  • passport;
  • medical insurance policy (compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance) (if you make a photocopy of your passport and policy, the maternity hospital staff will be very grateful to you);
  • pregnant woman exchange card;
  • referral to a maternity hospital (agreement with a maternity hospital or doctor);
  • birth certificate (issued at the antenatal clinic, if not, it will be issued at the maternity hospital after childbirth);
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance (where SNILS is indicated).

Mobile phone and charger(if allowed).

Postpartum pad and shorts for fixation Increasingly, pads and shorts for fixation began to appear on mandatory lists for childbirth. If these items are not on your list and they are not useful in the maternity ward, then they will definitely be needed in the postpartum ward. After all, the baby may be born at night, and things for the postpartum ward will only be given to you in the morning.

Snack. Childbirth is a fairly long and energy-consuming process, so most women after childbirth have a strong desire to eat or at least drink a cup of sweet tea, sometimes doctors themselves recommend eating something. It’s great if, immediately after you are transferred to the postpartum ward, you can have a snack in the dining room or your loved ones give you gifts. But it may happen that the baby wants to be born at night, but the canteen is already closed and the package will only be delivered to you in the morning, so be sure to include a small but very tasty snack in your purse.

Cotton socks The experience of most women in labor suggests that due to a surge in hormone levels after childbirth, feet can become very cold, even if the room is warm, which is why socks for childbirth are included in most mandatory lists in the maternity hospital.

Things for dad. It should be taken into account that if you are planning a joint birth with your husband, you need to prepare things for the future dad. To be present at the birth, your spouse must have the following documents:

All items should be pre-washed, ironed on both sides and placed in a separate bag.

To ensure that all the necessary things for the maternity ward are always at hand, they should be put in a plastic (washable) bag or a special transparent bag for the prenatal ward.

Induction of labor is necessary if the labor process does not develop naturally. The decision on the need for stimulation is made by the doctor, taking into account all possible risks, contraindications and complications. But the expectant mother herself can slightly speed up the onset of the natural birth process.

Stimulation of labor will help with the attenuation of labor, reducing the intensity of contractions

Indication for the procedure

Activation of labor is performed when there is a danger to continue the pregnancy. It may be due to the following factors:

  • post-term if the pregnancy lasts more than 41 weeks;
  • absence of contractions within 24 hours after the water breaks;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • problems with heart and kidney activity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • multiple births and polyhydramnios.

The procedure is performed only after a thorough examination, checking the degree of maturity of the cervix, measuring its length through an ultrasound examination with a vaginal sensor and analysis of all readings. Prescribing artificial stimulation of labor is allowed only in extreme cases, because almost every method has side effects, including weak uterine activity, infection, and drug overdose.

Methods for intensifying labor in the maternity hospital

To provoke the onset of labor, doctors use several methods depending on the health status of the expectant mother.

  • Inserting kelp sticks into the cervical canal. Gradually absorbing moisture, they contribute to the expansion of the cervix.
  • Mechanical effect of a Foley catheter. The use of the instrument also leads to expansion of the uterine cervix.
  • Detachment of amniotic membranes. The method is used if the pregnancy is post-term. The doctor performs manual manipulations, which leads to the onset of contractions.
  • Puncture of the amniotic sac (amniotomy). Used for weak labor.
  • Taking antigestagens in tablet form. They help block uterine receptors, accelerate ripening and opening of the cervix.
  • Intravenous injections of oxytocin, an artificial analogue of the natural hormone. It stimulates uterine contractions when labor subsides and the intensity of contractions decreases.
  • The use of prostaglandins - substances that cause the opening of the cervix. The drug in the form of a gel or suppositories is administered vaginally, and after 30 minutes the labor process usually begins.

The most effective regimen is the use of antispasmodics, hormonal drugs and kelp sticks in combination.

In the maternity hospital, labor can be stimulated with the help of medical instruments and medications.

If none of the methods helps, a decision is made on surgical obstetrics - a caesarean section is performed.

Independent acceleration of the onset of labor

There are ways to help bring birth closer at home. They can be used by any woman over 40 weeks. You should first consult your doctor.

The simplest include physical activity, in particular walking. How the birth process is activated: the fetus puts pressure on the cervix, which forces it to open. This method is possible only when the cervix has already softened and smoothed out, that is, preparation for childbirth has begun. An expectant mother should not expose herself to extreme stress; it should be feasible and light. Overexertion can cause placental abruption.

Other techniques include:

  • acupuncture;
  • aromatherapy;
  • regular sex.

Sex without a condom with a trusted partner is a natural and effective way to speed up labor. Semen contains natural hormones - prostaglandins, which have a softening effect on the cervix. Orgasm causes muscular contractions of the uterus. Massaging the nipples increases the concentration of oxytocin in the blood.

Stimulation of the nipples can be carried out not only by a partner during sex, but also by a woman herself during post-term pregnancy. Massage should be performed three times a day for 10–20 minutes.

Sometimes castor oil is used to intensify labor. When taken orally, it causes the intestines to work harder, which causes the birth process to begin. The method is questionable because it leads to diarrhea, nausea and dehydration.

You should not be afraid of artificial activation of the birth process if the need arises. When performed correctly, the procedure does not lead to severe pain and negates the risks of complications. And refusal can negatively affect the child’s health.

The due date is approaching, and the expectant mother begins to get ready for the maternity hospital. It’s better to prepare everything you need in advance than to not put something in in a hurry and then get upset. Before the exciting moment comes, let's find out what to take to the maternity hospital in order to feel comfortable there. The list consists of the necessary things and documents. Let's roughly divide it into three bags: for childbirth, after childbirth and for the baby. The fourth bag, intended for discharge, can be collected both before admission to the medical institution, and brought by relatives at the time of discharge from it.

It is advisable to put things for the baby in a separate bag or even ask relatives to bring them after the birth

Which bag is better to put things in?

According to sanitary standards and regulations (SanPin), it is prohibited to take bags made of leather, fabric or wicker into the maternity hospital. Such materials can spread germs and viruses. It is advisable to pack things in plastic bags. The bag should also be transparent so that you don’t have to dig through it for a long time to find the right thing. The hypothetical “three bags” cannot be taken literally. The staff of the institution is unlikely to allow you to bring 3-4 bags.

Stock up on one roomy bag, put all the prepared things in it, dividing them into sectors so that you know where everything is. By the way, you can purchase a ready-made bag in a store if you find one that suits you. If you or one of your relatives knows how to sew, make your own version of an “alarm suitcase” for a woman in labor. For some mothers, regular plastic bags with handles are enough.

What documents should I take with me?

Having been observed by a doctor throughout your pregnancy, you have acquired a large number of medical documents and certificates. Some of them should be taken to a medical facility. Starting from the 32nd week, make it a rule to carry documents with you - the period set by the doctor may change at the request of your baby. If everything goes well, by week 36, start shopping and pack an “emergency suitcase” with things. Please also include the following documents:

  • passport;
  • pregnant woman’s exchange card with complete information about the course of pregnancy and test results;
  • medical insurance policy giving the right to medical care;
  • if you have an agreement with a medical institution, be sure to sign it;
  • receipts for payment for a separate room and joint birth, if you decide to use these services.

The exchange card will give the obstetrician all the information about the course of pregnancy, so in the later stages it must be carried with you at all times

By the way, regarding joint births. Your significant other also needs documents. Doctors will require your husband's passport and health certificate. This is done for the safety of the baby.

Calculate a certain amount of money that may be needed to buy medicine or pay for some services. Place large and small bills in your wallet. Understanding that the moment a new person is born is unpredictable, be sure to keep a mobile phone in your purse or pocket so you can quickly call an ambulance and notify your family.

What things to prepare for childbirth?

The list of items that will be useful to you during childbirth is small. The service regulations in the maternity hospital include providing women in labor with the necessary clothing, but you can take washable slippers. However, each maternity institution sets its own rules; it is better for you to find out about their existence in advance. In theory you should collect:

  • nightgown (loose-fitting);
  • drinking water (1 liter or more if you so desire);
  • towel (two possible);
  • baby soap (liquid);
  • disposable toilet seats;
  • warm socks (not made of wool);
  • You can grab a video camera or a camera if you want to preserve a joyful historical event in the life of your family.

Add to the bag with your things the equipment for the newborn, which the facility staff will put on him after the birth. Some institutions use their own baby diapers to change the baby. Find out this question in advance - you may not have to pack an outfit for your newborn, only for discharge. Stock up on the following:

  • vest, bodysuit or blouse;
  • diaper;
  • you can put sliders;
  • cap

Some maternity hospitals provide their own diapers and clothes for the newborn - this issue needs to be clarified in advance

Mothers who are about to give birth for the first time often wonder if it is possible to bring food with them. Believe me, when you give birth, you will definitely forget about any food. If you want to take something for a snack, you can stock up on dried candied fruits or fruits, cookies, crackers. Boiled eggs and broth will do. Don't overload your emergency bag so much that you can't lift it.

List of things for mom after childbirth

After giving birth, the mother spends approximately 3-5 days with her little treasure in the maternity hospital. What to pack for this period, what items would be appropriate for a nursing mother? Add some wardrobe items to your packing list. Be sure to include the products you use for personal hygiene. Stock up on the water and foods you ate before giving birth. If you want to look attractive, grab a cosmetic bag, but be sure to read our additional explanations in a separate review block. We have prepared the necessary list for you.


  • Clean nightgown, robe, slippers. Choose a model with a cutout that makes breastfeeding comfortable. Some maternity facilities provide their own clothing, so check this in advance. Bring two pairs of warm socks if you are giving birth in winter.
  • You need a special bra for breastfeeding, equipped with detachable nipple pockets. This product will provide you with comfortable feeding of your baby.
  • If the maternity hospital does not provide underwear, take disposable panties (cotton, 3-5 pieces) and postpartum pads.
  • You will also need pads under the bra, which perfectly absorb leaking milk. If you don’t take them, all your clothes will be stained, which will turn sour and begin to smell bad.
  • Take care of your figure - grab it.

Using a bandage immediately after childbirth will help you regain your figure faster

Hygiene products

  • The usual set for daily care: toothbrush, shampoo, soap, body care cream, deodorant (roll-on), shower gel (see also:). Disposable toilet seats. Mothers whose births ended with stitches can ask someone close to them to bring them the softest kind of toilet paper.
  • Remedy against. Choose one that doesn't need to be washed off. Cracks appear in many mothers and cause pain when feeding. The cause is improper attachment of the newborn to the breast. Buy Bepanten or D-Panthenol cream.
  • Glycerin suppositories. Helps with problems with stool.

Food, cutlery, leisure items

The items presented in this section do not need to be taken with you on the day of admission to the maternity hospital. Relatives can convey any of them to you during a visit. Cutlery items can be limited to a mug and a teaspoon. You can make recordings on your cell phone. We have compiled a sample list:

The question about medications is asked often. A maternity hospital is a medical institution where, if necessary, you will be given any remedy for headaches, nausea, or more serious medications. Mothers who know that they are having a cesarean section should check the list of necessary medications with doctors at the maternity hospital or perinatal center.

Additional explanations of important items

We will answer the questions that inevitably arise among mothers going to the maternity hospital. People often ask about pads, wondering which ones are best for postpartum hygiene. Pharmacies offer special postpartum pads, which may be called postoperative or urological pads. Made from material that absorbs moisture as much as possible. One package is enough. If you think you can get by with regular overnight pads, take them.

When choosing a gown, find out whether the institution provides government-issued sterile clothing items. If you can bring your own clothes, choose a light cotton robe with a zipper or wraparound - such clothing will not restrict your movements and will ensure comfortable breastfeeding. It is advisable that the product have pockets for various women's small items (hairpin, hairpin, hair tie, handkerchief, telephone).

While listing things, we talked about soap. You should not use a lot of detergents. You can take with you liquid baby soap, which will be enough for both you and your baby.

There is one more nuance and it is connected with the recommendations of doctors. Doctors advise a woman who has given birth to wash her genitals with laundry soap. Please note that the procedure must be superficial. Wash the external seams and surface of the body with soap; under no circumstances use it to wash the interior. The alkali contained in laundry soap has a negative effect on the vaginal mucosa, especially when it is inflamed or damaged during childbirth.

Regular laundry soap is perfect for the intimate hygiene of a woman in labor.

List of things for a newborn

Collecting clothes and accessories for a newborn is the most enjoyable moment for a mother. Looking through children's clothes, she lives in anticipation of immense happiness. A rough list looks like this:

  • . Product size 0 or 1 (weight 2-5 or 3-6 kg). A pack of 28 pieces is enough.
  • The soap is, of course, for children. You can take liquid; for solid, grab a soap dish.
  • Hygienic products made of cotton wool (discs, sticks with a limiter). They will be needed to clean the ears and nose of the baby, and to lubricate the umbilical wound.
  • Disposable baby wipes or handkerchiefs.
  • . Since you cannot predict your baby's reaction to the product, take the cream in a small tube.
  • . As a rule, they are issued in maternity hospitals. If you think that you trust your own things more, take 2 made of cotton fabric and 2 made of flannel (size - 60x90). If financial possibilities allow, buy disposable diapers.
  • Soft fabric towel.
  • Vests, blouses, bodysuits. Choose models sewn with external seams. Take them at the rate of one for each day, approximately 4-5 pieces.
  • If the blouse has open sleeves on the wrists, put on anti-scratch mittens.
  • Cotton rompers or overalls, 4-5 pieces.
  • Cotton or flannel cap - the choice of fabric depends on the season. Buy 2 pieces of the same size.

Let's take a closer look at diapers. Doubts about their quantity, size, and brand plague many young mothers. Immediately forget about gauze, reusable diapers and diapers, stop only with disposable diaper models. Choose the brand according to your own taste, limit the quantity to a small package. Buy what you like, but based on our recommendations. When you return home with your child, choose better diapers.

Disposable diapers are perfect for the maternity hospital, which you can choose to your taste

What things to take when leaving the maternity hospital?

The selection of items for discharge from the maternity hospital depends on the time of year. Women are most concerned about the equipment of their newborn.


In summer you can get by with a cap, a vest or a light blouse and rompers. Additionally, wrap the baby in a thin blanket or envelope. For a trip in the car, dress your baby in cotton overalls.


The joyful event took place in the off-season - choose your baby’s outfit according to the weather. Choose a demi-season jumpsuit for your baby, wearing warm underwear underneath. If discharge occurs at the beginning of winter or spring, use a set of clothes for the cold season, which we described above. The main thing is not to overwrap your newborn so that he does not overheat; stick to a reasonable decision.


Now let's see what a baby born in winter needs to take. Add a warm hat, insulated envelope or overalls (preferably transformable) to your summer underwear set. It is better to transport your baby in a car in outerwear, since it is difficult to thread the baby seat belts under a blanket or envelope. Remember - the rules for transporting children in a car require the use of a special car seat. Take flannel rompers, a vest and a cap that are worn under outerwear.

Clothing for mom should be comfortable and appropriate for the weather. It is unlikely that you will be able to easily squeeze yourself into the jeans you wore before pregnancy. The belly has not yet gone away without a trace and tight clothes will cause you discomfort, even if they fit. Choose loose clothing for your own outfit: skirt, dress, cardigan, sundress. Take shoes with low heels or without them. Let them bring a cosmetic bag from home - you want to look beautiful in memorable photos.

What should you not bring to the maternity hospital?

Remember that your stay in the maternity hospital is limited to 3-5 days. There is no need to pack as if you were going to the sea for a month. Decorative cosmetics are a matter of child safety. Contact with a baby who has just come into this world must be absolutely safe for him. Powder, eye shadow, and lipstick can get on the baby’s body and cause allergies. The maximum you can afford is to slightly tint your eyelashes.

Do not use strong scents. The baby should feel the smell of his mother, which he recognizes as native and protective. Feeling the natural maternal aroma, the baby sleeps peacefully, eats well, and comfortably gets used to its new environment. Forget about a pacifier if you plan to breastfeed your baby. A pacifier in a maternity hospital is an extra accessory. The baby is suckling well and is quite happy.

Most women are familiar with the trepidation before childbirth. By experiencing and rejoicing at the same time, you are preparing for the greatest sacrament. Practicality is good and you will of course take all the necessary things with you. However, the most important thing that you will bring to the maternity hospital is great love for the one who is about to be born. We wish you the easiest birth so that your treasure is born healthy and strong.

Waiting for a child is an unforgettable time, and preparing for its arrival is a pleasant and entertaining experience. Many mothers, having just learned about pregnancy, cannot resist shopping for the baby in their tummy. Little by little, such things accumulate, and now everything indicates that a new family member should soon appear in the house.

Every woman carrying a child, of course, worries about the upcoming birth. A calming moment is packing your things for the maternity hospital; you want maximum comfort and convenience. You can start collecting bags for the maternity hospital after approximately 32-34 weeks, when you already have all the necessary documents on hand. And the possibility of premature birth cannot be ruled out; it would be better if all things were prepared in advance. You should not rely on your husband and relatives to collect the items you need; in a hurry and from stress, your loved ones may give you something completely wrong. There were cases when husbands forgot to bring trousers to their wives at discharge, or grabbed the first things they came across that the woman could not fit into.

Here you will find an approximate list of things that you need to take to the maternity hospital.

Documents for the maternity hospital:

  1. Medical policy
  2. Exchange card
  3. Passport
  4. Birth certificate
  5. Contract for childbirth (in case of paid childbirth)

You will have the documents in your hands after the 30th week, and it is better to always have them on hand in case of unforeseen situations.

After entering the maternity hospital with contractions or by referral, you will be taken to either the prenatal ward or the antenatal ward until labor begins or the date of your caesarean section is scheduled.

In the prenatal ward directly for childbirth you will need:

  1. Change of clothes for childbirth: robe or shirt, cotton and warm socks, rubber slippers.
  2. If the husband is present, he will need to take shoe covers, a cap and a robe.
  3. Water and snack. You can grab a couple of sandwiches, cookies, chocolate.
  4. Hygiene products: soap and towel, comb, wet wipes.
  5. If video recording is allowed in the maternity hospital according to the rules, then you can bring a video camera or camera.
  6. A phone with a charger, a player with favorite songs, for some, listening to music helps them relax and tune in to the process.

If you are admitted to the maternity hospital with a referral, for example, you are about to have a cesarean section, or the due date has already passed and you are not giving birth, then, as a rule, you will have to lie down for several days in the antenatal department.

The following items will be useful in the antenatal department:

  1. Additional change of clothing: comfortable tracksuit, underwear, robe, pajamas, warm and thin socks, slippers.
  2. Hygiene supplies: toothbrush and paste, soap, toilet paper, wet wipes, towel, shampoo.
  3. Food: sandwiches, cookies, chocolates, water or juice. If you lie longer before giving birth, you can take yoghurts, fruits, vegetables, cheese; as a rule, in the antenatal department there are refrigerators in which pregnant women put their products. In general, in the maternity hospital they feed you, and you don’t have to carry anything at all.
  4. Phone with charger, maybe a tablet, books or magazines.
  5. Utensils: cup, spoon, maybe a small knife.
  6. Notepad and pen.

These items will help pass the slow time waiting for the birth, and will also come in handy in the postpartum ward.

After your baby is born, you will need a few more things for both mother and newborn.

List of things needed in the postpartum ward:

  1. Money (maybe you will thank the medical staff)
  2. Bottled water, some food that won’t affect the quality of the milk, don’t forget that you will be fed.
  3. Panties, preferably disposable ones, that you don’t mind getting stained with blood - 4-5 pieces.
  4. Pads, either special postpartum ones, or simply with a large number of drops.
  5. A nursing bra and nursing pads are absorbent as the milk will begin to flow on its own.
  6. Postpartum bandage (optional)
  7. Clothes: You can take an extra nightie and your clothes from the prenatal department will remain with you.
  8. If you went to the maternity hospital in advance, then all the things from the prenatal department smoothly move into the postpartum department. If you arrive with contractions, do not forget: a cup, a spoon and a knife.
  9. You can use breast pads if your child has chewed on it a lot, they can help at least a little.
  10. Cream for cracked nipples, it is also suitable for a child if irritation appears on the skin.
  11. Hygiene products: toothbrush and paste, soap and towel (bath and face), shampoo and comb, cream and tonic with cotton pads, toilet paper.
  12. Equipment: telephone, player, camera (will remain from the prenatal department).
  13. You may need a razor, deodorant, and hygienic lipstick (optional).

For each maternity hospital, the list of permitted items is individual, so find out the information directly from your medical institution. In some places it is generally forbidden to take your own things and things for the baby; pads, diapers and a first aid kit are issued by the maternity hospital.

For a newborn in the maternity hospital you will need:

  1. The smallest diapers are from 3 to 6 kg, taking into account the fact that up to 10 pieces will be used per day.
  2. You can take diapers (2 thin and 2 flannel), but they are usually given out in maternity hospitals
  3. Rompers (2 pcs) and side vests (2 pcs), you can take several slips
  4. Socks - 2 pairs, cap - 2 pieces, scratches - 2 pieces
  5. Hygiene products: wet wipes, cotton balls or swabs (they are convenient for treating the navel), towel and soap.
  6. Manicure scissors for babies, because often babies are born with rather long nails and scratch themselves while waving their hands.
  7. If you wish, you can take powder or diaper cream, but this is not necessary; it’s easier to wash your butt with soap in the sink.

There is no need to take things with you immediately for discharge; relatives can bring them later. To do this, prepare a package at home in advance with the things you and your child need for discharge.

Things that are needed for discharge from the maternity hospital:

  1. Comfortable and elegant clothes for mom, replacement shoes for the season.
  2. Decorative cosmetics: foundation, mascara, lipstick (optional or if there is a photo shoot).
  3. For the baby according to the season: a beautiful suit, overalls and a blanket with a ribbon, in winter a warm envelope + hat.
  4. A camera or video camera if you plan to capture the moment of discharge.
  5. If you wish, you can bring flowers and sweets to the medical staff who discharges you.
  6. Car seat for newborn.

Based on reviews from women who have given birth, we can conclude that there is no need to pack huge bags and suitcases; now most maternity hospitals give out almost all the necessary things. You don’t need to take anything from cosmetics and medicines for caring for stitches, for a child’s navel and intestines; the medical staff gives everything and teaches how to treat the child.

The main thing in collecting things for the maternity hospital is to take the necessary minimum. If you need anything additional, you can always ask your relatives to inform you. Be prepared for the fact that you will spend very little time in the maternity hospital, do not drag around too much.

To ensure that everything at home is ready for the baby’s arrival, arrange and buy a family member in advance, this will make you feel calmer and more convenient.

Have an easy birth!

Since labor may begin before the expected date, the maternity hospital bag is packed in advance. It is recommended to prepare and pack things for the maternity hospital by the 35th week of pregnancy. As a rule, the list of things for the maternity hospital is quite large, and for convenience it will need to be divided into three parts - for the maternity ward, for the postpartum ward, for discharge. The expectant mother will go to the hospital with the first and second bags, the third will be brought by relatives on the day of discharge.

It is clear that it is unrealistic to put all the things for the maternity hospital, since some may still be needed in everyday life. Therefore, a note should be attached to each bag, indicating what item should be added here when “hour X” arrives.

It is important to note that almost all maternity hospitals do not allow you to bring things in fabric or leather bags. This is due to the fact that they are a source of infections, which is dangerous for newborns with weakened immune systems. Therefore, things are packed exclusively in plastic bags or bags.

So, below we offer a list of necessary things for mother and baby in the maternity hospital.

First bag to the maternity hospital - list of things for childbirth

  • passport;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • contract (if childbirth is paid);
  • exchange card (issued at the antenatal clinic at 22-23 weeks of pregnancy);
  • birth certificate (issued at the antenatal clinic for a multiple pregnancy at 28 weeks, for a singleton pregnancy at 30);
  • referral to the maternity hospital (issued at the antenatal clinic for planned hospitalization);
  • passport and fluorography of the husband or other accompanying person (if joint childbirth);
  • compression stockings for varicose veins (if indicated);
  • mobile phone;
  • disposable postpartum kit (large pad, mesh panties).

Second bag for the maternity hospital - list of things for mother and baby

  • robe;
  • nightgown, tank top with straps;
  • washable rubber slippers;
  • panties, socks (3-4 pcs);
  • small towel (2 pieces, one for mother, one for baby);
  • postpartum bandage (will help quickly bring a sagging belly back to normal, remove excess stress from the spine, and restore the tone of the abdominal muscles);
  • a package of disposable diapers for mothers during periods of heavy discharge;
  • several packs of maxi sanitary pads, as they will need to be changed regularly;
  • bralette-free nursing bra with wide straps (2 pcs);
  • special absorbent pads for the bra (needed during milk flow);
  • shampoo (there is no need to take a whole jar, just pour a little into a small container with a lid);
  • mug, spoon;
  • toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • solid antiperspirant without odor;
  • hair tie (in some maternity hospitals it is forbidden to walk with your hair down);
  • comb.
  • book or magazine;
  • a pen (needed when filling out forms and signing documents);
  • mobile phone charger;
  • a bottle of still water 2 l;
  • soft toilet paper;
  • disposable toilet seat covers;
  • glycerin suppositories to ease stool;
  • snack (muesli bar, biscuits, bagels, green apple);
  • breast pump (may be needed if too much milk arrives);
  • cream for cracked nipples;
  • a pack of diapers for newborns;
  • diaper cream or powder;
  • wet wipes for newborns;
  • liquid baby soap for newborns;
  • pacifier;
  • body (2 pcs), cap, anti-scratch pads, socks.

Third bag to the maternity hospital - things to be discharged

  • Clothing for a newborn at discharge is selected taking into account the time of year and the preferences of the parents. In the summer, this could be a cotton jumpsuit, a cap, an elegant diaper or a thin blanket. In autumn and spring - cotton overalls, warm socks, fleece overalls, insulated hat, blanket, blanket or envelope. In winter - cotton overalls, warm socks, a hat, snowsuit or envelope.
  • Clothes for mom. Since the body has not yet returned to its previous size, it is unlikely that the young mother will be able to fit into her pre-pregnancy clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare things for discharge that were worn in the second trimester. It is advisable to choose shoes without heels.
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