February 23 is the day of the bravest and bravest boys, men and grandfathers - the day of true defenders of the Fatherland. This bright holiday, shrouded in the haze of heroic stories and the shadow of great deeds, all children and adults rush to respect dads, husbands, friends, classmates, neighbors and even work colleagues best congratulations With beautiful wishes and spiritual advice. The closest and dear men buy nice ones symbolic gifts, friends and acquaintances are given cool congratulatory souvenirs, others are sent free postcards on February 23, 2018 with funny inscriptions and subtle thematic humor. Especially conservative “defenders” are given old Soviet pictures that perfectly convey the spirit of the times when the celebration was born.

Greeting cards with inscriptions for a boy on February 23

Guys school age can hardly be called defenders of the Fatherland. But in their own way, they are already brave: protectors of weak children, helpers to their mothers, rescuers of chicks and kittens, young strategists. So why not congratulate the boys with cute cards with characteristic inscriptions on the special day of February 23rd. Such a sign of attention will be a small thank you for their good deeds in the past and a huge incentive to become great defenders of their Motherland in the future. Download greeting cards with inscriptions for the boy on February 23 and send them to all your classmates, friends and neighborhood kids.

Collection of greeting cards with inscriptions for boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Beautiful cards for February 23 with congratulations to your husband

On the valiant Defender of the Fatherland Day, all young girls and adult women rush to congratulate their spouses with the most nice gifts and surprises. It’s a pity that not everyone has the opportunity to present their gift personally to the hero of the occasion. However, for couples living at a distance, there is a good way out of the situation - beautiful cards for February 23 with congratulations to the husband. Thematic pictures in electronic format, supplemented good wishes and eloquent parting words can be conveyed to your spouse in a few seconds, even hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. Beautiful greeting cards are a great way to congratulate your husband on February 23 and at the same time express your feelings and gratitude to your loved one for his strong shoulder.

A selection of beautiful cards for Defender of the Fatherland Day to congratulate your husband

Original postcards from February 23 with congratulations to men you know

Due to a lack of free time, many representatives of the fair sex begin to search for original greeting cards for male acquaintances no earlier than the eve of February 23rd. As a result, a quick look at two or three Internet sites leads to a disastrous result: we congratulate our dear friend, godfather and colleague with the most primitive picture with cliched phrase. It's time to change stereotypes. The next section contains the most original postcards Happy February 23rd with congratulations to the men you know, which you can download quickly and for free just now, without putting it off until later!

Options for original greeting cards for men on February 23

Greeting cards for dad on February 23: free download

In every girl’s life there are protectors: a cheerful neighbor at the kindergarten desk, a sympathetic classmate, a loving work colleague, a husband, and then a son. But the very first and most important protector of every girl is her father! It is this man who takes his little princess in his arms, feels sorry for her after an accidental fall, hugs and supports her in moments of great excitement and shares the joys of victories and achievements. This means that dad deserves the most beautiful and heartfelt greeting card for February 23, even if it’s downloaded for free, just from pure heart. Of course, you can attach a homemade souvenir or a purchased gift to the card, but even a small token of gratitude will be quite enough. Just download a free greeting card for dad on February 23 and send it to a well-known number early in the day.

A selection of postcards for free download for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Unusual cards from February 23 with humor

If among your friends there are many boys and men with an excellent sense of humor, we recommend downloading for free on our website several unusual postcards with humor for the holiday of February 23rd. Such pictures will help not only to successfully congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland on their professional day, but also to cheer them up in the morning. And it doesn’t matter at all what weather will set the tone for the new day of the heroes of the occasion (the gloomy February slush or the monotonous patter of rain), your unusual postcard from February 23, humor will quickly correct even the most pessimistic mood.

A collection of funny cards with humor for guys on February 23

Funny cards from February 23rd to a friend

On the primordially men's day - February 23 - do not forget to congratulate all your friends with cool cards: those who pay their debt to the army, those who have served for a long time, and even those who are not at all going to defend their Motherland. Over the past twenty to thirty years, the celebration has turned from a celebration of victory and the birth of the Red Army into an ordinary men's day, dedicated to all representatives of the strong half of humanity. This means that everyone can be congratulated, regardless of their involvement in the armed forces. Just download funny cards from February 23 to a friend and send it via SMS or social networks. He will probably be pleased to see your greeting.

Funny greeting cards for friends on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Vintage Soviet postcards for February 23, 2018 (Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Despite the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed back in 1991, images on many greeting cards On Defender of the Fatherland Day they still remind you of the old days. Why not use such electronic pictures to please the nostalgia of our fathers and grandfathers? Vintage Soviet postcards for February 23, 2018 (Defender of the Fatherland Day) depict the traditional attributes of the valor of the then heroes: stars and banners, flags and military equipment, Kremlin walls and victorious fireworks.

Gallery of old USSR postcards for February 23

Previously, children's and adult cards for February 23, 2018 for boys and men had to be searched for a long time, made independently, or purchased at an expensive price. Assortment beautiful cards with congratulations and inscriptions was quite small and the desired diversity was clearly not observed. Today you can download for free for your dad, husband or friend even the coolest Soviet or modern postcard with humor for Defender of the Fatherland Day, without making much effort. This significantly brightens the holiday for men and makes it easier for women to prepare for.

Voice congratulations on February 23 from Putin

Musical audio congratulations on February 23

Congratulations card on February 23

Comic congratulations on February 23rd postcards

Our dear men, our brave and courageous defenders! You are our support, hope and protection! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! Dear, beloved, family, thank you for your courage, responsibility and reliability. We appreciate everything you do for us and are very proud of you, because behind your wide backs we are not afraid of anything! We wish you, our brave, caring and beloved men, good health, good luck in everything, strength, patience and masculinity. Always be so strong and brave. We wish you and your families happiness, love, prosperity and, of course, peaceful skies above your heads!

Comic greeting cards for February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you imperial victories, deputy salaries, heroic strength, heroic courage, angelic patience, unearthly love and true happiness!

Photo postcards congratulations on February 23

Happy holiday! On this purely masculine day, I would like to wish you that your heart works like a clock, that is, without interruption. So that your head does not hurt from problems, and there is no end to brilliant ideas. So that the liver does not protest from drinking. And so that your soul always feels good and calm. Be healthy, as this is the main guarantee of a high-quality and long life.

Download a postcard from February 23 with congratulations

Today is a holiday of courage, reliability and strength! Congratulations to everyone on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish that peace and tranquility always reign on our planet. And I would also like to wish you, my dears, good health, more vital energy and only positive things. Let's live together, happily and cheerfully.

Print postcards for February 23 with congratulations

Congratulations on the most patriotic day - Defender of the Fatherland Day! First of all, I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, and also heroic courage, excellent health and boundless wisdom. Let life be full of great and small deeds!

Congratulations on Army Day February 23 postcards

Congratulations! On this day of courage and heroism, I would like to wish you good health, because a man must be strong. We wish you great patience, because consistency always decorates. We wish material well-being, because this is necessary to build your happiness. Well, the most important wish is a world without tears, without war. Strong family and lots and lots of all-consuming love!

Congratulations on February 23, funny cards

Congratulating you on the Day of True Men, we wish that nothing disturbs the peace and tranquility of your families, may they always welcome and love you. Achieve goals, dream, travel, discover new things, get carried away, be interested, let your life be an example for others and a reason for pride for your children.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to never stop there, constantly strive for excellence, always know what you need from life and how to achieve it, surround yourself loving people and true friends, act according to your conscience and keep your word of honor.

Congratulations on February 23, postcards with poems

Our dear men! Our wall, our defense and our stronghold! Congratulations on your day. We wish that your courage, determination, dignity and honor become something that you want to imitate and admire. We know that you can protect from everything in the world, but I wish that you didn’t have to protect from anything. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on February 23 postcards free download

Dear defenders, happy holiday! We wish you peaceful skies above your head so that you don’t have to defend your country. I wish you good health, a heroic mile and an eagle mind.

Congratulations on February 23, funny postcards download

On the day of February 23, I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of courage and bravery - on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to maintain your fighting spirit, excellent mood and good health. May you always be able to remain a reliable and faithful defender of the Motherland, family, loved ones and dear people!

Congratulations on February 23, funny cards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and with all my heart I would like to wish you never to veer off the right road, to constantly replenish your arsenal of health with strong strength and optimism, to always believe in yourself, to find support in loved ones and friends, to stand boldly and confidently against any wind in life.

Congratulations on February 23rd cards and gifs

Happy Defender's Day! May your fortitude and health be heroic. We wish that in life there will always be a place for heroic deeds, that you will always be surrounded by reliable, trusted friends. May everything always work out and your wishes come true.

Congratulations on February 23rd cards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to sincerely wish you true courage and good health, courage of the soul and courage of the heart, noble deeds and great goals, excellent luck and brilliant prospects in life.

Congratulations on February 23, free musical cards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave deeds and noble deeds, strong strength and excellent health, great goals and grandiose successes, bright hope and sincere love.

Congratulations on February 23rd to men photo postcards

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you health, success, love and always a peaceful sky above your head, so that nothing disturbs your measured, prosperous and happy life, which I also wish for you.

Free greeting cards for men on February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish you respect in any circle of people, understanding of loved ones and support of comrades. May life exclude accidents, may fate ensure success in business, may your strength never dry out, may your heart always remain brave, loving and kind.

Congratulations on February 23, funny cards for women

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you agility and strength, courage and daring, confidence and invulnerability. I wish to be a general in life, and in relation to my destiny, a gallant commander. Success and good luck on all fronts.

Congratulations on February 23 video cards

On this holiday, we wish to preserve the qualities of real men: the ability to protect, give a sense of confidence and security. May your life prosper, be healthy and full of strength.

Congratulations on February 23rd for dads postcards

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you to be the defenders of your destiny, the guardian of your life, a support for your loved ones and confidence in the future. Peaceful sky and bright sun overhead. Goodness, love, beauty, health, strength, perseverance, good spirits.

Congratulations on February 23 official postcards

Dear men! We wish that the state never needs protection. And you never told how this is done. Let your heroic life consist only of gallant deeds and the conquest of women's souls. And so that instead of weapons you would carry beautiful ladies in your arms.

Congratulations on February 23 postcards with humor

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to always stay afloat and never retreat from your goal. May any difficulties be easily overcome, may you achieve a brilliant victory every time. Be brave, confident and invulnerable.

Congratulations on February 23 free postcards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and on this holiday of strength and courage I wish to courageously bear the title of gallant defender of the Motherland and loved ones, my principles and values. I wish your health to be strong, your loved one to be faithful, your luck to be constant, your courage to be unquenchable, and your happiness to be endless.

Congratulations on February 23rd animation postcards

Congratulations on February 23 - the holiday of courage and bravery. I wish you strength and courage, so that luck and fortune will always be with you. May your life be happy, and the sky above your head cloudless and clear.

Congratulations on February 23rd card with text

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish a real man perseverance, energy, efficiency and determination! May the power of will and spirit always help you achieve what you want. Always be brave defenders, support and a reliable family man. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on February 23 postcard picture

I solemnly congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you true masculine endurance stronger sex, patience and perseverance beautiful women. Be healthy, always in peace and safety, determined, cheerful and heroically strong. Let there be order, harmony, unity of souls and love in everyday life and personal life!

Beautiful greeting cards for men on February 23

Today these congratulations are for you, dear defenders! Thank you for your courage, bravery and bravery. Because we sleep peacefully while you guard our home. Because you are our insurmountable stone wall. God bless you! And gives more strength, health and confidence. May your home love you, be proud of you, and wait for you safe and sound. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues video card

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you strength, courage, courage, patience, peaceful skies above your head and solid ground under your feet! Thank you for your patriotism, for our safety, for the peaceful sleep of our children, you are our protection and support!

Congratulations on February 23rd for children on a postcard

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to be a destroyer of problems and a conqueror of success. May you always have enough health and strength to achieve any goal, may every day give your loved ones a reason to be proud of you. Be confident and good looking.

Congratulations on February 23rd on a postcard

Dear defenders! Today is a holiday for every true man. Let me congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are our wall, protecting us from all misfortunes and troubles. I wish you to remain as brave, proud and strong. Be the kind of people that your parents and Motherland will be proud of! Happy holiday!

Congratulations to the boy on February 23rd card

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish to be a man of my word, brave deeds, noble deeds, sincere respect, true honor, a generous soul and a brave heart. I also wish you to be strong and healthy, absolutely confident in yourself and your success!

Congratulations to boys on February 23rd card

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to be a modern knight, a hero for loved ones, a brave commander by nature and a brave soldier at heart. Don’t lose your strength and confidence, strive for success and boldly conquer the expanses of glory.

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23 postcards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I wish you to always be strong, strong, brave and invincible. May it be easy and simple for you to remain a real man in any situation, may it not be difficult for you to achieve great successes and enchanting victories.

Congratulations on February 23rd card with words

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave goals and great victories, confident strength and good health, courage of heart and nobility of soul, true luck and mutual love.

Greeting cards for February 23 with congratulations

Congratulations to our beloved men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. With all our hearts we wish them health, warmth, joy, peaceful skies above their heads, love and happiness. You are our strength, support, protection. May your life be bright and bright, full of pleasant meetings, events and surprises.

Happy February 23rd holiday greeting cards

Dear men! You are an attentive, reasonable and protective half of humanity! It is thanks to you that women know what sound sleep and a calm heart are. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Happy February 23rd greeting cards

Congratulations on Defender's Day! I wish you a clear sky and a bright world of peace and equality. May you be surrounded by simple human happiness, reliable friendship, faithful loving family and open possibilities. Good luck in your business, promotion, useful ideas and eternal positivity.

Postcards from February 23rd to boyfriend with congratulations

I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you brave beginnings and victorious results, good health and confident strength, undoubted courage and great courage, male determination and nobility of soul, bright love and good happiness.

Postcards from February 23rd for men with congratulations

Favorite defenders, from February 23. I wish you, no matter what, remain a man with a capital “M”. Family happiness, prosperity and prosperity to your families.

Postcards from February 23rd to your husband with congratulations

Today is a gallant holiday of real heroes, and with all my heart I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you inexhaustible strength to achieve true and good goals, iron endurance, steel health and strong nerves. May every opponent and enemy always be defeated, may you always remain in an optimistic and cheerful mood!

Postcards from February 23 without congratulations

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart strong strength and nerves of steel, good luck and great victories, good deeds and nobility of soul, unquenchable happiness and mutual love.

Coloring cards for congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day. May your strength not sleep, may your heart be full of courage and love, may your life be full of opportunities and success. I wish you to be healthy, strong, brave, a real hero and an undoubted winner.

Postcards of congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues

Dear men! Congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day! You are our pride, our support. You provide support and come to the rescue difficult moment. We love, appreciate and respect you. We will try to decorate your life, make it brighter and lighter. We wish you optimism, vigor, good mood. Good luck and success to you.

Happy February 23rd! Only life experience, good health, sincere intentions, bright thoughts in the head, and in the soul - kindness and a reliable person. Be a loyal and responsible person, an interesting person and a true friend. Victories, successful results in all achievements, prosperity, home comfort, promising meetings and friendly people nearby.

Postcard congratulations on February 23 in verse

Today is the holiday of those who make our lives reliable and calm. We congratulate our dear defenders, we wish you to show all due courage, strength and endurance at the right time. And may the sky above you be peaceful, bright and clear as often as possible. Happy February 23rd!

February 23 beautiful greeting cards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I would like to wish you to courageously and confidently continue your life path on this holiday, eliminating any obstacles on the way to your goal. May every day be filled with rays of good mood and personal happiness, may life be famous for good deeds and noble deeds.

February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day postcards congratulations

Congratulations strong half humanity with a wonderful February holiday designed to honor real men! We wish you to be a reliable support to your family and friends, to enjoy life in all its manifestations, to demonstrate will, endurance and the desire to win in difficult situations. Be healthy, loved and successful!

Video cards for February 23rd for a man

» publish greeting cards dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Last time we showed you, and today we will show you old soviet postcards, which were in use in the last century. And the selection opens with a red and white picture “February 23” with the image of a courageous sailor in a “Navy” cap against the background of the USSR flag.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics occupied 1/6 of the landmass on the globe and possessed, without a doubt, one of the strongest, most numerous and combat-ready armies in the world. The best weapons and equipment were supplied to such an army. And naturally, such an army could not do without its own professional holiday, which was called “Day of the Red Army and Navy.”
After the victory in the Great Patriotic War(WWII), the holiday was renamed “Day of the Soviet Army and Navy" And only after the collapse of the USSR it received its current name - Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Description of pictures:
1. The collection opens with a postcard, on which all the power is depicted against the background of a large pointed red star Soviet army- tanks, artillery, aviation, navy.
“Happy holiday!
February 23
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!!!”
2. The second postcard is a collage depicting
postcard “Glory to the Soviet Army!”, certificate for the badge “Warrior-Sportsman”, certificate for the anniversary medal “For Military Valor”, military ID of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Congratulation text:
“Happy holiday to you! I wish you good health!”
3. Postcard “Glory to the Armed Forces of the USSR!” The flags of the USSR, aviation, navy, and the emblem of a star with a hammer and sickle are depicted.
4. Composition from the coat of arms of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, consisting of the Sun, the globe, ears of bread, and a cockade from the headdress of a Soviet army soldier.
"Glory to the Soviet Armed Forces!"
5. Red and white carnations, St. George's ribbon against the background of a tricolor flag.
Greeting card text:
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!”
6. The last picture shows a serviceman in the uniform of a Soviet soldier with a machine gun in his hands. Green uniform, shoulder straps, buttonholes and cap band - red, matching the Soviet banner. Text:
You are stronger and stronger
year after year
army of the Soviet people!