I decided to make a selection of proverbs about my mother, took a collection of Russian folk proverbs and... found very little. How so? Why? And then I realized: mom is like air, and there are no proverbs about it, because everyone knows that a person cannot live without air. By the way, there really isn’t a single proverb about air either. Mother feeds her son - she dries, but he doesn’t groan for her (Russian folk proverb).

There is no sweeter friend than your own mother (Russian folk proverb).

In the sun it is light, in the mother's presence it is good.
The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother.
Mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls, but it soon melts.
Mother Nature is the beginning of everything.
A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.

With what tenderness he rests in his arms
She is her own child in thoughtful silence!..
The seal of suffering lies on the closed lips,
And a quiet caress in the downcast eyes...

Anxiously pressing the child to her chest,
She looks into his future with longing,
And the mother wants to close with a helpless hand
Your child from tears, sadness and sorrows...

And in her heart there is a vague fear
To lose the dear, the only shrine...
After all, without him the whole world will remain a desert,
And for him she will go to execution.

Galina G.

Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from the Mother’s milk. (M. Gorky)

There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother’s love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-interested in comparison with it.(V. Belinsky)


(Zoya Voskresenskaya)

The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter her life.

Agnia Barto


Mom to rooms
In a white apron
It will pass slowly

Walks around the rooms
Busy with business
And, in between,
Sings. Cups and saucers
Washing up, I should smile
Doesn't forget. And hums.
But today
The voice is familiar
It's like he's not the same at all.
Mom is still
Walks around the house
But he sings differently.
The voice is familiar
With special power
Suddenly it sounded in silence.
something good
He brought into the heart...
I shouldn't burst into tears.

Rasul Gamzatov

In Russian it’s “mama”, in Georgian it’s “nana”.
And in Avar it is affectionately “baba”.
From thousands of words of earth and ocean
This one has a special destiny.
Our lullaby becoming the first word of the year,
It sometimes entered a smoky circle
And on the lips of a soldier in the hour of death
The last call suddenly became.
There are no shadows on this word,
And in silence, probably because
Other words, kneeling,
They want to confess to him.
The spring, having rendered a service to the jug,
This word babbles because
What a mountain peak remembers -
She was known as his mother.
And lightning will cut through the cloud again,
And I will hear, following the rain,
How, absorbed into the ground, this word
Raindrops are calling.
I’ll sigh secretly, grieving about something,
And, hiding a tear in the clear light of day,
Don’t worry, mom, I say, everything is fine, my dear.
Constantly worries about his son
Holy love is a great slave.
In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nana"
And in Avar - affectionately “baba”.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly indicated in wreaths:
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.
Spells from any misfortune
(She really has a lot to offer!),
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud, exalted mother.
The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
So here it stands for centuries:
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.
Everything in the world is marked by traces
No matter how many paths you walk,
Apple tree - decorated with fruits,
A woman is the fate of her children.
May the sun forever applaud her,
So she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.
(From the Internet)
Stories and parables by Bruno Ferrero.
"Check". One evening, when my mother was busy in the kitchen, her eleven-year-old son approached her with a piece of paper in his hands. Putting on an official air, the boy handed the piece of paper to his mother. Wiping her hands on her apron, my mother began to read:
Invoice for my work
For sweeping the yard – 5 liras
For cleaning my room -
10 lira For the purchase of milk - 1 lira
Babysitting for sister (three times) – 15 liras
For receiving the highest grade twice - /
10 liras For taking out the trash every evening - 7 liras
Total - 48 liras.
Having finished reading, the mother looked tenderly at her son, took a pen and wrote on the back of the sheet:
For carrying you in my womb for 9 months - 0 lira For all the nights I spent near your crib when you were sick - 0 lira
For all those hours when I calmed and amused you so that you would not be sad - 0 lira
For all those tears that I wiped from your eyes - 0 lira For everything that I taught you every day - 0 lira
For all breakfasts, lunches, dinners and sandwiches at school - 0 lira.
For the life that I dedicate to you every day - 0 lira.
Total – 0 lira.
Having finished writing, the mother, smiling tenderly, handed the piece of paper to her son. The boy carefully read what was written, and two huge tears rolled down his cheeks. He turned the sheet over and wrote on his account: “Paid,” then he grabbed his mother’s neck and leaned against him, hiding his face... When accounts begin to be settled in personal and family relationships, everything ends, because love is selfless and cannot be calculated, otherwise it simply doesn't exist.
A man died and went to heaven. An angel flies up to him and says:
- Remember all the good things you did on Earth, then your wings will grow and you will fly with me to heaven.
“I dreamed of building a house and planting a garden,” the man recalled. Small wings appeared behind his back.
“But I didn’t have time to fulfill my dream,” the man added with a sigh. The wings have disappeared.
“I loved one girl,” the man said, and the wings appeared again.
“I’m glad that no one found out about my denunciation,” the man remembered, and his wings disappeared. So the man remembered both the good and the bad, and his wings appeared and disappeared. Finally, he remembered and told everything, but his wings never grew. The angel wanted to fly away, but the man suddenly whispered:
“I also remember how my mother loved me and prayed for me. At the same moment, large wings grew behind the man’s back.
“Can I really fly?” the man was surprised.
“A mother’s love makes a person’s heart pure and brings him closer to the angels,” the angel answered with a smile.

Parable about mom
The day before birth, the child asked God:
- I don’t know what I should do in this World?
God replied:
- I will give you an Angel who will always be next to you and give you advice.
- But I don't understand his language.
- The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.
- What is the name of my angel?
- It doesn’t matter what his name is......you will call him MAMA...

My dear mother, the dearest and kindest in the world! On your birthday, I wish you a long life of health and joy! I love you very much and want you to be very happy! So that at work you are respected, highly valued, your friends simply adored you for your kind and sympathetic heart, and men looked at you with envious eyes when you and your dad go for a walk! Youth to you, good spirits and blessings from the Lord!

Mommy, my beloved, the most affectionate, kind, caring and gentle in the world. I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you to always remain a young and beautiful woman, look fashionable and modern, always manage to do everything, don’t count the years you have lived - because the next ones will be even happier.

When there is peace, comfort and a delicious smell of pies in the family, when the husband is loved and prefers evenings with the family to everything else, the children do not play pranks and study diligently, when every guest feels welcome, and when there are no quarrels or sorrows in the house - such a family can be called truly happy. And today I want to congratulate my mother, who has kept her home for so many years and loves her loved ones, giving them the warmth of her heart! Happy Birthday, Mommy! Happiness to you, may spring always reign in your soul, may there be no sadness or troubles, may life make you happy!

You can grow up very big, but for your mother you will always remain a baby. And I don't want to grow up! I want to always, always come to my mother for good advice, to tell her how much I love her, and to love her with all my heart, as if she were my dearest, closest and dearest person! Dear mom! Happy birthday! Stay young, beautiful, cheerful and always be happy!

Happy birthday greetings to mom in prose

Mommy darling! Today is your birthday and I hasten to wish you the speedy fulfillment of all your desires, vigor of body and spirit, excellent mood and peace in your soul. May the Lord protect you and all bad things recede. Remain the same attractive woman, understanding, affectionate mother, caring and loving wife. Learn to see the good in everything, enjoy every minute and solve all problems from the height of your feminine wisdom.

Is it possible to find someone closer and dearer than your mother? Mommy, I love you more than anyone in the world and I want to wish you today, on your birthday, that the sun will always shine in your soul! For me, you are an ideal and an example in everything, and I want you to always remain as beautiful, cheerful and happy as you are today!

My dear mom! It is impossible to express how strong my devotion to you is! You are my reliable guardian angel, an example in everything, an ideal of tenderness and femininity. Please accept my congratulations on your birthday and wishes for impeccable health, always a joyful mood, understanding and love of others. Let your smile warm us more often!

Mommy, dear! On your bright birthday, I wish you with all my heart an amazing, huge Universe of happiness, which consists of different galaxies of love and the Milky Way of health, where the solar system of spiritual warmth and kindness revolves, and where the incredibly beautiful blue planet of tenderness and care rotates!

Mom - from this one word the world becomes kinder, and all troubles fade away. You gave me life, so accept my eternal love for you as a return gift. Be healthy for many, many years, be happy, let your beautiful smile touch your lips, may the Angels from Heaven protect you from evil.

Mommy, on your birthday, let me give you stars that will light up your eyes with happiness and joy with their radiance! Let the entire Universe flow through the Milky Way between your fingers, scattering the incredible sparkle of love around you, creating an aura of tenderness and care! And may the moon protect your sleep, filling you with strength and warmth!

Dear mom, let the years rush by like spring water, but you are still just as young and beautiful. It’s so safe and comfortable to be with you next to me. With your gentle smile and affectionate gaze, you can disperse any cloud of failure. You are a saint. Today is your birthday. Allow me to congratulate you with all my heart on such a significant celebration. I wish you good health, dear, long and happy years of life. Always be so beautiful, young, loved and desired. May a good angel protect you from all bad things.

My dear mother, you are the closest and dearest person in the whole world. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish that the Lord gives you only wonderful moments. Good health to you, mommy, success in all your endeavors. May the cuckoo give you many, many years of life. May your dreams certainly come true. May there be no sadness in your life, may only happiness meet you everywhere. Let hope, faith and love be your reliable companions in life. All the best to you, dear.

Dear mom, from the bottom of our hearts we hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. Our most important person on earth, may your life span last longer, may health and happiness come every year. Thank you, dear, for giving us affection, teaching us to be kind and honest. I bow to you to the ground. We wish you to succeed in everything in life, may the years not age you, and may spring always live in your soul. Be always loved and desired. All the best to you, prosperity, prosperity and family wealth. Good luck with everything.

Our dear mother, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May your personal holiday bring you good luck and good mood. Let only good news fill your life. May God grant you good health, peaceful skies above your head, respect, love and understanding. May fate be favorable to you, may all your cherished dreams certainly come true. Live long, Mommy, and delight us with your presence. May God protect you from all failures. All the best to you, beloved mother.

Happy birthday greetings to mom to the point of tears

My beloved, the best mother, thank you for always being there, always supporting me in difficult times, giving wise advice. May the bright light of your love never fade. I love you, mommy, and wish you a happy birthday with all my heart. May the sun give you a ray of warmth and kindness, may the nightingale trills delight you with their singing. Forget about all illnesses and worries, let the brightest star illuminate your path in life. May a good angel protect you from all failures.

Mommy, happy birthday! I thank your dear hands for tenderness and care, my heart for love and kindness, and my eyes for my radiant smile. I wish you good, good health and am ready to give whole bouquets of sincere compliments to your beauty every day.

Mommy, happy birthday! I wish you joy, flowers, smiles, fulfillment of desires! May health, happiness and love be your eternal companions, and may your soul be filled with magical radiance. Thank you for your warmth, care, tenderness. I'm proud to be your son!

Mommy, my dearest and most beloved, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish, above all, to remain yourself, to be a happy, purposeful, independent woman. Over the years, I wish you to become even more beautiful, charming and wiser.

Happy birthday, my dear, dear and dear mother. Thank you for all the good and kind things that you have done for me: for your support, for your science, for the great amount of strength that you have invested in me. You always understood me and came to my aid. Forgive me if my careless word or ugly deed has ever upset you. I wish you happiness, goodness and health, good luck and prosperity, so that every day brings only joy, and bright hopes are always justified. Happy holiday, mommy.

There is the closest and inextricable bond between mother and daughter. It is supported by immeasurable love, care and tenderness, acts of self-sacrifice and selflessness. Sincere feelings for a loved one, for a mother, are expressed in simple, tear-touching words of great love and respect that “live” in the daughter’s heart from birth.

Why you need to compliment your mom

Compliments from children are very important for mothers and, especially, from my daughter. The main thing is that they are said sincerely, from the heart, without hypocrisy and bias, at the most appropriate moment. Complimentary words spoken to mom just like that, out of impulse, act like a magic elixir - the eyes of a loved one are filled with happiness, joy and will never lie.

However, in order not to “overdo it”, you need to learn three cherished rules:

  • You need to give your mom compliments absolutely sincerely, without guile, pretense or hope for the desired response (say, getting something “sweet”);
  • it should be remembered that a daughter, although the closest person in the world, is still a woman, and getting respect from a woman to a woman is expensive;
  • find the most suitable moment for this (even if it is unexpected, it’s even better) and choose the right words, not according to a cliche.

It doesn’t matter at all how old the mother is - 40, 50...80. Young or very old, a woman always remains a woman, and the statement that “a woman loves with her ears” really works in any situation and at any age.

This rule is no exception for mothers. Compliments said to the mother as if by chance inspire her, give the woman-mother a new “breath of fresh air” and right before her eyes she becomes younger, more beautiful and a hundred times stronger. When this magical action occurs, the question “Why do you need to compliment your mother?” disappears on its own.

How and when to say touching and tender words to your mother

Words to a mother from her daughter, touching to the point of tears, full of tenderness and love, will always be pleasant, no matter where and how they sound.

Most often, such words are uttered in response to maternal care or action, which is considered a gift or unexpected surprise for the daughter. And it's a shame! It would be much better if attention to mom was shown in simple life situations, without any special reason.

That's approximately it...

Preferred word form (“How?”) Life situation (“When?”)
"Mommy! Today you are like a ray of light - you give light and warmth.”You can say this or a similar phrase to your mother at least every day - morning, afternoon, evening, before bed. It will never be superfluous and will never lose its meaning.
“Mommy, I recognize your hands from thousands of others. There are simply no more people so affectionate and skillful in the world.”This phrase will be appropriate when:
  • Mom hugged her shoulders from behind;
  • Mom took hands;
  • mother’s hands gently and affectionately stroke the head;
  • mother's hands prepared or made something special...
“Mommy, you are so beautiful to me! Our dad is incredibly lucky.”Words to a mother from her daughter are touching to the point of tears and “ringing” compliments can and should be said at every opportunity, even when she has just woken up, left her room and is not completely cleaned.
“Once again I am convinced that only next to my mother I am always happy and calm. How do you do it, dear?”Such words are suitable in moments of emotional conversation or after temporary separation from loved ones.
“Mommy, dear! Thank you for being in this world.”Universal phrase. It can and should be used as often as possible, accompanied by tender kisses and hugs.

Heartfelt wishes to mom throughout the day

Who, if not your mother, would like to wish you the very best throughout the coming day. To do this, you can choose affectionate, touching words and sentences that will touch the mother’s heart more than conventional greetings.

For example, these:

  1. "Mommy! My morning is always good and joyful when you illuminate it like a kind and gentle sun.”
  2. “Mommy, dear! Today you are like a good fairy - beautiful, kind and generous.”
  3. “Mommy! When you are next to me, my morning is always gentle, the day is beautiful and successful, and the evening is always calm and kind.”
  4. “My dear! This amazing morning suits you so well. I want to wish you the same bright day and a calm, quiet evening. I love you, mommy, with all my soul.”
  5. “Good, sunny morning, dear! Thank you for giving me all this.”
  6. "Mother! I will always feel happy while your gentle hands gently wake me up in the morning.”
  7. “Mom, you are like Queen Cleopatra today! Just as beautiful, wise and bright.”
  8. "Mommy! I wish you only joy, smiles and happiness on this day. Let all the bad things be forgotten, and your cherished dreams begin to come true.”
  9. "Mother! No matter how many kind words I tell you, it will still not be enough to show all my love and tenderness.”
  10. "Mommy! May your morning always be sunny, your day joyful, your evening fabulous. I wish you only the best, my dear.”

Writers, poets, and prose writers dedicated many beautiful, touching words to their mothers. In modern literature there are many poems dedicated to mothers, written by women writers. You can at least remember these wonderful lines...

These poems for my mother were written by Veronica Mikhailovna Tushnova (1911-1965), a Soviet poetess, author of the words of popular songs - “One Hundred Hours of Happiness”, “And you know, everything will still be!”, “Loving does not renounce”...

And these wonderful lines dedicated to my mother belong to the pen of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), a famous Russian poetess, prose writer, and translator.

What words can you use as a sign of gratitude to your mother (list of words)

There are always kind words for mom. There is no need to invent them, for a loved one, for a mother, they are always present in a daughter’s heart. Every time you want to express gratitude, they appear by themselves, without any “warning”.

As it happens in life - “Mommy, my dear, beloved! Thank you for being...":

  1. “...gave me life, beautiful and amazing.”
  2. “...she sat next to me when I was sick, supported and protected me in everything.”
  3. “...kept peace and love in our family. I received a lot of warmth and care from you - I will never forget this.”
  4. “...she consoled me in difficult moments and always found the right words for it. You are my Guardian Angel on Earth."
  5. “...managed to give me more than any other mother. You worked hard to raise me and give me a good education.”
  6. “...you worry about me, you give me your care now that I’m already an adult.”
  7. “...you help me with good advice, you keep all my little things and my little secrets from childhood.”
  8. “...taught me to be a kind, good, sympathetic person, capable of giving warmth to others.”
  9. “...you make me feel like a happy daughter.”
  10. “...you remain the closest person and good friend to me.”

Or very briefly:

  1. “Thank you, mommy, for everything.”
  2. “Thank you, my friend.”
  3. “I don’t have enough words to thank you.”
  4. “Thank you is the least I can say to you.”
  5. “My gratitude knows no bounds.”
  6. “Thank you, mommy, for being so good to me.”
  7. “I will be in your debt all my life.”

Beautiful words for mom on her birthday (in your own words, aphorisms)

A congratulation from your daughter that is touching to the point of tears can be made unusual and, together with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, you can give her wonderful words in verse. In this case, the mother will understand that her daughter prepared for this date in advance, remembered this and wanted to make a surprise...

You can congratulate your mother in your own words, impromptu. Such a congratulation is no worse if it is said sincerely, with all my heart, with love.

Surely every daughter has something special for her mother, for which she would like to thank first of all - this is exactly the case.

You can, for example, say this:

  1. “Mommy, dear! This day is wonderful because on this day you were born. Thank you, dear, for being with me. I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the very best. Forgive me for being inattentive to you - I have already begun to improve and you will soon see it...”
  2. “Mommy, dear mummy! Happy birthday to you. May there be more joy in your life, no disappointments and troubles. I love you very much, darling. Forgive me for all the trouble I caused you and don’t be angry. I always feel good, cozy and warm around you.”
  3. “On your day, mommy, I want to wish you a lot of happiness, a lot of health, joy, smiles, warmth. Happy birthday, my sunshine, my affectionate and gentle friend. I love you very, very much.”
  4. "Mommy! Happy birthday to you. Thank you very much for a home where it is always cozy and warm, for a good and friendly family, for the kindness and generosity of your heart. I really want to be like you, you are my ideal in everything.”
  5. "Mommy! On this day I want to wish you only the best. Remain as young, beautiful, energetic. May there be more joy and smiles in your life. Thank you for giving me a guideline - who and what I should be in life. I love you, mommy."

Words of admiration for mom on her anniversary (in your own words, quotes)

Everyone always prepares for an anniversary in advance, thinking through the guest list, script and menu. As a rule, an original text of congratulations is prepared for this significant date.

You can congratulate your mother in your own words, not in very large text, or you can use quotes or poems. Both will certainly cause a lot of positive emotions and pleasant excitement in mom - but it’s also a special day!

In your own words, you can do it something like this:

  1. “Dear mom! Here it is again, a round date, and you are still the same – impossibly beautiful and young. How do you do it? I would like to be 100% like you. I congratulate you with all my heart and love you very much.”
  2. “Mommy, my sweet and darling! On this special day, I want to say that you are the best mother in the world. Smart, beautiful, caring. Whatever you undertake, you do it well. Let the years go by, you don’t need to change anything - always remain like this, because it doesn’t get any better.”
  3. “Mommy, happy anniversary to you, my tender and beloved! Let the calendar count down the years, let the sunset and dawn change faster - you are still the most beautiful, the youngest and the most wonderful. I wish you great health, great happiness and love, good luck in everything and always.”

Kind words to mom on her wedding anniversary (in your own words, in verse and prose)

A wedding anniversary is a name day for the whole family. On this day, both parents deserve congratulations and maximum attention. For this special occasion, children always prepare something special. The original texts of anniversary congratulations can be found on the Internet, but you can congratulate mom and dad in your own words - at the same time, without belittling the “merits” of one over the other.

In such a congratulation, it is necessary to emphasize that mom and dad are equally important in life, that children love, respect and always remember them.

Mom can be distinguished as the keeper of the home, dad as the main breadwinner, masculinity and support for the family:

  1. Dear parents, mommy and daddy! Congratulations (congratulations) on your wedding anniversary (here you can indicate which wedding is being celebrated). You are a good example for me (us). Now I know (we know) what a real friendly family should be like. Thank you for your love, care and a good, happy childhood.”
  2. “Dear mommy, dear daddy! On the day of your wedding anniversary, I want to express all the words of love and tenderness that exist in this world. I love you so much and this is for life. Thank you, my family, for giving me life, for protecting and protecting me in everything. I wish you to live many, many more years in love and harmony. Bitterly!"
  3. “My dear, beloved! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I wish you great happiness, spiritual harmony and love for life. Mommy, you are very lucky - our dad is caring, gentle and a real support in life. Dad, you’re even luckier - such a wife is one in a million.”

You can support your congratulations with a good quote or quatrain. This will enhance the effect and will be pleasant for parents. Can it be like this...

Kind words to mom by phone and SMS

Words to mom from her daughter, messages touching to tears - this is the only thing she looks forward to most. Just a few words that the daughter is fine and there is nothing to worry about gives the mother peace of mind and good potential for the rest of the day. It’s impossible to even imagine how much mothers are waiting for this call!

In a telephone conversation, very condensed information is most often given, everything is very brief and to the point. From what the first words and address to mom are, you can understand the “tone” of the upcoming conversation, its mood.

Each family has its own traditions, but most of them are derivative, The diminutive of the word “mother” sounds approximately the same for everyone:

You don't need a special reason to call your mom on the phone. Adult, caring children call their mother quite often to ask about her health, affairs and tell about their news - and this is very correct. As a rule, a lot of affectionate and touching words, thank-you messages and offers are used in a telephone conversation.

Well, for example:

And this way you can write an SMS message for mom in poetic form...

Words of support for mom during trials and illness

Words to a mother from her daughter, words of support touching to the point of tears at a moment of crisis for her, are vital like nothing else. These words from her children are very important for a mother. Simple words, but coming from the soul and heart, can not only calm the mother, but also give her a positive impetus, and sometimes even heal her.

Actually, this is the first “cure” for the illness and troubles that have befallen us. To do this, you don’t need pompous words, sophisticated logical phrases and heroism, but rather the opposite – simple words backed up by action. There are many cases in life when only the help of loved ones “pulled” people out of the abyss.

Moral support for a daughter or son for a mother is the same life preserver in the sea of ​​life, thrown at the right moment and in the right direction. What words can you choose for this? The most simple ones, but giving hope for a quick resolution of the problem.

Words to mother from daughter that are touching and bring tears to tears are especially needed when mother is sick

These are, for example:

  1. “Mommy! Don't worry, soon the clouds will clear and the sun will appear again. Problems come and go, but we stay together. I love you very much, my dear.”
  2. “Everything in life is never simple, you know that, right? We will survive this dark period together. I will be by your side and will never leave you, mommy.”
  3. “We will be fine. The main thing is to stick together and not despair. There are three of us - you, me and the Lord, which means we are strong and will overcome any disease. These adversities will pass and someday we will remember these moments with a smile.”
  4. “Do you remember, Mom, when you were a child, you jokingly told me, “Keep your tail straight, daughter”? I tried not to become limp, because you were nearby. And now I’m telling you this... and I affirm that everything will be fine with us - we won’t stay in this dark streak for long.”
  5. "Mommy! When I was little, I was always amazed at how easily you deal with all problems and difficulties. Now there is one more problem, but we will fight together - I have become an adult. We can handle it, I’m sure of it.”

Prayers to the Mother of God for the health and well-being of mother

Children's prayers for the health and well-being of mothers are the most gracious. There have been cases when only the sincere and tearful prayers of loved ones to the Mother of God healed fatal and incurable diseases and helped them get out of difficult, dead-end situations.

The Most Holy Theotokos does not remain indifferent to the requests of her daughters and sends her soul-saving help.

In Orthodoxy there are many prayers to the Mother of God, which should be read when the mother is sick or in trouble. It is very good if the daughter prays for her mother to the Mother of God in her own words, or you can use short but very powerful prayers of the Saints...

Very often they turn to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow with prayer for their mother. The holy old woman helps all those who suffer, who in sincere prayer ask for help for their loved ones in sorrows and illnesses.

It is very good if a praying person visits the grave of Saint Matrona at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow and with a sincere impulse, from the bottom of his heart, pronounces such words...

You can pray for your mother in your own words. To do this, you need to stand before the holy face of the Mother of God and ask the Mother of God for help.

For example, in these words:

  • “Mother Mother of God, help my mother. Give her the strength to overcome the disease, have mercy and forgive her...”;
  • “Mother of God! Our protector and comforter! Help our misfortune, help our sadness. Beg our Lord to forgive my mother all her sins and heal her. Thank God for everything";
  • “Mother, forgive all our sins and help my mother in illness and sorrow. Comfort and reassure her.”

What words should you not say to your mother?

How often, under the influence of difficult life situations, a person loses control over himself and becomes embittered and intolerant of everything and everyone. Alas, most often it is relatives and friends who fall under the hot hand. Often at such a moment, the closest person, the mother, becomes a real “lightning rod”, collecting on herself all the accumulated negativity of her beloved child.

Yes, this happens! Sometimes children can be cruel and unintelligible in their words. In conversation they throw out harsh words that hurt the feelings of mothers and leave a bitter aftertaste for life. The indifference and inattention of children, coldness and even cynicism are intolerably painful for a mother’s heart.

Time is fleeting. The time comes and mothers pass away, leaving behind a good memory and... regret that the grown-up children did not have time to tell their mother about their love, ask for forgiveness for the hurtful words.

To avoid painful and belated repentance, you need to categorically refuse the following words to your mother:

  • "I don't have time for you."

A monstrous phrase that should never leave the mouths of children. The mother had enough time to bear, raise and raise the child, to give him her care, tenderness and love...

  • “You haven’t given me anything in life...”

Only egoists can say that. After all, mother gives the most important thing a person can have - life.

  • "I despise you."

And she loves, worries and always waits. Words spoken in a moment of irritation will not change her attitude towards her child, but they will inflict a very painful wound on her heart.

  • “Who do you look like!? You have neither beauty nor elegance.”

It is possible that natural beauty began to be lost over the years, and the burden of worries deprived the mother of her feminine attractiveness. In this case, you need to very delicately motivate her to make positive changes, without offending her feelings as a mother and woman.

  • “You made me a moral and physical freak.”

Most often, such a reproach to the mother arises from her own mistakes and failures in life, and she is not at all to blame here. It’s easy to blame your own inadequacy on your parent, but it’s very, very stupid.

  • “Your cooking is disgusting, I don’t want to eat it.”

“There is no friend for taste and color,” if you don’t like your mother’s cuisine, then you can delicately refuse and eat somewhere else. You can’t offend your mother for this, because she tried and stood near the stove for some time.

  • “Father did the right thing by leaving you, you are unbearable.”

Such phrases arise during irritation and quarrels intentionally in order to hurt the mother more. Children should not interfere in the relationship between parents - this concerns only themselves. Such words are doubly offensive for the mother - both for the behavior of her unbridled child and for the departure of her husband.

  • “I don’t consider you a mother anymore and I don’t want to see you.”

A caustic phrase said in a quarrel has nothing to do with reality. However, it can seriously hurt mom in the heart. You can never say that, it is categorically unacceptable.

  • “I’m very ashamed of you in front of my friends.”

This happens when a mother supposedly “falls short” of the level of a successful, self-sufficient woman. But all this is just a chimera! True friends will always respect their friend's mother, regardless of their false status.

  • “It’s your fault that I’m unlucky in life.”

It's not Mom's fault. She gave life, raised and educated according to her strengths and material capabilities. When children become adults, they take control of their own lives and destinies.

Any mother deserves attention, care and tenderness from her daughter. Words of gratitude, words of love and admiration touching to tears, must be spoken to your mother at every opportunity. In prose, poetry, quotes from great people, or simply in your own words - this is not very important. The main thing is from the bottom of my heart, a loving heart, with genuine sincerity.

Article format: Natalie Podolskaya

Video with congratulations for mothers

Video about words to a mother from her daughter that are touching to tears:

There is no person on earth closer and dearer than mother. And it doesn’t even matter how old you are, five or fifty, you always need her support, her kind look and it’s simply important to hear her gentle voice.
"Mother!" - this is the first word that a person utters. Listen to this combination of sounds - MOTHER! How much warmth there is in it, how much it is painfully close, so close to the tears of a dear one.
But the more we grow up, the less we think we need our mother. We are whirled by whirlwinds of events, fireworks of new acquaintances and meetings, beckoned by “wonderful distances”, and sometimes we forget about her, about mother... And she waits, worries about us, hopes that we will call, tell us how we are doing and just talk. And every time she approaches the mailbox with hope in search of the treasured letter. But in all this whirlpool of life, we only occasionally send letters, very short ones.
Mom finds it painful because I have no time to be frank with her, and very lonely, because I have a hundred thousand things to do around me, and she has only one hope - that everything is fine with me.
When mom is around, it seems familiar and ordinary. But as soon as she goes on a business trip for a couple of days, everything around her collapses and becomes completely different. I immediately understand that the house lives and shines only with her. Even my beloved cat walks and looks for her, meowing pitifully. Returning home from school, I see lights burning in the windows. I know that my mother is waiting for me. How many feelings immediately overcome my soul! Both joy and excitement from waiting to meet her. And all my little troubles fall apart on their own.
Every time I enter the house, she greets me and asks me many questions, but I do not have the strength to answer them. Mother! It's only because I'm very, very tired. You have no idea how important it is to me that you are waiting for me.
I know that you always rejoice at my victories and worry even more than I do about my failures and troubles.
And if suddenly I get sick, you will hear me coughing in the middle of the night, you will carefully get out of bed and quietly, trying not to wake me, you feel my hot forehead and sigh sadly, shaking your head.
The next day you buy me my favorite cake, and only for a snack you give me numerous medications. This method of treatment probably seems right to you.
Evening... The lamp on my table is on. There are books, textbooks around me... The clock on the wall is approaching midnight. I sit immersed in the complex world of science. And suddenly someone's hand touches my shoulder. It was my mother who brought my favorite lemon tea and was wondering how I was doing. How much you do for me! I understand this only now, when I have very little left before graduating from school, and I will leave for a city that is foreign to me.
I look through family photographs where you are laughing, standing near the birches, and suddenly I clearly understand that I love her. I love it very much. Despite everything: not even our small differences. After all, you come to make peace with me first, and you never stop being there, even during quarrels, you support me and always forgive me, no matter how bitter the insult I caused.
It turns out that you love me very, very much, no matter what I do. And for me you are the best, the most beautiful, the most beloved, only because you are my mother.
But our nature is full of mysteries. Even if the mother is just biological, the child still loves her. I had the opportunity to verify this. The editor of our children's newspaper “Shumok” received a letter with a poem dedicated to my mother. There was so much sincerity in these lines! I read this letter, and my eyes filled with tears, because the lines were dedicated to a woman who was unable to give her children warmth, love, and affection. And the child, even realizing that she doesn’t need him, loves her and dedicates a poem to her. You can’t even say anything here except that mom is mom. And every person needs it, everyone without exception.
Sometimes, when I see her sleeping, I so want to cuddle up to her so that she will wake up from sleep, stroke me on the head like a little girl, kiss me, say something special. But I feel somehow embarrassed because I’m like this, almost an adult, asking for affection. It’s just that I love my mother very much, and so much that sometimes it seems to me that her love and warmth breaks my heart.
But we confess our love to her very rarely, on March Eighth, her birthday, or in exceptional cases, but we should do this more often, just like that.
After all, from a simple “I love you” there is so much happiness in my mother’s eyes!
Sometimes I want to say: “Mom!” Forgive me for not paying attention to you. I'm sorry for all the hurtful words I said. Sorry for my terrible character. I will definitely become better! I'm sorry for all the words I didn't say and for the actions I didn't do because I didn't have the courage. Forgive me for so rarely saying: “Forgive me!”, and even less often – “I love you.”

Here is a collection of texts with beautiful, warm, sincere and touching words of gratitude to my mother from my daughter. The texts are written in prose (in your own words) and are intended both for public speaking (at an anniversary, wedding, birthday and other festive events) in front of guests, and for private conversation. You can also sign a gift, postcard or card for a bouquet with these words.

Another page of the site will help you add to the texts.

Dear mother! You deserve the greatest gratitude. I want to thank you sincerely for:

  • that from the very beginning of my life until today you have made the complex simple for me
  • for the fact that you tried to make something difficult easy
  • because in days of bad weather you managed to get me a piece of the sun
  • for the fact that you are amazingly talented and you knew how to make me healthy
  • for the fact that you managed to turn even unpleasant moments into exciting moments
  • for the fact that you manage to turn a faceless room into a dear, warm and sweet home
  • for the fact that you are trying to turn banality into extraordinary
  • for the talent to create a culinary masterpiece from trivial and ordinary food
  • for the fact that you are unfamiliar with cold indifference and you always give me as much warmth as you can find
  • for the fact that you incomprehensibly extract gifts from life, even when it seems that they do not exist

And most importantly: thank you for doing all these wonderful things not for yourself, but for me.

I am eternally grateful to you, mom. And I wish that you never run out of energy to work as an Angel. And so that your miracles do not dry out. I will try to be the kind of daughter so that motherhood does not become a feat for you. May your life be long and easy, mommy.

Precious mommy! I have so much to thank you for that I don’t know where to start. I’ll try not to cry and you should try too. Otherwise, the two of us will definitely drown everyone at once.

Mommy, you are the most precious thing I have. And I want you to accept my sincere gratitude today for literally everything you have done and continue to do for me. I notice everything and appreciate everything. And I will never forget this.

  • Thank you, mom, for creating such a wonderful family in which I felt comfortable, warm, and happy to grow and develop. And for continuing to do this now.
  • Thank you for trying to please me at every opportunity and for looking at the world with optimism. I constantly learn this from you and optimism has helped me out more than once in difficult times.
  • Thank you for always being ready to lend me a helping hand - with such a friend nothing is scary.
  • Thank you for your warmth and kindness - they warm me daily.
  • Thank you for always being able to find the right words and give hope in difficult times.
  • Because you try to protect even your adult daughter and remember that I still need your love - it inspires me.

Be happy mommy and don't leave me.

Dear mom! I want to thank you, first of all, for life. And for everything that you generously endowed me with this gift:

  • for a warm and cozy childhood. Memories of him always warm my heart;
  • for your care and affection. They make my life comfortable and happy;
  • for your constant support. I need her even as an adult and am grateful that you don’t leave me without her;
  • for the wise advice that you are always ready to share with me;
  • Thank you also for your eternal concern, Mom. It helps me keep my head and make smart decisions in life;
  • for keeping my secrets;
  • for swearing when you no longer have the strength to endure worrying about me;
  • for denying yourself so much for me;

Special thanks to you mommy for your love. And because you have it, it never runs out. I appreciate it very much, I cherish it and I want you to live forever. Be happy and healthy. Well, I promise, I will do everything to make you proud of your daughter and worry less.

Today, on this holiday, I want to express words of sincere gratitude to the best person on Earth - my mother!

Mommy, I love you very much and I know that you love me too. I am very grateful to you for this love, for the light with which it illuminates my life. Also, mom, I am grateful to you that by your example you teach me kindness, patience, wisdom, support, femininity and beauty. In general, all the best that a person can bring into this life. I have never met a brighter person in my life and my intuition tells me that I never will, such people no longer exist.

Thank you mom and always be as young, beautiful, stylish, healthy. Be happy, mom.

Mommy, thank you for working as my Guardian Angel every day and all my life. I value you very much and take care of you as best I can. I love you very much, your pure heart, your smile, care, your friendship, wisdom, warmth and sensitivity. And I even love your comments and dissatisfaction, they always help me avoid mistakes. You are the best mother in the world. I dream that you will never be upset, that peace of mind will not leave you, that good health will follow you throughout your life and that you will live forever.

I thank my mother almost daily in my thoughts. So, today, not for the first time, I say “thank you” to her... I want to tell you, mommy, that I know: with a daughter like me, it was often not easy for you. And I thank you for giving me so much strength, so much enormous daily work to raise me and so that I would not be too much of a waste of a woman.

Thank you for your love, warmth and care. For the tons of fairy tales I read as a child at bedtime - I remember them all and cherish them in my heart. Thank you also for the sleepless nights when I was sick. For standing up for me even when I was wrong... Thank you for being a true friend and always on my side. Mother! I am happy that I have you and that you are like this. I have grown up a long time ago, but I continue to learn from you all the best that the human heart is capable of.

I hope mommy that I can thank you for all this. I'll try.

Mom, there was a lot of joy in the life of our family, but sometimes there were difficult days. Special thanks to you for your happiness. But today I would like to thank you for the fact that even on cloudy days you tried to get a little sun for me. And sometimes a star from the sky. And you still succeed to this day. These pieces of joy and warmth always warm my heart, help and support. I wish all your dreams come true and I hope that your daughter does not disappoint you. Be happy.

Mom, you have always delighted me. There is no other such unique and wonderful woman. I am proud of you and dream of being like you. You are the most beautiful, smart, charming, feminine, gentle, sweet, charming, bright, sincere, kind, successful. You are a diamond. I am grateful to you for your love and friendship. I am also grateful to God that he gave me such a mother. I also thank this completely established life for the fact that it treats us warmly and we are alive, healthy and have the strength to enjoy it. Always be happy, mom.

Mommy! I have already thanked you many times for your love, care and the gift of life... And today I want to thank you also for the steadfastness with which you withstood my pranks. For the endless patience with which you treated my whims. For the wisdom that helped you not to punish me for being lazy in my studies. For ingenuity, without which it was impossible to feed me healthy food. For willpower - thanks to it, I could be put to sleep. For adequacy when I introduced you to my inadequate chosen ones. For your tact when I told you my sorrows without choosing expressions. For your responsiveness when I tormented you with my troubles at school. For sensitivity, without it, you and I didn’t know much about each other.

You showed me a wonderful example. Someday I will become a mother myself, and I hope that I will be able to be as wonderful a mother as you.

You know mom, I always sincerely thank you for everything. Gratitude to you has settled in my heart forever and will never leave. All the best that I have was created by your hands. Thank you for giving your life, your time and your warmth to me. This is a priceless gift.

Thanks to you, there is no room left in my heart for coldness, anger, envy, selfishness, hatred... only warmth, light and kindness live there. Everything you gave me. You're doing everything right, mom. I'm proud of you.

Mommy, I have already told you many times how grateful I am to you for everything you have given me. And I will thank you many more times. But today I want to say “thank you” for something else.

I myself have already become a mother and now I know what it is to raise and raise a child... So, now I am grateful to you for your punishments in childhood, for your persistence and even severity in certain matters, when I did not want to fulfill your demands. Thank you mom for having the strength to insist on your own and force me to do things that are unpleasant for me. It was your persistence and rigor that brought me the greatest benefit. Maybe even much more than praise, gifts and encouragement.

I want you to know that I no longer hold any grudges against you in my heart. And I understand why you did it. Thank you, dear. Be happy and may all your wishes come true.

Mamusik, I thank you for being you, and for being me!

And I am also very grateful to you for giving me such a rosy existence. Because we are not completely lost people. Because I have an education and do not work as a janitor. Because my health is normal. Because our home is warm, cozy and bright, and not a gloomy and dull kennel. Because I know how to enjoy everything good and not despair when faced with injustice. Because I can do so many things and because I can understand so many things.

In general, mom, I have always thanked you for life and love... And now I want to thank you for raising me to be a viable girl, and not an infantile chicken.

  • don't talk too long (if you're giving one of these acceptance speeches in public);
  • do not read the text from a sheet of paper - try to learn the words (the texts are not difficult);
  • Read the text from the sheet only if you have serious problems with memory and everyone knows about it (so they will understand you correctly). Or if you worry too much;
  • If the text you like turns out to be too long to remember (in case you need to give a speech from memory), you can remove several points from it so that the meaning is not lost (this is also not difficult) and tell about your gratitude in a slightly shortened version.