Compiled by: Gnatyuk Elena Valerievna.

This presentation is designed to teach students with mild mental retardation. The presentation can be used in lessons on the culture of behavior, the world around us and when reinforcing the topic “Behavior in public places”.
The presentation consists of 29 slides.
1 Title page
2 Contents
3 Photos of the theater
4 Picture “The spectator makes his way to his seat during the performance”
5 Picture “The spectator eats during the performance”
6 Picture “The spectator goes to his place”
7 Photos of public transport
8 Picture “Help elderly passengers”
9 Picture “Don’t interfere with the doors closing”
10 Picture “Controller - ticket taker”
11 Picture “You can’t push passengers aside”
12 Picture “Do not enter the transport with ice cream”
13 Picture “Give your seat to older people”
14 Photos of the metro
15 Picture “Passage through the turnstiles in the metro”
16 Picture “Don’t run down the escalator”
17 Picture “Politely ask to be let through”
18 Picture “Don’t stand close to the edge of the platform”
19 Picture “Get into the carriage and don’t push”
20 Picture “Don’t make noise in the carriage”
21 Photo of the night avenue
22 Picture “Keep the streets clean”
23 Picture “Cross the street when the traffic light is green”
24 Picture “Don’t cross the street in the wrong place”
25 Picture “Don’t play near the roadway”
26 Photos of cafe
27 Picture “You can’t make noise in a cafe”
28 Picture “Use cutlery when eating”
29 Picture “After eating, use a napkin”
30 Resources used
The presentation is made in the form of a demonstration of pictures with captions for them.
Working with the presentation.
1) First, students are asked to look at the picture and say what is shown in it.
2) From 3 to 29 slides - we show pictures with captions.
Teacher's comments.
3 slide
This is a theater. Performances are shown there.
4 slide
You cannot enter the auditorium after the 3rd bell, as this prevents other spectators from watching the performance.
5 slide
The crunch of an apple distracts not only the audience, but also the actors. This is very rude.
6 slide
When walking to your seat, be sure to turn your face to the person sitting; in this case, the person sitting can stand up to make it easier for you to pass.
7 slide
This is ground public transport. Name it.
8 slide
Elderly people find it difficult to cope without outside help, so they need our help.
Slide 9
The boy prevents the driver from closing the bus doors; he is doing something bad. By his actions, he delays the driver, passengers, and also puts his life in danger.
10 slide
The controller checks passengers' tickets and sells them.
11 slide
The boy behaves very badly, pushing passengers aside. You need to politely ask people to let you pass.
12 slide
Did the boy do a good thing by entering the ice cream bus? No. You should have eaten it before entering the transport and then it would not have stained anyone.
Slide 13
Older people often have pain in their legs and cannot stand on their feet for long, so they need to give way to them.
Slide 14
What is this? The metro is an underground form of transport. The metro has its own special rules of conduct.
15 slide
Having bought a token, we go through the turnstiles and wait for the green signal. You need to pass quickly (while the green light is on), but don’t run.
16 slide
An escalator is a moving staircase. Are boys behaving correctly? You need to stand on the steps and hold on to the handrail tightly, otherwise you may fall and get injured.
Slide 17
If you are in a hurry and need to walk down an escalator (not run), and a person is standing in your way, you need to politely ask permission to pass.
18 slide
The subway train has a high speed and, approaching the station, it cannot slow down quickly, so you cannot stand close to the edge of the platform so that you are not “blown away” by the wind. There is a boundary line on the platform; you cannot go beyond it.
Slide 19
There are often a lot of people on the subway and people start pushing each other to get into the car. This may cause people to fall. Enter the carriage and do not push, you will have time to enter.
20 slide
There are many different people traveling in the carriage, both young and old, some going for a walk in the park, some going home after work to relax, some reading a book, some taking a nap, so you need to maintain silence.
21 slides
This is a street at night. The street has its own rules of conduct.
22 slide
To keep the streets always clean, do not throw garbage anywhere, but throw it in the trash bin.
Slide 23
To avoid trouble, cross the street only when the traffic light is green.
24 slide
In front of a pedestrian path (even if there is no traffic light), drivers slow down. If a pedestrian jaywalks across the road, it is difficult for the driver to brake quickly and a tragedy may occur.
25 slide
You can't play near the road, it's dangerous.
26 slide
This is a cafe. Let's remember the rules of behavior in public catering places (cafes, restaurants, canteens).
Slide 27
In a cafe, people talk quietly and laugh not loudly; in a restaurant, you can dance to the music, but not disturb the people around you.
28 slide
You need to eat civilly, using a fork and knife, and do not throw food around the table.
Slide 29
After eating, you should not wipe your mouth with your sleeve; there is a napkin for this.
Resources used: pictures from the textbook “Russian Language in Pictures”, pictures from the set of demonstration material “Politeness Lessons”, pictures from the Yandex search server.

“School of Politeness” - Rules of Politeness: Game Room. Cabinet of Reasoning. How do you interrupt the conversation? The time needs to be calculated so as not to be late for class. A Journey to the School of Politeness. How do you ask a friend for help? You want to help your friend put on his coat. Exam. Who should give way to whom (in transport, at a party)?

“Rules for schoolchildren” - Memo for pedestrians Responsibilities of pedestrians. Every year, 1 million people die in road accidents in the world. The position of the detachment of young traffic inspectors (uid). School newspaper. “Forms and methods of work to prevent child road traffic injuries.” Thematic lesson plan for traffic rules 1st grade. Students. Ecological. Class teachers.

“Culture of behavior at school” - Final provisions. Behavior on school grounds. Unaccompanied children and teenagers under 16 years of age on the streets. Students address themselves by their first name, patronymic, and title. If a student wants to say something, ask, or ask a question. In class. General rules. Danger to life and health. During breaks and after classes end.

"School Rules" - Japan. School etiquette. My mood. Behavior in the dining room. Cool hour. How do I answer in class? They greet you by their clothes. The British. Follow school rules! Change. Muslims. What am I doing wrong?

“Student Rules” - Study well. Students are prohibited from smoking in emergency exits. Keep track of the time. Wash your hands!!! The student is prohibited from running outside during class. The student is prohibited from running around the school. Our textbooks. Rules of student behavior. Come to class on time - 5 minutes before the start of the lesson. Don't be late!

“Rules of conduct for students” - Clothes are handed over and received in the order of the general queue, which cannot be violated. The use of cosmetics and jewelry is allowed in grades 10-11 in a minimum (moderate) quantity. The wardrobe is closed during the lesson. You can't eat while standing and you can't take food out of the dining room. Taking clothes and shoes for other students is prohibited.

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Presentation - Interactive game "Rules of conduct in public places"

Text of this presentation

Rules of behavior in public places
Interactive game
Prokhodtseva Irina Aleksandrovna primary school teacher MBOU "Uinskaya Secondary School", Uinskoye village, Perm Territory

Rules of the game
Fairy-tale characters will help you learn the rules of behavior in public places. Each hero has prepared questions for you. By clicking on the picture, a question will appear. The answer can be checked by clicking on the word “ANSWER”. Move to the next slide using the arrow.


Is it possible to enter the store with a dog?
No, even if the dog is small.

Who should let whom pass: the one who enters the door or the one who leaves?
We must let the one who comes out pass

When entering the bus, where should your briefcase or backpack be?
When entering transport, you need to take off your backpacks and satchel bags so as not to touch (sometimes even dirty) people.

Is it possible to talk loudly, laugh, or play music loudly while traveling on the bus?
No. This distracts the driver and disturbs passengers. In transport, it is indecent to laugh loudly and talk loudly, or discuss your problems on the phone.

What rules must a bus passenger follow?
While traveling by bus it is prohibited: Screaming; Change places; Throwing something out of a bus window; Sticking your head or arms out of bus windows.

Is it necessary to exchange impressions during a performance or concert?
No. This can be done during intermission and after the end of the performance or concert.

What should you not do during a performance or watching a movie?
Talk, rustle with papers or a program, fidget, eat. Get up and leave during the show.

If the start of a play or concert is delayed, should you applaud to hurry up the performers?
No. If the start is delayed, then unexpected problems have arisen. Once they are resolved, the action will begin without any reminders

How to walk along those sitting in a row to your place: facing them or with your back?

What can you see in the theater with binoculars?

Only the stage. Looking at the auditorium and the audience is unacceptable.

Is it possible to enter the theater hall with a large bag or package?

No. It needs to be put in the wardrobe

Is it possible to talk on the phone during a tour in the museum?

During the excursion you must turn off your mobile phone.

Is it possible to take photographs of exhibits in the museum?

Photography in the museum is allowed only with the permission of museum staff and in those rooms where it is permissible.

Why is it forbidden to touch exhibits in a museum?

A museum exhibit is a rarity, so you should not touch it with your hands, otherwise it will become unusable.

How should you behave in the library?

You need to remember to be polite. Maintain silence and order.

How should you behave in the school assembly hall during an event?

As soon as the start of the event is announced, you must stop all conversations, watch and listen carefully. You cannot move from place to place or leave until the end of the event. _otr018.png cat Leopold malvina Znayka background

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