Surely more than one woman has asked this question: how to marry a man? Of course, men are ready to spend most of their lives single, at a time when a woman wants to find a family, give birth to children and live happily with the man she loves. As you probably already guessed, you, dear women, will have to take the initiative. Especially when a man is in no hurry to propose marriage.

A few practical tips will help you figure out how to marry a man, not the first one you meet, but the one and only, beloved and inimitable. After all, creating a family is half the battle; it is important that there is a place for everything in it: strong love, sexual relationships, mutual understanding, trust, etc.

Beauty is still a terrible force

Needless to say, with the eyes. They pay more attention to those women who know how to take care of themselves, do the right makeup, and buy beautiful and stylish clothes. It is already inherent in nature that the male brain begins to work much later than its visual perception. The conclusion from here is simple, if you want to understand how to marry him to yourself, then look in the mirror. Every day you should be looked at by the reflection of a bright, beautiful, charming woman who is confident in herself and in her abilities. A woman should not turn into a mummy and close herself off. The man he likes is unlikely to want to look at her, because he will always find someone who will look like a real queen in his eyes.

Trust and mutual understanding

There should be no secrets or omissions between you and yours. If you are going to spend the rest of your life with him, then why hide anything. A man who has mutual feelings for you must accept any news from you, even if it’s not the most pleasant one. And yet, secrets concern only your common relationships; no one forbids you to have some of your own feminine secrets, and they should not be an obstacle to the continuation of your love.

To find the answer to the question of how to marry a man, you need to accept your loved one for who he is. Let him love and hate borscht and always scatter his things around the apartment. Just come to terms with it, because probably some things about you irritate him too. At the very beginning of the relationship, you should discuss all the sore spots and come to a common outcome. For example, explain to the man that you do not claim all his free time, and that you are not going to prohibit him from meeting with friends. Also, your loved one should not infringe on your rights. Thus, try to find mutual understanding, this is what will help you get married soon.

More than a beloved woman

Do you think that love is the highest feeling? It’s hard to argue with this, but sometimes it’s too little to love, since marrying a man means giving him something more than warm feelings. Become for a man the person who can support him in difficult times, listen to him without interrupting, tolerate his whims and suggest a way out of a difficult situation, etc. As you can see, you will have to replace in some situations his mother, best friend, sister, colleague at work and many others. It is important that a man is always in a hurry to return to where you are.

There's just no place without sex

Surely you have already understood how to marry a guy or man. But pay attention to one more thing: your sex life. Analyze it: it should be constant and intense, and not only for one of you. And even if you allow yourself to get a little naughty in bed, it’s okay, your man will only be happy about it. Boring people very often appear between two loved ones.

Well, I hope my advice will help you find a way out, and your man, once realizing how happy he is next to him, will propose to you and you will get married. And remember, there are few determined men, so it is best to take all the initiative into your own hands. Or maybe you yourself will propose to him? Why not? At least, the man definitely has nowhere to go: he will have to make a choice!

The whole problem is that women and men view marriage differently. A stamp in a woman’s passport is a guarantee of reliability and protection. For a man, it means parting with a free life. If you want the long-awaited ring to shine on your finger, you need to determine whether your loved one is afraid of responsibility for the family, or whether he simply does not want to marry you.

It happens that a man is a convinced bachelor. He is satisfied with your meetings, living together, ironed shirts. But he is not ready to provide for his family, take care of children and give up weekly get-togethers with friends. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to persuade such men into marriage. If you really want to start a family, it is better to find someone more suitable for yourself. And your chosen one may simply not have matured yet.

You should not put pressure on a man, set deadlines for him to make a decision and blackmail him. Your chosen one must come to a positive decision himself.

It’s another matter if a man has plans to marry you, but he does not dare to do so. Perhaps he has financial problems. Or he is not ready to babysit children. Or he’s simply afraid to take such a responsible step. Or maybe he just doesn’t think about how important official marriage is to you. In this case, your task is to slowly push him to make an important decision.

Girls are able to express anything with the help of a hint. Take advantage of this. You can defiantly look at wedding websites, sigh at the sight of wedding catalogs, or admiringly admire photographs of brides. You can casually tell him about your friends who got married. Describe with delight the celebration and honeymoon of the newlyweds. It will be ideal if you are invited to someone's wedding. There you can give free rein to your admiration and show how you want to get married - for example, by rushing to catch the bride's bouquet.

Your ally can be friends or the mother of your loved one. When close people start asking about marriage, a man, as a rule, thinks about it.

Perhaps the man is afraid of the long preparation of the celebration. Reassure him by telling him that you have always dreamed of being a wedding planner. And if he anticipates large expenses, you can tell him that you have found a very inexpensive option. After all, you don’t have to throw a lavish banquet - you can get by with a family feast. When a man learns that some of the responsibilities have fallen from his mighty shoulders, he will consider the proposal of marriage with much more optimism.

You can also always talk directly with your chosen one. Men love honesty and straightforwardness. Say that you really want to legitimize the relationship. Find out from the man why he doesn’t want to do this yet. Try to dispel his doubts. Assure him that you are not going to completely shift the responsibility for the family onto his shoulders. Promise not to limit him in his personal interests and hobbies. If he is not ready for children yet, do not insist. Let him know that a stamp in your passport won't change your relationship much. And be sure to tell us why this is so important to you.

The ring on the finger symbolizes reliability, love and respect. Beautiful ladies want to live a long and happy life with their loved one. Men, in turn, are in no hurry to propose marriage, since they are freedom-loving by nature. They are satisfied with the fact that a woman is nearby, supports them in difficult times and prepares delicious dishes.

What not to do

You should not make common mistakes that will kill a possible marriage in the bud. Below are practical tips on how to avoid misunderstandings.

  1. Let your man enjoy freedom, do not limit your living space. He must understand that when he gets married, the opportunity to see friends or have fun will not disappear. Don't impose, don't pester, don't nag. It is important to convey to your companion the idea that he will not lose himself when a stamp appears in his passport.
  2. Don’t engage in blackmail: “You marry me, or I’ll leave for someone else!” A self-respecting man will not fall for such provocations; the gentleman will automatically develop a defensive reflex. Don't drive your partner into a corner, don't rush into a marriage proposal, guide him slowly, remain patient.
  3. Don't try to please your loved one. Many ladies buy glossy magazines and sit on forums looking for answers to questions: “How to have sex?”, “How to get a man to marry?”, “How to please your mother-in-law?” and so on. The gentleman will be much more sensitive to you if he notices that his companion has her own opinion, desires, and life priorities.
  4. Don’t be fooled by talk that a stamp in your passport won’t change anything. Insist on a position that speaks of reliability and an inextricable connection between partners. Many men try to “move out” of a marriage proposal, confidently claiming that the couple does not stand strong enough on their feet.
  5. It is important to remember forever - a man in love will do everything to take you as his wife. Excuses like “now is not the time”, “let’s wait for the summer” only prove the frivolity of intentions. If you hear the phrase: “I don’t deserve you,” this means only one thing - he doesn’t want you.
  6. Stop being capricious. Whining about wanting to get married, wear a beautiful dress, or buy diamond rings will only make things worse. A man will begin to defend himself by all means, because he will not want to take a bore with a difficult character as his wife.
  7. Under no circumstances should you resort to the “folk” method - pregnancy. A woman will never keep a man with a child, and besides, this is a vile step. Perhaps you get married and live together for 2, 3, 6 months, but eventually you will need to sign a divorce. Understand that becoming a single mother is not the best prerogative in life.
  8. Do not try to force your partner to see a psychologist to discuss his attitude towards marriage. Ladies believe that men are cowardly creatures who are unable to take responsibility, but this misconception is extremely wrong. If they are 100% sure that they love their soul mate, then they will undoubtedly come to the desire to start a family.
  9. Don't hurt a man's ego by trying to buy a partner. A statement like “Parents have decided to give the keys to an apartment in the center as soon as we get married” will offend the partner and push him away. Every man strives to give a woman everything she needs. If he agrees, do not try to marry the gigolo.
  10. Don't let your boyfriend persuade you to understand that marriage does not bring any benefit. He may say “We are already good together” or “I love you, what else do you need?” Such statements indicate dislike for his soul mate; to a certain extent, the man is still looking for the “better” option.
  11. Never tell your gentleman that you spent the best years of your life, this will hurt and humiliate him. Do not try to express the pain of not wanting to get married with tears or constant hysterics, this is the wrong policy.
  12. There's no need to sound like a bitch if you really aren't. Maintain your dignity, behave naturally, do not try to crush your companion under your thumb. Be relaxed, do not burden communication with prolonged silence or caustic remarks.

It is difficult to force a companion to marry, it is much easier to direct him to the true path. Let's look at the important aspects in order.

Step #1. Find out your attitude towards marriage
The first step is to find out a man’s attitude towards starting a family. Try to bring your partner into dialogue. Find out how he plans to develop relationships, whether he strives for marriage, whether he is thinking about it.

To use the psychological technique correctly, start a simple dialogue about your friends’ upcoming wedding. You can also watch a movie or TV series where everything works out for the best for a married couple.

Don't ask the question "Are you even going to marry me?" directly, approach from afar. Don’t become intrusive, frame the question differently: “Darling, how do you feel about such an important step as marriage?”

Step #2. Make friends with family and friends
It's no secret that a man's behavior is influenced by his environment, take advantage of this. Find a common language with your partner’s mother, make friends with his friends, become a good friend.

Behave lightly, do not touch on serious topics. It is important to create a good impression so that after meeting you, your relatives will buzz the man’s ears: “She is ideal for you,” “They marry people like that,” “Look at her: smart, beautiful, well-mannered.”

The main ally you need to connect with is your partner's mother. Show that you are worthy of becoming a good wife to her son. Agree with her in 80% of the statements; at first, do not rush to express your own opinion. Become a friend to your mother, tell her your secrets, ask for advice.

Step #3. Encourage a man to get married
If a man doesn't give a specific answer regarding whether he wants to get married, give him a nudge. The main thing is to make it clear that life will be better after marriage. Tell them that friends constantly fly to the islands to celebrate their anniversary. Simply invite your companion to read an interesting book with a romantic plot and a happy ending, where the relationship ends with a wedding.

Provide irrefutable evidence that will make a man think. Convey the message that the relationship must develop, otherwise you will go out like a match. Try to communicate only with cheerful married couples who find an outlet in each other. A man must understand that complete unity of souls will occur at the moment of marriage.

Step #4. Surround your partner with care and attention
A man chooses a caring and loving woman as his wife, become her. Surround your partner with attention for a while so that he gets used to good things. Pamper your loved one with delicious desserts, pack him lunch for work, send romantic SMS.

Reconsider your own attitude towards sex, add some spice. Buy lace underwear, dance a striptease, cook a romantic dinner.

As soon as the man gets used to it, go to your relatives for a couple of days so that your partner gets bored. The main thing is not to fill the refrigerator with food. Otherwise, the man will understand that he is fine without you.

Leaving your gentleman alone hungry in terms of food and sex is the best stimulant on the way to marriage. To all the claims “You’re not going anywhere,” answer directly: “I’m an unringed lady, I’ll do whatever I want.”

Step #5. Be perfect

Try to be perfect in everything: cooking, cleaning, sex. Take care of yourself, your partner should be proud of you. At every opportunity, remind him that you love him. Ultimately, a man chooses as his wife the girl who believes in him more than himself. Become a support in everything, but don’t go too far. Refuse sweet flattery, as a result of which your partner will put on a crown and stop praising you.

Show that you are a great friend. Buy a bottle of good wine, sit in a cozy environment and just chat. Find out if something is bothering him, find words of consolation. Try to convey the unity that unites you.

Step #6. Trigger fear of loss
The main misconception of a man is that she is not going anywhere. Refute this fact. While living together, begin to slowly hint that you are an unringed young lady who owes nothing to anyone. Your partner should become wary and begin to be afraid of losing you. Don't speak too seriously, translate the words into a light joke with a grain of truth.

Make it clear that you are not a submissive gray mouse or furniture that is always at hand. Show character and independence in terms of gatherings with friends, shopping, and courtship. Jealousy will motivate a man to take action, but don't overdo it.

Gradually instill in the gentleman the fear of loss, do not say a word about the wedding. Pretend that you are not against civil marriage, but you still want to go for a walk, and the ring is a trifle. As a rule, after such manipulations a man gives up.

It is not difficult to force a man to marry if you have a little cunning and patience. Become your partner's friend, find a common language with his mother and friends, pamper your partner with desserts and passionate sex. Show that married life is not a sentence, but friendship, respect and boundless adoration.

Video: how to get a man to marry you

How can one still force him, so-and-so, to marry?! At a certain stage of the relationship, this issue becomes very relevant. Well, for starters, at least not to get married, but, how can I put it, to push the idea of ​​marriage. And as a result, answer the question: how to marry a man.

First, you need to analyze the stage of the relationship when this problem began to seriously bother you. Let's say you've been dating someone for only a month - is it fair to try to marry him to yourself? It’s another matter if you’ve been dating for a year, or even more, and there’s been no progress.

How to behave at the beginning of dating?

If you really want to get married and quickly, then you need to start acting at the very beginning of your acquaintance. This means that you must immediately behave like a woman who is about to get married. At the same time, you should not jump into bed with your chosen one at the first rendezvous: if you have serious intentions, then you should behave with dignity. But your chastity should be sincere, not feigned, but reflect your inner essence. And if you are really ready for family life, you intuitively let the applicant know that you are not trying to specifically portray something.

When your relationship has developed and continues successfully, you should not agree to live together, that is, to a civil marriage. Indeed, in this case, after living with a woman for some time, the man comes to the conclusion that the stamp in the passport, in general, is not needed at all and everything is fine without it.

If you nevertheless agreed to this option, then the case becomes quite complicated, and now it will be almost impossible to marry a man, but there are still chances.

If a woman is simply unbearable, just impatient, then nothing will work out with her wedding. And if it does, the family will not last long.

In the case when your relationship has already dragged on for quite some time, you can directly tell your loved one: “I want to get married!” A man should react to your statement without violent protests, provided that during your relationship you did not violate any canons, were faithful and devoted. Yes, he will not stand in an indignant pose, but will treat your desire with understanding, but this does not mean at all that he will immediately suggest going to submit an application to the registry office. He just heard you. And now he needs time to comprehend the current situation, to get used to the idea of ​​a possible marriage. These thoughts will be made easier for him by the memory that you once, at the dawn of your relationship, told him why you were building a relationship (to create a family). If you didn’t say anything like that, and were in a relationship “just like that,” without thinking about the future, then your desire to walk down the aisle will seem very unexpected to a man, and it is possible that he will get used to this idea in a few more years. Are you ready to wait again?

Urgently married? Why?

If “you can’t bear to get married,” some advise resorting to a well-known method - getting pregnant or pretending to be so. Sometimes this method works, but another immutable rule also applies: it is impossible to keep a man with the help of a child. And if he decides to leave, he will do so. And if it remains, there will be no happiness in such a family.

From all that has been said, we can draw an obvious conclusion: in order to marry a man, from the very beginning of the relationship he needs to be accustomed to the idea of ​​marriage, in other words, to be prepared for this in veiled and not quite the same ways. And if he follows your obsession and marries you, then it will be difficult for your family to envy: how to build a family relationship with a person who is not ready for marriage?

Question, how to marry a man to yourself, excites every representative of the fair sex. What should you do with a man, or rather, what should he do to get him forever? There are many manuals, books and recommendations from psychologists for solving this problem. Here are the opinions and advice of the majority. All efforts and techniques should be reduced to one thing: the faithful should feel like the happiest person in the world. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to fall to your knees as soon as the guy comes home. But you need to let him know that he is exceptional.

Pleasant little things

To answer the question, how to marry a man to yourself, you need to get to know him better. After all, the more you get to know your chosen one, the more you know what brings him pleasure and happiness. Pleasant surprises, like breakfast in bed or a gift for no reason, require little effort and give great results. If a man loves beer, you should buy him a whole box as a gift instead of reproaching him. You can give him some item from his idol. You can search for it on the Internet at auctions. Or buy something useful for his hobby. You can ask his mother about his favorite dish and cook it.

When he feels bad

Representatives of the stronger sex also need support in moments of despair and mental distress. Always being there in difficult times is one of the steps how to marry a man to yourself. Men try not to show their weaknesses, but they are very vulnerable. If a guy walks around the house like an angry bear and growls at everyone, then things are bad. There is no need to ask for help, but you should make it clear to your loved one that his problems have not gone unnoticed. Men don't need advice, but it is very important for them that someone cares about them. Reproaches will only worsen the relationship. Support will make your beloved a gentle bear again.

Don't relax

Many young ladies, living with their boyfriends for several months and even years, let things take their course. This is not the way at all how to marry a man to yourself. You can never give up. The desire to decorate your home should be constantly burning. To keep a man, you need to be interesting to him. You can, for example, go in for sports or something new for yourself and for him. All guys want to be proud of their girls and show others their luck, like, what a lady I am. You need to periodically add variety to your life together. Often the reason why routine gets sucked in is laziness or selfishness. Which young lady?

Show him loneliness

The following techniques will help you become indispensable for a man:

1. It is not necessary to wait for a time that is convenient for both of you to go on vacation. A separate vacation is one option for a man to see what awaits him without his beloved. To prevent your betrothed from being offended, you need to choose places that are not very interesting to him. This could be a trip for work, or a desire to visit relatives in another city.

2. Living together does not oblige the girl to always be easily accessible. You need to do spontaneous things, for example, unexpectedly go to the cinema with your friends. Don't give up your hobbies.

Don't let yourself go

Looking good is a very important factor for a happy relationship. Just don’t get too carried away with this desire, enlarging your breasts or pouting your lips. You just have to always try to make an impression. The experience of first dates will help with this. You need to remember your behavior, makeup, outfits. You need to take care of your hair and clothes even at home. There is no need to wear makeup at home, but you can take off your slippers and terry robe. If you lose respect for yourself, then the man will stop respecting his companion. He will start looking at other ladies.

Don't piss him off

What pisses men off? The stronger sex does not like being told how and what to eat and wear. Helpful advice should not sound like an order. Men don't like it when fingers are pointed at their friends. If you reproach your loved one for the fact that because of his friends he began to pay little attention to his girlfriend, then you can lose him. Guys don't like being given a choice. Jealousy also infuriates men. You need to take advantage of the situation when he looks at another girl on the street. You can see what exactly interested the guy. This way you can find out what really attracts your chosen one, what kind of girls he finds sexy.