Olga Myasoutova
Introduction to fiction in high school speech therapy group. Reading the story by G. Tsyferov “What is in our yard?”

Subject: « Reading the story G. Tsyferova"What do we have in yard

Software tasks.

Educational. To instill in children a love for their hometown, a desire not only to know a lot about it, but also to be able to do a lot to create comfort, cleanliness, and beauty in it.

Educational. Introduce children to new things literary work . Improve the ability to answer questions, conduct a dialogue, express your attitude to what you read. Activate speech activity, thinking, memory. Fix the names of your hometown, the street where the children live. Practice the ability to compose small story-description of objects according to a specific plan.

Correctional and developmental. To develop children’s emotional responsiveness to what they hear, imagination, and develop interest in fiction. Monitor the correct pronunciation of assigned sounds in children’s speech activities.

Preliminary work. Conversation about hometown, examination photographs with various buildings, city streets.

Material. Photos on the topic "Our city", a plan of pictures for drawing up stories children based on the text of the work.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Children, please tell me what is the name of the city in which you and I live? (Answers.) What are the names of the residents of our city, you and me? (Answers.)

A city is a large populated area; there are many streets with different names. I live on Kalinin Street. Sasha, what street do you live on? (Get complete answers from children. Ask 5-6 children.)

Educator. Okay, kids, you know the names of your streets. In front of every house there is yard, where you can walk, play, relax. I have in there are benches in the yard, sandbox, children's slide, swing. What do you have in yard? (Answers from 5-6 children.)

Educator. Okay, children, from yours stories we see what's in everyone yard there is something interesting where you can play. Let's play a game now "Warm-up". (Children stand in a circle and follow the movements adult, repeat, reading the poem with him.)

We nod our heads,

Let's shake our noses,

And let's knock our teeth

And let's be silent for a while.

(Press your index finger to your lips.)

We'll roll our shoulders

And let's not forget about the pens.

Let's shake our fingers

And let's rest a little.

(Leaning down, shake with relaxed hands.)

We'll kick our feet

And let's squat a little,

Let's like a leg with a leg,

And let's start all over again. (Jump in place.)

Educator. And in yards there may be something else interesting not only for games. Listen to how writer Gennady Tsyferov described his yard in a story"What do we have in yard. (Reading a story.)

- Tell me Guys, what did the writer Gennady see? Tsyferov in the yard? Tell me about this with the help of a plan from pictures. (The pictures hang on the board.)

Children, please tell me what you can do together with adults so that your the yard has become more comfortable, cleaner, more beautiful? (Children's answers.)

Thank you for your answers! Did you like it story? You can tell about him to his parents.

Question for experts: Or tell me where I can download it.

Best regards, Tatyana

Best answers

Daria Khazova:

my favorite books! =)
There really aren’t any children’s fairy tales on the Internet...
I just found it in a bookstore:
.ozon /context/detail/id/2408827/

Video response

This video will help you figure it out

Answers from experts

Nastasya Raduzhka:

Good fairy tales will make this world a kinder place! All sorts of funny things often happened to one very small bear cub. He even decided to keep a diary so that later, as an adult, he could read about his adventures and laugh. This is how stories appeared about how a bear cub was chasing the sun and accidentally scared a crocodile. You can also find out what happens if you blow it all day soap bubbles. Amazing and beautiful fairy tales by Gennady Tsyferov with illustrations by Victor Chizhikov - a real gift for parents and the most impressionable kids. Read them in the morning, during the day, and always in the evening, and you will always have bright, warm, sunny dreams.

This fairy tale tells how a little bear cub makes his discoveries about what is happening in his forest, on the river, in the world around him. The fairy tale teaches that the world is very diverse and interesting, that childhood is the time when one learns about the world. This is important not only for the bear cub, but for every child.

Evgenia Pimenova:

Bianchi "Whose nose is better." Nothing comes to mind for the couple


Here is a list of works of art whose titles contain a question:

Balint, A. Gnome Gnomych and Raisin [Text]: fairy tales: for preschool. age / A. Balint; lane from Hungarian G. Leibutina; artist V. G. Suteev. - M.: AST: Astrel: Planet of Childhood, 2001. - 71 p. : ill. - From the contents. : Whose Fadey? ; Where is this Fadey?
Berestov, V. D. How to find a path: fairy tales / V. D. Berestov; artist A. Korovin. - M.: Children's literature, 1980. - 16 p. : color ill. - (My first books)
Bianki, V.V. Tales from the forest [Text] /V. Bianchi; artist T. Kapustina. - St. Petersburg. : Karo, 1996. - 64 p. : color ill. - From the contents. : How many children does anyone have?
Bianchi, V.V. Whose nose is better? [Text]: stories and fairy tales: for environments. school age / V. Bianchi; auto preface S. Sivokon; artist V. V. Bastrykin. - M.: Children's literature, 2001. - 220 p. : ill. - (School library). - From the contents. : Where do crayfish spend the winter; How a fly saved a bear from death; Whose nose is better? ; Whose legs are these?
Bryzgalov, A. S. How mosquitoes became small [Text] / A. Bryzgalov; artist E. D. Petrova. - M.: Grif-Fond, 1993. - 12 p. : color ill. - (Tales of the Jungle and Savannah).
Bryzgalov, A. S. Who wakes up the jungle at night [Text] / A. Bryzgalov; artist E. D. Petrova. - M.: Grif-Fond, 1993. - 12 p. : color ill. - (Tales of the Jungle and Savannah).
Kipling, R. Mowgli [Text]: story, fairy tales / [trans. from English K.I. Chukovsky and others; artist : S. Babkina, O. Babkin]. - M.: Onyx, 1999. - 384 p. : ill. - (Golden Library). - From the contents. : How the leopard got its spots; Like a crab played with the sea; How the first letter was written; Where does a whale get such a throat? Where does a rhinoceros skin come from? Where did armadillos come from? Why does a camel have a hump?
Kozlov, S. G. Hedgehog in the fog [Text]: fairy tales / S. Kozlov; artist A. R. Gardyan. - M.: ONIX 21st century, 2003. - 64 p. : ill. - (Library of children's classics). - From the contents. : Whose hill is this?
Kurguzov, O.F. Birthday upside down [Text]: stories and fairy tales: for younger ones. school age / O. Kurguzov; artist V. L. Galdyaev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 80 p. : ill. - (Tales of our yard). - From the contents. : Land or sea? ; Who looks like whom?
Mikhalkov, S. V. Why mice don’t hurt cats: fables and fairy tales / S. V. Mikhalkov; artist S.I. Bordyug. - M.: Strekoza-Press, 2003. - 63 p. : ill. - (Student's Library)
Rodari, J. Motley Tales [Text]: for younger ones. school age / J. Rodari; lane from Italian I. G. Konstantinova, L. M. Tarasova; artist V. A. Dmitryuk. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1991. - 231 p. : ill. - From the contents. : What are the mistakes? How Giovannino, nicknamed the Loafer, traveled.
Suteev, V. G. Who said “Meow”? [Text]: fairy tales: for preschool. and ml. school age / V. G. Suteev. - M.: ROSMEN, 1998. - 134 p. : ill.
Suteev, V. G. Magic Wand [Text]: fairy tales: for preschoolers. age / V. G. Suteev. - M.: ROSMEN, 1999. - 120 p. - (Children). - From the contents. : What kind of bird is this?
Usachev, A. A. Orange Camel [Text]: fairy tales / A. Usachev; artist I. Oleinikov. - M.: Bustard, 2002. - 96 p. : ill. - (Tale after tale). - From the contents. : What does the Earth rest on?
Usachev, A. A. Tiger in a checkered pattern [Text]: fairy tales / A. Usachev; artist E. Kostina. - M.: Bustard-Plus, 2007. - 96 p. : ill. - From the contents. : Who made the puddle?
Tsyferov, G. M. How a little frog looked for dad [Text]: fairy tales and little tales, fairy tales, stories, novel / G. M. Tsyferov; [art. : A. M. Savchenko, M. Rudachenko, G. A. V. Traugot]. - M.: AST; Pushkin Library; Astrel, 2005. - 366 p. : ill. - ( Extracurricular reading) . - From the contents. : How frogs drank tea; What's in our yard?
Shim, E. Yu. Stories and tales about nature [Text] / E. Yu. Shim; artist : N. Salienko, E. Podkolzin. - M.: Strekoza-Press, 2005. - 64 p. : ill. - (Schoolchild's library). - From the contents. : How the birds sing.

What's in our yard?

Our home. He's big. White-white, and its roof is pink. There are television antennas on the roof, like masts on a ship. I saw such a beautiful ship in the picture.

What's in our yard?

The giant fly agaric. He has a red hat and white buttons on his hat. It's good to sit under it in the rain. It's just sad. Everything grows in the rain, even sticks. I recently planted a poplar stick and it has grown. And the mushroom, it’s also wooden, but it doesn’t grow at all, it’s a shame.

What's in our yard?

Tree. His name is Poplar. If there is wind, the poplar laughs: - Oooh...

If it rains, he cries: - Drip, drip...

And in the spring, fluff flies from the poplar branches. And people say - the poplar winter has come to us!

What's in our yard?

Swing. And we take turns swinging - who is taller! And yesterday some grandfather came up to the swing.

Will he really swing too?!

And grandfather suddenly began to listen to something. I wonder what he's listening to? And grandfather tells us: “I’m a sailor, so I listen: the swing creaks like ship’s rigging.”

Now I also often listen to the swing creaking. I listen, I listen, I close my eyes and I see the blue sea. I've never been there before.

What's in our yard?

Flowerbed. And on it there are flowers, flowers... Large flowers shake their golden heads. And the little ones just wave their petals like butterflies.

And one day I really decided that it was a butterfly.

Got it. I look, and their green legs go into the ground. And I felt sorry for them. It’s a shame... It’s a shame to flap your wings all day and not fly anywhere.

But then I thought: “Maybe this is right?

The flowers would fly away and get lost, and our yard would be empty without flowers.”

What's in our yard?

Garden. And in the garden there is a house. And not just a house. That house looks like a flower. It has a blue roof and a long, long leg. A cheerful starling bird lives in a flower house. The starling sings and sings all summer, and flies away in the fall. Then the house is empty and boring. If you go up to him and put your ear to his leg, you will hear “oooh…” - as if the long leg is crying.

What's in our yard?

A sandbox, and there is sand in it, there I built a sand palace. He put a kitten in the palace, and the kitten broke it. He put a puppy in the palace, and the puppy scattered it. And now I have built a large fortress, and in it lives a brave tin soldier. Of course, no one will touch this fortress now.

What's in our yard?

Lanterns. One is tall and looks like a giraffe.

And the other lantern looks like a chest, and in the evening it looks like an aquarium. Yes, yes. If it snows in the evening, it seems that there is a goldfish swimming there, behind the thick glass.

We read, watch and listen to children's fairy tales:

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "What's in our yard" and their characteristics

  1. Yard Old, dear, beloved.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "What's in our yard"
  1. House-ship
  2. Giant fly agaric
  3. Poplar
  4. Swing
  5. Flowerbed
  6. Sandbox
  7. Lanterns
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "What's in our yard" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Our house is big and looks like a ship because of the TV antennas.
  2. In the yard there is a fly agaric, which does not grow when it rains, and a poplar.
  3. The swing creaks like a ship's rigging, and the flowers in the flowerbed look like butterflies.
  4. In the garden there is a house on a thin leg in which a starling lives.
  5. Sand castles are built in the sandbox.
  6. And one lantern looks like an aquarium with a goldfish swimming in it.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "What's in our yard"
There is nothing dearer and sweeter than your home.

What does the fairy tale “What’s in our yard” teach?
The fairy tale teaches you to love your home, your city, your homeland. Teaches you to see the beauty of nature, teaches you to imagine and fantasize. Teaches you to enjoy life.

Review of the fairy tale "What's in our yard"
I really liked this cute and good fairy tale. And even though my house does not look like the one described in a fairy tale, it is no worse. This tale made me look at my own home in a new way.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "What's in our yard"
There is nothing better in the world than your own home.
Each hut has its own toys.
It is good for the one who is in his home.
The native land is a paradise for the heart.
A person has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

Read summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "What's in our yard"
Our house is large, with white walls and a pink roof. And on the roof there are television antennas like masts.
There is a giant fly agaric with a red hat in the yard. It’s good to sit under it, but it’s sad that everything around grows in the rain, but this fly agaric doesn’t grow.
There is a poplar tree in the yard that cries in the rain and laughs in the wind. And in the spring the fluff flies off of it.
There is a swing in the yard for children to swing on. And one day grandfather came up to them and began to listen to the swing creaking. Grandfather was a sailor, and this creaking reminded him of the creaking of a ship's rigging.
There is a flower bed in the yard. on her big flowers They shake their heads and wave their little petals like butterflies. You catch such a butterfly, and its green legs go into the ground. And it’s good that these butterflies don’t fly away, otherwise the yard would be empty.
There is a garden in the yard, and in it there is a house on a thin leg. A starling lives in the house and sings all summer, and flies away in the fall. And then the leg cries sadly.
There is a sandbox in the yard where children build castles. But if you put a kitten in such a castle, it will destroy it, the dog will crumble it, and therefore a tin soldier lives in this castle.
There are lanterns in the yard. One is tall like a giraffe, and the second looks like a chest, and at night like an aquarium. When it snows, it looks like a goldfish is swimming in it.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "What's in our yard"