There are hugs and HUGS. Sometimes your significant other dreams of being in your arms. But you want your partner to feel something more than just a hug in these moments. The article provides some tips on how to learn to hug your loved one more tenderly and romantically.


Face to face hugs

    Walk up to your partner and place your hands on his/her shoulders and hug him/her so that your bodies are touching. This is the so-called romantic hug. In this position you will be comfortable and warm, and you will be as close to each other as possible.

    Don't forget to touch your heads. Leaning towards someone is a signal of intimacy. When you want to hug your partner, move your head to the side (in the US, most people automatically move their head to the right). Don't lean too far, you want your cheek to touch your partner's face. To add another romantic touch to cuddling, press your head or face against your partner's head or neck (or chest if you're shorter).

    Hold each other tightly and make the moment stop. A romantic hug lasts longer than a platonic one. Gently press each other a little closer for two or three seconds. Take a deep breath and exhale, relax and enjoy the hug. Please note that your hug should be strong enough, but do not strangle your partner in an impulse, allow him/her to breathe freely. If your partner passes out from lack of oxygen, he/she will no longer want such experiments.

    Use your hands. Hug your partner by placing your hands on his/her back and gently rubbing it a few times. If your hands are on your partner's shoulders, caress his/her neck or run through their hair. Gentle and slow touches are very romantic. Don't try to do this hastily, it looks funny, unless it's cold outside and you want to warm up by quickly rubbing each other's arms or>

    Don't let him/her out of your arms quickly. After hugging, try to hold your partner's hand so that he/she feels your touch. At this moment, you can look into each other's eyes, smile and say words of love.

Hugs from behind

    Approach your partner from behind. You can surprise your loved one by unexpectedly hugging him/her from behind. If he/she is not doing something serious, you can wrap your arms around his/her waist and rest your head on his/her shoulder. It can be very cute.

    Place your hands in front. You can hold hands by placing them on top of each other, raising them higher towards your chest, or holding your partner by the shoulders. It all depends on the length of your arms.

    Keep your heads touching. As with face-to-face hugs, tilting the head signifies intimacy. If you are the same height or you are slightly taller than your partner, you can press yourself closer to his/her face or neck. If you are shorter, rest your head on his/her shoulder.

    Hug tightly and hold in this position. As already mentioned, a romantic hug lasts longer than a platonic one. Snuggle up to each other for a few seconds and enjoy the warmth of your bodies.

    Use your hands. When you hug your partner, he/she may in turn caress your arms, face or neck with gentle, pleasant touches. You can also stroke his/her neck or hair. It's easy to get aroused when hugging. If you both want to continue making love, cuddling might be a good start. intimacy. If your partner is not ready for closer communication, take your time. Proceed with caution. One of two things, either you will break through the cold wall between you or your nose will be broken. In love affairs, everything needs to be done gradually.

    Turn your partner to face you. Enjoy each other's closeness. If you need further guidance, please start reading the article from the beginning. Enjoy!

  • During a hug you become closer friend to a friend, so pay attention to your personal hygiene. Remember that perfume, cologne or breath mints can make the hug even more pleasant, just don't overdo it. Nothing could be worse than bad smell from you or your partner, so know when to stop using perfume. It can also cause discomfort.
  • If you are a guy, hug your girlfriend around the waist and bring her closer to you so that she feels the warmth of your body and complete safety.
  • Make sure you smell nice; not everyone wants to hug someone who smells bad. Never rush things, relax. Don't make it clear that this is some kind of rehearsed gesture, do it spontaneously and sensually.
  • Hugging is like dancing or kissing, it is an interactive process. You feed off the energy of another person; you cannot demand a response.
  • Take things slowly. Quick hugs are reserved for people you don't know and family members you don't particularly approve of. Long hugs are for people whose presence you want to enjoy. Romantic hugs are interactive intimacy. If your partner doesn't want to hug you, don't pressure him/her, give him/her time. Perhaps he/she is not comfortable. Don't fly at Boeing speed, act smoothly so that your partner understands what you are doing.
  • If you wear cologne, don't overdo the scent. When she gets closer, she should smell a soft, pleasant scent, not a strong-smelling bug repellent.
  • Choose natural scents, such as fruity ones.
  • If you want to hug your partner from behind, do it under the stars, then kiss him tenderly and say goodnight.


  • Not everyone likes hugs, even if you're in a romantic relationship. It is important to understand your partner and be open with him/her. If you feel that your hugs are not pleasing to your partner, you must understand and accept this.

When you like someone, it's natural to want to be around that person. Unfortunately, the feeling of sympathy also makes you pay attention to every little thing, like hugs, which makes it very easy to fall into anxiety and despondency. Hugs are great, and you shouldn't feel bad about them.


Hugs at meeting and farewell

    First of all, smile at him and look him in the eyes. Nobody hugs for no reason. In a friendly, light flirting way, hint to him that you care and that you are very pleased to be around him.

    Hug him with both arms. How you hug him depends on his and your height, as well as personal preference in this matter. You can even try light stroking if that's acceptable to both of you.

    • If you have your arms around his neck, run your fingers through the hair near his neck.
    • If you hug his torso, stroke his back gently.
    • A hug from the back is a great way to greet someone. These are hugs that say, "You're mine," so they're worth saving for someone you're really close to. Place your hands under his arms and squeeze his shoulders tightly, pressing your whole body against him at the same time. Bury your face into his back or shoulder (remember, this is a hug, not a fighting grip).
  1. Stay like that for a couple of moments. A significant difference between friendly and romantic hugs lies in their duration. Give yourself a moment of joy from the feeling of his body next to yours. Take a deep breath and release it with a slight sigh.

    Press in and let go. When you pull away, look into your eyes again and smile. If you're feeling particularly affectionate, when you pull away, place your palm in his and glance at him playfully before gently withdrawing your hand.

    • A common sign for ending a hug is a pat or pat on the back.

Intimate hugs

  1. First, make eye contact. If you're having a long-awaited moment alone, chances are your eyes will say a lot about how you're feeling. Smile at him and move a little closer.

    Pull him towards you. If you are holding hands, simply pull his hands towards you. You can move it behind your back or very carefully behind your shirt.

    Wait for this moment. Take some time to build anticipation by lightly touching him with your body. Look at his face to get a sense of how he feels. Take his hand or put your arm around his waist.

    Grab it tightly with your hands. Breathe evenly and relax against his body. You can lean your head on his chest or shoulder, or lower one hand to hold his. Stay in this position for a while, just enjoying his closeness. Feel his breath. Listen to his heartbeat. Relax for a moment. Don't feel obligated to say anything - your body will speak for you.

    • It's up to you to decide whether you need to pat him on the back. Gentle stroking is always nice, but if you want to comfort someone or make them feel safe, sometimes it's best to just hold them in your arms.
  2. When you're ready to release your embrace, take a deep breath and exhale. Squeeze it gently and lean back. The moment you start to move away, take his hand. Look into his eyes and smile the most tender and loving smile.

Passionate hugs

    First of all, set the atmosphere. Passionate hugs do not happen on their own. Flirt with him a little first. Let him know clearly that you are interested in him.

Zaitseva Irena

Embrace of Passion

What will a meeting with a mysterious stranger bring you? Is one night of love worth the suffering that befell you? Can you withstand the consequences of your madness?

Sandra, hurry up, you'll make us late again! I've been waiting for this party for two weeks.

That's what parties are made for, to be late, darling. Nothing will happen to your Steven. In the end, as you just said, you’ve been waiting for him for two weeks, and he’s just tonight,” carefully lining her lips with scarlet lipstick, Sandra critically examined herself in the mirror: a tall, slender brunette with long thick hair, a waterfall, was looking at her going down to a thin waist and plump lips. - How do you like me? I can lasso myself handsome man today's party?

Super! But I still have my doubts about lassoing. You are enough for yourself, and you don’t need anyone else, right?

Are you saying that I'm disgusted with myself?!

Oh no, you just don’t want any relationship at all yet and you’re not going to look at men in principle.

Hmm... maybe.

It can’t, but that’s how it is.

Think about it, you will always have time to burden yourself with relationships. And now enjoy life, freedom, the opportunity to do whatever you want.

And this comes from a girl who hasn't slept with anyone.

This is not relevant. And anyway, are you my friend or what? You must support my decisions, Shirley.

Stupid decisions, I tell you, forgive me.

Shirley had been friends with Sandra since college. Together they formed a kind of tandem: the fair-skinned, dark-haired Sandra and the equally tall, slender blonde Shirley. They even had the same long hair. Both come from prosperous families; in college they became... best friends and at the same time the ringleaders of the whole class, always getting into various troubles. Now the friends were renting an apartment for two on the first floor of a two-story building, having moved out from their parents six months ago.

The sound of a car approaching came from the street; the signal was not long in coming. Shirley grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her towards the door. There was indeed a car with friends waiting for them.

Hello Sam. “Hi, Cal,” the girls sang as they got into the car.

Hello girls. Well, are you ready for the party? Wearing your best panties?

It’s you who needs to wear your best underpants, Cal, but we’re better off without them,” Shirley grinned.

Will you let me see?

Keep your pocket wider, honey. I can tell you the address of the nearest brothel.

Do you also use their services? Shirley, dear, why spend so much money when you have friends like us nearby? And, mind you, absolutely free.

“Guys, that’s enough,” Sandra interrupted the skirmish. - You two are worse than cats and dogs. Are you tired yet?

Everyone gets their buzz differently, Sandra,” Sam chuckled. - In general, she’s right, kids.

Pouting her lips angrily, Shirley turned to the window. However, she couldn’t pretend to be offended for long, and five minutes later she was joking again with everyone else. They knew the guys from university and were good friends, almost always hanging out together. Their company consisted of seven people: four guys and three girls. From time to time, other guys from the group joined them.

Charlie, Sean and Kelly are already at the club and decided to secure a spot for us.

Today was a special day; it was decided to celebrate the end of the session in one of the most famous clubs in the city. Getting into "NU" was incredibly difficult, but not impossible, as Sean demonstrated by knocking out places for everyone. Although with such parents...

Already at the entrance, Sean's friend met them and led them inside the establishment, to an empty table, where, in theory, the new arrivals were supposed to wait.

Surely the guys are already having a blast. And I'm not going to lag behind them. Are you coming, Sandra? We need to find Stephen.

Stephen was Shirley's latest crush. She had been chasing him for a month now. To be fair, it was worth noting that the guy didn’t really resist. Although no one ever resists blond Shirley.

“He’s probably at the bar,” Sandra consoled her friend.

The club consisted of two tiers. The lower tier was almost entirely dedicated to the dance floor oval shape, which was almost completely filled with writhing bodies. Along the edges on the left were small symbolic tables, and on the right was a bar. The upper tier was intended for the elite. They could watch the dancers from the balcony, walking along the entire perimeter of the dance floor. Yes... a great place to review and choose your next bitch.

Stephen was not at the bar, but the girls found Sean fighting off another hunter for a man's wallet. What was surprising was that women sensed something in their gut that the guy was the son of rich parents. It was not the first time for Sandra to save a friend in such situations, playing the role of his girlfriend, and when she finally caught his pleading look, her reflexes worked once again.

Shonny, dear,” hanging on the guy’s neck, she affectionately ruffled his hair. Male hand She quickly grabbed her thin waist, hugging her close. With the palm of his other hand, he gently turned her face towards him and passionately pressed her lips to hers. Apparently the girl gave him a hard time, since Sean went to extreme measures. - Only send you for death.

Picking up the glass, she took a careful sip and grimaced.

Fi, honey. I asked for Summer Night.

Sorry, honey, but they don't make this cocktail. Maybe you'll choose something else?

Then order me a margarita,” Shonu whispered in her ear so that everyone could hear.

So are you busy? - the girl’s voice burst into their amazing masquerade.

“Darling,” Sandra broke away from the guy. - Who is this?

Nobody, my love.

The enraged girl picked up her bag and rushed away from them.

Oh, thanks for freeing up the space,” Shirley immediately settled down on said piece of furniture. - Sandra, you are a miracle. For the last five minutes all I could think about was where to sit. And don't look at me like that. If Sean were my boyfriend, I'd also give up your seat in favor of his lap. Really, Shonny?

For the fact that you saved me from this vixen, I will give you not only my knees, but also my whole self for untimely use.

Is it true? Well, if it comes to that, then I’ll give you to Shirley, she just wants to sit on your lap.

Oh. Sandra, maybe it’s not so extreme after all?

Yes, yes,” the blonde nodded. - Besides, I have Stephen. My dear and beloved Stephen, who probably won't understand this.