An anniversary is a wonderful occasion to compliment...a man. On ordinary days strong half humanity is embarrassed by any manifestations of sentimentality and attention to oneself, but on the anniversary you can “have a blast” and. finally, tell them words of love, gratitude and recognition. But, in order not to greatly embarrass the celebrants of the day, you can present this in an original or humorous form - this will amuse and delight the celebrant at the same time (although, if the birthday boy does not have a very good sense of humor, it is better not to take risks and stick to standard forms and methods of congratulations)

Any surprise for the hero of the day should be pleasant and interesting, first of all, to himself, so when choosing comic ones, be sure to focus on the personal characteristics of the birthday boy.

In this collection we offer our answers to the question, what original congratulations to a man on his anniversary choose - we will be glad if one of these options is suitable.

1. Original general congratulations on the man’s anniversary “Portrait”.

(You will need a frame with a blank sheet of paper (you can buy a photo frame with glass, remove the glass, and after completing the number, add markers of different colors)

Presenter: I suggest not just saying a congratulation, but drawing it, first we’ll draw the birthday boy himself, and then wishes for him. Please draw in turn what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of their neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start!

(A frame with a place for a future portrait and markers are passed from guest to guest. It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively guide the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number)


1. At the top of the portrait there will be a face, of course. (passes to neighbor).

2. Let’s not forget to draw a strong neck below (passes to neighbor).

3. So that the eyes blink slyly

Place a dot and a second one next to it (passes to neighbor).

4. We draw eyebrows above them, of course.

So that they are not gloomy and funny (passes to neighbor).

5. Let his eyelashes reach his eyebrows,

And now the eyes look more cheerful (passes to neighbor).

6. We draw a nose with a crooked comma -
Looks like a fat question (passes to neighbor)

7. And there is a place for a smile in the portrait,
The most pleasant smile in the world (passes to neighbor).

8. Let's paint our cheeks with a healthy blush (passes to neighbor).

9. We will decorate our face with solid ears (passes to neighbor).

10. Let's cover everything with thick hair,
And so our hero shook his head (passes to neighbor).

12. Then we draw a beautiful body (passes to neighbor).

13. And skillful hands for any task (passes to neighbor).

14. We will finish the core strong inside (passes to neighbor).

15. We'll pack everything into elastic muscles (passes to neighbor).

16. Let’s quickly draw the hero’s legs,

Not just any, but slimmer ones (passes to neighbor).

17. We'll put fashionable shoes on our feet (passes to neighbor).

18. Let's draw him a good heart (passes to neighbor).

Dolce Gabbana, so that he was from the company (passes to neighbor).

20. In the pocket there is a crocodile wallet (passes to neighbor).

21. In the hands of a purse and a fashionable mobile phone (passes to neighbor).

22. There is a large wad of money in the purse

And a gold plastic card (passes to neighbor).

23. Draw a cool car next to it (passes to neighbor).

24. And a dacha by the sea, well, very big (passes to neighbor).

25. There is also a convenient garage next to the house (passes to neighbor).

26. And luggage ready for travel! (passes to neighbor)

27. At the top we will write: “Igor! Happy anniversary! (passes to neighbor)

28. And we will not regret good wishes! (passes to neighbor)

29. Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (passes to neighbor).

30. Let's hand over the portrait and Igor with a kiss! (We present the portrait as a gift)

This congratulation is written to a person named Igor, but the name can easily be replaced with any other, and is designed for 30 guests, if there are more guests, you can use a quiz or counting to choose those who will draw. And if it’s less, then go around the second circle, someone will draw it twice. The success of the entertainment largely depends on the host’s ability to maintain dynamics when conveying the frame (gently pushing guests not to delay the process and draw the first thing that comes to mind) and the expressiveness of the presentation of the text itself (ideally, it is better to know it by heart, then it is easier to react and navigate). At the end, you can offer to take a photo as a souvenir with a portrait.

2. Cheerful congratulations to a man on his anniversary in the style of Formula 1.

If the hero of the day is a fan of auto racing, then he will certainly like congratulations in the spirit of Formula 1; for this you need to prepare a laurel wreath, a cup and champagne, and a banner on an automobile theme will be very decorated (for example, with a picture from the cartoon “Cars”) and a podium.

It is better to arrange such a “ceremony” at the very end of the banquet: the birthday boy is sung a congratulatory hymn and in a solemn atmosphere is presented with the winner’s cup, placed on a pedestal, put on a wreath and given champagne, which he pours over the guests in a “burst of feelings” (a little sprinkling is enough - symbolically, and the rest can be drunk on the road).

Original congratulations for a man whose hobbies are related to cars or hunting can be found here (thanks to the authors)

to download - click on the file

3. Original gift from children "Pedigree for the hero of the day."

Very good idea to congratulate the children of their father or grandfather. It's simple: on the Internet you can find out the meaning of the birthday person's surname, its supposed place of origin and famous namesakes. This information is presented in a beautiful baguette with appropriate illustrations and decorations. Subsequently, the “pedigree tree” can be hung on the wall - it will look very decent, and the gift itself is not only completely original, but also indicates an attentive attitude towards the personality of the hero of the day.

To such a congratulation it would be nice to add a tree with photo frames, already half filled and half left empty - for the future. This is a kind of symbolic connection between the past, present and future of the hero of the day

4. A comic test of the hero of the day “Through thorns to the stars.”

To carry out this entertainment, which for the hero of the day will symbolize obstacles, “thorns” that arise on his life’s path. These could be birthday caps symbolizing mountains, a bowl of water could be a “wild river”, and several green bottles could represent impenetrable forests. The hero of the day is placed at the “beginning” of the path, and on the opposite wall hangs a blank sheet of whatman paper in a frame, surrounded by stars.

Presenter: “The life of each of us, including the hero of the day, is an interesting journey, sometimes full of various dangers: high mountains, deep rivers and quicksand. But to the credit of the hero of the occasion, he (she) always knew how to cope with obstacles: the mountains on his way turned into small hillocks, the oceans into gently murmuring streams, and the terrible deserts into singing sands.” Here the presenter offers the hero of the day with eyes closed, without rushing (so that everyone can see and take an example) to demonstrate how easily he manages to cope with problems - the birthday boy goes through conditional obstacles to solemn music.

When the hero of the day approaches the wall on which a blank sheet of paper hangs, he is asked to draw a self-portrait at the happiest moment of his life. Then the guests free places wishes, congratulations or aphorisms that come to mind can be written on the portrait and on the surrounding stars. It is best to end this congratulatory moment with a toast to the thorny but interesting path of the hero of the day!

This entertainment can be carried out as a lead-in to a story about the facts of their life of the hero of the day or arranged as a

5. "Bucket of talents."

For this unusual congratulations (thanks to for the idea) You will need a child's plastic bucket and scoop and as many chocolate coins as the bucket can hold. You need to stick pieces of paper on the coins with mentions of the birthday boy’s different talents: “winner of faulty sockets,” “ good friend", "gallant gentleman", "Internet affairs master" and so on. Be sure to mention those properties and talents that he dreams of developing in himself or has just begun to improve them.

Thus, the bucket filled with talents goes around in a circle. The one who takes the initiative precedes this action with the words that you should not bury your talents in the ground and voices one of the talents of the hero of the day, which has not yet been named, but the hero of the day, in the opinion of this guest, definitely possesses it and that’s just one of the advantages. Then, to confirm his words, he scoops up medals with inscriptions from the bucket with a scoop and reads them out.

6. Original congratulation to the hero of the day “Seven gifts from the casket”.

(Tatiana Ivanova)

To implement this idea, you need to prepare in advance: a beautiful box(casket). 7 small scrolls with a wish or dream written on them, a Tantamoresque (a poster with a young muscular body and a hole for the face), beautifully designed health certificates with a prognosis for the future, an advertising brochure for city travel agencies, a photo frame in the form of a family tree, a jar with a rolled-up lid , symbolic brick or nail, photo of a car. The preparations can be very different, the main thing is that with their help you can symbolically play out the fulfillment of the wishes of a particular birthday person.

Then turn on a beautiful melody, conclude with a congratulation that today is a day of magic for... (name of the hero of the day) and the relatives decided to give not just a gift, but to celebrate seven cherished desires How they found out about them remains a mystery. The hero of the day is invited into the hall, one of the relatives takes out the casket, and one by one the culprit takes out the scrolls, voices them, and their dreams immediately come true. Fulfillment of the wishes of the birthday boy or comic prediction his happy future can also be played up with the help of a funny costumed congratulations to a man on his anniversary

For example, such desires:

1. Eternal youth- the Tantamoresque is brought out, the hero of the day sticks his head into the hole on the poster - photo for memory

2. Big friendly family - they give you a “tree” with a photo.

3. Good health- They read out and then give funny certificates from various specialists . (“Certificate from a neurologist. Issued by ___________. Conclusion: nerves are like a steel cable. Able to survive all the troubles, grumbling of his wife and mother-in-law. Healthy.” “Certificate from a surgeon. The musculoskeletal system has solid support and moves well. Able to endure any physical activity. Healthy." etc.)

4. Cottage or dacha- the first “brick” or “nail” is presented with the inscription on the ribbon: “The process has begun!”

5. Cool car(or a car of a certain brand) - a photo montage is given to the hero of the day in front of this car with the words: “Dreams come true”

6. Travel(if a specific place is known, then indicate the direction) - a list of addresses of travel agencies in a specific area is given, where you can book tours.

7. Wealth- a jar with a slot in the lid is given, a lemon is rolled inside (preferably artificial) and a label: “It’s hard to save up the first million LEMON, the rest will follow” (as if the first one already exists)

You can further add that psychologists say that the first step to the fulfillment of any dream is to imagine it properly in all details (visualize) and charge the dream with your energy (passionate desire). Today, every desire has been charged not only with the energy of the hero of the day, but also each of the guests - which means the Universe will definitely “hear” and fulfill each of them.

7. A cheerful congratulation for the hero of the day “The stars are resting!”

This original congratulations from the category of pleasant, which makes it possible to pamper the hero of the occasion with compliments and activates all the guests. For this congratulation you will need cards with the names or portraits of all the stars listed and a sign with the inscription: “resting!” Distribute wishes to guests (it is best to print them on the back of the sign), they can be sung to the tune of ditties, or you can simply read them expressively. Each time the next star’s name is pronounced, the presenter raises his sign: “Resting.” You can end your congratulations by saying that the star of our hero of the day shines much brighter, because everyone else has faded against his background and is “resting”

1. I wish you good health
Only heroic.
For Putin to pour
"Bochkarev" and "Klinskoye"

2. I wish you -
Find the treasure
And such prosperity for you,
Like Abramovich.

3. To a new apartment
Furnished it.
And on a hundred square meters
He ran like Arshavin.

4. Brilliant birthday.
Olivier was not eaten.
You have so many powers
How much does Medvedev have?

5. And let you be in the family
Everyone considers him a magician.
And let them laugh live
Vinokur with “Full House”

6. And when you give a speech,
I'm extremely happy for you:
Zhirinovsky is resting.
The deputy in you is dying.

7. I would put you in a row
With Muslim Magomayev.
And under the windows to sing
Baskov with Nikolaev.

8. Could you become an actor,
There is a basis for this.
I wish you the main role
In Mikhalkov's film.

9. The wish is:
So that the family hearth burns.
And I asked to be my mistress
Ksenia Sobchak to see you.

10. I wish you foreign wines
And brilliant cigars.
You are like Claude Van Damme,
Real macho.

11. Temperament and character
You are simply super class.
Jackie Chan you have tricks
I've looked at it more than once.

12. You are a real hero,
Courage is in you.
Even Sergei Shoigu himself
Can't find a place.

8. Congratulation "Minute of glory for the hero of the day."

Couple cards are made in advance and distributed to the guests before the start of this moment.

All words belong to the Presenter.

On your birthday I want attention,

Smiles, glory and enthusiastic speeches,

Universal scope of adoration,

Ovation from enthusiastic guests.

We invite the hero of the day to the center of the hall.

Here is the hero of the day, friends!

He is a son for someone, a father for someone, and a brother

Significant other.

Now he will appear before us in different roles.

(to the hero of the day) Your finest hour has come!

(To guests)…….shout “HURRAY!”

1. A favorite of ladies, a connoisseur of female beauty.

Undoubtedly, you could be the sultan. (Turban.)

2.Your character is warlike and strong, like a rock.

He could have been an Indian in other times. (Headdress with feathers)

3. You have enthusiasm, you have courage,

Luck is on your side

In the days of the cowboys he would have been famous for sure. (Cowboy hat)

4. Your soul sings, and its breadth captivates.

He would be a good accordion player, we know for sure. (Cap)

5. You are a stylish guy, you know how to relax

And I wish I could turn out to be a great rapper. (Bandana)

6. You will never leave the weak without protection,

You could be a musketeer without difficulty! (Musketeer Hat)

7. What else can we say about the birthday boy?

Perhaps at the end of the moment of glory

Maybe he'll show us a striptease. (Classic hat)

The moment of glory is over, and all the roles have been played,

What could you tell us?

About the fact that jewelry is not in fashion for men,

And you’re not supposed to indulge yourself with them today.

I don’t know, and all the guests won’t let me lie,

That an unnecessary decoration is the embrace of beloved women's arms.

The wife comes up and hugs the hero of the day.

Truly there is no more beautiful necklace for you,

When your beloved wife hugs you at the same hour.

Another decoration, without a doubt, -

Children's favorite hands plexus,

When your son and daughter take your hands with a ring

And they hold it very, very tightly (you sons, the whole family is assembled)

Children come up and take the hero of the day by the hands on both sides.

After all, for a man, a haven is home, family, beloved and warm eyes of his family.

They put a captain's cap on the birthday boy.

Let's raise a glass to the family of the hero of the day, to his marina, his home and the warmth that reigns in it!

50 – intermediate finish,
50 is the middle of the road,
50 – can you even glance at it?
How long has it been, how long has it been to go?!
Fifty is the flowering of life,
Happiness may last for a century.
Do years really matter?
If a person is young at heart!

A wonderful age - fifty!
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness,
Just a good mood.
So that there is prosperity in the house,
Friends have always surrounded you.
To be forever young,
We achieved our goals easily and simply.
And may there be fire in your eyes
It won't go out for a minute!
Today is your anniversary
And life is as beautiful as ever!

Don't be afraid of numbers, they are harmless
Only weaklings are frightened.
Did you knock fifty dollars? You probably
You consider yourself an old man...
Where are you going? You're terribly young
Healthy, and cheerful, and full of strength,
You give us all a great reason
Say how nice you are today.
Be, hero of the day, an example to us,
And we will raise 100 grams.

We found both a reason and a reason,
What can I say: pour it full for us.
Congratulations to a nice man,
You have a beautiful anniversary.

It's your special birthday
And it’s not in vain that your clear gaze burns.
Accept, our dear, congratulations,
Have fun celebrating 50!

Toasts are being made in your honor today,
Once the important moment has come...
So go forward easily and simply,
Serious things await you.

The years fly by like fluff from poplar trees.
We feel sad as we watch them go.
But years are no big deal, fifty is nonsense,
If family and friends are near you!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a man in verse

Fifty is a real anniversary!
The middle of a long journey!
You passed half of it brilliantly!
There is still so much to go through!

Fifty years is not enough,
You managed to do a lot,
The house is built, the garden is planted,
The children are completely grown up,

There's a lot of luggage on my back,
Yes, and I have accumulated experience,
He became wise, a prominent man
And there is enough strength for everything.

Fifty is just a date
This is only part of the way
Be happy and rich
And live until old age!

Are you fifty today?
Believe me, there is no reason to be sad.
The way people say
Not yet age for a man.

Athletic torso, eagle look -
I can't help but admire you!
All the women you meet are out of place
You make me smile.

Fifty dollars is a new chance in fate,
A milestone on the path of life.
So many feats of arms to you
In your daring and in love!

Fifty is a solid anniversary,
Among the family, among friends,
Please accept our congratulations!
We wish you more inspiration!
Let everything that has not come true come true,
So that for many more years I would like and be able to,
Health so that it does not fail,
So that everything around makes noise and blooms!
Keep the brand of a real man,
May these your name days -
We will remember today
And after 50 years we will come to you!

I hasten to admit, you are good,
In its perfect form,
You will dashingly outpace the youth,
Everything is with you and everything is normal.

You're only fifty
And there are such plans ahead,
Eyes sparkle as if in youth,
It’s too early to think about the eternal.

I wish you on this bright day,
To spite all troubles to smile,
So that laziness visits less often,
And never give up in life!

The hero of the day is like a groom today -
It shines so much! Handsome man!
Apparently someone hastened out of excitement,
Corrected the figure 20 to 50!

It’s hard to believe your fifty dollars!
And only fire plays in your eyes!
Let age become just a bridge,
Behind which there is still so much awaiting!

Neither more nor less - already fifty.
Do you move through life peacefully through the years?
Study, work, family and friends;
Sons are replacing fathers...

And everyone once sums it up:
What he accomplished in life, and what he couldn’t...
We wish you worthily to pass this line,
Find answers to your questions quickly.

Let the children please, the wife take care,
Luck always comes, not alone.
May fate illuminate your path with happiness,
And your conscience will allow you to sleep peacefully.

You are still such a man - no matter where!
You and your beloved wife are one team.
May God grant you, stronger than a diamond, health,
So that the new phase is given without pain.
So that I can still raise my grandchildren to their feet
And again he opened hundreds more roads.
So that the days of travel inspire you,
But the processes in the world did not lead us astray.

Let half your life fly by
Fifty is a good thing
And celebrate the anniversary
We want to be bold today!
To a noble man
We wish to be from now on
Healthiest in the world
To make children happy,
So that the wife takes care,
So that life is full,
And for this on my birthday
Let's drink a glass of wine!

On your fiftieth anniversary, I wish you health,
After all, there is still so much unknown ahead,
May you meet every day with inspiration and love,
So that you can go through life without doubt.
At fifty, perhaps it seems to someone,
What is left in the past, everything interesting is already
But for you, let it be like an anniversary,
A new, bright, powerful turnaround at the turn.

Congratulate a man on his 50th anniversary with poems

Fifty years is a very respectable age,
Today is a holiday in the house, a solemn anniversary,
All your friends and family have gathered together,
So hurry up and pour everyone a glass.
Guys, I’m making a toast to the hero of the day,
Let him live, the prankster, for another hundred years,
After all, you are not old at all,
Apparently you know some important secret from your youth.

For you, hero of the day, we drink today,
Fifty kopecks, half a kopeck, fifty, fifty!
Today everyone present agrees with me,
You are a great husband, father, grandfather and friend.
So let all the toasts sound in your honor today,
May your guests wish you health and happiness,
So keep your cool image and this brand,
Let's drink to you, my friend: long summer!

The golden time comes in life,
When you want to taste every moment.
Congratulations on the beginning of a new life,
After all, at fifty I have not yet comprehended everything.

How many more times will you meet?
Anxiety, languor in the chest...
Although there was already a lot of happiness behind,
But more still awaits you ahead.

Half a century has passed today,
You still have half a century to live!
When you celebrate your 50th birthday.
There is no need to cry and grieve.

At 50 you are young and respectable.
And there is wisdom behind us.
Ah, those sweet years -
You can’t count all the delights!

A toast is heard, glasses sound,
Joy of faces, joy of eyes,
We are happy to congratulate you today
Guests and relatives of you.

Happy birthday, happy anniversary,
Seas of happiness and goodness,
So that your soul does not grow old,
Were always young!

Half a century has already passed,
Instantly the years flew by,
I wish you happiness
So that everyone wants to love you.

I only wish to prosper
And enjoy this life,
And never lose heart,
And definitely don't give up!

Please accept our congratulations on your 50th birthday, dear hero of the day! Let everything in your life work out perfectly, your loved ones always warm you with their attention, your colleagues respect you, your fortune multiplies, and your health does not fail you. Life is fleeting, so take care of every moment, don’t waste time on trifles. Let all your dreams come true!

On your anniversary, I want to congratulate you and wish you to be a reliable support for your soulmate and a worthy example for your children, to be someone who has not lost the ability to enjoy little things, despite your advanced age, to always remain strict, but the most wonderful boss and always remember that at 50, life becomes even more interesting and exciting.

Champagne foaming in a glass
We congratulate you on your anniversary!
50 is not an age for a man.
You are cheerful, slim and full of strength.

Let's wish all your dreams to come true,
Grandiose plans have come true,
Well, what about fleeting sorrows?
You were visited as little as possible.

Have fun, rejoice, love
And live to at least one hundred.
May luck be a big blue bird
It will soon knock on your life.

Happy anniversary!
You are 50 today!
This holiday broadcasts to everyone,
That the years keep flying into the distance.

You've lived half a century...
We wish on this day -
Remain human
So that adversity fades into the shadows.

To be respected and loved
And your soul does not grow old.
Be your guarded angel
What I have in mind is to do everything in time.

Worthy of an award and pleasing to the eye
A respectable, successful man.
All women's gazes are on you today -
Medicine is powerless for them.

Just fifty years that have taken place
Let's summarize today:
A huge sea of ​​good victories,
Pleasant meetings on the road.

We would like to wish you to grow younger at heart
And so that your body does not grow old.
Succeed in all your endeavors,
Confidently moving towards the goal!

At the very time - solid and brutal,
Now celebrating its anniversary!
At forty a man blossoms,
And at fifty you know even better, hot!

May your brightest anniversary be
Will be filled with happiness and success.
And you will become a hundred times more alive,
Bursting into furious gusts of laughter.

Be content with another fifty dollars and a century,
The main thing is to be cheerful and don’t get sick!
Every year - be kind, even kinder.
And today is a happy birthday, anniversary!

Today is your anniversary
And everyone congratulates you,
And from all the days you have lived
All the best is flashing through.

And I want to wish you
So that success awaits you ahead,
Don't fall behind anyone
And be, as before, the best!

On this long-awaited holiday
You, our friend, are irresistible,
How many years have we known you?
Only you are unique!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we want to wish you
To joyful moments
Surrounded you forever!

May good luck accompany you
And health is in full swing,
Let life always bestow
Only happiness and warmth!

Half a century is a significant date,
It should be noted well
To be remembered with a smile once upon a time,
What an enchanting holiday it was.

I wish you health and strength,
Peace of mind, happiness, warmth,
So that more women can be carried in their arms,
Let life be both warm and bright!

It doesn’t matter that the years fly by and today is fifty,
Let the anniversary five remind you of your grandchildren.
Don’t rush to forget these past years,
You were a good father, but hurry up and smile!

You went from success to success, you got everything with hard work,
There is a beloved wife and children, a warm and cozy home.
Let old age not touch you, always be full of strength,
Be kind as before, so that you never feel sad!

A birthday, and especially an anniversary, is a very important holiday. Almost everyone celebrates it. Sometimes it happens that the older a person gets, the less often he has the desire to have fun.

The fiftieth anniversary is an infrequent holiday in the life of every person. But if it comes, it must be special.

To celebrate a round anniversary, you need to prepare in advance.
A very important part of a beautiful congratulation for the hero of the day is sincere wishes. It is customary to always praise the birthday person on his anniversary and rejoice at his successes and achievements.

It is customary to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary on a grand scale, when all relatives, close friends and colleagues gather at the ceremonial table.

Men are a little afraid of their fiftieth birthday. They understand that old age is just around the corner, but they don’t think at all how much they have already done during this period of life, and after crossing this threshold of fifty years, there is still a lot to do. And this is not at all a reason to be sad and upset. You can use it to celebrate your loved one’s anniversary brightly and colorfully.

At the time of their fiftieth birthday, men have already lived enough interesting life full of great achievements and victories. Over the years, the man has become wiser and more experienced. He already has quite a lot of life experience and knowledge behind him, which will allow him to make the right decisions and give appropriate advice in the future. On this special day, we advise you to show your admiration for the person, to notice all his achievements and ups. These are all kind words the hero of the day should be expressed in a beautiful congratulation during the festive celebration in order to once again emphasize his impeccability.

50th anniversary - holiday card

How to choose the right greetings

You need to choose a congratulation on your fiftieth birthday for a man; women also love them, which will emphasize the festivity and importance of the moment. Believe me, he will be from such nice words delighted.

Remember that the hero of the day will be the center of attention during the holiday. On this solemn day, everything is intended only for him: compliments, warm and beautiful words, festive toasts family and friends. It has long been a tradition to wish the birthday person good health, great love and joy. You can undoubtedly break it and wish the hero of the occasion the realization of all his plans and the fulfillment of his dreams. And you can also wish for what he himself wants and what he strives for.

Be sure to include a couple of lines in your congratulations about the positive qualities of the hero of the day. Both and and look original here.

Sometimes many people have a question: how to beautifully congratulate a man on his fiftieth birthday? How and with what to surprise him?

Some men simply cannot understand that an anniversary is not old age or the end of life. This is an extension of an already mature life, which has its advantages, as well as many opportunities through which you only need to move forward. During these half of his life, the hero of the day achieved what he wanted: he raised children, stood on his feet. In this short period of time, he was able to demonstrate not only his potential, but also impeccable qualities such as kindness, wisdom, caring and love.

On this solemn day, all relatives and close friends gather together to say all this to the birthday boy directly to his face. There's so much to do on your fiftieth birthday. beautiful words I would like to say to the hero of the day. After all, this is a special date for him. And you, in turn, need to prepare well by choosing the most sincere congratulations. Say everything in your own words the way you would like to hear it for yourself. It is not at all necessary to learn them by heart, the important thing is that they are appropriate and relevant for the birthday person.

To please a man on his fiftieth birthday with something unusual, beautiful congratulations, we advise you to prepare interesting competitions. They will greatly amuse all the guests and delight the hero of the day.

Original competitions for the 50th anniversary

Competition 1
All invited guests take part in the competition. The task is to say as many good and pleasant words as possible about the birthday person. It is also necessary to emphasize all the achievements and victories, his courage and resourcefulness. We must remember that all the words spoken by loved ones should only please and not upset at all. The competition is won by the one present who says the most good and pleasant words. It is imperative to reward this person for his eloquence at the end of the competition. This will amuse the hero of the day; he will be pleased to hear so many new and good things about himself.

Many people believe that you can congratulate a man on his fiftieth birthday with the help of the birthday boy’s favorite song. You can sing the song live yourself. But if you cannot sing, then the song can be given as a gift on CD.

Competition 2

Those who know almost everything about the hero of the day take part in the competition. Questions are asked that relate only to the life of the birthday person, from birth to the anniversary. For the number of correct answers, guests are given sweets. The one with the most wins. A photograph with the autograph of the hero of the occasion can serve as a valuable prize.

Beautiful congratulations on a man's 50th birthday

Our dear hero of the day!

On that beautiful bright day, we want to congratulate you on your first real anniversary!

Remember that your real life begins only at fifty! During these years, you will be able to purchase something that you would like to share with loved ones. May fate reward you wise advice, which will help your children and grandchildren in the distant future.

We sincerely wish you warmth among your family and great success in realizing your plans! Never lose interest in your loved one! Live and enjoy life! After all, you are only 50!

Our dear hero of the day!

Today all your close friends and relatives have gathered here for you to share your joy with you!

Your anniversary is not just a holiday, it is a very memorable event for all of us. On your fiftieth birthday, may life give you good health like granite, a lot of pleasant communication, happiness, good luck and luck!

Always be as beautiful as you are today. May your soul never grow old and be full of kindness. Happy Anniversary to you!

Our dear hero of the day!

You turned fifty today

But you can’t tell

At heart you are only twenty-five!

And on this bright, good day

Live, don't regret the past.

Let another half hundred pass

No grief and no tears!

We congratulate you with all our hearts

And today we wish you well,

A sea of ​​strength, great love,

Joy and happiness! And live up to a hundred years!

After all, years are your wealth!

On your fiftieth birthday, we would like to congratulate you, our dear hero of the day!

At fifty, all paths are open to you.

Even though you have already lived for half a century,

never look back and don't go astray!

We wish that many close friends come to you on your anniversary.

They wish you a lot of joy and happiness, and many more days to live,

May we all celebrate your 100th anniversary together!

Today with this round date

We all came to congratulate you!

The years fly by, fly somewhere,

But believe me, it doesn’t matter!

Your life experience is rich

Gifted to you for all your efforts,

After all, every year there is something dear to you,

And the days are flying by quickly.

You don't need to be sad at all,

After all, today you are 50!

Our dear hero of the day!

Congratulations on your fiftieth anniversary! Believe me, you have not lived these years in vain. You are a respected person, a good professional, it’s a pleasure to communicate with you, you always go towards your goal. Let faith and hope become your companions in life, and also help you overcome the obstacles that are inevitable on the path of life.

I wish you good health, happiness, great energy and youth! Let every new day begin with a smile and end with optimism! Happy anniversary!

Dear friend!

On this wonderful day, we want to congratulate you on the milestone anniversary, your fiftieth birthday!

We are very grateful to God for having you. Let pleasant and sincere words be addressed to you not only today, but always. Know how much we appreciate and love you.

We wish your difficult life to be bright and joyful, like today’s solemn anniversary. May happiness, laughter and love always fill your home, and may your work bring only joy and satisfaction. Happy holiday!

Today we want to congratulate you on your fiftieth birthday!

We wish you, our dear hero of the day, to find what you need. This is love, health, luck and happiness!

Appreciate the moments that fate itself gives you! Always remain so kind, attentive and responsive!
You are 50 today!

Hurray, second youth has arrived!
Fifty is the time of teaching,
This time makes men excited.
Not because of age, no!
Many years have already flown by,
Leaving a good trail behind you.
You are our dear, dear person to my heart,
Happy Anniversary to you!

Our dear birthday boy!

Fifty is the middle of the road.

Fifty is not very much.

How far have you gone?

and how much more you need to go!

There was everything in life: joy and tears,

And happiness and faith, hope, love!

Rejoice, dear, to all the holidays in life.

And to spite everyone, live to be a hundred years old!

Happy Anniversary!

Do you remember, friend, just recently

You were only five.

You didn't have time to look back,

How soon the holiday is fifty!

We wish you wisdom

And good health.

Much luck and love!

Happy holiday, our dear hero of the day!

Let this significant date not stop you from enjoying life.

May your anniversary be a celebration of not only memories and experiences, but also new achievements!

Enjoy all the gifts that life gives you. Easily overcome all the challenges that come your way!

Be happy, although it is not easy at all.

Be loved, because love is sacred.

Be healthy, because you will need health for your family, relatives and friends!

Happy holiday!

Anniversary is a memorable event!

Congratulations on your anniversary,

Dear you are our hero of the day!

Today is your holiday,

And here on the road of life

The first fifty showed up!

Live and enjoy life

Why was it given to you?

We wish you good luck, career growth,

Many grandchildren and true friends!

We are sure that you will not forget,

Invite us to your hundredth anniversary!

Fifty is a beautiful date

Gathered family guests

For your important anniversary.

Fifty - which means

You have become more experienced, wiser.

You have a family, work

And full of true friends.

Don't be upset,

Just enjoy life.

Well, friend, don’t be shy,

Have fun with your guests!

Happy fiftieth birthday!

We want to congratulate you with all our hearts

I wish you well and happiness.

After all, today is your holiday

Your cherished fifty!

Fifty is not so much

You still have to live and live.

Don't grieve for no reason.

New plans and discoveries,

Great happiness and good luck

Great achievements for sure,

In your beautiful fifty!

Happy anniversary!

Dear hero of the day!

Please accept our most sincere and warm wishes.

50 years is the age of wisdom and maturity. You have these qualities. You are a worthy example to follow.

50 years is a long time for some. But this is not at all true, because you will have even more years ahead.

Let them go for a long time good days in your life. And the passing years take away everything unnecessary and bad.

We wish you good luck, success and inspiration, as well as health and prosperity in the family. Happy holiday!

Dear hero of the day!

50 years is not a very modest holiday; it demonstrates what a person has achieved have a wonderful time in your life. On this day for our hero of the day, the best words in the world, the sweetest music in the world, the most beautiful compliments in the entire universe sound.
Allow us to join in the fantastic action on this day. So we wish you, dear birthday boy, another 150 years of happiness, 150 years of sincere and joyful smiles.

Looking for congratulations on a man's 50th birthday? On our website we present beautiful and original words Congratulations on the man’s 50th birthday in your own words and with humor. Congratulations are presented for a man in verse and prose on his 50th anniversary. Choose the greeting you like and send it via SMS. Or congratulate your man on his anniversary in person.


Today you are the hero of the day.
May all your dreams come true,
There will be good health
A heart full of love.

At 50 he is stately,
Wise, prominent and pleasant.
You drive women crazy
But one thing is needed - a wife.

The children are all proud of you
They want to imitate you.
You and your father are a family man -
For example, sample.


Fifty dollars of life rolled up,
And what do you have in the end?
I haven’t conquered all the peaks,
Not all roads are well-trodden.

Yes, you still have to plow!
You are wiry, it’s not difficult for you.
And you and I still have to drink
At least half a century is possible.

You haven’t met Dawn yet,
Don't you dare think about sunset!
With the beginning of you all began,
Let's roll 50!


Like a polished nickel,
The birthday boy is shining.
No, guys, it's not like that:
He's already fifty dollars!

Order a gun now
Spinning rod and flashlight.
Only your wish -
Well, we'll give it to you!

Life experience with you:
If you don't drink it, you won't quit.
May fate give you
Whatever you ask for!


The hero of the day is fifty!
And the eyes burn more intensely.
Young and energetic -
The age is the most fantastic.
From the bottom of my heart I want to say,
I wish you health,
Long life and good luck,
To solve problems easily.
So that every holiday is
Gathered friends in the house!


Anniversary is a wonderful holiday!
And for all men, age suits them.
Let it be a day of happiness, luck,
So that luck rushes to the porch.

At 50, so much has been achieved:
And in work, in family, and in the soul.
Don't be sad that you've lived a lot,
After all, a lot has already been accomplished!

We wish you happiness and health
And success in your life's journey.
May your path be light.
Go with love and peace!

SMS congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a man


You're fifty today
We are all happy to congratulate you.
And your age is not a problem,
On the contrary, he is your reward.

In him intelligence and wisdom gathered,
Goals have already been achieved.
Life seethes in him, as before,
And awaits your bold decisions.

So let this anniversary
It will leave a sea of ​​impressions.
Be fresh, lucky, don’t get sick -
An example for younger generations!


Let today at fifty
Everyone will congratulate you
And neighbors and family,
Both colleagues and friends!
Everyone wishes you happiness,
And health too
Long life to you,
God will help you!


Left behind your back
Fifty wonderful years.
Speeded up, slowed down,
And now their trace is gone.

Multiplying every day
Lifetime experience for everyone
You remain respectful -
For family and for colleagues.

We want to wish you luck.
And so as not to grow old in soul.
Happy birthday!
Know that we are always with you.


Bright, joyful half a century
You had to live.
A real person
You always tried to be.

Happy anniversary!
Don't get lost in the bustle!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Always be on top!


Congratulations to the hero of the day!
You're already fifty.
Let the guitar strike a chord
And sings in your soul.

Let there always be only happiness,
Money, joy, faith, laughter.
Let it not be divided into parts
Neither health nor success.

Let the years have no power
Never over you.
All events are wonderful
The heart is always young!

Congratulations to a man on his 50th birthday with a joke


Congratulations on your anniversary,
50-major milestone.
The time of life's results,
New plans and hopes.

I want to wish you strength
In reaching the top.
To have everything in abundance:
Dachas, apartments, yachts and cars.

Let him be a reliable rear
Your friendly family.
They surround you in life
Only true friends.


You are fifty today!
Everyone wants to congratulate you
And wish you love, health,
Good luck, happiness, lots of money.

And from my wife - only kind words,
So that there is a catch when fishing,
Your soul will never grow old in life
And don’t regret anything!


This good holiday your,
I wish you dear,
To be healthy, strong,
To be always beautiful,
So that on this anniversary
Life has become more fun!
So that happiness is nearby,
To make the children happy.
I congratulate you
Loving you dearly.


To live half a century is not to cross a field,
And many roads have already been traveled.
May only the best await you ahead,
And in some ways it’s worth summing up.

House, tree, heir - everything is on track.
I wish you peace and health,
You will do the rest yourself.
You can do it. You can do it. I know for sure.


Well, look how good you are:
You literally shine from within,
Smart, handsome with his face
And you use all your muscles.

Relatives and guests compete
Everyone wants to congratulate you:
Here are wishes and toasts -
You are fifty today.

So become better over the years,
There is no other way.
Love, dare, sing more often in your soul,
Be like exquisite cognac!

50th anniversary for a man


One day a day comes in life,
And you realize that you have lived for half a century.
This is not an edge, but a new step
For a real man. Human!

We wish you on this anniversary
Take a step confidently, with hope, with delight!
And congratulations to relatives, colleagues, friends
Let them be the most memorable moment.


The anniversary has come to your home,
Everyone is at the festive table,
Toasts sound fun.
You are 50 today!

We won't lose face
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
There's a lot to wish for
And good things to say.

You are a reliable and faithful friend,
And in business you are always the first.
Best Family Man:
Husband, father, nephew, son.

May there always be health
And luck loves you dearly.
Only joy will come
The house will have: structure, comfort.


Fifty is half a century,
This is an important and significant period.
On this day we wish you:
Be happy, don't be hard on yourself.

You are a handsome and stately man,
You are a good owner, husband,
At work you are a valuable employee,
And in the company - a devoted friend.

Stay as cheerful as you are
A person with an open soul.
Everything you dream about will happen
And great success lies ahead!


My first wish today,
Will be on a solid turn:
May you live to be a hundred
Keeping youth at heart.

Let there be work and health,
Protects the working family
Let loved ones please you with love
And gifts, your friends,

Let it always be, our birthday boy,
Motivation for every day
Even though he exchanged fifty dollars,
But I didn’t feel lazy about walking.


Fifty years is a respectable age,
Wonderful holiday, anniversary,
Your friends have gathered together
Hurry up and pour everyone a glass!

Let's raise them for the hero of the day,
And may he live another hundred years,
After all, he’s not old at all,
He knows the secret of youth!

We always want to see you,
So cheerful, mischievous,
Always fit, respectable,
Father and friend of the world!

Happy 50th birthday to a man


Magnificent man
Strong and in his prime.
50 is not the reason
So that you grow old and yearn.

Be cheerful and energetic
The golden head of the family.
Be happy infinitely
Drown in great love.

Don't let your wife nag you
Children give joy to days,
Let your income be stable -
Only goodness in your destiny!


The moment you appeared
A star was born in the sky.
And it should glow
At least up to a hundred years old.

So that everything in life comes true,
Keep your health
And the love that is in your heart,
Give it to your loved ones.

We wish you happiness
Grab the jackpot of luck.
At 50 you know for sure
What a beautiful way to live life.


Half a century ago I was snoring in my bedroom
The boy born into the world is very small...
Now you are as powerful as a baobab tree!
Your snoring sometimes scares your neighbors.
Let today's anniversary date
Will add branchy family happiness,
And everything that was unbearable to your soul,
What has become small over the years, not in size,
Let it certainly remain behind!
Let the bird of luck no longer resist -
It ended up on my shoulder forever.
In love and abundance so that your life continues!


In the half century that has passed
From your birth,
Let's raise this toast
I'm just delighted
What do we have in life YOU,
Kind, smart, honest,
And from toe to head
All so wonderful!


What can you wish for a man at fifty?
We wish to increase wealth,
To feel 25
Visits with doctors so as not to disturb you.

I could enjoy my family in peace,
So that fate does not dare to hurt.
Well, on this anniversary we also wish you,
So that you can be proud of your children.

Touching congratulations on the man's 50th birthday


You lived with dignity for half a century,
Achieved a lot with difficulty
In the circle of his huge family
You will celebrate the holiday at the table!

We congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you many, many years
To live in health and without growing old,
Give good light to all your loved ones!


On your anniversary birthday!
I wish you prosperity
And good luck without a doubt
And in business he has a steely grip.

Life without grief and image,
There is peace, warmth and comfort in the house.
Let the star of love shine
And your family is always waiting!


On your birthday let them hurry
Health and happiness to your home faster!
A wonderful age - fifty,
We congratulate you on your anniversary!
Fun, joy, love,
Success in the carousel life.
So that we can now achieve
Everything you haven't managed to do yet.
We wish you, in the hustle and bustle of life
May fate help you,
And there will only be those nearby
Who is so important to your heart?


Please accept our congratulations on your 50th birthday, dear hero of the day! Let everything in your life work out perfectly, your loved ones always warm you with their attention, your colleagues respect you, your fortune multiplies, and your health does not fail you. Life is fleeting, so take care of every moment, don’t waste time on trifles. Let all your dreams come true!


What is fifty?
This is the age of those guys
That they are already immensely wise,
The children have probably grown up.
The provisions have
And the pockets don’t get shallow.
It's about time
When plans mature
When you want to fly
There's still a lot to see.
Birthday boy be more cheerful,
Move your body faster
Have fun! Let's! Let's!

SMS happy 50th birthday to a man. Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a man


Half of the past century -
A lot or a little, maybe?
We want to congratulate the person
Who knows how to live so beautifully.

To learn a lot from life,
So that we can keep in our souls
Youth, energy and liveliness,
So that you always want to love.

So that it only gets stronger over the years,
What we managed to collect
May your wishes always come true
And I also wanted to make a wish!


It's already half a century behind us,
You managed to achieve a lot,
We congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you to reach a hundred years.

Let your health not let you down,
And may luck not turn away,
Let all that dream still be now
Very soon it will come true.

You maintain faith in your strengths,
Don't let happiness slip away
Appreciate every moment of your life,
After all, there is no way to return her back.


There's a long road behind us,
It's even longer ahead!
So let me wish you good health,
Many bright and happy days!

You are a visible and handsome man,
You have nothing to be sad about your years!
Be loved and happy!
And we wish you to live a hundred years!


Fifty is a very important date,
It's time to draw some conclusions.
But today we want to tell everyone, guys:
Our hero of the day still has everything ahead!

We wish you happiness, joy, good luck,
Happy days and easy long years.
Let difficult solvable problems take off,
There is simply no place for sadness in life!

Always be in a great mood,
Always look forward with joy.
Love, healthcare, kindness, luck,
May every year continue to bring optimism!


Today we will be with a friend
Celebrate birthday;
He was born again for us -
This must be understood.

May luck protect you
Any day is happy;
May the road be smooth
No gaps or stones.

You've been getting rich for years
And you're already fifty,
But if you are young at heart,
The years are not a burden.

Let your soul laugh
Keeping good feelings,
And the idea will turn out
A plus for any day.

Beautiful congratulations on a man’s 50th birthday in verse


What date - fifty -
What an anniversary!
Friends at the festive table
Get it together quickly.

And let there be no sad faces,
Let there be a feast
All congratulations to you -
Today you are a hero.

Rich, successful, full of energy -
Husband anywhere.
So stay young
For many years!


There's nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide,
But this does not suit a man.
The anniversary is already knocking on your doorstep
And throws away happiness on the fly.

50! Still the height of emotions,
The very color to love and simply live.
Let spring always laugh in your soul
And he knows how to brake often.

Don't let these years age you,
Your vigor is overflowing.
Happy birthday! Good health,
The warmth of family and many blessings.


Superman, the dream of all women,
He knows exactly what and how much.
Will put the load on your shoulders -
And forward, almost running.

Happy worthy holiday to you,
Class of 50 people!
Always be a hot handsome man,
Anyone is just as dexterous and handy.

And live together with your wife,
And there are no problems with children!
There's no need to grow old at 50
Just bloom to the envy of everyone!


Is this a serious date?
50 is your prime.
Let him look at your passport, it’s your fault,
You don't care about him!

Let the wine play in the glass,
And of course cognac is better.
On your anniversary we wish you:
Don't slow down your confident stride.

Strive to new heights
Don't give up when things get tough.
After all, a man like you
Requires a very large space.


Worthy of an award and pleasing to the eye
A respectable, successful man.
All women's gazes are on you today -
Medicine is powerless for them.

Just fifty years that happened
Let's summarize today:
A huge sea of ​​good victories,
Pleasant meetings on the road.

We would like to wish you to grow younger at heart
And with your body so that you don’t grow old.
Achieve success in all your endeavors,
Confidently moving towards the goal!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a man in verse


Well, is that a lot - 50,
When the soul sings and strives upward,
When the eyes laugh and burn,
A rich and fulfilling life?

Happy anniversary today, keep it up!
Always be stylish and respectable.
So as not to miss anything
And never grow old in soul!


On your anniversary, I want to congratulate you and wish you to be a reliable support for your soulmate and a worthy example for your children, to be someone who has not lost the ability to enjoy little things, despite your advanced age, to always remain a stern, but the most wonderful boss and always remember that at 50 years of age life becomes even more interesting and interesting.


The middle of life is only
Our beloved hero of the day,
But you're so old
You won't give it to me for anything, dear.

Young in spirit, young in body,
You are beautiful, no doubt about it.
At fifty you enter boldly,
Knowing, a new blossom.

Wisdom is inaccessible to the young,
Ease for older people
You stay wise
Strong, forever young.


You've already lived for half a century,
Achieved a lot.
What he had, he multiplied,
But you will continue to grow.

On the anniversary day we wish
New labor victories,
Bright meetings, endless love -
Everything is for good, not harmful.

Be a support for your family,
Always lend your shoulder.
And health... This is important
To live another fifty years!


You won't believe it, you are an excellent student,
Ten times you're 5
To this round personal date
We would like to wish
The most joyful events
Good news,
Most festive arrivals
Expected guests.
Be stronger and more fun,
Don't get bored and don't get sick.
And on the hundredth anniversary
Gather everyone in the same way.