The movements of our body occur due to the work of muscles. Muscle tension and tone are regulated by the central nervous system, the human brain. Maintaining normal tone is necessary for moving in space, walking upright and any other physical actions. Muscle tone in newborns plays a huge role in development. makes physical activity difficult, and increased levels create a feeling of discomfort and prevent the baby from developing the necessary motor skills.

The baby’s muscle tone is very important for his physical development in infancy and beyond.

Muscle tone in infants

Constant excessive muscle tension is called hypertonicity. Hypertonicity is most often asymmetrical. The cause of overvoltage lies in the activity of the central nervous system. The bent arms and legs of a healthy baby, the fingers clenched into a fist, are easy to unclench. If it is not possible to straighten the limbs, the maximum opening angle is no more than 45⁰, this signals a pathology. A baby who has defects in the development of the central nervous system is usually inactive - he maintains the fetal position. Often such a baby can hold his head suspended from the first days of life, but this is not a sign of advanced development, but a consequence of hypertonicity.

You should not give your child a terrible diagnosis on your own. Only a specialist can determine whether the tone is within normal limits - you need to consult a pediatrician, and also show the child to a neurologist.

Causes of hypertension

Increased tone can appear due to completely innocent reasons, but it can also be a sign of a serious illness. In order to recognize the disease in time, one should not be indifferent to this phenomenon.

The main reasons that can lead to muscle strain in infants:

  1. Infant physiology. Newborns may experience so-called physiological hypertonicity, due to the fact that in the womb the child was in a characteristic “grouped” position - the fetal position. After birth, it takes some time for the muscles to relax and begin to function normally. Bent legs with slightly apart knees, pressed to the stomach, bent arms, and chin pressed to the chest can persist in a six-month-old baby and a year old. The duration of physiological hypertonicity, according to the estimates of different specialists, varies greatly, but the above periods are considered to be within normal limits.
  2. Hypertonicity in newborns can also be explained by individual characteristics. Muscle tone in different children is naturally different, some have it higher, some have it lower, but this does not affect their health in any way. It is impossible to distinguish an individual level of muscle tension from a pathological condition on your own, so if you have any suspicions, you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.
  3. Increased muscle tone can also occur as a result of birth trauma. Long difficult labor, fetal asphyxia, increased intracranial pressure and hemorrhage can lead to such consequences.
  4. Pathology of intrauterine development, congenital disorders of the central nervous system, associated both with the health of the expectant mother and with her living conditions and behavioral characteristics, can also be causes of hypertonicity in the newborn. It is especially dangerous for the baby’s nervous system when a pregnant woman consumes nicotine and alcohol.

Many babies take the same fetal position for some time after birth - their body has become very accustomed to it over many months. This phenomenon may be a sign of hypertension

How to determine that the tone is increased?

A number of symptoms suggest that the baby’s muscles are in hypertonicity. If you notice at least some of the symptoms from the list below, you should consult a doctor. Parents should be alert to:

  1. Restless, often interrupted sleep, screaming at the moment of waking up. Difficulty falling asleep, as well as a characteristic posture during sleep: the head is thrown back, arms and legs are pressed to the body.
  2. Frequent crying with trembling of the chin, while the head is thrown back (we recommend reading:).
  3. A sharply negative reaction to light and sound, even with minor exposure.
  4. The ability to hold your head up from the first days of life.
  5. Severe regurgitation, abdominal cramps.
  6. Difficulties, strong resistance when trying to spread the baby's arms or legs to the sides.
  7. The baby does not stand on his feet and “dances” on tiptoes.

The presence of several of these signs should lead parents and their child to see a doctor. To clarify the symptoms of hypertension, the doctor will check certain reflexes:

  1. Stepper. An infant under 2 months of age, held in the arms of an adult in an upright position, takes a step.
  2. Support. The baby, who is in an upright position, should stand on his full foot.
  3. Symmetry and asymmetry. A baby lying on his back will bend his arms and straighten his legs if his head is raised and tilted towards his chest. When you tilt your head to the right or left, the arm and leg corresponding to the tilt will straighten, and the opposite ones will bend. The reflex disappears in a 3-month-old child.
  4. Tonic. A child laid on his back straightens his limbs, but if he is turned onto his stomach, they bend. The reflex disappears after 3 months.

Reflexes that do not disappear by the required age signal the development of the disease. In this case, hypertonicity is diagnosed, which should be treated by a neurologist.

If the baby began to hold his head very early (or even from birth), you need to check him for the presence of hypertonicity

Objectives and methods of treating hypertension in infants

Diseases associated with the occurrence of hypertonicity are treated by neurologists and orthopedists. The main goals of treatment are:

  • pain relief;
  • elimination of spasm;
  • relaxation.

Various modern medicines are used to treat hypertension. Massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and traditional drug treatment are recommended.

Types of massage used for hypertension

The purpose of all massage movements used in the treatment of hypertension is to relieve spasms and relax tense muscles. To improve the baby’s condition, massage according to the Phelps method, massage according to the Semenova method, impact on certain active points of the body, as well as a number of other methods are used. Any massage actions applied to a newborn must be very careful and gentle. Stroking and rubbing are acceptable - preferably with an open palm, acupressure without pain. The procedure can only be entrusted to a qualified specialist.

It is best to entrust a massage for hypertension to a professional pediatrician - he will also be able to show the necessary movements to parents

A massage course usually consists of 10-15 procedures. After a month, if necessary, the cycle can be repeated. A professionally performed massage is a very effective remedy. Parents can learn to perform basic movements:

  • stroking the fingers, similar to movements when putting on gloves;
  • stroking the arms from the shoulder to the palms, skipping the elbow joint;
  • stroking the legs from the groin to the foot, skipping the joints, but continuing the movement on the foot;
  • stroking the feet from heel to toes;
  • the toes are massaged in the same way as the hands;
  • rubbing (only after stroking) the arms, legs, back, and tummy in a circular motion clockwise;
  • rubbing the foot: starting from the base of the toes, draw a figure eight down with the lines intersecting in the middle of the foot, the bottom of the figure eight falls on the heel.

Kneading is not performed in children's massage, especially with hypertonicity. Patting and tapping are prohibited; do not press on tense nodes.

Gymnastics at home

You can also perform a number of gymnastic exercises at home. Gymnastics helps relax muscles and increases motor activity. A few exercises that will help your baby:

  1. Preparation. The child should lie on his back, the adult should stroke his arms from shoulder to hand and legs from hip to foot so that the baby relaxes.
  2. Careful extensions. It is necessary to alternately straighten the baby's arms and legs without much effort, without making sudden movements.
  3. Shaking. Taking the arm or leg by the fingers, you should carefully shake it 4-7 times, then repeat the procedure with the remaining limbs.
  4. Flexion. The baby is placed in a fetal position. The arms and legs bend, the head tilts towards the chest. It is useful to alternate this exercise with the previous one. All actions are carried out very carefully, without unnecessary effort.
  5. Steps. The baby should be picked up and placed on the table so that the entire foot touches the surface. You can let go of the child a little so that he can rest on his own soles for a moment. This helps to form the foot correctly.
  6. Exercise with feet. Light bends and turns - if the baby likes it, he will pull his toes towards his face and try to put them in his mouth.
  7. Swinging on the ball. The baby is placed on his stomach on a large ball, which should be rocked while holding the baby by the legs and arms.

Therapeutic gymnastics gives good results, but it must be done regularly, preferably several times a day. The baby should love these activities and not experience discomfort.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

The most common procedures in the treatment of hypertension are electrophoresis and paraffin wraps. Heat treatments are indicated to relax tense muscles. Electrophoresis allows you to introduce certain therapeutic drugs into the body. Paraffin wraps are most often done on baby's legs.

Duration of procedures:

  • Treatment usually begins in 10 minutes;
  • gradually the duration of the procedure increases to 20 minutes;
  • The treatment cycle consists of 10 sessions.

Water procedures

Water procedures (aquatherapy) also help to relax muscle tension. Swimming improves coordination of movements and evenly loads the muscles of the whole body. It is very important to remember that cold water stimulates muscle function and increases muscle tone. Warm water has a relaxing effect.

Diving is not recommended for a child with muscle hypertonicity, but swimming and underwater gymnastics will help relieve spasm (see also:). It is advisable to conduct classes in a playful way. A number of herbs will enhance the effect of water procedures, these include: sage, valerian, motherwort, pine needles, lingonberry leaves. Water procedures should be performed before bedtime, and herbs should be alternated.

Even a regular evening swim in warm water has a relaxing effect and reduces muscle tone.

Osteopathic effects

This time-tested direction in medicine involves treating the whole body as a whole. The manipulations are aimed at improving the circulation of fluids in the body and are carried out in the form of a gentle effect on bone tissue.

This highly effective method of alternative medicine can only be used by a qualified pediatric osteopath. Osteopathy sessions can help with neurological disorders caused by birth injuries, and even congenital defects of the skeletal structure. Bringing the bones to the correct physiological position leads to the elimination of muscle spasms and the removal of pathological reflexes.

By the way, osteopaths recommend refraining from using walkers and similar devices that can aggravate the problem. Their use can lead to incorrect foot placement and impaired functioning of the muscles of the lower extremities. You should also pay attention to the baby’s shoes, especially those who have begun to walk. It should have a heel, a hard sole and an age-appropriate heel. We remove all booties and other soft shoes.

Osteopathy offers a comprehensive effect on the body, carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist in this field of alternative medicine

Medicines for hypertension

Medicines are prescribed to infants if all the procedures described above do not give the desired result. Medicines are prescribed when the baby’s muscle tone does not return to normal after the baby reaches the age of 6 months.

Medicines prescribed by a neurologist belong to one of the following groups:

  • muscle relaxants are used to relieve muscle spasms;
  • Neuroprotectors are used to improve blood circulation and restore brain functions;
  • Diuretics are used to reduce intracranial pressure and stimulate brain activity.

Most often, Mydocalm, Semax, Baclofen, Pantocalcin and Cortexin are prescribed, as well as B vitamins. In severe cases, Cerebrolysin may be prescribed. All medications are prescribed to the baby by injection.

The well-known and popular pediatrician Komarovsky these days believes that increased muscle tone should never be ignored. It may signal a serious illness, but in this case other symptoms will also be present. You should definitely undergo a diagnostic examination to make sure that the hypertonicity is physiological in nature. A video with lessons from Dr. Komarovsky will help parents better understand the problem.

The concept of muscle tone in medicine is minimal muscle tension, remaining in a calm and relaxed state. Under external influences, muscles can tense or relax. One of these manifestations is often increased muscle tone in a child, resulting from any abnormalities. This increase in medical terminology is called hypertonicity.

Child's tone

All children have increased tone at birth. This physiological manifestation is associated with a long stay of the fetus in the mother’s womb. All this time, the chin and limbs were pressed tightly to the body. This condition of the unborn child was accompanied by severe muscle tension.

In the first months after birth, you need to especially carefully monitor the state of muscle tone. During this period, all deviations are most clearly manifested. If timely measures are not taken, the child’s gait and posture may be impaired in the future, and motor development may begin to lag. Therefore, parents should constantly observe and record all his movements and postures, without waiting for a visit to the pediatrician. The indicator of muscle tone in newborns is not only the basis for any movements. It accurately reflects the general condition of the baby, including him.

Muscle hypertonicity

Increased tone in children is additionally defined as hypertonicity. In this state, the child often cries, shows anxiety, and sleeps poorly. He is irritated by any sounds or too bright light. Due to the tension of the neck muscles, the baby's head is held well from birth. He constantly presses his arms and legs, trying to bring them together. When trying to separate the limbs in different directions, noticeable resistance is felt. To accurately determine the pathology associated with the central nervous system, it is necessary to re-spread the child’s legs. If in this case there is an increase in resistance, it means that the muscles have increased tone. In addition, characteristic signs of hypertonicity are curling of the fingers and the desire to constantly lean on tiptoes. All these manifestations, one way or another, influence the development of abnormal gait and posture in the child in the future.

With hypertonicity, tension in the neck muscles is often observed. Muscle defenses are triggered as a protective reaction to injuries received during difficult childbirth. Most often the head and spinal cord are affected. As a result, the activity of brain structures increases significantly, intracranial pressure increases, and the child becomes overly excitable. In the first five months, hypertonicity is not dangerous and is considered as a physiological manifestation.

Tone in a child's legs

The increased tone is most clearly manifested in the arms and legs. To check the presence or absence of tone in the legs, a fairly common method of walking on tiptoes is used. To do this, the baby is taken under the armpits and placed on his legs with a slight tilt forward. The surface must be level for the spontaneous gait reflex to be triggered. There is a movement of the legs, similar to real steps.

In a normal state, the child puts his foot down and tries to walk with his full foot, like an adult. With increased tone, the toes curl inward and try to stand on tiptoes. In this case, there is tension in the feet and muscles that perform flexion functions.

Increased tone of the thigh muscles is manifested in noticeable resistance during attempts to spread the legs in different directions. A healthy child does not react in any way to this procedure and allows his legs to be freely spread up to 90 degrees wide.

The formation of the baby's posture occurs due to active muscle tone, which manifests itself physiologically until approximately 3.5 months. After this age, it begins to gradually decline. If signs of hypertonicity continue to persist for 6 months or more, you should definitely visit a pediatrician and a neurologist.

Massage for a child with tone

In order to eliminate the manifestations of increased tone, special massage techniques are used to promote effective muscle relaxation.

The massage should be carried out in certain conditions to make the child as comfortable as possible:

  • The room is pre-ventilated, the air temperature should be within 20-250C.
  • If there is no special table for massage, the procedure can be carried out on a regular or changing table. A blanket, oilcloth and diaper are laid on it alternately.
  • Before starting the massage, you need to wash your hands well, remove all rings and other jewelry.
  • After feeding, the procedure cannot be started earlier than 40-45 minutes. It is not recommended to feed an infant immediately after the session.
  • During the procedure, it is not advisable to use Vaseline, various types of powders and moisturizers so that the skin is clean and can breathe normally.
  • The baby should be in a calm state. The procedure should begin some time after he wakes up.
  • The duration of massage for children under 3 months should not exceed five minutes. For older children, the procedure time is extended to 8-10 minutes.

The baby massage technique includes general and private relaxation techniques. In the first case, relaxation of all muscle groups is ensured, and the techniques of the second option are aimed at relieving hypertonicity of the arms and legs.

Basic massage techniques for hypertension:

  • Stroking They can effectively relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation and eliminate pain. Smooth, leisurely and slightly massaging movements are used.
  • Hand massage done with soft stroking movements with different sides of the palms. Stroking the handles is done in turn, from the inside and outside. Each hand should be massaged at least seven times.
  • Foot massage performed in a supine position. The legs are lifted one by one and placed on the palm. Stroking moves from the foot to the thigh, starting from the back surface and gradually moving to the side. In this case, the kneecap is not affected. The procedure is repeated approximately seven times.

There are other techniques performed by massage therapists as prescribed by the pediatrician. With their help, it is possible to very effectively relieve increased muscle tone in a child and prevent the development of possible pathologies.

Children's massage for hypertension

Let's start with the fact that in children under the age of one year muscle tone physiologically (i.e. in the most natural way) is higher than in older children. In general, it is sometimes quite difficult for a doctor to determine whether this is the most increased muscle tone physiological, i.e. a variant of the age norm, or pathological, i.e. a symptom of some disease. In addition, for each specific baby there is an inherent muscle tone, and variability norms exceptionally high. I emphasize the norms! Those. according to the books, according to science, it seems to be a serious illness, but the most detailed examination reveals nothing and the child subsequently grows up completely normal. Why do doctors fuss and worry so much when they see non-standard (or not quite standard) increased muscle tone? First of all because increased muscle tone is a symptom of many very (!) serious diseases. For example: cerebral palsy, congenital anomalies of brain development, severe and prolonged asphyxia during childbirth (severe lack of oxygen), some inborn errors of metabolism accompanied by brain damage, and this list is far from complete. What's important. Having identified in a child increased muscle tone, the doctor understands perfectly well: this symptom should under no circumstances be ignored. However, any dangerous brain disease is distinguished by the fact that increased muscle tone- a typical symptom, but far from the only one. It is always possible to detect disturbances in general development, changes in reflexes, and much more. Serious changes are also revealed when additional research methods are carried out - ultrasound of the brain (neurosonoscopy), computed tomography. If ultrasound is normal, if general psychophysical development is normal, then increased muscle tone is considered as a variant of the norm.
Results: identification increase muscle tone requires very specific actions: a) comparison of this symptom with the general development of the child; b) conducting an examination. Further actions: a specific pathology is detected - we treat it. Everything is fine - we leave the child and his parents alone, although we observe them more often than other children - you never know. Summary: "Why is it dangerous? increased muscle tone in children up to a year?" All this is very similar to a briefcase standing alone in a subway car. It could be a bomb, or maybe some shabby engineer forgot it. Having discovered the briefcase, you should call specialists - let them sort it out: and this can be very, very serious , and maybe complete nonsense; - an absolute analogy with increased muscle tone!

Nine out of ten newborns are diagnosed by pediatricians with “muscle hypertonicity.” What is this - pathology or normal? And how dangerous is this for the future development of the baby? Let's try to figure it out together.

What to do if your baby is diagnosed with increased muscle tone.

What is tone? The mechanism of muscle tone

Tone (from the Greek τόνος - tension) is a state of persistent excitation of muscle tissue and nerve centers. Thanks to it, we maintain a certain posture, body position in space, pressure in the cavity of the internal organs (perhaps during pregnancy, you came across the concept of “hypertonic uterus,” that is, overly tense).

Natural muscle tension is maintained by impulses coming from our central nervous system, even at rest.

The most comfortable and safest position in the womb is the “fetal position.”

And if during pregnancy, increased tension in the muscle fibers of the uterus is dangerous for the baby in it, then his own hypertonicity is absolutely physiological. All the muscles of the unborn child are contracted for greater compactness, the arms, legs and chin are pressed to the body. This is the classic “fetal position.”

Hypertonicity of muscles in newborns

Almost all babies are born with physiologically increased muscle tone. This is due to the fact that the newborn has not yet had time to adapt to an “autonomous existence.”

The tone in the child’s neck extensor muscles is higher, so his head is slightly tilted back. In the adductor muscles of the hips, their increased tension resists the attempt to separate the legs of a newborn baby. Normally, they can be moved apart by 90 degrees - 45 degrees in each direction.

Very small babies are not yet ready to hold their head on their own.

What should you be wary of in a baby’s behavior?

The reason to consult with a neurologist should be the absence of a decrease in muscle tone after the baby is six months old.

Also, based on a number of signs, you can determine that a visit to the doctor should not be postponed:

Sleeping position can say a lot about your baby's health.

Hypertonicity in the muscles of the child’s legs

One of the classic reliable signs of increased muscle tension in the legs of an infant is the so-called “tiptoe gait.” If you take the baby by the armpits and slightly tilt him forward, holding him and placing his legs on a flat surface, the conditioned reflex of automatic gait should work. The child begins to move his legs, as if taking steps.

Normally, a baby tries to put his foot on his full foot, like an adult. If he stands on tiptoes or curls his toes inward, most likely the tone in the feet and flexor muscles of the legs is increased.

Another test to check the tone of the lower extremities is to take the baby's leg in your hands and align the foot perpendicular to the lower leg. After this, carefully try to straighten the baby’s leg at the knee. With hypertonicity, you will feel quite serious resistance to your initiative.

Even if your baby “doesn’t walk”, don’t worry, everything can be fixed!

Increased tone of neck muscles in infants

The so-called false torticollis is also caused by the general tension of the newborn’s muscles. Often the baby holds his head tilted to one side, but there are no organic disorders in the ligaments and muscles, unlike true torticollis.

Some tricks taken by mommy will help the baby gradually get rid of the annoying illness.

In a number of general therapeutic procedures (which are discussed below), special styling can be used to correct this disorder, from two to three weeks of age. When the baby is lying on the “sick” side, we put a pillow, on the “healthy” side, we do without it.

Quite convenient to use, “donuts” and other orthopedic pillows are not always suitable for such babies due to the danger of regurgitation.

- This is a fairly common phenomenon among infants. There may be many reasons for this: late complementary feeding, lack of folic acid, low physical activity. In any case, when your baby is 6 months old, take a follow-up blood test.

Many mothers get scared if their children are diagnosed with “obstruction of the lacrimal duct” and insist on surgery. Absolutely in vain. It will help to dispel unreasonable fears.

Opinion of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky about the “problem” of muscle hypertonicity in newborns

Let's agree right away that, with all due respect to the professionalism of Evgeniy Olegovich, many pediatricians do not share his opinion on one issue or another. Therefore, we will consider this section as informational for general development. After all, in any case, you are the mother, and only you can decide who you trust with the health of your baby. Agree? So…

The main problem for mothers is premature panic.

In his numerous articles and comments, the doctor has repeatedly emphasized that increased muscle tone in children under one year of age is the norm. Komarovsky also believes that the concept of a standard norm of muscle tone is fundamentally wrong. Each child has his own personal muscle tone, and what is physiological for one baby may be a sign of developmental pathology in another.

The doctor’s call in advance not to dramatize the situation seems quite reasonable. “Is hypertension dangerous in children under one year of age? An analogy is with a briefcase left by someone in a subway car. There might be a bomb there, or maybe the harried engineer just forgot it. And having discovered a find, they call specialists. Let them figure out how serious this is. Or maybe it’s complete nonsense!” (c)

Why is increased muscle tone dangerous?

In most cases, and especially with your baby (spitting over his shoulder three times!) - especially since excessive muscle tension is indeed not an organic disorder. The danger of hypertonicity, first of all, is that it may be an indicator of damage to the baby's brain and nervous system.

There can be many reasons - birth injuries, hemorrhages, fetal hypoxia during pregnancy and childbirth, meningitis. That is why doctors pay so much attention to the early diagnosis of increased muscle tone in infants.

Increased muscle tone can be the cause of delayed motor activity in a child.

Also, in the future, this may have a negative impact on the timely development of the baby, affecting his ability to crawl, stand up, and walk.

Methods for treating excessive tone

To normalize muscle tone in your baby, the doctor will select a comprehensive treatment. Physiotherapy (ultrasound, electrophoresis, heat and hydrotherapy) and various types of gymnastics with massage are usually used.

The attending physician will prescribe a set of necessary procedures.

Of course, everything related to physiotherapy will be carried out by specialists, but try to learn massage techniques yourself. Do you know why?

When it comes to treating a newborn baby, one of the main keys to a successful recovery is the psycho-emotional component.

Doctors working in orphanages can tell you how difficult it is to cure “refuseniks.” Without the warm hands of the mother, without a native, soothing voice, a familiar smell, it is difficult for the baby to endure unpleasant influences. He tenses up, gets nervous, cries, gets overexcited. But this is exactly what we are treating him for!

Mother's care, tenderness and love will provide the child with a healthy future.

Your doctor will probably teach you basic massage techniques. Its main purpose is muscle relaxation. The effect begins with smooth stroking of the arms, legs, and back. After this, you can move on to circular, rubbing movements along the back of the baby lying on his tummy. Then, turning it over, carefully shake the limbs (legs, holding the shin, hands - just above the wrist). Finish the massage with gentle stroking again.

With your love, patience and perseverance, you will definitely succeed.

often found among infants. It may go away on its own, but surgery may also be required. What do doctors and experienced mothers say about umbilical hernia?

What to do if white plaque appears on your child’s gums? First, stay calm. Secondly, identify the reasons for its occurrence. Thirdly, seek advice from a specialist. Fourth, read.

Why do children's butts turn red? Is this a signal of an allergic disease? Find all the answers on this page.

Hypertonicity is a violation of the muscle tone of the body, which is expressed in muscle overstrain. Almost all babies are born with severe muscle hypertonicity. After all, while inside the womb, the baby is constantly in the fetal position. The limbs and chin in this position are pressed closely to the body and the muscles of the fetus are constantly tense.

hypertension in children under one year old

Until about six months, the baby’s nervous system “learns” to work in conditions different from those in the womb. The baby gradually develops and slowly begins to control the movements of his muscles and skeleton. In a one-month-old baby, hypertonicity is very pronounced. This is reflected in clenched fists and bent legs, and in throwing the head back. The tone of the extensor muscles in a one-month-old baby is higher than the flexor muscles.

With physiological hypertonicity, the child’s legs move apart only 450 degrees each. When moving your legs away, you feel a pronounced resistance to movement. By three months, muscle hypertonicity in a child without pathologies practically disappears. If muscle tension persists after your child reaches six months, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms of hypertension

Complications during pregnancy, birth injuries, Rh conflict, incompatibility of the blood of parents, residence in a poor environmental situation and many other factors will cause hypertension. It is worth paying close attention to the symptoms of hypertonicity, because this can be an expression of a serious neurological disease.

Signs of severe hypertension:

  1. Restless and short sleep.
  2. In the lying position, the head is thrown back, and the arms and legs are tucked.
  3. When trying to separate the baby's legs or arms, strong resistance is felt. The child cries at the same time. Secondary dilution increases muscle resistance.
  4. Vertically on a hard surface, the child tries to stand on the front part of the foot, that is, stands on tiptoes (Information: if the child walks on tiptoes).
  5. When crying, the child throws his head back, arches, and at the same time his chin muscles tremble (See the article on chin tremor).
  6. Frequent regurgitation.
  7. Painful reaction to various stimuli: light, sound.
  8. From birth, the baby “holds” his head due to constant tension in the neck muscles.

It is important to determine as early as possible that a child has hypertension. Finding at least one of the above symptoms in your baby is a good reason to contact a pediatric neurologist. The diagnosis of “hypertonicity” will be made if the flexion tone is higher than expected at a given age.

Muscle hypertonicity is determined by several reflex tests:

  • Sitting by the hands: it is impossible to take the baby's hands away from the breast.
  • Step reflex. When in an upright position, the child seems to be trying to take a step. Lasts after two months.
  • Support reflex: a standing child leans on his toes.
  • Preservation of asymmetric and symmetric reflexes after three months. When the child tilts his head to his chest while lying on his back, his arms bend and his legs straighten. When turning the head to the left in the same position, the left arm is extended forward, the left leg is extended, and the right leg is bent. When tilted to the right side, everything is repeated in a mirror image.
  • Preservation of the tonic reflex after three months: lying on his back, the child straightens his limbs, and bends them on his stomach.

If by a certain age these reflexes do not weaken and do not disappear later, it means that the child has severe muscle hypertonicity. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

More about newborn reflexes

Consequences and danger

Why is hypertonicity so dangerous if its occurrence is caused by the position of the fetus itself? Physiological hypertonicity disappears without a trace after three months. Pathological hypertonicity is caused by damage to brain tissue, which is responsible for the condition of the muscles. Such disorders occur with increased intracranial pressure, perinatal encephalopathy, increased excitability and other pathologies.

muscle hypertonicity

If, after three months, hypertonicity in children persists, the consequences, in the absence of treatment, are disastrous. Lack of regulation of muscle tone will affect the further development of the child:

  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Formation of abnormal gait;
  • Incorrect formation of posture;
  • Developmental delays, especially motor skills;
  • Speech impairment.

Hypertonicity of the legs

It is especially dangerous if the child develops severe hypertonicity in the legs. It affects the rate of development of motor activity. Babies with this diagnosis later begin to crawl and walk. For children with hypertonic legs, the use of walkers and jumpers is especially contraindicated. These devices increase the state of tension in the muscles of the legs and spine due to the uneven distribution of gravity. The load increases specifically on the muscles of the pelvis and spine.

Hypertonicity of the arms

Hypertonicity of the arms is expressed in muscle resistance when moving the arms away from the chest and tightly clenched fists. This condition is most often observed with physiological hypertonicity. However, prolonged persistence of muscle tension should concern the child’s parents.

See video:


Correct and timely treatment of hypertension is carried out exclusively by a specialist doctor - a pediatric neurologist. All procedures are prescribed only by the attending physician. The sooner you start treatment, the better and faster the positive results will appear.

There are several techniques and directions in medicine that allow you to relieve hypertension:

  1. Relaxing massage.
  2. Therapeutic exercise.
  3. Electrophoresis.
  4. Paraffin applications (heat therapy).
  5. Swimming.
  6. Drug treatment.

As can be seen from the list, to remove hypertension, medications are used last. These are drugs that relax muscles, reduce muscle tone and diuretics to reduce brain fluid levels. In addition to the massage, dibazole and B vitamins may be prescribed.


Massage for hypertonicity can be done independently at home starting from two weeks of age. Naturally, you first need to consult with a specialist in children's massage and get instructions and recommendations for massage from him. A total of ten sessions are carried out, which are best repeated again after six months.

The massage consists of three types of influence techniques: stroking, rubbing and rocking:

  1. With the back of your hand we stroke the surface of your arms, legs and back. You can alternate superficial stroking with your fingers with grasping stroking with the whole brush.
  2. Circular rubbing of the skin. The baby is placed on his tummy and rubbed in a circular motion with his fingers using stroke movements from bottom to top. Then the same is done with the limbs, turning the child onto his back.
  3. Take the baby's hand and shake it slightly. In this case, you should definitely hold your hand in the forearm area. Carry out the procedure with both arms and legs.
  4. Take the baby by the arms above the wrist and rhythmically swing his arms in different directions.
  5. Grab the child's legs by the shins and rock them.
  6. Finish the massage by gently stroking your arms and legs.

If you have hypertonicity, you should not use deep muscle kneading, patting or chopping techniques. All movements should be smooth and relaxing, but rhythmic.

Video: how to massage for hypertonicity


An excellent remedy for relieving hypertension are herbal baths. Water itself has a relaxing property, and in combination with herbs it becomes an excellent remedy for hypertension. Take turns for four days to take warm baths with valerian root, lingonberry leaf, motherwort and sage. A break is taken for one day, the procedures are repeated again, and so on for 10 days. Pine baths also have an excellent relaxing effect.

  • Torticollis in newborns: treatment
  • An infant arches his back and cries

Nine out of ten newborns are diagnosed by pediatricians with “muscle hypertonicity.” What is this - pathology or normal? And how dangerous is this for the future development of the baby? Let's try to figure it out together.

What to do if your baby is diagnosed with increased muscle tone.

What is tone? The mechanism of muscle tone

Tone (from the Greek τόνος - tension) is a state of persistent excitation of muscle tissue and nerve centers. Thanks to it, we maintain a certain posture, body position in space, pressure in the cavity of the internal organs (perhaps during pregnancy, you came across the concept of “hypertonic uterus,” that is, overly tense).

Natural muscle tension is maintained by impulses coming from our central nervous system, even at rest.

The most comfortable and safest position in the womb is the “fetal position.”

And if during pregnancy, increased tension in the muscle fibers of the uterus is dangerous for the baby in it, then his own hypertonicity is absolutely physiological. All the muscles of the unborn child are contracted for greater compactness, the arms, legs and chin are pressed to the body. This is the classic “fetal position.”

Hypertonicity of muscles in newborns

Almost all babies are born with physiologically increased muscle tone. This is due to the fact that the newborn has not yet had time to adapt to an “autonomous existence.”

The tone in the child’s neck extensor muscles is higher, so his head is slightly tilted back. In the adductor muscles of the hips, their increased tension resists the attempt to separate the legs of a newborn baby. Normally, they can be moved apart by 90 degrees - 45 degrees in each direction.

Very small babies are not yet ready to hold their head on their own.

What should you be wary of in a baby’s behavior?

The reason to consult with a neurologist should be the absence of a decrease in muscle tone after the baby is six months old.

Also, based on a number of signs, you can determine that a visit to the doctor should not be postponed:

  • The child behaves restlessly, sleeps little and shallowly.

    Increased nervousness of the baby is an alarm bell for parents.

  • Reacts nervously even to dim light and quiet sounds.
  • Constantly spitting up after feeding.
  • When crying, the chin trembles slightly.

    “Unconventional” crying with a twitching chin is a distinctive feature of increased muscle tone in an infant.

  • Throws his head back, arching his whole body.
  • During sleep, the baby's arms and legs are tucked in and tightly closed together; when you try to separate them, the baby resists and cries.

Sleeping position can say a lot about your baby's health.

Hypertonicity in the muscles of the child’s legs

One of the classic reliable signs of increased muscle tension in the legs of an infant is the so-called “tiptoe gait.” If you take the baby by the armpits and slightly tilt him forward, holding him and placing his legs on a flat surface, the conditioned reflex of automatic gait should work. The child begins to move his legs, as if taking steps.

Normally, a baby tries to put his foot on his full foot, like an adult. If he stands on tiptoes or curls his toes inward, most likely the tone in the feet and flexor muscles of the legs is increased.

Another test to check the tone of the lower extremities is to take the baby's leg in your hands and align the foot perpendicular to the lower leg. After this, carefully try to straighten the baby’s leg at the knee. With hypertonicity, you will feel quite serious resistance to your initiative.

Even if your baby “doesn’t walk”, don’t worry, everything can be fixed!

Increased tone of neck muscles in infants

The so-called false torticollis is also caused by the general tension of the newborn’s muscles. Often the baby holds his head tilted to one side, but there are no organic disorders in the ligaments and muscles, unlike true torticollis.

Some tricks taken by mommy will help the baby gradually get rid of the annoying illness.

In a number of general therapeutic procedures (which are discussed below), special styling can be used to correct this disorder, from two to three weeks of age. When the baby is lying on the “sick” side, we put a pillow, on the “healthy” side, we do without it.

Quite convenient to use, “donuts” and other orthopedic pillows are not always suitable for such babies due to the danger of regurgitation.

Low hemoglobin

This is a fairly common occurrence among infants. There may be many reasons for this: late complementary feeding, lack of folic acid, low physical activity. In any case, when your baby is 6 months old, take a follow-up blood test.

Many mothers get scared if their children are diagnosed with “obstruction of the lacrimal duct” and insist on surgery. Absolutely in vain. This article will help dispel unreasonable fears.

Opinion of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky about the “problem” of muscle hypertonicity in newborns

Let's agree right away that, with all due respect to the professionalism of Evgeniy Olegovich, many pediatricians do not share his opinion on one issue or another. Therefore, we will consider this section as informational for general development. After all, in any case, you are the mother, and only you can decide who you trust with the health of your baby. Agree? So…

The main problem for mothers is premature panic.

In his numerous articles and comments, the doctor has repeatedly emphasized that increased muscle tone in children under one year of age is the norm. Komarovsky also believes that the concept of a standard norm of muscle tone is fundamentally wrong. Each child has his own personal muscle tone, and what is physiological for one baby may be a sign of developmental pathology in another.

The doctor’s call in advance not to dramatize the situation seems quite reasonable. “Is hypertension dangerous in children under one year of age? An analogy is with a briefcase left by someone in a subway car. There might be a bomb there, or maybe the harried engineer just forgot it. And having discovered a find, they call specialists. Let them figure out how serious this is. Or maybe it’s complete nonsense!” (c)

Why is increased muscle tone dangerous?

In most cases, and especially with your baby (spitting over his shoulder three times!) - especially since excessive muscle tension is indeed not an organic disorder. The danger of hypertonicity, first of all, is that it may be an indicator of damage to the baby's brain and nervous system.

There can be many reasons - birth injuries, hemorrhages, fetal hypoxia during pregnancy and childbirth, meningitis. That is why doctors pay so much attention to the early diagnosis of increased muscle tone in infants.

Increased muscle tone can be the cause of delayed motor activity in a child.

Also, in the future, this may have a negative impact on the timely development of the baby, affecting his ability to crawl, sit down, stand up, and walk.

Methods for treating excessive tone

To normalize muscle tone in your baby, the doctor will select a comprehensive treatment. Physiotherapy (ultrasound, electrophoresis, heat and hydrotherapy) and various types of gymnastics with massage are usually used.

The attending physician will prescribe a set of necessary procedures.

Of course, everything related to physiotherapy will be carried out by specialists, but try to learn massage and gymnastics techniques yourself. Do you know why?

When it comes to treating a newborn baby, one of the main keys to a successful recovery is the psycho-emotional component.

Doctors working in orphanages can tell you how difficult it is to cure “refuseniks.” Without the warm hands of the mother, without a native, soothing voice, a familiar smell, it is difficult for the baby to endure unpleasant influences. He tenses up, gets nervous, cries, gets overexcited. But this is exactly what we are treating him for!

Mother's care, tenderness and love will provide the child with a healthy future.

Your doctor will probably teach you basic massage techniques. Its main purpose is muscle relaxation. The effect begins with smooth stroking of the arms, legs, and back. After this, you can move on to circular, rubbing movements along the back of the baby lying on his tummy. Then, turning it over, carefully shake the limbs (legs, holding the shin, hands - just above the wrist). Finish the massage with gentle stroking again.

With your love, patience and perseverance, you will definitely succeed.

Umbilical hernia

often found among infants. It may go away on its own, but surgery may also be required. What do doctors and experienced mothers say about umbilical hernia?

What to do if white plaque appears on your child’s gums? First, stay calm. Secondly, identify the reasons for its occurrence. Thirdly, seek advice from a specialist. Fourth, read our article.

Why do children's butts turn red? Is this a signal of an allergic disease? Find all the answers on this page

Reviews from moms

Tatyana (mother of Arishka, 3 months):

“Girls, we were diagnosed with hypertension a month ago. I read something and was confused... It seems like this is the norm for our age? And the district police officer scares me with all sorts of passions. He insists on drug treatment and finding a professional massage therapist (I’m doing it myself for now). And he also advises taking a course of “paraffin boots”. Has anyone done it? What are the results?

Vera (mother of Peter, 6 years old and Sergei, 1.5 years old):

“Tanya, my youngest and I made the “boots,” but, in my opinion, we were already older than you. Not a bad thing for hypertonicity in the legs. This is a thermal, relaxing procedure - several layers of gauze soaked in ozokerite or paraffin. The session starts at 10 minutes, in my opinion. The children, they say, react differently, but Seryozha liked it, he even fell asleep a couple of times. The only thing you need to do is undergo a preliminary examination by a pediatrician. If there is a heart murmur, this is not allowed; if you have diabetes, in general, there are contraindications.”

Galina Semyonovna (Lyalechka’s grandmother, 11 months):

“Tatiana, don’t listen to anyone about these massage therapists! It’s obvious that they “wash their hands,” they are looking for each other’s clients. Well, who better than your own mother to stroke and calm your little blood?! Who can better feel where to massage more gently, where more energetically?”

Well, if you doubt your skills, it’s better, use this money to take baby massage courses yourself. Knowledge for yourself, and joy for the baby.

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Increased muscle tone in infants and newborns

With the advent of the first-born child, a lot of questions arise in every modern family. And the most important question is the health of the baby (is he healthy or not), will he walk, run, jump, and what is the condition of his muscles. And what is muscle tone in a baby and why is it dangerous in general? And with these questions, young parents often come to a pediatrician for a consultation. The simple concept of “muscle tone” is the natural state of the muscles, which maintains the position of the entire body and plays a large role in the process of movement. Muscle tone, both in adults and in infants, must be physiologically correct.

The child, while still in the womb, makes its own unique movements. He does this chaotically, reflexively, with muscle contraction. When a baby is born, muscle tone helps its overall development. The most obvious muscle tone includes the baby holding his head and turning it in different directions. Later he learns to sit upright: sit, crawl, walk, jump, run, dance... And a certain muscle tone is responsible for all this. Depending on the child’s action, the muscles can be in strong medium and minimal tension. In the state of sleep, the muscles completely relax.

  • Massage for newborns
  • Baby development at 3 months
  • Baby development at 4 months

You can observe the following interesting situation with a child (with healthy development): if the baby, at first glance, is in a supine, relaxed state, then his muscles, one by one or in pairs, simultaneously experience tension. This tension allows you to hold the entire body or individual parts of the body. All muscles are not tensed equally. It depends on the level of completion of the task that the child needs to do.

Children, in the first months of their unconscious life, have higher muscle tone than older children. All this is due to the fact that, being in the womb, as an embryo, the unborn child grows and develops every day, and every day there is very little room for active action. And this continues throughout pregnancy until the birth of the child. At birth, all the baby's muscles are tense. And certain muscle groups may be hypertonic. Moreover, the strength of tension in different muscle groups at the same time can be different. The peculiarity is that greater tension occurs when the limbs are flexed than when extended. When examining the baby, you can see how the arms and legs are pressed against the body, and the head is tilted back. The thigh muscles are also in good shape and perform a resistive function when, in the first months, the baby is given health-improving, daily exercises for the legs (each leg can be tilted from the hip by 45 degrees, as a result a right angle can form between the hips). Pediatricians recommend doing gymnastics several times a day.

After 3-4 months of a baby’s life, muscle tone decreases (with healthy physiological development). From the beginning, this is noticeable on the limbs of the arms and legs, the muscles of which perform flexion and extension functions. And in a 5-6 month old baby, the tone decreases in all other muscle groups. And up to a year or a year and a half, the muscle tone of a child is identical to the tone of adults.

Examination of the baby

Does the child have muscle tone or is it normal and can be determined during sleep. The work of individual muscle groups is determined only in movement. An important factor is how the baby was born: natural or surgical (via caesarean section). It is also necessary to know the position of the child, how it was placed in the womb, and what presentation the child was in during all these 9 months. Facial presentation is characterized by strong tone of the neck muscles, as a result of which the head is thrown back. In a breech position, the baby can keep his legs extended for a long time.

There is also physiological muscle tone (fetal position), which manifests itself while the baby sleeps. The arms are bent and clenched into fists (the thumb is always in the middle of the fist) and lie firmly in the chest area. The legs, like the arms, are bent at the joints and pressed to the tummy. The hips are slightly spread to the side, and the feet are raised up. Hypertonicity slows down the child's movements. He can actively move his legs: bend, straighten, push off from a hard surface. And the hands have their own rhythm and remain for a long time in the chest area, with clenched fists, into which the thumb is bent. A thrown back head indicates that the baby has hypertonicity of the neck muscles.

Muscle tone depends on: the nervous system, genetic disorders, and the physical condition of the child. When crying and screaming, muscle tone increases. High tone occurs in easily excitable guys.

How to determine whether the tone is normal?

Each baby, after birth in the maternity hospital, must be examined by a neurologist to determine at an early stage whether the baby is healthy or has any abnormalities. With physiological tone, at an early stage, large nerve abnormalities are difficult to see. The period of physiological tone can last more than 4-6 months. After six months of the baby’s life, you need to contact the doctors again: a pediatrician or a neurologist. At a doctor’s appointment, the child undergoes a thorough examination (checking reflexes according to age criteria), as a result of which the doctor makes a diagnosis, which shows whether the child is healthy or has pathological disorders. In any case, the doctor must inform the baby’s parents or relatives about this. Observant parents themselves can see serious deviations by comparing their baby and another healthy child of the same age.

The health of the child and its muscle tone could be affected by many extraneous factors independent of the baby itself: the regime of the pregnant mother and her condition, stress experienced during pregnancy, medications taken, natural or artificial (caesarean section) childbirth. The postpartum period is also of great importance. As the baby develops, its nervous system continues to form. You need to constantly observe how the child reacts to: objects around him, words, silence and screaming, music. You need to determine in time how the baby’s new skills are formed and consolidated. Having learned about this, you can decide how to further develop your child.

If you identify a deviation from the norm in a particular muscle tone in time and begin to correct it correctly (correct according to the doctor’s recommendations), then the result will soon please the parents. Don't expect it to go away on its own. Go to a doctor for professional help. The main thing is to prevent the child’s overall development from lagging behind. The first year of a baby’s life is conventionally divided into five uneven periods of its development. And in each period of time he must learn certain skills. If everything is good in development, then the baby will be able to walk before he is one year old. And if there is a deviation, then you need to consult a doctor.

Period from birth to one month

In the first conditional period, the child lying down has a “fetal position”, in which the arms are constantly bent and are always in the chest area. The hands are mobile and are always clenched into a fist, the thumb is always bent, in the middle of the fist. The legs are also bent and slightly spread apart. The head is heavy for a small baby. The right and left halves of the body should be symmetrical.

When the baby is correctly laid out on his tummy, you can watch him turn his head in any direction. You can help him a little: turn him to the left side, and then to the right side. He holds his arms under his chest, squeezes his legs under him, as if he wants to crawl. Until the end of the first month, the baby can hold his head at the level of the spine for a few seconds.

Period from one month to three

During this period, the child makes more movements: lying on his back, he bends his arms less, can move them to the sides and up, and reach his face, lips, eyes. Turns his head towards sound, towards light, towards finger games near his eyes. Holding the baby by the hands, he can already pull himself up. By the end of this period, he can hold his head well. With the help of adults, he can do gymnastic exercises with his legs.

Lying on his tummy, the child confidently raises his head, holds it for a long time and independently turns it in any direction. The legs and arms also gain strength, and the baby can already imitate the movements that crawling children make.

Period from three to six months

This period of the baby is more active. Lying on his back, he can already: unclench his fists, open his palms, put his hands together, pick up and throw toys that are nearby. Makes attempts to sit up independently (sits well in pillows). Until the end of this period, he can pull himself up well on his arms, hold his head straight, and have bent legs.

Lying on his tummy, the child holds his head well at the level of the spine, resting on his forearms, open palms are visible. By the end of this period, the 6-month-old child begins to rise with outstretched arms, while keeping his back straight and legs straight. From the 4th month he manages to roll over from his back to his side. And by 6 months he can freely roll from side to back, roll over onto his stomach, onto his back. Can sit down easily and use his hands to support his body for balance. At the end of the period, he can actively crawl on all fours, on his stomach, on his side, on his butt and tries to stand on his legs (there are children who jump on their legs, pumping up their muscles for walking). In the period from 8 to 9 months, the child may already be standing, leaning against some kind of support, no matter what it is: a wall or a crib, a parent’s hand or a chair - everything is suitable for the baby.

Period from nine months to a year

This period of the baby differs from the previous ones in that he crawls well, gets up on his own, and no longer wants to sit or walk holding onto support. By about one year, the child begins to walk independently and pick up toys.

What are the types of tone disorders?

In medicine, there are three types of tone disorders: hypertonicity, hypotonicity and dystonia. Hypertonicity is a lot of muscle tension, it can come from damage to the nervous system or brain. A harbinger can be: birth injuries, meningitis, various hemorrhages. The reason for hypertonicity is that the baby has not yet asked to be born, he is not ready to appear, but he is artificially adjusted, stimulation drugs are administered, in cases of long-term childbearing, or when the child is very excitable. Violation of muscle tone does not go away without leaving a trace. If it is violated, the child is completely tense and his movements are constrained. Even in sleep his body does not relax. The arms are pressed tightly to the chest, and the legs are pressed to the tummy. A child in such a situation often screams, cannot sleep, and frequent attacks of colic begin. Such children experience profuse regurgitation, and with slight irritation the chin may tremble.

Upon examination, if you repeat the same movement several times: spreading the arms and legs in different directions, then with each repetition the muscle tone increases. When a child is made to stand on his feet, he shows with his whole body how painful it is for him to complete this task. When they want to pull him up by the arms, he tries to pull himself up with his whole body. This is pronounced pathological hypertonicity. If the cervical spine was injured at birth, then such children can carry their heads behind one side, and the process of overall development will slow down. They do everything later, for healthy children: crawling, sitting, walking.

Hypotonicity in infants

Hypotonia is insufficient muscle tension. It occurs less than hypertonicity and usually occurs in premature infants who have suffered endocrine or infectious diseases and in cases of brain disorders. Children born with an intracranial hematoma may suffer from diffuse muscle hypotonia. In severe cases, children simply do not survive: their muscles are weakened so that they cannot suck, swallow, or breathe. But in cases where hypotension affects certain muscle groups or only limbs, the doctor records nerve damage.

Children who live and are diagnosed with muscle hypotonicity are very quiet, drowsy, lethargic, eat poorly and gain little weight, and cannot hold their head up for a long time. And no matter what you do with them, they just look like very tired crumbs. The body of such people is not adapted to active life. Dystonia is tension in some muscle groups and relaxation in other muscle groups. Children with dystonia are doomed throughout their lives to adopt a posture independent of them, to be in increased tone in one part of the body, and decreased tone in another part of the body.

What consequences can there be from muscle hypertonicity?

If you notice a violation of muscle tone in the early stages, and immediately, without putting off until later, going to the doctor and getting full treatment, the disturbances will come unnoticed and go away unnoticed. Hypertonicity is best treated at an early stage. If the child was not examined in time, and the parents themselves did not reveal that he has hypertonicity, this can result in serious disorders: posture, gait, torticollis scoliosis and clubfoot. And on a global scale, hypertonicity can provoke a serious illness - incurable cerebral palsy.

Treatment methods for muscle tone disorders

When muscle tone is detected, the neurologist writes a prescription exclusively for this diagnosis, with the help of which muscle tone is stabilized. The doctor can offer complex treatment using kinesitherapy - treatment through movement. Active complex: swimming and therapeutic exercises. The passive complex includes: massage and various helping procedures. For treatment purposes, children are prescribed to undergo several physiotherapeutic procedures, such as: treatment with water, heat, mud, magnetotherapy, ultrasound. Electrophoresis using certain drugs is very useful. In more complex situations, violations are corrected with the help of medications. They use medications that normalize intracranial pressure, these are: B vitamins, mydocalm. Dibazol is used to relieve spasms and dilate blood vessels. Quiet, soothing music and healing herbal baths help a lot. Homeopathic and osteopathic preparations are no exception.

To get rid of hypertension, you need to remove excessive muscle tension. You can prepare a medicinal bath for your child with relaxing herbs or go for a comprehensive massage at the clinic. But parents should also take a closer look at the movements that the massage therapist makes and perform them exactly at home. Usually, with hypertonicity, a soothing massage is needed, which is done with light hand movements over the entire problematic body of the child. You can alternate stroking the limbs of the arms and legs with stroking the baby’s tummy and back. Doctors also allow light rubbing. Your baby will experience the relaxing effect of being rocked and held close to your body while listening to a soft lullaby.

If you have muscle hypertonicity, you should not use chopping, clapping movements in massage, they will only increase tension. Doctors prohibit the use of walkers, which place excessive stress on the spine and unevenly distribute muscle tension. For hypotonicity, a stimulating massage is needed, with chopping and clapping movements, activating the natural work of the muscles. Well normalizes tone: swimming, various active exercises, therapeutic exercises. And if physiotherapeutic methods do not produce much effect, the doctor uses medication. In most cases, a violation of muscle tone is corrected by a neurologist and, as a result, goes away without a trace. And if you notice severe tension in your baby, you definitely need to consult a doctor.

Video: muscle tone in a child.