Affectionate nicknames for loved ones help to better express your feelings, emphasize your tender attitude towards them, evoke pleasant emotions. Often in pairs people come up with them for each other.

It would seem that this is a trifle, but from a psychological point of view it has more meaning than it might seem. How to affectionately call your loved one? Everything is individual, but there are also factors that need to be taken into account.

Is it necessary to come up with affectionate nicknames, and why is this so important?

Coming up with affectionate names for each other as a couple is a kind of love creativity.

There are two main reasons for its occurrence: the first is to give the relationship some kind of uniqueness, the second is to appeal to the inner child.

Such nicknames come up unconsciously, but at the same time they almost always have a secret meaning.

Such nicknames are important because they make relationships deeper and more sincere. If, partners forget what they called themselves.

When relationships turn into a formality, nicknames also remain formal. If this kind of creativity continues to develop, it speaks about the development of the union, or rather, the feelings in it.

Affectionate names are important as an expression of deeply tender feelings, and not only women, but also men like them.

Regarding whether they need to be invented, it is worth saying that everything is individual. Basically they are selected spontaneously, and then everything the feelings inherent in them are manifested sincerely.

It hardly makes sense to choose them specifically, because it is necessary. In addition, there are people who do not like such displays of tenderness. So everything is individual, and depends on the relationship and the people in it.

Why don't couples use them?

Not all couples use affectionate names for each other.

The reasons why they don't do this could be:

  1. The couple's relationship is not deep and trusting enough for this. Their level is closer to formal. This may be at the beginning of a relationship, when the partners have not yet become too close, or when the feelings have exhausted themselves.
  2. Many people are afraid of getting a negative reaction in response to such a nickname.. This is especially true for men, who often try to appear more serious and brutal than they are.
  3. Lack of imagination. Some people simply can't figure out what to call their loved one.
  4. Finally, some people simply don’t like this kind of treatment. Some people are far from romantic and prefer to be addressed by their first names.

    In principle, there is nothing wrong with this - all people are different, and a person may simply be more comfortable that way.

What does your loved one want to hear? Kind words:

List for girls

What can you call a girl? First you need to understand what tone will the nickname be pronounced in?.

You need to put maximum tenderness into it. You can choose a name that will reflect some character trait or appearance of your partner.

But at the same time, this trait should not be the one that is beloved perceives it as his own shortcoming.

After all, you can make too much of a mistake and hurt her to the quick, which will significantly damage the relationship. Here are options for nicknames that can be used for a girl: baby, my love, my sweetheart, my darling, my beauty, honey, etc.


Here you can pay attention to some of the girl’s features, but only the positive ones. For example.

If, say, a girl sings well, you can call her like a bird or nightingale, or rummage through encyclopedias and find there the name of some exotic bird with an incredible voice.

You can also come up with some variation of the name. There can be many of them, the main thing is that they are not offensive or too childish.


They are used by couples who have everything is fine with a sense of humor. Usually these are names that the couple uses exclusively among themselves (fool, booger, poponka, baby bump, etc.).


Girls usually love flowers and you can use them as nicknames.

In this case, you can take into account the symbolism and meaning of the flower:

  • rose, rosette- demonstrates the beauty of the girl, as well as your feelings for her;
  • violet, violet- at the same time tender and mysterious;
  • sakura- suitable if the girl is of Eastern nationality or is interested in the culture of the East;
  • tulip- sounds nice and spring-like. Suitable for a girl with a bob or similar hairstyle;
  • aster- a flower associated with Aphrodite. It's beautiful;
  • lotus— suitable for a girl who is interested in yoga or Indian culture;
  • birch tree- will emphasize the lady’s slimness.
  • Animal

    Traditionally, animal motifs lead among all nicknames. Here are their popular options:

    Fruity or sweet

    Many couples like to use the names of sweets, fruits, and berries. Popular options: berry, cherry, strawberry, peach, marshmallow and others.

    It is important here that the chosen name does not hint at the girl’s curvaceous figure - this may offend her.

    Nicknames associated with the names of famous personalities or heroines of some works of art are also sometimes used. As an example, Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Mona Lisa and others.

    What nicknames do girls like? Watch the video:

    Which options are better not to use?

    First of all, you should not use words with which the lady has negative associations.

    For example, if it appeals to some of her complexes, or she was teased like that at school.

    So, if available excess weight You should forget about nicknames like “pie”, “doughnut”, “pig” and so on.

    Another point - animal names. Here you need to find out how the girl feels about this or that animal. Nicknames like horse, pig, cow, magpie, crow and others that have a negative connotation, few people will like.

    However, this list is not closed. Perhaps the girl has a subtle sense of humor and no complexes, and she will just appreciate such a name.

    But the important thing here is how much you know the person and trust each other.

    Nicknames for a guy

    In the case of men, everything is a little more complicated. Not every one of them likes tenderness, and it is important not to overdo it, so as not to humiliate the manhood of the chosen one.

  1. A pet name should not be one that humiliates or insults a partner. For example, if he is embarrassed by excess weight or short, you shouldn’t call him a hippopotamus or a baby or, on the contrary, a slender man and a giant. Even if the young man himself is not against it, it may hurt him in his soul.
  2. Words have their own energy, and there should not be any negative message in them.
  3. It is not recommended to use children's nicknames, it’s better to leave them to bosom friends.
  4. Don't use nicknames that are paraphrases of a man's last name.. For him, this is pride, his family, something that is inherited, and it’s not worth joking about.

In addition, there are situations where both men and women not recommended calling your loved one by an invented nickname.

So, it is better not to do this in public places and companies, in front of parents, or at a business stop.

It's better to use such nicknames then, when you are alone- this way you will be more comfortable, and the names will gain even more intimacy, since they will be your secret.

Affectionate nicknames and names are very sweet, intimate and individual. There is no one thing that suits everyone, because people are different, and their ideas about relationships are also different.

If you know your partner well, you will probably be able to find a word that will be one hundred percent suitable for him and evoke only pleasant emotions.

What is the correct name for your loved one? Find out from the video:

Although I’m not a fan of such tenderness, especially from a man, guys very often “ How can you affectionately call your girlfriend?", "How to name a girl beautifully", "How to name a girl in an original way", "How to do it sweetly and tenderly?" And the like.

In some situations this is quite appropriate. Especially if not only will the girl be pleased to hear you call her, but you won’t strain yourself at the same time.

Just keep in mind the following point: a girl can be as gentle with you as she wants, that’s why she’s a girl. But if you, on your part, continue to coo with her in the same way, then in the end it may even push her away. A man, by definition, should be courageous, more serious and balanced. So do everything in moderation :)

On the other hand, girls love it when they... Especially the girl is a soul. This is prone to romance. Don’t feed such people bread - let them pamper, dream, and they adore compliments, especially when they reflect her inner essence.

As a rule, guys can't come up with anything original. And all the girls turn out to be honey and sunshine 😀

How can you affectionately and beautifully call your beloved girl?

The girl’s appeal should coincide with the image of her that you have in your head and with the emotions that she evokes. Maybe she behaves like a fox? Just as graceful and cunning :) Or like a hedgehog? The same “thorn”, but cute.

Every person is like some kind of animal, in a good way this word. These could be appearance traits or character traits. Think about who your girlfriend is like. And if she herself likes the comparison, then here’s the original name for you 😀

If nothing particularly comes to mind, and your friend doesn’t evoke any associations, you can choose the name you like from the options below.

How to affectionately call a girl - list:


My joy





Call your girlfriend that when you sincerely want to do it. And not in the case when she calls you affectionately, and you think you should also come up with something original. But this is no longer your inner desire. And your friend will feel whether it comes from the heart.

As for me, I believe that a man’s attitude towards a woman should be more expressed in actions, in confidence in the future, in leadership in relationships. When your soulmate really feels comfortable and safe next to you. And it's not so important anymore what will you affectionately call her?

Affectionate and tender words show warmth, sensuality, love, convey confidence, inspire and lift your spirits. Different categories of diminutive words will help you be unique and unite you with your loved one even more.

In verse

Compliments, nice words and the phrases delight girls. It’s not for nothing that this is one of the old, proven methods for winning a girl’s heart. The more love there is in a relationship, the more valuable small signs of attention to each other are perceived.

Don't know what to call a girl affectionately to win her affection? Then beautiful compliments to a girl in poetry will undoubtedly arouse interest in you.

You are beautiful, like a blooming garden,
In moments of bright spring,
And your voice, singing like a stream,
Filled with wondrous beauty.

You are beautiful in face and article,
Features rich in tenderness,
And unspeakable grace
This world is filled by you.

Tender as butterflies, aspiration
To get to the calling flower,
You inspire admiration
And you multiply beauty.

You are the ideal of a love night,
Your smile has no equal
You inspire these lines
Love bringing a gentle light into them.

You are the poet's inspiration,
The light is filled with your beauty,
The Universe is warmed by you,
There are no people like you in nature.

You are more radiant than the sky
And more romantic than the moon,
You are pristine nature,
You are the beauty of spring.

You are immeasurably full of magic
A gentle goddess I guess
It has awakened in you and is silent,
It’s as if he’s doing a prayer service.

And become your languid pose,
as if he wants to tell me
What an angel and perfection you are,
Bringing love and bliss.

For the night

As you fall asleep, gently whisper kind words to your beloved girl. You'll see, she will immediately break into a smile, and in the morning she will wake up in good mood from the words:

  • captivating;
  • inspired;
  • witchcraft;
  • affectionate;
  • wonderful;
  • the star is clear.

Warm words at night will not take a lot of energy and will not ruin your mood. Repeat them often to your loved ones. The main thing is to be sincere.

Before going to bed, except for wishes Good night, the girl can be called:

In the morning

Don’t forget to whisper in your beloved’s ear “s good morning", and at the same time say beautiful words to her:

  • the Amazon is captivating;
  • angelically beautiful;
  • appetizing-tasty;
  • seductively loving;
  • deafening;
  • fiery;
  • intoxicating;
  • worthy of all gifts;
  • inspiring;
  • bewitchingly charming;
  • fragrant.

After such unusual and beautiful words, the girl will melt, charge you with positivity, and you will feel how your fantasies come true. A friendly smile and gentle words in the morning will bring pleasure to both of you.


It doesn’t matter how long your sympathy for each other lasts: there were several dates or a couple of decades married life. Girls are always pleased to hear and read beautiful words and compliments.

And let them be a little stupid or naive, but always with all their hearts. Nice text message will always intrigue you, give you a positive mood and a desire to meet you as soon as possible. Feel free to write a lot of affection in SMS to your girlfriend.

Beautiful compliments

It is better to give compliments to a girl when she is not in a hurry and does not crave loneliness. Be truthful and don't make fun of romantic feelings. This can hurt your girlfriend very deeply.

It is better to speak kind words to your beloved girl while looking into her eyes and hugging her.
Complements in prose can sound much more pleasant than in poetry if they are spoken spontaneously and sincerely.

You can praise absolutely everything you like about a girl:

  • ... (girl's name), yours are so cool, curly hair! They sparkle and shimmer in the sun like gold! I want to touch them... Is it possible?
  • It’s interesting to be with you: you are both a great conversationalist and know how to listen. Few can boast of such a gift.

The red-haired girl can be called the sun, the fiery maiden, the priestess of fire, the child of the sun, etc.

When she's sick

When a girl is sick or simply doesn’t feel well, you should cheer her up and look after her. Tender and caring words will definitely help you recover and feel most loved and needed.

  • Darling, when I’m around, I always want to give you tea with jam so that you get well soon. After all, when you are sick, I feel bad.
  • Honey, get well soon, it’s not easy for me without you.
  • I love you very much, I think this will help you get better...

In addition to beautiful words, you can bring flowers, cook something delicious, or offer your shoulder.

For your birthday

Wishing a happy birthday to a girl is a special event. Beautiful words are very significant on this day. They should be touching, heartfelt, sincere.

Be cheerful, gentle, clear,
Carefree and beautiful,
So that you laugh carelessly,
So that happiness lasts forever,

May all dreams come true
And wishes came true
So that you are like spring,
Full of youthful charm.

Let everything be as you want
Let your expectations not be deceived,
And all the beautiful dreams
They will become your reality!

I wish to live in harmony with myself,
Illuminate friends and loved ones with a smile,
Know how to give and receive love,
And light up at the slightest spark.

Sweet, kind, gentle, nice!
How old you are is not the main thing.
I wish you to be the happiest in life,
Beloved by everyone, cheerful, beautiful.


Girls like it when guys call them differently than everyone else, but in a special way, even if it sounds funny.

You can call a girl affectionately by the name of almost any animal:

  • cat;
  • crocodile;
  • tiger cub
  • hippo;
  • mouse;
  • rabbit;
  • fish.

You need to be very careful with animal names and use them in a diminutive form. The funniest and coolest names like pokemon, teletubby, dinosaur can offend a girl if she is concerned about being overweight or something else.

They also often manipulate the names of loved ones: Alenulka, Oksandrik, Oksik, Irishulik, Olyunchik, etc.


Listen to your heart, it will tell you what and when to say. If a girl likes you, then even an inept word you say will sound romantic to her.

Affectionate phrases and tender words play the role of a ticket to your girl’s heart. But at the same time, you need to show your imagination in moderation, without overusing it, so that the words that come from the depths of your soul are not taken for granted.

A young man must feel when his love messages or words for his beloved are appropriate. And then the girl will read the SMS or listen to it with trepidation.

A man doesn't need to be a poet to express his feelings for his beloved in beautiful words. It is enough to talk about your feelings while looking into her eyes. False compliments are not successful, it’s better to remain silent, because a sensitive girl will understand everything without words.

Don't be shy to tell your girlfriend kind words, compliments. There are a lot of options for all kinds of tenderness, all that remains is to use them to the maximum.

Video: Compliments

Many couples come up with affectionate nicknames to address each other. Today, there are a huge number of options, but the choice is complicated by the fact that the nickname should not offend the other half, but, on the contrary, emphasize some features. When thinking about what a cute name to give a girl, you can use the universal options that many couples have chosen for themselves. Thanks to this, you won’t have to rack your brains over what nickname to come up with for your beloved.

How to call a girl affectionately and originally?

Sometimes even a banal compliment from the mouth dear person sounds very nice. Perhaps this is why many men choose “beloved”. It is important to say this with a special intonation, which will allow you to express other feelings. In addition, this word once again reminds the girl that she is loved.

It’s also worth mentioning the banal ones: bunny, baby, kitten, etc. According to surveys, many ladies would not like to be called such nicknames, because they think that their loved one addressed other ladies with the same words. In this case, there is a way out - change the word a little and get your original version, for example, bunny, kitty, hare, baby, etc. Thus, you can name a girl beautifully and unusually, since everything depends on imagination and knowledge of the Russian language.

It is worth mentioning another popular nickname - baby. This option is most often chosen by men who, on a subconscious level, want to excel and dominate. Brutal men choose the “baby” option for themselves. If you want to show that your beloved means a lot in life, then you can opt for “treasure” or “my queen”.

How can you call a girl affectionately and funny based on external appearance?

To come up with an original nickname that will stand out among the already existing options, it is worth paying attention to the features of appearance. For example, a dark-skinned girl with beautiful black hair can be affectionately called “chocolate.” If the chosen one has a shock of red hair, then she can be called “little fox” or “redhead.” Representatives of curvaceous figures who are not shy about their appearance can be called “bun”, “doughnut” or “yummy”. It is important not to use a body part that the girl does not like for a nickname, as this will certainly offend and offend her.

What is a nice way to call a girl affectionately and funnyly, given her habits, character and profession?

For life together people recognize each other by noticing certain features, and these can be taken as the basis for an unusual nickname. For example, if your loved one likes to clean the house and often does chores, then she can be called a “bee.” For strong girl, which has a strict character, the nickname “lioness” is suitable. If your beloved sings well, then the word “bird” is ideal for her. For the funny and sometimes inattentive For ladies, you can use such a nickname - “hooligan” or “monkey”. Berry lovers can be called “strawberry” - this is both unusual and pleasant. You can come up with nicknames based on how a girl behaves in bed. In this case, you can use a fairly wide list, for example, queen, sorceress, tigress, etc. You can ask your beloved, perhaps she already has a nickname, which, for example, her parents gave her in childhood and she really likes it.

When thinking about what to name a girl, keep in mind that the Russian language has a huge number of words that can be used for this. Usually, about 35 of the most popular options are chosen for nicknames, so be original.

Let's call our beloved affectionate. Variants of names in diminutive form.

You want to constantly see, cherish and cherish your dear and beloved person. Let's remember how we address our loved ones in an affectionate manner.

The article will present diminutive forms of the most common names. We will also explain and tell you how to call a man, child, girlfriend, and so on with a gentle word.

How to affectionately call your beloved man

If you are eager to call the man you have chosen in your heart not just by name, but somehow affectionately and unusually, then we offer the following options:

  • zushnya;
  • my knight;
  • super man;
  • my hero;
  • darling;
  • my dear;
  • my macho;
  • little leopard;
  • bead;
  • hamster.

How to affectionately call a guy list

If you have found a boy who is simply crazy about you, then he will probably be pleased to hear such delightful messages from you:

  • baby;
  • my Hercules;
  • kitty;
  • slutulik;
  • relative;
  • my sugar;
  • my chipmunk;
  • bunny;
  • tiger;
  • fluffy.

How to affectionately call your husband

If you want to somehow diversify your relationship with your rightful gentleman, that is, your spouse, then try starting with affectionate words addressed to him. For example, name the permanent resident of your heart like this:

  • my wall is made of stone;
  • assistant;
  • support;
  • My little Hermes;
  • Apollonushka;
  • my lion;
  • papulik;
  • murzichek;
  • donut;
  • my light is clear.

How to call a girl affectionately and originally

The boy will need this list of sweet words addressed to his beautiful girlfriend:

  • little star;
  • my marmalade;
  • pretty pet;
  • fox;
  • my dawn is clear;
  • my sunbeam;
  • my tenderness and fluffiness;
  • forget-me-not;
  • queen;
  • cutie.

How to call a guy affectionately and unusually

If you want to call the boy in a special way, then this list of cute addresses will be useful to you:

  • pampusie;
  • beauty;
  • cute;
  • darling;
  • hero;
  • affectionate;
  • clear falcon;
  • mosaic bunny;
  • defender;
  • music

How to affectionately call your wife

It is useful for men to keep in stock such a mini-arsenal of affectionate addresses to their beloved wife:

  • bead;
  • sugar cranberry;
  • panther;
  • button;
  • my strawberry;
  • fun;
  • pulp;
  • beauty;
  • matryoshka;
  • My beloved minx.

How to affectionately call a friend

Surely you have bosom girlfriends, and they will undoubtedly be pleased if you call them something sweet and gentle. For example, this is how you can call your girlfriend:

  • Masyanya;
  • old lady;
  • mother;
  • Sun;
  • darling;
  • dear heart;
  • my soul;
  • darling;
  • girlfriend;
  • lighter.

How to affectionately call a friend

Praise your family and loved ones more often, because this only has a strengthening effect on relationships. For example, you can affectionately call a friend:

  • dear;
  • friend;
  • my right hand;
  • buddy;
  • friend;
  • Handsome;
  • a man with a capital “H”;
  • awesome guy;
  • my goldenrod;
  • started it.

How to affectionately call a boy

If you need to find the most pleasant reviews about a certain boy, then we offer the following list to help you:

  • kitty;
  • Baby;
  • mischievous;
  • naughty girl;
  • little baby;
  • bunny;
  • kolobocha;
  • sweet pie;
  • klopenok;
  • little doll.

How to affectionately call a girl

You can caress a girl with these unusual words:

  • Musenka;
  • sweetie;
  • little one;
  • bunny;
  • little girl;
  • little fish;
  • little daughter;
  • girl;
  • princess;
  • fashionable girl.

How to affectionately name a child

If you have children in your family or your friends already have children, then you can visit them like this kind words contact:

  • baby;
  • Puska;
  • little bunny;
  • Kisulka;
  • cubs;
  • my little bird;
  • little baby;
  • yuushenka;
  • little son;
  • daughter.

How to affectionately call Sasha

Sashas are avid workaholics. They are always at work. It’s just a pity that they don’t value their work at all and allow themselves to be manipulated by careless bosses. There are quite a lot of Alexandrovs now divorced. If you think about it, every person has at least one Sashka in their family or circle of friends. So, if you want to please a person with that name, then first try to address him affectionately, for example, like this:

  • Sashok;
  • Sandro;
  • Sanyok;
  • Sashulik;
  • Shurik;
  • Sancho;
  • Sasha;
  • Sashik;
  • Sashenka;
  • Xandric.

How to affectionately call Dima

Dmitry is a very beautiful and purely masculine name. Men with this name love everything luxurious, including beautiful women. The justice of this guy is off the charts and from a young age he gives out not at all childish sayings and opinions about life. If there are Dimochkas in your circle, then try to paraphrase his name in these gentle ways:

  • Dimonchik;
  • Dimik;
  • Mityushechka;
  • Dimon;
  • Dimasik;
  • Mityai;
  • Dimusik;
  • Dimochka;
  • Dimoska;
  • Mityukha.

How to affectionately call Maxim

Maxims really don’t like it when people argue with them. If you make this man angry, you might really regret it. When enraged, he becomes almost uncontrollable. Nowadays there are still families who call their sons Maxim. If you have a friend whose dad and mom named him this way, then gently address him, something like this:

  • Maskyush;
  • Masya;
  • Maxik;
  • Maxonchik;
  • Masik;
  • Max;
  • Maksimushka;
  • Maksimchik;
  • Maksyunchik;
  • Masya.

How to affectionately call Denis

The Denises carefully monitor their appearance and from the very beginning early age, while still in kindergarten, choose their outfits and fashionable things. Sometimes they grow into handsome men who are fixated only on themselves. If you know Denisa among your circle, then take a look at the list of endearments for their names:

  • Denyushka;
  • Dinya;
  • Denisushka;
  • Denchik;
  • Denisik;
  • Denyukha;
  • Dinyushka;
  • Dinechka;
  • Disa.

How to affectionately call Nikita

A guy named Nikita is not used to losing at anything. He tries at all costs to achieve his plans and turn all his crazy ideas into reality. For comrades with the name Nikitka, this list of affectionate addresses is suitable:

  • Nikitushka;
  • Nikitochka;
  • Nikitos;
  • Nikitosik;
  • Kityulik;
  • Nikitusik;
  • Nikitik;
  • Nikityashka;
  • Nikituska.

How to affectionately call Andrey

Andrei is cunning and perspicacious. They are always immersed in some kind of dreams and peculiar plans for life. There are also a lot of Andreevs in our environment, and sometimes we don’t have enough imagination to somehow address them affectionately. This list of the most tender names will certainly be useful to you if you have Andryushka among your friends and relatives:

  • Dusha;
  • Andryusik;
  • Andreyka;
  • Andronchik;
  • Drone;
  • Andryushenka;
  • Dushenka;
  • Andrik;
  • Dryusya;
  • Dronchik.

How to affectionately call Matvey

Matveys are gentle and romantic men. They will try to constantly pamper their beloved and indulge her in everything. Matveyka always carefully calculates all her steps in advance. For those who were assigned from birth beautiful name Matvey, the following list of affectionate addresses will do:

  • Matyusha;
  • Motya;
  • Matveyka;
  • Matveyushka;
  • Matveychik;
  • Motik;
  • Matyunya;
  • Motenka;
  • Motka;
  • Motyusya.

How to affectionately call Mark

Brands have their own view on everything and try to impose it on everyone, which sometimes makes others angry. Mark is not a very common name in our country, but still, if you know Mark, you can treat them as follows:

  • Marik;
  • Marochka;
  • Marushka;
  • Markusik;
  • Maricek;
  • Makusha;
  • Markushechka;
  • Mara;
  • Maryusik;
  • Markusechka.

How to affectionately call Sergei

Seryozha is a man you can safely rely on in everything. He will not let his friends down under any circumstances. Usually men with this name are talented and creative individuals. Almost any of us can find Sergeev among our friends, so the list of touching addresses to men with that name will be useful to many. Here is the list of pet names:

  • Seryozha;
  • Serezhenka;
  • Seryozhechka;
  • Serezhik;
  • Sergusha;
  • Sergunchik;
  • Sergusik;
  • Sergunya;
  • Sergunechka;
  • Gunya.

How to affectionately call Roma

Roman is a beautiful and sonorous name. This guy has a cheerful disposition, loves to relax with health benefits and hates when depression creeps up on him. The man who was given this name by mom and dad can be affectionately called as follows:

  • Chamomile;
  • Romochka;
  • Chamomile;
  • Romik;
  • Romantic;
  • Romanka;
  • Romichek;
  • Chamomile;
  • Romushechka;
  • Romasya.

How to affectionately call Alexey

Lech, in the minds of many, is a guy with an open soul and a kind heart. Alexey will never be afraid to stand up for the humiliated and insulted, because he cannot stand injustice. Here's how to access it:

  • Alex;
  • Alexyusha;
  • Leshik;
  • Leshechka;
  • Leshenka;
  • Alexeyka;
  • Alekseyushka;
  • Alekseenka;
  • Lesik;
  • Lelya.

How to affectionately call Yulia

Julia's character is very soft. She hates getting into arguments with anyone, but still she always has her own opinion in everything. Girls are called Julia no longer as often as, say, in the late 80s. Back then this name was quite common and fashionable. If you have Yulka in your circle of girlfriends, then you can gently address her like this:

  • Yulenka;
  • Yulyashka;
  • Julek;
  • Yulechka;
  • Yulik;
  • Yulyakha;
  • Yulyushka;
  • Yulyashechka;
  • Yulcha;
  • Yulyashik.

How to affectionately call Veronica

Veronica knows how to be affectionate and fluffy only with those she completely trusts. In general, this woman is not used to giving in to anyone and will not mince words in an argument. If you have a friendship with some Veronica, then call her like this:

  • Nika;
  • Nikushka;
  • Veronica;
  • Veronichechka;
  • Nikusya;
  • Nikushechka;
  • Nikulka;
  • Veronica;
  • Veronicochka;
  • Nikulenok.

How to affectionately call Zhenya

Evgenia is a girl who is used to achieving everything herself. She has a cache of masculine character traits, which she displays at every opportunity. If there is Evgenia in your circle, then you can love her with one of the following affectionate addresses:

  • Zhenyok;
  • Evgeshka;
  • Evgesha;
  • Evgenka;
  • Gesha;
  • Geshulka;
  • Zhenyulka;
  • Geshechka;
  • Zhenyushka;
  • Zhenechek.

How to affectionately call Marina

Marina is a woman with an assertive disposition and stubborn character. If she doesn’t like you, then no matter how you approach her, your attempts will not be crowned with success. If you are in good relations with some Marina, then you can affectionately call her like this:

  • Marisha;
  • Marishka;
  • Marinushka;
  • Marinochka;
  • Marinusik;
  • Marishechka;
  • Marie;
  • Mary;
  • Marinchik;
  • Marinushechka.

How to affectionately call Katya

Ekaterina is a name that carries the spirit of a self-confident woman; she will not be afraid of difficulties and obstacles on her life path. If there is at least one Katyukha among your close associates, then try to affectionately call her one of the options proposed in the list:

  • Katie;
  • Katyusha;
  • Katyunechka;
  • Katenok;
  • Katenka;
  • Katyushka;
  • Katyulya;
  • Katyushechka;
  • Katyunyashka;
  • Katechka.

How to affectionately call Dasha

Daria tries her best to please everyone and always. She is very sweet and extremely courteous. At the same time, she has an inner core that will help her achieve unprecedented heights in business and career. You can address a girl with the expressive and gentle name Daria like this:

  • Dashenka;
  • Dashulik;
  • Dasha;
  • Dashik;
  • Daryushka;
  • Daryasha;
  • Dashulya;
  • Dashulka;
  • Daryashechka;
  • Dashulenok.

How to affectionately call Milana

The girl who is named Milana will go towards her goal, even if those around her suffer. She is overly selfish and loves to boast about herself. This character trait can do a lot of harm to her in life. Milanese can be affectionately addressed by one of the following names:

  • Cutie;
  • Mila;
  • Milanochka;
  • Milasik;
  • Sweetheart;
  • Milanushka;
  • Milusik;
  • Milanchik;
  • Darling;
  • Milanusya.

How to affectionately call Diana

Diana is a girl with a soft character. She simply cannot pass by if someone has grief. As a child, her mother often scolded her for bringing abandoned puppies and kittens into the house. If you have a Dianka friend among your friends, then you can call her affectionately like this:

  • Dianochka;
  • Dinochka;
  • Dinusik;
  • Dinushka;
  • Dianusya;
  • Dinulechka;
  • Dinusya;
  • Diasha;
  • Dianchik.

How to affectionately call Alina

Alina always tries to be ahead of the rest in everything. She is such a self-confident person that sometimes her friends simply cannot cope with her and try not to even argue. Who has in a family circle or in friendly company a girl with a lovely name Alina, they can call her like this:

  • Alinushka;
  • Linusechka;
  • Alinusya;
  • Linushka;
  • Alinya;
  • Alinochka;
  • Alinusechka;
  • Alinchik;
  • Linux;
  • Alinyashechka.

Video on how to affectionately call your loved one

We offer a short video for viewing. It clearly and clearly shows how you can affectionately call your lover.

Now you know what abbreviated affectionate names you can use to address your family and friends. Surely you yourself will like it if they call you something special, tenderly and with ardent love in your heart.