The most powerful magnetic storm in the last 20 years raged on Earth on September 13-16, 2017: why it is dangerous, its impact on human health. In September 2017, several solar flares occurred. The consequences of these outbreaks are. This month they are simply attacking the Earth. Having barely managed to recover from the magnetic storm that raged on Earth during the period, people were faced with the negative impact of another storm. Moreover, this time the negative impact of increased solar energy will be even stronger. According to experts The magnetic storm that will rage on Earth is the most powerful in the last 20 years.

On the night of September 12-13, 2017, a powerful explosion of solar energy occurred, which provoked a level 3 magnetic storm. However, experts warn that on the night of September 14-15, 2017 Another energy surge is predicted. According to preliminary estimates this release could be the most powerful in the last 20 years. And only September 16 storm the energy of the sun will weaken, the storm will reach Level 1.

The most powerful magnetic storm in the last 20 years raged on Earth on September 13-16, 2017: why it is dangerous, its impact on human health. Of course, such emissions of solar energy and magnetic storms cannot but affect the health and well-being of people. Many people will feel unwell during this period. Therefore, it is important to be informed in advance and know what needs to be done in case of a sharp deterioration in health.

Of course, if necessary, you should immediately seek help from doctors. Also keep any medications prescribed by your doctor on hand. This applies to people with any chronic diseases. However, even completely healthy people need to be prepared. After all, any person during the period of the most powerful magnetic storm on September 13-16, 2017 may experience headaches, joint pain, and general malaise.

Regardless of whether or not a person feels the impact of the magnetic storm on September 13-16, 20147, it will leave its mark. It will affect not only the physical condition of people, but also the psychological and emotional.
Take care of yourself during the magnetic storm on September 13-16, 2017. Show concern for your family and friends, together it will be easier for you to cope with the negative consequences of powerful emissions of solar energy.

Magnetic storms in March 2018: schedule

Man has achieved great success in science and technology, but everything still depends on natural phenomena as before. One such phenomenon is magnetic storms. They not only affect a person’s well-being, but also their life. Why do magnetic storms occur? They are a consequence of flares that regularly occur on the Sun. As a result, plasma particles enter space, and then onto the planet.

The frequency of such emissions is 1-2 times every two weeks, their duration is from a couple of hours to several days. Over the past few years, scientists have begun to predict magnetic storms. An accurate result about an approaching magnetic storm can only be made a few days before the onset. Today we will talk about magnetic storms expected in March 2018.

Why you should beware of magnetic storms

Almost every person on the planet knows what magnetic storms are, or has heard about them. Magnetic storms negatively affect human well-being. People experience magnetic storms differently. The younger generation, who do not suffer from various diseases, may not even notice any changes in their body. The older generation, who have heart problems, blood pressure, and surgical interventions, are more painful for them. And the third category of people are those who endure magnetic storms very painfully

According to experts, days when magnetic storms are expected are very dangerous; it is on these days that people experience increased nervousness, stress, conflict situations, and cases of strokes and heart attacks worsen. This is because during this period of time the blood becomes thicker, does not tolerate oxygen well, and people experience oxygen starvation.

Practice shows that during periods of magnetic storms, people's attention becomes scattered, they become less concentrated, which entails emergency situations at enterprises, accidents on the roads, and so on. Many people feel incredible fatigue, fatigue, exhaustion, pain in their limbs, many do not even know that this may be associated with magnetic storms.

Magnetic storms in March

An increased number of magnetic storms is expected in March this year.

Magnetic storms are expected:

  • March 13;
  • March 16;
  • March 19;
  • March 21;
  • March 22;
  • March 28;
  • March 29;

Despite the fact that their number is significantly higher than in other months, the duration will not be long - a couple of hours. But if you do not tolerate magnetic storms well, you need to prepare your body for this event in advance.

  • Put off all business negotiations, they will not bring success.
  • These days you will not be able to solve complex issues, so you should not start.
  • Try to protect yourself from worries and worries.
  • If you can stay at home, this is the best option; if not, try not to be in crowded places.
  • This is a good time to rest a little and gain strength.
  • Spend this time with your family, dedicate it to your children and your loved one.
  • If you have heart problems, high or low blood pressure, do not leave home without medications.

How to survive magnetic days without shock

There are some tips from experts that will help you survive magnetic storms:

1) On days when magnetic storms are predicted, eliminate harmful foods and alcoholic beverages from your diet.

2) Drink plenty of water.

3) Watch your diet.

4) Do not get carried away with drinks containing coffee. It is better to give preference to green and herbal teas.

The 2017 solar explosion provoked serious magnetic storms in September: find out when they are expected and why they are dangerous

Solar flare today 2017 © shutterstock

Forecast of magnetic storms in September 2017 from will be useful to all weather-dependent people.

The beginning of autumn promises several serious outbreaks of solar activity. In particular, on September 6 there was a powerful explosion on the Sun, to which scientists assigned a score of X9.3 on a 10-point activity scale. This is the largest solar flare in the last 12 years. Today, its consequences have not yet been studied by specialists. However, the level of flare activity has gone off scale and is 10.3 points.

In this regard, a serious impact of solar flares on humans is expected. There may be a deterioration in health, as well as failures in the operation of communication systems, the Internet, and even failure of space technology.

Significant magnetic storms are also expected in mid-September and at the end of the month. Therefore, you should be on guard so that they do not take you by surprise and spoil your well-being and mood at the beginning of the school year.


During September 2017, the strongest manifestation of solar activity is expected.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible 2, 6, 17, 26, 30 numbers.

Magnetic storms expected 1, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 27, 28, 29 numbers.


years - the cause of occurrence

Geomagnetic disturbances on Earth periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares, plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

Magnetic storms in September 2017 years - feeling unwell

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, increased adrenaline in the blood, stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the reason for a person’s poor health may be his current state of health. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.


In addition, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excess solar activity, and the remaining 90% invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them.

Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in September 2017.

What to do to make it easier to survive magnetic storms in September 2017 year:

  • limit work that requires increased attention and concentration, or postpone it for another time;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • relax more and walk in the fresh air;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • follow the recommendations of your doctor and always have the necessary medications with you;
  • Eat right to lower your blood cholesterol levels. A plant-based diet, consumption of natural juices, decoctions, chicory, a dairy diet and lean meat are recommended. Avoid drinking alcohol during this period.


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Magnetic storms magnetic storms 2017 magnetic storms in 2017 magnetic storms in September magnetic storms in September 2017 schedule of magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 schedule magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 in detail magnetic storm calendar for September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storm schedule magnetic storms in 2017 schedule days of magnetic storms days of magnetic storms in September days of magnetic storms in September 2017

IA "News". On the last day of summer, August 31, a minor magnetic storm hit the Earth. According to the forecast, specialists from the Physical Institute named after. P.N. Lebedev RAS (FIAN) September also does not promise to be calm. On the first day of autumn, September 1, a disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field is expected, then there will be a slight calm, and by the middle of the month, disturbances in the magnetic field are possible, turning into weak, and then medium storms.

For the forecast of magnetic storms for October, see -.

Let us note that experts can make a more accurate forecast only a few days before geomagnetic disturbances, after solar flares.

Schedule of days in September when magnetospheric disturbances are expected and magnetic storms are possible (updated September 29):

  • On September 25, disturbances in the Earth's magnetosphere are possible
  • On September 27, disturbances in the Earth's magnetosphere are possible
  • September 28
  • September 29 possible magnetic storm level G1 (weak)
  • On September 30, disturbances in the Earth's magnetosphere are possible

Doctors remind us that 50-70% of people feel magnetic storms in one way or another. On such days, weather-sensitive people are advised to be more attentive to their health. In addition, on days of magnetic storms, completely healthy people may experience malaise, lethargy and causeless fatigue. In this regard, it is necessary to listen to your body and find out the forecast in advance in order to minimize the negative impact of the disturbed magnetosphere on health.

At the same time, each person has his own reaction to such phenomena - some feel the approach of a storm in advance, and their health worsens 1-2 days before its onset, someone feels a negative reaction from the body day after day, and for some, malaise appears after that , as the sunny weather has passed.

As a more accurate forecast of magnetic storms becomes available, we will supplement the article, clarifying the dates of the possible occurrence of magnetic storms. Follow our updates and you will always be warned in advance about upcoming geomagnetic disturbances.

In addition, we warn about approaching magnetic storms on a special page in our group

Summer is ending. September is walking across the Earth - a wonderful time of young autumn, a month of colorful leaves, the evening of the year. How many books and paintings, poems and songs people dedicated to this beautiful and romantic time! In September, the days continue to rapidly decrease, and the nights become longer and longer. Fogs appear in the mornings, and the number of cloudy days increases. Low gray clouds cover the autumn sky more and more often. The grass dried up and fell to the ground, the flowers thinned out. Yellowish strands appeared in the green foliage of the trees and single yellowed leaves swirled in the autumn waltz... A decrease in temperature is noticed, as a rule, from the very beginning of September and even earlier. In some places frosts are already beginning in September. However, September weather is inconsistent, and the onset of cold weather is punctuated by returns of heat, just as warmth in spring is punctuated by returns of cold weather. In September, usually in the second half, there are often clear, warm and sunny days, when the Sun warms gently and tenderly, and silvery thin threads of cobwebs glide through the slightly cool air. People call this short, fine season “Indian summer”... What can we expect from September 2018, based on the forecast of magnetic storms and geomagnetic conditions?

Schedule of magnetic storms for September 2018, unfavorable days of September 2018. The geomagnetic situation in September 2018 promises to become quite tense from the very beginning of the month. Several stressful periods are expected in September, which can cause health problems for weather-sensitive people. These periods include: September 1 - 3, the entire period of September 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and days 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, September 29 and 30, 2018. Thus, the calm days in terms of geomagnetic conditions in September 2018 can literally be counted on the fingers of one hand. Please note that the information above is preliminary information as of September 2018. Today, weather services can only provide accurate data for three days. For more accurate information, you should consult regularly.

Magnetic storms and unfavorable days in September 2018 (forecast calendar).

Unfavorable days of the lunar cycle in September 2018. New Moon and Full Moon in September 2018. The periods of influence of the Full Moon and New Moon can also have a negative impact on the health and psyche of people. In September 2018, these phenomena will be observed on September 9 (New Moon) and September 25 (Full Moon). Unfavorable periods caused by the influence of the Full Moon and New Moon are the day when these events are observed, as well as the days preceding and following them. This means that unfavorable days in September 2018 will also be the periods of September 8–10 and September 24–26.

Autumn equinox in 2018. In 2018, the autumnal equinox will occur on Sunday, September 23rd. The duration of night and day at this moment are equalized and amount to twelve hours each. After September 23, the length of the day will decrease and the nights will become longer and longer. It is on the day of the autumnal equinox that astronomical autumn begins in the northern hemisphere in accordance with the natural calendar.

Our ancestors attached great importance to this day - in many ancient cultures, holidays and various magical rituals fell on the day of the autumn equinox. And it is not at all accidental - after all, at this moment a lot can change, from the weather to the worldview of some people. In accordance with a number of signs, the day of the autumn equinox can be extremely successful. Everything on this day radiates favorable energy. On the day of the autumn equinox, many people are given a rare happy chance to change their own destiny and turn it into a happier one. To achieve your tasks and goals, you must be able to fill yourself up and soak in the energies of this day. The only thing it requires is a little faith and initiative.

There are many signs and beliefs associated with the autumn equinox. For example, it is believed that it is advisable to wake up early on this day and the first thing you should do is take a shower. By taking a shower early in the morning on this day, a person washes away not only the usual dirt, but also the negative energy that has accumulated in him, and thus becomes ready to receive new beneficial energies. Another ritual action of the autumn equinox is baking a pie with cabbage. Be sure to make sure that this pie does not burn and turns out round - these are considered very important signs. If the dough rises quickly, and the pie itself is a success and turns out delicious, it means happy changes will soon occur in your life that will definitely delight and surprise you. If you practice meditation, be sure to devote more time to this activity on the day of the autumn equinox. As already mentioned, on this day everything around is filled with favorable energy, and it is simply impossible to find a better moment for a meditation session. Try to give gifts to people close to you on this day - your good deeds will certainly return to you.

There is an opinion that the days immediately following the autumn equinox are very favorable for trade and any other commercial activity. Moreover, this sign applies not only to sellers, but also to buyers. That is, right at this time there is a rare opportunity to make a very profitable purchase. And traders need to trade especially actively these days; trading also promises to be successful and profitable.

Try to enjoy this special day and, if possible, spend more time outdoors. After all, the autumn equinox is one of the last days this year when you can enjoy long daylight hours and admire the nature around us!

In September, the summer holiday period ends and the working autumn begins. Which means: September is the time when we all need to get serious and start working actively. Because long-term well-being often depends on success at the start of the working year. We hope that this schedule of magnetic storms will give you the opportunity to successfully plan your affairs for September and avoid many annoying surprises. I wish you excellent health and great achievements in all your activities! See you in October.

Magnetic storms – schedule for September. Unfavorable days in September.