More than three months have already passed since a new life was born in you! Both you and your family have already realized that very soon there will be an addition to the family!

The anticipation of a small miracle has united your whole family!

The proportions of the expectant mother's tummy continue to change, and the proportions of the baby living in the mother's tummy also change; the body is stretched out and against its background the head no longer looks so big!

The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by the absence of unpleasant sensations and excellent appetite. But at the same time, expectant mothers may notice brittle nails and dry skin, which, of course, affects their mood.

At this time, the baby continues to develop and prepares for life in the modern world!

Your baby is the size of...

50 grams
93-103 mm
130-170 beats/min

Fetal development

Your baby’s internal organs continue to develop, they improve their work and every day it becomes clearer and more streamlined.

Your baby's legs have already become longer than his arms, and the appearance of the fetus takes on the distinct features of a little person.

The ears are almost perfect, the eyes continue to come closer together, although they are still far from each other.

The baby is active, but you will not feel the first movements until next week. This is favored by the development of bone tissue, the limbs acquire greater strength, and a skeleton appears.

Hairs appear on your baby's body, the baby has a reddish color and the skin is no longer so transparent.

The body continues to improve its organs and systems. The pituitary gland and gall bladder are working, the sweat and sebaceous glands have begun to function. In boys, testosterone is produced and the kidneys are actively working. Your baby is already urinating in amniotic fluid, which has a unique composition. Amniotic fluid is completely sterile, moreover, it is renewed approximately 10 times a day.

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid reaches 100 milliliters, and the temperature varies within 37 degrees.

Now the amniotic sac for your baby is food, shelter, protection, comfort, and a training ground. The fetus develops every day and prepares for life outside the mother's tummy. The baby develops the chest, lungs, musculoskeletal system, and intestines.

At this stage of pregnancy, you can already determine the sex of your baby.

Ultrasound at 15 weeks of pregnancy

This is not a required study.

When the procedure is carried out at the fifteenth week, the movement of the fetus with its legs and arms is clearly visible, it kicks, waves its arms, but you do not feel this yet, your baby is still too small for you to feel these kicks, but very soon you will be able to feel the movements of your baby .

The size of the fruit corresponds to a medium orange, the baby can already hear your voice and the beat of your heart. An ultrasound examination at week 15 shows how the baby moves his toes and arms, makes breathing movements, but so far spontaneous, this indicates that he is already preparing for life outside his mother’s tummy. But to live independently, your baby is still small, he still needs a comfortable and cozy house in the shape of your tummy.

Your baby's heart beats 140–160 beats per minute, pumping 28 liters of blood per day. But most importantly, at this stage you can already find out the gender of your baby. The heart has four chambers, just like in an adult. A feature of your baby's heart is the open foramen ovale, which is necessary for the discharge of blood. But with the first breath it will close. There is already a septum between the atria.

An ultrasound scan at 15 weeks also evaluates the condition of the cervix. This is necessary to exclude isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in other words, the inability of the cervix to hold the fetus inside the uterus. The ovaries of the expectant mother are also assessed, but their visualization is difficult due to the growing uterus.

In the structure of the uterus, the homogeneity of the myometrium (muscle layer) is assessed; normally, at the 15th week of pregnancy, the myometrium should have a homogeneous structure approximately 2.5 cm thick.

The placenta during ultrasound examination at the 15th week of pregnancy may have different localizations. It is mainly located along the back or front wall of the uterus. In some cases, the placenta reaches and even covers the cervix; this situation is called placenta previa and requires regular medical monitoring.

In most cases, with placenta previa, the expectant mother will undergo regular preventive hospital treatment. In case of complete placenta previa, bed rest is recommended throughout the pregnancy, in most cases in a hospital. This is necessary in order to eliminate the threat of miscarriage.

What happens in your body at 15 weeks?

The uterus grows and rises into the abdominal cavity, the expectant mother is less and less bothered by frequent urination, but problems with constipation appear, since, rising into the abdominal cavity, the uterus puts pressure on the intestines, reducing its peristalsis.

The fundus of the uterus is already located between the navel and pubis, and you can feel it yourself; to do this, you need to lie on your back and gently place your hand on your stomach.

The formation of the placenta is completed, and it is already possible to evaluate the work of the fetoplacental complex; for this, the level of estradiol in the urine is determined.

The effect of hormones can affect the condition of the gums, so it is worth visiting a dentist.

How you feel at 15 weeks

Due to increased blood flow, dizziness and darkening of the eyes may occur, so it is worth paying attention to vitamin complexes containing iron.

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, expectant mothers observe a darkening of the nipple halos, the breasts become heavier and fuller.

The tummy is already clearly visible, which makes sleeping on the stomach much more difficult. Possible feelings of heat, flashes of sweat.

Due to the fact that your breasts are preparing for the upcoming feeding, colostrum (primary milk, or more precisely its predecessor) may already appear; there is no need to squeeze it out. You just need to wipe your chest with a damp cloth and, if possible, take a shower.

Discharge from the genital tract

Homogeneous consistency, moderate, light discharge indicates the cleanliness of the vagina and a normal pregnancy. If you have more abundant discharge, you should not be afraid, this is the work of estrogen. But if atypical discharge appears, for example, purulent or flaky, with an unpleasant odor, it is better to go to see a doctor.

The presence of green-gray, yellow, flaky, curdled or foamy discharge, accompanied by discomfort, indicates the development of an infection. Any infection can get to the fetus and, accordingly, provoke disturbances in its development, so you should start treatment recommended by your doctor immediately.

The reason for urgently seeking help is bloody discharge, accompanied by nagging pain in the abdomen, this indicates increased tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

Photos of bellies at 15 weeks

Risks at 15 weeks of pregnancy

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, spotting may appear, caused by abnormal placenta previa, so if you have even spotting pink discharge, you should immediately seek medical help.

In this case, urgent hospitalization for inpatient treatment is necessary, in some situations it is required until the end of pregnancy.

Examinations at 15 weeks

A change in the ratio of their number may indicate chromosomal pathologies of the fetus; the test results are interpreted taking into account the results of screening carried out in the first trimester.

Other tests are performed as indicated.

Important at 15 weeks

Pay special attention to taking vitamins, especially iron-containing components. Get plenty of rest, avoid stressful situations and overwork.

If you haven’t changed your wardrobe yet, then it’s time to take up this issue; give preference to natural fabrics and loose models.

Pay special attention to the drinking regime, as well as the prevention of constipation.

If you wish, you can start attending special courses for pregnant women.

Nutrition at 15 weeks

In nutrition, it is also better to give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not deny yourself boiled meat, as well as seafood, if they were previously present in your diet (you should not experiment with new food products during pregnancy, so as not to provoke allergies in the unborn baby).

To prevent constipation, eat apples, prunes, beets, and dairy products.


During this period, the main regimen is proper sleep and rest, proper and balanced nutrition and positive emotions!

The 15th week of pregnancy is the time when the expectant mother’s well-being returns to normal and her appetite awakens. Now I want to eat for two. However, you should not allow yourself to eat too much, and it is also important to ensure that the food is not only satisfying, but also healthy. The tummy becomes more and more rounded and becomes noticeable. Now it is difficult to hide it under clothes.

At the same time, week 15 is just the beginning of the journey; there are still many exciting moments ahead, some pleasant and some not so pleasant. The baby still needs to grow up and get stronger before it is born.

The 15th obstetric week is the 4th month of pregnancy, the second trimester.

What happens to the mother at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

With the beginning of the 14-15th week of pregnancy, the baby increasingly needs the nutrients it receives from the mother. Therefore, it is often during this period that pregnant women notice increased brittleness of nails, dry skin, dulling of hair and increased hair loss. All these are signals from the expectant mother’s body, indicating that there is not enough calcium in her diet.

The daily menu of a pregnant woman must necessarily contain fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese. In this case, you need to eat natural cottage cheese, and not curd mass or cheesecakes. It is also important to drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water every day.

The uterus continues to increase in size. At 14-15 weeks it completely passes into the abdominal cavity. Now it does not put pressure on the bladder, and the woman can forget about the frequent urge to go to the toilet for a while. However, it continues to put pressure on the intestines, so one of the most striking symptoms of pregnancy at this stage can be constipation, diarrhea, and digestive disorders. You can avoid such problems by taking care of a proper diet and a balanced diet, which must include fresh vegetables and fruits.

At 15-16 weeks of pregnancy, unpleasant sensations such as weakness and dizziness may appear. These symptoms are caused by iron deficiency in the expectant mother. Blood volume has increased and the body needs much more iron. Its content can only be determined by the results of a blood test, which will have to be taken monthly. If iron levels are low, medications are prescribed that can increase its concentration. There is no need to completely rely on medications, vitamin and mineral complexes; it is better if the nutrients enter the body of the mother and child naturally - through food.

The daily requirement of iron for pregnant women is 30 mg. Meat, seafood, eggs, nuts, dried fruits, vegetables, legumes and fruits (pomegranate, apple, persimmon) are rich in iron.

An increase in the amount of blood can cause nosebleeds. This is considered the norm. However, if your nose bleeds quite often, it is better to consult a doctor about this problem.

At 15 weeks the breasts become larger and the nipples usually darken. There is a need to replace the usual underwear and clothes with a larger size.

Baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal development

The baby's legs are growing more actively than in the first trimester. Now they are already longer than their arms. The baby's body proportions are becoming more correct every day. The eyes are now closer to each other, and the ears are already fully formed, which means the baby hears sounds and voices. Small hairs gradually appear on the child's body.

At week 15, the baby’s sweat glands begin to function properly. The pituitary gland also begins to function. The fruit continues to actively develop and improve. His skin gradually takes on a lighter shade and becomes less transparent.

The baby moves much more dynamically. The mother may still not feel his movements at all, this is not scary; by the 18th week the baby will certainly make itself known with the first tremors.

The size of the fetus at week 15 is about 11-14 cm, weight is about 60-70 grams. Gender differences appear, which can already be seen by a specialist on ultrasound. It is from the 15th week of pregnancy that it becomes possible to find out the sex of the child.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

V.: I’m 15 weeks and I don’t feel pregnant at all. The belly is not growing, the breasts seem to have become smaller. Could there be something wrong?

A: At 14-15 weeks, many mothers stop feeling pregnant. This is due to the fact that all the symptoms that were so pronounced in the first trimester disappear by this time. The belly has not yet begun to actively grow, and the baby’s movements are not yet felt. After a week or two, the feeling of pregnancy will return.

Q: Why does my stomach hurt at 15 weeks?

A: The stomach can hurt in different ways. The intestines may hurt, as digestive problems become more frequent during this period. Mild pulling pains in the abdomen may indicate that the muscles are being stretched due to the growth of the uterus. Severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen indicates a risk of miscarriage. If the pain is like this, call the hospital immediately.

Q: How do you know that everything is going well at 15 weeks of pregnancy? I don’t feel any signs, only my breasts have become a little larger. Many people are afraid of a frozen pregnancy; how do you know that everything is okay with the baby?

A: A frozen pregnancy is a rare occurrence, you should not be afraid of it. As a rule, if the mother is healthy and does not have serious illnesses, there cannot be a frozen pregnancy. Worry less and don’t be nervous, because this is harmful for the baby, he already feels everything. In a couple of weeks you will begin to feel movements, this will be a sign that everything is fine with the baby. If it’s difficult to calm down and anxiety takes over, go for an ultrasound.

Feelings of a woman at 15 weeks

Each body is unique, as is each pregnancy. During the 2nd trimester, some become sleepy and lethargic, while others flutter and feel a surge of constant energy. Whatever the feelings and sensations, it is contraindicated for women to overexert themselves and sleep little, even if it seems that there is plenty of strength and energy. At this time, you need to take care of yourself and your baby.

Expectant mothers may notice that they have become distracted, inattentive and forgetful. Such feelings are quite natural. For some, they will pass by the onset of the third trimester, for others after childbirth. In any case, this is a temporary phenomenon and you should not worry too much.

It is interesting that despite the absent-mindedness, the information studied during this period is remembered very well and for a long time. This time can be used to read books that will help you advance your career in the future.

Week 15 requires endurance and self-discipline from a woman, like the rest of pregnancy. There are golden rules that will make it much easier to endure this period.

  1. It's time to change your wardrobe style; a woman's round belly should not be pinched or feel any discomfort caused by tight clothes.
  2. Teeth are the weak point of most pregnant women, so it is worth visiting a dentist if the expectant mother did not have time to do this before pregnancy. Moreover, it is important to eliminate dental problems during the 2nd trimester, while the effects of anesthesia are safe for the baby.
  3. As always, it is still necessary to take care of your health. In the cool season, you should regularly drink berry fruit drinks as a preventive measure against colds.
  4. It is necessary to eat fermented milk products both to obtain calcium and to ensure that the gastrointestinal tract works well and does not cause problems.
  5. It is worth sleeping, walking and resting in moderation so that the body does not get tired, but you should not indulge in laziness, since movement is necessary for both the woman and the fetus.

The entire period of pregnancy is important and each week has its own characteristics, try to enjoy each week, especially now, when there are practically no problems and you feel excellent.

At 14-15 weeks, the belly is already noticeable to others, and the baby continues to actively develop.

What changes in the body of the expectant mother?

It is still impossible to say that the belly is very noticeable. For now it is a small mound below the navel that begins to stand out. But with each subsequent week it will increase. The uterus can already be easily felt by hand.

At this time, a dark stripe often appears on the abdomen, associated with changes in hormonal levels.
However, if this is not your first pregnancy, your belly may be larger and more noticeable. The breasts also continue to enlarge and the nipple areolas darken.

Usually, by 14-15 weeks, toxicosis has already passed, but in rare cases it accompanies pregnancy further.

In general, the absence of toxicosis and a large belly are key signs of the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester. At this stage, the expectant mother may be concerned about bleeding from the gums and nasal congestion, but these phenomena are very common among pregnant women.

At 14-15 weeks, you may experience the urge to urinate very often, as the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder.

Fetal development during pregnancy 14-15 weeks

Perhaps the most interesting thing is not what happens to the woman, but what happens to the child. After all, one way or another, the expectant mother feels her changes.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, fetal growth reaches an average of 9 cm, and weight varies between 30-40 grams. His silhouette already resembles a human child, and not the embryo that he was at the very beginning of the first trimester. The child is already beginning to move actively, however, due to her small weight and height, the woman does not yet feel this at all.

At 14 weeks, the fetus develops ribs and bone tissue is actively formed.
Eyebrows appear on the face, and the body is covered with lanugo - a fluff that protects the baby's skin from the effects of amniotic fluid.

The kidneys start working, and the thyroid gland begins to produce the first hormones. The baby's blood is already filled with important cells such as platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells.

Already at 14 weeks, the fetus tries to make movements similar to breathing, although for now it only trains the diaphragm. Oxygen enters the lungs through the umbilical cord.

At week 14, the heart makes about 160 beats per minute and thereby pumps 20 liters of blood.
It is interesting that at this stage the child already distinguishes taste.

The baby's genitals have already formed, however, it is possible to tell the exact gender using an ultrasound no earlier than 20 weeks.

Examinations at 14 weeks

The woman should already have undergone the first screening by this date, although the deadline is exactly the 14th week.

It is very important to have an ultrasound done before the 15th week, since some markers for identifying pathologies after the 14th week will no longer be relevant.

The main parameters that the doctor looks at at the 14th week of pregnancy are: KTR, BPR, OG, coolant. The doctor also measures the length of the thigh and evaluates the development of bones and internal organs. The coccygeal-parietal size (CPR) at this stage is 12.3 mm, and the biparietal size (BPR) is 28 mm.

A very important indicator is the size of the nasal bone, which is one of the main markers of chromosomal diseases. It is measured just after 12 weeks. At the beginning of the second trimester, the size of the nasal bone should not be less than 3 mm.

But it is better to measure the thickness of the collar space before the 14th week, because at this period it begins to decrease.

If, on the contrary, an increase occurs, or fluid accumulates in the area, turning into swelling of the neck, then this indicates an infectious infection or chromosomal pathology.

The screening also includes a biochemical blood test. However, it is better to do it before the 13th week. If for some reason this was not done, analysis is still permissible at week 14. A pregnant woman should donate blood to determine the amount of hCG hormone and P-appa protein. These are two markers in the blood that can also tell a lot about the development of the fetus.

What happens to the fetus and woman at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

The beginning of the second trimester is an important time for both the baby and the expectant mother, since during the 15th week the cerebral cortex begins to form. This means that over the next months the child’s brain will become covered with convolutions, which will lead to the development of the entire organism as a whole. The development of the central nervous system suggests that the fetus will begin to perceive the environment around it differently, namely, hear sounds, see light, although its eyes will still be closed. Taste buds are already fully formed, which means that the child will begin to react more sharply to the food absorbed by the mother.

They say that it is inside the womb that the beginnings of eating behavior are laid, so you need to choose food for your baby carefully.
He gets used to its taste while still in his stomach.

The endocrine system continues to develop. The sebaceous glands begin their work, and testosterone is also already produced in boys. At this stage, the baby’s heart is capable of pumping up to 28 liters per day. The gallbladder begins to function, producing the first portions of bile. The respiratory system also continues to develop: while swallowing amniotic fluid, the child imitates breathing movements.

The child begins to move more actively, performing increasingly complex acrobatic movements. He already knows how to clench and unclench his fists.

As for the child’s skin, it is still thin and transparent - all the vessels are visible through it, however, the skin has several layers. In addition to eyebrows, eyelashes appear, hair begins to thicken.

The fetal body becomes more and more elongated. Now its size is 14 cm. The baby in the stomach weighs 60-70 g.

As for the indicators determined by ultrasound, the coccygeal-parietal size reaches 14.2 mm, the biparietal size – 32 mm.
It is worth noting that by week 40, the coccygeal-parietal size will already be 51.3 mm, and the biparietal size will be 94.5 mm. All parameters are presented in average values. You only need to worry if the baby’s size is very far from normal. This may be due to placental insufficiency and infectious diseases.

Pregnancy 14-15 weeks: problems

Flatulence is a problem that accompanies a woman at any stage of pregnancy. It seems that it does not threaten anything serious, but the condition of the mother, and therefore the fetus, is affected by malnutrition and bad mood.

You can also relieve flatulence with medications, however, there are also folk recipes for combating it.

A decoction of chamomile helps with flatulence. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of the dry plant and brew it in 200 ml of boiling water. The broth should be allowed to brew for about four hours. It is advisable to do this in a thermos. Take two tablespoons of chamomile decoction 20 minutes before meals four times a day.

Dill water is recognized as a good remedy, which is also given to a newborn for intestinal problems. It is done like this: pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dill and leave for three hours. Next, the broth should be strained and taken an hour before meals, half a glass twice a day.

It is important to pay attention to discharge, which is always a signal of changes in the female body. If they smell unpleasant, have a green color or a cheesy consistency, you should consult a doctor, as most often this indicates an intrauterine infection. It can also be indicated by amniotic fluid, which contains suspensions.

What other dangers can accompany pregnancy at 14-15 weeks? At this stage there is a danger of frozen pregnancy. If toxicosis suddenly stops, your breasts return to their natural size, and your stomach begins to hurt, you should immediately visit a doctor.

The threat of miscarriage is no longer so obvious, because spontaneous abortion usually occurs in the very early stages of pregnancy. However, in rare cases this can happen before 22 weeks.

Nutrition at 14-15 weeks of pregnancy

It is no secret that for the quality development of a child, one should eat properly. It is necessary to switch to a healthy diet, even if you did not adhere to it before. At 14-15 weeks you need to eat as much protein as possible, and the daily calorie intake should be increased. In the first trimester, a pregnant woman needed about 2,700 kilocalories; in the second trimester, the number of kilocalories increases to 2,900.

Nutrients are required throughout pregnancy, however, it is from the second trimester, which includes the 14th and 15th weeks of pregnancy, that more vitamins and microelements will be required. For example, if there is little iron in the body, iron deficiency anemia may occur. For correction, doctors prescribe special medications, but a woman can prevent its occurrence by eating foods rich in iron. These include buckwheat or apples.

What awaits the expectant mother in the second trimester?

Toxicosis goes away and the hormonal levels level out, on the other hand, the stomach increases and begins to put more pressure on nearby organs. This leads to constipation and heartburn. In the second trimester, women often experience swelling. After 20 weeks there is a risk of gestosis.

The second trimester is the time for the second screening. However, the woman will not be prescribed any new tests if everything is fine with the fetus. She will have to undergo an ultrasound and a blood test called the triple test. In this case, the amount of hCG, AFP and free estriol is detected. These are 3 markers of the second trimester that can tell a lot about the development of the fetus. If, after the 15th week, there are suspicions of chromosomal abnormalities, the woman may be prescribed cardiocentesis or amniocentesis - invasive studies that are carried out precisely in the second trimester.

The fifteenth week of pregnancy is the period when you have already informed your relatives that you are “pregnant”. Everyone around is preparing for the fact that there will soon be a new addition to the family. Talking about your pregnancy strengthens family bonds. While you are busy worrying about your future motherhood, the baby continues to grow inside you.

Fetal development

The baby is growing, now his height is 90-100 mm and his weight is about 70 grams. Bone tissue continues to form. The skeleton is being formed every day, the legs have lengthened. Bone marrow appears.

The brain continues to improve, the baby has developed a nervous system. Blood vessels continue to grow throughout the body, the heart diligently pumps blood through them.

The baby's body is still slightly transparent, with a red tint. Pigmentation and hair growth are now taking place. If your child is brunette, now his hair is becoming darker.

Hearing is well developed, the baby hears you clearly. During this period, you can already sing songs to him, talk and tell him stories. The eyes have formed, but are still closed with eyelids. The baby already sees bright light entering through closed eyelids.

The child behaves very actively. He bends his arms and legs at the joints, his nervous system has begun to work, and in connection with this, coordination of movements appears. In general, now there is a disco in your tummy, in which your baby twists and turns, swims and plays, training his muscles. It’s just that it’s still not noticeable to you. In rare cases, women during this period already feel the child, but attribute these sensations to the intestines.

What happens to the woman?

The 15th week of pregnancy passes quietly and calmly. In joyful notes for the expectant mother, since she is in a great mood and the joyful mood of the relatives around you.

How is the fetus located and what does the tummy look like?

The belly is growing, the uterus is enlarging. The uterus is completely in the process of transitioning into the abdominal cavity. Thus, it puts less pressure on the bladder, and you no longer run to the toilet so often.

Common feelings:

  • If during this week you feel weak and dizzy, this indicates that your body does not have enough iron. During this period, the amount of blood increases and it needs more iron so as not to cause anemia. So, for such symptoms, it is best to drink iron for prevention.
  • Now the child takes all the calcium from your body. Maybe you have already started taking extra calcium. If you feel limb cramps when you sleep, this is a sign of a lack of calcium in your body. Contact your gynecologist with your problem, he will prescribe calcium for you.
  • If you have had problems with your kidneys, this week you should carefully monitor them and get tested again. It’s just that during this period of pregnancy a lot of stress is placed on the kidneys, especially if you are having a boy. He is now producing testosterone, which can cause kidney complications. Of course, this does not mean that you need to panic; watch yourself if you had kidney problems before pregnancy.
  • During the fifteenth week of pregnancy, pigmentation appears on the skin under the influence of hormones. You may already have a brown stripe on your stomach, and the nipples on your chest are also darkening.
  • Now you may feel distracted. This is fine! And some feel a huge surge of strength, this is also the norm. Just don’t forget that there must be a rest and exercise regime.

Now the procedure when visiting a gynecologist will change slightly. In addition to the fact that he prescribed a general blood and urine test for you, now you will also have your blood taken for a triple test. In order to determine the amount of three hormones in your blood that are responsible for your pregnancy.

The level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood increases until the twentieth week of pregnancy; each week it has its own level:

  • If it is higher than normal, this may indicate diabetes mellitus and a disorder in the child’s development.
  • If it is below normal, this may indicate slow development of the baby or something wrong with the placenta.
  • During a multiple pregnancy this week, hCG is elevated, this is normal.

Also, alpha-fetoprotein protein and free estriol should also be normal; their increase or decrease from the norm may indicate that the fetus is not developing properly.

In addition, many doctors recommend sleeping on your left side. In this position, tension is removed from the inferior genital vein, which supplies blood to all the blood vessels of the abdominal cavity, hip joint, legs and genitals.

You should have mandatory and regular walks in the fresh air, and don’t forget about a contrast shower. After all, all this strengthens your muscles, provides the necessary physical activity, and protects your skin. That is, it makes it easier for your body to endure pregnancy and childbirth.

Your skin during this period requires additional care, especially if you are already experiencing the first stretch marks. Be sure to moisturize your skin frequently with stretch mark prevention creams.

Video about what happens during this period

Ultrasound photo of the baby

The fifteenth week of pregnancy is an enjoyable time of pregnancy. Talk to your baby, this is good for the development of speech in the child after birth.

The 15th week of pregnancy is the fourth obstetric month. If you look at it week by week, 99-105 days have passed since conception. The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by active growth and development of the fetus. The baby feels comfortable inside her mother’s tummy, and the interesting position becomes noticeable to others. Toxicosis is already behind us, and the stomach does not bother the expectant mother yet, so she enjoys her situation.

15th week of pregnancy: fetal development. What's happening to the baby

Inside the mother, the child makes many movements - he somersaults, clenches his fists, bends and straightens his limbs, rotates and swims. The weight of the child (fetus) at the 15th week of pregnancy is about 50-75 grams, and its height from crown to tailbone is about 14-16 centimeters. The size of the fetus at 15 weeks of gestation can be compared to an orange or a large apple. The diameter of the head is 28 mm, chest - 28 mm, abdomen - 27.5 mm.

As a rule, at the 15th week of pregnancy, a woman does not yet hear the baby’s movements, but this moment will come very soon, because the baby is becoming more active and growing very quickly. Thin women who are not pregnant for the first time begin to feel the baby’s movements earlier. But at 15 weeks of pregnancy such cases are quite rare. Also at this stage, the formation of the placenta is completed.

15th week of pregnancy. what does the baby look like

  1. The baby's skin at 15 weeks of pregnancy remains thin and translucent, although it already consists of several layers. Blood vessels are visible through it. The child's bones and joints become stronger and muscle tissue develops. The baby's hair becomes more pronounced, including in the area of ​​eyelashes and eyebrows. Thin nails appear.
  2. The fetus becomes more like a small person at the 15th week of pregnancy, its legs lengthen relative to the size of its arms. At the same time, his body also stretches. The baby's ears are already formed, and the eyes have begun to be located closer to each other.
  3. At this stage, the functioning of the child’s cardiovascular system improves. The vascular network is visible through the skin, and the heart pumps approximately 28 liters of blood per day. Due to such intense work, the baby's skin is red, but sometimes turns pink. At the 15th week of pregnancy, pigments are produced that affect the future color of the baby's hair.
  4. The intestines activate their work, as the liver produces bile that enters the large intestine. The functioning of the fetal kidneys also improves, as a result of which the fetus empties the bladder more often. Amniotic fluid is cleaned at least 10 times a day, so the baby is comfortable in it. By this time, the child’s taste buds have already been fully formed, so he can react to the food eaten by his mother.
  5. Another important event in the development of the baby at the 15th week of pregnancy is the formation of the cerebral cortex, which is formed over the course of a month. At this stage, convolutions and grooves appear on the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The division of nerve cells, the growth of neuron processes and the formation of the baby’s nervous system begin. In the future, she will control all processes in the child’s body.
  6. The formation of the endocrine glands of the fetus also begins, while the sweat and sebaceous glands are already functioning. This is due to the development of the baby’s endocrine system. Boys produce the male hormone testosterone.
  7. The first bile is produced by the gallbladder. In the future, thanks to her, the baby's first feces will be formed. The fetal respiratory system is improving, the vocal cords are already fully formed. At 15 weeks of pregnancy, the baby actively swallows and spits out amniotic fluid. In this way, lung tissue is formed, which prepares the child for his first breath.

A child at 15 weeks of pregnancy is not yet able to open his eyes, but he can already distinguish light from darkness. The baby does not yet distinguish sounds, but feels vibrations and gets used to his mother’s voice, so you need to communicate with him more often, sing songs or read books.

15th week of pregnancy belly photo. Belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy

15th week of pregnancy - ultrasound and tests

During this period, routine ultrasound examination is not performed. It can be prescribed by a doctor if any questions arise. In this case, you can find out the location of the uterus and the premature date of birth. The thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus at the 15th week of pregnancy is 2.5 centimeters, the structure is homogeneous.

Also, the baby’s external genitalia have already formed, so the doctor can. The fetal heart beats about 150 beats per minute at 15 weeks of pregnancy.

At this time, a second test, called a triple test, may be prescribed. A biochemical blood test is taken to early identify the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities. At the same time, the level of hCG, the hormone estriol and AFP is determined. If they deviate from normal values, one can judge about any anomalies in the development of the fetus. If screening has identified a risk group, the doctor may prescribe a more accurate study - amniocentesis. It should be noted that the triple test is informative only up to the 20th week of pregnancy.

If necessary, at the 15th week of pregnancy, a general urine test is taken to monitor kidney function.

15th week of pregnancy: ultrasound photo

15th week of pregnancy. What's happening to mom? Feelings of the expectant mother

By this time, the pregnant woman’s well-being is improving, since, as a rule, toxicosis of the first trimester has already subsided. A good appetite appears and now you can fully satisfy your nutritional needs.

  • The belly is still small and can only protrude above the waistline of the trousers. During this period, a woman may notice pigmentation of the midline on her abdomen. This is due to the restructuring of a woman’s hormonal background and the release of melanin. This line does not cause any harm and disappears on its own after childbirth. The nipple halos become darker and the mammary glands increase in size.
  • Due to hormonal changes, a woman’s memory and attention suffer. She becomes distracted and inattentive. There is no need to worry about this condition, it is normal.
  • During this period, the belly begins to increase and the woman should take care of purchasing loose clothing that will not put pressure on the fetus. At the same time, not only the baby grows, but the uterus also increases.
  • The uterus moves into the abdominal cavity, so its pressure on the bladder decreases. Thanks to this, the number of urinations is reduced, but problems with stool may begin. To avoid constipation, you should review your diet. You should give preference to vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, cereals and whole grain bread.
  • Also, a pregnant woman’s need for nutrients, especially calcium, increases. This is most relevant for those who have begun to experience night cramps in their calves. Calcium deficiency also affects the condition of hair, teeth and nails. If you experience brittle nails or hair loss, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a complex of vitamin preparations. You shouldn't choose it yourself.
  • You need to get everything you need not only from pharmaceutical drugs, but also from a varied diet. It is useful to get an additional dose of calcium by eating cottage cheese daily and drinking at least 2 liters of water.
  • In a woman’s body, the volume of circulating blood increases, so iron deficiency may occur. Anemia during pregnancy is expressed by weakness and dizziness. It also has a negative effect on the fetus - it begins to suffer from oxygen starvation.
  • Also, due to increased blood circulation, nosebleeds may occur or gum bleeding may increase. At night, a woman sometimes feels attacks of suffocation, which are also acceptable. You may also have to endure nasal congestion, the so-called rhinitis of pregnancy.

15th week of pregnancy. Why does my stomach hurt?

Many people feel pain in the abdominal area during this period. Most often it is associated with the growth of the uterus and the tension of its muscles. At the same time, the pain is mild and does not cause problems for the woman, just a little uncomfortable. Often pregnant women experience pain in the tailbone area. It is associated with uterine pressure, pinched nerve endings and displacement of internal organs.

If at this stage the pain is cramping in nature, radiates to the lower back, or is accompanied by discharge mixed with blood, then you should immediately go to the doctor to eliminate the threat of miscarriage. An increase in temperature, frequent urge to urinate and pain in the lumbar back may indicate the development of pyelonephritis.

Pain in the calf area also cannot be ignored. It is necessary to take calcium supplements, rest your legs more often, wear comfortable shoes and use special compression garments. Massaging your feet and calves will also help get rid of cramps.