All the kids are looking forward to the holidays; for many, a trip to a children's country camp is associated with the opportunity to realize their hopes and dreams, the chance to meet old friends and make new ones, get into a new environment, and learn a new job.

Best Friends provides all conditions for active recreation

The children's health camp in the Moscow region “Best Friends” is located in a picturesque place not far from Moscow, on the shore of the Klyazma Reservoir. The proximity of the reservoir is one of the advantages of our camp. There are three sandy beaches on the territory, and river boat trips are available. A very exciting activity for kids.

Beautiful, modern sports grounds on site, a wonderful opportunity to realize your sporting ambitions and learn something new. A modern field with professional artificial turf is equipped for young football players. For fans of other ball games, there are volleyball and basketball courts, as well as two large tennis courts.

The benefits of fresh air

Country camps have many benefits, and children really enjoy spending time there. You can feel like a discoverer of uncharted lands. Active activities fresh air is simply necessary for a growing body. The benefits of fresh air have long been known. Firstly, clean air saturates the lungs with oxygen, purifies the blood, and improves metabolism. Secondly, wildlife brings peace, tranquility and helps get rid of the bustle of the city. Thirdly, the beauty of nature teaches children to distinguish beauty, because countryside nature is beautiful at any time of the year.

Exciting holiday

Country holidays are diversified exciting activities, creative circles and concert programs. Your children will have no time to be bored; tired of active pastime, they have the opportunity to relax in the cinema, watching their favorite cartoon, or read a fascinating book in our library. Diverse development is very important for children. Classes English will be a good addition to the basic knowledge of the children.

The large, friendly staff of the children's country camp "Best Friends" creates a friendly atmosphere, comfort and joy for the little residents. Time flies by at camp and the kids don't want to leave. Active recreation and walks in the fresh air will bring positive and unforgettable emotions.

Come to us and spend an exciting vacation in nature.

Camp location:

Not far off summer holidays, which means it’s time to think about where to send your student on vacation this summer. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" will answer the most frequently asked questions about children's collective recreation.

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How are summer camp sessions divided?

There are four of them in total. Each lasts 21 days. Each camp has its own schedule, but the first race, as a rule, is at the end of May: from 25 to 29. Then mid-June, the first ten days of July and the beginning of August. In some camps there is also a fifth shift, but it covers the beginning of September.

When to apply for a certificate?

If you want to get on the first shift, do it now! And then, without a guarantee that you will get a place in the chosen camp. If we talk about official deadlines, then they are as follows. Documents are accepted for the first shift until May 3, for the second until May 31, and for the third until June 22. If you want to catch the last shift, the deadline is July 10.

At what age can a child go to camp?

From 6.5 to 15 years inclusive. Moreover, please note: if you want to send a child to the camp who has not yet turned 6.5, but has already been enrolled in first grade, then you need a certificate from the school.

Is it even expensive?

The total cost of a voucher for one summer shift in 2018 averages from 34 to 50 thousand rubles. But traditionally, only a few will pay it.

And who is cheaper?

City authorities traditionally support the health campaign. As the Education Committee said, in 2018, more than 2.3 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget of St. Petersburg for the health campaign. This is 140 million rubles more than in 2017. It is planned to provide 160,573 vouchers with these funds.

Traditionally, they will help working St. Petersburg residents. Regardless of the parents’ area of ​​employment, whether they work in a state-owned enterprise or in a private company, a single amount of budget payment for part of the voucher is established for them - sixty percent if the child goes to a regular country camp and ninety percent if a sanatorium-type camp is needed ( according to treatment profile).

Orphans, disabled children, children from low-income, incomplete, large families. There are 15 categories of children in total.

How much cheaper will it be?

This year there is an increase in the estimated cost of the trip. In Smolny they mean that its total cost is 27,195 rubles per shift in a regular camp and 30,093 rubles in a camp in the southern climate zone. Accordingly size social support the parent in the first case will be 16,317 rubles per shift, and in the second - 18,055 rubles.

Will they give compensation in money?

No, of course, none of the moms and dads will see the “real” money. Each parent will receive a personalized certificate. It confirms the right to pay for part of the trip from the budget. This will make it easier for parents to access recreation and recreation services and allow for strict control over the fulfillment of quotas.

The certificate is required within 30 days from the date of issue, but no later than the first day of the shift for which it was issued. Otherwise, it will be considered invalid. Moreover, the number of certificates that you can receive in a year is not limited. At least send your child to camp every holiday. You will only be refused if a budget travel limit is selected.

Which children are entitled to free holidays?

Free vouchers are issued by regional commissions for organizing recreation and recreation. To receive it, you need to submit documents that would confirm the child’s right to the benefit. According to the Social Code of St. Petersburg, children have the right to free holidays:

Left without parental care;

Disabled people, as well as their accompanying persons, if such children are medical indications need constant care and assistance;

Victims of armed and ethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters;

From families of refugees and internally displaced persons;

Registered with the internal affairs bodies;

Victims of violence;

whose life activity is objectively disrupted as a result of current circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of their family;

From low-income families;

From single-parent families;

From large families;

One of whose parents has been a volunteer firefighter for at least three years,

Which are in educational organizations for students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior, they need special conditions of education, training and require a special pedagogical approach.

Those suffering from celiac disease.

How to purchase a ticket to the camp?

1. Select a suitable camp from the list. This can be done on the official website of the Molodezhny Health and Recreation Center in the “List of recreation organizations” section.

2. Prepare and submit a package of documents. Papers are accepted at all city MFCs.

3. Get a certificate. The period for providing the service is up to 15 working days.

4. Conclude an agreement with the camp.

5. Pay the rest of the trip taking into account the certificate.

6. Send your child on vacation. Have a nice holiday!

What documents are needed?

Passport of parent or legal representative

The child’s birth certificate, and if you already have it, then his passport. Please note that it does not replace a certificate.

Documents confirming that the child lives in St. Petersburg: a note in the passport, certificates of registration at the place of residence or stay (forms No. 3,8,9), an extract from the house register. All certificates and statements are valid for 30 days.

Certificate from the parent’s place of work indicating the position, number and date of the employment order. Also valid for 30 days.

For adoptive parents or trustees - documents establishing status.

If the parent and child have different surnames, then their relationship must be documented.

For a child under 6.5 years old - a certificate from the school that he is enrolled in 1st grade.

Will there be a medical examination?

Before the start of the shift - be sure! Please note that simply bringing your child there is not enough. By this time, you should already have received a medical certificate (form No. 079-U). It will indicate your health group, vaccinations received, and possibly existing diseases. In addition, you need to take tests - scraping for enterobiasis, worm eggs and protozoa, and also get a certificate that there is no quarantine at your place of residence. You are also asked to bring to the inspection:

A copy of your birth certificate or passport;

A copy of the health insurance policy;


Agreement between the parent and the camp.

Who won't be accepted into a regular health camp?

There are a number of general medical contraindications. According to the Molodezhny Health and Recreation Center, these include:

All diseases in the acute period;

All chronic diseases requiring sanatorium treatment;

Infectious diseases before the end of the isolation period;

Bacilli carriage (this applies to diphtheria and intestinal infections);

Malignant neoplasms;

Epilepsy, mental illness, mental retardation (for general institutions), psychopathy, pathological personality development with severe behavioral and social adaptation disorders;

Severe physical defects requiring individual care for the child;

Cachexia, amyloidosis of internal organs;


Can I take medications with me?

You probably shouldn’t give some “general” ones to your child. But if there is a need to take something regularly or according to the situation, then you need to warn about it medical workers and a counselor. Individual medications will be stored in the first-aid post and will be administered to the child by a doctor.

What to take with you...

Light clothing: T-shirts, shorts, skirts, sundresses

Warm clothes if it suddenly gets cold: jacket, sweater, jacket, trousers

Shoes: beach, casual, warmer - flip-flops, sneakers.

Dressy clothes - yes, holidays and discos are held at the camp.

Sun hat.

Swimming trunks, swimsuit.

Personal hygiene items: toothbrush and paste, soap, towels, comb, shampoo, shower gel, washcloth, rubber shower slippers.

Underwear and socks – several changes.

A set of sportswear.

In addition, you need to make sure that the child has somewhere to put dirty laundry.

...and what to leave at home

First of all, don’t fill your child’s bag with groceries. Especially perishable ones. Otherwise, your child risks spending most of the holiday in the infirmary with food poisoning. You shouldn’t take soda either - a harmful product is definitely not welcome in a health camp.

Even if your child really wants to take all his gadgets with him, it’s better to stop this right away. Valuables that you would hate to break or lose are best left at home. In addition, this may save other children from the temptation to “borrow” someone else’s thing without asking.

Cutting and piercing objects, flammable objects, and explosives are a strict no in the camp. There aren't even any comments here.

Large sums of money. There is nowhere to spend it, and if you have the funds, temptations will be unavoidable. Give some for expenses. As a last resort, you can bring more on Parents’ Day.

What to do at the camp?

The Education Committee says: they consider camps as part of the educational system. Moreover, parents also don’t really want their child to spend the whole summer in idleness and laziness. Today, when choosing a summer camp, they increasingly pay attention to the developmental component.

And children's institutions are trying to keep up with the times. Each camp prepares an active program of sports, intellectual and entertainment events. Thinks through thematic shifts. Not only counselors and educators work with the children, but also athletes, instructors and coaches. Many camps try to come up with some kind of “specialization” to make it interesting for children. In some, they learn foreign languages ​​without interruption, in others they teach how to play the guitar or even manage their own business, while others focus on theater

Is it possible to go to the sea?

Health and sanatorium camps located on the territory of the Leningrad region, in principle, best option in terms of price-quality ratio. And the child is in the fresh air, and not very far from home. There is often a river or lake nearby where children swim in the summer.

This is all, of course, very good - but you want to go to the sea! Real! Azov, or even better, Black!

This summer, 11 camps in Crimea, 41 camps in the Krasnodar Territory and four camps in the Rostov region are ready to welcome little St. Petersburg residents. As well as 11 more recreation facilities throughout the country. Full list can be found in the register of recreation organizations on the website of the Molodezhny Center.

How to get to Artek

And not only in “Artek”, but also in other health resorts “Orlyonok”, “Ocean”. You just can’t get a certificate there just like that.

For example, at Artek, vouchers are issued to schoolchildren from 8 to 17 years old as an incentive for the child’s achievements in education, creativity, sports and social activities. If the student does not receive it from the region or from a thematic partner, then the commercial cost (again, if there are achievements, for a reason) is 80 thousand rubles.

You can get a ticket to Orlyonok by becoming the winner of one of the competitions held by the camp itself or by winning it in a competition from the regional government. A paid trip costs from 48 thousand rubles.

You can also “earn” a voucher to the “Ocean” camp with your own labor, then the voucher will be free, with the exception of escort and train or air tickets. You can simply buy a ticket – from 27 thousand rubles.

What if the child is registered in the Leningrad region?

There the scheme for receiving compensation is completely different. As in St. Petersburg, working parents, guardians and trustees have the right to partial reimbursement of the cost of the voucher. But. Firstly, children aged 6 to 17 years old can be sent to the camp. Secondly, here partial payment for a trip to country children's health camps is 70 percent of the estimated cost - that is, 15,288 rubles per shift. A foster parents and guardians are compensated for the full estimated cost of the voucher (at the rate of 1,040 rubles per day, 21 days - shift - a total of 21,840 rubles).

The scheme here is like this. Parents independently choose the camp to which they want to send their child. Any in the country that is included in the register of camps of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. (information can be found here: – author’s note). They sign an agreement and pay the full (!) cost of the trip. The child has a rest shift, and when leaving the camp, he is given a tear-off voucher for the trip. If it is available, after the vacation, parents submit documents (including an agreement with the camp, receipts for payment for the trip) for compensation. And they are reimbursed for the amount spent.

Acceptance of documents for payment of compensation for the cost of vouchers purchased in 2018 is carried out only until December 15, 2018, noted the regional education committee.

How to help your child adapt to camp

“Let him go and make him feel like an adult.” The advice, of course, is correct, but - parents will understand us - it is so difficult to send a baby for three weeks (even if he is already 14, for you he is a baby, right?) It is not clear where and with whom.

Of course, you can’t stop worrying. But you can make sure that there are as few reasons for worry as possible. How to do this? We asked psychologist Vasily Korovin.

First, you need to choose the right camp. It’s good if these are “gatherings” of dance or sports groups - the child goes there with a coach, knows the children, he does not need to re-build relationships with everyone.

If you have to choose something yourself, pay attention to what the guys will do there. If you are left to your own devices all day, this is a bad option. It is necessary that there be a specific topic, and one that is close to your child. Sending an unathletic boy to a camp that emphasizes sports in the hopes that it will “strengthen his spirit” is a bad idea. Don’t forget that any “otherness” in a children’s group is a reason for ridicule. There is no need to give it on purpose.

The camp is also a test of independence. It probably goes without saying that a child who leaves his parents for several weeks should at least be able to take care of himself. Teach your child (of course, we are primarily talking about the youngest vacationers) to make their own bed, put away their things, observe hygiene rules, and so on. Discuss in advance the routine of camp life and the rules that will need to be followed there.