyone,

We love you very, very much.

Let the sorrows fly by

Be healthy and have fun too.

6. Girls and boys!

Come with us

Let's say thank you to mom

Let's say thank you to mom!

7. For songs and fairy tales!

8. For troubles and affection.

9. For delicious cheesecakes.

10. For new toys!

6. Girls and boys!

Come with us

Let's say thank you to mom

Let's say thank you to mom!

11. For books and counting rhymes,

12. For skis and jump ropes.

13. For sweet jam.

14. For long patience.


Teacher: Moms love you for who you are, and their most cherished desire is to see you healthy, kind and smart.

And now, when you return home, say “Hello” to your mother, look for kind, warm words, because your mother is waiting for them. Let's see what words you wrote on the stands, read them and remember them, and when we come home we'll tell them to mom. (Reading words)

And of course, congratulate you on Mother’s Day and give gifts.

Song “We wish you happiness!”