December 21 is the Winter Solstice. On this winter day, the length of the night exceeds the length of the day, and is actually considered the beginning of the onset of winter. But do not forget that the night is long and the day is short only in the northern hemisphere. For people of science, this is the day from which winter is counted. But for optimistic people, this is the beginning of the approach of summer, since the days will gradually increase from now on. Our ancestors kept a slightly different calendar from the modern one. So, for example, December 20 among pagan tribes was the day of the end of autumn, and thus December 21 was marked as the arrival of the winter season. On this day, the ancient Slavs held festivities and made sacrifices to the gods. We celebrate the winter solstice - December 21st.

The stars twinkle brightly in the December sky,
And the snow is silver on the ground,
The night comes into its own,
And the horn of the month smiles.
Today is an unusual day - the solstice,
And the day is short, like a rabbit's tail,
I congratulate you on the holiday of nature,
Let it be cheerful, joyful and simple.

Today the sun didn’t visit much,
transferred its rights to the queen of the night,
And the dark night will last a long time,
Let's spend it properly today.
Nature Day is a holiday
May it bring you good luck,
Let the night feel at least once,
On the winning and main horse.

Solstice Day used to be called
They glorified in prayers and songs,
They paid great tribute to nature,
Solstice was called a bright holiday.
May this night give you a wonderful sleep,
And tomorrow everything will come true in reality,
Let your efforts and dreams not be in vain,
Let them tell you more often - “I love you!”

Today the night is long and the day is short,
Nature celebrates its holiday,
The stars are shining brightly in the sky,
And they joyfully guard your sleep and peace.
May you be lucky today
And on the day of the solstice, luck will smile,
Let Moroz Ivanovich pinch playfully,
And you will laugh playfully in response.

Let the fluffy snowball spin,
Nature celebrates the solstice day
The shortest day of the year
The longest night gives way to the longest night.
I congratulate you on your solstice day,
I wish you good health for many years to come,
May the bird of happiness often fly to you,
It protects you from troubles and sorrows.

Winter. December - you are so rich in holidays,
Today all nature celebrates the holiday,
The people are rejoicing, having fun, just happy,
Celebrates the solstice day with joy.
I congratulate you on your holiday,
I wish you happiness, inspiration, goodness,
Be merciful, always help everyone,
May fate be favorable to you.

December 21 is a day of special attention,
It's the winter solstice,
The day is very short,
And the length of the night cannot be measured by anything.
I congratulate you on the holiday of nature,
I wish you to fulfill all your plans,
May luck always smile on you,
More joy to you, smiles and warmth.

In the second ten days of December,
The solstice day is coming,
When during the day we don’t have time to do anything,
And at night we rest for a long, long time.
Don't let anything bother you
That once a year we allow ourselves much more rest,
After all, this day, like a holiday, flies by quickly,
But let him leave a lot of pleasant impressions.

Nature has the opposite on this day,
The day passes so quickly, the night flows so long,
In December we celebrate this day as a holiday,
We call this moment the winter solstice.
I hasten to congratulate you on your wonderful day,
I want to wish you a lot of happiness and good luck,
Always get all the good things from life,
Sadness and sadness, so that there will never be.

The universe celebrates its birthday
The winter solstice happens once a year,
The day is short, like a bunny's tail,
The night is long, like a long, long locomotive.
Congratulations on your wonderful day,
I wish you a wonderful mood,
Whatever you have in mind, let it always come true,
May your life be happy.

There is an unusual day in December,
He is short, like an ant's step,
The night is long and full of magic,
She brings many joyful impressions.
Happy winter solstice, I congratulate you,
May luck always accompany you,
Well-being, success, warmth,
May your dreams always come true.

The December day is very short,
The sun didn’t have time to wake up, it’s time to sleep again,
After all, today is a holiday in the Universe,
Night and the bright moon reign.
Happy winter solstice, I congratulate you,
I wish you a problem-free life from the bottom of my heart,
May you always be lucky in everything,
May fate be favorable to you.

On December 21, 2012, at 15:12 Moscow time, the winter solstice will occur. The Sun, moving along the ecliptic, at this moment will reach its most distant position from the celestial equator towards the south pole of the World. It will be astronomical winter in the northern hemisphere of the planet, and summer in the southern hemisphere.

At the same time, the northern hemisphere experiences the shortest daylight hours and the longest night. On the day of the winter solstice, at noon, you can observe the lowest position of the Sun above the horizon in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. On the day of the winter solstice, the Sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest, describing the shortest arc in the sky.

For thousands of years, this day has been of great importance for all the peoples of our planet, who lived in harmony with natural cycles and organized their lives in accordance with them. Most temple buildings are oriented specifically towards sunrise or sunset on the winter solstice. In the culture of many nations, cyclical calendars are based on the winter solstice, the resurgent year is celebrated, this day is a symbol of “new beginnings.”

Since ancient times, people have revered the Sun, realizing that their life on earth depends on its light and warmth. For them, the winter solstice symbolized the victory of light over darkness. From now on, the day will grow and the night will shrink. These days they said: “In the deepest darkness light is born.”

Most peoples regarded the winter solstice as a rebirth, organizing holidays, festivals, and other celebrations. The day of the winter solstice was called the Day of the Invincible Sun, the day of birth or rebirth of the Sun, because from this day the Sun begins its movement towards Spring, towards the revival of nature and all life on Earth.

The winter solstice marks the beginning of the astronomical new year. A mystical time for our ancestors, associated with cosmogony and the creation of the world. This is the celebration of the birth of the new Sun - Kolyada.

Almost being at perigee (the point closest to the Sun), due to the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation, the northern hemisphere is maximally tilted away from the Sun. The importance of proximity to perigee is that the ellipse of our orbit is oriented towards the center of the galaxy. A line drawn through perigee and aphelion - apogee (the point farthest from the Sun in the Earth's orbit) will be directed towards the center of the galaxy, towards the star Sagittarius A, which is located in the constellation Sagittarius. When the Sun passes through Sagittarius and the miracle of the solstice occurs.

The center of the galaxy is a real forge of new worlds, having in its arsenal all the chemical elements known to people. This is Svarga, where new stars are jew's harp. Great is the power of Svarog. Yarilo Svarozhich is inextricably linked with his parental home. And Mother Earth is with Yarila. Rising between the center of the galaxy and the Earth, the Sun transmits to the Earth and to us together with it forces from our common source. The pure and mighty powers of the blessed Svarog. These are the forces of the creator, which, filling space, elements and people, allow us to create our future.

The mighty Veles, who closed the circle of times and established the order of things in the World, meets Yarilo on the threshold of the worlds, accepting him into his palace. He opens the gates to the longest night for the luminous old man. This action is depicted in the image of a wolf eating the Sun, or in the transformation of the sun into a wolf (its imprisonment in wolf skin). At this time, when the gates are open, the line between worlds is erased. Many spirits rush into Reality. There are many spirits that cannot stand the light of Yarila (which Odin then chases all night according to Scandinavian mythology)). But the spirits of our ancestors are also here. People say goodbye to the Sun, say goodbye to the old year. They let go of everything old, all grievances and debts. Cleaning up.

Mother of light. On this night, the bright woman in labor gives birth to a new Sun, a fiery, ardent baby. This is a fabulous hero who is growing by leaps and bounds, gaining his strength. And so Light is born from Darkness. The destructive dualism embedded in the minds of people describes the process taking place on the winter solstice as a struggle between light and darkness, good and evil. You can isolate the falsehood from here by making a simple conclusion from the fact that our Gods initially did not include any evil or similar images into the natural order of things. He was not there initially, and he is not there to this day. The winter solstice is just a change from old to new. The action of renewal, rebirth - from father to son, from old age to youth. So the change from the old year to the new is captured in fairy tales as a battle. Passing through the Kalinov bridge - through the kingdom of Veles. The Kingdom of God, who monitors the order of change. Here, many images merged together over time, sometimes even losing their duality. So, for example, Yarilo in Belarus is considered a wolf shepherd, following from the fact that he was swallowed by a wolf / turned into a wolf skin (passed through the kingdom of Veles) and then, with the power of his heat, burned the wolf / his animal mask and got out.

The celebration takes place from solstice to Vodres (January 6-7), when the Sun, having gained strength, awakens the water. On the night before Yarila’s birth, a magical ritual porridge is prepared - kutia (barley porridge with honey and nuts). They cooked it in an unusual way; at two o'clock in the morning the eldest woman in the family went to the barn for grain, and the eldest man for water. Water and grain could not be touched until the stove was ready. Kutya prepared in this way was given special magical significance; it was supposed to give everyone health, strength, and good luck. The dinner began, as usual, with the owner, and in one way or another, all the ancestors were invited to the table. The remains of the kutya were thrown up to the ceiling so that the barley would be high the next year. They also put kutya in a bowl on the street at night in order to sip and appease the god of winter Zyuzya (Father Frost).

The second day of Christmas was traditionally considered the day when the service of hired workers ended. On this day, the owner paid the employee, they exchanged impressions of each other, and expressed, when they did, their dissatisfaction and grievances. After that, they resolved all their conflicts, consulted on what to do, publicly reconciled so as not to bear the burden of resentment in the new year, and agreed on the next year or went their separate ways. And now people are trying to resolve old conflicts and the approach of the new year is the best time to leave disputes in the past.
The time of celebrating carols passed in fun and joy. In this way, people drove away all the evil spirits that climbed from the other world into the gates opened by Veles. On the last evening of carols, on the third Kutya, the owners painted crosses on the doors of buildings so that evil spirits could not return to their houses, barns and sheds.

“Comic” marriages and peculiar games that were intended to introduce young people and create favorable circumstances for communication were very common at this time. Examples of this kind of games are analogues of the “stream”, all possible “catching up” by boys with girls, “boyars” and others. In the atmosphere of play, “unreality”, and humor, young people got acquainted and split into pairs much more willingly, and it very often happened that couples made up during Christmas games had a real wedding in the summer or in the fall.
It was common to visit relatives and friends.
A special place on this holiday is given to caroling, which took place on the third day after the solstice. When dressed up as totem animals, personifications of the Gods, people carried a star around their homes - a symbol of the born sun. In ritual form, carolers brought health and prosperity in the new year. The birth of the Sun was announced with a festive song, after which carolers were allowed into the house. A goat - a symbol of wealth - during such a ritual, upon entering the house, it fell “dead”, and then after the “ransom” - demands, treats for the rites, it came to life again and danced, galloping around the house, to a song of praise in honor of the owners of the home. With this ritual, she carried away all last year’s sorrows of people in Nav and, having been reborn, already brought happiness and health. They also dressed up as a Bear, a Horse, a Stork and other animals.

The holiday of the winter solstice carries great significance, determining what the whole next year will be like. People, through ceremonies, rituals, fun, and glorification of their native Gods and ancestors, created the foundation for a good, favorable future. After all, it depends in many ways (hidden from a person who has lost the traditions of his ancestors) on the support of his ancestors and the participation of the Gods.

Congratulations on the winter solstice, on the day of the rebirth of the Sun!!!


About ancient winter holidays - here:

Summer Solstice Day is a very positive holiday, because it is not for nothing that the triumph of day over night marks the victory of good over evil. It is believed that on this day everything dark and gloomy loses its power, giving way to love and joy. Invariably, the festive events of this day are associated with ritual actions and ceremonies. Among ancient ancestors, the night of this holiday was revered as filled with special magical power.

Today there are hardly many people who sincerely believe in the witchcraft powers of Midsummer Day, but even for skeptics there is no reason to refuse an unforgettable and unique entertainment. Traditionally, on this day, games and fun were held with the lighting of fires and songs, theatrical performances and other entertainment activities. We especially love this holiday among young people, for the opportunity to break many prohibitions and restrictions and for the light, playful atmosphere.

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May your soul be warmed by the sun,
there is more of it today than ever before.
May this special day please and amuse you,
sadness never comes.

May the singing of the birds make you and the birds happy,
beautiful weather, kids.
After all, all the beautiful moments in life
We must keep it in our hearts.
Happy summer solstice!

Today is a longer day than usual
after all, it's June 21st,
where the night is shorter and the day is more wonderful.
let it bring positivity and joy,
and your heart will become more cheerful.

Let the birds sing in unison on the branches,
children laugh and walk,
and the world will be filled with positivity
and you will be happier than ever.

Today is the day for the radiant sun,
it will be a very long day with us together,
the summer solstice is coming,
and the night will not soon cast its shadow on us!

May the sun shine brightly on such a day for us,
Let flowers bloom in everyone's soul,
on the day of the summer solstice let miracles happen,
Let them never bypass us!

Today the sun will give everyone its energy,
because today the sun is very strong,
when the summer solstice comes to us,
let the abundant flow of warmth reach us!

After all, today will be the longest,
This happens only once a year,
when it burns and gives everyone its warmth openly,
that is our sun that we know as the brightest star!

Good and warm weather whispers to us,
There have been no clouds in the sky for a long time,
Beautiful and bright miracle nature around,
In winter you can only dream about this...
Summer solstice day today
The longest, brightest day of the year!
Congratulations to everyone on such a magical day,
We wish you happiness to meet and drive away trouble!

Summer solstice day -
A day not to be missed!
May he exceed all expectations!
On this day I wish you to make your dreams come true!
May the sun and sky help you
Walk around the world and meet love!
Only summer and the sun know
That a miracle can happen on this day!

Summer solstice day,
The night is the shortest of the year!
Let the shadow of sadness disappear from your faces,
Be in harmony with the world everyone.

May this day fill your hearts
Tenderness and kindness.
We wish you to love you endlessly,
Live under a lucky star.

Today is the summer solstice,
I want to wish you today
Love, good luck, happiness, understanding,
And just walk in step with joy.

May today be a joyful and bright day for us
It will bring goodness and tenderness to the heart.
Let your cherished dreams come true,
Evil will leave your life forever.

People have a lot of plans
There is always one for this day.
You can get a lot done
If you just want to.

The sun rises early
And he calls you with him.
It tickles with its ray,
He wants you to get up faster.

Come on, get up quickly
Look, don't make a mistake.
To everyone who rises with the sun
May you be lucky today.

The longest day means
That everyone accomplishes a lot.
Don't sleep for too long
It's already light - time to get up!

After all, it is very important that you have time
You do a lot of important things.
With what you start today,
You will bring a lot of benefit to everyone.

I want to wish everyone, friends,
May this day not be in vain.
Who rises with the sun,
May he be lucky in life.