Try. The simplest thing that can be advised here is to just try. This same advice is also the most effective.

In general, take my word for it, you certainly won’t make things worse for yourself if you constantly try something new. Have you ever heard that time passes much faster for adults than for young people? The point is that the more ordinary your life, the more stereotypical your opinion on various issues, the more useless you are wasting the time allotted to you.

For example, I once decided to try writing poetry. Strange, in fact, there was a solution for a pure techie who can easily solve Olympiad problems in physics, but is not very friendly with texts. However, writing poetry has helped me a lot. I found out that even though I was never particularly interested in poetry, I write pretty good poetry, and in compliance with all the rules of versification. Now poetry is an integral part of my development, and I simply don’t understand how I could live without pouring out my thoughts on paper.

In such things, you must understand this, there is no clear algorithm for achieving success. Life (To my personal relief) is not determined, we are all different. If you try to find something specific, you may find something you weren't looking for at all.

Doing what you love is everyone's dream. But there is one problem: what we really like is not always what we are good at. But this does not mean that your dream is over! You just need to figure out how to get closer to its implementation using the skills that you already have. Of course, the dream can be corrected. Four questions that will help with all this were brought up by Whitney Johnson, author of the book Disrupt Yourself: Putting the Power of Disruptive Innovation to Work and columnist for The Daily Muse project.

1. What skills have helped you succeed at something?

During your childhood and student years, you probably developed some skills. Successful consultant Scott Edinger grew up in a poor family, and at the age of nine he was adopted by another family under not the most pleasant circumstances. Edinger learned to survive by becoming an expert in communication, conflict resolution, understanding and persuasion.

At university, he polished his communication skills, placing in the top five in the 100 varsity debates and earning a degree in communications and rhetoric. After a while, he became the number two salesman at one of the largest American companies, and then helped organizations reform underperforming departments and focus on the key skill for business survival - how to sell products.

Not everyone was as unlucky in their childhood as Edinger. But all the same, you also encountered some obstacles in life - and came up with a way to get around them. Think about situations that have challenged you: do they have anything in common? If yes, then it's something you're good at. So think about what area or position this skill would be useful for.

2. What makes you feel stronger?

Marcus Buckingham, author of Achieve Your Maximum, explains: “Our strengths attract attention in the most basic way: when you use them, you feel stronger. Notice the moments when you feel refreshed, curious, and successful. This is a clue as to what exactly your strengths are.”

Also think about what activities you take on when you feel overwhelmed. In such cases, we want to feel in control. And to do this you need to do what makes you feel stronger. If you decide on these activities and skills, you will also increase your level of happiness, which helps you better solve a wide variety of problems.

3. What made you special as a child?

As children, we only do what we like, even if we look weird doing it. Looking back on these activities now, you may well discover some innate talent. Candace Brown Elliott's classmates teased her as "Encyclopedia Brown" (that was the character's nickname in one book). She recalls: "All the kids thought I was the smartest one in school, but most of the teachers were disappointed because I mostly got C's. They thought I was lagging behind.” Meanwhile, she dreamed of lively conversations with celebrities like Marie Curie, about how she would develop a real artificial intelligence that would sit in her closet. She dreamed of floating cities, great inventions and new forms of art.

Forty years have passed, and Elliott has 90 patents. Its most famous invention, PenTile, a color LCD screen architecture, powers hundreds of millions of smartphones, tablets, laptops and TVs. She founded her own company to develop this technology and later sold it to Samsung. All of Elliot's childhood dreams were considered weird by her classmates, and the teachers were simply annoyed by them. But as an adult, this tendency to daydream became her superpower.

Did you have anything special as a child? Could this be your superpower?

4. What compliments do you ignore?

Too often we don't notice our strengths. When you do something well on a reflective level, it doesn't stand out. Therefore, listen carefully to compliments that you usually brush aside or ignore because this skill seems banal and natural to you. Perhaps you hear some compliments so often that you are already sick of them! Why can't people praise you for something you worked really, really hard on and tried so hard to do well?

This tendency to brush off compliments is understandable, but the result is that you end up selling your real value at a steep discount. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “In every work of genius we find our own rejected thoughts; they return to us with a certain aloof grandeur.” Don't assume that just because something comes easy to you or seems obvious, that it can't be a rare and valuable skill for other people.

Do you sometimes hear such compliments? What superpowers are not included in your resume?

This way you can identify your obvious strengths - what others don't do as well as you. Find problems that you are particularly passionate about and apply those strongest skills to them.

Reply from? ????? ?[guru]
What I do best is make peace between friends.
For some reason, it so happened that I have to make friends with fires, boiling water...
Sometimes I even use funny children’s worlds if no other methods have worked))))

Help your friends make peace

The kittens laughed, the kittens played
And suddenly they suddenly began to quarrel,
But the Mouse ran up and said:
- No need, kids!

No need to be angry
Swear and get angry.
I offer you
Make peace quickly.

And this huge jar of jam
Rather, friends, they will celebrate reconciliation!

Please guys
Don't forget at all
Someone quarreled -
Write off peace!

And now the basic rules.

How to make peace:

1. Never apologize on the fly or by the way. Especially if the quarrel is quite serious and deep.
2. Never apologize in front of colleagues, relatives or other prying eyes. Reconciliation is still an intimate moment and let all your explanations remain between the two of you.
3. You should also not apologize if it humiliates you or if, after concluding a truce, your partner returns to discussing the same quarrel.
4. It is not the best option to hide and avoid explanations. This will lead to the second person inventing God knows what for himself, to the point that he will lose interest in you or become even more offended by inventing and creating non-existent situations within himself.
5. You shouldn’t remain silent if something is wrong. Having remained silent once, you seem to swallow the insult, but inside the irritation remains and after the first quarrel, a second one will definitely break out, in which everything that is left from the first will be invested, multiplying the effect of the quarrel.
6. Apologies should not feel like favors: Well, okay... Well, I'm sorry... Maybe this won't ruin the relationship, but your partner will know that you are not sincere. The residue of discord in his soul will also remain thanks to such an apology.
7. Be sincere. Tell us about your motives that led to the quarrel. After all, most quarrels are caused by the fact that people did not understand each other and made the wrong conclusions, and at the same time they were unable to explain themselves in time
8. Never give ultimatums. Tears, as well as references to poor health, will only help you a few times.
9. Be affectionate, gentle, more hugs.
10. Forgive yourself for your mistakes, every person has the right to make mistakes. This is just typical for him and stop gnawing at yourself.
11. If the offended person did not immediately forgive you, you should not give up. Try to explain everything to him again. I have already mentioned that men take longer to recover from quarrels and take longer to digest moments of conflict within themselves.
Never remember the previous one during the next quarrel.

♪♪♪ ☼ ♪♪♪

Reply from 3 answers[guru]

One cooks well, another draws, the third knows how to lead effectively, the fourth runs fast, the fifth speaks well in public... Every person, without exception, has abilities. These are personal qualities inherent only to this particular person, which make him unique and provide advantages in certain types of activities. But these qualities are not always obvious. It happens that a person simply does not notice his strengths and tries to develop his weaknesses - he goes in a direction that will not lead him to high results. Understanding your abilities is already a big step towards self-realization and success. The question is - how to find out your abilities?

Why is it so important to understand your abilities?

“Failure to understand one’s strengths leads to depression,” says Pavel Kochkin, author of the “Destination” project. The mechanism is very simple and is as follows: a person does not accept or does not see his strengths and his abilities, instead he focuses on the development of weaknesses. For example, having no ability for public speaking, he chooses a job that involves constant communication and works on his public speaking and effective communication skills every day. You must understand that no matter what efforts he makes in this case, he will still not grow up to his ideal, and as a result, he will always be dissatisfied with himself. This is where depression arises.
Using abilities, a person increases his efficiency many times and achieves high results, which leads to increased self-esteem. And the person who values, loves and respects himself is even more effective.

How to find out your abilities?

Nobody knows you better than you know yourself. Therefore, you must answer the question “what am I capable of” yourself. Pavel Kochkin gives some valuable advice on how to understand your abilities and apply them in life:

1. Get to know yourself. Ask yourself: what am I best at? What makes me different from others? What achievements do I have, and how did I get them? Ask yourself the question “what am I good at” more than once. Let this question always be in your head. Evaluate your results and the means that helped you achieve them.

2. Recognize your strengths. Don't try to run away from yourself. Even if you think that one or another of your abilities is useless, do not reject it. There are a million options in the world on how to correctly implement this ability.

3. Accept yourself as you are and give yourself to the world that way. “Believe me, you are in demand for who you truly are in spirit and essence,” says Pavel.
Your abilities are the key to unlocking your potential, achieving outstanding results and success in life.

Pavel Kochkin advises: “Stop doing what is not your strength, what you do not have the ability to do.” Understanding your abilities gives you a huge advantage - you become effective in your activities and achieve maximum results.

“My favorite job wakes you up early,
and we are happy to take on it"
William Shakespeare

In the previous one, you and I have already compiled lists of our interests, desires, hobbies, etc., now we can begin to analyze them in detail. So, you can reveal your talents in the following way:

  • Draw a table with three columns:
    1. “What am I best at doing?”
    2. "what I like to do"
    3. “the best of what you like.”
  • To the first column rewrite the list of answers to the questions posed in the previous article about what you do easily, and also put here what you think gives positive results that you can note.
  • In the second column take out what you really enjoy from the first column - what exactly you like to do. You can add other abilities that you have to the list.
  • To the third column It is necessary to make those points that are in both the first and second. As a rule, life's work is that it brings pleasure and is easy to achieve.

Having made a list of what you like and are good at, you should ask a new question: will you do something that will not generate income, so to speak, for the soul. Find the answer in your list in the third column. This way you will answer the question, how to find your favorite thing. It's in front of you!

Only by doing what you love can you become a true master

"The exceptional happiness of man is
to be in your constant favorite business"

And if what turns out well, you don’t like and don’t give pleasure

Yes, it also happens that the lists from the first and second columns do not intersect at all. This happens because a person receives an education as expected, works his entire adult life in an area in which he has certain knowledge, but it does not bring pleasure. How to find your life's work in this case? Is it necessary, you might ask?

As a rule, in the case when you are able to do something easily, you have enough knowledge and skills, but this activity does not give you pleasure and, accordingly, does not inspire you, the results do not bring joy, you still get used to constancy. Stability, habit - this is what keeps most of us at the same level. We know that in life everything goes on as usual: work-salary-home-vacation to the sea-formed circle of friends and further on as usual. Everything is like everyone else, right? Each of us is afraid of losing this stability, even though there is little real joy in it.

Psychologists call this condition. A zone within which we live calmly and confidently, but is it happy? Many will ask, what's wrong with stability and calm? In general, nothing. But a person who is constantly in his comfort zone remains at the same level of development, does not achieve new goals, does not develop as a person, does not understand what real success and real happiness are...

But, if you are reading this article, you have already realized that the time has come to change something - to find your life’s work, understand its meaning, reveal your talents and achieve success. If you have already compiled the table described above, but could not find the points that intersect in the first and second columns, then it’s time to get out of your comfort zone in order to look at your life differently.