They helped us:

Vyacheslav Goncharenko
Psychotherapist, hypnotherapist

Daria Suchilina
Psychologist, psychotherapist

Since we have immediately set a serious tone, we will do without introductory passages, leave the gypsy confusion alone, and talk about myths and witchcraft along the way. "IN general view hypnosis is a set of practical skills, knowledge and abilities that help the emergence of trance in another person and/or in oneself, and the use of this state to initiate the changes that the patient needs,” says our expert Vyacheslav Goncharenko. And then, of course, he deciphers his words.

Myths about hypnosis

First, there is a common myth that the ability to hypnotize is some kind of gift. In fact, this can be learned. The second point - also from the category of superstitions - concerns trance, an allegedly mystical, special state of mind that is caused by a hypnotist. But nothing like that. Trance is a natural, physiologically necessary state for each of us.. You will be surprised, but we are in it many times a day. You drive in the morning or on the subway, watch a movie, read a book, listen to music, dream, work on the computer, after all. What is common in all situations is this: you have some object to fix your attention and you are immersed in yourself - in your thoughts, images, sensations, experiences. At such moments, you are to varying degrees removed from the outside world, but still maintain contact with it. This trance is called everyday or natural.

“In Ericksonian hypnotherapy (the essence of which is discussed below. - WH note), a person, of course, abstracts to a greater extent and immerses himself in his internal processes. Both on the mental and physical level it triggers the desired internal changes. Sometimes this happens spontaneously, in a natural trance, but more often in collaboration with a therapist,” says Vyacheslav.

You may ask, what happens at the physiological level at such moments? The million-dollar question - since this is still a mystery. The topic, of course, is being actively studied, but there is no single, generally accepted theory, although there are many concepts. For example, physiologist Pavlov believed that hypnosis is partial sleep, in which almost all parts of the brain are dormant, but the “watchman” remains in the cerebral cortex, and the hypnotist is in contact with him. But there are other explanations.

“For example, there is an opinion that in trance the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain decreases, and the right hemisphere increases (the first, let us remember, is responsible for logic, and the second for creativity. - Note WH). And this is also a myth,” says Vyacheslav Goncharenko. – Let’s just say that during hypnosis, the work of the centers and systems of the brain is exactly different from the “normal” state. But the nature of these changes depends on many factors, including the goals of the sessions. For example, hypnosis works well with acute and chronic pain. And today there are many studies on how a person’s subjective perception of it changes in a trance. This is because the systems in the brain that are responsible for pain begin to function differently.”

Hypnosis methods

Among specialists (especially young ones), the so-called Ericksonian hypnosis has recently been gaining popularity. Its founder, Doctor of Medicine, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, American Milton Erickson (born in 1901, died in 1980) made a huge contribution to the development of the subject of our conversation. Actually, roughly speaking, hypnosis is now usually divided into Ericksonian (EG) and classical. The latter is most often understood as directive (DG).

What is the main difference between EG and DG? “In my opinion, in the message that is explicitly and implicitly transmitted by the “hypnotist” to another person,” says Vyacheslav Goncharenko. – In the directive approach, this is “I have power over you.” And from it follows the corresponding form of communication: authoritarianism, the idea of ​​submission, suggestion. The message conveyed in Ericksonian hypnosis is “I will help you gain power over yourself.” From which follow equal, respectful “working” relationships, the indirect nature of suggestion, permissiveness, that is, the client’s right to naturalness and spontaneity: to communicate the way he communicates, enter into a trance the way he enters, behave in it the way he does leads, and leaves as it comes out. Accordingly, here we have a high percentage of hypnotizability - almost 100%, because trance is natural, and the changes are chosen by the patient himself (his unconscious).”

How does everything look from the outside? Alas, not very scenic. It's like two people communicating intelligent people, one of whom (the therapist) tells a long interesting story, sometimes pausing. The second listens to him, immersed in his thoughts, often with eyes closed, but not required. Mostly he is silent, but sometimes he also says something - if he wants or the interlocutor asks. Sometimes he draws, also while deep in thought. And at the end of the session he “emerges” from there. As a rule, no one waves a pendulum in front of a patient. Although the therapist, at the request of the client, can use these “props”, and also dim the lights, turn on the music, if this makes trance easier for the person.

The truth about hypnosis treatment

The Internet often suggests treating addictions, phobias, stress, neuroses, allergies, depression, psychosomatic diseases (those caused by suppressed emotional experiences) with hypnosis. And supposedly with the help of suggestions you can lose weight. Vyacheslav Goncharenko, in principle, confirms that yes, hypnotherapy can indeed be used in the listed cases, but – a nuance! – most often it is used as an adjuvant.

Hence the logical conclusion: hypnosis is not a panacea. And not a medicine, but a tool, such as a scalpel. What can be cured with a scalpel? " Hypnosis works well in conjunction with traditional medical methods. It is able to enhance the effect of individual components of drugs, reduce/remove side effects, cope with pain and psychological suffering that often accompany the healing process, says our expert. – Recently, the connection between hypnosis and the activity of the central nervous system and neurogenesis has been actively studied, which also serves as an aid during the recovery period after strokes and injuries. In medicine, treatment is always a complex and multifaceted process. And you need to start from a specific task.”

But, you must admit, it is very difficult to stop asking an expert about those very persistent myths. “With the help of hypnosis, you can allegedly master various superpowers like “sleep 4 hours a day, maintaining complete clarity of consciousness,” “enter a state of heightened perception,” “stop internal dialogue”; and in general, there are various desires associated with violence either against oneself or against others,” Vyacheslav reluctantly gives up. – What’s the result? We sit with the client, figure out why he needs to “sleep little and work a lot,” “accelerate his brain,” and so on. We are talking about so-called façade queries. There is what a person wants and what he actually wants, and often there is an abyss between these two points. The outcome of the work depends on whether it can be overcome.”

We are sure that many people are also interested in the dream now. We answer: no trance can replace it. Hypnotherapy helps a little and temporarily compensate for the lack of night rest, if the situation requires it. But then you still need to get enough sleep, the body will take its toll.

Choosing a specialist

The main fear associated with hypnosis is that you will lose control over the situation, you will be zombified, and then some malicious installation will be introduced. The main argument of skeptics: “You won’t inspire anything in me, a person with intelligence.” All this concerns primarily the directive approach. The fact is that people can be more suggestible and less (which, by the way, does not depend on the level of intelligence). There are professional specialists, and there are charlatans. Direct instructions or orders used in the DH work on a small percentage of clients; the rest, as a rule, do not accept them (the percentage of hypnotizability is low). And the person leaves disappointed in therapy or, even worse, in himself: “Even hypnosis didn’t help me!”

“I can’t say that DG doesn’t work, is harmful or ineffective. It also has its own areas of application. For example, it works well with various types of dependencies,” says Vyacheslav Goncharenko. – In addition, at a certain stage of Ericksonian therapy, the use of directive suggestions can also have an effect. Everything, of course, depends on the level of training of the specialist.” And the security of sessions, by the way, too. “As someone once said, in a therapy room at least one person needs to understand where two people are going. And it’s better if it’s a psychotherapist,” our expert continues. - That's why, If the need arises, you should first contact a doctor or qualified psychotherapist, who owns EG. This is one way to protect yourself."

The authoritative places among those where the Ericksonian method is taught are the Foundation named after. Milton Erickson, from Russia - Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology, Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy. Plus, if you are in search of this kind of specialist, pay attention to the block “How to distinguish a professional.” And also keep in mind that you and he will have to work in the same team. At the first meeting you feel any kind of discomfort - go to someone else: well, he’s not your person, it happens.

How to spot a professional

Below we have listed the important qualities of an Ericksonian hypnotherapist. Use it!

  • Ethicality. This person is first and foremost a doctor or psychotherapist, which means he is obliged to comply with the norms of his profession and medical ethics.
  • Attentiveness, sensitivity– the ability to notice the slightest, borderline, changes in the client during a session.
  • Flexibility– ability to find common language with any patient and use his behavior or messages for therapeutic purposes.
  • Faith in client resources and the ability to identify them during a conversation.
  • Ingenuity. Sometimes a specialist, on the fly, has to come up with any (often unique) technique or technique for a specific client at a certain point in time, using points 2–4.
  • Abstract thinking: skill in constructing and telling therapeutic metaphors, stories with hidden meaning at the patient's request.
  • Ability to work effectively in trance. Yes, the therapist is in it too. One part of him remains in this state, and the second must perform official duties: select words, build metaphors, think through strategies, design techniques.

What is self-hypnosis?

This is hypnosis in relation to oneself. The same rules apply to him as when working with a hypnotherapist. A specialist can teach his clients the necessary skills so that patients can practice independently if necessary.

“There are many self-hypnosis techniques,” says Daria Suchilina. – Some of them are carried out in a waking state, when a person repeats simple formulas to suppress painful thoughts and sensations and replace them with beneficial ones. Another option is to learn to consciously achieve relaxation, notice unpleasant sensations and, along with them, let go of anxiety, emotional and physical pain. Aerobatics – auto-training combined with biofeedback. The person is connected to sensors and devices, such as a cardiograph, encephalograph or oximeter, and changes in readings are monitored in accordance with different experiences. And he learns to notice the smallest sensations in the body and compare them with instrument readings. After six months to a year, you can consciously regulate blood pressure, heart rate, and smooth muscle contractions.”

Hypnosis treatment or hypnotherapy is one of the methods of influencing a person’s unconscious by immersing him in a trance. Hypnosis successfully treats addictions, nervous diseases and psychological disorders, including it is used to heal a patient from depression.

Hypnosis is not a new phenomenon. It was used back in ancient times. The ancient Greeks were the first to use hypnotherapy. The priests, by putting a person into a trance, healed him from various diseases.

Also, methods of hypnosis were described in works on ancient Chinese medicine. And hypnosis came to Europe at the end of the 18th century and was of great interest to psychotherapists and scientists.

Now everyone knows that a person can be put into a trance and cured in this way. And it can be argued that treatment with hypnotherapy is effective and really works.

How does hypnosis work?

Why is hypnotherapy so effective and should it be chosen for treating depression with hypnosis?

The fact is that many processes occur not in a person’s consciousness, but in his unconscious. Therefore, he turns out to be unable to control them: this is how addictions, negative attitudes, and depression arise. And hypnosis helps to “pull out” everything unnecessary and negative from the subconscious, making a person healthy.

For hypnosis to be effective, the patient must be placed in a deep trance. Typically used for this:

  • Special relaxing and soothing music. An audio track with the desired volume, tempo and rhythm is selected.
  • Incense. They are rarely used, but can also be effective. Some essential oils and aromas can lull the mind and plunge a person into a deep trance.
  • Pendulum or other similar object. The monotonous movements of the pendulum, if you continuously observe them, calm, relax and help bring a person into hypnotic state.
  • Sight. Not everyone can put someone into a trance with their gaze; this requires a natural gift to influence people with the power of their gaze. This skill can be trained special exercises, but not everyone succeeds.

Hypnosis works best when you use all of the above together. Coupled with the professional skills of a hypnotherapist, this helps to plunge the patient into a deep trance, “pull out” the necessary information from it and put into the subconscious the program necessary for healing.

Who can't be trusted? About choosing a hypnotherapist

If you decide to treat depression with hypnosis, it is important to choose a reputable specialist who can really help. Unfortunately, there are many scammers on the market for such services. Therefore, adhere to the following recommendations so as not to make a mistake in your choice:

  1. Avoid scammers and self-proclaimed hypnotists. Do not hesitate to demand a certificate of training in hypnotherapy, ask to see a diploma of a psychotherapist, read the reviews.
  2. The best selection method is word of mouth. If you manage to get good review If you know someone you trust and who has already used similar services, ask for the contact information of his hypnotherapist.
  3. Don't go to mass hypnosis sessions. People who are able to influence consciousness immediately large number people are very rare, they are born once every century, if not less often. Therefore, all others who claim that they are capable of mass healing are most likely charlatans.
  4. A competent hypnotherapist will definitely conduct a consultation with you before sessions.. He will try to study the root of the problem and tell you about the treatment method. If a specialist, without knowing anything about the patient’s medical history, promises a miraculous healing, he cannot be trusted.
  5. Do not trust anyone who promises to cure depression or eliminate any other problem in one hypnosis session. This is impossible - treatment takes time. A minimum of five sessions lasting at least twenty minutes will be required. In advanced cases, up to 50 sessions lasting at least an hour are required.

You must trust the hypnotherapist and be completely confident in him - otherwise the effectiveness of the treatment is in great doubt.

Watch a video about treating depression with hypnosis:

Self-hypnosis: will it help?

Of course, contacting a professional hypnotherapist is best option. But what to do if this is not possible? You can try self-hypnosis techniques.

It is unlikely that you will be able to plunge into a deep trance on your own - and it is dangerous, because you need to be able to get out of this trance. But you can try to relax your mind in other ways.

For example:

  • Meditations. They are available to everyone. With regular training, you can easily master the simplest meditations and use them to relax your mind and enter a peaceful state. One of the best is Osho's dynamic meditation. Usually done in groups, but can also be done alone.
  • Autotraining. This is self-hypnosis of the thought that “everything will be fine.” It is necessary to repeat encouraging words in front of the mirror every day and compliment yourself. You need to look directly into the eyes, intently and for a long time.
  • Written Affirmations. You need to write down what you want to achieve every night before going to bed. But write as if it has already come true. That is, not “I want to be cured,” but “I am healthy,” not “I want to quit smoking,” but “I am free from addictions.” Write until the words are imprinted on your subconscious, and then go to bed.

These methods may not help to completely cope with the problem, but they will definitely bring relief and put you in the right frame of mind. And if you can’t find a competent hypnotherapist, at least look for a good psychologist.

Many people hypnosis treatment associated with something supernatural, mystical; hypnotherapy seems to them like immersion in a deep hypnotic sleep, in which a person can be hypnotized to fulfill the wishes of the hypnotist, or to find out all his secrets from him, while he himself hypnosis supposedly can make people obedient and controlled by “zombies”; some people think that the hypnotist, by making some passes, can make them fly (levitation) or immobilize them (catalepsy).

What exactly is modern? hypnosis in the practice of psychotherapy, how it can help hypnotherapy, and how it happens hypnosis treatment, and of course, for what psychological problems does all this help, as well as the harmful effects of hypnotic influence, we will consider in this article.

Modern hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnosis treatment in psychotherapy, including online

Without using suggestion, modern hypnosis will help you reach a level of detachment from reality (hypnotic trance), which is familiar to almost all people (for example, driving a car, and at the same time thinking about something else, and then not remembering how you got to a place, or listening to interlocutor, and at this time withdraw into yourself).

This detachment allows a person to change some deep-seated beliefs, using his internal resources and at the same time learning, acquired limitations that have accumulated over a lifetime can be eliminated.

Milton Erickson argued that hypnotic trance was itself therapeutic.

Hypnotherapy is associated with the difference in the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain, one of which (usually the left) is responsible for words and speech, logic (consciousness), and the second (usually the right) is in charge of images (the unconscious), and when, when therapeutic hypnosis, the person enters a trance (pulls away), the left hemisphere with its logic and criticality weakens somewhat, and the hypnotherapist helps the client work with the unconscious, where, in fact, our problems live.

How hypnosis helps, what problems hypnotherapy is suitable for, and what can be treated with hypnosis

Hypnosis helps solve problems of self-esteem, self-affirmation, exam preparation;

relieve personal and professional stress, family tension, marital problems, functional sexual disorders (frigidity, impotence), attacks of fear of the public;

Hypnotherapy is suitable for anxiety, insomnia, spasmophilia, phobias, fears, obsessions;

it helps with depressive, emotional disorders and related disorders;

hypnosis relieves post-traumatic stress syndrome;

Treatment with hypnosis in pulmonology and otolaryngology: asthma, allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis, acuphens, loss of taste and smell;

gastroenterology: ulcers, colitis, chronic gastritis;

cardiology: vascular disorders, some heart rhythm disorders;

neurology: some headaches, including migraines, tics, facial paralysis;

gynecology: difficult pregnancy, nausea and vomiting, childbirth, some types of infertility, bleeding, urinary disorders;

dermatology: allergies, psoriasis, urticaria, hyperhidrosis, improvement of scarring of burns;

Psychotherapy together with hypnotherapy helps with addictions: tobacco, alcohol, overeating, Internet, games, drugs;

eating disorders: bulimia, from overweight;

Hypnosis relieves acute or chronic pain, provides analgesia, anesthesia;

Hypnotic assistance to cancer patients: pain, psychological support, reduction of secondary effects of treatment, prolongation and improvement of quality of life;

providing assistance to AIDS patients, prolonging and improving the quality of life, psychological support;

Children are treated with hypnosis: enuresis, problems with learning, self-affirmation, problems in family relationships.

This is not a complete list of problems that can be treated with hypnosis or hypnotherapy.

How does hypnosis treatment, hypnotherapy and modern hypnosis work?

During the session modern hypnosis the client is in a sitting position, which initially removes him from sleep, because During hypnotherapy, interaction between the hypnologist and the client occurs, i.e. a person who comes for treatment using hypnosis is awake and takes an active position, which excludes any manipulation or suggestion from the hypnotherapist.

In hypnotherapy, mainly words are used, the client can be either in a deep trance or in a superficial one, which does not interfere with the healing process, you can also close your eyes, or you can keep them open.

At the initial stage of hypnotic treatment, a conversation takes place to collect data and the principles of hypnotic influence and problem solving using hypnosis are explained.

If you trust your hypnotherapist, you will likely be able to resolve many of your psychological and emotional, and in some cases physical, problems.

However, you should beware, as elsewhere, of scammer hypnotists who have nothing to do with hypnotic treatment and helping people, but who know how to use trance for their own benefit.

Is there a harmful effect of hypnosis on the psyche, contraindications to hypnotherapy, and who does not benefit from hypnosis treatment?

Contraindications to hypnotherapy are usually psychosis. But even in these cases, psychotherapists working with pathologies of this kind use some technical aspects of hypnosis treatment.

In fact, the only real contraindication to hypnosis is going beyond the usual psychotherapeutic boundaries.
Modern hypnotherapy cannot be dangerous - provided that it is carried out by a real hypnotherapist and the hypnosis is preceded by well-collected information about the client.

Hypnosis does not help only those who do not have own desire heal and change.

Is it possible to use hypnosis online and what can be cured with hypnosis, online hypnotherapy

It is, of course, impossible to cure with pure hypnosis via the Internet, online, because... Direct contact with a hypnotherapist is necessary, however, for many of the psychophysiological problems listed above, online psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with some elements of therapeutic hypnosis is possible.

In other words, hypnotherapy intervention, hypnosis treatment, one way or another can manifest itself in psychotherapy or online consultation, both through

For those people who are not familiar with medicine and are far from the methods that are used in it, psychiatry seems scary and not entirely understandable. There is such a judgment that if a person is admitted to a psychiatric clinic, then he is mentally ill, and he has no hope of recovery, since this disease cannot be treated. Hypnosis treatment of mental illness will help you completely forget about the illness.

Hypnosis: what is it?

Psychiatry in our time is gradually becoming aligned with ordinary medical science, losing the specificity of discipline, and acquires a more organized system. Psychiatrists from all countries are trying to combine their knowledge in order to apply the technique as effectively as possible in the treatment of various mental disorders.

Are improving the most modern methods in the field of treatment of psychological diseases. To do this, the main features in the functioning of the brain in patients who are treated by psychiatrists are identified and compared with the functioning of the brain healthy people. New methods for diagnosing and treating mental illnesses are being developed and improved. For a long time known method Hypnosis treatment has now been greatly improved and is successfully used in the treatment of mental illness.

Attention! Hypnosis has been used to treat mental illnesses since ancient times. IN ancient Egypt Using hypnosis, priests successfully treated many diseases. Well, the very concept of the word “hypnosis” appeared in the 19th century.

Long time traditional medicine did not take seriously the methods of treating mental illness with hypnosis. The patients did not have the opportunity to experience the beneficial course of physical influence and a favorable result. A this method treatment of mental illness was considered simply an accident.

Following research into the treatment of hysteria using the method of hypnosis, this method was approved and began to be used in medicine at the end of the 19th century. It has become widely used in the treatment of depressive disorders, panic attacks, and mental illnesses. Also, with the help of hypnosis, they began to treat people addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Treatment of mental illness with hypnosis

There is such a concept in psychiatry as “clinical hypnosis.” This is a kind of individual conversation that takes place between the doctor and the patient. There are two differences in hypnosis for treating mental illness. The first is the “classical” method. The second is “Ericksonian” hypnosis, which was named after its creator. He was a psychiatrist. His name is Milton Erickson. The peculiarity of this method is to study and analyze memories from certain episodes of his life when working with a patient. You need to tell him stories from his life, present your version with which he will agree. This can help as much as possible in the treatment of mental illness.

There is an opinion that hypnosis in psychiatry has therapeutic and healing properties. This appears to be because illness increases tension in muscle tone, and hypnosis leads to relaxation of the muscles throughout the body, which has a beneficial effect on the person. Therefore, the method has been successfully used to treat mental illnesses.

Important! The foundations of many mental illnesses are hidden in the depths of the subconscious.

With the help of hypnosis, the patient can distract himself from the present reality, thus plunging into the depths of his subconscious. That is why the effectiveness of this method is noted, because a person can remember a certain incident in his life, which provoked the development of his illness. Thanks to this, it is possible to correct the consequences that brought him to this state. For this purpose, mental illness is treated with hypnosis.

But still, despite the great advantages of this method, there are also contraindications to its use for the treatment of mental illnesses. If a person has acute somatic diseases, then the hypnosis method cannot be used.

Method of using hypnosis in psychiatry

A specially developed method that provides for the treatment of mental illness using hypnosis. This method is quite widely used and successfully used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases that are associated with mental disorders. In addition, it is used in the treatment of physical problems of the body, for example, when there are problems with the spine.

Impact on humans

What diseases does hypnosis treat? Hypnosis in psychotherapy and its successful treatment of mental illness consists of placing a person temporarily in a state between sleep and wakefulness. Then his thinking is inhibited, but the person is able to perceive everything that is said to him. Thus, the hypnologist can have some influence on a person, instilling in him this or that thought, which the patient subsequently perceives as his own. This method is effective because with its help, the dormant internal forces that are inherent in it by nature awaken in the human body. And the body itself begins to develop those functions that it needs to recover from mental illness.

In order to put a person into a trance, hypnologists mainly use the chattering method, a pendulum, etc.

What are the signs that a person is in a trance when treating mental illness with hypnosis:

  • A person’s gaze is fixed on a specific object or directed at one point;
  • The swallowing reflex is slow;
  • Slow eye blinking;
  • The person's pupils are dilated;
  • Complete relaxation of muscles, including facial ones;
  • His movements are slow;
  • His pulse is reduced, his heart beats at a slow pace;
  • Breathing becomes slow, as during sleep.

A state of sleep or deep trance is more effective method than simple hypnosis in the treatment of mental illness. The patient then experiences speedy recovery during treatment of mental illness. But not every person can enter such a state of trance.

Attention! With the help of hypnosis, you can achieve the elimination of various experiences, psychological trauma, and all sorts of negative manifestations, which are often the basis for the manifestation of enuresis. Hypnosis will help suppress fears and anxieties and overcome addiction.

The big advantage of using hypnotic assistance is that the patient does not need to put in absolutely any effort to achieve effective results.

Using hypnosis to treat enuresis in children

The method of hypnotic influence on the problem of enuresis is based on the fact that most often the emission of urine occurs involuntarily at night, when the child is sleeping. Therefore, it is better to correct this problem when the child is in a state of sleep with the help of hypnosis, which helps to change his understanding and perception. This method is not new and has already been used for decades.

Before starting treatment of mental illness with this method, the child is explained how his genitourinary system works. It is checked how much the child understood and perceived the story being presented. Next, the child’s spoken vocabulary will be used to formulate thoughts that will be instilled in him during the session. Thus, this helps to maximally adapt to his perception, and this will strengthen the process of suggestion and treatment of mental illness.

The child, in the presence of his parents, will become familiar with the work that the hypnologist will do with him. The story will be told to him at the level of his perception. This is done so that the child does not resist hypnosis, which will allow it to be as effective as possible. For children under 8 years of age, this is explained as a normal nap during the day. The child will fall asleep and wake up, but this dream will be with one difference, it will be a therapeutic dream.

Important! The main task in treating mental illnesses of a small patient with hypnosis for enuresis is to instill the idea that when the child has the urge to urinate while the child is sleeping, he should wake up. Even if these are cases of urinary incontinence during the day, then, also with the help of hypnosis, the baby will be able to control the functions of his body and bladder.

About two hours before the start of the session, the small patient must drink a liquid, which will cause the urge to urinate during the session.

A hypnosis session will consist of the following stages:

  1. The child will fall into a hypnosis-induced sleep;
  2. Slowly transitions from hypnotic sleep to natural sleep;
  3. He will be given the idea, based on his perception, that when he begins to feel the urge to urinate, he needs to wake up.

This sequence will make his sleep more stable, and a subsequent reaction to awakening with the urge to urinate will be formed.

Difficulty in application

Like any method in psychotherapy, it is like moving by touch. Since even the most experienced psychologist with extensive experience in using this method of treating mental illness, I must take into account that each patient requires an individual approach. Since the reasons are different for everyone and the method may vary slightly depending on each case. There are also various difficulties in the use of hypnosis and the treatment of mental illness using its method. This method can really help one person, but another simply does not believe it and therefore will not accept this method as therapeutic.

Hypnosis treatment of mental illness is carried out by a professional who has knowledge in areas such as psychotherapy, psychiatry, and medical psychology. The specialist must have skills in hypnotization. A specialist skilled in hypnosis must understand the peculiarities of the occurrence of such a condition in a patient and study him as an individual.

Attention! Hypnosis treatment of mental illness cannot be used for people with acute form disease or if the disease is in the acute stage.