People often find themselves in absurd situations, the right way out of which is extremely difficult to find. In today's material we will tell a story that certainly will not seem banal to you.

Oksana first saw Yegor at a family holiday. " Meet my daughter, this is yours cousin Egor“- the girl’s stepfather simply and quickly introduced the young people. The step-relatives immediately developed an interest in each other. Oksana and Yegor, unnoticed by themselves, began to spend a lot of time together. Relatives were glad that things worked out between the cousins good relationship. And only the secretly loving couple knew that their feelings were far from related.

For the first time, young people realized that their feelings were something more than the primitive relationship of brother and sister on vacation. The first kiss between Oksana and Yegor happened during an evening walk on the seashore. From that moment on, the attraction between them grew stronger. It became more difficult for the crazy couple to hide their feelings every day.

The girl, finishing her last year at university, understood: either everything would be decided now, or each of them would have their own path. Repeated conversations with Yegor about the need to tell everything to his parents ended in scandals. Quarrels and scenes of reconciliation were repeated more and more often. However, the desired result for Oksana did not happen. " Well, how do you imagine this? Parents, meet me, this is mine future wife. You all have known her for a long time, my cousin Oksana“,” Yegor said, smiling nervously and waving his arms.

So, the lovers met secretly for about three years. Their plans and dreams included a wedding, a cozy home and the birth of children. Only no one knew about the plans, except Oksana and Yegor.

It took Oksana a lot of time to pull herself together, to convince herself that they could not have a future together. After some time, the girl plucked up courage and told Yegor that since he didn’t have the courage to tell his family everything, it was time for them to put an end to the relationship.

And so it happened. After painful suffering and constant attempts to avoid any meetings with Yegor, Oksana eventually came to her senses. Family holidays became practically the only place where young people met.

Soon, at one of these gatherings with his loved ones, Yegor introduced his future wife to the family.

Only it wasn’t Oksana at all. As our heroine admitted: “ I didn’t have the strength to go to the wedding of my once loved one: I was afraid to see him happy and cry. But at the same time I wanted to go and prove to him once again that I am much braver and stronger».

Currently, Egor is married, and more recently became a father. Oksana has resumed a relationship from days gone by: she is dating her first love. And only on family holidays Yegor and Oksana’s eyes still meet secretly from everyone...


Photo from the heroine’s personal archive

The birth of a younger child is a significant test in the life of an older one. And even though his position has its advantages, he will still definitely need strong nerves and a good dose of humility. We have collected stories that many who happened to be born older will clearly recognize!

Treason, substitution!

For some reason, I really wanted a brother, and for some reason my parents supported me in this thought until the very end. And I painted all the albums with images of a stick-stick-cucumber with the inscriptions “this is my brother Filepok” (the name Philip seemed to me at that time the height of euphony and nobility - and I had no doubt that they would name my brother precisely at my suggestion). When my mother, from the window of the maternity hospital, showed me and my dad, who was standing below, some tiny monkey and they suddenly told me that this was my new sister, I shouted: “Hey, take this away, and where did you put my Philip?!”

Your bobblehead is of poor quality

When my youngest was born, it was just a shock for me. One moment I was a superstar and the center of the universe - and then the center shifted! And she was still screaming constantly. And I quite sincerely believed that there was some kind of problem with the mechanism inside. My baby doll was so cool, “hooking,” and I decided by analogy that the living baby doll was simply jammed. “Mom,” she repeated, “in which store did you buy it? Well, give it back, you see, it’s broken...”

A scary prospect

Yes, and I'm on preparatory stage In general, I told my mother that if I have a brother and not a sister, I will throw him in the trash. She said it foolishly, and there was nothing like that in her thoughts. I was five years old, already a sensible young lady. Well, I blurted out in my heart. But my mother says: “We were so afraid later, we even watched you! Suddenly it’s true...”

Artificial intelligence

To prepare me mentally for the birth of my youngest, my parents went broke and got me a super-scarce doll that I could drink and that knew the word “mom.” I really liked the doll, and I played with it from morning to evening. At the same time, she did not approve of the behavior of the living sister at all (the doll did not make noise, did not poop at the first opportunity on objects that were completely unsuitable for this!..) - and set the plastic Varvara as an example to her.

Little devil

My little sister was a terror to me, flying on the wings of the night. That is, a day, but still. She loved to bite! I ran from her all over the house, but she rushed after me, confident that it was fun game. And if she didn’t catch up with me in order to bite me, she broke my toys. In general, even if you were making a horror film, I was really afraid of this little monster. But when we grew up, we became each other best friends. And if something happens, I can always remind her of my childhood traumas! But she says she doesn't remember anything like that.

Found, but who?

My poor older sisters, they had a hard time with me. One day, the whole family went to visit relatives, and the children were playing in the yard. As soon as my sister was distracted for a minute, I quickly left the yard and resolutely rushed in search of adventure. I was three years old, but I was brave and persistent. I walked about a kilometer and found myself knee-deep in a river... How older sister She managed to find me before I plunged into the abyss, and I don’t even know how she, poor thing, didn’t have a heart attack. By the way, I don’t know and the answer to another, no less important question: Was it really then that they found and saved me?

Personal ponytail

The little one always followed me with her tail - she was terribly interested in everything I did. She did not want to have any fun on her own; it was simply impossible to captivate her with a toy or looking at a picture book. And this “control” really bothered me! I couldn’t enjoy either writing romantic stories about myself and the handsome prince, or communicating with my peers... The little one stuck her curious nose into everything! And you can’t complain too much - she doesn’t seem to do anything bad, on the contrary, she looks into your mouth, constantly tries to hug you, this is her kind of sisterly love. I was so happy when it was finally time for her to go to school... But there was only one school, and during breaks she came running to me!

When I was 6 years old, I was happily informed that my mother had gone to the store

for my sister... Mom was gone for 12 days... And then all sorts of aunts came running,

neighbors with gifts and booties and everyone was happy and looking at something,

lying on MY bed and constantly yawning... I was told that this

now MY SISTER. Having taken a good look at the “sister”, I only asked my mother

two questions: “Mom, couldn’t you have chosen better in the store? And why

Does she make faces all the time?”

This is how a sister appeared in my life...

I realized that the whole world, which previously belonged to me, has now become

belong ONLY to HER... And everyone forgot about me... And no one

loves... And she also had to be constantly walked outside... and on

tiptoe into MY room so she doesn't wake up... Soon she

began to crawl and had to be caught from everywhere... One time I didn’t

caught... Mom scolded me a lot... but I still didn’t understand why... After all

I didn’t crawl from the sofa onto the floor, did I?

When she started walking, I

I realized that now all my life I will be the most unhappy, because WITH HER

I NEED TO SHARE EVERYTHING: MY favorite toys and pencils and even

CANDY, which was the worst thing... But no, the worst thing was still

ahead: now I couldn’t go anywhere without her - it was mine

application... Otherwise, they wouldn’t let me go outside. At the same time, I must

was to make sure that she did not sit on the ground, did not put dirty

fingers and didn’t eat any nasty things... At the first request “I want to eat” or

“I want to write” she had to be taken home...

The situation worsened with

every day and soon she got to my treasures, which were getting

by me on great holidays... One day, when I returned from school, MY

the lipstick was irrevocably damaged by not screwing it... onto it

put on a cap, and some newspaper was painted with MY shadows,

and the shadows were used as paints and were diluted with water... Pobila

HER, and in the evening my mother beat me...

I decided to leave home...

The next day

the teacher, checking the essays, smiled and unfolded my notebook

in front of the whole class, asked: “What is this”? "THIS" meant two

scary "cockroaches" (blue and brown) that were holding each other

hands and were lovingly drawn by MY sister in the entire spread of the notebook...

I spent the whole day wondering when she managed to do all this and put it back in

my briefcase? I decided that I would come home, beat her again, and then leave

Houses. Until late at night, I had to rewrite not only the “painted”

essay, but also all the previous pages of the notebook... Mom said that SHE

small, and I should take better care of my things. “I’ll definitely leave

at home... from this universal injustice.” I couldn't sleep for a long time...

also because SHE in my sleep constantly threw her arms over me and

legs or crawled onto my edge of the double bed... and I was

hot... And she didn’t know anything, she had to show her EVERYTHING and

explain and constantly answer stupid questions... And for some reason,

when she did nasty things at home and then looked sweetly at her parents with her

big brown eyes... everyone forgave her... And I was ALWAYS the eldest...

the first of September came and we went to school: I was in the seventh, and she was in

first class. She did not like school and gradually (by the third

class) became a D student (or rather a C student) and didn’t want to study... But for me

I was ashamed... I was an excellent student, and all my teachers taught her... And

we had the same surname... And I had to learn again together with

her: analyze the rules, force her to write beautifully in notebooks, teach

together poems and

do your homework, including filling out

her contour maps about the weather... And more than one fight and quarrel took place

between us over the wire: “I want to go outside” and “You haven’t finished your lessons yet

did”... I often won because I was physically stronger and could

take away the keys... and you can’t go outside without them... One day she said,

that she had done all her homework, but they didn’t ask anything in Russian, because they

were writing an essay... When I quietly climbed into her briefcase, I was convinced that

Whether it’s this, I found there an essay on the topic: “My Family” with a rating of 5/2. IN

There were 36 grammatical errors, but according to the content the teacher

I liked it.

Well, the biggest paragraph was written about me. And it looked something like

like this: “I have an older sister. She is the closest to me because...

As far as I can remember, I have always been with her. She's never on me

takes offense and helps me in everything and does homework with me, even when

wants to sleep. She is very smart and kind... And she also knows how to play

guitar. When I feel bad, she always figures out how to make me laugh. U

she has many friends and everyone loves her. She taught me how to tie my shoelaces and

braid straight hair, and even when I was little, she took it everywhere

me with you. She is very brave: once in the village they chased us

geese, and my sister picked me up, and she began to fight them off and

they bit her, but she didn’t even cry, so as not to scare me, although she

it was very painful. And when I stepped on an apple and was stung by a wasp, she

she pulled the sting out of my leg and then calmed me down. And also my sister

taught me to ride a bike and swim, although I was very afraid. A

one day some boy hit me and she got into a fight with him because of me,

although he doesn’t fight at all. And when in winter I lost my mittens at school,

she put hers on me because it was very cold, and then she got sick. A

She is also beautiful and some groom is staring at her. When I

When I grow up, I really want to become like her, because she is the most

the best... and when she gets old, I will help her in everything,

tie my shoelaces and look after me like she did when I was a child."

now my sister is already an adult... And tomorrow is her birthday... She

a final year university student and the pride of the school... And also, she

the dearest and most reliable shoulder in my life: assistant, protector,

support and best friend... Although the difference between us is 6 years ... She me

loves her very much, and I love her. No matter what they say... no one will understand you

the way your sister, your OWN sister, will understand, support and be happy for you

(except maybe just mom...) Especially the one you raised, scolded,

calmed... and loved (only she didn’t understand this yet)... And so did I

I like it when I hear the phrase... “Oh, YOU ARE SISTERS...Your eyes

the same!”

Yes, I have many friends, a wonderful family,

good job... but sometimes I catch myself thinking how empty I could be

be my life, don’t have this wonderful and dear person in it,

if many years ago my mother would have decided not to go to the store where

When a second child appears in a family, a restless period often begins when the established order changes. Many parents have questions: what reactions might their child have? Do I need to prepare the soil in advance? Will anything change at all? Will he react to a change in his “status”? How to prepare a child for the arrival of another family member? We have already answered some questions in our fun selection about large families. One of the best ways preparation - joint reading of suitable books and friendly discussion of what they read.

« My little sister »

This book, published by " Scooter”, is a naive, childish and therefore very honest story about why being an older brother is great. This is a continuation of the popular French book " My love", which was invented Astrid Debord and Pauline Martin.
The main character Leva has a little sister, and in simple words he talks about his feelings associated with it: curiosity, jealousy, annoyance, care and love forever. “And sometimes we have a war with her forever! But not for long". « My little sister"is a great way to discuss all the difficult moments in the relationship between children and parents, doing it in a gentle and beautiful way.

« Exchange» Jen Ormerod and Andrew Joyner A warm and funny story about childhood jealousy. Crocodile Carolina is terribly jealous of her mother and her younger brother. She goes to the store, determined to exchange her brother for a more suitable one. Mom exchanges a hat that doesn’t suit her! It's obvious that this baby is not suitable - he drools, needs his diapers changed, and also takes up all the space on his mother's lap...
When all the products have been tried, Caroline realizes that no one is better than her brother. And mom loves him so much because he has the same adorable snout, small claws and yellow eyes like her... which means that mom I haven't forgotten at all about Carolina!

« Alone in the whole wide world A funny and educational story about childhood fears and brotherly love, told from the perspective of a child. The main character, it seems to him, has learned to tell time, but we understand that he was mistaken. It seems to him that if the parents did not come on time, then they were hit by a red truck, and nothing else. So he takes younger brother, and together they begin to “survive.” The hero surrounds the younger one with care and attention. He builds a house out of planks, makes a TV out of a box (because what's a house without a TV?) and a remote control out of a smaller box. And also a sofa made of spruce branches and moss, all the while saying: “Everything will be as before. Don't worry". So they survive for about an hour until their parents find them.

« Surprise for Karlchen» Rotraut by Susanne Berner

Books about the little bunny Karlchen, invented by Andersen Prize winner (children's Nobel Prize) Rotraut Susanne Berner, are kind and warm family stories in simple and laconic dialogues for kids.
Karlchen has become an older brother, but does not yet know about it. He returns home, but his grandmother meets him along with his dad, who constantly hints at some kind of surprise. With the help of clues, Karlchen tries to guess what kind of surprise it is, and his grandmother prepares him for what he will eventually discover... a mother and baby! And also your new status, emphasized by an invitation to drink juice, “after all, carrot juice is only for big people”.
In books Rotraut by Susanne Berner they don’t fawn on children, no one needs to “prepare the ground,” and the world isn’t turned upside down. Children like them because they recognize situations; adults will appreciate the interesting (sometimes non-standard) answers and decisions of the Karlchen family.

« Where is my sister?» Sven Nordqvist Travel to fantastic places using images.
If you are planning to introduce your child to the works of Bosch, but have not yet decided when and how to do it, then pay attention to this phantasmagoric book.
Brother on hot air balloon goes in search of a restless sister, a dreamer and a dreamer. In addition, she loves heights, understands the language of birds and says that she and her brother can fly too. My sister wants to explore the whole world, but it won’t take long to get lost...
This is the author’s poetic debut - the text with an unusual rhythm appeared later than the illustrations in order to slightly connect the images and give guidance to the reader. At every turn Nordqvist(and we know and love him for stories about Petson and Findus!) plays with space and reality - the landscape becomes more and more amazing. The pages are filled with humor and boundless imagination; they immerse you, forcing you to examine, peer and look for new details.

« Alone on stage» Ulf Nilsson and Eva Eriksson

This is the story of an ordinary boy who is afraid of public speaking: his class is preparing for a spring concert, where they will need to say a few words on stage. And it’s not the timid quiet one who is afraid, no, the ordinary one active child, who at home loves to put on performances for his younger brother and entertain him by singing songs of his own composition. As a result main character realizes how stupid it is to hide alone and deprive yourself of the joy of the holiday, finally overcoming your fear - thanks to help and love. " Alone on stage"Written with humor and understanding, it can have a truly therapeutic effect on those who are afraid to perform. And coupled with illustrations that accurately convey emotions and mood, the book will be interesting even to those who do not experience such fear.