Disadvantages happen in the life of any person. Someone externally is calmly experiencing death and for someone a real catastrophe becomes a reprimand at work or a failed exam at the institute. In crisis moments calm and help believe themselves the participation of others. What words of support in a difficult moment can we talk? Do you have to sympathize with everyone?

When can I climb in other people's affairs?

Stay indifferent to the problems of a loved one, a close friend or relative at least a minimum of unknown. Even if the case that happened to you, you need to give a "victim" the opportunity to speak. Try to give some useful advice on solving the existing problem or simply express your sympathy. Do you need your words to support in a difficult moment a random familiar or ordinary friend? That's a moot point. Many people experience awkwardness when they learn about the death of her husband's "Masha from the neighboring department at work" and do not know how to respond correctly. Bill with your formal condolences to a person who works in one office building with you is not always decent. But if we are talking about a classmate at the institute with which you regularly meet for coffee and chatting about trifles, it is impolite to ignoring what happened. The most appropriate in this situation will briefly express their condolences or regret and offer assistance.

What to say near a person?

Sometimes it seems to us that we know our friends and understand better than yourself. But this is something happens, and it is completely unclear what kind of friend support should be in a difficult moment. If a person is configured to speak, be sure to give him this opportunity. Try to retire where no one can overhear you. Do not praise with additional questions, but simply listen and demonstrate your interest in your own kind. But not all people are accustomed to sharing their problems. If your friend from this category, and the first conversation does not begin, it is better to give it to calm down and not to pester with questions. The obsessive tips should not be given, but it is permissible to tell, as if you enrolled in such a situation.

How to rehabilitate a friend?

Some problems can be solved. With the others it remains only to come to terms. In the first case, the task of a loved one is to help your friend calm down and start acting. In the situation of the second type, the only thing you can help - try to distract your comrade. The most important thing is to choose the right strategy. If your friend has a close person in an accident, he hardly wants to go to have fun in the club. But together to visit the hospital, walk together for a leisurely conversation - another thing. Of course, the support of the girlfriend in a difficult moment implies real help. If possible, suggest to live for a while together, take part of the household worries and offer the victim to sleep well and relax.

What to do when trouble is a loved one?

Support your beloved is extremely difficult. It is important to remember that your opinion on the problem can radically differ from the perception of the situation by your partner. Much easier for men to understand their women than the opposite. The beautiful floor has emotionality, many ladies love not only to describe what happened in detail, but also to talk about their feelings. From the man you only need to listen. A common mistake that many husbands perform is: just learning about the problem, begin to look for solutions. This is not quite the right tactic. Woman must first regret and calm down. And only after that you can take some attempts to solve the problem. It is possible that both real actions will not need, but it is enough to find words of support in a difficult moment and remind about your love and readiness to help.

How to help survive a dark lane to your beloved man?

If in a pair of troubles occurred at the representative of a strong sex, a woman should be gained wisdom. For some men, problems are only new lessons, and for others any failure is the end of the world. The main rule is the same as when communicating with any other person. You can not try to learn more than your interlocutor is trying to tell you. Support for her beloved in a difficult moment can be based on complete ignoring problems. It is worthwhile, as if nothing happened, trying to please our spouse with some small things. Some men need encouragement. It would be appropriate to say that, thanks to the strong character qualities, they will be able to change everything and establish. The most important thing is to avoid criticism. Even if the current situation occurred due to the error and the lack of your spouse, remind him of this. It is enough to say that everything will definitely, as it was or even better.

How to console the patient?

Health problems are the most serious. No wonder they can buy everything except longevity and their own well-being. What words support the patient will really help? If the disease is non-serious, try to attend your interlocutor and in a comic form to call for a speedy recovery. We will not be reminding that the patient expects after discharge from the hospital. Promise to go to some interesting place or make a long-awaited walk. Priocted the patient and the fact that his presence is missing.

How to deal with those who are seriously sick?

If the disease is quite serious, it is necessary to please the patient with each trifle and try to maintain his good mood. Daily let the installation on the fact that the cure is possible. Tell about people who successfully challenges this disease, and try to introduce your relative or friend with some of them, let it even virtually using the Internet.

Do parents need to support?

Not always the words of support for a close person to choose easily. How to behave in the event that your parents have problems? Between relatives, close so, secrets to be unfinished. But for parents, we stay children at any age, and for this reason it is difficult for them to talk about their troubles and recognize our own weaknesses. Words must be selected especially carefully. So that you are not told, it should not question the authority of the parents. Best tactics will be common concern and participation. Manifest your attention, and most likely, mom or dad will not only tell everything, but also, perhaps, even asks for help or council. If a person is in an depressed state and does not seek to look for a way out of this situation, it should help him tune in to a more positive way. Trying something to distract your parents or just talk, remembering the past. The most important thing is not to give in to a panic and do not rush to act in as soon as calm comes, you can consider the current situation and find the best solution to this problem.

How to help to cope with the problems of your own child?

Tim Lawrence, Psychotherapist and journalist, wrote an article in which it tells how to really help a person experiencing grief. He warns that with crowd phrases that are taken to pronounce to support, you need to be more common - they can hurt even stronger.

We publish an article by Tima, who himself survived the loss of loved ones at a young age and knows what you really need to be in difficult times.

I listen to how one of my friend-psychotherapist tells about his patient. The woman fell into a terrible accident, she constantly experiences pain and she is paralyzed by limbs. I heard this story already ten times, but every time it shocks one thing. He told the poor man that the tragedy led to positive changes in her life.

"Everything happens in life is not accidental," here is his words. I am surprised how this banality was deeply rooted among psychotherapists. These words are wounded and wound severely. He wants to say that the incident makes a woman grow spiritually. And I think it's a complete nonsense. The accident broke her life and destroyed the dreams - that's what happened and there is absolutely nothing good.

The most important thing is: this attitude prevents us from doing the only thing we should do when we have trouble - grieve. My teacher Megan Divine says well about it: "Something in life can not be corrected. This can only be survived. ".

We burn not only when someone from loved ones dies. We indulge in sorrow when they leave their loved ones when hopes are treated when a serious illness overtakes. It is impossible to fix the loss of a child and betrayal of a loved one - this can only be survived.

If the misfortune with you, and someone tells you the following lighted phrases: "All that does not happen - for the better," "It will make you better and stronger", "it was predetermined," nothing happens just so, " "We must take responsibility for your life," "everything will be fine," you can safely strike out this person from your life.

When we speak our friends and relatives such words, even with the best intentions, we refuse them in the right to grieve, sadness and sadness. I myself experienced a huge loss, and every day I pursues wine for the fact that I still live, and my loved ones - no more. My pain was not gone anywhere, I just learned to direct it into the right direction, working with patients, and better understand them.

But under any circumstances I would not mind saying that this tragedy became a gift for fate, which helped me grow spiritually and professionally. Speak so - means to trample the memory of your favorite people, whom I lost too early, and those who have encountered such a misfortune, but could not cope with it. And I'm not going to pretend that for me it was easy, because I am strong, or that I became "successful" because I was able to "take responsibility for my life."

Modern culture refers to grief as a problem that needs to be corrected, or as a disease that needs to be treated. We do everything to drown out, push your pain or somehow transform it. And when you suddenly come across misfortune, people around you turn into walking tribes.

So what to say to friends and close, who fell into trouble, instead of "everything in life is not accidental"? The latter, what a person needs, crushed by misfortune, is the advice or instruction. The most important thing is an understanding.

Say literally the following: "I know that it hurts you. I am here with you".

This means that you are ready to be near and suffer along with a close person - and this is an incredibly powerful support.

For people, there is nothing more important than understanding. It does not require any special skills and preparation, it's just a willingness to be close and staying near as much as it takes.

Bear next. Just be close, even when you uncomfortable or it seems that you don't do anything useful. In fact, precisely when it is uncomfortable, it is worth making an effort and stay along.

"I know that it hurts you. I'm near".

We are so rarely allowing themselves to enter this gray zone - the horror zone and pain - but it is there that the roots of our healing are. It begins when there are people who are ready to go there with us.

I ask you, do it for your loved ones. You may never know about it, but your help will be priceless. And if you ever get into trouble, find a person ready to be nearby. I guarantee, it will be.

All others can go.

Even the strongest of us often need support words. Each have periods when friendly participation is needed. This article contains words and ideas that will be impulse to help assess the established circumstances from another point of view.

Unfortunately, we do not know how to speak words of support. Most of us exist in the fabulous worlds of social networks or television serials, where everything is fine, cloudlessly and bravely with a happy ending. But real life is far from ideal worlds.

If you need to support a person struggling with a parable, avoid lined clichés. They are deprived of human warmth, in which your vesaty needs.

So, the words support for the illness:

  • You can always count on me.
  • I'm sorry about what happened. I'm here to help.
  • I just want to remind you how strong you are / strong.
  • I believe in you.
  • Listen to the advice of doctors and take care of yourself.
  • I always admired / admired your talent to overcome all adversity with grace and humor.
  • All that we left in the past, and what awaits us in the future - all this is immeasurably, compared to what is concluded in us ( Ralph Waldo Emerson).
  • The fact that the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Creator calls a butterfly ( Richard Bach).
  • The soul would have no rainbow if the eye would not have tears ( Bet Mende Connie).
  • Stars can be seen only when it is dark enough ( Ralph Waldo Emerson).
  • Sleep, wealth and health must be interrupted so that we will learn to truly enjoy them ( Johann Pavel Friedrich Richter).
  • With his sorrow and concern, we deprive our every opportunity to be. We just have no strength for him ( Corrie Ten Bum).
  • Your disease is just one chapter, but not the whole story.

Phrases and words to cheer up a man, boyfriend: list

Communicating with a man, do not forget to add sugar in everything you say. And remove the salt from everything he tells you.

Try the following affirmations:

  • I love you today more than ever before.
  • Your decisions, hard work, loving and generous heart fill me pride.
  • Even if we are not together, we will always be one team.
  • I'm happy that you have me.
  • You do so much for my happiness, let me support you.
  • I'll always be with you. And I will go there where you will behave.
  • To be with you - honor for me.
  • I learned a lot from you.
  • So that neither happens, I want to make up next to you.
  • I think fate has big plans for me. That is why she gave me you.
  • Heavy times do not matter if we are together.
  • Everything will be as it should be. Even if it is different.
  • Each finish is a start for something completely new.

Phrases and words to cheer up a girl, woman: list

Women are more emotional and more often need support. No need to criticize her own or its actions at this moment.

Try to return a woman wings:

  • If every my thought turned into a flower, you would be in the Garden of Eden.
  • You can't even imagine how I appreciate you.
  • You are not alone, even when you think that it is.
  • Thank you you're near.
  • I have admiration for your talent to paint the life with bright colors.
  • I admire that disinterested love you give the world.
  • You are a sunbeam in my life.
  • Next to you I feel like your favorite, protected and understood. Thank you for this.
  • Fate knew that I would need support and support in this life and sent me you.
  • Your attitude towards me makes me get better than I have.

Phrases and words to cheer yourself: list

  • I have one / one.
  • I am free / free in decision making.
  • Any "minus" can always be turned into a plus.
  • I am an architect of my life. I lay the foundation and choose filling.
  • I am above negative thoughts and low actions.
  • Everything that happens to me now is happening for my ultimate benefit.
  • Although this period of my life and not the easiest, it is just a short segment of my life path.
  • The sun will take up tomorrow. Despite everything.
  • Even in troubles, there is always something useful and important to you.

How to cheer a man, a guy, a man with words that work a lot and tired at work?

Gender roles in the family are changed. Nevertheless, we live in a fairly patriarchal society, where a man remains the main minider in the family.

  • The basis, which is quite enough for happiness: sunlight, water, rest, air, physical exertion. And all this is not worth a penny. Think about it. Pause. Stay happy.
  • The world can wait. Do not rush. Recover.
  • Your hard work, loving and generous heart fills me with gratitude.
  • I do not think that we would like to do a lot if we did not experience fatigue ( Clive Steiplz Lewis).
  • Life is a complicated thing. First you get tired of work, and then from the fact that it is not.
  • The road is asset going. We will go through our way together.
  • I really appreciate what you are doing for me (us).

How to cheer up a man, boyfriend, man, girl in depression words?

With depression it is difficult to fight alone. Simple, but sincere words can change a lot. But in these words should not be pity. Only love, support and understanding.

  • Most likely, the problem will not disappear in 24 hours. But in 24 hours you can change your attitude to this problem. Let's change it together. You can always count on my help.
  • The most painful blows causes us life. That is why you need to learn to keep a blow. I will learn with you. Let's think about what we start.
  • My words may not be facilitated by your wear, but here you are not alone / alone.
  • You are stronger and bolder than you think, and more likely, than you can imagine.
  • The strongest people are not those who demonstrate the power in front of others, but those who win in battles, we do not know anything about.
  • No one is too old, too bad, too patients or too stupid in order to start all at first (Bikram Chowudhuri).
  • Even if you stumbled and fell, you still have moved forward.
  • No one can return to the past and rewrite the beginning of history. But everyone can change the current moment and change the final part of the story.

How to cheer up a man, boyfriend, man, girl during illness with the words?

  • I can not imagine what your subsequent days (months) will be, but I intend to be with you all this time.
  • There is nothing terrible in what you are afraid. Fean means that you are ready to do something really brave - to win.

At the beginning of the article you will find more affirmations on this topic.

If a person is upset: how to cheer it up? How to cheer a friend with words?

  • I can't survive it instead of you. But I can live it with you. And together we can all.
  • Chaos and troubles are preceded by great change.
  • Remember any unpleasant story that worried you recently. Is she still disturbing you?
  • Scroll is a robust foundation from stones that throw ill-wishers in you.

Above text, you will find many other interesting quotes, aphorisms and affirmations.

Video: How to help a friend if he has depressed? # 6 // Psychology What?

All women are very sensitive, so even a minor turmoil can upset them. At this moment, the girls are important to the girls, especially if it is to go from a loved one. How to support a girl when she is bad?

There are two ways to support the girl in a difficult moment. The first is morally support, that is, in words. The second way implies actions that allows a woman to feel the care and protection of a beloved person. If you do everything right, then you can achieve quick change in your chosen one's favor.

  • Seeing that the girl is upset with something, it is necessary to find out the reason for this. If a woman wants to tell, then you just need to listen to her, without interrupting, but just nodding your head. Personal opinion should be kept with you. If the girl does not want to tell anything, then it is not necessary to force it in any case. You just need to give her to spoil and be there.
  • Do not try to impose your solutions to this problem, advise something. This is especially true of those situations where the solution is complex. Otherwise, the girl is upset even more, thinking that there is no way out.
  • It is necessary to empathize, but emotions from a young man should come only positive. This moment is very important. It is necessary to customize the woman to the positive development of events in the future, that everything will change for the better. Thus, and the girl herself will soon believe that everything will be fine.
  • Whatever the problem is, even if minor, it is not worth it to be understood. Therefore, such phrases like "it is completely unimportant", "Yes, I was so many times so it was not suitable. Otherwise, the woman will think that the beloved person does not perceive her problem and it will seem to her that he just mocks. And this will give rise to even greater disorder.
  • Humor is one of the most important components of a person's life. But he should always be appropriate. If the girl is upset, you can try to make it laugh, distract from the problems of an entertaining and comic story. It does not need to be afraid to look ridiculous and ridiculous. You can sing a cheerful song. Let even a guy have no voice, it will only be plus. If the reason for the experience was some specific person who offended her, then you can try to talk about it in humor tone.

Support with words through actual communication or correspondence is only the first stage, further physical contact is necessary. He implies light touch, embrace. But in no case can not be bold, it will not only do not calm the beloved, but can also destroy relationships.

When a person hugs or touching another, the latter produces oxytocin. So called a hormone, thanks to which the sense of interconnection, attachment, trust and proximity increases. You can just keep the girl by hands, stroking her palm, put your hand on the shoulder. These actions will be enough.

You can also encourage a girl with a hike in movies, bowling or some more interesting place. Well, if you come up with something truly unusual, romantic. This will make it pleasant to surprise your favorite and distract from the resentment.

What should be careful?

The main goal of a man is to support the girl, show her your care, love, protection. Therefore, it is important not to "stretch the stick", and act very neat. You must be careful with jokes. If you can see that you do not affect the girl, it is better to stop doing it.

Women always evaluate all the efforts of men comfort them, but not every girl loves it, preferring to be alone in difficult moments of life. If the guy sees that she wants to be alone, or a woman so straight and speaks about it, then you should leave it. But it is not necessary to leave, because it should feel something beloved next and she can spoil him at any time.

  • When you have a conversation, you need to be sincere, patient, kind. You do not need to ask her to smile, otherwise she can get angry. Therefore, you should try to make it smile not at the request, but thanks to a joke, a pleasant compliment, joyful news.
  • In no case, in no case, the man can not be pester to a frustrated woman, climb with kisses and other intimate things. In difficult moments, I want a girl to understand, surrounded care, and did not stick.
  • You can not ignore your favorite insignificance of her problem. She should know that a young man supports her whatever the situation.

How to cheer the sick girl?

The disease is an unpleasant phenomenon with which every person faces and more than once in his life. For representatives of a beautiful gender, it is perceived bad, because even the usual cold worsens the appearance, which they will value. At this moment, women usually do not want their favorite person to see them, especially if the relationship is still developing.

In this case, a good way for men to pick up a sick girl will be compliments. It is necessary to do it often. But with pleasant words, too, you need to be neat. The compliment must express a comparison of the recoverable state with the patient.

For example, you should not just speak with the sick: "What are your beautiful eyes," and should be rephrased as follows: "Today your eyes emit notes of healthy princesses." Another man can apply such compliments: "Every day your cheeks are becoming all rose", "can look at you and tired, but you are still the most beautiful girl in the world"

If a favorite fell ill with some serious pathology, then you can not show her experiences with her young man. When she is sick, it is necessary to behave positively, set up a young lady on the same way, make it believe that everything will be fine.

Throughout the difficult time, the girl should not feel lonely. It is important to surround her care, love, always be near, show how she is the road and loved. All problems are once ends, it should be understood and not focused on the unpleasant moments of life.