Wedding is a day when the fountain flows joy, happiness and love. On this day everything should be special, unique. Wedding toasts, as many other elements of this celebration, are an integral part of such an amazing holiday as a wedding.

Wedding toast options in your own words

Love is a great phenomenon that connects two people with different fate, connecting them into a single whole. Always well and comfortable next to your loved one, with whom I want to spend every minute of life. Today in this so exciting and a momentous day in your hands is the book of life of your family. Today is her birthday, the first page of the book is devoted to her. Let each follow-up page of your husband will be the same bright, joyful as today. From the bottom of my heart we congratulate you, we wish you joy, wealth, mutual understanding and strong eternal love. Bitterly!


Each person sooner or later has to make important and serious decisions, take responsibility not only for his destiny. Whatever successful and formed person was a man or a woman, none of them individually is harmonious. Only combined two hearts, two souls, two bodies are perfection, the embodiment of harmony and prosperity. Today we were honored to contemplate the process of creating perfection, this young couple today gave the world harmony. Happiness to you, love! Bitterly!


Dear our newlyweds! Today we celebrate two holidays - your wedding and your new family's birthday. From the whole pure heart we congratulate you, we wish you happiness, a warm restless family hearth, wealth, mutual understanding, eternal love! Today you received a blessing and a magnificent priceless gift - the joy of the first happy days of married life. Appreciate them, carry all their tenderness through all life storms and adversity


True love always opens all the secrets of the human soul and heart and makes the thinner strings of the soul sound. Let this music sound forever! Let them accompany confidence in life, respect, mutual understanding, kindness. You are the forge of your happiness, take off your skills every day, there will be no second chance. Take care of each other, appreciate each other, protect and do not guess your family hearth - then any adversity will roll from your way. For you! Your happiness! Light married life! Bitterly!


Dear newlyweds! Let there be storms and storms on your way. We wish all your desires to come into life. Today, on this beautiful day, love has connected you by legitimate marriage. Today, the start of your family life, honeymoon and wedding travel. We wish that this year become for you the most honey, so that his sweetness you could feel all the next years with a married life. Love and be loved! Bitterly!


Dear newlyweds! From the heart I congratulate you on the birth of a family. You are today glow from happiness! It's fine. I raise my glass for ensuring that the light of your happiness made your home warm and cozy, and family relationships are bright and sincere! Let love and well-being live in your home, and the family grows and grow up.


Congratulations on your wedding day! I want to wish you everyday wisdom, patience and mutual understanding. Let your sincere feelings helped your family vessel overcome all the storms and bad weather in the ocean of life. For you, your love and happy swimming on the waves of fate!


Dear our bride and groom! Today is a special day - the day of the triumph of your love! Long and beautiful life, consent in all and unity of souls! I drink for the star of hope and dreams that you lit today, never gone from the sky, and brightly shone you without the end!

    We present you a selection - toasts and parables for a wedding in your own words, in prose! Going to the wedding, do not hope to sit behind the back of the Tamada. His task: to keep a wedding providing words to everyone. An experienced Tamada lines you from the furthest corner and will make it clear. Prepare it in advance.

    Parable about three whales

    Ancient believed that the world stands on three whales. Family life also keeps on three whales. The first whale is a passionate desire. The second whale is confidence in respect. The third whale is consent to everyday life. And three whales, as ancient believed, stand on the turtle. So and all three whales are based on one basis ...

    The name of this basis ... guessed? Right, love! So let's drink for love!

    Toast on a wedding for science and art

    Ask scientist: What is family life? He will answer: "Science, you need to calculate everything - where to live, when children start, like vacation to carry ..."

    Ask the artist, poet or artist: what is family life?

    After all, without romance, impulse, beautiful surprises it is impossible to maintain attraction to each other.

    So let's drink for love - she connects science and art!

    Toast mysterious wedding

    Everyone knows the parable of two frogs, which once fell into a pot with milk. One thought: "That's the end came to me!" - folded the paws and went to the bottom. And the other floundered, floundered - and he hit her legs with her legs. Fell on this oil and jumped out of the pot ...

    And what determined the choice of these two women frogshah tribe?

    The first frog was lonely. Nobody waited for her houses. So she drowned.

    And the second frog recently married. "The husband is waiting for me at home! - she thought. - I suppose all the phones broke off, worried ... who is silent and dinner feeds him? What if there was already a green toad?

    The last idea made the frog so quickly work with his legs, which soon she not only jumped out of the pot, but also grabbed the maslice - a cute husband for dinner.

    So let's drink for love, it is she - the main saving force!

    Toast for two wings

    Can the dull fly with one wing? No, he can not. Can a sind falcon? No, he can not! Only love gives a man two wings. Only together can be climbed under the heavens of happiness.

    So raise the glasses for two wings of a high flight - for love!

    Toast for a decent pair

    "Most of the men demand from women of those merits that they themselves do not stand," said Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

    Our pair was lucky: they found in each other innumerable advantages that will be opened with each day.

    So let's drink for a decent pair!

    Toast for love

    Ancient Basinople Ezop said that there are three disasters in the world: fire, sea and woman. And I ... I want to drink for these three disasters!

    For fire feelings - let him always feed your home focus!

    For the sea of \u200b\u200blove - let him float on all sails the ship of your family life!

    And for a woman - for our beautiful newlyweds! So let's drink for love!

    Theory and practice

    It is said that at the beginning, a person must examine theory, and then climb practices. In love, the opposite: theorists become when the practice has already ended.

    So let's drink for the fact that the theory never broke away from practice!

    Words of love

    In a foreign city, a man saw a young man and a girl and asked them: How will I "love you" in your tongue?

    The young man silently hugged the girl tightly, and then said: That's how they talk about love in my language!

    So let's drink for the love that words do not need!

    What is love?

    Gather at the honorary table guests. And they asked their women: what is love?

    one woman and says: "Love is probably a disease."

    The doctor rises: "No, this is not a disease, because a very large amount of energy is distinguished, most likely it is a job."

    Architect gets up: "Well, what is this job? After all, everything is so completely, rather this art. "

    Art historian gets up: "Yes, there is no, the viewer needs art. And this happens one on one. Rather, this is the process. "

    A lawyer is getting up: "What is the process when two sides are satisfied. Rather, this is science. "

    An old professor gets up: "What is the science, when any young student can, and I, old professor, I can not!"

    So let's drink for eternal students in love!

    Toast for peace and calm in the family

    One ruler asked: how do you save peace and calm in your state? And he replied: when I'm in anger, then my people are calm. When they are angry, then I am calm. In other words - when I am angry - they calm me, and when they are angry - I calm them. Family is a state in miniature.

    My toast for the world and calm in your family preserved in this way!

    Toast for the secret of family happiness

    One married couple lived to a graceful wedding - 70 years. And all these years, the spouses were affectionate and happy. When they were asked what the secret of such long-life family happiness, they answered: the whole secret is that all these years we had a single bed ...

    So let's drink for the eternal one-bedroom bed!

    Toast for good relationships

    Wisdom asked: when are there a good relationship between husband and wife?

    When the husband does not hear what the wife says, and the wife does not see what the husband does, "the sage replied.

    So let's drink for a good relationship between husband and wife!

    Toast - parable to the wedding

    Three brothers lived in one village. One said: I never get married! Marriage is a mousetrap.

    However, he got married - and all his life I saw, like a mouse in a mousetrap.

    Other said: I never get married! Better to drown in the pond!

    However, he married - and his wife turned out to be a real frog.

    The third said: God forbid my wife is good! It is impossible to live without a family!

    And God heard his prayers - sent him a good wife and happy family life!

    So let's drink for the groom - he marry love and his life will be full of love!

    Toast for the groom at the wedding

    Let our groom be the most bold heart - like a lion!

    Let it be any prey carries in his nest - as an eagle!

    Let him be with his cute affectionate - like a lamb!

    Let it be economic and home-made - like a beaver!

    Let him keep loyalty to the spouse - like a swan!

    And let him remain with all this - after all, only people know how to truly love!

    Parable Congratulations on the Wedding

    Let me tell me very briefly to tell an ancient legend.

    One day an old castle, where Baron and Baroness lived, captured enemies. The leader of the enemy troops appreciated the beauty and charm of Baroness. And said like this:

    - You are an amazing woman! Therefore, I allow you to leave the castle. And moreover, take the most expensive. As much as you can carry on the shoulders.

    Early in the morning, the fragile Baroness left the castle. And on the shoulders she carried the most expensive - her husband

    So let's drink for the fact that through long-to-many years our young jammed the most expensive - love!

    Toast - mysterious wedding

    Tell me, what is the name of a person who is always inferior when he is wrong?

    I do not hear the answer!

    Right, sage!

    But the mystery of increased complexity:

    What is the name of a person who is inferior even then. When is he right?

    That's the way - married!

    So let's drink for our today's young husband not a head too long over this mystery. And then in the house to reign family happiness!

    For wisdom of women

    Tsar Solomon once said: the wise wife will create a house and in the desert, and a stupid wife will destroy with his own hands and the palace.

    I want to drink for the wisdom of women - for the main creative strength on Earth!

    Let our newlyweds embody all the female wisdom!

    Toast for the bride! Behind his wife

    Dear (name)!

    This day is the happiest in your life! So many can say. But I know that only many years you can say with confidence, if he was so happy.

    In your hands - the fate of two: your husband and your husband. You can and should build your happiness.

    The word "bride" is light and air. It lives only one day.

    Word - wife weighty and multivalued.

    I raise my glass - and drink it two sips:

    For the bride!

    Toast at the wedding for soup and pies

    Still my grandmother told me: no family soup!

    And even if the young couple has the opportunity to dine every evening in the restaurant, still at least once a week you need to cook the soup. You can brisk! And best of all bake pies!

    Because the smell of family lunch is not only a fragrance of sustainable life. This is a sign that love and care reign in the house. So my toast:

    For love and care! For soup and pies!

    Toast at the wedding for real men

    Who is a real man?

    This is the one who accurately remembers the birthday of his beloved, but never knows how old she is!

    And if a man knows exactly how old a woman, but never remembers her birthday?

    Alas, this is her husband!

    So raise the glasses for the fact that our expensive groom for many years remained a real man!

    For consent to the house

    Five years have lived a husband with his wife - and not a single quarrel.

    Correspondents arrived

    How do you manage it? - Ask.

    The fact is that my wife and I have agreed before the wedding, that we will live in consent.

    One day she does everything that he wants, and the second day I do what she wants her!

    So raise glasses for wise men - it is thanks to them there is a consent to the house!

    Toast for future children

    At the meeting in one company, very important issues are solved. Suddenly one young woman resolutely raises her hand.

    On any feast we utter toasts. And the wedding is the holiday on which it is easy to do without toast.

    Beautiful wedding toasts

    Wedding toasts are special: they, like spells, predict newlyweds the best benefits in their livelihood, ride them on family swarms and happiness with each other.
    What is the most important thing in toast? This is a conciseness, simplicity of filing thoughts, brevity and deep meaning. Each toast presented on our website has all these qualities. Therefore, choosing any of them, you will not be mistaken.
    Here you will find beautiful toasts for the wedding, which will enjoy newlyweds, will be original and unique. Wedding toasts that we offer you is a great variety and extraordinary beauty of the word.

    Wedding toasts in your own words original

    Let's drink for the bride! Let it always and everyone shares with her husband, including homework! Let's drink for the groom - a man whose head is always firmly holding on the shoulders, even when he is hopelessly lost his heart. Let's drink a husband and wife! Let them always be close to each other just like today!

    Dear newlyweds, let you always have than to take yourself. Let you always have money to do what you want. Let every joy be more joy for each joy. And if it will sometimes rain in your life, then let him always have a rainbow.

    Dear (the names of the newlyweds), let your joint life be long and bright, as a summer day. Let the seals in it be so few as the clouds in the summer sky. Let you always surround friends, warming you with your warmth as the summer sun. And let your way in life be as light and enjoyable as a walk on the summer park!

    It is said that spouses are one soul in two bodies. I wish you never separated and even when you are not near, feel your half with all my heart!

    For each person, happiness includes a different set of values. I wish you that your sets never contradict each other, but only complemented each other. And then your happiness will be multiplied every day!

    Today you are the happiest people on earth - you found the fact that other long and sometimes are unsuccessful looking for years. I want to wish you to keep this happiness forever. And let the saddest day in your future will be no worse than the happiest in your past!

    Dear newlyweds, I want to wish you a huge family happiness and disclose the main secret, its preservation: Never forget what you should remember. And never remember what you should forget.

    Wise people say that a successful marriage of 80% is luck. Luck find someone who is perfect for you. With this, the bride and groom is all right. And the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bis trust. Dear newlyweds, trust each other always and in everything - and all pairs in the world will envy your cloudless happiness!

    In order for the marriage to be happy, you need to be able to fall in love with many times, but in the same person. I wish you to purchase this skill and save it for life. Then you will always be interesting and welcome to each other, like on your dating day!

    Bride and groom, I wish you peace in the family. As you know, the main peacekeepers for centuries are women. Therefore, a new-minted husband should never interfere with his wife to establish peace: when you are wrong - just acknowledge it, and when you are right - silent.

    Beautiful short toasts for a wedding in verse

    We wish you not to lead trouble
    Do not know either grief nor bad
    And so that 100 years
    Health, cheerfulness and happiness.

    Under the moon of crystal glasses,
    Under the noise of champagne wine
    We congratulate newlyweds!
    We wish you happiness in full!

    Let every day live nearby
    For you shines turquoise!
    Then gold is not necessary
    And the stone seems star!

    Let never go out
    Happy dawn life!
    Let him always be sweet
    And as today - "bitterly"!
    Bitterly! Let's drink for young!

    • the toast should not be too long, otherwise no one hears it to the end;
    • turning to the newlyweds, it is better to avoid unpleasant for them (for example, previous relationships), it is also not worth affecting sex, money, treason, etc.;
    • the fat-jokes or jokes are perceived easier, they discharge the atmosphere;
    • the toast is better to cook and rehearse at home: parents, relatives and witnesses are usually very worried, so it turns out a commercial one.

    Well, now we offer the best toasts to the wedding for parents, witnesses, friends and relatives.

    Touching toasts for the wedding

    Wedding toasts from parents

    Mom of the bride at the wedding usually worries the most. During a toast, she can express all his love and tenderness, wish the daughter of female happiness and give a parting. Such lines are suitable:

    You have a special day today.
    So be happy always.
    Let it be a light road,
    Let there be a friendly family.

    Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
    Soul thrill first meetings.
    And rings those that took in hand
    Say to the end to save.

    Let in your life never
    There are no such days,
    Love is always
    And only one time to marry!

    The mother of the groom takes the daughter-in-law. During a toast, she is worth showing its location to a new daughter.

    That's how God rewards you:
    Heat family and happiness to you.
    I send him my grateful syllable,
    Although slightly to your wife is jealous.

    Do not give the value to
    Now the most important thing is completely different.
    What you create, Son, your family,
    What will save you from grief.

    Let your happiness be great,
    Let Love does not fade Vure.
    And it will be so easy to you with each other
    From the quarrel, the storm does not grow.

    And if you need my hand
    Her feeds, I will warm it.
    It is important today your family is,
    I am sick for her soul.

    Now not only the son is with me,
    Now my daughter is given rightfully.
    God forbid you, children, only good,
    So that life looked like fun.

    Remember this minute forever,
    Yes, it will be sacred.
    Now you are not just the bride and groom,
    From now on - you are husband and wife.

    And let you be afraid of any naughty,
    Let the flame do not go out in the blood.
    We wish you health. We wish you happiness.
    We wish you a strong love!

    Fathers - serious people. Usually during toast, they give their parting to children. Do not hide feelings, show how much you worry about them, as you want, the family life is able to.

    We want to wish my daughter-in-law:
    So that always was beautiful
    So that always happy
    So that a lot give birth to children,
    To give birth to some sons.

    So that the figure was accurate
    So that the palm was gilded.
    For the daughter-in-law to do everything
    And without work so as not sitting,

    So that no worse than tomorrow is a little light,
    Husband seemed to be old age.
    To be fulfilled and justified
    All that today from the heart was worse.

    The bridegroom is good - to become a beautiful bride!
    More beautiful couple in this world do not find!
    I'm on the rights of my father, and, of course, the test
    I want love big you, kids, wish!

    I wish you so that each other loved so
    How no one never loved!
    So that your feelings are forever saved,
    Having left faithful to each other forever!

    Wedding toasts from friends

    Witness and witness - the best friends of the young. Their task is to discharge the atmosphere, waging guests, so we offer to pronounce funny and cool toasts. It may be anecdotes.

    There are two old friends on the anniversary of the wedding of one of them.
    - Well, how do you feel a matrimonial life?
    - Well, it is impossible to drink, it is impossible to smoke ...
    - Powered, sorry?
    - You can not regret ...
    I say - no tyranny in the family! And raise a glass for it!

    As a girlfriend of the bride, I would like to tell you, our groom's dear. Keep and apply this gentle, fragile creation. Do not reside us! Of course, we do not give you completely, but at that time, while she is with you - do our best, so that she does not want to us. Happiness and love! Bitterly!

    The witness is to offer a toast for parents:

    Today you have, young, many relatives appeared, both with one and on the other hand.

    But in this solemn moment I want to turn to the moms of our young. It's no secret to anyone, which means for each of us Mom. We appeal to her and joy and in the mountain. Our pain is their pain, our joy is their joy. And how many people have appeared until they raised such beautiful children. It is said that small children are small worries, big children - big care. Cute and wonderful moms! Even now, when your children come into an independent life, your hearts are alarming anyway. Cute, good, beautiful moms! I raise a glass for your good deeds, for your tender hearts, for raising such beautiful children. Low Bow!

    Parents glory, praise and honor.
    I think the people will agree
    That the toast for parents should be raised
    Health and happiness from us wish!

    All toasts and toasts taking
    I want everyone solemnly sounded
    Here is this toast that raise
    We are for parents - the beginning began all

    Because we do without them
    Not to see young
    We don't sit down without them or get up
    And at the wedding do not walk!

    Wedding toasts

    Each of the guests will want to have a drink for the health of the bride and groom and pronounce the toast, we offer the most unusual options:

    If it was necessary to write the instructive history of human life - it would be a story from the collaboration of a man and a woman.
    If it was necessary to tell the instructive history of human nonsense - it would be a story from the collaboration of a man and a woman.
    For marriage, an inexhaustible source of wisdom!

    Well, what to wish the fiance and bride?
    So that there are always and in all of them together.
    Together slept, spruce, drank,
    Children in the garden would drive.

    So that the quarrel was not even reasons!
    First always let the man give up.
    Love take care of trustingly, vigorously.
    And only at the wedding, let it be "bitter!".

    Dear our bridegroom! We want to raise this glass for regularity! Regularity is now your hostess in life, namely: regular nutrition, water procedures, regular holidays in the circle of your family! Enviable regularity! In general, we wish you good luck in all family endeavors, happiness in personal life. Bitterly!

    For many, an example of an ideal toast is a story about the bird from the Caucasian Captive. More about Caucasian and not only toast you will learn from the article "". We will give a few examples:

    The sages asked:
    - What is the wisdom of life?
    "To live in joy to myself and delight your loved ones," he replied.
    I wish you young spouses to follow this advice, and then their lives will be happy and joyful!

    Arab poet Khalil Gibran said that the partnership is a roof resting on two columns. When these columns are too far from each other, the roof may fall. I want to wish young patiences and mutual understanding, respect for each other, as these qualities will never lead to the distance of two columns on a dangerous distance and will not give a collapse of the family roof!

    Many men dream of harem. They believe that the more women around them, the more diverse and more interesting their family life, the more love and affection they will receive. So let's wish that our young will never wanted to have a harem, because his wife would be able to replace him! For young!

    Wedding ceremony is an event memorable for life. Young join a new path. Now they have a hand in hand to pass a long way. Fate will present a lot of lessons, but those who will be able to achieve complete mutual understanding and respect, waiting for a truly valuable reward. Their relationship will enter eternity. Wedding toasts and atrocid wishes are that it is necessary to hear newlyweds on this day. Their hearts are filled with excitement, so support and congratulations to loved ones will be valuable in life.

    This day becomes fateful. It determines a lot for many years ahead. On young people lie great responsibility. Now only they will be able to refuel their fate.

    And guests, and the newlywed, I want to keep about the date the most sweet memories, so the organization of the ceremony is paid to such much attention. On the day of the wedding should be immaculately everything: starting the bouquet of the bride and ending with the speeches at the table.

    Each word, every wishes uttered in these joyful moments, young perceived with an excellent trepid. They so want to justify all the hopes assigned to them.

    Support newly spouses with beautiful greetings. Say affectionate words in their honor. Let them fall on the soul a little calmer and warmer. After all, a long and fascinating journey awaits them ahead, called family life.

    The wedding ring is an ancient emblem, visiting the ancestors to us. This is a symbol of loyalty: the heart of the husband belongs to his wife and vice versa. The wedding ring has no beginning, no end. The wedding ring is made of pure gold: it means that no dirt will not stick to it. Ring - a symbol of love and eternal loyalty. Dear newlyweds! Let your love be clean, gentle and eternal! We will refresh our wish to a friendly ringing of glasses!

    To live in love and harmony to a silver wedding, the wife must have a gold character, and the husband is an iron exposure. So drink for a reliable alloy of two metals, for the merger of the shower of the newlyweds!

    The famous writer said: "Happiness is when you understand." This is true. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is always very important to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young mutual understanding and love for long-long years! Happiness to you, dear!

    Slender poplar grew up in the forest, and the birch grew nearby. And they fell in love with each other, and stretched to each other, until finally, did not connect their twigs and did not burst together. What are our newlyweds and birch? Let us wish them that the branches of their love never broke up and tightly kept each other.

    Congratulations with legal marriage
    We wish you great happiness.
    We are talking now seriously:
    Let Millions of Scarlet Roses
    Lie on all your way
    What are going to pass.
    And let the bonfire of big love
    Lit, not fading!
    With love it is easier to go through,
    Hope completed.
    Avoid consent to the house,
    Live up to one hundred years.
    Always resperate each other
    Love you yes advice!

    We wish our newlywed
    So that their way in life was successful,
    So that the house has always been a complete bowl,
    Life every day - light and more!
    Let the bright sun of the world shine,
    Let them bring them the joy of children
    Together a pair of a young
    Live to the wedding golden!

    How to congratulate newlyweds in verses

    Poetic congratulation is always beautiful. Guests gather at the table, around a lot of noisy conversations. And someone from the invited rises and begins to read verses.

    Such toasts or wishes always cause delight among others. Properly folded phrases strengthen the impression. The meaning is revealed even brighter. A stamped congratulation is a great gesture of respect and attention.

    Of course, few poetic talent have few. But we have a wonderful selection that will help find something definite, which will fit in meaning, and in terms of the situation.

    Do not forget to capture your wishes with young on the postcard. In the future, spouses will be very pleased to review the congratulatory cards presented on this day, and reread touching words.

    Be healthy, live beautifully,
    Love each other, be happy!
    Find a friend in another not only the spouse,
    But the best, faithful friend!

    Any palace will be hut,
    Reign where a kind wife!
    More than all riches she,
    More expensive pearls and zlata!
    I drink, rather, voice voice
    For the choice of the groom - for the young!

    Remember this minute forever,
    Yes, it will be sacred:
    Now you are not just the bride and groom,
    From now on - you are husband and wife.
    And let you be afraid of any naughty,
    Let the flame do not go out in the blood.
    We wish you health, we wish you happiness.
    We wish you a strong love!

    Do not disclose woven hands,
    Do not locate with mouth.
    And happiness of loyalty, love
    Let it be strengthened over the years.
    Let you pass the pain separation
    And friendship will not fade between you.
    Do not disclose woven hands,
    Do not limit the mouthpiece!
    We drink for your happiness, loyalty and love!

    Young wanted to wish:
    In joy, separation or grief
    Always remember the first hug,
    Forgetting about the last quarrel.

    For a noisy festive table
    Like light friendship, kindness,
    Lit today you two
    Star Hope and Dreams.
    So let this friendship light
    You shine brightly without end,
    So that is infinite for many years
    Two rings walked.
    As a mountain eagle wings
    Husband and wife in concerns similar:
    On the wave
    The eagle is luckless to be.
    I wish this toast here
    I agree with the newlywed
    To get their flight
    Through life - successful!

    To live and live you, do not let!
    And, the age of living, I lived not to repent!
    We wish we want to you again and again:
    Council Yes Happiness, yes love!

    Wishes for a wedding from parents

    Today is a holiday for the whole family. But how to make an exciting older generation for fate of the new husband and wife. On this day, they are experiencing no less than lovers themselves. Congratulations on the wedding from parents - the unchanging ritual of each wedding ceremony.

    Let their joy do not know the limit, but they are infinitely difficult to pronounce words stood with emotions. Tears from the loss of a close connection with their chad do also come to the eyes. Let the family bring their family on this day, but the elders are well aware that the newly created cell is already a completely different story. Now their son or daughter no longer belongs to them as before.

    This day is filled with both joy and excitement. Joy for the birth of a young family. And excitement for the future of newly-handed spouses.

    The bride and groom are looking forward to faces from the older generation. After all, who, like nor parents, awarded experience and wisdom, will be able to specify the right direction.

    Dear children! Let your marriage be happy! Let your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you happiness only eternal, love only bright, friends only true! So, let your union be happy!

    We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. They are together to build their happiness. Let them in all help each other, create a strong family and wait for such a happy day when their children will be married, start their families. And now, expensive guests, fill the glasses, drink for the young, for a new family, and let them all life will be faith, hope, love! Bitterly!

    It is said that the most sincere and most devoted love between children and parents. But we will grow you and learn to love you, having met your half, spent with her, most of your life, until the end of your days. Therefore, we want to wish that your feelings become the most stronger and unshakable, because your union, the road ahead is a long way to life, go through it, holding hands without letting each other. Happy Wedding Day you! Happy birthday family!

    Children, today your ship called "Family" is sent to independent swimming. Now you yourself will go to meet the elements. Of course, we want to wish you good luck on your way, let it go for you on the heels. The main thing is to remember that parents will never refuse help, because it is more important for them in the world there is no one. For you, our dear!

    Our dear children, today on your marriage day, we are your parents, we want to wish you that your family life would never collapse under the wind of household problems, and your love and mutual understanding would always be that wind that inflates the sail of family happiness !

    Dear children, today on the day of your wedding we are experiencing dual feelings. On the one hand, we are very sad, because in step offices you will now become guests, and you will live yourself. And on the other hand, our hearts are insanely glad that you have found each other and now you have your little happy family! Happiness to you! You can always count on us if you need our help and support.

    My relatives, son and daughter,
    With all my heart I congratulate you!
    And in this warm bright holiday
    I want to give you my order:
    Live in joy and happiness
    And value every day.
    Good and tenderness take care
    Let the world do not leave the house.
    Overcome all obstacles
    Die nonsense to forgive
    Then get as a reward
    Harmony and grace.
    Just people are looking for a miracle,
    It is not all given to everyone.
    I wish you my relatives
    Bear love all over the way!

    For your happiness, a new family,
    I raise the glass today
    Tolerance, love, victories,
    We wish you from the heart!
    You are our children, our all,
    And with you, there will be forever,
    We will help you always in everything,
    We love you very heartily.
    We wish you in love sinking,
    We wish the life to enjoy
    We wish you to pass your way
    In each other you do not doubt!

    Funny and funny

    Laughter and fun saves in the most stressful minutes. Wedding is not only an exciting holiday, but also a joyful event. We will not give our hearts to soften under the storms of emotions. Fill moments with fun jokes.

    Let's raise your mood and young. Funny toasts to the wedding will help to cope with tension. Let a series of funny jokes dries tears on the faces of relatives and friends. Fill a solemn room with smiles and joyful exclamations.

    Let's drink for the mathematics of family life: for addition, thanks to which a married couple has developed; for the subtraction of both bachelors and unmarried; for dividing all the sorrows and difficulties in half; For multiplication of your kind by birth of children! For young!

    And I, friends, I want to say about
    That our heart is a house
    House with four items.
    In it, all angles are welkers, warm,
    In it, happiness light!
    How is he gorgeous!
    And the first corner is the life of love,
    The second - the children are restless,
    And the third - close, colleagues and friends,
    In the fourth - grandparents convened.
    I sincerely wish me
    So that your corners will not be empty!

    That's all: goodbye, freedom!
    Ozolesova now,
    For two - some income,
    General and chair and door.
    I wish you, spouses:
    Be together forever,
    To miss each other,
    Well, together - never.

    Be healthy, live richly
    As far as your salary allows you to.
    But know: salary is always lacking,
    Shake all ancestors - they will add you.
    Parents have become twice as much
    Love them tight, guests are longer.
    Do not be afraid of the booties, do not be afraid of the diaper,
    Give birth boys, give birth to girls.
    Since children are bored with parents,
    Throw their grandmas - they will bring up.
    But most of all I wish, however,
    So that there was no marriage from your marriage!

    The secret of a successful marriage lies in the same folk wisdom: you need to love not as much as possible, but as long as possible! That is - you go quiet, you will go further! So drink for the leisure of young!

    Friends! I suggest a drink for a kiss! After all, he came up with a man, since he did not find any other way to close his mouth to a woman. Bitterly!

    It is said that in a good married husband - head, and the wife is a heart. So let's drink for the fact that our young people do not know either head or heart pains in life!

    The exemplary wife will never make a remark to her husband for the saved scrambled eggs, and an exemplary husband will always pretend that he does not notice how the wife crooked the nail. So let's drink for the exemplary marriage and the complete mutual understanding of our happy newlyweds!

    Short congratulations in your own words

    Speak from ourselves in public very exciting. Not everyone we own oratorical art. In the presence of a huge number of people, it is easy to confuse and skip the most important words. It is easier to cope with emotions to those who know how to improvise and quickly fill the semantic emptiness.

    All others will help out a small crib - greeting card. It will be a reminder for the guest and will be a small surprise for the newlyweds.

    Magnificent speeches in verses is always beautiful. But how many do you know how to put poems? Why not congratulate the young people? After all, if you were on this holiday, you obviously have something to say.

    A selection of examples will prompt the direction for the movement of thoughts. Wish sincerely and from the soul. What farewell can be given this day? Lake a young friendship and mutual respect. Wish them to comprehend the wisdom of family life and achieve full harmony in relations.

    Dear our newlyweds! We all know that good fairy tales are always completed by the wedding. So let your wedding will only be the beginning of a fairy tale about endless love and extraordinary loyalty.

    Wedding day is the beginning of a joint path. Today you have resettled your life experience. In the future, the quality and fullness of the life of the events depends on you. Saving those feelings and respect for each other, which led you to today.

    Dear guests, I suggest you raise the glasses for our wonderful young and wish them a lung and long family path, pleasant moments and joyful events! From now on forever, live in joy, harmony and love.

    Today we celebrate the creation of a new family. It is said that happiness is married, achieved by mutual concessions. So let's drink for the fact that the young women were wise enough and patient with each other. For the harmony of your union.

    I want to raise my glass for a new family, for their happiness and love. I wish you harmony, mutual respect, mutual understanding and limitless happiness. Let Idillia, wealth and joy prevent in your house.

    They say that happy people, therefore happy, what they think about what they have. And unfortunate think about what they have no. I want to raise this glass for our newlyweds so that they always think about what they are from each other, and that would be filled with their happiness!

    The wisdom of the centuries suggests that parents protect their daughter to the crown. And the husband must take his wife to the end. I want to raise this glass for our newlyweds. Let them shove each other all their lives. And let their children take an example of this concern and tenderness!

    In childhood, when we read fairy tales, they ended up the prince married the princess, and what happened further is unknown. Let's raise glasses for ensuring that your family life is magic and served as inspiration for favor.

    Wedding toasts from witnesses

    Witnesses are one of the most important guests at the wedding. After all, no wonder they choose them from among the best friends. Much together passed and experienced. For them, this is also a very exciting moment.

    Now they will have to let go of her friend or a friend in a different sailing. Family life will take most of the attention. Lowings with friends will not be able to be so frequent as before. The newlyweds are waiting for the stage of addiction and trius. All of their attention will be concentrated on each other.

    Friends should be found next to the right moment. Do not be divided into opposing camps, and approach the question with understanding. Your support is more likely to use a new husband and wife. Try not to interfere in their relationship, stay with third-party observers. And in any situation, hold the course for reconciliation.

    Witnesses have something to tell about their friends, but it is not worth frankly on this day. Plot attention on the importance of an event. Raise toasts for young. For their infinite loyalty, friendship and love.

    The day came when you no longer know what to do is to rejoice, or be sad. On the one hand, everything is clear that we lose our unmarried comrade, and on the other - we have gained a responsible person, as well as a serious family man. So let's drink to what part of it did not look at the groom, he did not have sadness in his soul, nor regret. For your marriage, friend!

    Always interested, why on the day of the wedding celebration of the bride is dressed in white, and the bridegroom - in black? And only now found the answer to his question. It is difficult to imagine something lighter than the happiness of the bride, as well as strict and responsible than the dark suit of the groom. So let's raise a glass for our groom, which today personifies responsibility to a vital choice!

    In this happy day, allow us as your witnesses to congratulate you. Create your own hands the most magical, kind and best world in which there will be a simple family happiness. Make so that your family take an example all surrounding. Family well-being and happiness.

    Today we have witnessed the Union concluded between the two loving hearts who merged into one of the whole, and now they will fight together, without breaking apart from each other! We all know that for quite a long time of your acquaintance (the names of the newlyweds) have managed to exchange love declarations once, today they secured their words rings. I want to wish the fate that connects their lives, and further did not leave our newlyweds, giving them only pleasant surprises! Happiness and love you, my friends!

    For your new family
    Today I'm happy to drink
    I wish you I live without trouble,
    I wish you long, long years!
    I wish you to live in good luck,
    Kids soon give birth to you
    To please you always,
    So that there was a firm family.
    So that you did not know the troubles and evil,
    So that love in the hearts lived,
    I wish the lot of earthly, good,
    Be happy always!

    For ensuring that life has happened,
    To love always lived
    For the sorry and troubles did not know
    For this, I drink to the bottom!
    So that adversity retreats
    So that everything is on your shoulder
    So that friend your friend you appreciate
    You want to wish you happiness!
    For the wedding, for love, for the joy,
    Behind your future children
    For dreams come true,
    So that there was no sadness, gray days!

    With the wedding we congratulate you
    We wish peace and love.
    Your long way let them illuminate
    Good luck and heat lights.
    Let the children's laughs rings in the apartment,
    Let the full bowl be a house,
    Well, love, warmth and happiness
    Will settle forever in it.

    Wise toasts-instructions

    On the day, when the young people are combined with marriage, they do not just celebrate their unity, they also give tribute to tradition. The wedding is a ritual, whose laws were written not to one generation. Reading young wise instructions from older and experienced comrades has long been part of a festive action.

    Parable fascinates. She makes thinking in meaning, find the grain of the mind among long speeches. Wise instructions are a good lesson. They help to feel the situation, to evaluate the event not yet a challenge event, draw conclusions in advance and perhaps in the future to avoid mistakes.

    Tosts in the form of parables include the entire hall. Everyone wants to wait for the story of history. Such greetings are always fresh, interesting and relevant. Share your thoughts with the gathered. Reverend them for the attention of the unexpected ending.

    Wedding is a great event in the fate of two people. Young on this day is reborn to a new life. And in those moments, they are more than ever support from warm words. Help them start your bright way beautifully. Shoot young wishes and blessings. And let this day be the beginning of their new happy path.

    One woman complained to confession that her married life is unsuccessful that they and her husband are indifferent to each other, often quarrels, not a bit and her husband changes her. The priest asked her:
    - Do you like flowers?
    - Yes!
    - What would you like to do if you start to get a beautiful indoor plant?
    - I would neatly watered him, once half a year I changed the earth, from time to time the fertilizer would have added a flower to where there is more light.
    - Also married life: This is a flower that requires care, attention, caress, care, compliments, kisses. And the woman, remembering that the man loves his eyes, should be also an elegant, attractive, combed, neatly dressed.
    Let's drink wisdom wives who strengthen, and do not destroy married love!

    Imagine a huge, boundless sea, by which the man is floating in the boat. Sometimes the sun shines, and the sea is calm - a person can relax. But the sea is worried about, steep dangerous waves run out, the sea monsters swim nearby - and the person so wants to be in a quiet harbor, where light and warmth from the care and participation of loved ones.
    So drink for the newly formed family and wish them a long and successful swimming on the waves of the life of the Sea! Bitterly!

    A man asks God:
    - Lord! Why did you create women with such beautiful and at the same time so stupid?
    - Beautiful - you can love them, men. And stupid - so that they can love you, men. If the woman is beautiful and smart, she, of course, is difficult to love a man. This man must be exceptional. These are our fiance.
    Let's drink for our exceptional bride and smart, beautiful bride!

    One ruler asked:
    - How do you save peace and calm in your state?
    And he replied:
    - When I'm in anger, my people are calm. When they are angry, I'm calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me, and when they are angry, I calm them.
    Family is a state of miniature. My toast is to preserve the world and calm in your family!

    Wishing all the most kind of our newlyweds, I want to simultaneously give them a wise advice: never forget those who gave you life, their parents. Do not regret our affectionate words. Go to them closer Yes, let them drop down, as they spoke in the old days. After all, young works with his hands, and the old one gives the mind. Attach your Parental Mind - Life-free live. For mutual understanding of parents and newlyweds!

    Real life consists of a variety of little things, empty words, disputes, life situations. Life is a garland of multicolored, bright and cloudy days. And from your prudence and consent depends the calm and well-being of your life, expensive newlyweds! So let everyday trifles do not spoil the main in your life of happiness and joy. For your happiness, newlyweds!

    Congratulations to newlyweds with the fact that from now on their union is bonded by oaths and symbolic rings. The wedding ring is not just a decoration. This is a sign for all the rest that love lives in the heart of it, the same endless and rotating around one person, as a metal strip, from which the ring is made on the finger. And the relationship with your favorite is precious and noble, like metal rings. Let's drink for the mutual strong love of newlyweds, for her infinity!