In accordance with the pension reform, citizens of our country can independently manage their pension savings. One of the options for managing accumulated funds is to transfer them to a non-state pension fund. There are both positive and negative aspects to this investment. Therefore, it is necessary to consider this issue from all sides. Worth a closer look reliability and profitability ratings fund, as well as the composition of its founders and period of existence.

After carefully studying all the information, you can enter into an OPS agreement with the selected fund. You need to know that in relation to one period of time only one contract.

Now the formation of the accumulative part is “frozen” for another three years(until 2020). In the future, the Government plans to completely abandon the funded pension and introduce individual pension capital.

Is it worth forming a funded pension?

A funded pension is formed through:

  • 6% of insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund by the employer;
  • contributions on a voluntary basis;
  • investing the savings in the account.

The insured person decides independently which option for forming a pension to choose. To make a decision, you need to know how security can be increased, as well as other conditions provided for by law.

Pros funded pension are as follows:

  • according to sub. 1 clause 1 art. 4 of Law No. 360-FZ of November 30, 2011, in some cases a citizen can receive all the pension savings that are in the account in the form of;
  • Unlike an insurance pension, this type of security can...

Main minus accumulative provision - there is no guarantee of an annual increase in pension, since the state does not index this payment, and its profitability depends on the results of investing NPFs in the financial market.

Why transfer the funded part to a non-state pension fund?

As a rule, the profitability that NPFs receive when investing pension savings is higher than in the Pension Fund. This is due to the fact that NPFs have greater flexibility in managing funds. While the Pension Fund invests money only through Vnesheconombank.

High profitability- not the last advantage of NPFs. They compare favorably:

  1. Level of service - you can monitor the status of your account online.
  2. By having an agreement, it guarantees that uniform rules will remain in place for the entire duration of its validity.
  3. Openness - annual publication of financial statements.
  4. Security - citizens’ funds are insured and will be returned by the state in the event of the NPF’s license being revoked or its bankruptcy.

Thus, it is enough to simply answer the question why transfer the funded part to a non-state pension fund: to preserve the funded component of your pension and increase your income.

Is it possible to transfer savings in 2019?

The legislation sets deadlines within which a person needs to decide how his pension will be formed. You had to express your opinion by the end of 2015. Citizens who at that time had not made a choice (the so-called “silent ones”) could find themselves in a difficult situation, since pensions are calculated differently.

For persons born in 1967 and younger, it is possible to:

  • Refuse the savings part. Then the accumulated funds will be included in pension savings as a lump sum payment, and they will continue to be indexed. If a citizen has pension savings in accounts with a non-state pension fund, he can refuse this at any time by contacting the Pension Fund of Russia.
  • Save your funded pension. It is measured in rubles, and therefore, it is possible to bequeath these funds.

Although the resumption of the formation of the funded part of the pension is not expected in 2019, the principle of investing accumulated funds in a non-state pension fund or management company will still remain. Silent people who did not take care of the choice will have to be content with only an insurance pension, because... the use of savings has become unavailable to them.

Moratorium on funded pension

On December 7, 2016, the State Duma adopted a law that will extend it for another 2017-2019. All insurance contributions from citizens in these years will be sent to for an insurance pension. Experts believe that extending the “freeze” will not lead to a significant influx of funds into the NFP, since the most active Russians made their choice long ago.

To solve the problem of pension provision, the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Russia are preparing a reform that provides for the formation of savings by citizens on a voluntary basis. Funds in the amount of 6% of a citizen’s income will be sent to an account in the NPF in the form of a quasi-voluntary order.

The government is confident that this measure will help to quickly reduce the Pension Fund deficit by redistributing cash flows, and in the long term, to create an investment resource for paying pensions to senior citizens.

How to transfer the funded part of a pension to a non-state pension fund

Exists several ways applying to a non-state pension fund to transfer your pension savings to this organization:

  • Apply in person. This allows you to obtain comprehensive information about the work of the fund.
  • Electronic appeal through the State Services website.
  • Postal service services where you need to contact to send a registered letter with the necessary documentation to the Pension Fund.
  • With the help of an authorized person who will perform this procedure on the basis of a power of attorney, which is notarized.

The operation of transferring the accumulative part is gratuitous. Within one day, a citizen:

  1. Contacts NPF.
  2. Writes an application with a request to transfer pension savings from the Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund.
  3. Goes through the procedure of registering the fact of acceptance of his application.
  4. Receives a receipt for the application (if required).

Despite the simplicity of this procedure, there is an important nuance: it can be used no more than once a year, and it is important to take into account the fact that you need to contact until December 31. If this is done at the beginning of the year, then the funds will be transferred to the NPF only a year later, therefore, the waiting period will increase significantly.

Where is it better to transfer (NPF rating)?

There is no unified system for assessing the reliability of non-state pension funds in Russia. There are several rating agencies that conduct independent expert assessments of the work of non-state pension funds, analyzing their work over past periods. According to the Expert RA agency, the list of the best NPFs for 2019 includes more than 20 funds. Highest rating A++ received:

  2. Neftegarant;
  3. Diamond Autumn;
  4. NPF Sberbank;
  6. National Non-State Pension Fund;
  7. KITFinance NPF;
  8. NPF RGS;
  9. Surgutneftegaz;
  10. VTB PF, etc.

When choosing a non-state pension fund, in addition to reliability, it is important fund profitability level, because it is this factor that influences the amount of future pension payments. According to the results of the reports, the leading positions in the profitability ranking are occupied by:

  1. JSC NPF "Defense-Industrial Fund named after. V.V. Livanova";
  2. CJSC NPF "Promagrofond";
  3. JSC NPF "Diamond Autumn";
  4. JSC NPF "First Industrial Alliance";
  5. JSC NPF "UMMC-Perspective";
  6. JSC NPF "Telecom-Soyuz";
  7. JSC NPF "Socium";
  8. JSC NPF "Surgutneftegas";
  9. CJSC "KITFinance non-state pension fund";
  10. CJSC NPF "Heritage"
  11. Translation procedure and required documents

First, a citizen needs to decide on the choice of a new fund. To ensure that the chosen organization is reliable in all respects, you should carefully study all the information about it. First of all, look at the following criteria:

  • founders;
  • fund age;
  • reliability and profitability ratings.

It is also worth clarifying whether the selected NPF has entered into an agreement with the Pension Fund for mutual certification of signatures. If concluded, then during a personal visit to the representative office of the selected NPF with passport and SNILS a person can sign an OPS agreement.

The OPS agreement is the determining factor in the relationship between the NPF and the insured person. Before signing the relevant documentation, you must carefully read all the clauses of the agreement, as well as study the rules of the selected NPF.

Transfer of savings from one NPF to another

If the insured person is dissatisfied with the performance of the selected fund, he may commit transfer to another NPF. The law provides for both the right of the citizen himself to refuse the services of a non-state pension fund, and the termination of the contract if the documentation is completed incorrectly. You cannot make a transfer to another NPF if a person wants to leave part of the funds in the old organization. The entire amount of savings can be only in one NPF, and at the request of the client, the organization must transfer all funds and interest to another fund.

A citizen can use one of two translation options:

  • early;
  • urgent.

Early transition- a process that takes 1 year. A special application is drawn up and a different address is indicated. And then, if the papers were submitted in 2017, you should expect the transfer already in 2019, but the client will lose investment funds.

If the transition urgent, savings are transferred to the new organization in the year following the previous one 5 year period from the moment of signing the contract in the previous organization. In other words, if this wish is formalized in 2017, then the procedure will finally be completed in 2022. In this case, all funds will remain intact.

Do you have doubts about where it is better to transfer the funded part of your pension? What rules have been approved and are in force in 2019?

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A modern person is constantly busy and cannot always find time to find out information about pension payments in the future.

So you can deprive yourself of the opportunity to choose the option that will ensure old age. It is important to understand the purpose of transferring funds from the funded part of the pension to the pension fund.


Let’s define what is meant by insurance and funded pensions and how and where they are transferred.

What is it

Pension contributions have an insurance and savings part. Insurance funds are transferred to the state pension fund of the Russian Federation and spent on payments to pensioners.

The part that remains is considered cumulative, and it is recorded in personal personal accounts in a fund that the citizen chooses himself.

The funded part is the second pension, and it can increase if the income of the management organization increases.

This part of the pension is formed from contributions paid by employers, as well as insurance transfers.

To receive such a pension, you should prepare an application and submit it to a representative of a state or commercial fund.

Pension contributions amount to 22% of earnings and are made by the management of the company in which the person works. 16% goes to the insurance pension, the rest represents the funded part.

The amount of the funded part of pension accruals is established taking into account the amount that is in the citizen’s account and the period during which payment is expected.

The savings portion is increased when a voluntary contribution is made.

If you replenish the account yourself, government agencies will transfer the same amount to the account, but within the limits of 12 thousand rubles per year. That is, we will talk about a co-financing program.

Payment of money from savings accounts is possible:

  • if the account owner dies;
  • if a person receives disabled status;
  • if a family loses its breadwinner.

Urgent payments can be made if there are additional transfers. The savings system is available only to those citizens who were born no earlier than 1967.

If a person does not take care of transferring funds, they will automatically be transferred to the insurance part, as a result of which the amount of pension payments in the future will increase.

What are the types of funds?

There are such funds:

  • state – budgetary, extra-budgetary;
  • non-state.

Extra-budgetary funds:

  • PF of Russia;

Legal regulation

Information on non-state pension funds is contained in Federal Law No. 75 dated May 7, 1998.

There are a number of other regulatory documents that need to be considered:

Where can I transfer the funded part of my pension?

Anyone can entrust their savings to pension funds.

The procedure is as follows:

You can change the organization annually if you send a corresponding request to the Pension Fund branch.

List of available options

Way to invest the funded part of your pension:

No action The money will remain in the state fund, and Vneshconombank will manage it. Plus - the funds are guaranteed to be returned. But the state will not promise that old age will be secure
Transfer the savings portion to a private company The funds will remain in government agencies, but management will be taken over by the organization that invests the pension. The amounts of money will be in securities, bonds, etc., as a result of which the account owner will receive a profit
Prefer one of the non-state pension funds In this case, the funded part is sent to a non-state pension fund, which will accumulate financial assets

Which fund you prefer is up to you. But it’s worth knowing that if you don’t contact the Pension Fund, you can’t count on the 6 percent amount of contributions to the funded part.

When choosing an organization, you should pay attention to its profitability and reliability.

Where is it more profitable to transfer funds?

Where should I transfer my funded portion of my pension? Leaving the funded part of your pension in the state pension fund is advisable if you have less than 10 years left until retirement.

In other cases, it is better to choose a non-state fund. Check these points:

  • does the company have a license;
  • review financial statements;
  • what is the number of policyholders;
  • investment result.

First, they study the history of the fund and ask what conditions are offered. No one, of course, can guarantee that the pension will be increased in the future, but the risks of losing savings cannot be allowed.

So, pay attention to the type of fund:

Captive Engaged in the promotion of corporate pension programs of companies. The pension reserve contains more savings. These are Welfare, Transneft, Neftegarant, etc.
Corporate Engaged in servicing the founder's pension programs. The share of savings increases annually thanks to clients. This is, for example, Norilsk Nickel
Universal Does not depend on the financial group. Both citizens and companies are served. More retirement savings. This is the European PF, Keith Finance
Territorial Acts in one or more areas. Support is provided by local authorities. This is, for example, Khanty-Mansiysk Non-State Pension Fund

The main indicators include assets, reserves, savings, the number of people who are insured, the pension reserve, the date when the fund was founded, etc.

Consider the following points when choosing:

But not all such organizations are worth trusting, because some offer unfavorable conditions, delay payments, etc.

A number of such inconveniences create a risk for the policyholder that they turn to a non-state company. Therefore, study the rating of each organization, the level of reliability, and people’s reviews.

The funded part of the pension can be returned to the state pension fund:

  • if there is such a desire;
  • in the event that an event occurs that makes it necessary to return the funds.

But it remains possible, if desired, to redirect funds again to one of the management companies or non-state pension funds. To transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to write an application. But this cannot be done more often than once a year.

You will need the following documents:

  • ID card;
  • SNILS;
  • other papers that were issued by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The transfer of the funded part of the pension from the NPF to the Pension Fund is mandatory in the following cases:

  • NPF has been deprived of its license;
  • the face is dead;
  • the contract was terminated, which was concluded under compulsory insurance programs;
  • The NPF is insolvent and bankruptcy proceedings have opened.

Which place is more reliable?

You can rely on the following table:

If a person does not make a choice in favor of any organization, 6% of the funded part remains in the pension fund of the Russian Federation. And such funds are reset to zero from 2019, that is, they go to the insurance part.

Video: where to transfer the funded part of your pension?

In this case, the person cannot receive any interest, since this money repays the debt of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The big disadvantage of an insurance pension is that it cannot be inherited.

If you decide that you will transfer funds to a non-state pension fund:

How to find out where the amount was transferred

In some organizations, the employer that receives agency fees from insurers may offer employees more than one company option for insurance.

In these situations, the transfer of the funded part of the pension to a non-state fund is centralized.

The employee must write an application to a specific fund (for example, the Gazfond) and prepare a sample for authorized persons who will handle the transfer of funds.

Employers carry out the registration procedure themselves. In addition, they can receive interest from insurers for each attracted client.

The employees themselves do not always even remember which fund they applied to.

Or they simply want to make sure that the funded portion is received within the agreed time frame and personal accounts are created.

Another situation may arise when a person does not know his non-state pension fund, where the insurance was carried out. For example, a notification did not arrive from the organization with which the contract was concluded.

How to find out NPF:

Contact the regional branch of the State Pension Fund of the Russian Federation After all, when completing the application, the application was also submitted to this fund. This means that they can provide you with information about the transfer of the funded part of the pension.
If you cannot come to the branch of a government agency Then proceed this way - contact the accountant of the company where you work. The accounting department makes transfers for compulsory insurance, which means they have a constant connection with the Pension Fund
Go to the State Services website and when you enter SNILS you can find out the information you are interested in To do this, you need to register on the portal, confirm your electronic signature, UEC (if any). Then you can log into your personal account and use the services
Contact the bank with which the state pension fund entered into an agreement This could be Sberbank, UralSib, GazPromBank, etc.

It is formed differently from insurance. Savings funds can be managed and invested if desired. If a citizen does not invest on his own, then Vnesheconombank does it for him by default.

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However, over the past few years, their profitability has not exceeded the inflation rate, so most future retirees prefer to invest on their own.

Everyone has the right to personally decide who to entrust their savings to, a pension fund or a non-state management company (MC). The state has established the right to withdraw the entire funded part of the pension at a time. To find out how to do this, you should go to the pension fund.

A citizen born in 1967 and later has the right:

  1. Create only one insurance part.
  2. Create both the insurance and funded parts of the pension.

In accordance with the latest amendments, citizens have 2 options for pension distribution to choose from:

  1. 0% on the savings part and 16% on the insurance part.
  2. 6% for savings and 10% for insurance.

Citizens of the Russian Federation born in 1966 and earlier do not have the right to choose their pension provision. These citizens have the opportunity to accumulate a pension only through periodic contributions at their own request, in accordance with the program of state co-financing of pension contributions or redistribution of maternity funds to a pension account.

If this citizen works, pension contributions are made only to the insurance part. In addition, pension savings can be made for men born in 1953-66 and for women born in 1957-1966; in their favor, insurance payments were made for savings in the period from 2002 to 2004. In 2005, due to changes in legislation, contributions stopped.

Where to transfer the funded part of the pension

Every citizen who has pension savings has the right to entrust their management to:

  1. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by selecting:
    • Management Company, conclude an agreement accordingly with the proposed investment program;
    • Management Company - Vnesheconombank.
  2. Non-state pension fund (NPF).

You can easily change the Criminal Code every year, you just need to send the required request to the nearest Pension Fund branch.

What is the difference between NPF and management company? If the savings were entrusted to the management company, then the Pension Fund takes into account pension funds and determines the results of their investment. If the capital is entrusted to a non-state pension fund, then the accounting of funds, the amount and payments are regulated by the non-state pension fund itself.

Transfers of savings to a non-state pension fund may allow you to invest your savings more profitably and, accordingly, receive larger contributions in the future. Transferring money to a non-state pension fund is not that difficult; you just need to select a fund and submit an application for membership. Mainly, all NPF clients pay attention to the return on investment, this is the main indicator, and it is the most important.

NPF is obliged:

  1. Act in harmony with non-state pension provision on the basis of a non-state pension provision (NPO) agreement.
  2. Undertake the obligations of the insurer in accordance with the decree “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation.”

Many believe that joining a non-state pension fund is too risky and that this step could lead to the loss of all savings. This is not entirely true. Many NPFs have been operating for quite a long time and have managed to prove themselves well and have shown their reliability over many years. In addition, the activities of NPFs are strictly controlled by the state.

NPF is called upon to:

  1. Improve the quality of service for pensioners and insured persons.
  2. Make the pension system as efficient as possible.

It is quite difficult to navigate all the funds offering their services. Having seriously studied the issue, you can make an objective, and most importantly, the right choice. The most important indicators that you should pay attention to are the reliability and profitability of the fund. If these indicators are high, then a rapid increase in savings is guaranteed.

There are a large number of specialized portals designed to make choosing a non-state pension fund easier.

Profitability and reliability

1. Profitability

The entire growth of savings depends mainly on this indicator. This is something similar to the growth rate of interest on bank deposits. As a rule, most NPFs report profitability at the end of the first quarter. In rare cases, at the beginning of the second.

After this procedure, income is credited directly to customer accounts. The higher the NPF’s profitability indicator, the sooner the savings part will grow. You should definitely pay attention not only to the indicator for the year, but also for the entire period of the fund’s operation. If data is hidden for some reason, caution should be exercised.

2. Reliability

There are quite a lot of rating agencies that professionally award ratings to NPFs. The Expert RA rating is considered the most authoritative. It analyzes more than 25 fund performance indicators for each quarter and year. The rating consists of five classes. Class A is considered the highest and most trustworthy.

Class A can be assigned three different ratings:

  1. Exceptionally high – A++.
  2. Very high A+.
  3. High A.
  1. By profitability: EPF (European Pension Fund), National, Wealth and Defense Industrial Fund;
  2. Reliability: Sberbank, Future, Lukoil Garant, Keith Finance.

The purpose of transferring a funded pension to a non-state pension fund

Non-state pension funds can help you use your pension with maximum efficiency and much more profitably than the state. That's why people trust them to manage their money. Today there are quite a lot of funds, many of them are quite stable, and they can be trusted.

The whole point is that finances in non-state pension funds are not simply accumulated, but multiplied, and the activities of companies are strictly regulated by law. By choosing the right NPF, in old age you can live on a quite decent pension. If the fund does not work effectively, the money can always be withdrawn.

NPF rating

It is worth clarifying that the most profitable funds are not always very popular and are the most reliable. An example is the Empire fund, which offered the most attractive conditions in 2015. Their yield was 24%. But Expert RA agents withdrew their reliability rating back in 2008.

When choosing the 5 best non-state pension funds, you should pay attention to the relationship between reliability and quality. The top five should include:

  1. "European Pension Fund" rating A++, return on investment 20.64%.
  2. "Promagrofond" rating A++ return on investment 17.32%.
  3. “Vladimir” rating A++ return on investment 15.03%.
  4. "Khanta Mansiysk" rating A+ return on investment 19.46%.
  5. “Trust” rating A+ return on investment 19.01%.

In our country, a labor pension is state assistance in the form of cash payments that are made every month for Russians who need financial support due to disability. People receiving this type of pension benefit are called "pensioners".

Pensioners include citizens of Russia who:

  • have reached a certain age (men – 60 years, women – 55 years) and have accumulated sufficient work experience (from six years);
  • have a disability due to health reasons (disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 fall under this category);
  • deprived of the opportunity to work independently, lost the breadwinner who was their dependent.

Also, Russian legislation offers the possibility of early retirement for doctors, teachers, mining workers, workers in the Far North, mothers of many children, etc.

In 2019, the labor pension is divided into two independent parts:

  1. The insurance part is formed through insurance contributions that go to the State Pension Fund and amounts to 16% of the salary of the future pensioner.
  2. The funded part is formed on a voluntary basis, amounts to 6% of the employee’s salary, it can be transferred to a Non-State Fund.

Experts remind: from 2016 to the end of 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation declared a moratorium on the funded part of pension contributions. This means that the funds allocated to the funded part are included in the insurance component, which will now be 22% and will go to the needs of the state - the payment of pension benefits to real pensioners.

The funded part of the pension in 2017 and its features

Not all future pensioners can form the funded part, but only those who were born in 1967 and later. This part has its own characteristics:

  • having an individual account in which finances are saved and accumulated;
  • protection from the state (it does not have the opportunity to withdraw and spend them on the needs of the country);
  • dependence of its future size on investment by the management company;
  • individual choice of a future Pension Fund pensioner (either state or non-state);
  • vulnerability to inflationary losses.

In connection with the introduction of a moratorium on the funded component of the labor pension, the government provided citizens of our state with the opportunity to decide on the method of forming this part. You can leave it as part of the insurance component, or you can transfer it to the Non-State Pension Fund (NPF).

Accumulation part: procedure for transferring pension funds to NPFs

The future pensioner himself decides where to transfer his cash savings. When transferring the funded component of a labor pension from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to one of the non-state pension funds, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possible ways to complete this procedure:

  • personal application to the branch of the local Pension Fund, where you come with an application to transfer your finances from the savings part to the selected NPF;
  • electronic appeal through the website “Electronic government, public services”, by clicking on the tab “Selection of a Non-State Pension Fund when transferring from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation”;
  • postal service services, where you contact to send a registered letter to the Pension Fund of Russia with the necessary documentation;
  • through an authorized person who will perform all stages of this procedure on the basis of a written power of attorney certified by a notary.

This operation of transferring the savings portion from the Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund is free. Within one day the applicant:

  1. Contact the territorial branch of the NPF at the place of registration or place of residence.
  2. Writes an application in the appropriate form with a request to transfer the funded part of the pension from the Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund.
  3. Goes through the procedure of registering the fact of acceptance of his application in the appropriate journal.
  4. Receives a receipt of receipt of the application (upon request).

Despite the simplicity of this procedure, there is still an important nuance: it could be used no more than once a year and no later than December 31, 2015.

But Russian legislation also stipulates a number of conditions under which an applicant can receive a refusal. This can happen when you contact your local Pension Fund office in person if:

  • the applicant does not have a passport;
  • he does not have an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • there is no document that would indicate the number of the insurance certificate (issued by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia).

Experts advise: before choosing where to transfer your savings, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of non-state pension funds, look at reviews about them, and information data.

NPF rating in 2019

Now many Russians, as future pensioners, are interested in: where to transfer the funded component of their labor pension, which non-state pension fund is the best?

The basis for the final decision is a number of criteria that should be taken into account when choosing a Non-State Pension Fund:

  • reputation;
  • reviews;
  • profitability statistics;
  • comparison of the profitability indicator with the inflation rate (if the indicator is lower, it is unlikely that savings will be completely safe);
  • the duration of operation of this fund in the financial pension market;
  • dynamics of clientele growth (the level of trust of Russians in the fund depends on it).

There is a website “Pension Market Navigator”, which analyzes the activities of non-state pension funds operating in our state. Navigator specialists compiled a rating of non-state funds based on several criteria.

Let's look at the top three in each of the presented nominations:

  1. By average annual profitability (in%):
    • CJSC NPF Promagrofond – 19.63;
    • JSC European Pension Fund – 12.43;
    • "Defense-Industrial Fund" - 11.94.
  2. By return on savings (in%):
    • “Consent” - 12.7;
    • "Magnet" - 12.16;
    • JSC European Pension Fund – 10.87.
  3. By market share among non-state pension funds (in%):
    • Lukoil GARANT – 13.27;
    • JSC NPF Sberbank – 6.61;
    • JSC Elektroenergetiki – 6.45.
  4. According to user recommendations:
    • Promagrofond;
    • "Defense-Industrial Fund";
    • JSC Surgutneftegaz.

On the same site you can get all the information that a future client is interested in about the fund where you can transfer savings for a future pension by sending an application not only to it, but to all funds. To do this, you must fill out the appropriate form: full name, phone number, SNILS and indicate the email address where the response will be sent.

Funded part of pension: where to invest? 3 proven options for what to do with money + 5 best investments for investment + how to choose a reliable non-state pension fund.

Throughout most of our lives, we work to provide for ourselves not only now, but also to take care of our old age.

By law, everyone is required to transfer an insurance contribution to the Pension Fund in the amount of 22% of their employee’s salary. A share of these funds, in the amount of 6%, is transferred to a personal account. A person has the right to dispose of this money at his own discretion.

In 2014, there were some changes in the legislative framework regarding the pension savings part. But you need to start understanding this issue from the basics.

About what is the funded part of a pension and where is the best way to invest it?- we will tell you in this article.

1. What is the funded part of a pension?

First of all, it is necessary to understand the main concepts regarding pension benefits.

The main company that pays pensions is the State Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Today there are many private organizations that also enter into agreements with Russian citizens on the payment of social assistance on a legal basis.

Where does the pension and its funded part come from? Every officially employed citizen of Russia monthly transfers 22% of their total salary to the Pension Fund.

This percentage is divided into two parts:

  • 16%, which goes directly to insurance,
  • the remaining 6% is the funded part of the pension.

After the pension reform of 2014, the funded part is available to those born before 1967.

For those born after 1967, 22% is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Insurance.
  2. Basic.
  3. Cumulative.

Only by re-registering your share (the funded part of the pension in the amount of 6%), you have the right to manage the money yourself. This must be done before the end of the current year, otherwise the state will automatically transfer your 6% to the insurance portion.

2. Pension reform 2014

In 2014, it was decided that the funded part of the pension would be zero. The reform only applies to those born after 1967.

In other words, entrepreneurs will continue to transfer tax to the PF, but only without taking into account the percentage that was usually intended for personal use.

In order to retain the right to use funded pension funds, you must urgently transfer this 6% to. Otherwise, the money will be under the control of the state and cannot be disposed of.

Due to innovations in the legislative framework, many people have a question: where to invest the funded part of the pension? This decision can have a significant impact on your financial stability. If you invest money on a deposit or purchase a profitable package of shares, you can significantly increase your capital in a few years.

3. Where to invest the funded part of the pension?

There are only 3 options for how you can manage your capital:

  1. Give it up completely.
  2. Transfer money to the state pension fund.
  3. Invest money in a non-state PF.

No. 1. Waiver of interest

Many, due to a lack of information or because they are simply too lazy to transfer personal funds, refuse the savings part. This has its advantages, because upon retirement, insurance will be increased to 22%, which means that social benefits will be greater.

No. 2. Transfer of money to a state pension fund

Most mature people are prudent citizens who are afraid to risk their savings. For this category of the population, an option for investing pension savings is provided, such as transferring money to the State Pension Fund.

They promise their investors to carry out indexation every year, the coefficient of which will be set by the government. Naturally, the income from the deposit will be minimal, but the client is confident that his money is under control and will not disappear anywhere.

No. 3. Transfer of the funded part of the pension to a non-state pension fund

Thinking about where it would be better to invest pension funds, many come to the conclusion that it is in a non-governmental organization. When concluding an agreement, you must be extremely careful, because there is a risk of investing money into a scam account.

The main thing that needs to be emphasized when choosing an investment method is the high profitability of the enterprise. It is this indicator that indicates the legal activities of the selected organization.

The higher the profitability, the more investors trust this organization.

When visiting a non-state pension fund in person, ask the manager about the current annual income, whether there is an increase in investments from other investors, what exact amount has been added since the opening of the account and up to this point from other investors.

Pay attention to the ratio of profitability and inflation rate - it should exceed it, but within reason. If returns greatly exceed inflation, then this is bad for investors.

After all, this means that the fund’s management is risking the savings of its clients on the securities market, and can lose everything at any moment. As a result, investors may be left with nothing.

Pension funds can be transferred to the following investments:

  1. Securities in state-owned and international companies.
  2. Bonds.
  3. Shares of large companies.
  4. Units in investment funds.
  5. Deposits.

Please note: the state has set a number of strict rules for all types of securities. This is especially true for those assets that can easily “burn out” on the stock exchange. For such risky projects, the law allows a monetary investment of 10% of the total amount of savings. For less risky investment methods, you are allowed to invest 20%.

4. Where is it better to invest the funded part of the pension: choose a proven non-state fund

If you have figured out what the funded part of a pension is and where it is best to invest it, then now you need to choose a reliable organization.

There is a special website for non-state pension funds, which every year compiles a rating of reliable and trusted enterprises in Russia. The data for compiling the table is taken based on information from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

More detailed information can be obtained by following the link:

You can safely trust those funds that have been in the top ten ratings of non-state pension funds for several years. This indicates that the organization operates reliably and without interruption.


    When analyzing the work of a pension fund, attention is paid to the level of profitability for the entire period of the organization’s existence. When this information is omitted or hidden by management, it indicates that the real picture is in a critical state.

    It is risky for investors to enter into a contract with this company.

    Stability and reliability.

    These indicators are determined by more than 15 points, among which the main ones are how long the organization has existed and how many investors are added every year.

How to calculate the pension amount?

It doesn't matter which fund you put your savings into. The formula for calculating the amount you will receive is the same for everyone.

1. UM – these are monthly payments;

2. C – the sum of the accumulative part;

3. T is the number of months for which the NPF or GPF must pay the savings portion.

In 2017, the State Duma established the maximum designation of the indicator “T”. It is equal to 240 months.

Let’s say you have 300,000 rubles in your “account” when you retire. You may wish to be paid in less time
terms, for example, 180 months. In this case, the amount of the monthly increase in pension will be increased.

What will this look like in practice?

  1. We split 300,000/180.
  2. We get 1,667 rubles at the output.
  3. It turns out that every month 1,667 rubles will be added to your basic pension amount.

PS. Pay attention! The number of months for which payments must be made is permitted by law to be reduced only to 180 months.

Unfortunately, the economic decline of the country and the unstable inflation rate do not make it possible to make any far-sighted forecasts regarding the development of non-state enterprises and that where is it better to invest the funded part of the pension in the future.

Where to transfer the funded part of the pension?

Detailed explanations are in the following video:

Nevertheless, the information in the text brought you up to date, so you already have the basics of understanding these processes.

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