Many parents are absolutely sure that they got a girl because they followed a certain diet, made love in certain positions, etc. However, official medicine does not recognize these theories and methods.

If you dream of a daughter more than anything else in the world, then what's stopping you from at least trying? After all, when it comes to a dream, all means are good!

Stick to the lunar calendar

This popular calendar, which can be used to predict gender, was created by a Chinese scientist. For 700 years, the calendar was in the royal tomb until archaeologists discovered it during excavations. Using this calendar, you can determine the sex of the child, knowing the age of the mother and the month of conception.

The calendar has 99% accuracy. (I have to admit that he correctly predicted the gender of my son). This calendar is very easy to find on the Internet. You just need to find out the months in which you are more likely to conceive a girl at your age and get down to business. Please note that when the favorable month for conceiving a girl has just begun or is coming to an end, you should not take risks; it is better to take precautions in the first and last days. Such precautions are due to the fact that sperm continue to live in a woman’s body for several days, and therefore conception may not occur in the month in which you planned to conceive.

Follow a special diet

Many parents and experts believe that if you start this diet a few days before conception, you can increase your chance of conceiving a girl. This diet is believed to change the acidic environment in your body, which affects the gender of your baby.

According to this theory, you need to eat as many acidic foods as possible: grapefruits, oranges, lemons, etc. It is believed that an acidic environment has a detrimental effect on the sperm of “boys”, so the sperm of “girls” increases the chance of fertilizing the egg first. Proponents of this theory also believe that it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium, but low in salt and potassium.

Take the correct posture

Proponents of this theory believe that during the conception of a girl, certain positions must be used. Many scientists agree that shallow penetration during intercourse increases the likelihood of conceiving a girl. This is explained by the fact that the most acidic environment is at the entrance to the vagina, and the further you go, the less acidic it is. Thus, the less deeply your partner penetrates, the more “boy” sperm will be injured by the acidic environment, and therefore, there is a high chance that the “girl” sperm will be the first to reach the egg. Simply put, for those who really want to conceive a girl, it is better to use the “missionary” position. But if you get bored with it, you can safely experiment, not forgetting that the penetration should be shallow.

Choose the right time

It is believed that the sperm of a “girl” moves slower than that of a “boy,” but the lifespan of the sperm of a “girl” is much longer than that of a “boy.”

And what does this mean, you ask? It's very simple! You should have sex every day for 2-4 days, this period should be scheduled no later than 2 days before the start of ovulation. Once you are 2 days away from ovulation, you need to stop having unprotected sex for at least 4-5 days. Thus, you give the opportunity to slow “girl” sperm to be the first to fertilize an egg ready for this during ovulation, since all “boy” sperm will most likely die by the time of ovulation. Some women feel when they are about to ovulate, but to reduce the risk of error, we recommend that you purchase special tests at the pharmacy to determine ovulation.

Warm up your feelings

Another theory states that "female" sperm are more resistant to heat. Therefore, according to this concept, your partner should take a warm bath before intercourse to increase the chance of conceiving a girl. But it is dangerous to overdo it; if the sperm is overheated too much, it can lose its fertilizing properties for several days. A complete renewal of sperm in a man’s body occurs every two months.

Don't have an orgasm

Another theory claims that the female orgasm plays an important role in determining the sex of the unborn child. The fact is that when a woman has an orgasm, her body produces a substance that increases the level of alkali in the body. A high level of alkali is favorable for conceiving a boy. Therefore, if you want to conceive a girl, then it is better for a woman not to experience orgasm during intercourse.

Slow down the pace

Many mothers who have both daughters and sons agree that to conceive a girl, long sexual intercourse with romantic foreplay is needed. This theory has no scientific evidence, but couldn’t popular rumor be more convincing?

Spend big bucks

If you want to be 100% sure of the result, then there is one very expensive but effective method - artificial insemination. Scientists have made incredible progress in predicting gender. To do this, the egg and sperm must meet in a laboratory, not inside your body, and the resulting embryo is implanted into the uterus. Since this procedure is not only expensive, but also a very complex medical procedure that places a serious burden on the female body and also has serious risks, this method is used when the couple has no other options for becoming pregnant.

We wish you that your children are welcome and healthy!

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For many couples, the gender of the future baby is of great importance. Someone wants a first-born heir, someone already has a boy and therefore definitely needs to give birth to a girl. In some cases, the baby's gender is important for medical reasons, since many incurable diseases have more severe consequences in male children. How to conceive a girl?

X and Y: a little about biology

The birth of a new life occurs after the egg meets the sperm. The most favorable time for fertilization is the middle of a woman's monthly cycle, when ovulation occurs. The sex of the unborn baby is determined at the moment the female and male reproductive cells meet.

After conception, it is possible to find out the gender of the child only by ultrasound.

What determines the sex of the baby? In human genes there are 2 types of sex chromosomes: X and Y. Women are born with a chromosome pair XX, men - XY. The carriers of the parents' genetics are the egg and sperm. The female cell contains only the X chromosome; there are two types of sperm: X and Y.

If the Y sperm meets the egg first, a boy will be born. The combination of two X's predetermines the appearance of a girl. The question: “What should I do if I want a girl?” can be answered simply. It is necessary to ensure that the X sperm reaches the egg first.

However, is it possible to influence this process? Many believe it is possible, given that different types of sperm have distinctive characteristics. X-carriers are more viable. They can live in a woman’s reproductive organs for up to 6 days. However, Y-sperm are faster, although they retain the ability to live for no more than 24 - 48 hours.

Methods for conceiving a girl

However, each method has adherents who claim that it is thanks to it that a woman becomes 100 percent pregnant with a girl. There are the most popular methods.

Renewal of parents' blood

Blood is one of the most important components of the human body, so there is a theory that it affects the sex of the child. The gender of the unborn baby is determined by blood by calculating the time of its renewal according to the Rh factor and group.

If you follow the method of planning the sex of children according to the Rh factor, a child with a double X chromosome will be born to a mother and father with the same Rh factor. To conceive a daughter based on blood type, you should use the following table.

Option for mixing parental blood typesMom's blood typeDad's blood type
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 2 4
4 1 3
5 3 1
6 4 2

According to the method, based on the cyclical renewal of blood, in order to become pregnant with a girl, the mother needs to have younger blood. You can calculate how much time has passed since the blood was renewed based on the fact that women’s blood cells are renewed every 3 years, and men’s blood cells are renewed every 4 years.

An example of calculating the sex of a child: the expectant mother is 25 years old at the time of conception, and the father is 27 (see also:). In order to find out the year of blood renewal, you need to divide the age by 3 or 4. Next, you need to multiply the integer from the resulting figure by the renewal factor.

For a woman: 25: 3 = 8.33 and 8 * 3 = 24. For a man: 27: 4 = 6.75 and 6 * 4 = 24. It turns out that the mother’s blood is younger, since it was updated 1 year ago. Therefore, at the moment there is a high probability of becoming pregnant with a girl.

Ovulation calculator

The method of planning the baby’s sex according to the ovulation schedule is based on the characteristics of different types of sperm. To conceive a girl, it is necessary to leave only X-sperm in the woman’s reproductive tract when the egg is ready for fertilization. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • you need to calculate the exact day of ovulation;
  • have sexual intercourse 3-5 days before ovulation;
  • refuse sex or use contraception on the day the egg matures and for the next 3 days.

Thanks to this method, there is a high probability of successfully giving birth to a child of the desired gender. However, to implement your plan, you need to know exactly the day of ovulation. The table below describes methods for determining the day of ovulation; you can also use a calculator.

Mathematical calculationIt is necessary to divide the number of days of the cycle by 2. The resulting figure will be the serial number of the day of the cycle of complete maturation of the next egg.For many women, their periods shift at different times in their lives. In this regard, the date of ovulation changes. It is impossible to calculate the moment of the next cycle change.
Basal temperature measurementIt is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum daily. On the day of ovulation, the thermometer will rise by 0.5 degrees. Measurements are carried out over several months. Once the cycle duration is reliably determined, you can begin planning your pregnancy.Possible disruption of the menstrual period due to illness. The method requires lengthy preparation.
Test for hormone levels in urine or saliva2 days before ovulation, a change in the level of luteinizing hormone occurs. Testing should begin 5–7 days before expected ovulation.Material costs. Hormone levels also sometimes rise due to gynecological diseases and hormonal imbalances

Japanese and Chinese calendar

The calendar method of determining the day of conception of a boy or girl has long been used in Japan and China. According to the Chinese calendar, a woman is able to conceive a girl at a precisely defined age and month of the year. However, you need to correctly calculate how old the expectant mother is. To do this, you need to calculate the age from the moment of her own conception (add 10 months).

Below is the Chinese table for women under 30 years of age. The “+” sign marks the months of the year that ensure the conception of a girl.

Woman's age, yearsSerial number of the month of the year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
18 + +
19 + + + +
20 + + +
21 + + + + + + + + + + +
22 + + + + + + + +
23 + + + +
24 + + + + + + +
25 + + + +
26 + + + + + + + +
27 + + + + +
28 + + + + + +
29 + + + + + +
30 + + + + + + + + +

The Japanese calendar takes into account the birth time of both parents. The favorable time for conceiving a baby is determined using two tables. The first determines the serial number of the column, which will indicate the likelihood of a child of a certain gender. Table 1.

The numbers in the table are cyclical. The numbers corresponding to the mother are repeated every 4 lines, and the numbers corresponding to the father are repeated every 3 columns. For example, in May the numbers are identical to January, in June - February, and so on. The second table indicates the most favorable months of conception depending on the result obtained:

  • 1 – October;
  • 2 – November;
  • 3 – December;
  • 4 – June;
  • 5 – July;
  • 6 – August;
  • 7 – March, November;
  • 8 – April, December;
  • 9 – May;
  • 10 – June;
  • 11 – July;
  • 12 – August.

Through diet

Adherents of this method claim that in order to give birth to a girl, you need to adhere to a certain diet for 4 months before fertilization. You should eat foods that create an acidified environment in the expectant mother’s body. Nutrition principles:

  • enrich the diet with foods containing calcium, iron and magnesium;
  • For meat, give preference to veal and beef;
  • replace juices and soda with tea, cocoa, mineral water;
  • eat fish boiled or baked;
  • from dairy products, choose milk, sour cream and cottage cheese, completely avoid cheeses and ice cream;
  • do not eat salty bread and crackers;
  • increase the consumption of semolina and rice porridges, exclude corn porridge from the diet;
  • reduce potato consumption;
  • eat a lot of vegetables and fruits (with the exception of tomatoes, cabbage, white beans, zucchini, bananas, melon, oranges, currants, apricots);
  • replace sugar with honey, jam, jams;
  • eat various nuts;
  • give up dried fruits, smoked meats, semi-finished products, margarine, and yeast products.

According to zodiac signs

The method of conception according to zodiac signs is based on the fact that the moon has a great influence on pregnancy. Throughout the month, the celestial body falls under the control of various astrological signs. Among them there are women's and men's. The female ones include: Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio.

If fertilization occurs on the day when the moon falls under the influence of the desired zodiac symbols, the likelihood of having a girl increases. The strength of the sign of the expectant mother is also important. The maternal principle is most active 2–3 days before the birth of the expectant mother according to the lunar calendar.

Using douching

Douching is used to create an environment in the vagina that is harmful to Y sperm, but safe for their competitors. For douching, prepare a solution of 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice and 1 liter of water.

Using a sterile syringe, the vagina is treated with a solution immediately before sexual intercourse. In an acidified environment, sperm with the male gene become incompetent, but X cells survive. However, when preparing the solution, the dosage must be observed. If you make the liquid too acidic, all male cells will die, and the mucous membrane in the vagina will receive an acid burn.

Other methods

The following methods are also used to conceive girls:

  • Folk signs. To give birth to a daughter, some spouses attempt to conceive only on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. People consider these days to be women's days, therefore, according to beliefs, a girl should be born. Objects placed under the pillow help enhance the effect of folk signs. The expectant mother should put a small mirror, a red ribbon or a comb. It is also recommended to tie a regular thread on the little finger of a woman’s right hand, and the best time to get pregnant with a daughter is called winter.
  • Psychological preparation. Parents need to imagine in detail what their daughter will look like: eyes, hair, smile. After sexual intercourse, the mother needs to close her eyes and draw a picture of what will happen during fertilization and pregnancy in her body. Moreover, the images can be abstract. Reproductive cells can be red lights, after which a small star flashes when they meet.
  • Slavic methodology. If you follow this method, to achieve your goal you need to start the process of conception only in even or odd months. In the case when the mother's age corresponds to an even value, the day of fertilization must coincide with an even month of the year.
  • Correct positions in sex. It is believed that to give birth to a daughter, you need to choose those positions in which the penis does not enter deeply into the vagina. The following positions are considered optimal: woman on top, partners lying on their sides (man behind), missionary position.

Is there a method with a 100 percent chance of conceiving a daughter?

Sometimes for parents, the birth of a daughter is the only option to have healthy offspring. How to conceive a girl 100 percent? If a couple is at risk of having a child with genetic disorders, they are recommended to seek preimplantation genetic diagnosis. This method is the only one that provides a 100 percent chance of having a girl.

For fertilization, healthy female cells from the mother and sperm from the father are selected. The female cells are fertilized in a laboratory. After 3 days, specialists perform a biopsy of the embryos. They look at which one has a pair of X chromosomes, and he is selected for implantation in the uterus. However, this procedure is expensive and is performed in few clinics.

The birth of a child- the most joyful and happiest event in the life of every family. For some, the gender of the future baby is not important, but for others it can become a fundamental issue, especially if there is already a child in the family. Most women dream of a daughter, want to buy her beautiful dresses, braid her hair, and be secretive with her when she grows up.

According to preimplantation genetic diagnosis

In 100% cases, conceiving a girl is possible only thanks to preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), carried out as part of IVF (in vitro fertilization). PGD ​​is usually used to study an embryo for the presence of genetic diseases, and it can also be used to determine sex. However, this diagnosis is very expensive, so it is carried out only for medical reasons. PGD ​​is used to determine the sex of an embryo if there is a high probability of the baby being born with a genetic disease associated with sex. For example, hemophilia is a rare hereditary disease that is transmitted only to boys.

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Quite often, married couples planning a child also want to plan its gender. Scientists and experienced doctors say that there is no way that describes how to conceive a girl 100 percent. However, there are methods that can, to one degree or another, affect the desired gender. Some of them can even guarantee the birth of a baby of the planned gender in the future. Let's consider all these methods.

IVF method

Perhaps the most likely way to conceive a girl is 100 percent the artificial insemination method. However, not every couple can take advantage of it. The budget allocates funds for such manipulations only if there are certain indications.

It happens as follows. The woman is prescribed the necessary medications that stimulate the development of several follicles. After maturation, the doctor removes these formations from the female ovary and fertilizes them with the partner’s sperm under the most favorable conditions. The embryo is kept in them for several more days, after which it is transferred to the woman’s uterus. Already at this stage, some studies can be carried out that will determine the sex of the embryo. Thus, only female embryos can be transferred into the female body.

How to conceive a girl with 100 percent ovulation?

Another way that can increase a woman's chances is to have sexual intercourse a few days before ovulation. It is worth understanding this issue in more detail.

Male cells contained in sperm are divided into two types: sperm containing X and Y chromosomes. X is a female set, Y is a male set.

Spermatozoa containing X chromosomes are less motile than Y chromosomes. This is affected by their slightly larger size. However, their lifespan in the vagina can be up to one week.

Sperm with the Y chromosome are more agile and fast, but they do not live in the female body for more than three days.

Thus, if you have sexual intercourse three or more days before ovulation, the male cells containing the Y chromosome will die, while the sperm with the X chromosome will wait in the wings and fertilize the egg.

This method of conceiving a girl by ovulation is not officially recognized, but quite a few experts believe it. If you follow the rules described above, then most likely you will have a girl.

Another way to conceive a daughter: diet

This method will not tell you 100 percent how to conceive a girl. It has quite contradictory reviews. Some couples claim that this method works, but it did not live up to the expectations of others.

In order to increase the likelihood of having a female child, you must adhere to a certain diet. A woman should eat foods that contain large amounts of calcium and magnesium. It is thanks to them that an alkaline environment is formed in the vagina, which is detrimental to sperm with a male set of chromosomes.

They should be completely excluded from the diet, as they have the exact opposite effect on the female vagina and its internal environment.

Before conceiving a girl, 100 percent of your diet for at least one month should consist of the following foods:

  1. All types of nuts (especially cashews) and legumes.
  2. Green vegetables (raw or cooked) and (parsley, spinach, dill, sorrel).
  3. Fermented milk products (sour cream, yogurt, kefir) and oatmeal.

Try to avoid eating fish and meat products, baked goods and potatoes, as well as sweet foods, marmalade and chocolate. Avoid drinking coffee, which can generally negatively affect conception.

How to conceive a girl 100 percent by blood?

There is some chance of conceiving a child of the desired gender based on the blood type of the man and woman. To do this, you need to calculate the age of blood cell renewal.

If in the year in which conception took place, female blood was renewed, then most likely you will have a girl. If renewal has occurred in male blood, then be prepared for the birth of a son.

The renewal of blood cells is affected not only by the year of birth of a person, but also by the operations performed, large blood losses and, of course, blood or plasma transfusions.

Conception according to the table

Very often, obstetrician-gynecologists hear the question from their patients: “How to conceive a girl 100 percent? Is the gender chart correct? And it is worth saying that this method has a right to exist. In most cases, planning the gender of a child using the Chinese chart brings success to parents.

In order to correctly use the data and calculate the sex, you need to know exactly the age of the mother and the month in which conception took place. It is worth cautioning that conceiving in the month of a woman’s birthday may not be successful in gender planning. The same as fertilization at the border of two months.

Nice poses

How to conceive a girl 100 percent, in some cases, may depend on the position chosen by the partners.

There are statistics according to which it happened during those sexual intercourses when the penetration of the penis was very deep, and the partner experienced an orgasm.

Since you need to give birth to a female child, give preference to calm sexual intercourse.

Even and odd

This method is not reliable, but it exists. In order to use it to calculate the gender of the unborn child, you need to know the date of birth of the expectant mother and the month of conception.

Add up all the available numbers, after which you will get the defining figure. If it is even, then there is a chance that you will become the parents of a daughter. If the number has an odd value, then the probability of having a boy will be higher.

It is worth recalling that during conception, male sperm play the main role in determining the sex of the unborn child, so you should not be too trusting of this method.

Erickson's method

The final method describing how to conceive a girl is Dr. Erickson's method. Nowadays, there are not enough doctors practicing in this field, so in order to use this method, you will first have to find a competent specialist.

The essence of the method is that a laboratory assistant obtains male sperm and filters it. As mentioned above, sperm containing male chromosomes move much faster. With the help of special solutions they are excluded from the sperm. As a result, male cells rich in female chromosomes are injected into the patient's vagina.


Of all the methods presented, the most accessible and popular are the following:

  1. A method explaining how to conceive a girl by ovulation.
  2. Conception according to the table.
  3. IVF method.

Unlike the first two, the latter is carried out either for certain indications (usually when it is impossible to conceive a child on your own), or if the couple wishes, but for a fairly high fee.

For the greatest chance of conceiving a child of the desired gender, use several methods at once. For example, calculate the required months using the Chinese table and use the ovulation method of conception. Good luck in this difficult matter!

The appearance of a child in a family is always a joyful event, and it does not matter what gender the child will be. But quite often it happens that parents want to plan the gender of their future baby in advance. Usually, if parents are expecting their first child, then it does not matter to them what gender their future child will be. But if the family already has one or more sons, then parents quite often have a desire to conceive a girl.

We offer a few of the many ways that can help increase your chances of conceiving a girl.

1. Choosing a period for conception

To conceive a girl, an X sperm must fertilize the egg. It is known that X sperm live longer, so sexual intercourse should be planned 2-4 days before ovulation, since most Y sperm will not survive until ovulation occurs. 3 days before and 2 days after ovulation, you do not need to have sexual intercourse, or you must use a condom, otherwise the nimble Y sperm will again have every chance of winning.

2. Special diet

It is necessary, approximately 3 months before the planned conception, to minimize the consumption of sugar and salt, and to maximize the consumption of foods fortified with magnesium and calcium. To conceive a girl, the following products should be present in your diet as much as possible:

Cereals (rice, millet);
. milk and fermented milk products (cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt);
. flour products, pasta;
. vegetables (eggplant, sweet peppers, cucumbers, carrots);
. boiled seafood (crabs, shrimp, fish);
. boiled meat without fat;
. nuts and dried fruits (peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, raisins, walnuts);
. fruits and berries: oranges, tangerines, pears, raspberries, grapes, strawberries, apples;
. eggs.

3. Special tables for determining gender

The sex of the unborn child can be planned in advance using special tables, for example, according to ancient Chinese:

4. Age of parents

If you believe the statistics, we can conclude that if a man is older than a woman, then the likelihood of having a first-born boy increases. If the woman is older, then the likelihood of having the first girl increases. Moreover, these statistics do not apply to subsequent children.

5. Poses for conceiving a girl

To increase the likelihood of conceiving a girl, certain positions with shallow penetration (missionary position) are recommended. In this case, the sperm reaches far from the cervix, due to which the sperm move for a long time in a relatively acidic environment, more suitable for X-sperm. It is also believed that if a woman has not had an orgasm, there is a greater chance that the pregnancy will be a girl.

6. Folk signs

People turn to folk signs for any reason and at all times. Conceiving a child of a certain gender is no exception. “Counting tables” are popular among people:

If a woman has an even number of years, then she can conceive a girl only in even months of the year, that is, in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th month;

The mother's age is added to the serial number of the month of conception, if the total results in an even number - to be a daughter.

In addition, according to folk superstitions, to conceive a girl you can do the following:

It is better to have sex in the winter cold;
. before sexual intercourse, you need to place “female” objects under the bed: a spinning wheel, a comb or a mirror;
. Before conception, a woman should have her right little finger tightly tied with a simple thread;
. within 5 days before conception, the expectant mother should drink plum or apple juice at night 20 minutes before bedtime;
. future parents should have sex under a young apple tree;
. Wednesday, Friday and Sunday are the best days to conceive a girl.

Women today have quite a few methods at their disposal to plan the desired gender of their child. But we shouldn’t forget that you can’t argue with Nature. None of the above methods gives a 100% guarantee; be sure to consult a gynecologist before planning a baby. And even if a son appears in the family instead of a daughter, this should in no case be a reason for disappointment. After all, every child is a miracle and a gift of fate!