On Tuesday, December 12, 2017, Constitution Day is celebrated in Russia. Day off or not? - Russians are worried. Unfortunately, for more than 11 years from the point of view production calendar The answer to this question is negative. Let's figure out why.

Since 1994, the whole country has been celebrating Constitution Day on this date. Is it a day off or a working day on this holiday? After all, initially, when Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1994 N 1926 was issued, and holiday date appeared in the Russian calendar, this day was a day off. By the way, the date December 12 was not chosen by chance - it was on this day that the Basic Law of Russia was adopted in a popular vote on December 12, 1993. The previous Constitution was still Soviet and was adopted back in 1977 under Leonid Brezhnev. It is noteworthy that at that time all Soviet citizens were on vacation for this reason. In modern Russia, by Federal Law of March 13, 1995 N 32-FZ, December 12, the holiday in honor of the Basic Law was classified as a memorable event.

For eleven years it was, but in 2004 Law N 201-FZ was issued, which adjusted Article 112 of the Labor Code containing a list of non-workers holidays. As a result, the date of adoption of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation was excluded from the list. Thus, from now on, Russians have to celebrate this important event at their workplaces. Now the list of official holiday reasons that make it possible not to go to work, from this article looks like this:

  • from January 1st to January 8th - New Year holidays;
  • January 7 - Christmas;
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • March 8 - International Women's Day;
  • May 1 - Spring and Labor Day;
  • May 9 - Victory Day;
  • June 12 - Russia Day;
  • November 4 is National Unity Day.

Obviously, the celebration of the adoption of the Basic Law is not among them. Therefore, the answer to the question “Russian Constitution Day is December 12: is it a day off or not?” - is negative. This year, this date falls on a regular Tuesday, which means that all employed citizens will have to work.

However, if employees of a commercial company believe that this event should be celebrated in a special way, they can ask management to arrange it. Including making it non-working. If such a decision is enshrined in the collective agreement and internal regulations of the organization, then it will be possible to rest legally. However, you still have to. After all, this is determined by the norms of the same Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. By the way, this method does not work in government organizations, since they adhere exclusively to the production calendar approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Separately, it should be noted that Constitution Day on December 12 (a day off or not?) also appears in the law of October 26, 2005 N 555-78 “On holidays and memorable dates in St. Petersburg." But at the local level it is also not a non-working day, and citizens are obliged to report for duty.

If the answer to the question: Constitution Day: a day off or a working day is negative, then maybe you can at least work an hour less? Unfortunately, Russians are deprived of such an opportunity. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that shortened working hours provided only for pre-holiday days. Therefore, all employees will have to not only be at their workplaces, but also do it on a regular schedule. True, after work they will be able to celebrate a significant event of their choice and desire.

Non-working holidays

Non-working holidays V Russian Federation are:

  • January 1-6 and 8 - New Year holidays;
  • January 7 - Orthodox Christmas;
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • March 8 - International Women's Day;
  • May 1 - Spring and Labor Day;
  • May 9 - Victory Day;
  • June 12 - Russia Day;
  • November 4 is National Unity Day.

As a rule, if Saturday or Sunday coincides with a holiday, the day off is transferred to the next working day. For the rational use of weekends and holidays, by special decision of the government, other transfers may occur: for example, if a holiday falls on a Tuesday, then Monday is sometimes made a day off, and the previous Saturday a working Saturday. Also, the day off can be moved to any other day of the year.

On holidays, the offices of most companies and many museums are closed, but large stores are usually open, but special schedule.

Other national holidays and memorial dates

Usually widely noted, but not non-working:

  • January 25 - Tatiana's day (students' day);
  • April 1 - April Fool's Day;
  • April 12 - Cosmonautics Day;
  • May 24 - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture;
  • June 1 - International Children's Day;
  • July 8 - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity;
  • August 22 - Day State flag Russian Federation;
  • September 1 - Day of Knowledge;
  • October 5 - Teacher's Day;
  • December 12 is Russian Constitution Day.

June 22 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. On this day they remember the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, no entertainment programs are broadcast on television or radio.

In addition, in Russia there are usually so-called professional holidays dedicated to specialists in various fields of activity. For example, on February 10 they congratulate diplomatic workers, on March 19 - submariners, on April 27 - notaries, etc.

Holidays of Russian regions

Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to proclaim their own holidays and days off.

Thus, in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Adygea, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia and Chechnya - in the regions where large number Muslims, non-working holidays are:

  • Kurban Bayram is the holiday of the end of the Hajj to Mecca, celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th month of Dhul-Hijjah according to the Islamic calendar (the dates shift every year, since, unlike the Gregorian calendar, which calculates the year by the revolution of the Sun around the Earth, the Islamic focused on the phases of the moon);
  • Eid al-Fitr is a holiday in honor of the end of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan, celebrated on the 1st day of the month of Shawwal.

In the Republic of Yakutia, everyone relaxes in pagan holiday"Ysyakh" is a celebration in honor of summer and the revival of nature (celebrated between June 10 and June 25, the date is set each time by a special decree).

In the republics of Buryatia and Kalmykia, people do not work during the Buddhist holiday Tsagan Sar: the onset of the new year and the beginning of spring are celebrated in January-February on the day of the new moon.

Also, in most subjects of the Russian Federation, a non-working holiday is the day dedicated to the formation of each of the republics.

December 12th is a holiday that used to be a red day on the calendar. Now it is an ordinary working day, but this has not lost its status as a holiday. The fact is that on December 12 the whole country celebrates the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation. A recent Levada Center survey showed that only 40% of Russians have read the Russian Constitution. By the way, with the help of ours you can check whether you are among these eleven selected percent of the country's population;)

Probably, when December 12 was a day off, people loved the holiday more, but the site still decided to organize a small educational program and remind us what we are celebrating and why.

What kind of holiday is this, Constitution Day?

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation is celebrated December 12. Despite the fact that the holiday is given quite wide publicity, it is not a day off in Russia. The basic law by which our country lives today was adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 under President Boris Yeltsin. Therefore, the current constitution is sometimes called “Yeltsin’s”.

When was Constitution Day a holiday and when did it stop?

Constitution Day, December 12, has become not just a holiday, but also a red day of the calendar (day off) since 1994. Then Boris Yeltsin adopted two decrees: “On the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation” and “On the non-working day of December 12.”

Unfortunately, after 11 years (since 2005), December 12 ceased to be a day off. This happened after the State Duma adopted corresponding amendments to the Labor Code of Russia in December 2004. The red day of the calendar was cancelled, but the holiday remained - in terms of its status it is a memorable date.

What was Constitution Day like in the USSR?

The first constitution of the USSR was adopted on January 31, 1924. It was there that the victory of socialism was proclaimed. In fact, the constitution of 1924 legislated the formation of the USSR: a state that included union republics. The next Soviet constitution, the “Stalinist” one, was adopted on December 5, 1936. It is curious that it not only defined a fairly wide range of socio-political issues facing the country, but also proclaimed the end of the main stage in the construction of socialism in the USSR. In the period from 1937 to 1977, Constitution Day of the USSR was celebrated on December 5.

The “Stalinist” constitution was in effect for quite a long time, until 1977, when it was replaced by the “Brezhnev” constitution, popularly known as the “stagnant” one. Constitution Day was moved to December 7, the date of its adoption. In fact, a “stagnant” constitution was in force until 1993.

Holidays and weekends in 2020

(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the transfer of holidays in 2020" dated July 10, 2019 No. 875)

Due to the fact that on March 17, 2020, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree “On the appointment of a nationwide vote on the issue of approving amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation,” an additional day off appeared in April 2020: April 22 is the day of voting on amendments to the Constitution.

Text of the Decree:


March 17, 2020 No. 188

Moscow, Kremlin

On the appointment of an all-Russian vote on the issue of approving amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation

In accordance with parts 2 and 3 of Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation “On improving the regulation of certain issues of the organization and functioning of public power,” I decree:

1. Schedule a nationwide vote for April 22, 2020 on the issue of approving amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, provided for in Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation on an amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation “On improving the regulation of certain issues of the organization and functioning of public power.”

“Do you approve of the changes to the Constitution of the Russian Federation?”

3. This Decree comes into force on the date of its official publication.

Russian Federation V.V. Putin


For reference:

In 2020, there are 247 working days in Russia (including 5 shortened working days) and 119 weekends (including 14 holidays and 1 Voting Day).

- January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for the transfer of holidays in 2020 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only two such transfers:
light purple arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 5 (Monday);
light blue - from January 7 (Sunday) to May 2 (Wednesday)

- About shortened working days: directly

The government decree on the 2020 holiday was approved by the Chairman of the Government - 07/10/19. The scheme for transferring holidays in 2020 is very simple and fits into two lines:



About postponing holidays in 2020

Move the following holidays to 2020:

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Holidays and weekends in 2019

(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the postponement of weekends in 2019" dated... 2018 No. ..., approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev... 2018)

To enlarge the calendar image, click on it!

For reference:

In 2019, there are 247 working days in Russia (including 6 shortened working days) and 118 weekends (including 14 holidays).

- Rules for transferring days off: Labor Code The Russian Federation has established 14 non-working holidays per year - these are January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 - the general New Year holidays, January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8- International Women's Day, May 1 - Spring and Labor Day, May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for the transfer of weekends in 2019 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only three such transfers:
light blue arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 2 (Thursday);
light purple - from January 6 (Sunday) to May 3 (Friday);
light pink - from February 23 (Saturday) to May 10 (Friday).

- About shortened working days: Length of working day directly preceding a non-working holiday, is reduced by 1 hour.

The Government Decree on the 2019 holidays was approved by the Chairman of the Government in September 2018:



dated 2018 No.


About postponing holidays in 2019

For the purpose of rational use by employees of weekends and non-working holidays, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Move the following holidays to 2019:

From Saturday 5 January to Thursday 2 May;
from Sunday 6 January to Friday 3 May;
from Saturday 23 February to Friday 10 May.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Weekend transfer scheme.

Weekend transfer scheme.

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