Igor Gontsov is a modern publicist. I was very touched by this article written by him.

For some reason, many modern pop stars talk with particular pleasure about how poorly they did at school. Some were reprimanded for hooliganism, some were retained for the second year, some made teachers faint with their breathtaking hairstyles... You can have different attitudes towards such revelations of our “stars”: some of these stories about mischievous childhood lead in awe, others begin to grumpily complain that today the path to the stage is open only to mediocrities and ignoramuses.

But most worrying is the reaction of teenagers. They have a strong belief that the shortest path to fame runs through the police nursery. They take everything at face value. They do not always understand that stories about a “crazy” childhood, when the future “star” amazed everyone around him with his exotic uniqueness, are just a stage legend, something like a concert costume that distinguishes an artist from an ordinary person. A teenager not only perceives information, he actively transforms it. This information becomes the basis for his life program, for developing ways and means of achieving his goal. That is why a person who broadcasts something to an audience of millions must have a high sense of responsibility.

Is he actually expressing his thoughts or is he unconsciously continuing his stage act and saying what his fans expect from him? Look: I’m “one of my own”, just like everyone else. Hence the ironic and condescending attitude towards education, and the flirtatious mockery: “Learning is light, and ignorance is a pleasant twilight,” and arrogant narcissism. But the transfer ended. What remains in the souls of those who listened to the artist? What seeds did he sow in trusting hearts? Who did he make better? Who did he direct on the path of creative creation? When a young journalist asked these questions to one famous DJ, he simply snorted: fuck you, that’s not what I’m for... And in this bewildered indignation of the “pop star” civic immaturity, human “undereducation” is clearly manifested. And a person who has not yet built himself as an individual, has not realized his mission in society, becomes a humble servant of the crowd, its tastes and needs. He may be able to sing, but he doesn’t know why he sings.
If art does not call to the light, if it, giggling and winking slyly, drags a person into a “pleasant twilight”, if it destroys unshakable values ​​with the poisonous acid of irony, then a reasonable question arises: is such “art” needed by society, is it worthy of it? to become part of the national culture?

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Essay No. 1

“For some reason, many modern pop stars talk with particular pleasure about how poorly they studied at school...” - this is how the article by the famous publicist I. Gontsov begins. Already in the first sentence, the phrase “special pleasure from how poorly we studied” is alarming... And not only that. “Some were reprimanded for hooliganism, others were retained for a second year...” - you can’t list everything. And they turned out to be the “stars”. Is this good or bad? The author reflects on how all this has a bad effect especially on teenagers, who are convinced that “the shortest path to fame runs through the police nursery.” Unfortunately, the author believes, “this information becomes the basis for his life program, for developing ways and means of goal.”

Thus, I. Gontsov in this text raises a rather acute problem for today: the problem of the influence of popular artists on teenagers. I think this problem belongs to the category of moral and ethical ones, since it relates to the spiritual world of man. Indeed, for many, pop stars are an ideal role model. And that is why these stars are required to be highly cultured, educated, and intelligent. After all, these are the people who must guide others on the path of creative creation, who must sow the seeds of kindness, humanity, and mercy in people’s souls. They are the ones who should awaken the desire for beauty in everyone’s soul. This is what the author thinks, and I cannot but agree with his point of view.

We live in very interesting and at the same time difficult times. In our age, everything is in continuous development. It would seem that the inner world of a person should become more and more rich every day, daily enriched with truly humane, moral qualities. But if we take such “stars” as an example, how will the spiritual world be enriched? But the purpose of art is to help people become better, kinder, more honest.

Let us recall the poems of the great Russian poets A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, the paintings of famous artists I.I. Shishkin, T. Levitan, the music of P. Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and many other artists, whose main goal was to awaken “ good feelings”, “in a cruel age to glorify freedom” and call on mercy for the fallen.

I would like to hope that those who are destined to become cultural figures, who have the honor of making society more humane, will fulfill this mission with dignity and take as their motto the words of F.M. Dostoevsky “Beauty will save the world”

Essay No. 2

Until recently, ordinary readers and viewers knew little about the personal lives of famous people: politicians, writers, artists. And today the media are trying as often and deeply as possible to look into the hidden corners of their lives and bring all the details to the masses. And celebrities themselves, especially pop singers, in moments of revelation lift the veil over the far from best pages of their biography in order to become closer to the people.

Is this necessary? How does revelation influence the younger generation, who take what they hear or read at face value? Is it worth building a stage image on shockingness? Does society need art built on the disregard of immutable values? Such numerous questions concern the author of the article, Gontsov.

These problems cause genuine concern among many sensible people, including D. Likhachev, Yu. Dolgopolov and others. Why? We live in difficult times, when moral guidelines are lost and ideals do not exist. In these conditions, playing a pop star can become the basis of the life of the younger generation.

According to Gontsov, a person speaking in front of a large audience must have a high sense of responsibility, and building his stage image on neglecting the eternal values ​​of society is immoral. The author is excited. His particular excitement is felt in the final paragraph: if art “destroys with poisonous acid” everything valuable, it is unworthy of being part of culture.

How can you disagree with the author? It is very unpleasant for me to listen to non-positive revelations from artists. Ksenia Sobchak, Tina Kandilaki, Masha Rasputina... I want the fragile child’s psyche not to suffer from the stage play of these individuals who have not realized their mission in society.

I believe that artists, in this case pop stars, should sow only “reasonable, good, eternal” in trusting hearts. I think that then art will become an integral part of the national culture.

An example of writing an essay based on a text by I. Gontsov.

Essay based on the text by I. Gontsov.

Essay on I. Gontsov

Text according to I. Gontsov:

For some reason, many modern pop stars talk with particular pleasure about how poorly they did at school. Some were reprimanded for hooliganism, some were retained for the second year, some made teachers faint with their breathtaking hairstyles... You can have different attitudes towards such revelations of our “stars”: some of these stories about mischievous childhood lead in awe, others begin to grumpily complain that today the path to the stage is open only to mediocrities and ignoramuses. But most worrying is the reaction of teenagers. They have a strong belief that the shortest path to fame runs through the police nursery. They take everything at face value. They do not always understand that stories about a “crazy” childhood, when the future “star” amazed everyone around him with his exotic uniqueness, are just a stage legend, something like a concert costume that distinguishes an artist from an ordinary person. A teenager not only perceives information, he actively transforms it. This information becomes the basis for his life program, for developing ways and means of achieving his goal. That is why a person who broadcasts something to an audience of millions must have a high sense of responsibility. Is he actually expressing his thoughts or is he unconsciously continuing his stage act and saying what his fans expect from him? Look: I’m “one of my own”, just like everyone else. Hence the ironic and condescending attitude towards education, and the flirtatious mockery: “Learning is light, and ignorance is a pleasant twilight,” and arrogant narcissism. But the transfer ended. What remains in the souls of those who listened to the artist? What seeds did he sow in trusting hearts? Who did he make better? Who did he direct on the path of creative creation? When a young journalist asked these questions to one famous DJ, he simply snorted: screw you, that’s not what I’m here for... And in this bewildered indignation of the “pop star” civic immaturity and human “undereducation” are clearly manifested. And a person who has not yet built himself as an individual, has not realized his mission in society, becomes a humble servant of the crowd, its tastes and needs. He may be able to sing, but he doesn’t know why he sings. If art does not call to the light, if it, giggling and winking slyly, drags a person into a “pleasant twilight”, if it destroys unshakable values ​​with the poisonous acid of irony, then a reasonable question arises: is such “art” needed by society, is it worthy of it? to become part of the national culture? (According to I. Gontsov)

Essay based on the text by I. Gontsov

Personality formation occurs under the influence of various factors, one of which is the influence of authoritative people: parents, teachers, actors, pop stars. Their life experience and views, as I. Gontsov rightly notes, become the basis for the life program of many young people. And sometimes it is very important in what direction this influence is carried out. Reflecting on this issue, the author of the text touches on the problem of a person’s moral responsibility to society. It is impossible not to notice that many modern pop artists, in search of popularity, use various means, offering their fans very dubious information about themselves, which not only misleads people, but also negatively affects the lifestyle of the most gullible. This certainly makes the author anxious and wants to make many people think about it. The author is alarmed by the fact that modern artists are less and less aware of their mission as cultural figures. According to N. Gontsov, art is designed to spiritually and aesthetically nourish and educate people, and not just entertain. It is difficult to disagree with the author’s position, because it is immoral and dangerous to build a stage image that neglects the unshakable values ​​of society. It is very difficult to determine the line where words, actions and even objects become vulgar and vulgarized. There must be a moral sense, which can be formed by art, in particular literature. The theme of philistinism and vulgarity was stated most strongly in Russian classics. Suffice it to recall the “majestic vulgar” Chichikov, a clever swindler and scoundrel from N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”. Many people, following the lead of fashion and time, set the wrong goals for themselves, sometimes even breaking the law in order to achieve them. I. Bunin in the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that true happiness passed the man by: he died without ever knowing what life was. Each person influences others, and what he leaves in their souls is extremely important. People must understand that immorality and disregard for immutable values ​​cannot bring anything into our minds and souls that would help us develop as individuals!

About pop stars

Many pop stars talk with particular pleasure about the scandalous fame they had during their school years. They annoyed teachers in class; their hairstyles shocked those around them. There were also those who were retained for the second year.

The problem of this text can be indicated as follows. People achieve fame by any means, including not always worthy ones. If only they (these people) were heard about. After all, great fame, scandalous or laudatory, arouses interest in the “star”. Moreover, both to the man himself and to his work.

Commenting on this problem, we can say that fans of the performer, teenagers and young people, often take facts from the biography of the idol as an example to follow. And the phrase “to make life from someone” takes on a negative meaning if these examples are not the best. After all, the younger generation is people with little life experience, so it seems to them: if they start behaving defiantly, despise public opinion, go “against the grain,” success in life will come by itself.

What is the author's position? He critically evaluates those artists who have not developed the right guiding idea for themselves. An artist who can sing well is happy with fame and money. But in order to succeed as a creative person, this is not enough. A true artist is distinguished by the uniqueness and inimitability of his talent, which is unlike anyone else’s talent. And shocking statements about how “bad” he is, and therefore equal to the public, mere mortals - these statements will not elevate him, will not decorate him.

I agree with the author’s opinion and believe: a real artist, who respects himself and his work, will not make faces and slander himself in order to please the tastes of an undemanding public. The audience will believe the artist only if he, as an artist, is honest both in life and in his stage image. It also happens that idols “forget” about the heights they have achieved, and when they see those in need of help, they do everything in their power for them. Many years ago, Joseph Kobzon flew to Afghanistan seven times to speak there before the temporarily deployed contingent of Soviet troops. Immediately after the Chernobyl disaster, Alla Pugacheva found herself in the disaster area with a group of artists, where she performed in front of the liquidators of the accident. Chulpan Khamatova is the founder of the Help Children foundation. Singer Alsou has cured more than one seriously ill child at her own expense. The team of “Buranovskie Babushki” uses the money they earn to build a temple in their village.

The second example is given from the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri". The main characters are antipodes: the brilliant and trusting Mozart and the gloomy Salieri, tormented by envy and malicious intent. The author of the tragedy based the plot on the legend of Mozart’s poisoning by his secret enemy. However, as facts testify, Salieri was the author of many operas and the teacher of Schubert, Liszt, and Beethoven. And although he “made craft... the foundation of art,” he reached heights in his work. Otherwise, Mozart would not have called him his friend and would not have glorified their “sincere union.” Perseverance and hard work elevated Salieri.

Nothing less than talent and activity will create glory for a person.