Porous hair in its structure resembles a sponge that absorbs various elements from the environment. This process leads to the fact that the hair structure deteriorates, the hair looks unhealthy, and loses its shine.

There are a number of tests that will help you find out if your hair is porous. For example, first you need to comb your hair along the entire length and run your palm over it. If the strands feel smooth and soft to the touch, then everything is fine. If it is rough, dry and hard, the hair is porous, without any doubt. Most often, hair care becomes part of the usual care for curls. Only here are special masks and compresses, special cleansing and nutritional products added.

And of course, it will be important to find out what leads to the appearance of porous hair:

  • tight hairpins and clips;
  • frequent styling and blow-drying at high temperatures;
  • combing still wet hair;
  • using a large number of styling products;
  • dyeing or highlighting using aggressive means.

If you have porous strands, it is important to wash your hair carefully, causing less damage to your hair. To care for porous hair, it is best to use a special shampoo and conditioner. It’s even better, before applying shampoo, first lubricate the curls up to the middle length with balm, and then begin the hair washing procedure. As an option, you can use natural remedies, for example, yolks, kefir, yogurt, beer or instant coffee.

All of these products are suitable for cleansing porous hair, the main thing is to use them correctly and mix them with other ingredients. You can also use herbal decoctions to further cleanse your hair, you just need to add any fermented milk product and the natural shampoo is ready for use.

Signs of Porous Hair

Healthy curls have a smooth appearance, bright color and rich shine; porous hair, on the contrary, becomes dull and lifeless, feels hard and brittle to the touch.

Porosity manifests itself in the literal sense of the word; such hair has open pores, through which they absorb any components from the outside. This could be street dust, excess moisture, aromatic pollen, or residues of cosmetic products. All this leads to significant changes in the internal composition of the curls, which is why all these negative features appear.

Problem strands are difficult to style; they are very difficult to manage, since they curl from the slightest change in humidity, do not hold their shape in the wind, and even when using basic care products - caring balms and sprays - they remain dull and dry.

As for dyeing, it is very difficult to achieve a uniform tone on dry hair, since the open scales do not allow the hair to be dyed with the same intensity along its entire length. In addition, even the highest quality dye does not last long on porous hair and will begin to wash off after 1-2 weeks (if not earlier).

Why does hair become porous?

Usually, hair porosity is an acquired quality; it is rare that hair has such a structure from birth. The main factors for changing the internal structure of the strands are:

  • frequent drying with hot air– constant use of a hair dryer or curling iron in the process of hair care dries out the strands;
  • hard water– washing your hair in unfiltered water causes the hair scales to rise, causing the structure to become porous;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics– using products for oily strands on dry hair will only aggravate the situation, drying out the curls even more;
  • improper care– inaccurate use of combs and hair brushes is fraught with damage to the upper protective layer of hairs, which is why the porosity effect appears;
  • regular coloring– even using high-quality dyes, you can cause considerable harm to your curls, since dyes draw moisture from the inside and damage the top protective layer of the hairstyle;
  • uncomfortable weather conditions– a long stay outside with your head uncovered under the scorching sun, in strong winds or frosty air greatly damages your hair.

How to eliminate dry hair?

To get rid of porous hair, it is necessary to adhere to complex treatment, and in each specific case the use of different means and techniques will be required.

  1. First of all, you should temporarily stop using harmful devices that dry out your strands - hair dryers, straightening irons, etc. You should also replace all care products with a medicinal series of cosmetics made from natural ingredients.
  2. Secondly, treatment can begin only after consultation with a cosmetologist or an experienced hairdresser; in complex advanced cases, an examination by a trichologist will be required.
  3. Thirdly, during treatment it is recommended to adhere to a special diet or at least limit the consumption of harmful foods. It is important to drink a lot of clean water, at least 2 liters per day - this will help replenish the lack of moisture in the body.
  4. Fourthly, after completing the treatment, you should not stop making restorative masks; their regular use as a preventive measure will prevent recurrence of damage to the hair structure.

To quickly and effectively restore dry strands, there are a number of hairdressing treatment procedures that allow you to achieve good results in a short time, however, all these sessions have a considerable cost, so they are not available to everyone. Another thing is treatment with home recipes, which involve the use of natural ingredients and are easy to prepare. The simplest and most effective of them:

oil mask– prepared from 2 chicken yolks, 3-4 drops of burdock oil, 0.1 liters of kefir and, if desired, a tablespoon of melted honey. The mask can be made with or without honey. The mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length for 45-60 minutes, after which it is washed off with mild shampoo;

home lamination- It’s easier, of course, to do this procedure in a salon, but to save money you can use a mask similar to it at home. To do this, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of gelatin with hot water, let the composition swell, and after 10-15 minutes mix it with regular hair balm. The mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length for half an hour, after which it is washed off with plain water and dried in the usual way;

mask with shampoo– you need to mix 20 g of unrefined vegetable oil and castor oil with 10 g of shampoo. The mixture is applied to the strands with a cotton swab, after which the hair should be carefully combed in different directions for 5-10 minutes. Finally, the head should be rinsed with warm water without using additional care products;

herbal rinses– instead of care products after washing your hair, use herbal rinses; you can make them from chamomile, burdock, sage, plantain, and hops. Solutions of lemon or apple water work well for dry hair - take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice per liter of water.

How to style porous hair?

To give porous, dry hair vitality and an attractive appearance, you can try changing your hairstyle. The solution to this situation is cascading haircuts - they remove excess thickness due to fluffy hair scales, making hair styling easier.

If you absolutely do not want to cut your long locks, you can make braids or twist your hair with a tourniquet during treatment. In this case, it is important not to squeeze the strands too hard, since already weak and brittle hair will receive additional damage.

The best option for dry hair is cutting with hot scissors; this hairdressing service allows you to simultaneously change the length of the curls, even out damaged areas and solder split ends, preventing further deformation of the hairs. It is recommended to moisten the sealed ends for the first time after circumcision, since if there is insufficient moisture they can open again. Care products such as aromatic oils, moisturizing sprays and mild serums are used as emollients.

In principle, any type of styling can be used for porous hair, the main thing is to minimize contact with heating devices and not use too tight hoops and hairpins.

Care for porous hair

The phenomenon of porous hair is quite an unpleasant thing in itself. Porous hair is damaged hair. But in addition to this, hair porosity, when the density of its structure is disrupted, provokes hair fragility and hair loss. This is another reason to know what kind of care porous hair requires, otherwise there is a real possibility of forever losing the thick hair that women value so much.
First, you need to realize that porous hair requires treatment.

In order for the results of the treatment to manifest themselves in full force, it makes sense to at least for a while stop drying your hair with a hairdryer and refuse styling with straightening irons and tongs. Frequent contact with hot and heated surfaces and an abundance of scalding air only aggravate the problem. Porous hair is a fragile matter. The best care may be to use soft balms and gentle combing.

Balms will not only nourish your hair with useful substances and vitamins, but will also smooth it out and make it more manageable and soft. You should not abuse styling products - gel, foam, or varnish. They only harm porous hair. When treating porous hair, professional restorative products will help. For example, regenerating emulsions and conditioners.
When applied to the hair, these products fill the “pores”, voids formed in the structure, thereby nourishing and strengthening them. Special balms and shampoos used in combination help target the problem. Whey-based masks can also be most effective.

Mask for porous hair

In their composition, masks for porous hair resemble masks for split ends. After all, the problem in these cases is practically the same. These are protein masks (regenerating and moisturizing).
One of these masks is a mixture of yolks, burdock oil and kefir. This mixture is heated in a water bath and then thoroughly rubbed into the hair and scalp. This mask should be kept for at least one hour, covering your head with cellophane and a towel.

The mask can be easily prepared at home. You can add one more component to this mask. Here is the recipe: add a few drops of burdock oil, one yolk and 100 grams of kefir to a tablespoon of honey (it is better to melt very thick honey). After mixing, the mask is carefully applied to the head and covered with a towel. After an hour, wash off with warm water and wash your head with medical shampoo.
There is another useful mask.


pour a tablespoon of gelatin with three tablespoons of water, heat in a steam bath, add three tablespoons of balm for your hair type. Stir and distribute evenly along the length of the strands, but without rubbing into the skin. Apply the mask to washed and slightly wrung out hair. After application, cover with film and a towel. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
Don’t be lazy to pamper your hair with nourishing and moisturizing masks, as well as herbal rinses.

Haircut for porous hair

There are cases when the hair is quite deeply damaged and spoiled by curling, coloring and over-drying. The only way out of the situation is a haircut. Without a doubt, it is a pity to cut your hair, especially when it is long. However, such a sacrifice completely pays off when you notice how healthy, strong and shiny hair begins to grow at the roots.

If you don’t want to cut your hair, there is another option: just shorten the length a little. In such cases, stepped haircuts are recommended. They remove excess weight and density, thereby making styling and life easier for its owner. When styling, use brushing and a hairdryer. These are indispensable tools in this situation.

If the owner of porous hair completely rejects thermal treatment, you can braid your hair. Curlers (Velcro or thermal) and boomerangs can also be a suitable styling method for many.

Haircut with hot scissors

To improve the condition of porous hair, stylists recommend one of the new methods - cutting with hot scissors. Thermal scissors appeared in Russia around 2003. The mechanism of the beneficial and restorative effect of hot cutting is based on sealing and closing the tip of the cut hair. The ends of the hair that has just emerged from the hair follicle also always have an oval shape, as if they are sealed. But over time, they split due to mechanical damage or under the influence of environmental factors.

A cold cut cuts off the split part of the hair, but the tip remains open. Microbes can penetrate under the scales, the hair suffers from environmental factors and toxic substances, sometimes contained both in the air and in precipitation. When washing through such an open cut, the components and substances necessary for the hair leave the hair shaft and are washed away.

It is a haircut with hot scissors that can restore natural protection to the hair. It promotes volume and growth. Hair will become more manageable and vibrant, and will acquire a healthy shine. The most noticeable therapeutic effect becomes after two or three sessions, and after four or five the result can impress even skeptics: the hair volume approximately doubles, the pores close. Hot haircut is carried out on hair of any length.

How to correctly determine whether your hair is porous?

It will not be difficult for any specialist to determine your hair type; he just needs to look at it. But you can test for yourself whether your hair is porous or not. You need to carefully comb your strands and slowly run your hand through them.

If your hair is rough, then you have porous hair type. You can also check the porosity of your hair using its elasticity. You need to take a hair and slowly stretch it; an ordinary healthy hair will stretch a little, but a porous hair will break very quickly. Healthy hair is very smooth and has a natural shine, but porous hair is dull and lifeless, and also very brittle. Porous hair type needs immediate care. You just need to follow simple recommendations.

Porous hair needs extra care every day. For this treatment, it is best to use leave-in masks and conditioners. Silicone serums are also great for damaged hair. For porous hair, such serums are a must. After long-term care, your hair will acquire a healthy shine and silkiness.

This phenomenon is quite unpleasant in itself, but in addition to this, the so-called “porosity” of the hair, in which the density of the hair structure is disrupted, provokes hair loss and fragility. That is why it is important to know how to care for porous hair, otherwise you can forever lose your thick hair, which is so valued by women.

First of all, you need to realize what porous hair requires: treatment. In order for it to be effective, it makes sense to at least for a while abandon such usual procedures as drying hair with a hairdryer, styling with tongs and straightening irons - an abundance of hot air, constant contact with hot surfaces will only aggravate the problem. For such fragile matter as porous hair, the best care is gentle combing and the use of a soft balm. The balm will not only nourish your hair with vitamins and nutrients, but will also smooth it out, making it softer and more manageable. Do not abuse styling products - hairspray, gel, or foam, they will only harm your porous hair.

Video: how to care for porous hair

They fluff up in the dry air of the office, but become smooth and nourished as soon as you step out into the rain. They are “greedy” for masks and balms, as well as for dirt and dust, absorbing everything - literally like a sponge. How to care for naturally porous hair, how to style it, how to generally live with it? Let's figure it out together with SalonSecret experts.

Signs and Causes of Hair Porosity

Porosity is the ability of the hair cuticle to absorb moisture, dirt, dust and even odors very strongly. Hair can be porous from birth, but most often this problem worsens due to improper care or unfavorable living conditions. TOP 5 most common reasons:

1. Constant drying

Especially: hot air opens the hair scales and promotes moisture loss.

2. Styling with irons and curling irons

Once or twice a week is normal. But every day without thermal protection is too much.

3. Frequent dyeing or bleaching

Any dye, even the most gentle one, helps to open the hair cuticle - because without this, the pigment will not penetrate inside. If you dye your hair too often, the cuticle will get used to being open. And the structure of the curl will change.

4. Hard water

Water with a large amount of salts and minerals also leads to a rise in the scales of the stratum corneum. Better filter.

4. Sun

It works almost like a curling iron - if you sunbathe without protective equipment and without a hat.

5. Improper care

Regularly combing and washing with products suitable for your hair type is a minimum program for protecting hair from porosity.

How should you care for porous hair?

How to wash and how to comb, what to dye and how to dry? We delve into the intricacies of caring for porous hair.

1. Clean properly

Cleansing is the most important point in caring for porous hair. After all, they absorb a lot of dirt, becoming dull and yellowish because of this. To properly clean such curls, shampoo alone is not enough: be sure to add a scrub to your care.

2. Moisturize

Moisturizing masks, balms and oils will help cope with the main problem associated with porosity - dryness.

3. Refrain from dyeing

At least for a while. In a couple of months, the cuticle will get used to the half-closed state. And you will take a break from the hassle associated with dyeing porous hair - uneven distribution of pigment, dryness and unruliness. If staining cannot be avoided, use ammonia-free products.

4. Do not use irons or curling irons without protective spray.

Ideally, avoid these styling tools altogether. curly hair is so beautiful! If this is not possible, get a heat protectant.

5. Tan properly

In a hat, with a protective and moisturizing agent (the easiest option is coconut oil). Excess sun is harmful to your hair, as is your skin.

6. Massage your head

This is not only pleasant, but also useful. Massage helps to open the pores of the skin and moisturize the scalp, and with it the curls: after all, porous hair is always dry.

7. Use a soft comb

Porous hair is dry, brittle and easily tangled. Therefore, you can only comb them very carefully and carefully - with a soft massage brush.

The best professional products for the care and styling of porous hair

SalonSecret stylists have selected for you the best products that help care for porous hair.


If in the case of normal or normal hair it is enough to use the mask 1-2 times a week, then porous curls require more intensive care. In their case, a nourishing mask should be applied every time you wash your hair. When choosing a product, look for herbal ingredients that moisturize and nourish your hair. Glycerin and coconut oil in the mask make hair soft, smooth and crumbly after the first use.

Elena Komisarova, technologist of the L`Oreal Professionnel brand:
“My favorite mask. It deeply moisturizes and nourishes porous hair, leaving it soft, supple and shiny.”


The purpose of this product is to protect curls from mechanical stress, give them smoothness and reduce frizz, which is often characteristic of porous hair. It’s good if the product has a light “dry” structure and several oils in the composition, like Kerastasre Elixir Ultime. Ingredients include argan oil, marula oil, camellia oil and corn kernel oil. The product can be applied to curls before styling: smoothness and a pleasant aroma will be ensured.

An excellent product not only for styling, but also for travel cosmetics. Take it to a ski resort and it will protect your curls from intense sun, wind and snow.

Irina Egorova


If you choose the right balm, you can deal with even the most unruly hair. When choosing a product, pay attention to light silicones: they are the ones that provide flexibility to your hair. In addition, deeply moisturizing components are important for porous curls. Redken Frizz Dismiss balm, for example, contains aquatoryl, a component with hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties that can retain moisture inside the hair.

The product is based on hydrophilic components, light silicones and a complex - HUMIDITY-RESIST - a technology for controlling unruly hair, developed in Brazil.

Natalya Sitdikova


For porous hair, deep cleansing, hydration and protection against breakage are important. Therefore, the best option when choosing a shampoo in this case is to have not one, but three products. A deep cleansing shampoo, for example, that you will use 2-3 times a week. Moisturizing - for example, Redken Frizz Dismiss - it is useful for caring for dry scalp. The latter can be alternated with a special product for porous and brittle hair, for example, L'Oreal Professionnel Nutrifier shampoo with glycerin and.

Redken Frizz dismiss shampoo helps relieve scalp discomfort and smooth out porous hair. Demonstrates the best results in combination with conditioner and serum from the same range.

Natalya Sitdikova


During the day, a huge amount of dirt and dust accumulates on porous hair, so you can’t do without a professional scrub. When choosing a product, pay attention to the fact that in addition to cleansing particles, the product contains nourishing components that are beneficial for the hair, as, for example, in Kerastase Chronologiste Soin Gommage - argan oil or vitamin A.

The scrub should be used once or twice a week. The product is applied with gentle massaging movements and then washed off with warm water.

Irina Egorova


Light serum is an indispensable product for porous hair: it smoothes its structure, has a beneficial effect on the cuticle, and greatly facilitates the styling process. The most effective serums contain substances that nourish and restore curls from the inside. Kerastase Resistance Therapiste, for example, contains 6 amino acids that fill damaged areas of the hair and make it softer. If heat styling is unavoidable, use REDKEN FPF 30 INSTANT DEFLATE serum with ingredients that prevent damage to curls when exposed to high temperatures.

In addition to thermal protection, REDKEN FPF 30 INSTANT DEFLATE serum facilitates combing and helps the comb glide through the strands during blow-drying.

Natalya Sitdikova

Salon treatments for porous hair

Is it possible to deal with porosity in a salon environment? Our selection includes the five most effective procedures according to our stylists.


Keratin straightening is the first procedure recommended for owners of severely damaged, porous hair. The basis of the care is sealing the cuticle scales with keratin, the substance most closely related to hair, which contains more than 90% of it. In case of serious damage, it is better to choose natural analogues of the procedure: unlike Brazilian keratin straightening, they do not contain formaldehyde and have a beneficial effect on the health of curls. The effect lasts about 3 weeks.


The protective film that covers the hairs during the procedure creates a barrier between the hair and the external environment. As a result, dirt and dust “stick” to them much less. And the cuticle does not look “tattered”. The biolamination procedure based on plant components has the most beneficial effect on hair. The result lasts for a month and a half.

Spa treatments

They have several advantages: they are pleasant (as they are usually accompanied by a head massage and aromatherapy), useful and short-lived. There is one main disadvantage: the effect lasts 7-10 days, so it is best to consider such procedures as express treatments before events. If there is porosity, you should choose rituals aimed at nutrition and hydration: for example, Kerastase Nutritive or Kerastase Resistance.

Biolage therapy

 A type of spa therapy for porous hair based on Matrix Biolage products: includes diagnostics, treatment and healing of curls with special plant complexes. With proper use of home remedies in addition to salon care, the effect will last up to 3 weeks.

Styling secrets for porous hair

Porous hair is unruly hair. But proper haircut and styling can solve the problem! TOP 5 main life hacks.

1. Choose styles without using thermal devices

For example, to give your hair volume, you can use large curlers. Curl them into damp hair (with a little foam or styling mousse) and leave to dry for several hours. The volume of hair without a hair dryer and curling iron is yours. To create curls, braid boxer braids on damp hair, once dry, gently undo them and fix with hairspray.

2. Cut your hair with hot scissors.

With this type of haircut, the tip of the hair is sealed, thereby protecting the cuticle from harmful influences. And the hair looks neater.

3. Bet on casualness.

Careless moving haircuts will help disguise the imperfections of porous hair. Pay attention to a pixie with asymmetrical bangs or a cascade.

4. Medium and short lengths are the most successful

Long hair with a porous structure is especially difficult to care for. Pay attention to shoulder-length haircuts or short versions: they look the most neat.

5. Avoid hair pulling

 If the braids are not tight, if the hair is high, then with minimal twisting and pulling of the hair. The ideal option is a voluminous shell or a relaxed braid.

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Dry, brittle, lifeless - these are the three main symptoms of porous hair. It is sometimes simply impossible to put them into a decent hairstyle - they will still get out of it and puff up in different directions. If you put on any headgear for at least a couple of minutes, they will immediately become electrified. There is no shine left on them either. And problems with loss in this case are indicated very clearly.

Hair becomes porous because the protective layer on it, the cuticle, is destroyed. The scales covering each hair shaft peel off and pores form between them. In this form, the hair becomes more vulnerable to all negative factors. Also, due to open pores, they quickly lose moisture, and with it their smoothness and silkiness.

Two mini hair porosity tests

How to determine whether your hair is porous or not all is lost? There are two simple mini-tests to identify this problem:

1) Gently comb all the strands so that they lie freely. If you have long hair, let it down. Now just run your palm over the surface of your hair, touching it only lightly. Healthy hair will feel smooth and soft to the touch, while porous hair will feel rough and harsh.

2) Try to stretch your hair in different directions, holding it at opposite ends. A good margin of strength allows healthy hair to stretch to about a third of its original length. Did your hair immediately break? Everything is clear: it turned out to be porous.

Why did this happen

Hair porosity is the price to pay for a woman’s natural desire to be beautiful. What tricks do fashionistas resort to when creating hairstyles! And all these remedies sooner or later lead to weakening of the hair.

The list of potential threats includes:

Washing your hair with hard water also causes serious damage to your hair. Not only is their natural protective layer destroyed, but deposits of mineral salts accumulate in the pores of the hair, and the color of the hair can take on an unattractive shade.

10 rules for caring for porous hair

You need to fight for the beauty of your hair wisely. You can get rid of porosity and return your hair to a chic look if you apply the following rules in everyday life:

1. You only need to wash your hair with soft water.

2. To wash your hair, it is better to buy a shampoo that contains proteins but no sulfates.

3. After washing, rinse your hair with an apple cider vinegar solution.

4. Avoid hair dryers and any other devices that quickly dry your hair. Dry them naturally - at room temperature. For a long time? But this is the only competent approach.

5. Use tongs and curling irons no more than once every 1.5-2 months. You can only afford them to create a festive hairstyle. And come up with something different for every day. After all, all-natural beauty is trending right now.

6. The same applies to hair sprays and mousses.

7. Before using a straightener or curling iron, be sure to treat your hair with a heat protection spray.

8. Buy any hair care products containing silicone - ready-made masks, spray, drops, balm. There is even a special silicone oil.

9. Pamper your hair with wraps or homemade masks with gelatin - they give almost the same effect as salon lamination. By the way, lamination will also benefit you. If possible, be sure to do it.

10. It would be better to refrain from dyeing your hair - at least until you treat it. But sometimes it happens that you simply cannot do without it. In this case, you need to unconditionally abandon permanent paints with ammonia and opt for semi-permanent ones, which contain very little or no ammonia. Another good option is tinted balms and shampoos. They certainly won't cause much damage to your hair. True, the dyeing procedure in this case will have to be repeated every time you wash your hair.

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Beautiful, well-groomed hair is an indicator of health. Hair has a complex structure. The visible part, the hair shaft, has a protective shell or cuticle, the outer layer of which consists of several layers of keratin scales glued together with lipids. If the protective shell is broken, the rod becomes porous, dry, brittle, and damaged. It is recommended to take care of porous hair from hairdressers. But if there is no time for salon procedures, proven home methods are used that have proven themselves well. Why porous hair needs special attention and how to improve the condition of curls, we’ll talk in the article.

A little about porous hair

What is porous hair and why is it special? The fact is that this type of curls absorbs masks, balm, conditioners well, and after washing, they “give back” the products that were used to care for the hair with the same ease. The strands resemble a sponge and are often dry.

So what does this concept of “porous hair” mean and why does that same porosity occur? It's quite simple. The scales of the hair shaft (cuticle) often break and open, and care products, dirt, and sebum become clogged into the damaged structure. As a result, porous curls lose their pleasant shine, become greasy, and have an unhealthy appearance.

If your hair is porous, what should you do with it and how to care for this type of hair? You need to start with proper nutrition, and continue with special masks that will help restore the structure of the curls and cover the scales.

Proper care

What to do with porous hair and how to wash it if care products, dirt and sebum get into the structure? It is recommended to start care with the selection of shampoo. Choose a product without aggressive components that harm the hair.

Important! Active additives (surfactants) are considered aggressive components, which injure curls and damage their structure.

Shampoos that contain active additives are easy to distinguish. They form a thick and lush foam. Such products can be used no more than 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time, it is recommended to wash your hair with gentle shampoos.

The question of how to remove hair porosity is of interest to long-haired women. Since long strands more often suffer from such a defect. The first place to start treatment is to acquire an arsenal of shampoos:

  • deep cleansing products;
  • mild shampoos (for example, baby shampoos).

Deep cleansing products are used 1-2 times a week to remove remnants of gels and mousses, dirt, dust, and sebum. It will take a long time to treat porous hair, both oily and dry, or rather, your whole life. Because if you take care of your hair for 2–3 months, its condition will certainly change. But if you take a break in treatment for a similar period, the effect of the therapy will quickly disappear, and the curls will again become porous, dull, brittle and dry.

Basic rules for treating porous hair at home:

  1. Avoid using hair dryers, straightening irons, curling irons and curling irons.
  2. Take vitamins in the off-season.
  3. Avoid junk food.
  4. Use specialized products to care for curls.

Like all types of hair, porous hair can be made smooth and silky. The first step on the long road to recovery will be giving up curling irons, straightening irons, curling irons and hair dryers. The curls will become soft and healthy exactly when they stop drying out. If it is impossible to refuse such thermal styling, then it is worth finding a compromise. Do not use a hair dryer regularly, do not dry completely, leave the strands slightly damp.

Do not use curling or straightening devices every day; use special oils that protect curls from exposure to high temperatures.

Caring for porous hair at home includes taking vitamins. You can choose a special complex that is aimed at restoring curls, use regular brewer's yeast, which is rich.

Harmful products can ruin your curls. For this reason, it is worth limiting your consumption of fried, fatty foods. Include fish, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables in your diet. This diet will help improve the condition of not only your hair, but your entire body as a whole.

Help from a trichologist

Like any other hair, it is worth caring for porous curls using specialized products. It is advisable to select salon cosmetics that will quickly restore the structure of the hair shaft. An experienced trichologist or hairdresser will help you choose cosmetics.

Regular visits to the hairdresser will help get rid of hair porosity. Curls need to be trimmed and split ends cut off. This will improve the appearance of your hair.

Some experts recommend flame cutting for porous hair. But the procedure will not get rid of the problem. Preference should be given to grinding. This procedure is lengthy, but it is most suitable for this type of hair. Grinding closes open scales, removes split ends and gives hair shine. It is carried out in the salon or at home using a special device.

The magical power of oils

You can take care of porous curly or straight hair not only using salon products, but also essential oils. Such procedures are popular because they can be performed at home. But using oils has a number of disadvantages:

  • individual intolerance to a particular drug;
  • duration of the event.

When choosing essential oils for a mask, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the body. Essential oils cause itching and rashes on the skin. For this reason, they should be used with caution by people who suffer from food allergies.

Using oils will take a significant amount of time, since the mask will have to be kept on for more than two hours. In addition, such therapy is characterized by a cumulative effect, that is, the result of the procedures will not appear immediately, it will increase gradually.

Important! Oils “wash out” the dye from the hair, for this reason, using similar masks for colored curls, you need to prepare for the fact that the next coloring will not take long to come.

What to do if your hair is dry, and also porous? What oils can be used for treatment:

  1. , avocado.
  2. Shea butter, olives.
  3. Burdock, .

But the leader among oils is coconut oil, it helps cope with dry ends, moisturizes curls well, making them smooth and silky.

Taking care of porous straight or curly hair is easy. You can prepare a mask using several ingredients. It is worth adding cognac and liquid to the product. The main thing is that the procedures are repeated regularly at least 2-3 times a week.

It is recommended to wash your hair with warm water, rinse it with cool water, and always use conditioner, but do not apply it to the hair roots so that they do not become greasy. An integrated approach to solving the problem will help get rid of porosity in a few weeks and restore your curls to their former beauty, shine and softness of silk.

The top layer of healthy hair consists of many keratin scales closely adjacent to each other. Hair whose protective layer is damaged—delamination of scales is observed—is called “porous.” The problem of porous hair arises due to the simplest everyday situations, but is quite easily solved.

Porous hair: reasons

1. Regular heat styling.

2. Regular coloring.

3. Using low-quality combs and brushes. For example, metal combs practically “tear off” the top layer of hair.

4. Wrong choice of care products (shampoo for oily hair is used for dry hair, etc.).

5. Hard water (poorly filtered, hard water provokes the detachment of keratin scales).

6. Weather (strong wind, direct sunlight, frost).

Porous hair: symptoms

1. Dull color.

2. Hair that is hard to the touch.

3. Split ends, fragility.

4. After regular blow-drying, the hair becomes very frizzy.

5. Problematic styling, the shape of the hairstyle (haircut) does not hold well.

6. Problematic coloring (it is impossible to obtain a uniform shade along the entire length of the hair).

7. The color of the paint is quickly washed out (the effect after painting is lost after one or maximum two weeks).

Porous hair: what to do

Daily care

1. Refusal of heat styling during hair treatment will bring you closer to the desired result faster.

pharmacy. So you definitely won’t make a mistake - all cosmetics approved for sale in pharmacies have been clinically tested for quality and naturalness.

3. Avoid diets with an unbalanced diet. Hair needs B vitamins and vitamin A is required (all these are “hair growth” vitamins), as well as E and C, which improve blood circulation in the head.

4. Fight dry hair from the inside - drink water.

“If you have porous hair, drinking two liters of clean water a day is a must.”

Going to the salon

1. Try the “hot scissors” procedure.

2. A cascading haircut with thinning will save you from frizzy, hard ends.

3. If the problem of porous hair has not become critical, try the hair lamination procedure immediately after cutting the ends.

Homemade hair masks

1. Yolk mask. Ingredients: two yolks, 100 ml of kefir, three drops of burdock oil. An additional ingredient can be liquid honey in the amount of one tbsp. spoons. When all the ingredients are well mixed, the mask is applied over the entire length of the hair and left for 45 minutes (maximum - an hour). It is advisable to wash off such a mask with a mild shampoo.

2. Homemade mouthwash. You can take apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Proportion: for 1 liter of warm water, take 1 tbsp. spoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. The conditioner is used after shampoo and conditioner. You literally need to rinse your hair in it for a couple of minutes (to do this, take a basin and a ladle). The maximum that can be done after using the rinse is to rinse your hair with cool water. You need to use the rinse aid once a week (maximum twice).

3. Lamination. This mask is an affordable alternative to hair lamination in the salon. You will need all three tablespoons of gelatin, which must be poured with warm water in the amount of nine tablespoons and left for about 20 minutes. After which the swollen gelatin must be mixed with hair balm. The mask is applied along the entire length, but with a 1 cm indentation from the roots. After half an hour, wash off with plain water.

To enhance the lamination effect, you can heat the mask on your hair for 5-10 minutes using a hairdryer (only in this case you will need to put a plastic cap on your head or wrap your hair with cling film).

If, after comprehensive home care for porous hair, the problem remains unresolved, you should consult a trichologist.