Every person whose teeth are sparse, whose fangs are too small or, conversely, very large, dreams of a beautiful smile. Not everyone is naturally given the gift of having perfect teeth. You can often find a person whose teeth stick out sharply, or there is a gap between the front and side teeth. Dentists call it diastema. Why does she appear? How to get rid of it? What do sharp front teeth popularly mean? What if my teeth are small? About everything in more detail in the article.

Types of gaps between teeth

There are two types of interdental gaps in people:

  • false;
  • true.

During the period of changing baby teeth, a false diastema may appear. It received its name due to the fact that after the formation of a permanent dentition, it should disappear without a trace.

A gap between the molars is called a true gap. It will not disappear on its own, and therefore requires correction, which can only be done by a dentist.


A gap between teeth may appear for the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • low location of the frenulum on the upper lip;
  • late appearance of permanent teeth;
  • improper development and formation of excess tooth buds in the fetus during development in the womb;
  • long-term use of the pacifier;
  • habit of biting nails, pens, pencils, etc.;
  • abnormal shape and size of the lateral incisors.

How to get rid of the problem?

In modern dentistry, there are many methods that a dentist can offer to get rid of gaps between teeth. In this case, the specialist must take into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the dentition of each patient.

All methods for eliminating interdental gaps are divided into:

  1. artistic restoration;
  2. surgical plastic surgery;
  3. surgical intervention;
  4. orthodontic methods (installation of braces or caps).

Aesthetic camouflage of a defect

This method is also called artistic restoration. The technology is similar to filling. To carry out treatment with this method, the dentist uses a special solution that tends to harden when exposed to ultraviolet light. The doctor creates a partition between the teeth, with the help of which the gap is eliminated. After each layer of solution, grinding is performed, then ultraviolet light is used. As a result of all these actions, the partition will become strong and acquire a natural color.


The method involves installing veneers or crowns. After such treatment, people can boast of all the splendor of a flawless smile without sharp fangs and unsightly gaps. It’s just a pity that the patient’s own teeth have to suffer from this, because some of their front part needs to be ground down.

The process of installing veneers is not accompanied by pronounced pain. These thin ceramic plates hide any imperfections in the dentition. In addition, they have a considerable service life - about 10 years.


Which method of surgical intervention to use (excision of the lips, frenulum or tongue) depends on the pathology of the dentition. In most cases, this method of solving the problem is used in children whose frenulum of the upper lip is located too low.

Modern dentistry uses a laser to carry out such manipulation; the patient is first numbed to the area being operated on. The rehabilitation period after surgical correction is very short. Next, orthodontic structures are used to move the teeth and eliminate the gap, thanks to which the bite is corrected.

Installation of braces and other orthodontic methods

The orthodontic method has its pros and cons. The first refers to safety, the second - duration.

One of the methods of orthodontic treatment of diastema is the installation of braces. The design can cope with any tooth gap. The bite will be perfect after this treatment.

Another method in the fight against chipping is mouth guards. They are carefully placed on the teeth and after a certain period of time should align them. The method is effective only if the interdental gap is relatively small.

Other abnormalities of dental growth and development

Classification of anomalies:

  • anomalies of an individual tooth: number, shape (spike-shaped, teeth of Pflueger, Fournier, Hutchinson, etc.), size (small teeth and large ones), structure of hard tissues (hypoplasia and hyperplasia), timing of eruption (premature and late), position, color ( pigments on enamel or dentin);
  • dental anomalies;
  • abnormalities of jaw development.


Types of abnormal teeth:

Sizes (small, large)

The following types of dental size anomalies are distinguished:

  • giant (macrodentia - deviations from the norm in the upward direction reach 6 mm; typical for central or lateral upper incisors);
  • small (microdentia - teeth of regular shape, but very small in size, there are large spaces between them; typical for the upper lateral incisors).

Is it possible to help at home?

It is believed that threads 30 cm long will help eliminate interdental gaps or unfold pointed fangs. All that needs to be done is to tie it up overnight and then tighten the incisors tightly.

The patient may experience discomfort. The procedure will have to be completed over 1-1.5 years. In addition, the problem is only partially solved - it cannot be done without the intervention of a dentist.

Signs: what does psychology say?

According to psychology and folk signs, if a person has:

  • one gap, it means that he has a cheerful character;
  • several spaces between the teeth indicate a lack of willpower;
  • sparse or small teeth indicate that he is stingy and cunning;
  • large front teeth mean that their owner is kind and broad-minded;
  • long or bulging means that in front of you is an aggressive and greedy owner;
  • sharp teeth (fangs) are a sign of energy and a sarcastic character.

The concept means “the ability to judge a person’s internal qualities by appearance, and especially by face, and draw conclusions about his character.”

According to this teaching, the shape, size and location of teeth, along with other external features of a person, play an important role in the spiritual characteristics of a person. For example, those with straight teeth are, as a rule, wise and eloquent people, while significant gaps between the teeth indicate a weak-willed person. Cunning (and always fussing) people most often have small and sparse teeth. If the teeth protrude strongly forward, most likely the person is stingy, and those with long teeth are often evil and greedy. The gap between the front teeth - what is called a diastema in dentistry - in physiognomy speaks of frivolity and a cheerful disposition. Large teeth are found in brave and kind people, and different heights of teeth indicate the thoughtfulness of their owner. Determined and energetic people most often have sharp and strong teeth.

Since ancient times, different peoples have had proverbs emphasizing the relationship between a person’s teeth and his character and destiny. In Rus', it was believed that teeth that were far apart from each other foreshadowed a happy life. In England it was also believed that “a child with few teeth will grow up happy and inclined to travel.” In the English city of Northampton they always said that those with a large gap between the upper incisors would become rich people. And in northeastern Scotland, the same sign indicated a person’s carelessness and excessive passion for the opposite sex.

In China, for a long time, they believed that teeth speak about a person’s relationships with other people and in the family, about the stability of life and the ability to enjoy delicious food. And in all these respects, long, straight, flat and white teeth are the best option. Only owners of such teeth can count on happiness in life and good relationships with people. White or ivory teeth will bring a person a good position in society and a high position, while yellow, dark, small and sparse teeth indicate a short and troubled life, bad relationships with people and an unstable financial situation.

In China, a person’s teeth are associated not only with his character, but also with his destiny. For example, it is believed that a person with protruding teeth will have to achieve everything in life on his own and not count on anyone. Success for such people comes far from their home. The owner of long (“dog”) front teeth most often becomes a tragedy for his family. Wealth, fame and a long life await a person who has large, white, dense teeth, also called “horse teeth.” A good marriage and an abundance of food are predicted for people with “garnet” teeth, that is, people whose middle teeth are larger than the rest, and the upper ones are, as it were, rounded downwards. Rare teeth indicate money problems and incontinence in conversations, inability to keep secrets, since according to Chinese teaching, both wealth and information leak through such teeth. But special caution is recommended for those with “devil’s teeth” - crooked and zigzag teeth. Such teeth speak of a person’s envy and vindictiveness, his dishonesty in the areas of love, friendship and finance.

It is also interesting that in China much attention is paid to the number of teeth and it is believed that the more teeth a person has, the more happiness he will have in his life. Success in life awaits only a person who has more than 30 teeth, otherwise poverty and bad luck will befall him. The symmetry of the teeth is considered separately: teeth that are wide at the top and narrowed at the bottom speak of a person’s greed and cruelty.

It should be noted that the greatest attention in physiognomy is paid to the two front teeth. It is by them that one should determine whether a person is worth trusting. They also talk about how long and stable his life will be. If the front teeth are wide, straight and without gaps, and the remaining teeth are different from them, then this most often indicates that there will be no great success in a person’s life, but no great misfortunes will happen either.

A dazzling smile creates half of a person’s charm. But too long front teeth disrupt the proportions of the face and reduce self-confidence. How can this defect be corrected? Dentists claim that there are many methods of aesthetic dental restoration.

Long front teeth

Front teeth that are too long: what are the causes of deformation?

Each person has individual dental parameters, but there are general anatomical patterns. The normal size of the front incisors is 82% in width by 85% in height. This means that when a person is not smiling, only the edge of the upper teeth, 1-3 mm long, is visible. In adolescents and young adults, the incisors always stand out from the dentition. As we age, the enamel wears down and teeth become shorter.

Before carrying out corrective procedures, you need to find out the reasons for the lengthening. Sometimes the incisors protrude from the dentition by nature. The proportions may also change due to age-related weakening of the gums. Inflammation and bone loss also cause teeth to become longer.

The front teeth are longer than the rest: how to correct the defect

If the length of the incisors has changed due to receding gums, surgery will be required to close the gum tissue. With healthy gums, the shape of teeth can be changed using the following procedures:

  • contour plastic surgery. The dentist grinds the teeth to the desired length using a grinding tool;
  • contouring with bonding. Grinding is combined with the use of composite materials. The coating improves the shape of the teeth and protects the enamel;
  • veneers. Plates of thin, durable porcelain are glued to the teeth, improving their proportions. Sometimes dentists recommend not to reduce the central incisors, but to enlarge the remaining teeth using veneers;
  • Lumineers This is a thinner and more advanced type of veneers. They are fixed without grinding the teeth;
  • bracket system. This method is prescribed mainly to adolescents 11-18 years old. In some cases, adult teeth can be corrected with braces.

Any method of correction requires especially careful hygiene. Daily brushing with fluoridated toothpaste and regular use of dental floss are necessary. You should not do whitening frequently, as this depletes the enamel.

The famous psychologist Dale Carnegie believed that a smile is the main component in creating an attractive image. “Hollywood smile” is a stable expression that came into use in the 50s of the twentieth century. These are not just literally beautiful teeth, but the image itself as a whole - the ability to look positive, energetically correct, relaxed, successful. ELLE chose iconic models whose Hollywood smiles provide the most compelling illustration of the theme.

According to a survey by Opinion Research Corporation for Crest SpinBrush, the most beautiful smile was possessed by the main blonde of the 20th century. Almost half of those surveyed believe that she was, is and will be not only the main beauty of all time, but the owner of the most charming smile. Monroe, being an unusually sensual and sexy woman, knew how to laugh brightly, lively, and contagiously, like a child. Her biographers claim that Marilyn underwent several plastic surgeries, from changing the shape of her nose and chin to serious work on her bite. Actually, her perfectly straight teeth are also the work of professional dentists. But even if you believe the most skeptical forecasts, the real miracle is that in the 50s of the twentieth century, undeveloped plastic surgery created such a miracle with the appearance of a girl who became the standard of aesthetic proportions. Beautiful arched eyebrows, cat-like eyes, a small neat nose, slightly full lips and perfectly straight white teeth, which Monroe skillfully demonstrated by throwing her head back in a wide smile.

She became the star of the first party after the release of the film “Pretty Woman,” and her special manner of laughing directly, with all her teeth, could become reliable armor against long-standing complexes - the actress in her youth was very shy and whenever she was afraid of being stupid, she smiled. And this smile worked wonders - luxurious, wide, natural, it became the signature feature of the actress.

Legendary singer , despite the dramatic events of the last years of her life, she forever entered the history of pop culture not only as a great singer, but also as a sincere and open person. Even in not the best of times for her, a dazzling snow-white smile reminded fans that before them was the brightest star of her time.

A chic woman with impeccably whitened teeth and a perfectly proportioned face. Her smile, as befits a femme fatale, is a little predatory, but no less seductive. Today she has no equal in her ability to sell herself and look like a million dollars.

The trademark feature of the comedy star is a wide smile with all her teeth - fortunately, she is inimitable in openly demonstrating emotions and radiating positivity.

A girl who has bright feminine charisma, a radiant look and a clean, open smile. Thanks to her ability to smile, she remains a woman without age.

They say that the smile is the result of the work of the best dentists, who removed many of the actress’s flaws - from fangs to protruding gums. Today, the actress's discreet and beautiful smile is one of the most beautiful in Hollywood.

An American can earn pennies and live in a dirty room on the outskirts of Harlem, but he is simply obliged to show a Hollywood smile in order to feel like he is not living in vain... Moreover, this applies to stars - carpets, flashes of photographic equipment - there is somehow no time to discuss all this , how much does the notorious “Hollywood smile” cost celebrities, and is it really in such impeccable condition...

A favorite of many teenagers, Daniel Radcliffe has been playing the role of the young wizard Harry Potter for several years now, earning many millions of dollars in this field. However, apparently, even his agents are hesitant to hint to the young actor that it is time to spend some of these millions on banal teeth whitening to remove yellow plaque.

Compared to the yellow smile of Radcliffe-Potter, the smile of rock princess Avril Lavigne actually shines white. But the singer has another problem - very noticeable protruding middle teeth - real vampire fangs! Anyone who decides to fight with Avril will probably have to be wary of painful bites.

Mike Tyson's wide smile seems to be intended to demonstrate that Mike, in essence, is a kind and good guy... However, the impression is spoiled by the absence of some teeth - you're literally amazed - and what he used to bite other people's ears... The depressing impression is complemented by the “golden fixation”. ..

In order to fix her smile, British singer Amy Winehouse would have to spend a considerable part of her fees, which were already not very large due to the fact that Winehouse more often stays in rehabilitation clinics than performs on stage. In the meantime, Amy may well compete with Tyson for the title of the scariest smile.

How Tom Cruise manages to attract the masses with such a smile remains a mystery. What is clear is that Tom should have spent time and money on braces to correct the “natural curvature”...

The beautiful Hilary Duff should smile more modestly - her signature Hollywood smile shows everyone her large-caliber teeth. Because of this, something horselike appears in Duff's face...

Julia Roberts's disarming smile says that her owner has nothing to hide - even in her mouth... The mother of many children keeps her teeth in impeccable condition...

The same cannot be said about Madonna - in her fifties, the pop diva’s smile glows between her teeth...

The title of “the worst smile in Hollywood” would rightfully go to Steve Bascemi, who, after many years of acting career, turned to directing... The reason for his endless supporting roles could be a smile in which everything is present - yellow plaque, and crooked teeth... Just a dentist's dream!