The ancient Greeks - and it was from their language that the words came to us athletics And gymnastics- Since time immemorial, they knew a lot about sports competitions. Just look at the Olympics - everyone remembers very well that the Hellenes are the founders of these vibrant competitions. Athletics and gymnastics are among the most widespread, accessible and popular sports today. Domestic athletes of this particular “profile” have left a big mark on the history of world sports: just look at the names of Valery Brumel, Larisa Latynina, Nikolai Andrianov, Alexey Nemov and many others.

The children of our city have a chance to write their name in history or simply improve their physical health: specialized sections and studios open their doors for them. Experienced athletes-teachers and leaders are engaged in high-quality training of young athletes and gymnasts, allowing them to develop harmoniously and live up to the saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Athletics and gymnastics have many advantages: it is a great way to increase physical endurance, flexibility, develop personal qualities, cope with stress and anxiety, gain the will and desire to win. Of course, in order to achieve serious results, the guys need to train hard every day, despite reluctance and fatigue. We must remember that only work combined with abilities and self-confidence will give the desired results.

The pros and cons of athletics for children, at what age is it better to start, what medical contraindications exist and how to choose a section - read in our article.

Few people realize, but the child begins to engage in athletics long before the parent takes him to the section: the child overcomes obstacles, climbs onto a ladder, chair or sofa; In the courtyards and during school breaks, enterprising children come up with active fun for themselves - tag, jumping rope, hopscotch. This reflects the simplicity of this sport - it has everything that children like so much. And every parent knows about the benefits of a moderately active lifestyle.

From what age

Experienced coaches note that athletics, despite its simplicity, is not suitable for preschoolers. It is recommended to start training when the child can already follow the rules of discipline, knows how to control his emotions and concentrate his attention.

A simple example. It is difficult to teach 4 year old children how to start correctly. Some step over the line, while others take off ahead of time. A lot of time is spent instilling simple skills. Whereas a first grader will learn this in 1 - 2 training sessions.

You can send your child to athletics at the age of 3, but the benefits will be minimal. The optimal age to start playing athletics is 7-8 years old, when the child is already quite disciplined and physically resilient.

Medical contraindications

Athletics should be avoided in cases of heart disease, respiratory system, kidney disease, and also if diabetes mellitus is observed.

Since this sport involves heavy loads on the musculoskeletal system, joints and muscles must be in excellent condition.

It is contraindicated for hyperactive children to engage in athletics. It would be a mistake to think that athletics can discipline an overactive child. In such children, the nervous system is often in a state of excitement. During training, the child will be dominated by emotions and strong excitement, and this can provoke an even greater emotional outburst.

Boys and girls

There is no gender division in athletics. This sport is suitable for all active children, ringleaders and leaders in the company of their peers. Parents just need to watch their child: if he is fast and dexterous enough, loves to participate in sports, constantly runs and jumps, he is definitely worth enrolling in athletics.


Athletics is undoubtedly beneficial for the physical health of children. Thanks to regular exercises, the muscular and skeletal systems are strengthened; strength, agility, speed develops; general endurance to sports loads increases; immunity improves.

In addition to the health benefits, athletics is also good psychologically: the child learns to set and achieve goals, as well as maintain a positive outlook in case of failure.

In addition, athletics is an accessible sport. Classes can take place either in a specially equipped room or in the fresh air: for example, on the sports ground in the school yard. No complex sports equipment is required.

The right to choose. Perhaps this is the only sport that can boast of diversity. A child can choose any type of athletics he likes: running, high or long jump, throwing, all-around, race walking and much more.

Athletics trains teamwork. At all kinds of relay races, marathons and competitions where the coherence of the participants is important, the child will have the opportunity to practice interpersonal communication with other child athletes.


Despite all the positive aspects of athletics, parents who decide to connect their child’s life with this sport should be aware of the possible consequences. Professional athletes have common joint diseases and vertebral displacement. Training can lead to dislocations, muscle strains, bruises and even fractures. You should be extremely careful during exercise and warm up to avoid adverse consequences.

How much do classes cost?

Athletics can easily be called the most economical sport. You can do it for free: on the street, on sports and playgrounds. Which, by the way, is an additional advantage - outdoor activities are doubly useful.

Classes at school or at a local children's sports club will not be expensive, unlike others.

You won’t have to spend a lot on special equipment either. Comfortable sneakers and a tracksuit are all you need. You can keep within 1000 - 2000 rubles.

How to choose a section

An athletics section can be found at an educational institution (as additional physical education classes), in sports and cultural centers, in sports clubs and in children's leisure centers.

  • Choose close to home so as not to waste a lot of time and effort on the road.
  • Look for a good coach whose working methods are close to you and comfortable for your child.
  • Get feedback from other parents.

Let's sum it up

Athletics is not just a sport aimed at physical development. This is a struggle with oneself and with an opponent, developing in the child qualities that will be useful to him in his future life: determination, willpower, endurance, a positive outlook.

When sending your child to sports, you should not think about medals. Remember that professional sports, even something as “simple” as athletics, carry the risk of injury and disappointment if you fail. Don't force your child to be the best of the best. Let him do it for fun, not for reward.

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Athletics is called the “queen of sports” for a reason, because other sports are based on the basic training of this crowned person.

Accessibility of athletics for children and parents

Athletics sections for children usually free. This is due to the fact that the state is interested in the continuity of generations of this “medal-winning” sport, because at international athletics competitions Russians are considered favorites.

Besides, for the child to learn athletics, you won’t need to buy expensive sports equipment, specific clothes or shoes.

Athletics began in Ancient Greece, when these competitions were included in the first Olympic Games.

How to Determine Your Child's Athletics Ability

To athletics brought pleasure and achievement, it is required that the child has an inclination for this sport, so observe whether the child has the following components of success:

  • Agility, mobility
  • Competitiveness, excitement
  • Initiative in children's team games
  • Ability to lose
  • Physical health, strength and agility

Choosing the type of athletics that suits your child

First, the child undergoes basic training, then a choice of specialization is made, which is based on the preferences of the young athlete and his natural characteristics.

When selecting for a particular section, the physical characteristics of the parents are also taken into account, as the genetic basis of the child’s future constitution.

So, for example, a “strong” child or a child prone to obesity will be suitable for putting or throwing a shot or a hammer, and the weight in this case will become an advantage and not a reason for ridicule.

Long-legged, lanky children have an easier time jumping both in length and in height.

Running is suitable for squat, thin-boned, lean children.

Suitable for both individualists, introverted children, and sociable children who are comfortable in a team environment.

At what age should a child be enrolled in the section?

Athletics- not the kind of sport that preschool children are taken to. Here the motto “the sooner the better” does not work. Pediatricians and sports teachers agree that the appropriate age is 10-11 years. At this age, a favorable period begins for the development of speed and endurance of the child’s body, and if you can’t bear to send your baby “somewhere,” consider gymnastics and swimming, and athletics won't go anywhere. Even 15 years is not too late.

The benefits of athletics for children

Develops agility, reaction speed and endurance. The muscles of the body are also trained, blood circulation and gas exchange improve, the body acquires tone, and immunity increases. Athletics prevents colds.

Disadvantages of Athletics

Athletics requires physical activity, and for those who want to achieve sporting achievements, it requires overexertion, so parents are advised to consult with a pediatrician about the child’s health condition. Athletics requires a healthy heart, lungs and musculoskeletal system.

“Occupational” diseases of track and field athletes are considered to be joint diseases, displaced intervertebral discs and dislocations.

Athletics sections for children

Athletics- a voluminous concept. At school, children get “a little bit of everything,” but sports sections offer the following areas:

  • Jumping
  • Relays and all-around events
  • Throwing and pushing
  • Race walking

When a “special talent” is discovered, the specialization is narrowed, and trainer teaching a child individually, right up to raising a champion.

A promising sport if you are naturally predisposed to it. This sport is called “medal-winning”, since at the Olympic Games 24 sets of medals are awarded among track and field athletes.

Athletics for children is the most natural sport. Having barely learned to walk, the baby immediately strives to master running and various types of jumps, and all these activities help not only to throw out excess energy, but to develop the body. For the human body, running has a general strengthening property that promotes the harmonious development of the entire body, and not just any individual part of it. In addition, endurance is strengthened, which is a very important property for any person.

Athletics for children is very useful and necessary, but it is important that your child has an aptitude for them. Fortunately, this sport allows you to independently determine, by observing your child, whether your baby is suitable for such activities. So, take a closer look at the following factors:

  • the child is active, loves to run and jump;
  • the child is often the ringleader of children's games;
  • The baby’s favorite pastime is to participate in strength and agility competitions with other children;
  • your baby strives for leadership and knows how to endure failures;
  • the child is harmoniously developed and physically strong.

If all of this or most of these facts are true, then your baby is quite suitable for this kind of activity. It is important to understand that physical activity and hyperactivity are different things. It is not worth sending a hyperactive child to such a section - it will exhaust both him and his coach. This phenomenon relates rather to the mental sphere of life, and athletics cannot have a positive effect on this.

If athletics at school usually uses a variety of areas of this very voluminous concept, then specialized sports schools in athletics require the choice of a specific direction. There are several of them:

  • jumps: high, long, pole, triple jump;
  • race walking;
  • throwing projectiles: discus, hammer, spear, cannonball;
  • all-around and relay races.

Of course, you need to choose exclusively together with your child, guided by his abilities and interests. Due to the fact that athletics is familiar to the child at school, it makes sense to find out what he likes most or talk to his physical education teacher.

It is worth understanding that his physique and heredity play an important role (you can often guess how a baby will grow up based on the physique of his parents). For example, any jumps (both high and long) are best suited for long-legged children. But the best runners are light, thin-boned and short guys. If your child is overweight, it will be quite difficult for him to achieve success in this sport, but classes can help your child control his weight.

If your child is inclined to team activities, you can send him to the relay running section - this is where the leading role is given to the coordination of the entire team.

The advantages of athletics, which children usually love, also include the fact that this sport is cheaper for parents than others. All you need is a high-quality sports suit and special athletics sneakers, which reduce the load on the joints and protect the baby from the risk of injury. Don’t forget that you should send your child to such sections between the ages of 7-8 and 11 years old - this is the ideal age for both an amateur and a professional start.

It should be noted that the Public Association “Belarusian Athletics Federation” pays great attention to the development of children's sports. Projects such as “School Games” and “300 Talents for the Queen” are being successfully implemented, which represent an unforgettable sports festival filled with a bright palette of emotions and impressions. You can verify this by watching these wonderful image videos:



Moreover, “300 talents for the Queen” was developed - an Athletics Academy was created for talented children, finalists of the project.

Vladimir Zhuravlev – athletics coach and teacher:

“The essence of the Academy is to unlock the potential of the children we recruited after the 300 Talents for the Queen event.” Since the children come from different parts of Belarus, they live in the dormitory of the Republican State School of Olympic Reserve. There are 16 people studying in class 5 “A” - here we note that the class is experimental, this project is being implemented for the first year, but it is planned to “put it on stream.” The children undergo a basic school program, plus athletics training - 3 times a week in the arena (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and 2 times a week in the pool (Thursday, Saturday). During training, which lasts 1.5 hours, we develop all qualities, that is, we follow the all-around program, because harmonious development is necessary in childhood. There is no need to focus on, for example, endurance or strength. We fully develop all qualities as a whole. And in the future, if they go to other trainers, there they will conduct targeted training.

Each training session goes something like this: we leave the hostel, arrive at the RCOP, change clothes, and go to the arena. First we do a warm-up - some game exercises, catch-up exercises, for example. Something moving. Then we run a couple of circles. This is followed by a warm-up for all muscle groups. Then, according to the plan, the main part of the training begins - hurdles, ball throwing, jumping. That is, within one lesson we try to involve work in the main types of athletics for speed, endurance, and strength. Depending on how well the guys do, it may take a different amount of time for each complex. But on average, about 20 minutes per view.

I like working with children. This is interesting. I have motivation - I want them to grow up to be worthy athletes and become Olympic champions and medalists, as well as champions of all kinds of international championships. I am a young specialist, coach. I am not afraid to experiment with different methodological approaches and exercises. I'm very interested in what will come of this. My credo as a coach is to instill a love of athletics.”

Also, the Belarusian Athletics Federation regularly conducts training seminars for physical education teachers and children’s coaches under the IAAF KIDS’ ATHLETICS program (IAAF Children’s Athletics). At the end of the seminar, each participant received a certificate from the International Association of Athletics Federations, granting the right to transfer the knowledge acquired at the seminar in the format of the same two-day seminars, disseminating the IAAF system among their colleagues and children, popularizing it in practice. We adopt the experience of leading member federations of the EAA and IAAF. For example, during one of our visits to the French Athletics Federation, our colleagues shared a set of exercises for children 5-7, 7-9, 9-11 years old. We are happy to offer them to your attention -

Behind the external simplicity and ease of this sport lies hard work. To defeat your rivals in competitions, you first need to defeat yourself.

Athletics for children, sprinting

Much depends on the coach, his ability to captivate the child and convey his love for sports. Athletics includes 56 types of different disciplines. The most popular of them are running over various distances, throwing, long or high jumps and pole vaulting.

Usually everyone is accepted into athletics if there are no medical contraindications. Even if the child does not become a champion, he will learn a healthy lifestyle and develop a beautiful figure. Regular physical activity will help maintain your health.

Athletics has a positive effect on character development. Develops useful traits such as endurance, patience, hard work and self-love.

At what age should a child be enrolled in athletics?

The best age to get acquainted with athletics is the 2nd or 3rd grade of a secondary school. At this time, children develop speed skills. And after 11 years, children begin to perform endurance exercises.

It is best if the child gets into an Olympic reserve school. This will give him the opportunity to participate in competitions and pursue a sports career.

The selection of young athletes can take place at school during physical education classes, where the most capable are offered to enroll in the athletics section. In summer, children train in open stadiums, in winter - in gyms. Group classes begin with a warm-up.

How the training goes

The first lessons in athletics are held in the form of a game. Children perform various exercises - run, overcome a barrier, pump up their abs. When the guys get a little stronger, the approach becomes more specialized. Some children are better at long jumping, others at running, the coach tries to find an approach to each child and develop his inclinations to the fullest.